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1. Table 1 shows the proton number and nucleon number for atoms P, Q and R.

Jadual 1 menunjukkan nombor proron dan nombor nukleon bagi atom P, Q dan R. Atom P Q R Proton number 16 17 17 Table 1 Jadual 1 Nucleon number 32 35 37

a) (i) What is meant by proton number? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan nombor proton? ............................................................................................................................................... [ 1 mark] (ii) What is the number of neutrons in atom Q? Apakah bilangan neutron dalam atom Q? ............................................................................................................................................. [ 1 mark] b) Which atoms are isotopes? Explain your answer. Atom- atom yang manakah adalah isotop? Terangkan jawapan anda. .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... [ 2 marks] c) (i) Write the electron arrangement for atom R. Tuliskan susunan elektron bagi atom R. ................................................................................................................................................ [ 1 mark] (ii) Draw the electron arrangement of atom R. Lukiskan susunan elektron bagi atom R.

[2 marks]

(iii) State the number of valence electrons for atom R. Nyatakan bilangan elektron valens bagi atom R. ............................................................................................................................................ [1 mark] (iv) Write the formula of ion formed from atom R. Tuliskan formula ion yang terbentuk daripada atom R. ............................................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (v) State how the ion in (c)(iv) is formed. Nyatakan bagaimana ion dalam (c)(iv) terbentuk. ............................................................................................................................................. [1 mark] 2. Diagram 1 shows the location of seven elements A, D, E, G, J, L and M in the Periodic Table. These are not the actual symbols of the elements. 1 A L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 D E J G

Diagram 1 Using the letters in the Periodic Table of the elements in the Diagram 1, answer the following questions. (a) (i) Which of the element is chemically unreactive? [1 mark] (ii) Give one reason for your answer in a(i). [1 mark]

(b) When a small piece of element A is put into water, alkaline solution is formed and hydrogen gas is released. (i) Write the chemical equation for the above statement.

[1 mark] (ii) State one precaution that must be taken while carrying out the experiment using element A. .. [1 mark] (c) Arrange A, D, E, G, J and L according to the increase in size of the atom. [1 mark] (d) Why are elements A and L placed in the same group? [1 mark] (e) Element D reacts with element E to form a compound. (i) Write the chemical formula of this compound.

[1 mark] (ii) Draw the diagram of electron arrangement for the compound that is formed between D and E.

[2 marks] (iii) Why the compound in d (ii) cannot conduct electricity in any state. . [1 mark]

3. Diagram 2 shows the set-up of apparatus to investigate the electrolysis of concentrated sodium salt solution. Rajah 2 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi mengkaji elektrolisis larutan garam natrium pekat. Diagram 1

Diagram 2 Rajah 2


(i) Name the yellowish green gas that is released at anode. Namakan gas kuning-kehijauan yang dibebaskan pada anod. ........................................................................................................................ [ 1 mark ] [ 1 markah ] (ii) Give one test to identify the gas at 3(a)(i) . Berikan satu ujian bagi mengenalpasti gas di 3(a)(i). ........................................................................................................................ .... [ 2 marks ] [ 2 markah ]

(b) (i) Name the colourless gas that is released at cathode. Namakan gas tidak berwarna yang dibebaskan pada katod. ........................................................................................................................ [ 1 mark ] [ 1 markah ] (ii) Write a half-equation for reaction that occurs at cathode. Tulis setengah persamaan untuk tindak balas yang berlaku pada katod. ........................................................................................................................ [ 1 mark ] [ 1 markah ] (c) (i) Name sodium salt solution that was used. Namakan larutan garam natrium yang digunakan dalam tindak balas. ........................................................................................................................

