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Connect the dots Mark Lane, a CIA lawyer, is with Jim Jones atJonestown
Posted on September 17, 2012 by ajmacdonaldjr


Connect the dots Mark Lane, a CIA/lawyer, is with Jim Jones at Jonestown Mark Lane goes to work at The Spotlight on Capitol Hill in Washington Timothy McVeigh takes out an ad for a phone card The Spotlight is selling in their newspaper. ADL tells the media this after the OKC bombing. the Spotlight is sued, loses, and changes its name to The American Free Press, with Michael Collins Piper still at its helm, which he has been at for 30 years (= Jonestown/Iran-Contra) Christopher Bollyn is one of the first AFP

Mark Glenn Fake Catholic, DoD, CIA disinformation propagandist

Israel did 9/11 writers and activists on the 911 Truth scene, immediately following the events of 9/11, followed by AFPs Eric Hufschmid, and, eventually, AFPs Mark Glenn, of The Ugly Truth Radio Network. Mark Glenn (et al) are now furious with me for having exposed them and for fighting against the militaryindustrial-academic complex and they aim to destroy me for doing so. Unfortunately for them, we the good people of America and the world, who want peace and a sustainable future are beating their sorry asses with the TRUTH!!!!!!! ROFLMFAO See:
Posted in Activism, Crime, Ethics, Government, history, Law, Politics, Terrorism, Violence | Tagged 9/11, 911Truth, ADL, Alex Jones, American Free Press, Capitol Hill, Christopher Bollyn, CIA, Eric Hufschmid, Jews, Jim Jones, Jonestown, liars, Mark Dankof, Mark Glenn, Michael Collins Piper, military-industrial-academy complex, mind control, murder, OK City Bombing, OKC, The Spotlight, Timothy McVeigh, Victor Thorn, Washington DC, Willis Carto | Leave a comment | Edit



Posted on September 17, 2012 by ajmacdonaldjr


Alex Jones of Infowars in Austin, Texas is running the same CIA groupthink mind-control operation Jim Jones once ran in

Jonestown, Guyana. Unlike Jonestown, which was a small group of socialists and communists in the South American jungle, Alex Jones listeners number in the millions, and believe in the US Constitution and liberty. This subject is worth studying. This website is a historical record compiled by those who wish to honor the memories of those who died. For what its worth, I was aboard a C-141 bound for Travis AFB during late November 1978, along with hundreds of aluminum transfer cases, which contained the earthly remains of only some of the hundreds of dead souls murdered on board the C-141 with me, and were being flown from Jonestown, Guyana, to Dover AFB, and then on to Travis AFB, with me, which was their final destination and mine.

Jim Jones

Six months later I find myself slogging through the jungles of Panama learning from the 7th SFG how to hunt and kill peoples, as well as how to survive in a Central American double-canopy jungle environment. The interesting thing, which makes this Jonestown old, deadly CIA groupthink mind control project relevant today, is this: Alex Jones (et al) is (are) running the same identical psychological operation today, with a few minor

modifications. Go through the old Peoples Temple tapes, compare them with what Alex Jones says and see (listen) for yourself, and see if this isnt in fact the case. A few people did survive Jonestown, which isnt easy to do after one is brainwashed, activated, goes rogue, is hunted down by special ops from two countries (US, UK), escapes and lives to tell about it. Watch the documentary, and see: See: Shooting Cops? How Ryan Dawson and Alex Jones create paranoid patriots and encourage them to shoot police and federal agents

Alex Jones Says Bilderberg Attendee's Eat Dead ...

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Pt. 1 - Jonestown: The Life and Death of People...

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Posted in Activism, Crime, Culture, Ethics, Government, history, Law, Mind Control, Politics, Uncategorized, Violence | Tagged 7th SFG, Alex Jones, brainwashing, CIA, Columbia, cruelty, dead babies, evil, fear, fearmongering, Guyana, horror, humor, IranContra, Jim Jones, joking, Jonestown, Langley, laughing, mind control, murder, Nicaragua, Oliver North, Panama, sick, terror, The Company, torture | 1 Comment | Edit

Political Situation2012-2013
Posted on September 16, 2012 by ajmacdonaldjr

Breasts and Bombs Political Situation 2012-2013 See:

See: v=TAdIGeXS9hE&list=PLC8CCFA51FDDE9CAE&feature=plpp_ play_all Zach Cohen is a Zionist hack. His two-bit smear job is evident to all.

Paris Hilton Exposes Her Own Breasts Online Zach Cohen Exposes Adrienne Pines Breasts Online

Posted in Activism, Crime, Ethics, Government, history, Law, Media, Politics, Psychology, Religion, Society, Terrorism, Violence | Tagged 911Truth, Adrienne Pine, AIPAC, American University, Americans, boobs, breastfeeding, breasts, Christian Zionism, Christianity, CIA, college campus, d, date rape, DoD, exposed, Father Roy Bourgeois, frat boys, Honduras, hook up, hooters, hot, internet, Islam, Israel, Israel Lobby, Jerusalem, Jesus Christ, Jewish media, Jewish State, Jews, lobbyists, media, Muslims, nipple, online sex, Paris Hilton, Peter Lance, porn, pornography, press, sex, sexy, smear, The Eagle, The Washington Post, tities, tits, USA, Washington DC, Zach C Cohen, Zionists | Leave a comment | Edit

Many others had beenshot.

Posted on September 16, 2012 by ajmacdonaldjr

Many others had been shot. Charles Huff, a former member of the U.S. Army Special Forces in Panama, was one of the seven Green Berets who were the first American troops on the scene

following the massacre. He told Freedom, We saw many bullet wounds as well as wounds from crossbow bolts see: http:// VIDEO Pt. 1 Jonestown: The Life and Death of People Temple

Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple is sponsored by the Department of Religious Studies at San Diego State University. See: This subject is worth studying. The website is a historical record compiled by those who wish to honor the memories of those who died. For what its worth, I was aboard a C-141 bound for Travis AFB during late November 1978, along with hundreds of

aluminum transfer cases, which contained the earthly remains of only some of the hundreds of dead souls murdered on board the C-141 with me, and were being flown from Jonestown, Guyana, to Dover AFB, and then on to Travis AFB, with me, which was their final destination and mine. Six months later I find myself slogging through the jungles of Panama learning from the 7th SFG how to hunt and kill peoples, as well as how to survive in a Central American double-canopy jungle environment. The interesting thing, which makes this Jonestown old, deadly CIA groupthink mind control project relevant today, is this: Alex Jones (et al) is (are) running the same identical psychological operation today, with a few minor modifications. Go through the old Peoples Temple tapes, compare them with what Alex Jones says and see (listen) for yourself, and see if this isnt in fact the case. A few people did survive Jonestown, which isnt easy to do after one is brainwashed, activated, goes rogue, is hunted down by special ops from two countries (US, UK), escapes and lives to tell about it. Watch the documentary and see. D7IxGGfpSWk

