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Dear Brethren,

Volume II | Issue 4 Family News

The month of May proved to Kristen and me as one of the busiest months of our married life. We spent the first couple weeks wrapping up our ministry with the Finger, TN, church. We will miss the saints at Finger very much, but we will stay in contact. Technology will aid in that. We know we are in their prayers, as they are in ours. Some of my family came to visit from Michigan and Florida for a week. It was a bittersweet time with them. It was a sweet reunion with those that I love, but we also knew it was our last opportunity to spend quality time together for several years. For the last ten days in May, Kristen and I traveled with her Tennessee family to and from Washington state. Her brother, Christopher, was married to Marion on 26 May in Vancouver. For the occasion, eight of us traveled cross-country in a Saturn Outlook, two planes, and a Chevrolet Suburban. On the way there, we were able to see some great landmarks and monuments on the west side of the USA for the first time. We enjoyed the opportunity to grow closer to Kristens family. Again, it was quite sentimental.

We send greetings to you and yours. We hope this newsletter finds you well. Time is ticking by. Merely two weeks stand between New Zealand and us. Wasnt it yesterday that it was an entire year away?

Fundraising Progress
In the previous newsletter, we reported that 51% of the works monthly needs had been met. We are again pleased to report some fundraising progress. We are blessed now to have 72% of our monthly needs secured. To God be the glory! As you can see, the work still needs a bit more. If you would be able and willing to contribute a bit more, or you know someone who would be interested in helping this work financially, please let us know.

Porirua Ministry
There was a campaign in Porirua to spread the Gospel to the lost during the last two weeks of May. This was the same annual campaign with which Kristen and I helped last year. Its exciting and a little scary to think that I will be the one directing it next year. There were ten campaigners who worked hard doing the greatest work possible. According to Kevin Moores report, 13,147 households were reached with information about the Lords church and were given an opportunity to make heaven their home. Be praying for these souls. To God be the glory for the results. (As a side note, if you would like to be added to Kevin Moores email mailing list, let us know, and well make it happen.)

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Now that we have completely moved out of Finger, we are spending time with the church in Chalmette, LA. The relationship we have with the elders of the church continues to blossom. We know, with the Lords help, it will produce much fruit for the Cause of Christ. After our time with Chalmette, we plan to visit some more family and friends in Texas and Tennessee, and then, well be off. Lord willing, we will be in the air on 20 June, headed toward the southern Pacific to begin our five-year work. Everyday we are encouraged knowing that we are being presented to Gods throne of grace by daily prayers of Christians around the world. Thank you for your spiritual and physical support. Please keep praying for us. We could not do this without you. Keep serving God.

Bear one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For each one shall bear his own load. -Galatians 6:2-5 In Christs Service, Lance and Kristen Mosher

Current Location: 45 Church Street Finger, TN 38334 731-215-7191 This work is overseen by the elders of the Chalmette, LA, church of Christ, P.O. Box 1165, Chalmette, LA, 70044, Correspondent: Mark Lance, 504-250-8492,

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