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Strategic plan for ABC Library


By Ranjan Premarathna


Strategic plan for ABC Library

This strategic plan has been created for the Library of ABC Institute at Ratmalana. SWOT analysis method is used to create the strategic plan for this library. What is SWOT Analysis? SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture, organization or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective. Often carrying out an analysis using the SWOT framework will be enough to reveal changes which can be usefully made. SWOT Analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. When carry out a SWOT Analysis writes down answers to the following questions: 1. Strengths: - What does Organization do well? - What unique resources can Organization draw on? - What do others see as organizations strengths? - What are Organizations advantages? 2. Weaknesses: - What could be improved? - Where does organization have fewer resources than others? - What are others likely to see as weaknesses? - What is done badly? - What should be avoided? Again this should be considered from an internal and external basis - do other people perceive weaknesses that Organization doesnt see? Do Organizations competitors do any better? It is best to be realistic now, and face any unpleasant truths as soon as possible.

3. Opportunities: What good opportunities are open to organization? What trends could organization take advantage of? How can organization turn its strength into opportunities? Where are the good chances facing you? What are the interesting trends?

Useful opportunities can come from such things as: - Changes in technology and markets on both a broad and narrow scale - Changes in government policy related to Organizations field - Changes in social patterns, population profiles, lifestyle changes, etc. - Local Events 4. Threats -What trends could harm organization? - What obstacles does Organization face? - What is Organizations competition doing? - Are the required specifications for Organizations job, products or services changing? - Is changing technology threatening your position? - Does Organization have bad debt or cash-flow problems? Likewise, the Strategic Plan which is relevant to library should be done according to the following Strategic Management Process. Following illustrated Strategic Management Process is an eight step process that encompasses strategic planning implementation, and evaluation. Although the first six steps describe the planning that must take place, implementation and evaluation are just as important.

Figure: SWOT Analyses and Strategic Management Process

Identify Organizations current Mission, Objectives and Strategies

Analyze the environment

Analyze the Organizations resources

Identify opportunities & threats

Identify Strengths and weakness

Formulate Strategies

Implement Strategies


Strategic Plan for Library of ABC institute (Using SWOT Analysis) Organization: ABC
ABC institute was established in the year 1996 as a joint venture enterprise with XYZ venture Ltd, and IJK Industries in USA, an international institution, with the objective to provide a range of industry based and industry-oriented tanning programmes and a host of other services for clothing industry. ABC institute is geared to help the clothing industry and the people who are keen to launch on a career in clothing industry. Courses of ABC are conducted by English medium and Sinhala medium. And those courses are categorized as full time and part time. They have taken newcomers not only locally but from other countries as well. We have marketed the course of training provided by ABC Institute in countries like Bangladesh, India and Pakistan and through Sri Lanka news paper and the institutions website. We have two components in the training programme orderly Industry Based Training and the Industry Oriented Training. Industry Based Training is for school leavers and Industry Oriented Training is for those who work in the Clothing Industry. Industry based training courses are designed to produce professional qualified persons with sound understanding of the modern technologies involve in the core areas of clothing manufacture. We are deeply committed to upgrade, update professionalise and modify our course to conform with present international requirements as well as for evolving future needs. ABC Institute Vision: The ABC Institute Vision is to build a world class intellectual capital base for the Textile & Clothing Industry by offering inspired solutions.

The Library of ABC Institute

The Library of ABC institute was also started in 1996. It will help to develop knowledge and learning services by providing good reader services for users. Our library is located at Ratmalana which got Series of tributes as Industrial City (KARMANTHA PURAWARAYA).Our address is No. xxx, xxx Road, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka. The Library is well equipped with 5600 volumes in Textile, Clothing Manufacturing and allied subjects such as Management, Production Management, Marketing, Quality Control, Merchandizing, Information Technology, Finance and Accounting, Economics, Sociology, Chemistry, Electronic & Technology, Legislation and UNO Publication, IPS Publication together with more than 45 local and international Journal/ Magazines covering all aspects of textile and clothing Industry. In addition, library has a paper cutting collection relevant to Textiles, Clothing, Management, Marketing, Information Technology and video cassettes related to Clothing studies. And also has research projects and past paper collection related to ABC institute courses. Collections of the library are maintained and classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification System. And cataloguing service has been automated by using WINISIS library management software. Opening Hours: The Library is open on week days from 8.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. and from 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on Saturdays. Library is closed on Sundays, Poya days and on mercantile holidays. Library Vision: To become the excellent Library and Information Centre in the field of Textile and Clothing by providing inspired library and information service effectively, efficiently and timely to individuals, members of the organization and their communities. Mission Statement; To maintain a collection of library materials (books, periodicals, audio visuals and electronic medias) in the field of Textile and Clothing and to provide a relevant and effective library and information service to students who are following Textile Courses at ABC Institute and the staff of ABC group.

