Assignment Structure, The Scenario and Performance Criteria For Global Marketing (BM022-3-3)

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Assignment Structure, The Scenario and Performance Criteria for Global Marketing (BM022-3-3)

LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. 2. Identify and critically evaluate the major environmental influences affecting global and international markets to justify recommended strategies Apply appropriate analytical models and frameworks to analyse, assess and critically appraise global and international marketing situations.

SCENARIO Eurycoma longifolia, Longjack or Tongkat Ali is a tree native to Malaysia, Thailand. The root of the tree is used for traditional medicinal purposes. Tongkat Ali was dubbed the "Asian Viagra" in a May 1999 report by local daily, the New Sunday Times. The root has been used in Malaysia and other neighbouring countries as a traditional treatment for ED and other related conditions. The root appears to work by increasing the levels of the testosterone hormone. Because of this, tongkat ali has also been used by bodybuilders to enhance muscle mass and strength. Read the factsheet about Tongkat Ali Plain Chocolate issued by the Malaysian Cocoa Board. This new product was developed from research conducted by the Cocoa Downstream Research Center in 2007 but to date has not yet been launched into the international market place. You have been assigned to investigate one specific international market to launch this product. You may choose any country you like so long as this country is not your home country.

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Individual Assignment

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INSTRUCTION You are required to submit the Market Opportunity Evaluation Report by week 12. The report should be formally written following the guidelines provided in your assignment brief. In order to produce a report that is comprehensive and accurate it is necessary that you conduct additional reading and/or research on the product identified. Information on the Malaysian Cocoa Board can be found in its official website: While information on tongkat ali or eurycoma longyfolia can be found in numerous official and unofficial sites.

ASSIGNMENT DETAILS You will be assessed as follows:1. Individual Assignment, 2500 words 50%

MARKET OPPORTUNITY EVALUATION REPORT The Market Opportunity Evaluation Report should be no more than 2,500 words in length (not including tables and/or diagrams, appendices) and should include all of the following:Font size Line Spacing Margins Times New Roman, 12 1.5 Top Margin, Bottom Margin and Right Hand Margin 1 Left Hand Margin 1.5 Header Right Hand Corner Left Hand Corner Global Marketing BM005-3-3 x of xx pages

There are many different report formats that can be applied. For the purpose of this assignment the following format has been proposed. 1. INTRODUCTION

This section should provide an overview of the product as well as a general description of the country and a brief rationale to justify why this country is a suitable choice for market entry.

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Individual Assignment

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a. Market Potential Index Use of Global Edge Market Potential Index: explain your countrys ranking on the index. Feel free to use the secondary sources used in developing the index in your discussion. b. Demographic You are required to identify the subsections that you wish to present data/statistics on. To correctly do this, you would need to have some knowledge of the chosen product as well as the target market for this product. Statistics and data used for this section must be from official or recognised sites only. Ensure that you cite only the most recent and current statistics and reference these for authentication purposes. c. Political Provide a general overview of the political environment of your identified country. Please ensure that you cite and reference correctly any external sources of information. d. Economic & Trade Information Data and/or information used for this section must be from official or recognised sites only. Ensure that you cite only the most recent and current statistics and reference these for authentication purposes. e. Socio-cultural Provide a general overview of the socio-cultural environment of your identified country. Your discussion should focus on only those aspects of the socio-cultural environment that can influence the marketing of the product only. Please ensure that you cite and reference correctly any external sources of information. 3. MARKET EVALUATION TABLE

Using data/information from sections 2(a) to 2(e) designed a Market Evaluation Table that looks like the sample shown below. Give a rating for each of the sections and an overall rating.

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Asia Pacific University College of Technology & Information



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Country Information

Ranking 1 to 10; 10 being the highest score

Market Potential Index Demographic Information (Note: Each individual subsection must be ranked) Political Information (Note: Each individual subsection must be ranked) Economic & Trade Information (Note: Each individual subsection must be ranked) Socio-Cultural Information (Note: Each individual subsection must be ranked) Globalisation Drivers Total score 5. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS

In this section, you are required to provide your summary of your findings and provide an evaluation on the suitability of the identified country for market entry. To do this, you would need to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this market. A final recommendation of whether to enter (or not to enter) this market must be presented. You should also identify any other information that may be required should a recommendation is made to enter this market. 6. 7. 8. APPENDICES BIBLIOGRAPHY REFERENCE LIST

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Asia Pacific University College of Technology & Information



Individual Assignment

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MARKING CRITERIA Marks Components Allocated Was able to provide a good introduction that demonstrates an 10 understanding of the identified product and the possible target market Provided a comprehensive Market Research section that correctly 20 identifies and evaluates the various sub-sections Provided accurate and current information / data 10 Was able to apply evaluation in the Market Research section to 20 correctly rank and score the various sections of the Market Evaluation Table Was able to critically analyse and evaluate information / data to 20 provide a good and accurate summary of the findings Recommendation to enter (or not to enter) the market was well 10 argued and justified Marks for additional research, integration of knowledge and ideas, 10 good use of facts and statistical data.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The criteria below detail the areas, which will be taken into account when the assignment is marked:1. To address the subject satisfactorily the assignment length should be no more than 2,500 words (excluding tables, diagrams and appendices). Information and or data used must be professionally presented in tables and/or diagrams. The use of headers and sub-headers is strongly encouraged. A typed format following the guidelines provided is mandatory. Pass assignments are expected to be legible, tidy, well organized and written in clear understandable English. The report should include an executive summary or abstract at the beginning and end with clear conclusions and recommendations. If you have any problems with report formats please do not hesitate to contact your lecturer. High grades (70%, 75%, +80%) need to demonstrate sustained coherent analytical ability. A systematic approach to analysis and evaluation is required for grades 60% to 85% - for grades at the higher end of the scale, integration and synthesis is

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Individual Assignment

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a requirement. The quality of arguments used to develop and support prescriptions/recommendations are, in our view, the essential test of integration. Evidence of reading and some understanding of models and concepts is needed to achieve a pass grade (40%). Integration of theory and practice is expected for any grade above 65%. You are expected to clearly state any assumptions you make, and support statements and theories by referencing to appropriate sources. (This is essential for higher grades but does not necessarily prejudice a pass mark (40%) if it is missing). 2. Students must demonstrate an ability to apply theories and concepts taught in class to analyse information provided. Merely reproducing the information provided is not deemed as a good quality piece of work. The ability to identify the problems and provide good recommendations is a key requirement for this assignment. 3. Evidence of primary and secondary research is a core component of this subject. Students must demonstrate the ability to conduct proper and accurate academic research. 4. A bibliography and a reference list must be included in your final submission. A table of contents and appendices must be included as part of your submission. 5. Any late submission will receive a fail grade unless extenuating circumstances can be proven. Make sure you save and backup your report at all times as a reason of lost files from computer glitches will not be accepted. Attention will be paid to: Critical evaluation and discussion. Issues will be dealt with deeper and on an analytical plane, based on good research with industry examples, data projections and commentaries. Balanced researched materials. Appropriate and different sources which must include sufficient academic research, not just secondary research from URLs Proper referencing and citation. Harvard Referencing is a must. Citation must include, apart from the normal details, the page number from where the issue for discussion has been taken. (Refer to University Handbook for penalty on plagiarism).

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Asia Pacific University College of Technology & Information



Individual Assignment

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Cocoa Board, Malaysia (2009)Tongkat Ali Plain Chocolate, http://www/ (Assessed 6 May 2009)

Level 3

Asia Pacific University College of Technology & Information


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