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Jaspreet Hanspal

Uses and Gratification Theory:

This theory is essentially an approach to understanding why audiences seek a certain type of content presented to them in a media format for gratification purposes. The theory discuses how users proactively search/watch for media that will significantly enhance their knowledge, social interactions and diversion; It assumes that members of the audience are not passive but take an active role in interpreting and integrating media into their own lives. The theory also proposes that audiences are responsible for choosing media to meet their needs. The approach suggests that people use the media to fulfil specific gratifications. This theory would then imply that the media compete against other information sources for viewers' gratification. When TV was introduced in the 60s, theorists began conjuring up different explanations for the effect of media and its influence on the audience it aims to target. Researchers Blulmer and Katz published their own theory in 1974 and stated that individuals would utilise media in the following ways: Diversion - escape from everyday problems and routine. Personal Relationships - using the media for emotional and other interaction, eg) substituting soap operas for family life Personal Identity - finding yourself reflected in texts, learning behaviour and values from texts Surveillance - Information which could be useful for living eg) weather reports, financial news, holiday bargains

All in all, applying this theory to our piece, I believe the short film we are creating is liable to divert audiences as the film will be a short escape from everyday worries; reason being the genre itself, we are creating a romantic comedy film which is of a slapstick nature with humour and over-exaggerated, unrealistic characters. This larger than life production will allow audiences to feel withdrawn from everyday life. Also, this production may allow realisation of personal identity. The prominent themes/morals that can be drawn from this film are the following: - Time management and commitment = if you have a set date/time to complete/prepare a task by, it is important to plan ahead and be punctual - Love = the effort and perseverance required to win their heart and different ways of showing affection - Maturity vs Immaturity = growing up and becoming more familiar with duties outside of school/college All these themes could allow the audience to self-evaluate their habits and lives, and apply the consequences of Bobbys actions to their own to learn and use the morals listed above.

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