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Lothar Seiwert Simplify Your Time

More Time - Made Easy Illustrations by Werner Tiki Kstenmacher

Campus Verlag Frankfurt/New York

Hanna Schygulla

Life is a journey. The less baggage you have, the more impressions you can take with you.

Professor Dr. Lothar Seiwert is Europes leading and best-known expert on todays new approach to time and life management. He has arguably received more distinctions than any other nonfiction writer and business speaker: Professor Seiwert has been granted more than ten awards in the last few years, including the Benjamin Franklin Prize (Best Business Book of the Year), the Internationaler Deutscher Trainingspreis, the Lifetime Achievement Award for his body of work, and the Conga Award for Best Business Speaker in the German event industry. The German Speakers Association also inducted him into their Speakers Hall of Fame. His presentations in both German and English have been heard by more than 400,000 rapt listeners in Europe, Asia and the United States. The prominent keynote speakers books consistently top bestseller lists, with more than four million copies sold throughout the world. His worldwide mega-seller simplify your life (with Werner Tiki Kstenmacher) stayed on the Spiegel bestseller list for almost 300 weeks without interruption. Today, he is a successful businessman who runs Seiwert Keynote-Speaker GmbH in Heidelberg, Germany, a company specializing in Time Management, Life Leadership and Work-Life Balance. In fall of 2009, Professor Seiwert was elected President of the German Speakers Association e.V. In summer of 2010, he earned the CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) designation, the highest-caliber credential for public speakers in the United States.

Foreword by Werner Tiki Kstenmacher Get rid of your time baggage!

1. Debunking common misconceptions about time: The simplify approach provides clarity
So you think faster is better? People with a full calendar are important? Multitasking is the best way to be productive? Wrong, wrong and wrong! Stop letting yourself be put under pressure by misconceptions about time. The simplify approach is your path to a relaxed relationship with time.

Time misconception number 1: No time?! Time misconception number 2: Faster is better Time misconception number 3: Doing a lot makes you successful Time misconception number 4: The Internet, etc. saves you time Time misconception number 5: Multitasking takes less time overall Time misconception number 6: Breaks are unnecessary Time misconception number 7: Dawdling is just for lazy people

2. Simply personal: The simplify TIME types

Do you know what your time type is? No? Then its high time you found out. Time management always has something to do with your personality type. simplify shows how you can take a personal approach to make the best of your time.

A matter of type: the simplify TIME test A quick study: the Turbo Type Pure creativity: the Idea Type The full overview: the Manager Type Always precise: the Exact Type Combining strengths: working better as a team

3. Simply methodical: The simplify Time Tools

Achieving a great deal using simple methods thats simplify time management! There are no complicated theories or organization charts here, just practical tips that are easy to implement. The simplify Time Tools help you get your hectic daily life under control and create some much-needed freedom in your schedule.

Tool 1: Determine priorities Tool 2: Plan carefully Tool 3: Delegate tasks Tool 4: Prevent information overload Tool 5: Create order

4. Less is more: The simplify principle

Are the wheels of your life turning smoothly? Where would you like to spend more time? Identify your wishes and dreams, and make your goals a reality! Free yourself from unnecessary baggage and use the simplify principle to win back your quality of life, slowly but surely.

Simply balanced: How the wheels of my life are turning Simply visionary: My lifes dream Simply goal-oriented: Wishes come true Simply good: Less is more!

Simply getting started: On the path to success with simplify

References Index

Foreword by Werner Tiki Kstenmacher

Dear readers,

I have been an enthusiastic reader of self-help books for about 50 years, and I started writing some of my own more than 20 years ago. Its time for me to reveal the darkest secret of this literary genre to you: reading how-to books has no effect whatsoever.

The books only work if you actually do what they say. Its like the old joke about chemical substances in sports: Doping soccer games is no good at all. The stuff has to get into the players first!

So the question here is, how does the information you read get from your brain to your muscles? How can all of the valuable knowledge you gain by reading Professor Seiwerts latest time book be applied to your everyday life?

The process is called implementation, and it implies a transformation, a shift. A simple change of scenery, for example, can work wonders. It helps you solve human problems, and its especially useful for problems around the issue of time.

