Thorough Study of Democracy

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A thorough study of the Democracy System Contents 1. Political Awareness 2. Al Masaalih Al Shirkiyyah 3.

Governments by the People and for the People 2 7 17

4. A Brief Explanation of Democracy and its Inherent Kufr and Manifest Shirk: 20 5. Democracy Is A False Religion 6. Donkeys and Dogs, Evil is Evil! By Abu Abdullah 7. (Short) Is it permissible to participate in the elections, or join the parliment? 24 29 34

8. (Short) The Ruling Upon Those Who Participate in the Democratic Elections 36 9. (Short) Who and what is/are the taghout of todays world? 10. WHY WE REJECT THE ELECTIONS Tawheed Side Explanation (Taken from "Muslims Against Voting") 11. The Conditions of Tawheed 12. Tawheed An Explanation of its Meaning 13. Tawhid is not merely Tawhid ar-Rububiyyah by Ibn Taymiyyah 46 49 51 37 42

Political Awareness The ultimate objective and reason behind Allah (SWT) sending the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) to the world was in order for His Deen (i.e. Islam) to dominate the East and the West. However, in order for this Deen to become dominant, Muslims need to be aware and concerned about the political situation of the world. They need to be in tune with reality and have a good understanding of current affairs. This is because before any hukm (divine rule) is applied one must have a comprehensive understanding of the reality they wish to apply the hukm to. Failure to have a proper understanding of reality will result in a misapplication of the hukm; in other words, the wrong verdict will be given. A woman once went to 'Omar bin al-Khattaab (RA) and asked him for khulu' (separation) from her husband (i.e. "divorce"). 'Omar (RA) took a glance at her husband and noticed his physical condition and appearance he looked very scruffy and untidy. He then told the woman to return the next day and ordered some of the Companions to groom him. She returned the day after and was then offered to proceed with the khulu'. However, upon seeing her husband (groomed and looking more pleasant) she immediately changed her mind and decided not to go ahead with the khulu'. The lesson we learn from this is that we should always study the reality thoroughly before issuing any verdict. 'Omar (RA) instantly identified the problem as he comprehended and understood the reality; hence, the correct verdict (advice) was given. Studying the reality will require us to understand and become familiar with certain political terms and definitions. However, before we discuss some of these terms, let us first introduce the meanings of siyaasah, or politics, in the Arabic language. The Meanings of "Politics" in the Arabic Language 1. As-Siyaasah, or politics, has the following linguistic meanings: 2. Ar-Ri'aayah Guardianship 3. At-Tarweed Taming 4. At-Tadreeb Training 5. Al-Ihtimaam Looking after, concern or interest 6. Al-Amr wan-Nahie Order to do and not to do 7. Al-Hinkah Professional, or to manage with efficiency 2

8. Hifz ul-Masaalih Looking after interests 9. Hifz ush-Shu'oon Managing affairs 10. At-Tadbeer Managing 11. Al-Hukm - Ruling As one can see, "politics" in the Arabic language has no negative connotations whatsoever all its meanings are positive. However, in the West the term "politics" has negative implications, and often connotes: 1. Ad-Dahaa' Shrewdness 2. Al-Munaawarah Manoeuvring 3. Al-Muraawaghah Deception Hence, a common notice or sign one would notice upon entering a mosque is: "No Politics in the Mosque." This is because nowadays the term "politics" is associated with lying politicians, treacherous rulers, deceit, fraud, lies, dishonesty and so forth. The Definition of Siyaasah As mentioned earlier, the term siyaasah only has positive meanings in the Arabic language. Furthermore, it is a topic which has been much spoken of among classical scholars, such as Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn ul-Qayyim and others. Imaam Abul Hasan al-Mawardi (d. 450 AH) said, in his book al-Ahkaam al-Sultaaniyyah, that politics means: To command the good and forbid the evil, and to look after the affairs of the people on the basis of Islam. The usooli (juristic) definition of politics is: Applying the hukm (ruling) to reality. The accepted definition of "politics" among 'ulamaa (scholars) is: Looking after (and being concerned about) the affairs of the people (Muslims and non-Muslims) by Islam internally and externally (of the Islamic state). Looking at these definitions, one cannot deny that the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) and his Sahaabah (Companions) were involved in siyaasah (politics) by the meaning of looking after and managing the affairs of people (Muslims and non-Muslims). In fact, before he (SAW) passed away the whole of the Arabian Peninsula (Jazeerat ul-'Arab) which today consists of over ten different countries, including Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, UAE and so forth was under is authority. The Sahaabah and Pious Predecessors then continued carrying his legacy and expanded the Islamic state till it reached parts of Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe. 3

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) was not a person who would lock himself up in the masjid for days on end, especially after Allah (SWT) commanded him to rule by Islam and look after the affairs of people. [1] What's more, Allah (SWT) revealed chapters such as Sooratu Quraysh and Soorat urRoom. Both of these chapters were titled after a powerful tribe and superpower the Quraysh and the Roman Empire. If we were to make an analogy with today's reality, Soorat ur-Room (Chapter of the Romans) would be Sooratu USA (Chapter of the Americans). The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "Verily, all of you are guardians and are responsible for your wards" Every Muslim has a duty towards society that is to command the good, forbid the evil and make sure the Sharee'ah is implemented. The true Muslim should always be keeping a close eye on what is happening overseas and across the globe, in countries such as Afghanistan, Chechnya, Palestine, Iraq, Indonesia and so on. Moreover, he/she should have good geographic, historic and political knowledge of the world. Accepted Political Terms/Definitions When keeping up to date with current affairs, there are certain political terms one will inevitably come across on a regular basis. Below is a brief explanation of three main terms that we hear a lot when watching or listening to the news. 1. Al-Mawqif ud-Dawli International Status (or Situation)

