A Brilliant Inventor

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A brilliant inventor, like his ancestor! H ere we present you now an interview before the great-of Nikola Tesla.

Although this interview is already three years old, it still has the same importance - especially in this day and age. We all carry this on! The WFG Editorship

(Source: NET Magazine, Issue No. 11/12, November / December 1998) Interview of the month:

Lazar Alavanja, great-of Nikola Tesla - A genius inventor, like his ancestor!
He had caught the Congress, "New horizons in technology and awareness" in 1995 Gwatt center, not only externally, with its imposing figure and a full beard, but also through his messenger, and because he had a construction plan to build a distributed energy machine: Alavania Lazar, Yugoslavian-born, some years living in the vicinity of Cologne, where he like his famous ancestor Nikola Tesla developed - mainly modern, unconventional technologies, which it receives in its interior. He had been at that time, the Congress in 1995, not very serious taken - wrongly, as it now turns out, he showed the editors but by the end of October, when she visited him in his place, the further development of an electromagnetic engine and other inventions of Nikola Tesla! He had dedicated his life to save the planet. That But the same extent a complex history of persecution, accidents, fire and assassination, is the least fell victim to two acquaintances, he shows using slides and a thick folder of documents, correspondence with official and governmental institutions, patent offices ... . But he does not give up - he was certainly older, but he would pass the editors of the "NET Journal," which he trusted, inventions for free, that the earth could be cured and find more generations a decent life field.

(LA: Lazar Alavanja, as: Adolf Schneider, is: Inge Schneider)

(Source: Net-Journal) Lazar Alavanja

Interview with Lazar Alavanja

as: When did you deal with energy-related inventions? Year of life, even as a student. However, I was shown because of disagreements with the teachers from the school. as: Was that in Yugoslavia? LA: Yes, in Zadar, on the coast. Where I was born, my father is from Zemunik, Zadar, and the mother of the island. as: Then you are probably very familiar with the element of water? LA: Yes, I am only in or on the water well. I suffer, because the water will destroy bases and search for solutions. Actually, there are always dreams, thoughts, something similar to prayer. Then I get in my head and inside Images shown. as: .... like Tesla? LA: Yes, that was with my grandfather and father like that. I also met people who had the same talent and have come to the same solution. I'm thinking of a man who is younger than me and has come to the same solution I did 30 years ago. Furthermore, he is so enthusiastic that we work together now. as: Did you do an apprenticeship after school? LA: No, I had so many ideas in my head that I had no time for a lesson that came later. And as far as machines, so I was able to handle it with 10-12 years, in workshop of my father. He conducted an independent business. I did as a child welding work in places where my father went, because he was too big. is: They worked with after school in the workshop of your father? LA: Yes as: How was it that you came to Germany? LA: I was invited by a man named Benno Seilinger, a very noble man. Even his friend, then district administrator was impressed by my ideas. It was liked at first glance. is: Which activities you have pursued in Germany? LA: I first came in 1960 to visit and again in 1962, but then by another man named Felix. Then I went into an apprenticeship, worked at Alzdorf in mining, first as a miner, and when they discovered my abilities, I came very quickly to a higher post after four years and was

responsible for water management. In mechanics, I suggested some improvements which had then already built small models, which were realized only very primitive. I had in mind, other than normal machines on the market bring. as: with hydraulics and pneumatics? LA: Yes, or by centrifugal force and electrostatics. The inductive load of energy has been presented in 1896, incidentally, by a man named Nikola Tesla, in the form of flares on wireless connection, but without a battery. After closure of the mines I have as a servant to worked a farmer and tinkered with inventions, until I found what I was looking for. I gave this invention then a man whom I had to promise to give him my idea five years and to tell anyone about it. is: It was a kind of standstill agreement?

Originator of the rotary engine

LA: Yes, but when the product on the market, I was very disappointed, it was the Wankel engine. as: That's very well known? LA: Yes, but I was not satisfied with the implementation. is: but you have probably received at least a lucrative severance? LA: Yes, 100 Mark! is: Did you have no contract? LA, my conscience is against contracts. is: This one has obviously exploited you. LA: That's nothing, because it depends on the application. I then further research and various models show people, but I had to tread very carefully so I have been working more and more anonymous and much wasted. There were many negative reactions. as: Even though you had worked anonymously? LA: Yeah, people have figured out who wanted me. They spoke on vulgar way with me.