[ 1 mark ] [ 1 markah ] (ii) State ions which present in 3(c)(i) solution. Nyatakan ion-ion yang terdapat dalam larutan di 3(c)(i). ........................................................................................................................ [ 1 mark ] [ 1 markah ] (d) (i) Describe why no sodium is produced from this experiment. Huraikan kenapa tiada natrium yang dihasilkan daripada eksperimen ini. ....................................................................................................................... [ 2 marks ] [ 2 markah ] (ii) Give a suggestion how to produce sodium in this experiment. Berikan cadangan bagaimana natrium boleh dihasilkan dalam eksperimen ini. ........................................................................................................................ [ 1 mark ] [1 markah ] 4. Figure 3.1 shows the apparatus set up used in an experiment to determine the empirical formula for an oxide of lead Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan susunan rajah yang digunakan bagi menentukan formula empirik bagi oksida plumbum oxide of lead oksida plumbum dry hydrogen hidrogen kering

Figure 3.1 Rajah 3.1 The following data was obtained based on the experiment : Data berikut diperolehi berdasarkan suatu ekperimen Mass of an oxide of lead = 4.78 g Jisim oksida plumbum Mass of lead = 4.14 g Jisim plumbum (a) What is meant by empirical formula ? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan formula empirik ?

... ... [ 1 mark ] (b) Name one substance that can be used to dry the hydrogen gas. Namakan bahan yang boleh digunakan untuk mengeringkan gas hidrogen. ............................................................................................................................... [ 1 mark]


Why does the hydrogen gas need to be passed through the combustion tube for a few minutes before heating ? Mengapakah gas hidrogen dialirkan ke dalam tiub pembakaran beberapa minit sebelum pemanasan ? ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... [ 1 mark]


How to ensure the reaction is complete ? Bagaimana anda memastikan tindak balas adalah lengkap? ............................................................................................................................... [ 2 marks ]


Based on the above result, Berdasarkan keputusan di atas, Determine the empirical formula for oxide of lead ? Tentukan formula empirik bagi oksida plumbum ? [Relative atomic mass for O = 16 and Pb = 207] [Jisim atom relatif bagi O = 16 and Pb = 207.]

[ 4 marks ] (f) Why does the empirical formula of magnesium oxide cannot be determined using the above method ? Mengapa formula empirik magnesium oksida tidak boleh ditentukan menggunakan kaedah di atas ? ............................................................................................................................... [ 1 mark ] 5. Diagram 5.1 shows the conversion of organic compounds from one homologous series to another and its chemical properties. Rajah 5.1 menunjukkan perubahan bagi sebatian organik dari satu siri homolog kepada siri homolog lain dan sifat kimianya.

Carbon dioxide + water Karbon dioksida + air

Propan-1-ol Propan-1-ol

Oxidation Pengoksida n

Compound X Sebatian X

Aluminium oxide, Al2O Aluminium Oxide,Al2O3 3 II Aluminium oksida, Al 3 Aluminium oxida, Al2O2O3 Hydrocarbon Y Hidrokarbon Y + H2(g) / Ni / Heat + H2(g) / Ni / Panaskan Hydrocarbon Z Hidrokarbon Z Diagram 5.1 Rajah 5.1 (a) (i) Name the homologous series for propan-1-ol. Namakan siri homolog bagi propan-1ol. ....... [ 1 mark ] (ii) Draw the structural formula for propan-1-ol Lukiskan formula struktur bagi propan-1-ol

[ 1 mark ] (b) Write the chemical equation for conversion I Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi perubahan I ... [ 2 marks ] (c) Name compound X Namakan sebatian X ... [ 1 mark ] (d) (i) Name the reaction for conversion II Namakan tindak balas bagi perubahan II ... [ 1 mark ] (ii) Draw the set- up of apparatus that can be used in conversion II. Lukiskan susunan radas yang boleh digunakan perubahan II.

[ 2 marks ] (e) Hexene and hexane are compounds in the same homologous series as hydrocarbon Y and hydrocarbon Z. Diagram below shows the burning of hexene and hexane in air. Heksena dan heksana adalah sebatian dalam siri homolog yang sama seperti hidrokarbon Y dan hidrokarbon Z Rajah di bawah menunjukkan pembakaran heksena dan heksana dalam udara

Soot Jelaga Filter paper Kertas turas

Porcelain dish
Mangkuk pijar

Hexene Heksena

Hexane Heksana

Compare the sootiness of hexane and hexene. Explain. Bandingkan kejelagaan bagi heksana dan heksena. Terangkan. [ 2 marks ]

6. Diagram 5 shows the set-up of apparatus for titration of potassium hydroxide solution with sulphuric acid. Rajah 5 menunjukkan susunan alat radas untuk proses penitratan larutan Potassium Hidroksida dengan Asid sulfurik.