Library Services:

Reference Service Lending Service Current Content Services under the title of LIBRARY UPDATE. Photocopying Service Online Service Online full text journal: or

News paper clipping service Referral service Goal: To establish an electronic library by automating all function of the library within five years. Aims
1. To reform and develop the library building

2. To set up a computer network 3. Recruiting professional and technical staff 4. To obtain the internet facilities 5. To build up collection of electronic sources and establish digital library 6. To get subscriptions for international database 7. To link with other information organizations using virtual library concept Objectives 1. To reform the library building duly to set up a computer network 2. To purchase computer equipments and accessories for computer network 3. To purchase library furniture, equipments in new style (corporate colour & corporate fashion) 4. Allocating budget for electronic resources 5. Developing infrastructure facilities 6. Organizing training, workshop, seminars, and short term courses about technical knowledge for staff

Analyzing the external and internal environment (SWOT Analysis)

1. Strength of ABC Library Any activities the organization does well or any unique resources that it has are called strength 1.1. Staff: Professional:

Graduate and post graduate of library and information science and computer skills Library has a qualified officer in computer literacy and technical skill Library has three years experienced clerk in the field of library

1.2. Resources: Location: Library is located at Ratmalana where spread garment industry and the other industries Building: Well equipped small library building which has aircondition, electricity and generator facilities Collection: Around 5600 books, 400 CDs, 20 video cassettes, 45 titles local and international journals Library collection development activities have been supported by the ABC by increasing budget for few areas 1.3 Users:

Professional: CEOs, Managers, Merchandisers and Supervisors



Lecturers, Teachers, Undergraduates, Post and Diploma Students

Non Academic Staff: CFOs, Technical & IT Staff, Administration staff, Maintenance Executives

1.4. Services:

Reference service Lending service


Periodical service News paper clipping service Current awareness service (Library Updates) Photocopying service Online service Online full text journal: or

Referral service User guidance Internet searching service Personalized reader services Displays 1.5. Using current information technology and licensed software in library, ABC Institute and ABC Group 1.6. Currently few areas of library functions (Cataloguing and Indexing) have been automated by using WINISIS library software 1.7. Free Open Source Software like KOHA, GREENSTONE can be downloaded through the internet which can be used to automate library functions. 1.8. We have technology and electronic infrastructure facilities -The Library maintains technology and electronic infrastructure to support its services. 1.9. Downloading facility is available for users. 1.10. Library and ABC staffs have email facility for global communication 1.11. ABC library has membership in world recognized institute.

2. Weakness of ABC Library


Weaknesses are activities the organization does not do well or resource it need but does not process 2.1. Limited Building space: Lack of adequate space has led to spilt or stored collection and decentralization of service with consequent inconvenience to user Lack of space for reading and reference facilities

Lack of opportunity to expand the library building to set up new services and materials

Lack of space to provide separate computer facility for library users 2.2. Security: Poor security system - A Part of main Electric Power Supply unite is located in the library building - Main network rack, patch panel and IT switch board are located in the library building without any security provision - There are no extinguishers in the library 2.3. Conservation & Preservation:

There is no conservation & preservation unit affiliated to the library A Disaster Management unit has not been arranged

Lack of attention to get back up of library works 2.4. Lack of new computers and computer equipment


Lack of awareness of Mother Organization that applying new technology for library function


- As poor attention of using new information resource in new format they discourage to purchase or subscribe new information sources by paying large amount of money.

2.6. 2.7. 2.8 2.9.