Happy kids at Peoples Temple Agricultural Project What is unique about this website are three main features: 1. Memorialization of those who died and those who survived the tragedy of 18 November 1978 in order to remember their lives and humanize their deaths. 2. Documentation of the numerous government investigations into Peoples Temple and Jonestown through materials released under the Freedom of Information Act. 3. Presentation of Peoples Temple and its members in their own words: through articles, tapes, letters, photographs and other items. These materials let readers make their own judgments

about the group and its end. See: Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple VIDEO Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple (Full Length) VIDEO Pt. 1 Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple

Pavilion Peoples Temple Agricultural Project Jonestown, Guyana Revisiting the Jonestown tragedy Published by the Church of Scientology International Revisiting the Jonestown tragedy

Freedoms: Ill Wind Behind the Terror Deadly Spiral Children of the State The Hidden Hand of Violence Ca$hing In The Great Brain Injury Scam Human Rights and Freedoms Buying off the Drug Traffic Cop Revisiting the Jonestown tragedy The Great Waste A Fire on the Cross Echoes of the PastHistorical amnesia in Germany In Support of Human Rights

The Black and White of Justice Freedom of Speech at Risk in Cyberspace The Psychiatric Subversion of Justice The Story Behind the Controversy The Internet: The Promise and the Perils Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | Revisiting the Jonestown tragedy Newly released documents shed light on unsolved murders By Thomas G. Whittle and Jan Thorpe In early 1995, Freedom published Jonestown: The Big Lie, an article that examined unanswered questions about the mass deaths in Jonestown, Guyana, in 1978.

Based on years of exhaustive research, that feature documented how one of historys most gruesome cases of mass murder had been written off as mass suicide. Freedoms investigation had continued, with significant new information recently unearthed through the Freedom of Information Act and from other sources. hether they liked him or not, most who knew Leo Ryan agreed he had flamboyance, tenacity, nerve and a knack for drawing attention to social abuses. A man who marched to the beat of his own drum, he galled bureaucrats, some of whom, according to a former aide, viewed the Democratic congressman from Northern California as the worst-case-scenario bull in their china shop. After the riots in Watts in 1965, Ryan, then a California state legislator, traveled to that community under a false identity and became a substitute teacher to investigate conditions in the black community. Five years later, he again went undercover and had himself strip-searched and locked up in Folsom State Prison to discover what life in such a facility was really like. In 1978, he made plans to spend that Christmas season incognito once again, this time as a Postal Service employee to investigate complaints of bad working conditions. As a congressman, his brassiness caused him to routinely do things which to others were unthinkable, such as dropping in at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, to interrogate the spymasters about what they hadnt been telling Congress. He was, according to a source formerly close to Ryan, and who once accompanied him on a trip to Langley, a pain in their ass.

As a member of the House of Representatives International Relations Committee and its foremost CIA critic, he was the House sponsor of the Hughes-Ryan Amendment, a 1974 law that required the CIA to notify eight separate committees of Congress totaling some 200 legislators and staffprior to conducting undercover operations. Hughes-Ryan also banned CIA covert paramilitary operations which were not expressly approved by the president and Congress. The agency hated this, a former Ryan associate told Freedom. But the Hughes-Ryan Amendment, which seriously restricted CIA covert operations internationally, was only one index of Leo Ryans impact. In 1975, Ryan leaked word of the CIAs involvement in the Angolan civil war to CBS newsman Daniel Schorr, creating a wave of major embarrassment for the agency which reverberated for years. In 1977 and 1978, Ryan pressured the agency to reveal the extent of its involvement in psychiatric mind-control experiments. Among the tests he pushed to expose were those performed in the early 1970s on inmates at a state hospital in Vacaville, California, which may have included among their subjects Donald DeFreeze, known as Cinque, a central figure in the 1974 kidnapping of Patricia Hearst. Liabilities According to sources, Congressman Ryan routinely did things which to others were unthinkable, such as dropping in at CIA

headquarters (above) to interrogate spymasters about what they hadnt been telling Congress. By poking into intelligence agency-sponsored psychiatric experiments with DeFreeze and closely related subjects, Ryan stirred up a mixture that threatened to explode with major criminal and civil liability. On September 25, 1978, less than two months before the Jonestown tragedy, Ryan submitted a petition to then President Jimmy Carter, seeking to have Patricia Hearsts seven-year prison term commuted to the 18 months she had already served. In October 1978, a month before Jonestown, investigative reporter Jack Anderson published a syndicated column entitled CIA May Have Inspired Cinque, based on information that most likely had been leaked by Ryan or someone in his committee. The column detailed statements from one Clifford Jefferson, who claimed to have known DeFreeze while they were incarcerated together and to have participated in psychiatric experiments with various drugs, including mescaline, Quaalude and Artane. According to Jefferson, DeFreeze stated that he had gone through the same tests and also knew of stress tests that were given to prisoners in which they were kept in solitary, harassed and annoyed until they would do anything asked of them to get out; then they were given these drugs and would become like robots. He [DeFreeze] said that when he got out, he would get a revolutionary group to kidnap some rich person. They would hold that person tied up in a dark place, keep him frightened and in

fear of his life, then give him mescaline and other drugs, and the person would become a robot and do anything he was asked to do including killing others. He thought a good one to kidnap would be one of the Kennedys. Then the revolutionary group would get great publicity and could get the person to get them money. Although DeFreeze died in a 1974 shootout with Los Angeles police, CIA documents have since confirmed the agency did perform drug tests on inmates at Vacaville under its MK-Ultra program. These tests aimed at studying what effects drugs and stress had on prisoners to determine at what point individuals would break and become willing to follow orders blindly. As described by Dr. Lawrence T. Clanon, Vacaville superintendent, the CIA appeared interested in whether drugs could be used in questioning people or gaining their cooperation, or combating that effect. Leo Ryans spotlight had been trained upon one of the darkest and ugliest corners of the American intelligence establishment, one for which the level of culpability could scarcely be measured psychiatric mind-control experiments, possibly combined with an illegal domestic operationand one which elevated his status from gadfly to mortal enemy. I told him to leave them alone, a former Ryan associate told Freedom. The congressman was accustomed to busting down doors, he said, a dangerous practice when dealing with an agency experienced in the art of assassination. Ryan, however, pressed ahead.

Documents Released In March 1997, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced that it would release for the first time nearly 39,000 additional pages of documents concerning Jonestown, the Peoples Temple and related matters under the Freedom of Information Act. As these documents become available and are examined, new revelations concerning the mass deaths at Jonestown in 1978 and the killing of Congressman Ryan continue to mount. The documents include 8,603 pages from the FBIs investigative file and an additional 30,229 pages. The bureau made the papers available based on a 1993 FOIA request filed by Freedom. At the time of his death, Leo Ryans spotlight was trained on one of the darkest corners of the American intelligence establishment psychiatric mind-control experiments, possibly combined with illegal domestic operations. His probe included tests performed at a Vacaville, California, state hospital (above), reportedly involving Donald (known as Cinque, top) DeFreeze, a central figure in the 1974 kidnapping of Patricia Hearst. A month before Ryans murder, Jack Anderson (right) published a column entitled CIA May Have Inspired Cinque, exposing the secret experiments, with Ryan or his committee the most likely source of the information. Contrary to what is popularly reported in the media, the FBI files document the Peoples Temple as a mainstream religious congregation, with statements on behalf of the group by a range of political figures including Senators Walter Mondale, Hubert Humphrey, Henry Jackson, Sam Ervin Jr., Warren Magnuson and Mike Gravel, Congressmen Philip Burton, Ron Dellums and Don Edwards, Congresswomen Bella Abzug and Patsy Mink.

