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GHD Advert Analysis.

At rst look this poster may just look appealing and attractive but, as the poster is viewed in more depth, it is easier to analyze in detail. This helps the audience relate to the poster and understand what and why it is being sold. Even though there is only a small image and minimal description of the product, everything on the poster helps to sell it. There is a lot happening on the advertisement and this results in a vast amount of denotations. A denotation is the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests. These for example include that a section of the text says And there she was, an urban angel, made not born. I could also denote that the women is wearing a red dress. To put these denotations in to perspective connotations are used, this allows the audience to generate an idea or feeling which a word or image invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning. In this adverts case a good example is the point from above, the denotation is that the piece of anchorage to the right says and there she was, an urban angel, made not born this connotes that you can become the equivalent of an urban angel and appear angelic if you buy the product. This poster imperticular is lled with interesting connotations, mostly revolving around the main female involved, with some others entailing its surroundings and other characters. The main points surrounding the woman are fashion or style based they include things such as the female is wearing a red dress, this connotes many things like love, lust, power, passion and desire. Another key denotation revolving the women is that she is in her mid 20s, this also connotes that the product is linked with youth or can even allow customers to appear young. Another is that the hair of the women could be said to be glowing in the light, this rstly shows of the hair, which is ultimately what they are selling, and also denotes that if you buy the product your hair will look equally as good. There are also some key sectors which do not revolve around her appearance, one of which being that she is looking down. This connotes contempt and superiority and that she is better than everyone else. This hints to the audience that you will be better than anyone else if you buy the product advertised.

GHD Advert Analysis.

As mentioned previously, there is also a large amount of denotations and connotations involved in the surroundings and characters on the poster. One of the most eye catching elements of the poster is the extra characters. The three men surrounding the women are key to discussion as many opinions can be set. In my opinion i believe the fact that three men are surrounding a women shows that men can not resist a women as beautiful as this, she is irresistible. Another point is that the men have there mouths wide open, this connotes that men are also amazed by how beautiful the women is. The surroundings also play a key part. The setting of the image is what appears to me to be, and as hinted in the text, an urban environment. This is backed up with the metallicesque material in the backdrop. This dark metallic background backs up and connotes that this, according to the brand, urban angel can make the dullest places brighten up. It may also be said that behind the characters there appears to be some metallic steps. This could also connote that the angel may have walked down from heaven to hell. This is not the only religiously themed part to the poster, religion is one of the most common themes used on GHD adds. Another connotation could be that the anchorage on the right side off the add is direct copy to a bible extract. Another religious denotation is that the woman is wearing a halo. This connotes that again the lady appears angelic although i feel that the lady is made to look very similar to the virgin Mary. Although the women is made to look heavenly and angelic there is also some contradiction as even though, for example there are angles or cherubs surrounding her, she is stood there with a red dress, the colour associated with the devil and is wearing a very revealing dress, this confutes the original idea of purity and christianity. This is however also a positive in the eyes of the brand as this denotes she is complicated and has many sides, making the audience believe the poster is more interesting and intriguing. The last point to be made is that off the actual product although this is the only point revolving the physical product it is a very powerful one and is used very well. The denotation revolving around the product is that the product is highlighted by some light. The connotation linked with this is rstly it appears symbolic and angelic and secondly it allows the the product to, as well as the women, be the centre of attention. It also connotes that it has been sent down from heaven and then makes everyone and everything become in aw of it. This is very powerful and is a key part of selling the product.

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