VARK Results

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Name: Tatiana Odalis Gonzlez Arvalo Career: English Major Subject: Administration of Technological Resources Topic: VARK Year:

2012 This report is written based on the results that I got in the VARK questionnaire, and the purpose is to examine my own learning style in order to know and understand the type of learning strategies that better fits me according to my needs reflected in the VARK questionnaire. What is VARK? The acronym VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic sensory modalities that are used for learning information. Fleming and Mills (1992) suggested four modalities that seemed to reflect the experiences of the students and teachers. VARK is a questionnaire that provides users with a profile of their learning preferences. These preferences are about the ways that they want to take-in and give-out information. VARK is not a learning style; a learning style has 18+ dimensions (such as preferences for temperature, light, food intake, biorhythms, working with others, working alone). VARK is about one preference - your preference for taking in, and putting out information when learning is the objective. Although it is a part of a learning style we consider it an important part because people can do something about it. Some other dimensions are not open to change. The questionnaire alerts people to the variety of different approaches to learning. It supports those who have been having difficulties with their learning and has particular applications in business, sport, training and education. Mentors, trainers, teachers and coaches who would like to develop additional learning strategies can also benefit from using VARK. It can be used with a business group, a team or a class or with one-to-one training and counseling, but it does require some explanation to avoid leaping to inappropriate conclusions.

I took the questionnaire and my results were: Visual: 2 Aural: 10 Read/Write: 5 Kinesthetic: 11 This shows that I am MULTIMODAL (AK). Multimodal means that I have multiple preferences and I belong to the majority of the population and I have the facility to adapt to different modes of teaching and supply my needs in several ways. The score of 2 on the VISUAL section means that I am not proficient in this area and I cannot try to adapt my learning needs with that area. I also got 5 in Read/write area and indicate that I have not much potential in this section. My strongest category is KINESTHETIC; this means that I need to apply strategies focused on that area as direct approaches, practice, role plays and all those aspects that involve my senses. And my other dominant category is AURAL, this means that I need to focus also in hearing. But I can make different mixes of the other categories to improve my dominant categories.
VARK questionnaire results: Visual: 2 - Aural: 10 - Read/Write: 5 - Kinesthetic: 11 INTAKE
- attend classes - discuss topics with others - discuss topics with my teachers - explain new ideas to other people - leave spaces in my notes for later recall and 'filling'

-Expand my notes by talking with others and collecting notes from the textbook. - Ask others to 'hear' my understanding of a topic. aloud. 'aural' person. -Imagine examiner.

talking with the


- Listen to my voices and write them down. - Spend time in quiet places - Speak my answers aloud or

- Read my summarised notes recalling the ideas. - Explain my notes to another inside my head.

-All my senses: sight, touch, - remember the real things - write practice answers taste, smell, hearing that happened summary, use case study field trip, the occasion. - role play the exam or test - apply the question to an - field tours - hands on approaches - trial and error - collections of things -exhibits, samples, photographs - plenty of examples in my situation in my room - recall the experiments, the experience that I have had.


Coclusion: After I finished the text I felt some doubts about it, but when I checked the results and evaluate myself consciously, I found several similarities with the interpretation of the results and my own experiences and way to learn. I honestly think that this can help me a lot at the time to understand the information, to assimilate and develop activities to my own grow as a person, student and future teacher. This tool can be used in a variety of contexts, as schools, business, big or small enterprises, for personal purposes and also with kids as a parental and educational guide at home. Is not expensive because you only need a computer with internet connection, is not tedious, you only need answer few simple questions and get the results instantly; the interpretation of your results is clear and simple and have the opportunity to read some techniques and advices to take the advantages of your learning style. Is going to be interesting to put in practice the recommendations that the site offers and assess the final results making comparisons in matter. I personally will put in practice and evaluate my own process and progress.

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