Poor Physical facilities Limited client and staff access to internet Limited or non-existent database access Restricted financial contribution by mother organization

2.10. Inability to replace roster base staff when away or on leave 2.11. Lack of technical staff for the library 2.12. Difficulty in developing staff skills in new technology in specialist areas 1.13. Slow pace of administration/infrastructural development 1.14. Out of date resource 1.15 1.17 Less job motivation and job satisfaction of staff Poor communication with each others information resources and information Technology 1.19. Strict rules and regulations of mother organization 1.20. Lack of printing facilities in the library 1.21. Slow of internet access speed 1.22. Less professional training staff for IT section of the library. 1.23. Lack of Training Grant in time to time 1.24. Loss of measurement methods to measure the staff performance 1.25. Limitation of allocating of financial provision for the library 1.26. Loss of contact with other organizations and institutes 1.27. Few housekeeping functions of library are manually handled 1.28. Lack of reading room facility 1.16. Less experienced and qualified staff for IT section of the library 1.18. Poor training and lack of training about modern technology, modern

3. Opportunities of ABC Library


Opportunities are positive trends in external environment factors 3.1. Alliances with other institutes like MNO, Open University, University of MRT, NSF, and National Library. -We have opportunity to get trainings and guidance, (IT training, Library automation etc.) from this institute. - Have opportunity to get free library software and training related to software by this institute (NSF, National Library) 3.2 Associate ship of Mother Organization (ABC) with EFG University in Australia. -We can get new trends in Library Automation form EFG University through our mother organization 3.2. Wide adoption of corporate image -Library and the mother organization are running under the internationally recognized large organization called XYZ 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. Having separated IT division and staff Having IT Laboratory which can seat 40 students (This Unit can be joined with library) We have opportunity to get guidance and instructions directly from the international organization like UNESCO. Introduce and educate readers about library services and resources Induction programme for council staff Support by the organization and the XYZ groups Develop marketing strategies

3.10. Value added services 3.11. Library friends group

4. Threats of ABC Library Threats are negative trends in external environmental factors


4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. 4.9.

Non inter library cooperation Non use of latest computers & computer equipments Reducing budget time to time Rising cost (most expensive electronic sources) High telecommunication and information technology costs Unbearable high price of electronic sources according to Exchange rate Difficulties in expanding physical environment and resources Rapid technological change Limited disabled access

4.10. Decreasing population who comes to library 4.11. Significantly fluctuation of exchange rate 4.12. Internet usage in home and office. So that users dont have the need ness to come to the library to use internet 4.13. Increasing of subscription rate year by year 4.14. Lack of safety of collection 4.15. Occurrence to follow standards and decisions of mother organization 4.16. There is no direct responsibility for open source software 4.17. Often electric power failure 4.18. Difficulties to maintain security system 4.19. Fancy price of library soft wares

Formulate Strategy
Key development areas of library of ABC for next 5 years


1) Reforming and developing the library building duly to set up a computer network 2) Recruiting professional and technical staff 3) Training library staff 4) Setting up a computer network 5) Obtaining the internet connection 6) Building up collection of electronic sources 7) Fully automating the library housekeeping function 8) Linking with other information organizations using virtual library concept 1) Reforming and developing the library building duly to set up a computer network 1.1) 1.2) Identifying the key areas of repairing and developing in the building. Repairing the building (including roof, ceiling, water supply, electricity supply and drainage system, doors and window frames) duly to set up a computer network Setting up security system to avoid damage from fire, water and thieves Arranging the library building that network wires, electrical wires and equipment can easily be maintained and expanded according to future needs. Building up pleasant environment in the inside and out side of the building. Growing up user friendly environment and ensuring access for worker, student, academic and nonacademic staff without any obstacles. Arrange the disable entrance. Purchasing library furniture and equipments in new style (corporate colour & corporate fashion) Allocating a part from library building as conservation and preservation unit

1.3) 1.4)

1.5) 1.6)

1.7) 1.8) 1.9)

2) Recruiting professional and technical staff



Identifying the needed staff and defining the duties of all officers. Recruiting training instructors Create staff discipline Staff promotions Job motivation of the staff and supporting and participating in literacy activities and programs for users, and initiating such activities if necessary Increasing office facilities for each officer that they need to do their job well To be organized effectively and professional standards of operation must be maintained for service to the clientele

