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Physics 2 Cover of portfolio 2 Name: Group:

Your portfolio must include the agreement and the checklist

Act Description
Practice exercises of Dynamics (without friction force). 4 problems related to Dynamics (without friction force). a) Horizontal force b) Force exerted at an angle c) Inclined plane with an object that slides on it. d) Inclined plane with a force that pushes a box on it upward Practice exercises of Dynamics (with friction force). 4 problems related to Dynamics (with friction force). a) Horizontal force b) Force exerted at an angle c) Inclined plane with an object that slides on it. d) Inclined plane with a force that pushes a box on it upward Some exercises to practice exercises on Statics and equilibrium Solve problems of Statics and equilibrium. Activity of the platform Mastering physics about Newtons Laws Quiz Theory and problems of the chapter 2.




2 3 4 5 6 7 8


0-100 0-100


Lab Report # 2 Exercises and questions related to chapter 1 and chapter 2 Integrative Activity

0-100 0-100 0-100

Notes: 1. 2. 3. Presentation is part of your grade for each activity of your portfolio. Class work grade: Contents not only one single activity but a collection of activities that corresponds to topics covered in class/home part of this unit. Teacher could reject any work that does not fulfill minimum requirements, i.e. content, presentation. You confirm that any work part of this portfolio is original and it was worked in class or at home using your own resources, creativity, competencies by signing this page. STUDENTS REFLECTIONS ABOUT HIS/HER WORK: Presentation/Content/Activities ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Feedback to Teacher:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Students Signature____________________________________Date:____________


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