Crystal instead of uranium

I already wrote them in 1993 in a letter that I had designed a machine that needs 1 kW electricity and produces 20 kW of thermal power. This was all ready, I could play them, but it was confiscated. These crystals are used, a heat exchanger and a liquid that is produced faster than hot water and more steam. A microwave generator heats the whole thing, and the steam then drives a turbine, if it is to be used to generate electricity. Otherwise there's a circulating pump and heats the water. It is the same as in the nuclear power plants, but with the difference that is a hazardous substance used in nuclear plants is uranium.

as:. because it can be produced rays, neutrons, gamma rays, etc. These large nuclei are broken up into small, and this is an unnatural process. LA:. . not only unnatural and unnecessary. There are disposal problems, hazards due to accidents. as: When your device, you have transformed environmental heat only? LA: Yes. The heat is in a dormant state, stored in the crystal. This shining and gets hot - I can show it to you (goes to the microwave, sets two black crystals sintered into it on a plate, wait 10 seconds and shows how hot The stones are made). Hmatitgranulat is used, mix it with other materials like ceramics can. This mix can produce a high-grade heat exchanger which is heated in a microwave base. This is very inexpensive, since the microwave has a much higher efficiency than glass and fire. It must not necessarily be more expensive hematite. You can also use graphite, which has only a slight decrease heating time. as: How do you assess the factor between input and output of electrical energy to heat? LA: No problems 1:10, if you own a microwave generator for other purposes. Must know the tricks to it, then you can use it as a generator.

Electromagnetic Motor by Tesla

This invention here is even better (has the sketch of the electromagnetic motor, see below).. The "LE engine" was demonstrated by Tesla in 1866 in Vienna, with only 4 electron-magnetic coils. When he began his studies in Graz in 1877, this engine was already operational. He had 10 years with an electric motor, but since he could not be patented, it will not appear in the patent documents. I have rebuilt the machine in Yugoslavia and a relative given - it works.

(Source: NET-Journal) . Electro Magnetic Motor - Alavanja for its development of a non-patented invention of Nikola Tesla.

is: You mentioned that you are related to the family of Tesla?

LA: Yes, Tesla was the father of three brothers - was one of them was my grandfather. The name of Tesla actually not his real name, but Alavanja, the name adopted by Tesla, Nikola's father until he was protestant priest. Originally he was a Catholic, but was expelled from the island of Ugljan, because he had allegedly impregnated a girl. This gave birth to a son, who was the brother of Nicholas. I know this story but from the stories, so it must not necessarily true. When Nicholas had said he was an alien, he was considered crazy. as: This means that Tesla blood flows in your veins? LA: Yes, but it does not matter, but on the mind. Today, I feel compelled to pass on the inventions. I realize that I'm getting old and frail, and the planet is dying, and I shall die with. So I want to Youth pass something from me, so the planet can survive. is: Is it in the sketch of the "LE engine" to optimize a machine from Tesla? LA: Yes. is: Under what definition Tesla has developed her? LA: As an electromagnetic motor. But he did not get to patent it so, and all that he did not get patented, and was not published. But this material has been sent to Yugoslavia and ended with my father. is: How do you mean this?

Tesla's notes ended up with my father!

LA: inventions that Tesla could not patent, have come into possession of my father. as: Normally says yes, we do not know where the archive is left of Tesla. LA (laughs): I know where it went. I've got loads of them, this is just one example. is: So you have a basis of Tesla used to develop this engine? LA: Yes, Tesla used at the time of carbon brushes and contacts - this is no longer necessary. You can control the motor with diodes and transistors, much faster, simpler, more effective and have less energy. You can even build a wireless, electronic switches. is: What are the costs you expect to build a prototype? LA: This ring here as a carrier of the combined permanent magnets can melt you in a foundry, or even in the microwave oven, while the spokes can be and anything made of plastic. This included a prototype tool would cost about $ 100 000 mark. Then you have the engine 1:1 scale, then you need an input of about 15 watts per coil, until the engine is running. as: be 15 watts per coil hineinschicken you?

LA: Yes, it runs the wheel as: How much energy can be removed then? LA: If you stay with three coils, the engine is already self-running times, without energy gain. All other coils resulting pure profit. A total of four coils, one is always active, the other three are loaded. as: The ever-changing. With what frequency should you change it? LA: If you give a second 16.6 Hz, it runs at 1000 rpm. To build in China would be cheaper. I sold the invention several times, but people do not come to the market. as: Maybe they have not built it, but just letting them disappear into the drawer? LA: I have seen myself what that were built. People have discovered that they work, but were afraid to show it to the public. is: It has, however, does not make sense to build a prototype for the 100 000 mark, if these exist already! In Switzerland, the situation would probably be a little different, and people have less fear of ridicule. LA: The prototype could perhaps reconstruct even cheaper.

