BAD LUCK BOBBY Script 1st Draft

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BAD LUCK BOBBY Written by Jaspreet Hanspal

BAD LUCK BOBBY FADE IN INT. LIVING ROOM NIGHT BOBBY (18) is lying on the sofa watching TV; he has a very long awkward yawn and is alarmed by a text message on his phone. He receives a text message from LARA (17) a very pretty classmate of his. BOBBY is ecstatic by this text message and opens it. He sees that LARA has accepted to come to his house tomorrow for a date. BOBBY quickly texts back: See you tomorrow night, cant wait. ;) CUT TO He begins to daydream about her, and how beautiful she is. We see what BOBBY sees, LARA smiling and looking attractive as ever with her hair blowing in the wind. He quickly snaps out of the daydream as he has just received another text from LARA: Hope youre ready tiger ;) This text message excites BOBBY and he grins, and later explodes into a celebration dance, in ode to his success of getting a date with the eager LARA. BOBBY tires from dancing and falls asleep on the sofa. LARA INT. LIVING ROOM MORNING BOBBY is fast asleep on the sofa. CUT TO: CLOCK TICKING The time is 4.50 and LARA is due to arrive at 6pm, the house is a mess and BOBBY must make the house spotless, cook the meal and dress himself before she comes. Panic begins. BOBBY runs around the living room and rest of the house, hastily tidying and dusting the shelves, TV, and other furniture. Once he is done cleaning the whole house he wipes the sweat from his forehead. CUT TO: CLOCK TICKING Its 5.15 and BOBBY has only 45 minutes to cook a meal for two, set the table and scrub up himself. He must also prepare himself for an eventful night as the evening proceeds. INT. KITCHEN - DAY

BOBBY runs into the kitchen and begins chopping and cutting vegetables, and as he is in full concentration he smells a burning scent, his cooking has burnt! BOBBY looks panicked and extremely flustered, checks his phone to see he has 30 minutes until LARA arrives. He immediately orders take-out from a nearby restaurant and runs to the bathroom to shower and get ready. INT. BATHROOM DAY BOBBY runs into the shower and jumps out quickly with just a towel wrapped around him. He walks over to the mirror and grabs his razor, looks over and begins to shave a region of his body which would come in handy for tonight. He later shaves his stubble (on his face) with the same razor. BOBBY then reaches for the aftershave and frantically jumps up and down because of the burning sensation. INT. PASSAGE - DAY The doorbell rings, its the food delivery! BOBBY runs to the door (still in his towel) and opens it to the delivery man. His towel falls off without him noticing and there is an awkward moment here, where BOBBY is unaware of his nakedness. He later realises and slams the door shut. He awkwardly picks his towel up, covers his modesty and runs upstairs to put some clothes on. INT. BEDROOM DAY With just minutes to go until LARAs arrival, BOBBY puts some clothes on, and admires himself in the mirror. He later runs to his drawer to take out his condoms for tonight. CUT TO: CLOCK TICKING Just 5 minutes to go, so BOBBY sets the table and lights a candle, sits down and waits eagerly. Time goes by and LARA still hasnt arrived. 2 hours pass and BOBBY becomes sad and annoyed. He eats his plate of food and then storms over to LARAs side of the table and eats her plate too. In disappointment he also drinks all the wine and sits at the table with his head down, BOBBY had been stood up! CUT TO: PHONE SCREEN BOBBY receives a text from LARA which says sorry Im late, be over in 10 A look of horror covers BOBBYs face. Bad Luck Bobby. FADE OUT

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