The term "international status" means: The structure of the relationship between influential countries in the international arena. Therefore, if one asks, for example: "What is the international status?" They are enquiring about the relationship between influential countries such as Britain and France, not Pakistan and Bangladesh. 2. As-Siyaasat ud-Dawliyyah Foreign Policy (or International Politics) The term "foreign policy" is mentioned quite frequently in politics, and means: Looking after, or managing, the interests of the state outside its borders. Every state has particular interests. The foreign policy of a state is its policy of maintaining its interests in other countries. For example, one of the foreign policies of the USA is to ensure there are sufficient numbers of American troops in Muslim lands so that no Islamic state is established and in order to extinguish any uprising against their puppets.

3. Al-'Alaaqat ud-Dawliyyah The International Relationship The term "international relationship" means: Striving to establish interests and to maintain them. The Interests Every state, whether Islamic or non-Islamic, has interests. Below are four main interests of any state: 1. Al-Masaalih ul-Mabda'iyyah The Ideological Interests

The meaning of "ideological interest" is: A state's interest in establishing (or exporting) its ideology in other countries. So for the Kuffaar, their ideological interest is to establish secularism, democracy and freedom (in Muslim lands). Whereas our ideological interest, as Muslims, is to establish izhaar ud-Deen (the worldwide domination of Islam). 2. Al-Masaalih ul-Istraateejiyyah The Strategic Interests

Strategic interest means: The reputation of the state or its credibility outside its borders. Despite the clear flaws in their kufr systems, the Kuffaar will always try to create false illusions and give the impression that they are developed, untouchable and prosperous. They will attempt to establish a good reputation in order to be an "example" for other nations to follow. 3. Al-Masaalih ul-'Askariyyah The Military Interests

The military interest of a state is to establish a base, training ground and market for weapons (in other countries). As mentioned before, the Kuffaar seek to establish bases in other countries in order to support their puppet regimes and prevent any uprising (for the Sharee'ah). Bases also enable them to easily launch (or support) wars in neighbouring countries. The Weapons Trade The weapons industry is a very profitable business; in fact, some weapons can cost billions of dollars. However, no country (or even person) will be willing to spend millions of dollars on a weapon unless they see proof that it works. Hence, before a weapon is put on the market it must first be tested, and the ideal chance to test a new weapon is in war. This is why in Afghanistan, for example, the Americans are taking the perfect opportunity to try new weapons and bombs, such as vacuum and cluster bombs. Furthermore, the Kuffaar often sell arms to countries, such as Saudi Arabia, without to teach them how to operate the weapons. The Saudis will then need to keep and pay for foreign troops who know how to use them another way of keeping their troops in other countries. 5


Al-Masaalih ul-Iqtisaadiyyah The Economic Interests

Establishing economic interests is about: Establishing a market or resources for the state. So a state non-Islamic in particular will endeavour to construct a market or resources in order to make further income. Alcohol and pornography are the biggest industries in the West, and because of their financial benefits the disbelievers are eagerly seeking to export these industries to Muslim countries. Hence, we hear about the proposals of launching Playboy magazine in Indonesia, and Ann Summers in Saudi Arabia, etc. This type of interest is the most vital for the disbelievers. They even sacrifice their strategic interests, i.e. reputation, for economic interests. A person can ridicule their deen they actually ridicule their deen themselves via satire but if one infringes their economic interests they will declare war. [2] Why is the US government keener on going to war in places such as Iraq and not Chechnya? Both countries have a history of terrorism, kidnapping and beheadings so why choose Iraq and not Chechnya? The answer is simple: there are more interests in the first than the latter. In Iraq there are economic interests (oil), military interests (since Iraq is situated near the centre of the Middle East) and ideological interests (to establish democracy, and to help the Jews expand their "State of Israel"). [3] The Vital Interests Which interests are vital for Kuffaar, and which ones are vital for Muslims? For the Kuffaar, their most vital interests are military and economic. The Prophet (SAW) told us that the dunyaa (world) is a paradise for the disbelievers; therefore, money is everything to them. For the Muslims, our most vital interests are ideological and military. This is because our mission is to establish Islam and to rule Earth with God's laws, i.e. Sharee'ah. This will require military power to enforce. The Messenger Muhammad (SAW) understood this and that is why he immediately established an army soon after entering al-Madeenah. [1] Although the Prophet (SAW) was involved in politics it is not appropriate to call him a politician. [2] The Kuffaar will wage war if their economic interests are infringed, but they fight Muslims to make them apostates as Allah (SWT) has said in the Qur'aan. [3] Many Christians, such as those in the American administration, believe that the establishment of the State of Israel is a prerequisite condition for the "Second Coming" of Jesus who will rule Earth with "justice" and destroy all "evil". AL MASAALIH AL SHIRKIYYAH 6