2.2) 2.3) 2.4) 2.5)

2.6) 2.7)

3) Training library staff 3.1) 3.2) 3.3) 3.4) 3.5) 3.6) 3.7) 3.8) Organizing programmes on soft skills, communication skills Organizing training programmes for staff to fulfill the gap of knowledge in their own field Organizing short term progamme about library science for staff who are in the other field Promoting computer literacy skills. Language training Providing Overseas training Introducing new technologies and skills which are in their own subject fields Organizing seminars to introduce about digital information sources and training for dissemination of digital information


Setting up a computer network


4.1) 4.2) 4.3) 4.4) 4.5) 5)

Planning, assessing and allocating budget for creating network according to our needs Recruiting network administrator Hiring computer network designers and engineers Purchasing computer and network equipments and accessories for networking Creating computer network

Obtaining the internet connection 5.1) 5.2) 5.3) 5.4) Allocating budget to obtain internet connection Finding a service provider Developing telephone facilities Purchasing Compute peripheral, components and equipment which need to get internet connection (Modem, routers, media converters fiber optical cables, UTB cables etc.) Getting a broad brand connection like ADSL, SDSL, DSL line etc. Doing implementation

5.5) 5.6)


Building up collection of electronic sources 6.1) 6.2) Identifying the electronic sources Allocating budget for electronic sources (Online& Offline)



Finding recognized publishers or venders that we can get subscription for electronic sources for our needs without any doubt. Identifying free access online journals & database and provide access Getting subscription for online journals and databases Maintaining journals and databases by providing IP address to access database Purchasing and building collection of offline electronic sources according to a collection development policy Maintaining under a data base Getting backups monthly and keeping as archives

6.4) 6.5) 6.6) 6.7) 6.8) 6.9) 7)

Fully automating the library housekeeping functions 7.1) 7.2) Identifying a suitable software for library automation according to the needs Identifying and analyzing the areas that should be automated (Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serial controlling and etc.) Designing or purchasing suitable software for Library Automation (should consider about price, needs, flexibility, authority and etc.) Automating the Library housekeeping function and data feeding Recruiting an ICT Instructor Maintaining the automation system and getting backups daily Linking globally with other information organizations using virtual library concept Maintain a library website and provide broad access to obtain library and information service through the website


7.4) 7.5) 7.6) 8) 8.1)


8.2) 8.3) 8.4) 8.5)

Arranging a reception desk Keeping regular connection with global society Starting an advertising and publishing unit Recruit a Multimedia Officer

Implement Strategies


1) Reforming and developing the library building duly to set up a

computer network Sub Activities 1. 1 1. 2 Identifying the key areas of repairing and developing in the building. Repairing the building (including roof, ceiling, water supply, electricity supply and drainage system, doors and window frames) duly to set up a computer network Setting up security system to avoid damage from fire, water and thieves Arranging the library building that network wires, electrical wires and equipment can easily be maintained and expanded according to future needs Building up pleasant environment in the inside and out side of the building Growing up user friendly environment and ensuring access for worker, student, academic and nonacademic staff without any obstacles Time Frame 1 Week Responsibility Librarian and Engineer Librarian, Engineer, and IT Engineer Expenditure (Rs.) 3000.00

4 Months


1. 3 1. 4

1 Month


Librarian, Engineer, and Chief -Technician Librarian, Engineer, and IT Engineer



1. 5

2 Month

1. 6

1 Month

Librarian, Engineer, Architect, and Interior -Designer Librarian, and Interiordesigner



1. 7 1. 8

Arrange the disable entrance 1 Week Purchasing library furniture 3 Month and equipments in new style (corporate colour & corporate fashion)

Librarian, and Administrative Officer Librarian and InteriorDesigner

10000.00 300000.00

1. 9

Allocating a part from library building as conservation and preservation unit Total