The papers demonstrate wide support for the organization. Actress and activist Jane Fonda wrote: I also recommit myself to your congregation as an active full participantnot only for myself, but because I want my two children to have the experience. They also show its leader, Jim Jones, as a respected minister of the Disciples of Christ, the Protestant church of former President Lyndon Johnson and millions of other Americans. And they show that while the church underwent a long period of harassment, surveillance and infiltration at the hands of government intelligence agents, these intensified once the group, founded in Indiana, relocated to San Francisco, and particularly after its headquarters moved to Guyana. Indeed, in 1977 and 1978 came anonymous threats against the Peoples Temple, accompanied by random acts of violence against group members. It was in late 1977 that heavy pressure began on Ryan to visit Jonestownpressure which built to a crescendo shortly before he agreed to go. Those pushing him to take action against cults included psychologist Margaret Singer, while others, among them Tim Stoen, a former member and top aide to Jim Jones with alleged ties to the CIA, pressured Ryan to visit Jonestown. (See The Real Cult,.) Infiltrated with Agents The nearly 39,000 pages of documents released by the FBI to Freedom under the Freedom of Information Act document the Peoples Temple as a mainstream congregation and show it enjoyed wide support, as from Jane Fonda, who wrote: I also

recommit myself to your congregation as an active full participant not only for myself, but because I want my two children to have the experience. More than 20 months after Leo Ryan was killed, his five adult childrentwo sons and three daughtersfiled a lawsuit based on extensive investigation into what had precipitated their fathers death. Filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California on July 31, 1980, the suit asked for general damages of $3 million, plus costs for Congressman Ryans funeral and bringing the action. The lawsuit charged that the Jonestown Colony was infiltrated with agent(s) of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. [That] the name of one said agent was Phillip Blakey, a trusted aide of Peoples Temple leader James Warren Jones. [T]hat said agents were working with the Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency to use the Jonestown Colony as part of the Central Intelligence Agencys MK Ultra program. [T]hat massive quantities of mind-control drugs were found at the Jonestown colony after the fatal incident of November 18, 1978. Phillip Blakey had traveled to Guyana to select the site for Jonestown and to begin clearing land. He was one of the few survivors of the mass killing.

The lawsuit furthermore charged that Richard Dwyer doubled as an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency and that Dwyer arranged for the transportation of decedent [Ryan] and his party once in Guyana; briefed decedent and his party on the events and conditions at Jonestown upon their arrival; and escorted decedent and his party to Jonestown in November 1978. It alleged that Dwyer as an agent and employee of the Central Intelligence Agency negligently, maliciously and intentionally withheld crucial information about the Jonestown Colony which would have prevented harm to decedent. It further charged that Dwyer knowingly, intentionally and maliciously led [Ryan] into a trap at the Port Kaituma Air Strip, which cost decedent his life. The Ryans lawsuit was dismissed for reasons that have to date never been fully disclosed. A source close to the family who aided them in their quest for justice told Freedom of threats received which he attributed to the CIA. Every time he made a move, he said, a warning would arrive on his doorstep by a circuitous route. A letter would show up, for example, he said, stating, Were watching you. Mass Murder Although many others lost their lives on November 18, 1978, according to Dr. C. Leslie Mootoo, then chief medical examiner of Guyana, the overwhelming majority of the deaths at Jonestown were murders, not suicides.

Dr. Mootoo, the governments top pathologist and the first physician on the scene, told Freedom that many had died from injections of cyanide. After 32 hours of nonstop work in stifling heat, amid decaying flesh, in Mootoos words, We gave up. By that time, 187 bodies killed by injections had been examined by Mootoo and his team. Victims had been injected in portions of their bodies they could not have reached themselves, such as between the shoulder blades or in the back of an upper arm. Those who were injecting them knew what they were doing, Mootoo said. Many others had been shot. Charles Huff, a former member of the U.S. Army Special Forces in Panama, was one of the seven Green Berets who were the first American troops on the scene following the massacre. He told Freedom, We saw many bullet wounds as well as wounds from crossbow bolts. Huff noted that those with fatal bullet or bolt wounds appeared to have been running toward the jungle that surrounded Jonestown. Corroborating the information from Dr. Mootoo, Huff said that the adults who had not been shot had been killed by injections between the shoulder blades. The killers escaped before the arrival of Huff and his team. U.S. Air Force Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who worked closely in key positions with the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff for many years, told Freedom that Leo Ryan had moved in too close to certain skeletons that could never be safely disturbed. A relentless and uncompromising investigator, nothing could stop Ryan short of violence. But how could such a high-profile personality be eliminated without bringing down upon the perpetrators an investigation to end all investigations?

A very real possibility is that by making the assassination part of an even larger catastrophe, the central drama itselfthat of a courageous individual blocked from probing reports of illegal, unconstitutional, government-sponsored psychiatric mindcontrol activitieswas obscured. Colonel Prouty noted evidence of the involvement of a larger force in the operation: The Joint Chiefs of Staff had prepared air shipments of hundreds of body bags. They didnt normally keep that many in any one place. Within hours, they began to shuttle them down to Georgetown, the main city. They couldnt possibly have done that without prior knowledge that it was going to happen. It shows that there was prior planning. Prouty said, We would provide the agency with the things they were requesting, without any questions. Thats the way the business works. At Jonestown, he said, the JCS provided the body bags, the airlift and all the rest on a timetable that shows advance knowledge. The JCS wouldnt have moved at all on their own, he said. They didnt give a damn about Jonestown. These and other unusual events, he noted, are the kinds of earmarks that define the hand of American intelligence. Nearly two decades after the death of Congressman Leo Ryan, America is still owed a definitive explanation for the many unresolved questions surrounding the tragedy. To begin, all documents and records from all relevant agencies should be released in full. Only then might the full truth be known.

