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The Demand for Law & Order in the New Libya

What has happened in the past few days does not represent us as Libyans, but also as Muslims.

We, the undersigned Libyan organizations, condemn in the strongest terms the heinous attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi that occurred on the 11th of September and strongly urge the Libyan government to take swift and immediate action in bringing to justice the instigators and perpetuators of these crimes. The US government, along with all of its official agencies and staff, were one of the earliest supporters of our revolution. They stood by the Libyans from the earliest days in Benghazi, not only in military and political terms, but also in ensuring that the values of freedom, democracy and human rights were respected. The late Ambassador Stevens had personally been a staunch and visible advocate for the Libyan revolution since its inception, and more specifically to Libyan Civil Society. He has personally reached out to many of the undersigned organizations, opening his home, listening to their challenges and offering his advice. Those that have had the honor of meeting Ambassador Stevens can attest to the fact that he was an honorable yet approachable gentleman, personifying the values of tolerance, understanding and compassion. Actions of extremist groups in Libya have escalated in past weeks and despite civil societys repeated requests, minimal official action has been taken to stop these events. In the interim, bolder and more violent steps were being taken by these lawless groups, from harassment of females, to desecration of religious shrines, to destruction of Libyan heritage to the killing of innocent victims. Any such acts of violence, murder, terror and harassment that are conducted in the name of religion, patriotism or other ideology need to be immediately denounced and brought to justice. We Demand: 1. Responsibility The State must assure all citizens the protection of their human and civil rights. The State must provide the Libyan people with a legitimate security apparatus. This includes the establishment of an effective national army and police force as well as the disarming of militias and the safeguarding of historical sites. The State must immediately implement a highly visible and heightened security presence on the ground in Libyan towns and cities and particular at vulnerable, strategic and historic locations.

The Demand for Law & Order in the New Libya

September 14, 2012

The State must demonstrate a commitment to be more proactive with regards to security measures as opposed to reactive, by implementing a round-the-clock security presence.

2. Immediate Accountability The State must present to the Libyan people a prevention mechanism against future lawless acts. The State must assure and demonstrate to the public that they have not only the will to enforce security, but the capacity as well. o If the State doesn't have the necessary capacity they must inform the Libyan public of their intentions and of any contingency measures.

3. Transparency A clear statement made on national media by the State Judiciary, the State Security Authorities and the highest religious body to condemn lawlessness in all forms. Clarification of the security apparatus present on the ground and coordination between them. We also demand clarification of the involvement and/or intervention from international security forces on Libyan soil. Regularly scheduled press conferences to inform public of the daily security situation in Libya. A clear public announcement on the security roadmap for the next few months to clarify that there is indeed a long term plan.

4. Inclusion Civil Society, as important actors in the development process, must be involved in policy decisions made by the State.

This is to be done by introducing mechanisms of inclusion through: a. An "NGO Liaison Office": Government office with the sole purpose to link civil society and government through a variety of inclusion, support, and outreach programs for CSOs. b. The invitation of CSOs to attend and speak at congress sessions which are relevant to their field of work. c. Linking CSOs to government actors relevant to their cause. d. Outreach and consultation through focus groups and roundtables between members of the constitution drafting committee, members of the GNC and CSOs In order to ensure the successful democratic transition in Libya cohesive inclusion must be formed between the state and the citizens.

The Demand for Law & Order in the New Libya

September 14, 2012

We re-iterate our demand of the General National Congress and Government to take immediate and visible steps to stop this cycle of violence and place security as its top priority. Our deepest condolences to the victims families and friends, our prayers are with you. We pray for Libyans to be strong to the values that we fought for during the revolution.

Name of Organization: __________________________________________________________ Organization registration number: ____________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________________

The Demand for Law & Order in the New Libya

September 14, 2012

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