There are plenty of ways to create a change of scenery: go into a different room when your work is overwhelming. If someone is grating on your nerves, walk away. Go for a quick walk when your thought process gets bogged down. At the meeting, sit in a different seat than you usually do. Wear your watch on your other wrist to see time from a different perspective. In short, move the molecules in your surroundings so that your interior world can experience a shift too. This can help dissolve mental blocks and defuse stressful situations. But what about all those tiny grains of sand in the gears of your daily life? By that I mean all of the habits and behavioral patterns that are firmly entrenched in the foundation of your daily routine. Theyre hard to see because you are so used to them, but this book will finally help you track them down. Lothar Seiwert knows them all he has advised thousands of people who were disappointed or frustrated by their chronic lack of time, their stress symptoms and the related run of failures, bad luck and breakdowns.

So the task before you is big and complicated? No! Please never see your life that way again. Instead, look at it as a great, invaluable present. Be happy about everything you

have, even the hard days and the burdens you drag around with you. Make things simpler for yourself. Which brings us to the wonderful title of this book:

simplify your time.

simplify has become a standing concept since 2001, when Lothar Seiwert and I published the work that was to become the decades most successful advice book.

People all over the world wish that their surroundings could become simpler. However, this just wont happen: human relationships are and will remain complicated. Societies are becoming more complex, and our value system is growing more and more sensitive. We would love to change the circumstances, the people around us and the laws that govern business and society. But the only thing we can really change is ourselves. Thats why the most important word in this books title is neither simplify nor the archaic word time, but the inconspicuous word connecting the two: your. You cant simplify life itself, but you can simplify your life. You cant simplify the concept of time, but you can work on the part that belongs to you: your time.

This piece of time, your time, is the most valuable thing you possess. It has been given to you not for you to get upset about, to waste or squeeze out like a citrus fruit, but to enjoy, make the best of and share with others! Start the process now: by reading, and then by doing.

Yours truly, Werner Tiki Kstenmacher


2. Simply personal:
The simplify TIME types

simplify: Chapter overview

A matter of type: the simplify TIME test A quick study: the Turbo Type Pure creativity: the Idea Type The full overview: the Manager Type Always precise: the Exact Type Combining strengths: working better as a team

Oscar Wilde It is personalities, not principles, that move the age.

Simply personal
Some people want to organize every last detail perfectly, while others love to be spontaneous. Were all different even when it comes to time management.

Did you know that travel reveals a great deal about what TIME type you are? Whether its in real life or just on our simplify your time trip, every TIME type has his or her own preferences. The Turbo Type loves action whether its a speed boat or a cross-biking excursion, it just needs to be fast and challenging. The Idea Type, on the other hand, loves spontaneous trips into the unknown and enjoys whatever may come. From a golfing trip to Miami to the opera in Verona, the Manager Type prefers the feeling of a luxury weekend. And the Exact Type leaves nothing to chance on a vacation, except maybe the weather.

Use this chapter as your personal simplify your time travel guide. Discover where your strengths lie in dealing with time. But explore the strengths of the other TIME types, too. Ultimately, you all share a great common goal: simplifying your time!

so which TIME type are you?

You dont think people should pigeonhole you into some narrow time category? Youre right, of course! As we well know, its also not true that all blondes are dumb, or that the people in New Orleans are always celebrating Carnival. Still, theres some truth to the approach of assigning categories.

Theres a kind of common thread that runs through our actions: the way we arrange our job, how we respond to everyday situations, what makes us happy and whats important to us all of that is largely a matter of type. Naturally, this common thread also runs through our approach to time.

Does your boss expect you to throw together a presentation at short notice? Does your girlfriend expect you to come up with the best ideas for her birthday party, as usual? Do your colleagues assume you will single-mindedly tackle the problems in the new project? In the association where you act as treasurer, are your buddies happy because they already know youll turn in a correct and perfectly balanced ledger? And do you want to know why? Its simple they all recognized your particular strengths a long time ago. Maybe you should look into it a little further and find out what TIME type you are. Learning more about your type will help you get to know your strengths and deal better with your small weaknesses in the area of time management.

A matter of type: The simplify TIME test

Please read the following statements carefully. For each one, spontaneously decide which response applies to you. There are no right or wrong answers. With any our simplify TIME types, you will always find yourself in good company. Each one has wonderful strengths, is well suited for specific tasks and has his or her own personal ideas about organization and free-time activities. These are people we deal with every day in other words, people like you and me.