THE JURISTIC LIMITS OF BENEFIT AND INTERESTS IN ISLAM Parliament is a place of Shirk and Kufr, it is not allowed for the Muslims to be part of it, nor to participate in it - whether by being an MP or by being a candidate, collecting votes to be part of it - nor to be an elector for somebody who wishes to join with it, nor to be a worker to maintain it, nor a chef to cook for the people involved with it, nor to be an employee working in any job or position whether administrative or any other service in it. That is because it is a Taaghout, a place of legislation and issuing laws and ruling by different than what Allah has revealed. That is because the original basis of the parliament and democracy is the concept of the ruling of the people, by the people, for the people'; that the people are the ones to legislate via their representatives (i.e. the Members of Parliament). This is in contradiction to the very essence of Islam (i.e. Al Tawheed), the exclusivity of Almighty Allah in all of his names and attributes, the exclusivity in His rights and actions; parliament contradicts and opposes the exclusivity of Allah by ruling and making legislation, by commanding and forbidding when Allah (swt) says, The ruling and legislating is for none but Allah. [EMQ 6: 57 & 12:40 ] Allah did not say in this ayah that the ruling is for none but the people, this is the right of Allah (swt) alone and He (swt) says, Do they seek the ruling of Jahiliyyah? And who is better than Allah as a legislator for people who have certainty? [EMQ 5: 50] And Allah (swt) says, Allah does not associate with his right of ruling/legislation anybody. [EMQ 18: 26] Allah does not associate in his legislation, neither the people nor the parliament nor anybody else. As for the claim by those who say, that the origin of democracy is a form of consultation (Shura),' we say that this claim is one of three: either (i) a lie and a fabrication, (ii) or it is ignorance, (iii) or it is misguidance. This is because democracy is not based on the legitimate consultation, rather it is based on legislation; the MPs consult each other in every matter, - whether that is a matter open for consultation or not open (i.e. they will consult even regarding what is clear cut, e.g. the prohibition of alcohol or adultery) - in order to legislate a rule, that is the reality of the very function of Parliament.

As for the verdict of the people who enter into and participate in parliament, they are as follows, 7

(1) Anyone who participates in parliament and legislates a law that contradicts the shari'ah or he consents for a resolution or a law that contradicts the shari'ah, or votes for it or participates in a referendum for any law that contradicts the shari'ah, that is a Mushrik Kafir that is not excused by ignorance or by interpretation or by the claim of seeking any benefit. Allah (swt) says, Do they have partners who legislate for them a Deen for which they never had permission from Allah? [EMQ Shura: 21] And Allah (swt) says, Do not associate with Allah's legislation anybody [EMQ 18:26 ] And, The ruling is for none but Allah [EMQ 6: 57 ] (2) Anyone who enters into parliament and gives an oath to respect the man-made constitution and rules, which are non-Islamic - knowing full well what is within the constitution from clear contradictions to the Shari'ah - that is clear Kufr (rejection of his/her faith) and apostasy, whether he was serious in his oath or not serious, whether it was beneficial or otherwise, he has committed the Kufr action knowingly and intentionally. This form of oath is equivalent to the oath that used to be given by the MPs of the parliament of Quraish in the time of Muhammad (saw), who would give an oath to respect Al Laat and Al Uzzah (names of idols that they used to elevate and swear by it). (3) If he/she did not give any oath to respect the constitution and man-made law nor did he participate in any legislation nor in any form of referendum that contradicts the Shari'ah, rather he rejects openly and votes against it, rejecting the right for any MPs to legislate, the least to be said about that person is that he is misguided, deviant from the guidance of changing and reforming in accordance to the method of the Messenger Muhammad (saw), Therefore, he is not an apostate but he is deviant and misguided because he chose the way of Shirk, misguidance and apostasy as a way for Da'wah, change and reform, the way of falsehood and misguidance and not the way of Haq, Allah (swt) says, That is Allah, your Lord in truth, what is there instead of the truth, except the misguidance? How then are you turned away? [EMQ Yunus: 32]

(4) Some people argue that participating in the Kufr parliament is only in order to take it as a platform to call to the Deen of Allah and for the benefit of Islam and the Muslim community. They claim that in order for them to enter, they must ally with the secular people and parties or with the Kufr groups/parties (e.g. Labour, conservative, liberal 8

democrat or respect party etc) in order to gain a political position, claiming that he does so only for the sake of Allah and Da'wah and not for the sake of committing Shirk. This is one of the arguments that they put forward, to use any means to benefit the Da'wah or for the interests of the people, claiming that they are doing good deeds. That is completely false, misguided and a deviation because of the following contradictions with the Shari'ah, (i) Allah (swt) says, By your lord, we will account all that they do, so call openly whatever I ordered you and turn away from the mushrikeen, Allah is enough to deal with the mockers. [EMQ Hijr: 92-94] This ayah carries a prohibition from compromising with the Mushrikeen for any political gain or in order to gain some benefit or even for the sake of Da'wah; that is because the ayah was in the sequence of proclaiming the truth openly even if they offer you material gain. (ii) Allah (swt) forbade us from refraining from the shari'ah for any reason, in Surah Al An'am, Allah (swt) says, Follow what has been revealed to you from your lord, there is no one worthy to be followed, obeyed or worshipped except him and turn away from the Mushrikeen. [EMQ 6: 106] The words turn away from the mushrikeen is general and is not restricted when faced with any potential benefit or interests. (iii) It is a deviation to say, I can do anything or everything in order to convey the truth or for the sake of benefit and interest' under the pretext of the aims justifies the means', that is complete falsehood as Allah (swt) says, Do not obey the one whose heart is misguided from our guidance (revelation) he follows his desires while all his deeds were wasted, say: all the truth is from your Lord, either you believe or you disbelieve, verily we destined for the disbelievers the hellfire. [EMQ 18: 28-29] It is evident in this ayah, that Allah ordered him to speak the truth while carrying Da'wah, even if the consequences were opposite to his interests, in this case he should stay on Haq outside the parliament, even if there are interests to be gained by entering with them. (iv) Moreover, in Surah Baqarah, Allah (swt) says, Al Fitnah is greater than killing, [EMQ 2: 217] and 9