The crystal generator

is: They show us a picture of a self-running little machine, which was destroyed by a professor. How about wearing it? LA, I showed it in the presence of Dr. Cologne, an inventor, a professor at the University of Siegen. He had put his meter on amps. I wanted to introduce it at the university, because children and students should have knowledge about environmentally friendly technologies. I learned But on this day that such skills in schools are not in demand. The professor has measured, seen that it works and then dropped it because he said it was not possible. It is a crystal generator. Foreign arranged four silicon plates in between there are crystals that are forced by magnets. as: It is thus first generated voltage due to the pressure, and then you can take power? LA: Yes. is: They made a connection to the space quantum engine. Do you have the crystal generator also J.-M. Lehner of RQM offered? LA: Yes, I have even sent him a description, but received no answer. as: RQM plans to build space quantum engines with 10 kW power? Perhaps the performance of your crystal generator was too low? LA: This must be increased at will. Disturbed me only the price of RQM engines. As will be

offered a 3-kW generator to 30 000 DM. I wrote J.-M. Lehner, which could be built for a few hundred marks. as: It can of course do not earn much money. is: It would also not recreate it so expensive? LA: No, but that is pointless, that no one wants. I can show you the broken parts. is: Maybe no one wanted to use so far, but due to our meeting a new situation has arisen. Can you say something more on the Principle? LA: This tiny little machine delivers in 1 seconds 3.15 A. Then, the energy falls off again, but it builds up again. as: One can build on again pulses of energy. How many volts is it? LA: 1.5 volts. You can always keep a 1.5-watt bulb burning. It works with heat, magnets, and light - it can use three different energies. is: What cost would you expect to duplicate, at that? LA: About 300 DM The only question is: where do I get her the material? Silicon is required. The material must be milled. For a very small prototype I was crushed, the silicon in a coffee grinder, but I had to go twice a knife until I had 3g ground. Expensive it was not, but it is expensive. Then it must be pressed into sticks - the press, I myself have built. Since a pole of about 1m with a tiny form. In these forms, the powder is pressed - that's all. The way technology is already being used in healthcare in the form of mats made of silicon. When hospital patients get up, the attendant result of streams that emanate from the mat to see the location on the screen . as: One but was not previously had the idea to produce electrical energy. eigegangen RQM is not your idea, because so much can not make money. LA: That's true, but to me what it's not about money, but the fact that anyone can earn it. I'll show you the light mill, got the Tesla patented 1876th Why, I do not know, for it is a kind of perpetual motion mobile. is:. where you can take any energy. as: energy production has also regard between a perpetual motion machine of first and distinguish a perpetual motion machine of the second kind.

(Source: NET-Journal) For this invention, Alavanja L. writes: "I enclose this letter in an old invention, it is by Daniel Tesla, Nikola's brother. For this invention he was murdered at the tender age of 12 years. He called it Balini-Mobile. "According to literature the Tesla is actually Daniel died at the age of 12 under mysterious circumstances. Alavanja L. writes further:" There, where Nikola Tesla has ceased to experiment, because I kept going, for 35 years. "

LA: We are energy, everything is matter is compressed energy. And this time Mr. Tesla had found the solution to convert matter into energy, but also energy into matter. But do you know that there is the possibility of public works on Simulate screen to remove the man's work? "I'll show you on screen!

The hydraulic motor

as I see: You can achieve 25 kW in combination with an electro-magnet motor and a hydraulic system - a high performance. Is there some kind of Wankel principle? LA: No, the Wankel principle is this one. In reality, yes it is from me, only that it was built instead of ellipsoids with a triangle, which causes unnecessary fuel consumption. This is my principle, as I conceived it as a child. Thus should run into reality. as: But we still need high precision, the bearings must be very precise, otherwise there are problems with the seal. Or is it possible to do with ceramics? LA: Yes, I am completely gotten away from metal and used primarily plastic and ceramic. as: Have you programmed the animation itself? LA: No, an acquaintance of mine, Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Obieglo makes them based on my drawings for me. Here's a different system. He tries to demonstrate in December at the fair in Dusseldorf. This engine here is better than the rotary engine. He used all types of fuel, gas, liquid. I I recommended him to apply a high-frequency arc, so that he can even use radioactive material or neutralize. The level of radioactivity, the radiation is brought back to zero. allows the arc that the other light is concentrated - the "violation" of the atoms is again welded.