0.1 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid

50.00 cm3 potassium hydroxide solution + phenolphthalein indicator

FIGURE / RAJAH 5 It was observed that 20.00 cm3 of sulphuric acid is needed to neutralize completely 50.00 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 of potassium hydroxide solution. Didapati bahawa 20.00 cm3 asid sulfurik diperlukan untuk meneutralkan dengan lengkap 50.00 larutan kalium hidroksida 0.1 mol dm

(a) State the colour change of the solution in the conical flask at the end point. Nyatakan perubahan warna larutan dalam kelalang kon pada takat akhir. .. [ 1 mark]

(b) Name the salt formed in this experiment. Namakan garam yang terbentuk dalam eksperimen ini. ... [ 1 mark]

(c) (i) Name the type of reaction occurred. Namakan jenis tindak balas yang berlaku. ... [ 1 mark]

(ii)Write an equation for the reaction occurred in (c)(i). Tuliskan persamaan bagi tindak balas yang berlaku di (c)(i). .... [ 2 marks] (d) Calculate the molarity of the potassium hydroxide solution. Hitungkan kemolaran larutan kalium hidroksida tersebut.

[ 3 marks] (e) If 0.1 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid is used to titrate with 50.00 cm3 of potassium hydroxide solution, it is found that the volume of the 0.1 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid needed is twice the volume of 0.1 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid. Explain why? Jika asid hidroklorik 0.1 mol dm-3 digunakan untuk untuk mentitrat 50.00 cm3 larutan kalium hidroksida tersebut, didapati bahawa isipadu asid hidroklorik 0.1 mol dm-3 yang diperlukan adalah dua kali ganda isipadu asid sulfurik 0.1 mol dm-3 . Terangkan mengapa?

. .. .. [ 2 marks]




Aeroplane is made from an alloy of aluminium. What is the name of this alloy? Explain why the low density aluminium is not suitable for building aeroplane. Kapalterbang dibuat daripada sejenis aloi bagi aluminium. Apakah nama bagi aloi itu? Terangkan mengapa aluminium yang berketumpatan rendah tidak sesuai untuk pembinaan kapal terbang. [3 marks] Bronze is an alloy of copper. Diagram 7.1 shows the arrangement of atoms in pure copper and bronze. Gangsa ialah sejenis aloi bagi kuprum. Diagram 7.1 menunjukkan susunan atom dalam kuprum tulen dan gangsa.


Copper atom Atom kuprum Diagram 7.1 Rajah 7.1 (i) Name the atom X. Namakan atom X.

Atom X

[ 1 mark] (ii) Explain why bronze is harder than pure copper. Terangkan mengapa gangsa lebih keras daripada kuprum tulen. [6 marks] (c) Diagram 7.2 shows the structure of anion parts of a soap and a detergent. These anions consist of part A and part B as shown in the diagram 7.2 Diagram 7.2 menunjukan struktur bagi bahagian anion bagi satu sabun dan satu detergen. Anion-anion ini terdiri daripada bahagian A dan bahagian B seperti ditunjukan dalam diagram 7.2

Anion of a soap

Anion of a detergent Part A Part B Diagram 7.2 Rajah 7.2 (i) Name part A and part B of the anions. State the solubility of part A and part B in the cleansing action. Namakan bahagian A dan bahagian B dalam anion itu. Nyatakan keterlarutan bahagian A dan bahagian B dalam tindakan pembersihan. [4 marks] (ii) Compare the effectiveness of the cleansing action of the two anions shows in the diagram 7.2 in hard water. Explain your answer.

Write an ionic equation to show the reaction of anion of soap in hard water. Bandingkan keberkesanan bagi tindakan pembersihan dua anion yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah7.2 dalam air liat. Terangkan jawapan anda. Tulis satu persamaan ion bagi tindak balas anion bagi sabun dalam air liat. [6 marks] 8 (a) (i) What is meant by salt? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan garam? [1 mark] The table shows the names for two type of salts. Jadual berikut menunjukkan nama bagi dua jenis garam. Lead(II) chloride Plumbum(II) klorida (ii) Copper(II) sulphate Kuprum(II) sulfat

Which of the salts given is an insoluble salt? Name the reaction used to prepare insoluble salt. Di antara garam yang diberikan di atas, yang mana merupakan garam yang tak terlarutkan? Namakan tindak balas bagi menyediakan garam yang tak terlarutkan. [2 marks]



