Newsletter Autumn 1 2012

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Helping children be the best they can be Dear Parents, Governors and Children, WELL DONE Well Done

to Lloyd Keevan, who has achieved his Level 2 in swimming. WELCOME BACK Welcome back to Balby Central. We hope that you had a great summer and are looking forward to the year ahead. All staff have made a huge effort to get the school ready for your return the new entrance is looking lovely so organised, clean and tidy and I hope everything gets off to a great start. I hope with all of us working together, we can develop the school to be an even better place for children, their families and staff. I hope it is going to be busy all staff have come back with a real sense of energy and purpose and we are dedicated to making Balby a school that you can be proud of and that helps children achieve their potential. Soplenty of challenge and excitement and enjoyment of learning and a big push on achieving high standards for everyone. Best Regards Pete McGuigan BREAKFAST CLUB We would like to remind you that breakfast club will be reopening at 8.00am on Monday 10th September for children in Key Stage 2. All children from Years 3,4,5 and 6 are extremely welcome. This provision is free and offers the children a healthy breakfast and an early morning get together with their friends. Unfortunately we do not offer a child care facility and no-one is available at school to supervise the children before 8.00am. It is also important to note that the school crossing patrol does not start until 8.30am. This is especially important as the dark mornings are approaching, so would you please ensure your child is delivered to school safely. LOST LIBRARY AND READING BOOKS Mrs Hall is now busy making up our sets of reading books ready for the children. She is asking if you could look in your cupboards, laundry bins, cat baskets and under your beds to see if any are hiding from her. Please bring them back as soon as you can. Thank you.

SWIMMING IN YEAR 5 NEXT YEAR As you know, children in Year 5 go swimming as part of their normal school week, and the lessons will be on Tuesday mornings, starting Tuesday 11th September. The pool rules state that girls must wear a one-piece costume and boys must wear either proper trunks or tight lycra swimming shorts. They may not wear the baggy Bermuda-type swim shorts. Swimming caps will be on sale directly from the pool when the lessons start in September.

DOGS, BIKES AND SCOOTERS We are asking you to please not bring dogs, bikes or scooters on to the school site. Dogs (even friendly ones) can sometimes frighten children, or become frightened and unpredictable themselves when in a crowd. Our playground becomes very busy at the start and end of the day so we would appreciate your co-operation in this matter. Similarly, bikes and scooters are not appropriate on the playground, for health and safety reasons. We would also ask that you are mindful of the crowded pavements when you are leaving school. We have had reports of some children being pushed off the pavement due to lack of attention being paid. Thank you. COLLECTING CHILDREN If someone other than yourself is collecting your child, for whatever reason, please inform your childs class teacher or telephone the school office. The safety of our children is of paramount importance so we need to be aware of any changes to the normal collection routines. Thank you. PARKING AND CROSSING LITTLEMOOR LANE We are currently experiencing problems with parking round school. Please do NOT park on the zig-zag lines in front of the school, as this is a parking offence. The Community Police are currently doing spot-checks, and parking on these lines can result in an instant fine, as happened on Thursday morning. Also, please be aware that if there is no Crossing Patrol warden and no-one from the Safer Neighbourhood team is available to cross children over the road, school staff are not allowed to perform this duty. DMBC have left us in no doubt that we should not try to take the place of these wardens, so please impress upon your children the need to be vigilant if they cross unaccompanied. Similarly, please park sensitively when you bring and collect your children, bearing in mind not blocking our neighbours drives or double parking and causing problems for children trying to cross the roads. Thank you for your cooperation. CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR NEWSLETTER We are encouraging the children to contribute to our weekly newsletter with stories, pictures and items of interest they have done in the classroom our outside school. The contributions this week are from Year 6 class. Look out for more class contributions in the coming weeks

First day back in Year Six learning about The Blitz in World War 2
We were put into groups and given boxes to try and make a model of a shelter which could protect us from bombs.

Jess tries out her shelter to see how much protection it would give her from the Blitz.

Zak and Neves shelter fits two.

Blitz poem Bombs obliterating Britain while Germans sit back and watch!

Oxygen totally wiped out by the deadly gas exterminating all the innocent people.

Military forces evaporating like water under the sun.

Bombs falling like rain drops from the sky.

Savage soldiers saving Britain from being bombed!

By Liam Terry and Rhys Lloyd

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