Al Fitnah is stronger than the killing [EMQ 2: 191] Ibn Katheer in his Tafseer of these verses, quoted Abu aaliyah, Mujahid, Ikrimah, Sa'eed ibn Jubair, Al Dahhaq, Qatada, Al Rabee' ibn Anas and others saying: Al Shirk is stronger than the killing Verily, the fitnah is the Kufr and the Shirk and it is not allowed for the Muslims to be a part of it, the Muslim should never compromise with the Kufr or the Shirk for the sake of any interest or benefit. The greatest scholars of Islam like Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Maalik, Imam Shafi'i and Imam Ahmed, Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah and Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab all said, If the people of the cities and the village fought each other until all of them were killed, it will be easier (less harm) than to agree together to appoint one Taaghout to rule by what contradicts the Shari'ah of Islam. Furthermore, the principle of bringing benefit and preventing harm' is based entirely on what the Shari'ah defined and recognises as benefit and what the Shari'ah defined and recognises to be harm or hardship, not at all what the mind or ration has defined. Furthermore, the issue of compulsion to commit haram in Islam has a pre-requisite condition that the harm must be established beforehand in order for the compelled person not to be considered a transgressor nor rebellious against the Islamic rules, Allah (swt) says, It has been forbidden for you the dead meat, the pork and whatever the name of other than Allah has been mentioned over it, and whoever has had compulsion without rebellion or transgression, he has no sin. This verse is the principle of compulsion and has a clear condition that the harm of the hunger must have already reached the person as a pre-requisite before he/she can eat what is ordinarily unlawful in order to survive. That is further conditioned that he cannot continue in eating that by transgression or out of rebellion, he eats only what is necessary to survive.

Further still, there is a big difference between the one who was starving because of the absence of lawful food and so he eats unlawful food, and the person who goes to the parliament who is not under any compulsion whatsoever, rather he is involving in apostasy with his own free choice without to be compelled to do so. So where is the indication from the permissibility of the dead meat for the starving person, that anyone can enter into the 10

Kufr parliament and legislate law under the claim that they know what is the interests of the Da'wah (as if they know better than Allah)? Allah (swt) says, Say: do you know better than Allah? Who is more oppressor than the one who conceals the testimony that Allah gave him? Allah is aware of everything that you do. As for the principle of Duress, which does permits the Muslim to say or do Kufr, however there is a pre-requisite condition to utilise that permit that the duress must be a matter of life and death or of direct bodily harm and with the condition that his heart was full of Imaan. Allah (swt) says, Whoever declares Kufr in Allah after he believed except the one who declares Kufr after duress but his heart was full of Imaan, but whoever finds ease in Kufr, theirs is the anger of Allah, and they will have a terrible punishment. [EMQ 16: 106] These are the only circumstances that is considered duress, it is only either a threat of life and death or bodily harm that permits them to say or do Kufr, so where is the evidence to say or commit Kufr without duress with only the claim of gaining interests for Muslims and for the Da'wah? Verily the corruption of Shari'ah TV on Channel 4 and Islam channel and the ignorant socalled Imams of MCB is clear. What they say and do and the road that they are taking to justify participation in the elections and to become candidates for Parliament or to vote for the Kufr, that is the road of innovation and misguidance, the road compromise and humiliation, it contradicts to the teaching of Muhammad (saw) and to the consensus of his companions and the pious predecessors, it is enough to read the seerah of our beloved Messenger Muhammad (saw) as reported by ibn Hisham, when the Quraish sent to him (saw), Utbah to strike a deal, Jaabir ibn Abdullah narrated that, Utbah ibn rabee'ah came from the Quraish, and said to the messenger (saw), O Muhammad, you divided our society, defamed our way of life, insulted our parent's and our lords and gods, you exposed us among the Arabs, O man, if what you seek from your call is authority, we will contract you to be our chief (i.e. to be prime minister) and if what you seek is to have a noble position, we will grant you a position over us (i.e. head of parliament, minister or MP) and if what you seek is to be king, we will make you a king (i.e. to be king of England or president of USA). Muhammad (saw) rejected and recited the beginning of Surah Fussilat, Haa meem, it is revealed from Al Rahman Al Raheem, it is a book that we elaborated its verses, and recited it in Arabic for people to comprehend, as a warning and glad tidings but many turn their backs and listen not to you, they say our heart rejects what you call us to and our ears are blocked and between you and us is a partition, so ask, what do you want, we will give it to you, act, and we will also act,' say: I am a human like you, it has been revealed to my that our lord is one lord, so 11