(Source: NET-Journal) Alavanja writes: "The hydraulic principle already applies only to the compressor is a lot better. It generates: 150 atmospheres pressure, and thereby brings 45 liters of water per minute into circulation. The compressor is driven by an electric motor to only one initial energy of 1 kW / h is required. "

as: Is it a kind of transmutation? LA: Yes, a reverse change, only that there is an triple density: twice via oxidation at high temperature. These people tried my patented. Because I myself have no workshop, I feel the animation worth as much, because then I know that build my computer with the right program the device to the corresponding machines in the principle itself can. I worked for twelve years as a toolmaker and I know the machines have improved a lot. The TBT is also my creation .... as: What is TBT? LA: This is a machine that can drill holes up to 3 meters long in metal. The internal combustion engine, gasoline engine, it would indeed assist in weight 5kg already about 20 kW. He needs no valves, no crank, no camshaft. as: It is now expected min for 50 hp from an engine weight. 100kg. LA: My motor is 50 kW and weighs 260kg. I have converted this a conventional 3-liter engine. These machines, which we see here, really phenomenal. This is now the conventional motor with very low power consumption and optimal performance. Because Ceramics are used, one needs no water cooling, it can operate at a higher temperature. crankshaft, connecting rods, etc. accounts. So you also save weight. The new material produced by BASF can withstand up to 700 heat, is lightweight, flexible and Compare any metal. Thanks to low frictional resistance could be machines, which now have a warranty of 1 year, easily a 100-year guarantee. If you combine such a machine with a compressor and engine rotational ellipsoid with three pistons, has the effect of a multiplexer : an increase in the strength of 1:25. as: This machine is not yet on the market? LA: A company builds them already, not only would the compressor. If you could make known the compressor, the phenomenal.

The photon converter

There are other inventions to generate electricity. You will find in my file drawings for a photon

converter. These are two transparent solar cells, whose production is described as well. You do not need this out Laying in the sun, but you can in the basement or elsewhere stacked inside and candled with a light source - and you have created a converter that can convert electricity from photons. They say yes, silicon commute to the protons into electrons. But this is a mistake, because it is not the silicon, but the silicon oxide. anzudampfen result, one needs only the disks, then they are on one side and transparent from the other side as a mirror, so that the light is captured. as: The light then runs here and there - like a laser LA: Yes, you can build so that the light is captured and multiplied - a photon converter as a multiplier. Then it is easy to produce 1t of glass 30 or 35 kW. Peak power was 36 kW with 1t glass. There was a man in Bijograd, who had his own glass factory, and built such a transparent solar cells. is: What happened with that? LA: He wanted to commercialize the technology. But the man lives no more. I had indeed added anonymously contact with a professor at Siemens, and they had also started to build transparent solar cells, but again got away from it. is: Why? LA: The Minister has Wissmann told me this: "Dear Mr. Alavanja, if this technology is applied, we go a minute lost 1.4 million DM in energy taxes." as: The industry, however, would still be interested?

Radioactivity store instead of using dangerous!

LA: It is not even slightly. Then a man from Japan was with me. We met in Holland, and after I told him that they could convert radiation into electricity, he showed me a battery, which for several thousand years energy supplies. The but is not allowed on the market. as: It is a nuclear battery. The problem is the admission that it uses radioactive material - there is a risk that has been badly handled it and reach the substances in food. This would have devastating consequences. LA: Yes, you do not even need to take in the food itself - the radiation on our body decomposes. as: why is this technology used only in the military or in space. LA: I'm not at all a matter of making batteries with it, but that this very dangerous substance is neutralized and usefully applied improperly stored instead. Overall, it is important to publicize the possibility of producing energy without combustion or harmful substances. I say 'if if people know my inventions by the "NET Journal. Then, the nuclear power stations could soon be eliminated. That would be also possible using uranium instead of hematite. One can also use the graphite, the heating value is only marginally lower than hematite. The all tricks on how to heat up this rock using microwave, one must know, then you can use it as a generator. I have him

tried as a heating element and heated with 1000 W for a whole house. My normal heating system once I had rebuilt so that the chimney sweep no more emissions could be measured. but I had to pay a fine, this was the chimney sweep, as here, appears on the form, found that 15.6% more oxygen was produced. is: you had to pay for buses, because they produced too much pollution? LA: No, because I had changed the heating system. Why is divided by the operating license. I have had to pay for a process running and a lot of money. as we also know an example of physics teachers in Germany, which have built into the 70s in her car, a high voltage ignition and exhaust gases then are minimal values. Then we told them at the TV, concentrations below the minimum one could not allow more than yet the maximum. LA: The same, I also saw that the vehicle had to change again, although I had drastically reduced levels of pollutants and consumption. Furthermore, there is a drawing from 1960. The 3rd improvement in motor function without valves, with magnetic control, and it took place 3 liters to 50 kW only 1 liter of fuel. Sentwig That was in town with my uncle in Croatia, but in war, everything broke. The factory, which produced transparent solar cells and then exported to Germany in 1988 was broken by the bombardment. The are things that go to the kidneys. as: Finally, what are your hopes for the immediate future? LA: That the people learn to produce clean energy, as they previously learned to make fire. as / is: Thank you very much for the interview and wish you all the best!

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