I love developing ideas as a group the more the merrier. B Teamwork is fine if it helps the project move forward faster. A When the team is being indecisive, I like to take on a leadership role. C For complicated projects, Id much rather work on my own, without the hustle and bustle of teamwork. D

I would like to be punctual, but things often come up at the last minute. A Better safe than sorry! I always like to arrive a little early. D I have my deadlines under control. I am always on time. C I often show up to appointments at the last minute but Im punctual. B

I dont like to commit many different tasks are equally important to me. B I like to work on several important projects at once, so priorities are a little tricky. C I dont spend a lot of time setting priorities I just like to hit the ground running. A Priorities are important to me. They are the best way for me to plan my time. D

Handing over tasks not a problem for me. Then I can focus on whats important. C I love action, and I like to work fast. I dont need any help. A Delegating doesnt work my best ideas come when Im working on several projects at once. B Handing over tasks? Im not convinced they would be done well. D

I find schedules restrictive. I need freedom to exercise my creativity. B I plan my day very carefully, and I dont like it when something makes a mess of my plans. D Of course I plan my day. But sometimes I take on a little too much. C I prefer to make a rough schedule so I can respond quickly to new challenges. A

Saying no
I dont want to upset anyone, so Id rather say yes than no. D I like helping others, so I often have trouble turning down requests. B Im always interested in new projects, so I say yes without thinking too hard about it. A If somethings not important to me, I say no very clearly. I dont have a problem with that. C


Creative chaos inspires me being fastidiously organized is too boring. B Being organized is important to me. I cant work well when Im drowning in chaos. D I dont think too hard about organization. If necessary, I clean things up quickly. A When things are stressful, my desk sometimes gets messy. Otherwise Im fairly

organized. C

A, B, C or D?
Now count up how many times you answered A, B, C or D. The category with the most responses is your personal TIME type:

A = All of your plans have to move quickly: thats the sign of a speedy Turbo Type.

B = Brainstorming rather than planning. As a creative Idea Type, you prefer to make spontaneous decisions.

C = Choosing every opportunity to move things forward: the Manager Type is a real doer.

D = Details are important, as the Exact Type very well knows. After all, a small thing can often make a big difference.

what does the test tell you?

Are you surprised? Or is it just what you expected? Naturally, the simplify TIME test only provides a rough outline. We have a little of everything in us hardly anyone is a pure Idea or Manager type. But knowing more about yourself means you can use this knowledge to plan your time better in the future, and take a more relaxed approach to everything. And knowing more about the other TIME types means you can join forces with them to build successful teams. In the following sections you can read more about the strengths of your personal simplify TIME type, and find personally tailored tips for easily managing your everyday schedule.


An overview of the simplify TIME types

A quick study: The Turbo Type

Fast thinker Hits the ground running Dedicated and multitalented Flexible time-juggler Valuable helper Informed laptop-using nomad Active team player

Pure creativity: The Idea Type

Dedicated idea developer Empathetic conversation partner Creative optimist when it comes to timing Brilliant brainstormer Unconventional trouble-shooter Confident networker Powerful last-minute wild card

The full overview: The Manager Type

Energetic doer Optimizes efficiency Sets ambitious goals A real bundle of energy Dauntless problem-solver Skilled delegator Consistently says no

Always precise: The Exact Type

Enthusiastic improver Clever specialist Forward-thinking organizer Cautious risk manager Clear analyst Conscientious time planner Quality-conscious detail person



4. Less is more:
The simplify principle


Simplify: overview
The energetic doer Focusing on the strengths How Manager Types work A strong combination: better together

The full overview: The Manager Type

Self-assured, focused on results, assertive, direct, open, definite, willing to take risks, decisive, energetic, dynamic, ambitious
Lots to do? Yes and its great! The Manager Type is full of energy and drive. He is a born doer. His motto: If you want something done, do it yourself! Posting top performances, generating successes, getting ahead thats what drives him. He enjoys implementing his plans without distractions, and he always takes the most direct path to his goal. After all, who wants to waste their time on small potatoes? Definitely not the Manager Type. His magic word is delegate. He likes to set the course and tell others which way to go. Its very important to the Manager Type to optimize the use of every single minute. Thats why he loves learning about time management, and hes always happy to hear about new tips and tricks for managing his overloaded calendar.

