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Sandy Oaks Olive Tree Varieties 2011 Variety Aglandau Amphisis Arbequina Arbosana Ascolana Barnea Barouni Callitier

Cayon Cerasuola Chemlali Chetoui Coratina Empeltre Frantoio Galega Grappolo Grossane Hojiblanca Itrana Koroneiki Leccino Liguira Lucca Manzanilla Marino Mission Moraiolo Nadzvlijskaia Oueslati Pendolino Picholine Picual San Felice Santa Caterina Sevillano Taggiasca Country of Origin France Greece Spain Spain Italy Israel Tunisia France France Sicily Tunisia Tunisia Italy Spain Italy Portugal Italy France Spain Italy Greece Italy Italy U.S. Spain Italy U.S. Italy Ukraine Tunisia Italy France Spain Italy Italy Spain Italy Cold Hardiness High Medium High Medium High Low Medium High Medium Medium High High High Low Low High High High High High Low High High High Medium Medium High Low High High Medium Medium Medium Low High High Low Polinators Grossane Pendolino Self-Fertile Arbequina Pendolino Part. Self-Fertile Self-Fertile Pendolino Aglandau Pendolino/Biancolila Self-Fertile Self-Fertile Pendolino, Frantoio Part. Self-Fertile Self-Fertile Self-Fertile Self-Sterile Part. Self-Fertile Self-Fertile Self-Sterile Arbequina Pendolino, Frantoio Self-Sterile Self-Fertile Sevillano Pendolino, Frantoio Self-Fertile Pendolino, Frantoio Self-Sterile Self-Fertile Universal Pollinator Manzanilla Part. Self-Fertile Self-Fertile Part. Self-Fertile Mission, Manzanilla Part. Self-Fertile Years to Production 4-5 3-4 2-3 2-3 4-5 3-4 4-5 4-5 4-5 5-6 2-3 2-3 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 2-3 4-5 4-5 3-4 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 3-4 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 Productivity Alternate Intermediate Alternate Good Alternate Good Alternate Good Constant Good Constant Good Alternate Intermediate Constant Intermediate Alternate Good Constant Intermediate Constant Intermediate Constant Intermediate Constant Good Alternate Good Constant Good Alternate Good Constant Good Alternate Good Constant Intermediate Constant Good Alternate Good Constant Good Constant Good Constant Good Alternate Good Constant Good Alternate Intermediate Alternate Good Alternate Intermediate Alternate Good Constant Good Constant Good Constant Good Constant Good Alternate Good Constant Good Size at Maturity 20 + feet 20 + feet 12 to 15 feet 12 to 15 feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet 20 + feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet 20 + feet 20 + feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet 20 + feet 12 to 15 feet Under 20 feet 20 + feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet 20 + feet Under 20 feet Under 20 feet 20 + feet 20 + feet 20 + feet Under 20 feet Purpose Oil Dual Dual Dual Table Dual Table Table Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Dual Oil Oil Oil Dual Dual Dual Dual Oil Oil Oil Dual Oil Dual Oil Dual Oil Oil Dual Dual Oil Table Table Oil

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