2 Month

Librarian, Engineer, and Conservative and Preservative Officer



2) Recruiting professional and technical staff Sub Activities 2. 1 2. 2 2. 3 2. 4 2. 5 Identifying the needed staff and defining the duties of all officers Recruiting a training instructor Create staff discipline Staff promotions Time Frame 1 Month Responsibility Librarian and Administrative officer Librarian and Administrative officer Librarian Librarian Librarian and Administrative officer Expenditure 0.00

2 Weeks 2 Months 1 Year

50000.00 15000.00 250000.00 75000.00

2. 6 2. 7

Job motivation of the staff 6 Months and supporting and participating in literacy activities and programs for users, and initiating such activities if necessary Increasing office facilities 1 Month for each officer that they need to do their job well To be organized effectively 2 Months and professional standards of operation must be maintained for service to the clientele Total

Librarian and Administrative officer Librarian and the Staff

250000.00 30000.00


3) Training library staff Sub Activities Time Frame Responsibility Expenditure


3. 1 3. 2

Organizing programmes on soft skills, communication skills Organizing training programmes for staff to fulfill the gap of knowledge in their own field Organizing short term progamme about library science for staff who are in the other field Promoting computer literacy skills.

2 Weeks

Librarian and Director Training


3 Months Librarian, Director Training and Coordinator 3 Months Librarian and Director Training 6 Months Librarian, Director Training and IT Instructor 4 Months Librarian and Director Training 9 Months Librarian and Director Training Librarian, Director Training and Coordinator Librarian, Director Training, and Coordinator


3. 3


3. 4


3. 5 3. 6 3. 7

Language training


Providing Overseas training


3. 8

Introducing new 3 Months technologies and skills which are in their own subject fields (short term training ) Organizing seminars to 4 Days introduce about digital information sources and training for dissemination of digital information Total




4) Setting up a computer network Time Frame


Sub Activities



4. 1

Planning, assessing and allocating budget for creating network according to our needs Recruiting network administrator

2 Weeks

Librarian and IT Engineer


4. 2

1 Weeks

4. 3

Hiring computer network designers and engineers

4 Days

4. 4

Purchasing computer and network equipments and accessories for networking Creating computer network Total

1 Month

Librarian, IT Engineer and Administrative Officer Librarian, IT Engineer and Administrative Officer Librarian and IT Engineer




4. 5

1 Months

Librarian and IT Engineer

60000.00 1335000.00

FOR NEXT 2 YEARS 5) Obtaining the internet connection Sub Activities 5. 1 5. 2 5. 3 5. 4 Allocating budget to obtain internet connection Finding a service provider Developing telephone facilities Purchasing Compute peripheral, components and equipment which need to get internet connection (Modem, routers, media converters fiber optical Time Frame 1 Week 2 Days 1 Week Responsibility Librarian and IT Engineer Librarian and IT Engineer Librarian, IT Engineer and IT Administrator Expenditure 0.0 0 0.0 0 50000.0 0 150000.0 0

2 Months Librarian and IT Engineer


cables, UTB cables etc.) 5.5 Getting a broad brand connection like ADSL, SDSL, DSL line etc. (Rs.2500*12 Month*3Years) 5. 6 Doing implementation Total 6) Building up collection of electronic sources Sub Activities 6. 1 6. 2 6. 3 Identifying the electronic sources Allocating budget for electronic sources Finding recognized publishers or venders that we can get subscription for electronic sources for our needs without any doubt. Identifying free access online journals & database and provide access Getting subscription for online journals and databases Maintaining journals and databases by providing IP address to access database (Rs.1500*12M*3Y) Purchasing and building collection of offline electronic sources according to a collection development policy Time Frame 1 Week 4 days 5 Days Responsibility Librarian and IT Staff Librarian Librarian Expenditure 1000.00 0.00 10000.00 4 Days Librarian and IT Engineer 90000.0 0

5 Days

Librarian and IT Engineer

15000.00 305000.00

6. 4 6. 5 6. 6

3 Days



1 Week



6. 7

3 Days for Providing IP Address 2 Weeks

Librarian IT Administrator Librarian




6. 8 6. 9

Maintaining under a data base Getting backups monthly and keeping as archives Total