The energetic doer

Show me your desk, and Ill tell you who you are! This particularly applies to the Manager Type. His workspace can be identified at a glance. His desk is at least as carefully arranged as his daily schedule, and you wont find any extraneous knickknacks like old vacation postcards, chocolate bars or broken pens here. Instead, there are all kinds of high-tech accessories: the brand-new cell phone perfectly matches the XXL flat-screen monitor and the digital picture frame with family photos in it. Modern technology is used to


work even more efficiently. The calendar and designer clock clearly set the tone. Everything is functional, high-quality and neat. The only time this tidy workspace might be disorganized is when things are especially turbulent and the Manager Type once again finds himself working on countless projects at the same time.

Dante Alighieri: One person waits for times to change, another seizes the moment and acts.

Even in his private life, the Manager Type loves the exceptional: his home is representative of this, pared down precisely to suit his personal needs. Here you will find the perfect combination of minimalism, style and high-tech objects. The Manager Type enjoys working hard, so his free time is very limited. Still, he knows how to make the best use of it. Whether its during a theater intermission or on the golf course, the Manager Type is always on the lookout for good contacts to advance his career. He shows a great deal of ambition in his athletic activities. Hes simply a competitive type, one who seeks out comparisons with others and under no circumstances wants to leave the arena as a loser. New and unfamiliar things draw his attention. Since he is very curious, he also likes to try unusual and even dangerous hobbies boredom and routine are not his thing at all.

Focusing on the strengths

Nothing is impossible! The Manager Type can bring his ideas to life even in adverse conditions. When others have long since thrown in the towel, he is still full of drive.


Very consistent: the Manager Type

Energetic doer: Resolutely making plans a reality that is the Manager Types favorite challenge. Optimizes efficiency: Carpe diem? What else! The Manager Type always makes the most of his time. Sets ambitious goals: He knows exactly what he wants success! The Manager Type has his sights set firmly on the goal. A real bundle of energy: He likes to be active all the time. When there is a lot to do, the Manager Type is in his element. Dauntless problem-solver: The Manager Type tackles problems decisively and always finds a solution. Skilled delegator: Do everything yourself? Perish the thought! The Manager Type is a master at delegating.

Energetic doer: Resolutely making plans a reality

The Manager Type knows that even the best idea is worthless if you dont implement it. So he doesnt hesitate for long before forcefully realizing his plans. He doesnt let himself be intimidated by skeptics, doubters or pessimists No risk, no fun! However, sometimes he confuses frivolousness with drive, and rashly plunges headfirst into fairly adventurous projects. Since the Manager Type likes to work on several projects at the same time, he may need to put in quite a bit of overtime to get everything done. But he doesnt let that stop him. On the contrary it motivates him to make even the impossible possible. And once hes managed that, his success gives him fresh energy to tackle the next project idea. Summary: Someone who takes a resolute approach can make the best of his time.

simplify tip for Manager Types

You love working at full throttle on several projects at once but lets be honest, it can also be pretty stressful! Dont throw yourself into every new idea right away, but think about whether it will really be productive. And remember your two biggest strengths: saying no and delegating.


Optimizes efficiency: Deadlines are under control

Above all, the Manager Type wants one thing: to work as efficiently as possible. So naturally, good organization is a must. A timer, PDA or smartphone are among his most important work tools. Every date is carefully recorded and every little gap in the schedule is filled. If an appointment is cancelled at short notice, you can assume the Manager Type will have an important backup task ready. Hes also an expert at filling up any time spent waiting: just in case, he always has a big pile of files and reports with him. Unallocated downtime makes him nervous; he always wants to be using his time productively. The Manager Type has things under control even during hectic periods. Numerous checklists and to-do lists help him keep a clear overview. Without his lists, he is only half human. However, spontaneity and free time often get the short end of the stick here. Summary: Good planning also includes free time for creativity and breaks.

simplify tip for Manager Types

You enjoy working hard and being very productive. But you dont need to use every minute of the day productively! Sometimes its good to let go for a moment, forget about your job and think calmly about various things. Waiting time and downtime are the ideal opportunity for just that.

