Institute of Mathematics Flyer

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The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA)

The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) is the UK's learned and professional society for mathematics and its applications. It promotes mathematics research, education and careers, and the use of mathematics in business, industr y and commerce. Amongst its activities the IMA produces academic journals, organises conferences, and engages with government. Visit the IMA Student webpage to : z z f ind out more about the IMA, f ind the IMA on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube to subscribe to the free podcast Travels in a Mathematical World, in which mathematicians talk about their work and their careers f ind features on the histor y of mathematics and mathematics news f ind out how to join the IMA at the student rate learn about the University Liaison Off icer and the careers talk tour f ind out about IMA suppor t of Maths Societies f ind out about the activities and peer suppor t available from the Early Career Mathematicians group /student Contact us: The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Catherine Richards House 16 Nelson Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 1EF Tel: +44 (0)1702 354020 Charity Reg. No. 1017777

The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA)


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The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), incorporated by Royal Charter, is the Professional and Learned Society for mathematics in the United Kingdom. Membership demonstrates a commitment to career development, promoting mathematics and maintaining professional status. On Career Progression
z Gives peer support via the Early Career Mathematicians (ECM) group and the biannual ECM Conference. Promotes Initial and Continuing Professional Development (IPD and CPD) Allows networking with other professional mathematicians in industry, commerce, schools and universities Informs you about the work of mathematicians in the UK and worldwide Represents your views and interests to Government and other national and international bodies Enables you to attend conferences at reduced delegate rates Also. You will receive the IMA members publication, Mathematics Today, six times a year. Recognition as a professional mathematician IMA provides a principal means of professional recognition of mathematicians To get promoted beyond a certain grade, the organisation requires that staff are professionally accredited. Importantto demonstrate that you have a professionally recognised status in your field. Possession of higher levels of professional accreditation is looked for as evidence for possession of the appropriate skills, experience and professionalism necessary for promotion. Mathematics Today and the e-mail updates help keep me informed and up to date To be introduced as a Fellow of the IMAhas always, in my experience, been greeted with a degree of respect. Get information on careers in the Mathematical Sciences at:

Membership of the IMA :

z z z Recognises your qualifications and professional experience Establishes you in the wider mathematics community Provides you with designatory letters: Associate Member (AMIMA) Member (MIMA) Fellow (FIMA) Offers you a route to Chartered Status Char tered Mathematician (CMath) Char tered Scientist (CSci) Char tered Teacher of Mathematics (CMathTeach)

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What members say:

(Source: IMA Fellowship sur vey 2008)

To be par t of the Mathematics Community Open doors to corporate collaborations and sponsorship

Why they Joined :

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