Daily Monthly

Librarian and IT Manager Librarian and IT Administrator

2000.00 5000.00 2074000.00

7) Fully automating the library housekeeping functions Sub Activities 7. 1 Identifying a suitable software for library automation according to the needs Identifying and analyzing the areas that should be automated (Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serial controlling and etc.) Designing or purchasing suitable software for Library Automation (should consider about price, needs, flexibility, authority and etc.) Automating the Library housekeeping function and data feeding (For Technical Processing & Data feeding) Recruiting an ICT Instructor Maintaining the automation system and getting backups daily (Rs.2000*12M*3Y) Total Time Frame 1 Weeks Responsibility Librarian, IT Engineer and Consultants Librarian, IT Engineer and Consultants Librarian, IT Engineer and Software Engineer Librarian, IT Engineer and Data Entry Operator Librarian and IT Engineer Librarian and IT Administrator Expenditure 3000.0 0

7. 2

5 Days

0.0 0

7. 3

If design -1 Month/ If Purchase3 Days 1 Year

1000000.0 0

7. 4

100000.0 0

7. 5 7. 6

4 Days

150000.0 0 72000.0 0 1325000.00



8) Linking globally with other information organizations using virtual library concept Sub Activities 8. 1 Maintain a library website and provide broad access to obtain library and information service through the website Arranging a reception desk Keeping regular connection with global society Starting a advertising and publishing unit Recruit a Multimedia Officers Total Time Frame For Create web Site 2 Weeks / Daily Maintain 4 Days Daily 3 Month 3 Days Responsibility Librarian and IT Manager Expenditure 75000.00

8. 2 8. 3 8. 4 8. 5

Librarian and IT Manager Librarian and IT Manage Librarian and IT Manage Librarian, IT Manage and IT Engineer

30000.00 10000.00 200000.00 100000.00 415000.00

Corporate Budget
Main Activities 1 Reforming and developing the library building duly to set up a computer network Time Frame 1 year, 3 months, and 2weeks Expenditure 1093000.00


2 3 4 5 6

Recruiting professional and technical staff Training library staff Setting up a computer network Obtaining the internet connection Building up collection of electronic sources Fully automating the library housekeeping function Linking with other information organizations using virtual library concept

2 years and 2 weeks 2 years, 4 months and 3 weeks 3months, 1 week and 4 days 2 month, 3weeks and 4 days 1 month for start and continuous forever 1 year, 1 month and 2 weeks 3 months and 3 weeks for start and then continuous forever

670000.00 2905000.00 1335000.00 305000.00 2074000.00

7 8

1325000.00 415000.00

Total Cost



Performance Evaluation
Obtaining the performance evaluation indicators Obtaining reports that amount of feedback and comments received form users after automating the library function Identifying the usage of the library services, facilities and resources after automating library function and get statistical report.


Obtaining progress chart quarterly in first 3 years. (These charts are obtained as written report and statistical reports )

Then obtaining progress chart monthly in next 2 years (These charts are obtained as written report and statistical reports ) To identify the work performance of the staff after automation the library function we do the work study to measure the work performance.

Monthly we review the areas that should be adjust during the functioning period Follow up every function according to a time table to finish the project within 5 years. Assessing the result obtaining performance indicators the library function by work study Measure the time balance using performance indicator Identify the fluctuation of user enquiries after automating the library function and services Identify the growth of users and usage of library resources Likewise, the main strategies (activities) mentioned in the above tables can be indicated as follows that how we are going to implement in next five years. Identify the work efficiency and work speed of the staff after automation

Main Activities 1 Reforming and developing the library building duly to set up a computer network Recruiting professional and technical staff Training library staff






75% 95% 100% 100% 100% 55% 45% 85% 75% 98% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100%

2 3


4 5 6 7 8

Setting up a computer network Obtaining the internet connection Building up collection of electronic sources Fully automating the library housekeeping function Linking with other information organizations using virtual library concept

70% -

95% -

100% 100% 90% 70% 75% 30% 100% 95% 100% 60%

References 1. Robbins, Stephen P., Management, 7th ed., New Delhi: Prentice-Hall, 2004, 197-205p. 2. ABC Institute Prospectus, 2006 3. The Sunday Times- supplement, ABC plays a pivotal role, 20th January 2002. 3p. 4. 5. 6. SWOT analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 7. Management Plan,


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