Sets ambitious goals: Nothing comes from nothing

The Manager Type has ambitious goals and he makes them a reality. He knows that nothing comes from nothing! Attracting three new clients a week, putting an innovative new product on the market in just six months, increasing revenues by 10 percent the more impossible a project seems, the harder the Manager Type works at it. He dedicates himself to his objectives body and soul, and he is a master at getting others excited about his plans. The Manager Type sweeps aside any obstacles on his path with great fighting spirit. Resign himself to his fate? Out of the question! He never gives up prematurely, and he doesnt stop until he is successful. However, sometimes he strays off course and stubbornly holds fast to goals that are simply unattainable. Summary: Set ambitious goals for yourself, but dont be excessive.


simplify tip for Manager Types

You say the most hopeless cases are the ones most worth fighting for? Watch out someone who tilts at windmills will never win. Make sure you can let go at the right time and give up on unrealistic goals. Dont worry, you wont lose face. Just the opposite when you let go of an unrealistic goal, you have the chance to concentrate on other more rewarding projects.

A real bundle of energy: Always active

Hes usually the first one in the office in the morning, and hes happy to stay a little longer in the evening too. Endless to-do lists, floods of email and piles of work things that drive others to the brink of insanity mean nothing to the Manager Type. He is extremely resilient, not to mention firmly convinced that a healthy level of stress is the best motivation. Fly to New York for the weekend? Why not? For the Manager Type, there is nothing worse than boredom. Even in his limited free time, he has a single byword: action! On the tennis court, jogging or playing golf, he likes to prove how much energy he has. When he really exerts himself, he can tune out wonderfully and leave his stressful job behind. Colleagues, family members and friends alike have trouble keeping up with this bundle of energy. But that doesnt bother the Manager Type. Summary: Even real power types should allow themselves a little break now and then.

simplify tip for Manager Types

Just lying around on the couch? Thats not your thing at all. But everyone needs some relaxing downtime every so often. Use your organizational skills, and consciously plan time to do nothing. Youll see rather than losing time, you will feel refreshed and ready to take on new challenges!

Dauntless problem-solver: Where theres a will, theres a way

Whether the new project is on a tight budget or a delivery for an important client has disappeared, it doesnt matter: the Manager Type is not so easily thrown off course by everyday complications, large or small. He doesnt want to spend much time discussing problems and complaining about them; hed rather find a good solution as quickly as possible. When there are problems, the Manager Type usually knows exactly where the snag is. He has a keen eye for errors, and he can analyze everything at a glance. He generally has a simple and ingenious solution at the ready within a short amount of time. However,


if he thinks that his employees or colleagues are endangering the success of a project, he can be mercilessly critical. In such cases he is not at all concerned about offending the other person. Summary: Complaining doesnt help! Problems are there to be solved.

simplify tip for Manager Types

You prefer to solve problems quickly and by yourself, and it usually works. But when it comes to complicated issues and long-term decisions, you shouldnt ignore advice from others. The more smart people who get involved, the better. Its much easier to think outside the box as a team, handling challenges by applying plenty of imagination.

Skilled delegator: Dont do everything yourself

Soccer goalies who can also score penalty kicks? Sure, its very impressive. But Manager Types just shake their heads at things like that. Focus on the things that you enjoy and are good at, and leave the rest to someone else thats their secret to success. Unlike most people, the Manager type has no problem handing off tasks. An orchestra conductor would never think of playing all of the instruments himself So who can take something off my hands? The Manager Type always has his delegation list close by. The list helps him get rid of incidental tasks and gain more time for his core projects. However, sometimes he does overdo it with the delegating, and overwhelms others with tasks and projects. Summary: Only someone who has mastered the art of delegating can make it to the top.

simplify tip for Manager Types

Handing over tasks not a problem for you. But truly letting go is not so easy when it comes to important projects. This is where you become a control freak, always looking over the others shoulders which is disheartening. Give clear assignments and set specific deadlines; then give the others as much space as they need to finish the task.


Consistently says no: No feeble compromises

Why do people say yes a bad conscience? Good-Samaritan syndrome? Backed into a corner? The Manager Type doesnt try to be everybodys darling. Why should he? He is a realist, and he knows that yes-men pay a high price. They pour all of their energy into fulfilling the wishes of others; they neglect their own needs and are quickly burned out. That cant happen to the Manager Type. He is self-assured enough to give a clear and direct no. He is not afraid to put his own goals and priorities first. You will never hear a half-hearted, jaw-clenching yes from him. When he takes on a task, he is wholeheartedly dedicated to it; yes or no, all or nothing the Manager Type doesnt make compromises! Summary: People who can say no simply get more out of life!

