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1. About The Business 1.

1 Business Profile

POSITIF CORPORATION Positif Corporation is recognized in the Philippines Cement, Steel Food, and other Heat Utilizing Industry as one of the fast growing refractory installer, engineering contractor and distributor of high quality chemicals. They offer the following services

Refractory Installation Refractory Management System Industrial Cladding Rehabilitation Scaffolding Structural Engineering Estimates Supply of various Refractory Materials Supply of high quality Food Chemicals

HISTORY Founded in 2003, Positif Corporation has become one of the most recognized contractors in the Heat Utilizing and Food Industry in the Philippines, from a purely trading of food ingredients. Positif today has evolved to becoming a major contactor, refractory solutions provider and major supplier of high quality food chemicals in the Food Industry. Positifs modest beginning can be traced back to their first office located in Makati City. During that time the business focus was on local distribution of food ingredients to small and medium scale industry. From then on, Positif has embarked on expansion program and made us what we are now today. Currently, Positif has its headquarter located at Las Pias City, a few kilometers south of Manila. Here Positif now serve top corporations in the Philippines through wide range of engineering project, supply of specialty raw materials, food chemicals and refractory, various industrial equipment and specialized services to wide range of customers. Mission To capture and successfully complete at customers satisfaction, specialty and related construction projects in major local companies. To professionally and profitably represent in the Philippines major global foreign suppliers of industrial products. To provide employees and shareholders fair share of returns for their contributions and to give each a sense of pride in their being with the company. Vision A dynamic, institutionalized and reliable specialized construction and trading company manned by highly motivated and happy people delivering positive business results at all times.

Suppliers Industry partners for the Food & Chemicals Division include top companies worldwide such as:

Iprona AG SpA (Italy) Breko, GMBH (Germany) Cosmos Aromatica Internacional, S.A.(Spain) Ciba Specialty Chemicals, (Singapore) Ciba Technical Services, (Switzerland)

Industrial Division partners include:

Mayerton Refractories (UK) Ever-Tai (Taiwan) Sunward Refractories (Taiwan) Territory (China)

Customers Customers for the Food & Chemicals Division include:

Nestle Philippines, Inc. Magnolia, Inc.(San Miguel Corporation) Ginebra San Miguel, Inc.(San Miguel Corporation) San Miguel Beverages, Inc. (San Miguel Corporation) Sugarland (San Miguel Corporation) San Miguel Vietnam (Vietnam) Thai San Miguel, Ltd. (Thailand) Asia Brewery, Inc. Universal Robina Corporation MGM Chemicals

Customers for the Industrial Division include:

Northern Cement Corporation (NCC) Eagle Cement Corporation (ECC) High Street (SPV-AMC), Inc. Cathay Pacific Steel Corp. (Cainta Melt Shop) Cathay Pacific Steel Corp. (Taguig Steel Works) Continental Steel Corporation (CSC) Amalgamated Iron Works, Inc. (AIWI)

1.2 Accounting System General Features

Multi-user Levels Client/Server Architecture Remote Service Accessibility System-generated document / Reference Number with Prefix or Format Unlimited Number of records for Master Files and Transactions Easy to use Patterned with Windows, i.e., right click, shortcut keys Ease of locating/searching record with Find/Lookup Window or Dropdown Automatic / Default Values for some fields Simple Program and Database Administration Management Powerful Reports Reports can be saved to most file types (text, excel, sql, psr, lotus) Reports can be modified using Reporting Tool ( infomaker, excel, etc.) Secured and Stable Assigns access rights and restrictions per user Encrypted Password Automatic Database / Program Recovery Access restrictions can be applied to Menus, Windows and Reports Grants three-level passwords to Administrator

Master Files

Chart of Accounts (Main GL Account; Income & Expense; and Subsidiary) Unlimited account codes Alphanumeric coding Declare BS account with Subsidiary User-defined account codes Prevents entry of duplicate codes Special Book Register User-defined book of accounts (Multi-books) Alphanumeric coding User-defined format of financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement)

Transaction Controls

Direct entry or by Batch entry (temporary entry) Automatic Voucher Writer Module w/c generates JV, CV, AP Voucher and Check Printing. Checks for duplicate reference upon entry (for batch and direct entry) Assures debit & credit are equal before posting Preview of register per book w/ user defined sorting. Copy entries from templates or posted transactions. Allows user to edit, erase and void posted transactions

Other Features

Multi-Department, Project and Revenue/Cost Centers User-friendly Help file User-defined financial reporting period Complete with utilities such as change/consolidate code Year-end procedures (Setup new accounting year) Month-end procedures (Proceed to next accounting month) Date utility (Return to previous accounting months)

Reports Available

Balance Sheet: 1-month/Comparative and All months Income Statement (Monthly/Quarterly) 1-Month/Comparative/All months/ Tabular User option if per Department, per Project, Company wide or consolidated Actual vs. Budget ( 3 or 6 col. Comparative Report) Monthly/Cumulative Trial Balance: Standard, 1-month, Comparative, All months Subsidiary Schedules Detailed Ledger (T-account per document transactions) Summary Ledger (Book Totals) Transaction Registers: Account Summary, Reconciliation Registers, Journal Entry, Account Recapitulation

The systems users are the Chief Financial Officer and the Accountant of the company. From the interview, the CFO stated that some of the benefits of utilizing the AIS is work is much faster, the generated reports are quite handy and errors are less prone compared to their old system. The problems stated were the accounting personnel had a little problem with adapting to the new system and for the company, the system was quite costly.

1.3 Screenshots

2.0 Method of Data Gathering We interviewed the CFO of Positif Corporation regarding the history, users, description, and the specs of the AIS. Here are some of the answers we got regarding the AIS Positif Corporation uses. They have been using the AIS since May of this year. Two users are able to access the AIS. One is the Chief Financial Officer who monitors the reports and the Accountant who records the companys transactions. 3.0 Systems Review (eto) This chapter should describe the main features of each of the three AIS that were reviewed by the group, as well as the acquisition and maintenance costs, installation procedure, hardware/software requirements, and other pertinent information that will allow the group to effectively evaluate the systems. A summary table with an accompanying narrative must be provided in order to show the strengths and weaknesses of the systems. 4.0 Conclusions and Recommendations (eto) This chapter should discuss the groups conclusion on whether the AIS used by the business is beneficial or not. This chapter should also provide the groups recommendations for the business with regards to the AIS that will best suit its needs.

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