take the straight path to Him and seek forgiveness from him and dare the Mushrikeen, who do not pay zakat, and in the hereafter they are Kafireen. [EMQ Fussilat: 1-6] These Ayaat were revealed to Muhammad (Saw) to counter their argument, they offered to him, positions, money and much benefit for the sake to have him compromise his deen that is based on the Tawheed and giving up all Kufr and Taaghout and to oppose it's systems and to attack it and declaring baraa'a (dissociation) from it, By Allah, what if this offer had been given to those deviant Muslims who have weak Imaan and weak hearts? If it was offered to them positions and to enter into parliament, they would be willing, every one of them and they would be ready to compromise everything to do so. Further evidence that exposes the false claim of interests' that MCB and the Islam channel' call for is reported in the Seerah of ibn Ishaaq and ibn Hishaam vol.1. It is narrated that the messenger (saw) offered Islam to a group of people from the tribes of Banu Aamir Al Sa'sa'a, they said to him as a condition to accept the deen, Do you see if we pledge to you to follow what you call us to, then Allah grants you authority over all those who disagree with you and then you pass away, will we have any share of authority after you? The Prophet (saw) said, that matter is in the hands of Allah, he grants it to whoever he wishes. Then they refused to believe in him (saw), [Seerah for ibn Ishaaq and ibn Hishaam] in this case, the mushrikeen pledged to accept him to be the leader in order to share power with him and have a rota, that he leads and then they lead after him, to have an alliance similar to the way the Muslims nowadays ally with the Kufr parties, yet the Prophet (saw) refused. Verily, if this offer was given to MCB, they would compromise everything and accept. In Addition, it is also reported in the Seerah of ibn Ishaaq, that the delegation of Banu Thaqeef, when they came to the messenger (Saw) embracing Islam, they requested him to allow them to keep their idols until Islam entered into the hearts of the masses, he (saw) rejected completely to allow them for even a single moment despite the fact that allowing them to keep the idols had some clear benefit for the Da'wah, increasing the Muslims and would have ensured greater security from apostasy and change. Despite all of this potential benefit, the Prophet (saw) rejected to compromise. So how will MCB and their followers face Allah on the day of Judgement while they offered themselves to the parliaments and the Kufr way of life? This is very different from the above examples where the Kuffar had offered themselves to Islam and had wanted only to retain some of their Jahiliyyah, and yet the Prophet (saw) still rejected. It is also reported by Al Imaam Al Baihaqi in the book of Al Dalaa'il vol.1 that Imam Al 12

Suyaani in his book Al Seerah p204, told the story of Banu Sheebaan bin Tha'labah. When the Prophet (saw) offered the deen to them, they promised him to protect him and his call from the Arabs but they refused to protect him (saw) from the Persians, the Prophet (saw) said to them directly, This Deen of Allah will never be supported except by the one who wants to protect it from all sides The Prophet (saw) rejected their offer, despite the fact that there is such a clear benefit for the Muslims to protected from at least one enemy, yet he did not compromise the call even though they has not asked to retain any Shirk or Kufr, rather to do something permissible to maintain support on one side. They wanted to have walaa' (alliance) to the Prophet (saw) and the Persians and to have baraa'a (disassociation) from the Arabs. Despite the clear potential benefit in their offer, the Prophet (saw) rejected completely rather than compromise any part of the Deen. It is reported in Saheeh Muslim, in the chapter of Al Fadaa'il Al Sahabah, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas said, We were with the Prophet (saw) and we were 6 people, the mushrikeen said to the messenger, throw these people away from you and keep distance from them and we will support you. Allah sent down an ayah ordering him (saw), do not throw out those who call their Lord day and night, seeking his pleasure, do not bother about what they offer to you, nor will you be accounted because of them and if you throw them out you will be an oppressors [EMQ 6: 52] Verily, if the British or any other government asked MCB, CAIR or other deviant moderate Muslims to denounce the du'aat or the mujahideen, or to stop them from coming to the Masjid for some political gain or interest, they would hurry to sell out the entire Muslim community despite the fact that it is clearly forbidden in the above ayah. They offered Muhammad (saw) to have a parliament with them if he threw out only 6 people, yet the Prophet (saw) rejected despite the clear potential benefit, however if the government asked MCB to denounce 6 Muslims, they would do so and even denounce many more for their sake.

It is narrated that Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum came to the Prophet (saw), he was blind and he said to him, O Muhammad, guide me, The Prophet (saw) at that time had some men from the leaders of Quraish with him and so he started to turn away from the blind man and went to the leaders, Allah revealed, He frowned and turned away when the blind man came to him, how do you know, he could become better [EMQ 80: 1-3]. 13

[Jami' Al Saheeh v1 p398] And in Surah Kahf, Allah (swt) says to the messenger, And recite what Allah has revealed to you in the books, there will be no change or defamation in the books, and you will find no refuge except in Him (swt). stand firm with those who call their lord day and night seeking his pleasure, do not turn away from them seeking the worldly benefit, and Do not obey the one whose heart is misguided from our guidance (revelation) he follows his desires while all his deeds were wasted, say: all the truth is from your Lord, either you believe or you disbelieve, verily we destined for the disbelievers the hellfire. [EMQ 18: 27-29] If to compromise a Muslim for the interests of the entire deen was not permitted, so how can we compromise the entire deen for the sake of some lesser worldly interests? In fact, the very cause of the Hijrah was for the sake of the deen, if the Prophet (saw) thought that the benefit and interests of the Muslims was to compromise with the government, he would never grant them permission to migrate, rather he would have told them to stay and conceal their Deen and to compromise. As mentioned, one of the arguments that people use to enter into parliament is that it is a form of Da'wah'. However, we will say that not every means is acceptable to give Da'wah, because the only means that are acceptable is that which pleases Allah (swt) in accordance to the Sunnah of Muhammad (saw), who said, Allah is Tayyib (good), and does not accept anything except if it is tayyib (good). So how can the Kufr and Shirk of parliament be the correct means to give Da'wah? It is reported in the fattawa of ibn Taymiyyah, v11 p620, he was asked about a famous sheikh from the Ashaa'ira. He used to gather people and use drums with some permissible poetry in order to encourage the people committing big sins (kabaa'ir) to come and listen, some of them came and started to repent and practise Islam, they asked if it was permissible. Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah said,

