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Speech / Talk

Some useful expressions

Opening Greeting Good morning to the principal, teachers and friends. A very good morning I bid to the chairman, teachers and my fellow friends.

Topic of the speech

Today, I would like to talk about. I am Adiba Binti Kassim and this morning I wish to talk about

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to give a talk on

Contents and elaborations

Boys and girls... Ladies and gentlemen... Dear friends... Firstly / First of all, Next, Furthermore, In addition, Apart from this, In conclusion, Lastly,... I hope I have given you all the information on..Thank you.



Well, that is all I have to say this morning.Thank you for listening.

Speech / Talk - The Format

Greeting Topic
A very good morning to the principal, teachers Greeting Topic of speech andfriends. I am AdibaBintiKassim and today I wish to give a speech on how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Contents and elaborations

First of all, you need to eat properly. Having a balanced diet is important. Do not eat junk food.Eat more fruits and vegetables. Next, you should Furthermore,
contents / elaborations


In addition,


Well, that is all I have to say this morning. Thank you for listening. Closing

Speech Sample Question

You are the president of the Junior Environment Club and you have been invited to give a speech during your school assembly on How To Keep YourSchoolClean. With the help of the pictures and notes below, write out your speech. Dos Donts

sweep classrooms wipe windows

litter everywhere let rubbish overflow waste paper basket

flush toilets keep sinks clean

throw objects into toilet bowls throw tissues into sinks

put used plates and glasses in proper places arrange chairs neatly

leave food scraps everywhere leave used plates and glasses on table

Writing a speech WH Questions

The Dos ( what students can or should do )
P1 P2 P3 P4 Statements or points given sweep classrooms wipe windows flush toilets keep sinks clean WH Question / examples / elaborations -When to sweep the classroom ? -Who are responsible for the task? -How many times in amonth ? -When to flush the toilets ? -How to keep the sinks clean ? -Where and when ? -school canteen / during recess -Where and when ? -school canteen / after using

P5 put used plates and glasses in proper places P6 arrange chairs neatly

The Donts ( what students cannot or should not do )

P7 Statements or points given do not litter everywhere WH Question / examples / elaborations -Why ? -Give reasons. -How ? -Always empty the waste paper basket -Why ? Give reasons.. -Why ? Give reasons.. -Why ? -It will attract flies and cats. -Why ? Give reasons. -It will look untidy.

P8 do not let rubbish overflow waste paper basket P9 do not throw objects into toilet bowls P10 do not throw tissues into sinks

P11 do not leave food scraps everywhere P12 do not leave used plates and glasses on table

Sample Speech
A very good morning to the principal, teachers and my fellow students. I am the president of the Junior Environment Club of our school. I have been invited to give a speech on how to keep our school clean. -Greeting -Topic

First of all, we should keep our classrooms clean. The students on dutyshould sweep the classrooms every dayNext, we must remember to wipe the windowsonce a week. We should not litter everywhere in our classrooms. Rubbish must be thrown into waste paper baskets. Moreover, we should not let rubbish overflow the waste paper baskets as it will look dirty and untidy.Try to keep our waste paper baskets empty. In addition, we must flush the toilets after using them. It is very unhealthy to leave toilets not flushed as they will emit a bad smell. Apart from that,we should not throw objects into toilet bowls. This will cause the toilet bowls to clog. We should also keep the sinks clean. We must not throw tissues and rubbish into them. After all, we are the ones who use the toilets so we should not dirty them. Besides this, during recess we should also put all used plates and glasses in proper places such as in basins provided in the canteen. The chairs should be arranged neatly too.. We should not leave food scraps everywherebecause it will attractflies and cats.Lastly, usedplates and glasses should not be left on the canteen tables. In this way we can help to keep the canteen clean and tidy.

Contents and elaborations

That is all I have to say this morning. I hope that all of you will cooperate and keep our beloved school clean. Thank you.


Lets try this !

Your school is organising a special Motivation Week For Students. You were chosen to give a speech on How To Study Smart. Write the speech with the help of the notes below:

Prepare a timetable for studying Find a conducive place for studying Make short notes / mind maps Form study groups Revise past year questions Be organised

When writing your speech; You may use all the notes given Elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting Make sure it is not less than 120 words

Your school is organizing a special Health Week For Students. You were chosen to give a speech on How To Reduce Stress. Write the speech with the help of the notes below: Students experience stress before examinations- some tips- firstly create a good study atmosphere get organized- be prepared- manage time wisely- know your learning style- be positive When writing your speech; You may use all the notes given Elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting Make sure it is not less than 120 words Sample essay Good morning to the principal, teachers and all my friends. I am here today to give a speech entitled How To Reduce Stress. Before I begin, let me ask you what is stress? In the past we seldom heard of students complaining of stress, but today, even children as young as eight or ten say they have P1 experienced stress. Why is this? I think it has to do with the way we live- we P2 hurry to school, we have so many exams to think about and we have no time to study. So we get all stressed up and have headaches. Well, today I am going to give you some tips about avoiding stress. Firstly, I think to avoid stress we have to create a good study atmosphere. P3 This means you should study in a quiet place. Listen to light music because music helps you to relax. And, when we are relaxed, we find it easier to concentrate. Next, we should get organized. This means we have to be prepared P4, P5 and manage our time wisely. We should have a study plan in which we have P6 time to study and time to play. Next, follow the study plan and prepare our homework earlier. We should not do things at the last minutes. This will make us nervous and add to the stress level. Knowing your learning style can also help you to reduce stress. P7 Some people like to study alone, some people like to listen to music while studying . Some people prefer to discuss with a group of friends. Each one of

us has his or her own learning style. Therefore, knowing how you learn can help you learn better. P8 Finally, think positive. If we believe we can be excellent, we will. This leads to a positive self image which gives us more confidence. To end my speech, I hope my tips will help you all be better learners and reduce your stress level. Thank you.

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