Dr. C. Leslie Mootoo, then Guyanas chief medical examiner and the first physician on the scene after Congressman Ryans death, worked nonstop for 32 hours, examining 187 bodies murdered by injection before he and his team gave up due to the stifling heat. Many others had been shot, Ryan himself reportedly 12 times Source: page04.htm | Previous | Scientology Glossary | Contents | Next | | Your view | Scientology Related Sites | Bookstore | Church of Scientology Freedom Magazine | 1997-2008 Church of Scientology International. All Rights Reserved. For Trademark Information on Scientology Services. see:

Uploaded by PBS on Mar 26, 2009 The activist priest Father Roy Bourgeois campaigns to close the U.S. Army School of the Americas. and: The School of the Americas (SOA) is a combat training school for Latin American soldiers, located at Fort Benning, Georgia. In 2001 renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) See: See: See: professor-adrienne-pine-and-father-roy-bourgeois-take-on-thedod-cia-and-msm/
Posted in Activism, Crime, Culture, Eschatology, Ethics, Government, history, Law, Media, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Religion, Science, Society, Symbolism, Terrorism, Theology, Uncategorized, Violence | Tagged 7th SFG, 911Truth, Adrienne Pine, Alex Jones, CIA, Congressman lRyan, cult, death, desensitization, drugs, Father Roy Bourgeois, fear, groupthink, Jim Jones, Jimmy Carter, Jonestown, Latin America, Leo Ryan, Los Zetas, mass murder, mass suicide, Mexico, mind control, murder, psychological operations, sensory depravation, sensory excitation, SOA Watch, SOA/ WHINSEC, social experiment, South America, terror, US Congress | 1 Comment | Edit

Professor Adrienne Pine and Father Roy Bourgeois take on the DoD, CIA, andMSM
Posted on September 14, 2012 by ajmacdonaldjr

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VIDEO - Interview Jim Douglass MLK, JFK, RFK and the Unspeakable VIDEO - Mexican Poet Javier Sicilia Brings Peace Caravan Into U.S. to Condemn Deadly Drug War See: Marines vs. Zetas: U.S. Hunts Drug Cartels in Guatemala DEA agents out of control in Honduras: 9bi5dAa1wJE Dear Colleague, I am an anthropologist who has been working to expose the U.S. role in supporting last years military coup and its resulting administrations and policies in Honduras. Here are several of the articles I have written over the past year: Message Control: Field Notes on Washingtons Golpistas WOLA vs. Honduran Democracy

Saving Honduras? I write to let you know about a dangerous new turn in the use of the academy, and of anthropology in particular, to legitimate U.S. military occupation and invasion of Latin American countries, and to ask for your help in challenging it. The threat in question is a partnership between the U.S. Militarys Southern Command (SOUTHCOM, the Pentagons arm in Latin America and responsible for all U.S. bases the region) and Florida International University (FIU). See: In solidarity, Adrienne Pine Assistant Professor of Anthropology American University Washington, DC The same non-violence non-profits who take CIA money when they can get it (Im not talking about ICNC, which just shares an accountant, has parallel goals, and whose president used to work there; ICNC has enough junk bond money to operate on its own) also give non-violent communication trainings and are inserting themselves wherever they can in the OWS movement. In DC, this

is particularly worrisome, since the think-tank/lobbying/pro-USG logic is so hegemonic. And Ive received four email invitations this week to attend think tank and right-wing academic seminars on What the Occupy Wall Street Movement Means and Why it Should Matter to Me. Framing is everything. Who gets to speak, what they get to say, whether their whole movement can be invalidated because somebody got justifiably angry and threw a rock. We dont need to be tackling the rock-thrower. People throwing rocks doesnt explain or justify the police violence I saw and felt in Oakland last Tuesday. We need to be tackling the derivative Christian logic of non-violence (but lacking the possibilities of liberation theology) that chastises the oppressed for rising up against the oppressor, using fictitious narratives about Egypts and Eastern European countries revolutions as legitimation. And when people come to town claiming to speak for a revolution and making their way into lefty media with the same bland lies, we need to be asking who is paying for their plane ticket, and why the hell are they not back at home, where their revolution is not in great shape at all. ~ Professor Adrienne Pine American University, Washington, DC Source: Resisting the Cult of Non-Violence: node/2021 Adrienne Pines research begins in Honduras, and employs a vertical slice approach to analyze the mechanisms supporting empire and the daily usurpations of democracy there and in the United States. She examines the non-profit industrial complex, the militarized and corporatized academy, diverse actors and institutions in the U.S. and Honduran governments, and the Honduran resistance movement in order to better understand how structures of violence prevent democratic processes from taking hold. Pine has been described as a one-woman wrecking

crew against the golpistas in Honduras and their handlers, paymasters, apologists and lackeys in DC and sees militant anthropology as a key factor in overthrowing the corporatocracy. She is based in Washington, DC, where she learns from and teaches anthropology to the fabulous students at American University. Adrienne Pines blog September 2012 MSM Smear - American University professor breast-feeds sick baby in class, sparking debate: http:// 2012/09/11/54a06856-fc12-11e1-8adc-499661afe377_story.html September 2012 MSM Smear Breast-feeding while teaching isnt what makes this woman a boob: http:// Why We Should All Shut Up About American Universitys Breastfeeding Professor: why-we-should-all-shut-up-about-american-universitysbreastfeeding-professor/ SEPTEMBER 05, 2012 The Dialectics of Breastfeeding on Campus Exposing My Breasts on the Internet by ADRIENNE PINE

See: See: Why AU and the MSM hate Professor Pine: Honduran Scholars Call on US to Cease Support for Military and Police Adrienne Pine: 40 Honduran scholars, supported by 300 academics from 29 countries, sent a letter to President Obama demanding the end of U.S. support for Honduran military and police trainingand that the war on drugs is not a rationale for supporting a regime that is violently suppressing its own people. Watch full multipart Honduran coup. VIDEO - Honduran Scholars Call on US to Cease Support for Military and Police w/Adrienne Pine: index.php? option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=84 50 PBS VIDEO - Father Roy and the School of the Assassins Uploaded by PBS on Mar 26, 2009 The activist priest Father Roy Bourgeois campaigns to close the U.S. Army School of the Americas. Category: Documentary PBS VIDEO Father Roy: Inside the School of Assassins: http://

Close the SOA: I have personal, professional experience with this myself, having been in Central America during the time when the illegal, covert Iran-Contra activities first began taking place in Nicaragua. I was with the US Army in Panama at Fort Sherman, Canal Zone being trained by the 7th Special Forces Group in how to conduct counter-insurgency combat operations and how to survive in a jungle environment (JOTC Jungle Expert 1979 Scouts CSC 3/32 7th ID (Light). The CIA was at Fort Sherman too, along with the 7th SFG, which has as its theater of operations all of Latin America. The School of the Americas (SOA) along with Fort Sherman was run by the CIA and the 7th SFG. The SOA is where the USG trained, as they did me, soldiers from every Latin American nation in how to conduct counter insurgency combat operations and how to survive in a jungle environment. Both Fort Sherman and the SOA were, then, the U.S. Armys jungle warfare training center for light infantry and special operations units from 1953 to 1999. SOA soldiers, upon graduation, returned home to the Latin American nations from whence they had come, in order to destabilize their home countries by conducting murderous deathsquad operations upon their own peoples, so that the governments of these nation would fall into line with the will of the much stronger USG. El Salvador, during the 1980s, is one horrendous example of what 7th SFG trained these soldiers to do. Who are Los Zetas? and where did they learn their craft? See:

Ive been in Mexico quite a few times over the years to see whats happening there. Mexico Announces Capture of Gulf Cartels Top Leader: http:// VIDEO - COMANDO ARMADO EN CREEL CHIHUAHUA VIDEO GRABADO COMETIENDO MASACRE VIDEO Interview Jim Douglass MLK, JFK, RFK and the Unspeakable