verily, what Allah will guide with it the misguided and lead with it the astray and forgive with it the sinner must be based on what the messenger (saw) has been sent with, this sheikh has targeted for those who commit sin to repent and to practise by following that innovated method, that indicates that this sheikh is jahil on the shari'ah method, that with it any disobedience will be repented from, because the Prophet (saw) and his companions and the Tabi'een used to call to those who are even more evil than those sinners, but using the method of the Shari'ah which was sufficient from Allah, instead of going to an innovated method. Therefore it is not allowed for 14

this sheikh to adopt any haram or disliked or even permissible method as an obedience to become closer to Allah and that is only the action of someone misguided, transgressor with the consensus of the Muslim scholars. If listening to a nasheed with some drums, adopted as a method to invite a sinner to Islam and for him to repent and become practising is a matter of innovation or haram for ibn Taymiyyah, then what about the actions that are Kufr or Shirk such as voting and legislation? How can it possibly become a method to establish Allah's deen? We know very well how there is a consensus of the scholars of the salaf that it is forbidden to accept the hadith Da'eef or fabricated Ahadith even if it has beneficial outcomes to bring people to Islam and practise better, yet it is prohibited to utilise it despite the benefit that it may have for our Da'wah. There is also consensus that it is forbidden to promote innovators who engage in innovation (e.g. milad un nabi, khitim, 40 days khuruj, eating at charity dinners etc) despite all the potential benefit it may have to Da'wah and despite how many people may come to learn because of it and even become guided from it. It has been reported that Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah said in his Fattawa v18 p476, Verily, the Shirk, and to attribute to Allah without knowledge and all forms of unlawful sexual acts, sayings and transactions, whether the inner and the outer, and the oppression cannot contain any form of interest or benefit, whatever is forbidden upon every person in every situation such as Shirk, Kufr or oppression or unlawful sexual acts, or to refer ahkaam to Allah that he never legislated, nothing is permissible from it under the pretexts of interest and benefit. That is because Allah (swt) says, verily, Allah forbade the unlawful sexual acts and transactions, whatever was hidden or apparent, and any form of rebellion without Haq and to associate with Allah that which He never revealed, or to attribute to Allah what you do not have knowledge, all of this is forbidden. [EMQ 7: 33] All these are forbidden amongst all people, in all religions and all anbiyaa have been sent with it's prohibition, and nothing is permissible from it ever, whether before Islam or after Islam, and none of these can be taken by permit for any interest or benefit for the Deen or for the Dunya.

This verse is evidence that we should not listen to those who try to push the ideas of personal interpretation and opinion, even if he claims to do good deeds and claims to do what is beneficial for the Da'wah and the Muslims. Bearing in mind that the Shirk and Kufr by itself is something evil and an insult to Allah, so how can the road to Shirk be a way to call to Allah and benefit Islam or Muslims? Sheikh ul Islam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab has a fatwa against the reminders, he was asked about the Friday reminders (Al Tazkeeru bi Jumu'ah) who used to make noise with an object every Friday, so that the people knew the day and so that nobody will miss 15

Salatul Jumu'ah, some of them started to make nasheed and walk in the streets, Ahmed Shaakir narrated that Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab said, Ibn Saanih asked me about Al Tazkeeru bi jumu'ah, it is an innovation, if they say that some people do not know if it is Friday except with it, then the messenger (saw) knows better than us and knows the benefit of the ummah better than all of you and the Sunnah is the adhan for jumu'ah, anything else is innovation. So how can going to parliament, which is at best an innovation be permitted to benefit the Muslims? I ask Allah to guide us to the truth and keep us away from the path of falsehood and those who call for it. Allahumma Ameen

Governments by the People and for the People "Democracy has come to tell us that the people in a democratic regime constitute both the executive power and the source of authority and that it has the last say in all matters, and no one can appeal [the people's] decisions and no one can criticize [the people's] rulings, for it has full power and it is the source of authority. Its will is sacred, its choice is binding That which the people permits is permitted, that which it forbids is forbidden, 16

and that which it accepts as law and regime must be accepted as such. Anything else has not sanctity nor value nor weight, even if it is religion or divine law given by the Lord of the world.

This principle of, Government of the People [and] by the People is the very core of the democratic system and it exists only through this [principle]. This, then, is the 'religion of democracy' which is being praised and glorified with much fanfare. This is what its theoreticians and thinkers and missionaries keep publicizing, and this in fact is what we see and experience in the reality from which we suffer. Democracy, in all its variations and interpretations, is based on principles and foundations, the most important of which may be summarized as follows:

First: Democracy is based on the principle that the people are the source of all authority, including the legislative [authority]. This is carried out by choosing representatives who act as proxies for the people in the task of legislating and making laws. In other words, the legislator who must be obeyed in a democracy is man, and not Allah. That means that the one who is worshiped and obeyed and deified, from the point of view of legislating and prohibiting, is man, the created, and not Allah. That is the very essence of heresy and polytheism and error, as it contradicts the bases of the faith [of Islam] and monotheism, and because it makes the weak, ignorant man Allah's partner in His most central divine prerogative namely, ruling and legislating. Allah said: 'Sovereignty is Allah's alone. He has commanded you to worship none but Him' [Quran 12:40]. 'He allows none to share His sovereignty' [Quran 18:26]

Second: Democracy is based on the principle of freedom of religion and belief. Under democracy, a man can believe anything he wants and choose any religion he wants and convert to any religion whenever he wants, even if this apostasy means abandoning the religion of Allah This is a matter which is patently perverse and false and contradicts many specific [Muslim] legal texts, since according to Islam, if a Muslim apostatizes from 17

Islam to heresy, he should be killed, as stated in the Hadith reported by Al-Bukhari and others: 'Whoever changes his religion, kill him.' It does not say 'leave him alone.'