Describe how you would prepare the insoluble salt above in the laboratory. In your answer, write the ionic equation to represent the reaction. Huraikan bagaimana anda boleh menyediakan garam tak terlarutkan yang disebutkan di atas dalam makmal. Dalam jawapan anda, tuliskan persamaan ion bagi mewakili tindakbalas tersebut. [7 marks] You are given solid potassium chloride salt. Describe how you would prepare potassium chloride solution of concentration 0.5 mol dm-3 using a 250 cm3 volumetric flask in laboratory [Relative atomic mass ; K= 39 , Cl = 35.5] Anda diberikan pepejal garam kalium klorida. Huraikan bagaimana anda boleh menyediakan larutan kalium klorida dengan kepekatan 0.5 mol dm-3 menggunakan kelalang volumetrik berisipadu 250 cm3 di dalam makmal [Jisim atom relatif ; K=39, Cl = 35.5] [10 marks] SECTION C The thermochemical equation for the combustion of butanol is given as follows: Persamaan termokimia bagi pembakaran butanol adalah seperti berikut. C 4H 9OH + 6O 2 4CO 2 + 5H 2O [Relative atomic mass : H=1, C=12, O=16, specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 Jg-1 oC-1] H = -2679 kJmol-1


(a) Write three interpretations or statements that can be obtained from the above equation. Tuliskan tiga interpretasi atau kenyataan yang boleh dibuat dari persamaan di atas. [3 marks] (b) Calculate the mass of butanol that must be burnt to raise the temperature of 400 cm3 of water by 25C. Kira jisim butanol yang perlu dibakar untuk menaikkan suhu 400 cm3 air sebanyak 25C. [3 marks]

(c) Describe an experiment to determine the heat of combustion of butanol. Your answer should include: Huraikan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan haba pembakaran butanol. Jawapan anda mestilah mengandungi: (i) apparatus set-up susunan radas yang digunakan [2 marks] (ii) procedure of the experiment prosedur eksperimen [6 marks (iii) (iv) data obtained from the experiment data yang diperolehi daripada eksperimen [2 marks] calculation of heat of combustion of butanol. penghitungan haba pembakaran butanol. [4 marks]

10. (a) Define oxidation and reduction in terms of tranfer of electrons. Takrifkan pengoksidaan dan penurunan dari segi pemindahan elektron. [2 marks] (b) The chemical equation below shows the reaction between metal W and copper(II) nitrate solution, Cu(NO3)2. Persamaan kimia di bawah menunjukkan tindak balas kimia antara logam W dengan larutan kuprum(II) nitrat. W(s) + Cu(NO3)2 (aq)

Cu (s) + W(NO3)2(aq)

(i) Suggest a metal of W. Cadangkan satu logam bagi W. [1 mark] (ii) State three information from the above equation which are related to the position of metal W and copper, Cu in the electrochemical series of metal. Nyatakan tiga maklumat yang boleh disimpulkan dari persamaan di atas yang berkaitan dengan kedudukan logam W dan kuprum, Cu dalam siri elektrokimia. [3 marks] (iii) Based on the above equation, explain the redox reaction in term of the change of oxidation number . Dengan merujuk pada tindak balas di atas, terangkan maksud tindak balas redoks dari segi perubahan nombor pengoksidaan. [4 marks] (C) (c) The position of carbon is above metal X and below metal Y in the Reactivity Series of metal. Kedudukan karbon adalah di atas logam X dan di bawah logam Y dalam Siri Kereaktifan logam You are provided with oxide of metal X (XO), oxide of metal Y (Y2O3), carbon powder and apparatus needed. Describe an experiment to verify the above statement. Your answer should consist of the following: Diagram showing the set up of apparatus Procedure of the experiment Observation Chemical equation. Anda dibekalkan dengan oksida logam X (XO), oksida logam Y (Y2O3), serbuk karbon dan radas-radas yang diperlukan. Dengan bantuan gambarajah huraikan eksperimen untuk

mengesahkan kenyataan di atas adalah benar. Jawapan anda mesti melibatkan segala pemerhatian dan persamaan tindakbalas yang sewajarnya. Gambar rajah menunjukkan susunan radas Prosedur eksperimen Pemerhatian Persamaan kimia. [10 marks]

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