How Manager Types work

Self-assured, independent, energetic: the Manager Type likes to set the tone and say how things should be done end of discussion! When something fails to go according to plan, he can turn very stubborn. He will do anything to achieve efficient work and exceptional success. However, in the heat of the battle he tends to expect too much from others and overload them with tasks. If your colleague, supervisor or life partner is a Manager Type, dont let him steamroll you set clear boundaries. Dont beat around the bush. Be honest about what is feasible and what is not. The Manager Type is always open to hearing a well-founded no and logical arguments. Negotiate realistic to-do lists and deadlines. Dont let him constantly interrupt you while you are working. Be self-confident in your interactions with him. Dont let him control your time; be rigorous about defending your daily schedule. That will impress a Manager Type, and will make it much easier to work with him.

A strong combination: Better together

Ideally, the traditional Manager Type would rather do everything himself. But with all the projects he has going on at once, thats really not possible. So he should ask for help from the other TIME types for key tasks. This doesnt mean simply handing over unpleasant tasks to the others teamwork is a better solution.

If each person does what he or she is best at, everyone benefits. Successfully implementing plans, quickly solving problems, overcoming


obstacles, achieving results in record time thats what characterizes a Manager Type. Hes not deterred by risks, and he often ignores warnings. But rushed decisions about important projects can lead to bitter disappointments. To prevent this from happening, he should make sure to work with the Exact Type on important projects.

The Exact Type loves checking facts, paying attention to details and thinking through everything carefully. The Manager Types desire for action and the Exact Types meticulous approach are the perfect combination for implementing ideas quickly but deliberately.

The Manager Type has ambitious goals that he wants to realize as quickly as possible. But is the shortest path always the best? In order to determine this, he should plan regular discussions with the Idea Type. The Managers determined approach and the Idea Types creativity make them an unbeatable team when it comes to discovering new perspectives and developing and implementing truly ingenious plans.

How can giant piles of work be taken care of in a short amount of time? What can be done to carry out tasks without long delays? For some tasks and projects, the most important thing is speed. If the Manager Type can also get the Turbo Type to help him with these tasks, then together they are guaranteed to beat out the competition when it comes to speed.


Karl Julius Weber

Travel is the best tool for educating yourself.

On the path to success with simplify

Weve come to the end of our simplify-your-time journey: its time to get started and discover a whole new sense of time and a new attitude toward life.
Normally, we bring more than just pretty objects and impressions home from our travels; we also gain all sorts of ideas and inspiration for our everyday lives. Im sure that on our simplify balloon ride, you learned many things and

discovered interesting possibilities for making your life simpler, but also more enjoyable. Now let yourself be amazed by how effective these tips and techniques can be. You will gain something valuable the freedom to simply do what you feel like doing! To make it even easier to maintain your own personal time style, I will finish by sharing a special simplify tip for each TIME type. After all, simplify your time is not just a passing fad its a wonderful attitude to have toward life. I am always excited when I see how simple it can be to stop wasting your time with the morning traffic jam, annoying emails or endless meetings. And an even better benefit is having time for the people and things that are important to you.

Delivering the details

If I could only give you one piece of advice, it would be this: Just get started have faith in yourself! Youll notice that it gets easier every day; the reason simplify your time is so fantastic for time management is that its so simple. So what are you waiting for? Wishing you much success and joy in life, I remain yours truly,

Lothar Seiwert


Simply get more out of life: simplify for Manager Types

Focusing only on the goal spoils the pleasure of the journey. Manager Types should always keep this quote by Friedrich Rckert in mind.

As a Manager Type, you probably want to start using all of the tips from simplify your time at once. That would let you quickly carve out big chunks of time for new projects. But why? Wouldnt it be much nicer to use your brand-new free time for dawdling and dreaming?

You dont always need to be running everyone is allowed to stop and rest sometimes. Reaching goals is not the only important thing its also important to enjoy the journey to the goal.

You can start working right now to balance your work performance with your quality of life. Leave work earlier today and go do something youve been wanting to do for a long time!


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