"One may not make a [peace] treaty with an apostate, nor grant him safe passage or protection. According to Allah's religion, he has only one choice: 'Repent or be killed.'

Third: Democracy is based on considering the people to be the sole sovereign, to whom all juridical matters and conflicts should be referred, and if there is any controversy or conflict between governor and governed, each of them threatens the other to refer to the will of the people and its choice, so that the people should decide on the matter on which is disagreed. This conflicts with and is contradictory to the principles of monotheism, which determines that the arbiter, deciding by His judgment in matters of discord, is Allah and none else. Allah said [Quran 42:10]: ' And in whatever thing you disagree, the judgment thereof belongs to Allah.' Democracy, on the other hand, says: 'And in whatever things you disagree, the judgment thereof belongs to the people and to none beside the people'

Fourth: Democracy is based on the principal of 'freedom of expression,' no matter what the expression might be, even if it means hurting and reviling the Divine Being [i.e. Allah] and the laws of Islam, because in democracy nothing is so sacred that one cannot be insolent or use vile language about it.

Fifth: Democracy is based on the principle of separation between religion and state, politics, and life; what is Allah's is rendered unto Allah, which is just worship in the places designed for it. All other aspects of life - political, economic, social, etc. - are the people's prerogative

Sixth: Democracy is based on the principle of freedom of association and of forming political parties and the like, no matter what the creed, ideas, and ethics of these parties 18

may be. This principle is null and void according to [Islamic] law for a number of reasons One of them is that voluntary recognition of the legality of heretical parties implies acquiescence in heresy Acquiescence in heresy is heresy

Seventh: Democracy is based on the principle of considering the position of the majority and adopting what is agreed upon by the majority, even if they agree upon falsehood, error, and blatant heresy This principle is totally wrong and void because truth according to Islam is that which is in accordance with the Quran and the Sunna [i.e., the tradition of the Prophet], whether its supporters are few or many; and that which contradicts the Quran and the Sunna is false even if all the people of the world agree on it

It is both noteworthy and surprising that despite the fact that democratic experiments have had damaging consequences for the Muslims, causing weakness, controversy, division, and conflict despite all this, many people continue to admire democracy and defend it as though they were its owners and creators; their hearts are imbued with the love of democracy as the Children of Israel were imbued with the love of the [golden] calf Allah has decided this matter: 'I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship' [Quran 109:1], and at the end of the same chapter [He says]: 'You have your religion and I have mine' [109:6]. The matter, then, is a matter of principle; it is nonnegotiable, and there can be no concession regarding it whatsoever It is a matter relating to the principles of our creed nay, it is the very essence of our creed. A Brief Explanation of Democracy and its Inherent Kufr and Manifest Shirk: The word Democracy comes from the Greek words demos, which means people and cratus, which means governance. It is a system wherein the people legislate for themselves, by means of their appointed representatives, like the Congress or Senate, which is established for the purpose of implementing the laws and policies that reflect the desires of the majority of people of that region. Abdul Wahhb Al-Kill said, All the democratic systems are based on one ideology, which is that the authority is ascribed to the people, to whom the mastership belongs. In conclusion, democracy is the principle of the mastership of the people. It is, as Abraham Lincoln put it, The rule of the people, by the people, for the people.


Therefore it is a system, which is at odds with the very essence of Allhs exclusive right of legislation and as such it steps outside the mere disobedience of Allh into the realm of Shirk, in that it seeks to elevate mankind to the level of the Legislator (i.e. Allh). Allh, the Most High, said: And Allh judges, there is none to put back His Judgment and He is swift at reckoning. Ar-Rd, 41 And He, the Most High, said: Have they other associates who have prescribed another law for them that has not been issued by Allh? Ash-Shurah, 21 And because the people are the ones who select the laws, by means of their representatives, these laws are based upon what the people wish and they are in accordance with the desires of the majority, rather than what Allh has revealed. Allh, the Most High, said: Have you seen him who has taken as his Ilh (god) his own desire? Would you then be a Wakl (a protecting guide) over him? Or do you think that most of them hear and understand? They are only like cattle nay; they are even farther astray from the path. Al-Furqn, 43-44 Therefore the usurpation of this right by humanity sets them up as false deities (Tawght) besides Allh, by which they legislate laws and judge upon matters in opposition to His revelation. And for this reason, Allh, the Most High, referred to any person or system that does not rule by what Allh has revealed, asTght(ie false deity): Allh, the Most High, said: Have you seen those (hypocrites) who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to you, and that which was sent down before you, and they wish to go for judgment (in their disputes) to the Tght (false judges, etc.) while they have been ordered to reject them. An-Nis, 60 Shaykh Al-Islm, Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allh be merciful to him, said: The person who is obeyed in disobedience of Allh or the person who is obeyed in following other than the guidance of the religion of truth; in either case, if what he orders mankind is in opposition to Allhs orders, then he is a Tght. For this reason, we call the people who rule by other than what Allh revealed, a Tght. Al-Fatwa, Vol. 28/200 And Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allh be merciful to him, said: So a Tght refers to all people who rule by other than what Allh or His Messenger rule. This would also apply in the case that the people worship him besides Allh or they follow him without sight from Allh or they obey him when they arent sure if they are obeying Allh. So these are the Tawght of the world and if you look at them and see the condition of the people with them, you will see that most of them have switched from worshipping Allh to worshipping the Tght; from ruling by what Allh and His Messenger ruled, to the ruling of the Tght, and from 20

