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Activitatea de fashion design activity Panait a inceput inainte Liza Panaits creatie vestimentara a Lizei had begun before the de revolutie (decembrie 1989), when toate prezentarile concurs Revolution (December 1989), cand la she used to win most of the organizate all the fashion presentation competitions organized awards atpentru Cercul Diplomatic la Hotel Intercontinental Bucuresti, castiga cele mai multe premii. for the Diplomatic Corps at the Bucharest Intercontinental Hotel . pune bazele unei In 1990 case de moda pentru In 1990 she foundedaaputea dezvolta ceea ( se fashion houseceVili House) constituise develop propriu. in order to intr-un stilwhat had already been established as a proper style.

Urmeaza minimum doua prezentari pe an, respectand cadenta schimbarii tendintelor de sezon, prin care demonstreaza trasarea propriei voci stilistice. Prezentarile sunt in general spectacole de moda tematica, cu numele si personalitatea lor. Unele teme au fost asa de ofertante, ca au dus la realizarea unor spectacole de teatru dans pe scena Teatrului National sau pe alte scene, care s-au bucurat de un mare succes. Costumele au fost create Liza Panait si realizate la Casa Vili care a year What followeddewas a minimum of two presentations a fost si producatorul cadence of regarding the spectacolelor. the seasonal trends change, thus Liza Panait a trace of her own fashion voice. exhibiting therealizat costume pentru teatru, film si televiziune, colaborand cu regizori generally theme fashion shows, with their The presentations are importanti din Romania. A creat costume pentru artisti cunoscuti din showbiz-ul romanesc. own names and personalities.

"Symphony with brides" - April 2005

Symphony - April 2005 Simfonie - April 2005

Temperament - - April 2003 TemperamentApril 2003

Some of the themes were so bidding that they led to the realization of dance theatre performances on the National Theatre scene and other scenes and basked in great success. The costumes were designed by Liza Panait and made by the Vili House who was also the producer of the shows. Some of the greatest Romanian artists ( actors , ballet dancers, dancers, musicians ) took part in the shows distribution. An example was the theme show "Sangre Ardiente" part of the The way of an Ethnicity project. The television network president at the time claimed it was the best show of its kind in Europe. In fact the 1200 seat hall proved to be too small.

Sangre Ardiente

The way of an ethnicity

Sangre Ardiente

Liza Panait was invited by the Romanian Presidency to present the Seduction collection in front of the Spouses of the Presidents on the occasion of the 2008 NATO Summit in Bucharest.

Seduction - April 2008

MAIN ASSETS: ATUURILE PRINCIPALE : Creativity and originality unanimously acknowledged. Creativitatea si have led to the realization of entire collections of These qualities originalitatea unanim recunoscute. Aceste calitati items la realizarea partially or totally handcrafted, unique au dusmost of them de colectii intregi de unicate, cele mai multe lucrate in totalitate sau partial manual, ca therefore they target the clientele who wants to express its urmare se adreseaza clientelor care doresc sa-si exprime personality by means of fashion and will not risk meeting its personalitatea si prin vestimentatie si nu vor sa riste sa se twin especially on important occasions (as it importante intalneasca cu gemenele lor mai ales in ocazii has occurred many times even among Hollywoodprintre vedetele ( cum au fost destule cazuri chiar si stars).

de la Hollywood)

Motto: "Be the same, always different" Motto : Fii aceeasi mereu altfel Liza Panait Liza Panait

NATURA SI TRADITIILE Comuniunea omului cu mediul sau natural, a constituit una NATURE AND TRADITIONS dintre temele preferate de inspiratie ETNO regasite in creatiile sale. Human communion with his natural (matasea, inul, canepa, Tesaturile preferate cele naturale, environment, was one of the favorite bumbacul, borangicul). vascoza,ethnic inspiration themes found in her creations. Favorite fabrics the natural ones (silk, velvet, linen, cu Liza Panait dezvolta o noua dimensiune a relatiei omului hemp, viscose, cotton, oss silk). natura, pornind de la materialele din fibre naturale si mergand chiar la folosirea elementelor naturale, cum ar fi florile si frunzele ca ornamente vii.

Liza Panait Casa Vili Fashion Strada Panait has 2, Bucuresti new Liza Tunari nr. developed a Romania of humans relationship to dimension TEL + FAX: 0040 - with 210 30 81 nature, beginning 21- natural ber materials and proceeding even further 0040 - 21- 210 35 26 to the email : use of natural elements such as l e a v e s a nliza@lizapanait.roi v i n g d owers as l ornaments.

Liza Panait has made costumes for theater, lm and television collaborating with great directors in Romania. She has created costumes for well-known artists in the Romanian show biz. She has been invited to most television networks in Romania with fashion presentations or for talk shows and has been acknowledged in most national publications. Liza Panait has received many Designer of the Yearawards among numerous others by the specialized press in Romania. In 2011 she was chosen as the fashion creator of the year by the VIP Magazine. Liza Panait was appointed to The National Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors of Romania along with 9 other successful women in the "European network of female entrepreneurship ambassadors" project. In 2007-2009-2010-2011 Liza Panait presented couture collections in a superb location, heritage building, the Chteau de Behague in Paris.

The prospects for next year are linked, among other things, to the possibility of a presentation at the Lafayette Galleries and anew at the Chteau de Behaguein order to facilitate entry into the Parisian markets. Liza Panait Vili Fashion House Tunari Street. 2, Bucharest Romania TEL + FAX: 0040 - 21-210 30 81 0040 - 21 - 210 35 26 email:

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