Father Roy: Inside the School of Assassins

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1/13/2012 Jewish Newspaper Editor: Israel Should Consider Assassinating Obama: For many years, students from American University, George Washington University, Georgetown University and the University of Maryland have set out in person for lawmakers offices to lobby on behalf of Israel. All four schools coordinated to send a total of more than 60 students to 31 senators offices on a lobbying day last month. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (the largest Israel lobby in D.C.-either centrist or right-wing, depending on who you ask) called in a representative from each school, where they talked about why an advocacy trip was so important right now, said Micah Deligdish, a junior at American and the political director of AU Students for Israel. From there, the groups organized to go to the Hill on the same day. ~ Zach C. Cohen Zach C. Cohen is the gay Jew New Voices associate editor and political correspondent who smears innocent peace and justice advocates. Hes a piece of Ziotrash and is currently the student life

editor of The Eagle at American University. Zach has contributed writing and reporting to TIME Magazine, The Jewish Daily Forward, AWOL, AmWord and the Suburban News. Follow him on Twitter at @Zachary_Cohen. The racist spin is an important part of Stakelbeck and CUFIs agenda. The description of the event on CUFIs website stated, the pure hatred which faced the CUFI on Campus chapter at Portland State University during a recent event demonstrates the shocking levels of anti-Semitism simmering just underneath the surface on many of Americas leading universities. In other words, if youre against CUFI, you must be anti-Semitic. This youre-either-with us-or-against-us rhetoric is detrimental to pro-Israel advocacy because it alienates potential allies with diverse views. This tactic paints a large and complex group of people with broad strokes. CUFI and Stakelbeck had their paintbrushes at the ready. Returning from Israel with a bad taste in their mouths: http:// The gay Jews come to AU: id=0128 February 23, 2012 | Zach C. Cohen Jewish LGBT activist Dan Furmansky gives the keynote speech | Zach C. Cohen

The gay Jews come to AU id=0128 Beyond Tolerance The Fight for Tolerance Conference a revelation for some in double minority A small and close-knit group, the queer Jewish community represents a double minority a minority of Jews are LGBT, and a minority of the LGBT community is Jewish.

Trolling Voldemort
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Jim Traficant talks about Jewish control of America: http:// VIDEO Interview Jim Douglass MLK, JFK, RFK and the Unspeakable
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9/11, Iran-Contra, andTreason

Posted on September 11, 2012 by ajmacdonaldjr

War is always by Deception

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0:00 / 3:05:55

The best documentary film about 9/11, which had its roots in Iran-Contra, is War is always by Deception. Ryan Dawson, who made this excellent documentary, which, if it were shown on television, would make truthers a foolish term out of any thinking American who loves America, as I do. As Dr. King once said: I love America, and there can be no great disappointment where there is no great love. I, to, have a great love for America and, because of this, like Dr. King, I and am greatly disappointed with America. Our federal government has been and is TREASONOUS ever since the Republican run Iran-Contra treason and plot was officially covered-up by the Democrats who, at that time, controlled the US Congress. This treason and misprision of treason, which occurred during the late 1970s, has, since the investigations were completed and the treason covered-up rather than exposed, during the early 1980s, plunged America into an absolute despotism, which is official and on the record at GWU in Washington, DC. According to the Declaration of Independence, this gives ALL Americans Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Green Party the right and THE DUTY to do as the Declaration tells us, now: Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing

the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. See: http:// The Summer of Justice 2013 DC is the vehicle through which ALL Americans CAN do ALL of the above IF WE HAVE THE COURAGE TO DO SO. At this crucial moment in American history WE HAVE NO OTHER OPTION and THIS WILL WORK. See: 9/11 was a fatal, hubristic overreach by our despotic federal government, which was perpetrated in cooperation with the government of Israel in order to further these criminal governments murderous agenda for the world and for ALL American citizens: to place us under ABSOLUTE DESPOTISM. As I said: 9/11 was a fatal, hubristic overreach on the part of the US and Israeli governments, which will soon be their undoing, and the American people need to prepare themselves for this.

In other words: on 9/11 they went too far, thinking: After all the false-flag terror attacks we have perpetrated upon the American peoples (e.g. the OK City Bombing, the WTC 93 Bombing, the Embassy Bombings, the attack upon the USS Cole), and after our governments and news media convinced, via propaganda, virtually every American we were not behind these attacks, and that our enemies were, we can blow those THREE WTC buildings and GET AWAY WITH TERRORISM AGAIN. Had they not brought down via pre-placed explosives WTC 7, I think they would have gotten away with 9/11 too. But they did, and they havent. Too many people know the truth. Rational people architects and engineers have logically and scientifically PROVEN WTC buildings 1, 2, and 7 were brought down via pre-placed explosives (see video below).

EVERYTHING our federal government has told us about the events of that horrible day has been A LIE except for the fact than NEARLY 3,000 innocent peoples were MURDERED ON 9/11 BY THE US AND ISRAELI GOVERNMENTS, WHO IMMEDIATELY BLAMED THIS HORRIFIC AND MURDEROUS EVENT ON THEIR PERCEIVED ENEMIES: INNOCENT MUSLIMS, WHO HAVE NEVER PERPETRATED ANY TERROR ATTACKS ON US SOIL. Dont continue to be deceived. Watch this documentary and ask questions. Think for yourself. Do research on 9/11. Compare what the truthers say to what THE LIARS say and you will discover this UGLY TRUTH. Wikipedia: The Iran-Contra scandal began as an operation to free seven American hostages being held by a group with Iranian ties connected to the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. It was planned that Israel would ship weapons to Iran, and then the U.S. would resupply Israel and receive the Israeli payment. The Iranian recipients promised to do everything in their power to achieve the release of the U.S. hostages. The plan deteriorated into an arms-for-hostages scheme, in which members of the executive branch sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of the American hostages. Large modifications to the plan were devised by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North of the National Security Council in late 1985, in which a portion of the proceeds from the weapon sales was diverted to fund anti-Sandinista and anti-communist rebels, or Contras, in Nicaragua. (See: here.)

During the time period when the illegal, covert Iran-Contra activities first began taking place in Nicaragua, where the Contras were operating, I was with the US Army in Panama at Fort Sherman, Canal Zone being trained by the 7th Special Forces Group in how to conduct counter-insurgency combat operations and how to survive in a jungle environment (JOTC Jungle Expert 1979 Scouts CSC 3/32 7th ID (Light). The CIA was at Fort Sherman too, along with the 7th SFG, which has as its theater of operations all of Latin America. The School of the Americas (SOA) was located close to Fort Sherman and was also run by the CIA and 7th SFG. The SOA is where the USG trained, as they did me, soldiers from every Latin American nation in how to conduct counter insurgency combat operations and how to survive in a jungle environment. Both Fort Sherman and the SOA were, then, the U.S. Armys jungle warfare training center for light infantry and special operations units from

1953 to 1999. SOA soldiers, upon graduation, returned home to the Latin American nations from whence they had come, in order to destabilize their home countries by conducting murderous death-squad operation upon their own peoples, so that the governments of these nation would fall into line with the will of the much stronger United States Government. El Salvador, during the 1980s, is one horrendous example of what 7th SFG trained these soldiers to do.

Los Zetas Murder, Terror, and Psyops US Trained

In 2012, the 7th SFG is operating in Mexico, where they are training soldiers to combat Los Zetas, a cartel that is unfriendly to the US and Mexican governments, in order to defeat Los Zetas, which is the upstart cartel that has reeked murderous havoc, terror, and psychological warfare upon the peoples of Mexico. Los Zetas is made up of former Mexican Special Forces (GAFE) soldiers who, when they got out of the military, decided to hire themselves out as security to the various cartels in Mexico. These elite, well trained soldiers soon realized that, since they

were the best trained and most professional soldiers in Mexico, and since they were the security for virtually every cartel, they should go rogue, form their own cartel: Los Zetas, and go into business for themselves. These former Mexican Special Forces soldiers of Los Zetas were all trained by the USG the CIA and the 7th SFG at the School of the Americas, which, today, is located where I once went through US Army Infantry Training School: Fort Benning, Georgia, as well as the home of the US Special Forces: Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Most people know nothing of these things, although, if you look into it, you will find this is all open source intelligence, which is available to anyone with a computer using a search engine, and I strongly suggest you research this. As I said, since Iran-Contra, which is something you need to begin researching as well, BOTH political parties in American have become officially and on record: TRAITOROUS, and we, the American peoples must unite Democrat and Republican in order to abolish this government and form a new one in whatever form we see fit, in order to provide new guards for our security and establish the peace, safety and justice governments of every kind are instituted to protect. The time is now, as we have no other option. I didnt read a book about the CIA and the 7th SFG doing all of this: Ive lived it, and I have been to Mexico many times since, in order to see for myself what hell on earth is going on there, now.

Please heed what I am telling you, do some research about all of this, including 9/11, and begin to organize and spread this ugly truth by telling your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. Prepare yourselves too, for a very long, very cold winter, and very tyrannical and depressing winter, because I expect a US military coup de etat to occur any day now, due to the US militarys being DONE with the Washington politicians, their treason, their allegiance to and conspiring with the government of Israel in order to perpetrate the horror of 9/11 upon the American peoples, the citizens of NYC, and especially the NYFD and the NYPD. And when you do, expect to be called a nutjob and a kook, and expected to be asked: Are you off your medication?, because I hear this foolishness from FOOLS all the time. Consider the source, as I do: FOOLS.

Terror NYC 9/11/2001 Joint US-Israeli Murder, Terror, and Psyop

See: Keeping the Art of Jungle Warfare Alive: http:// See: HISTORY CHANNEL VIDEO 102 Minutes that changed America -The Horror of 9/11 Who would do this?! The US and Israeli governments: See: PBS VIDEO The School of the Assassins: GhgBvG1SDzM See: US Senator Bob Kerry (US Navy SEAL) admit 9/11 is a 30 year-old conspiracy, going back to Iran-Contra: 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey claims 911 was a 30 year conspiracy: See: The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations @ National Security Archives, George Washington University: http:// See: George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton: Corruption, Cocaine, and Murder: george-h-w-bush-and-bill-clinton-corruption-cocaine-andmurder/ 9-11 WTC 7 Demolition Penthouse Collapse Close Up, Flashes, And Gas Ejections [WCBS2]: See: Ryan Dawsons 9/11 documentary explaining how 9/11 is a 30 year conspiracy going back to Iran-Contra: War is Always by Deception

See: 18 USC Chapter 115 TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES: text/18/part-I/chapter-115 VIDEO - COMANDO ARMADO EN CREEL CHIHUAHUA VIDEO GRABADO COMETIENDO MASACRE: http:// VIDEO A. J. MacDonald, Jr. on Politics: http:// v=TAdIGeXS9hE&list=PLC8CCFA51FDDE9CAE&feature=plpp_ play_all See: VIDEO The 911 Cover up with Peter Lance Part 1: http:// VIDEO The 911 Cover up with Peter Lance Part 2: http:// (5th SFG connection to 9/11) Peters books, including his latest and most important book: Triple Cross, are on Peters Amazon Author Page: http:// My review of Triple Cross: member-reviews/AUA817NZQUD44/ref=cm_cr_pr_auth_rev? ie=UTF8&sort_by=MostRecentReview Website of Peter Lance:

Peter Lances 9/11 Timeline (1981 2006): http:// VIDEO - 9 11 THE GREAT CONSPIRACY (full length) News Special You NEVER SAW: v=pc1IqCHsef8 It is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period. ~ Col. Alan Sobrosky PhD USMC (Ret.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Dr. Sabroskys teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). See here for quote [AUDIO]: http:// See also: VIDEO WCBS WTC 7 9/11/2001 5:20 pm: And I have a final message here for those sworn elected and appointed officials of the US Government who have betrayed their oaths in order to serve Israel, for those around the government who have facilitated this effort, and for Israel itself. You all have been discovered. Your treason, treachery and crimes are known. You may not believe it yet, but your political and strategic Judgment Day is finally appearing on the horizon, as surely as it came for Nineveh and Tyre in ancient times, for the infamous Third Reich in 1945, and for the Soviet Union two decades ago. Beware. We are coming for you. ~ Col. Alan Sobrosky PhD USMC (Ret.)

Dr. Sobroskys Paper: US-Military-Knows-Israel-Did-9-11-Alan-Sobrosky-USMC FOX NEWS SPECIAL REPORT: Israeli spies in America who knew about 9/11 before it happened: JWpWc_suPWo

AE911Truth Experts Speak Out

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Posted in Activism, Crime, Ethics, Government, history, Law, Politics, Psychology, Uncategorized | Tagged 2001, 5th SFG, 7th SFG, 9/11, 911 Timeline, 911Truth, Ali Mohammed, America, CIA, courage, Declaration of Independence, DoD, false ag terror, fear, Fort Benning, Forth Bragg, hanging, intimidation, Iran-Contra, Israel, JFK School of Special Warfare, justice, Latin America, law, lies, Los Zetas, mass murder, Mexican drug cartels, Mexico, misprision of treason, murder, Nicaragua, Panama, Peter Lance, propaganda, psyop, September 11, Special Forces, terror, terrorism, terrorists, treason, Triple Cross, truth, US Army, US Code, USG, War on Terror, Washington DC | 1 Comment | Edit

The Iran-Contra Treason andPlot

Posted on September 9, 2012 by ajmacdonaldjr

Lt. Daniel Inouye US Army American Hero

When I was a child, in third grade, every kid in our class was told to write a letter to a senator in Washington, DC, where I was born. I was living in Rockville, Maryland, which is only 11 miles from the District line, and I decided to write Senator Daniel Inouye (DHI), because I thought Hawaii was too cool, even then (when I went to my first duty assignment, in the US Army, at 17, I was stationed at Scofield Barracks, Hawaii). Well, fast forward 44 years and I am no longer 8 years old I am now 52. And Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI) is still a senator on Capitol Hill.

Why, we might ask? For one thing, there are no term limits on elected federal representatives of the people, except for the president. And, for another thing, Senator Daniel Inouye is a true American hero, or at least he used to be. Read his story, because its fascinating! I am surprised that when I look up the word: hero a photograph of Senator Daniel Inouye is not next to the word: hero, because it damn sure should be. However, after the Iran-Contra treason and plot was discovered, Senator Inouye along with ALL of the Democrats in Washington covered-up this Republican treason and plot, which was a dastardly treason that should never be forgot.

America has been officially, and on record in the hands of TRAITORS and MURDERERS ever since that time, and it has

taken until now for this TREASON to come to a head, which it has now done. ALL THOSE SORRY, TREASONOUS POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON ARE DONE! Daniel Inouye, US Army A True American Hero: http:// TRAITOR Senator Daniel Inouye officially COVERS UP IranContra: Iran-Contra is when the TREASON officially took place BOTH PARTIES: 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey claims 9/11 is a 30 year conspiracy: Iran-Contra: George Washington University Washington, DC: National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 2 The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations: NSAEBB/NSAEBB2/nsaebb2.htm But Im a nutjob, a kook, and off my medication, right? Right! ROFLMFAO War by Deception Directors Cut (911 and Iraq lies from the same cabal): See:

Me, in third grade: fbid=500477903314224&set=t. 100000560571959&type=1&theater My third grade class photo: photo.php?fbid=500482176647130&set=t. 100000560571959&type=1&theater Me at Scofield Barracks, Hawaii 1977: https:// 101213973240621.2634.100000560571959&type=3&theater It is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period. ~ Col. Alan Sobrosky PhD USMC (Ret.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Dr. Sabroskys teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). See here for quote [AUDIO]: See also: VIDEO WCBS WTC 7 9/11/2001 5:20 pm: http://

Col. Alan Sobrosky PhD USMC (Ret.)

And I have a final message here for those sworn elected and appointed officials of the US Government who have betrayed their oaths in order to serve Israel, for those around the government who have facilitated this effort, and for Israel itself. You all have been discovered. Your treason, treachery and crimes are known. You may not believe it yet, but your political and strategic Judgment Day is finally appearing on the horizon, as surely as it came for Nineveh and Tyre in ancient times, for the infamous Third Reich in 1945, and for the Soviet Union two decades ago. Beware. We are coming for you. ~ Col. Alan Sobrosky PhD USMC (Ret.) See: Dr. Sobroskys Paper: US-Military-Knows-Israel-Did-9-11-Alan-Sobrosky-USMC FOX NEWS SPECIAL REPORT: Israeli spies in America who knew about 9/11 before it happened: JWpWc_suPWo

War is always by Deception

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Posted in Activism, Crime, Ethics, Government, history, Law, Politics, Society, Uncategorized, Violence | Tagged 9/11, 911Truth, Bill Clinton, cover-up, Daniel Inouye, deception, DoD, George H W Bush, George W Bush, George Washington University, Hawaii, hero, Iran-Contra, Israel, Mossad, National Security, Neocons, people, plot, politicians, Politics, senator, traitors, treason, war, Washington DC | Leave a comment | Edit

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Connect the dots Mark Lane, a CIA lawyer, is with Jim Jones at Jonestown !WARNING! PSEUDO-PATRIOT ALEX JONES IS RUNNING A JONESTOWN-STYLE CIA MIND-CONTROL PSYOP ON THE PATRIOTIC AMERICAN PEOPLE! Political Situation 2012-2013 Many others had been shot. Professor Adrienne Pine and Father Roy Bourgeois take on the DoD, CIA, and MSM 1 Shooting Cops? How R on !WARNING! PSEUDO-PATRI !WARNING! PS on Shooting Cops? How Ryan Dawson Professor Adrienne P on Many others had been sho Many others had bee on Professor Adrienne Pine and Fa Professor Adrienne P on 9/11, IranContra, and Tr

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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC Connect the dots Mark Lane, a CIA/lawyer, is with Jim Jones at Jonestown Mark Lane goes to work at The Spotlight on Capitol Hill in Washington Timothy McVeigh takes out an ad for a phone card The Spotlight is selling in their newspaper. ADL tells the media this after the OKC bombing. the Spotlight is sued, loses, and changes its name to The

American Free Press, with Michael Collins Piper still at its helm, which he has been at for 30 years (= Jonestown/IranContra) Christopher Bollyn is one of the rst AFP

PHOTO - Mark Glenn Fake Catholic, DoD, CIA disinformation propagandist ...See More
Connect the dots Mark Lane, a CIA lawyer, is with Jim Jones at Jonestown ajmacdonaldjr.wordpress.comLane goes to work at The Spotlight on Capitol Hill in Washington... Timothy McVeigh takes out an ad for a phone card The Spotlight is selling in their newspaper.... ADL tells the media this after t...

ab out a mi nut e ag o

Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC

Timothy McVeigh takes out an ad for a phone card The Spotlight is selling in their newspaper.... ADL tells the media this after the OKC bombing.... the Spotlight is sued, loses, and changes its name to The American Free Press, with Michael Collins Piper still at its helm, which he has been at for 30 years (= Jonestown/Iran-Contra)... Christopher Bollyn is one of the rst... Mark Glenn - Fake Catholic, DoD, CIA disinformation propagandist... "Israel did 9/11" writers and activists on the 911Truth scene immediately after 9/11, followed by Eric Hufschmid, and, eventually, Mark Glenn of The Ugly Truth Radio Network
Connect the dots Mark Lane, a CIA lawyer, is with Jim Jones at Jonestown ajmacdonaldjr.wordpress.comLane goes to work at The Spotlight on Capitol Hill in Washington... Timothy McVeigh takes out an ad for a phone card The Spotlight is selling in their newspaper.... ADL tells the media this after t...

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!WARNING! PSEUDO-PATRIOT ALEX JONES IS RUNNING A JONESTOWN-STYLE CIA MIND-CONTROL PSYOP ON THE PAT ajmacdonaldjr.wordpress.comThis subject is worth studying. The website is a historical record compiled by those who wish to honor the memories of those who died. For what its worth, I was aboard a C-141 bound for Travis AFB...

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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC

From the FBI: Marijuana: Mexico is the number one foreign supplier of marijuana abused in the United States. In fact, according to a 2008 inter-agency report, marijuana is the top revenue generator for Mexican DTOsa cash crop that nances corruption and the carnage of violence year after year. The prots derived from marijuana traffickingan industry with minimal overhead costs, controlled entirely by the traffickers are used not only to nance other drug enterprises by Mexicos poly-drug cartels, but also to pay recurring business expenses, purchase weapons, and bribe corrupt officials. Though the GOM has a robust eradication program, many of the military personnel traditionally assigned to eradicate marijuana and opium poppy have recently been diverted to the offensive against the cartels. See:
FBI - 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment Emerging Trends www.scribd.comThe FBIs 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment Emerging Trends. Things are out of control and getting worse. This is required reading for all those whose desire is to work for Peace and Justice in America. The FBI does good work when ghting real crime, and not manufacturing fake, set-up, terror p...

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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC From the FBI: Marijuana: Mexico is the number one foreign supplier of marijuana abused in the United States. In fact, according to a 2008 inter-agency report, marijuana is the top revenue generator for Mexican DTOsa cash crop that nances corruption and the carnage of violence year after year. The prots derived from marijuana traffickingan industry with minimal overhead costs, controlled entirely by the traffickers are used not only to nance other drug enterprises by Mexicos poly-drug cartels, but also to pay recurring business expenses, purchase weapons, and bribe corrupt officials. Though the GOM has a robust eradication program, many of the military personnel traditionally assigned to eradicate marijuana and opium poppy have recently been diverted to the offensive against the cartels. See:
HOW to END the FAILED War on Drugs ajmacdonaldjr.wordpress.comI have visited Ciudad Acua, Coahuila, Mexico, which is a lovely city with many wonderful and friendly

inhabitants, but, unfortunately, due solely to marijuana prohibition in the US, the cartel war...

14 People Reached ab out an ho ur ag o

Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC Marijuana is a plant God gave us, not a drug people manufacture. "On November 31, 2010, members of law enforcement executed the warrant and seized from the residence 190 marijuana plants in various stages of growth, extensive marijuana cultivation materials, distribution paraphernalia, $2,064 cash, and two loaded rearms. Gresham was at the residence when law enforcement executed the search warrant. The residence also contained large carbon dioxide cylinders, high-intensity lighting systems, chemicals, a plant growth ledger, and a sophisticated air circulation system used in a room dedicated to manufacturing marijuana."

Marijuana: Mexico is the number one foreign supplier of marijuana abused in the United States. In fact, according to a 2008 inter-agency report, marijuana is the top revenue generator for Mexican DTOsa cash crop that nances corruption and the carnage of violence year after year. The prots derived from marijuana traffickingan industry with minimal overhead costs, controlled entirely by the traffickers are used not only to nance other drug enterprises by Mexicos poly-drug cartels, but also to pay recurring business expenses, purchase weapons, and bribe corrupt officials. Though the GOM has a robust eradication program, many of the military personnel traditionally assigned to eradicate marijuana and opium poppy have recently been diverted to the offensive against the cartels. See: http://
Marijuana Grow Operator Sentenced to Prison www.fbi.govANCHORAGEU.S. Attorney Karen L. Loeffler announced that Corey Gresham was sentenced in federal court for operating a marijuana growing operation out of a rented Wasilla residence.

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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC Anti-Zionist DoD/CIA friendlies at TUT will be ON AIR tonight ed note in the interests of me being able to better manage my schedule, TUT Broadcasts on Mondays will be later in the evening. Once again we will be LIVE today 9/17/2012 at 9 pm eastern. ...See More
TUT Broadcast LIVE tonight, 9 PM eastern theuglytruth.wordpress.comed note in the interests of me being able to better manage my schedule, TUT Broadcasts on Mondays will be later in the evening. Once again we will be LIVE today at 9 pm eastern. Those wishin...

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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC History and experience prove that foreign inuence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. ~ US President George Washington Against the insidious wiles of foreign inuence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign inuence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very inuence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of inuence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and condence of the people, to s...See More
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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC shared a link.

The Future of The Gulf Cartel: Two Opposing Views arklatex912project.wordpress.comSeptember 15, 2012 Houston Chron: The history of major arrests of Mexican drug cartel leaders during the administration of President Felipe Caldern (2006-December 2012) indicates that d...

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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC shared a link.

The Future of The Gulf Cartel: Two Opposing Views arklatex912project.wordpress.comSeptember 15, 2012 Houston Chron: The history of major arrests of Mexican drug cartel leaders during the administration of President Felipe Caldern (2006-December 2012) indicates that d...

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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC Time to SPEAK the UNSPEAKABLE or we will NEVER BE FREE
Interview - Jim Douglass - MLK, JFK, RFK and the Unspeakable with Jim Douglass recorded in early 2000 while researching his current book "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters"

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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC @Zach_Cohn Zach exposes Prof Pine's tits on the internet and thinks it's funny? @Zach_Cohen's smear is evident: http:// Twitter is all abuzz concerning Zach Cohen, AU, and Professor Pine...
Professor Adrienne Pine and Father Roy Bourgeois take on the DoD, CIA, and MSM am an anthropologist who has been working to expose the U.S. role in supporting last year's military coup and its resulting administrations and policies in Honduras. Here are several of the articl...

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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC Paris Hilton Exposes Her Own Breasts Online Zach Cohen Exposes Adrienne Pines Breasts Online ...See More

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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC Gee Zach, there are a lot of dead people surrounding this issue... so why is it all you can talk about is professor Pine's tits? Hmmm? You didn't know this, or me, but you have just step in it buddy, big time, and now you will be dealing with me. Why don't you go tell your AIPAC masters that we are coming for them, and for you, you piece of shit? @Zach_Cohen, editor of The Eagle (AU) has exposed professor Adrienne Pine's breasts online as part of a Jewish MSM smear job. Zach is a pice of shit, and unworthy to untie the lace of Professor Pine's shoes, and I will deal with him soon enough.....For many years, students from American University, George Washington University, Georgetown University and the University of Maryland have set out in person for lawmakers offices to lobby on behalf of Israel. All four schools coordinated to send a total of more than 60 students to 31 senators offices on a lobbying day last month. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (the largest Israel lobby in D.C.-either centrist or right-wing, depending on who you ask) called in a representative from each school, where they talked about why an advocacy trip was so

important right now, said Micah Deligdish, a junior at American and the political director of AU Students for Israel. From there, the groups organized to go to the Hill on the same day." ~ Zach C. Cohen
Many others had been shot. ajmacdonaldjr.wordpress.comThe School of the Americas (SOA) is a combat training school for Latin American soldiers, located at Fort Benning, Georgia. In 2001 renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation...

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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC shared Qlp Multimedia's


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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC via Sarah Jones

House Republicans Get Set for a Two Month Vacation After Creating 0 Jobs Republicans in Congress have barely accomplished anything except blocking economic recovery and attacking women's rights, and now they are taking two months off while taxpayers are still

paying them.

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Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC shared A Sheep No More's photo. History and experience prove that foreign inuence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. ~ US President George Washington Against the insidious wiles of foreign inuence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign inuence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very inuence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of

inuence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and condence of the people, to s...See More

"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away." Benjamin Netanyahu to Jonathan Pollard

(convicted traitor and spy) upo... 21 People Reached 2 ho urs ag o

Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC @Zach_Cohen exposes professor Adrienne Pine's breasts online as part of a Jewish MSM smear job
Political Situation 2012-2013 ajmacdonaldjr.wordpress.comProfessor Adrienne Pine and Father Roy Bourgeois take on the DoD, CIA, and MSM: http:// See:

Summer of Justice - 2013 - DC All of this has happened before, which is why all of this is happening again, now. A Qaeda and 9/11 has its roots in Iran-Contra, Jimmy Carter, and Central America during 1979. See: and: Iran_hostage_crisis

9/11, Iran-Contra, and Treason ajmacdonaldjr.wordpress.comOur federal government has been and is TREASONOUS ever since the Republican run Iran-Contra treason and plot was officially covered-up by the Democrats who, at that time, controlled the US Congress...

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