obeying Him and His Messenger to obeying the Tght and following him. Ilm AlMuwqqin, Vol. 1/50 Muhammad Al-Amn Ash-Shanqt may Allh be merciful to him, said, And with these Heavenly texts that we have mentioned, it becomes quite clear that the ones who follow the fabricated laws, which the Shaytn has legislated upon the tongues of his allies and which oppose that which Allh, the Powerful, the Most High, has legislated upon the tongues of His Messengers, peace be upon them, that no one doubts their Kufr and their Shirk except he whom Allh has removed his sight and has blinded them to the light of the revelation as they are. Look to Adhw Al-Bayn, Vol. 4/82-85 Religiously-committed Muslims are aware that the fundamental goal of democracy is to rule the masses based on the desires of the majority, as opposed to the revelation of Allh, we do not need to spend much time explaining the Kufr of this system in general. Shaykh, Abdul-Qdir Ibn Abdil-Azz, said, As for those amongst the people who vote for them (i.e. Members of Parliament), they are committing Kufras well, because according to the representative democracy, the voters are in reality delegating them to practice the mastership of Shirk legislating beside Allh on their behalf. Thus the voters give the members of parliament the right to implement Shirk, and set them up through their voting as legislating lords beside Allh Hukm Al-Islm F Ad-Dmuqrtiyyah Wa AtTaddudiyyah Al-Hizbiyyah , Pg. 28 Allh, the Most High, says: Nor would he order you to take Angels and Prophets for lords (gods). Would he order you to disbelieve after you were Muslims. l-Imrn, 80 So if a person who takes Angels and Prophets as lords has become a Kfir, how then about the person who takes the Members of Parliament for that?

Likewise, this is also implied in His saying: Say: O people of the scripture, come to a word that is just between us and you, that we worship none but Allh, and that we associate no partners with Him, and none of us shall take each other as lords besides Allh. l-Imrn, 64 Consequently, taking people as lords beside Allh is a Shirk and a disbelief in Allh and that is what those who vote for the members of parliament are doing. Al-Jmi F Talab Al-Ilm Ash-Sharf 1/151-152 And this action falls into the description of the known rule: Supporting Kufr is Kufr, because the one who assists or enables the people to commit Shirk or Kufr, knowingly, takes the same ruling as the one who commits the Shirk or Kufr itself.


And this rule is consistent with what Allh, the Most High, said about those who remain present while His verses are mocked: And it has already been revealed to you in the Book (this Qur'n) that when you hear the Verses of Allh being denied and mocked at, then sit not with them, until they engage in a talk other than that; (but if you stayed with them) certainly in that case you would be like them. Surely, Allh will collect the hypocrites and disbelievers all together in Hell. An-Nis, 140 Ash-Shawkni said, His statement: certainly in that case you would be like them. In other words, If you do that and do not prevent (it) then you are the same as them in the Kufr. Fath Al-Qadr , Vol. 1/527 Shaykh, Sulaymn Ibn Abdillh Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abdil-Wahhb, may Allh be merciful to him, said, The meaning of this verse is just as it appears. It means that if a man hears the verses of Allh being disbelieved in or made fun of and sits among those disbelieving ones who are making fun of (them) without being compelled to, and does not prevent them and does not leave them until they begin to talk about (a different subject), then he is a Kfir like them, even if he does not take part in this act, because this indicates his pleasure with Kufr. And being pleased with Kufr is Kufr. With this verse, and others like it, the scholars have demonstrated that he who is pleased with the sin is like the one who commits it and if he says that he hates it in his heart, it is not accepted from him because the judgments are upon their (outer) appearance and he has exhibited Kufr, so he would be a Kfir. Majmat At-Tawhd , Pg. 48 Therefore, one who merely remains present while the Kufr is being committed and does not leave and does not attempt to prevent that from taking place, takes the same ruling as the one who actually performs the Kufr. So what is to be said about those who assist and enable the Kufr and Shirk by electing a candidate on their behalf to legislate for the creation, laws, other than the laws of the Sharah?! And keep in mind that these votes are the only method by which this individual member of parliament will be able to do so, because without the electoral support from the voters, he would not be in the position to perform this Kufr and Shirk in the first place!! So in this case, the voters are the ones who enable and assist this one to commit the Kufr and Shirk and they are not merely from those who sat silently while the verses of Allh were mocked. Once you make the connection between the role of the voters, during the election, and the subsequent Kufr and Shirk which is committed by the Representative when he is elected to Congress or Senate, there is no more room for doubt. And what is the difference between those who elect this individual as a lord besides Allh to legislate the lawful and unlawful for them and those who take the sun or the moon as a lord besides Allh to provide them with their sustenance and provision? By Allh, the ruling upon them is the same.


DEMOCRACY IS A FALSE RELIGION Allah (subhanahu wa taala) says, And I (Allah) created not the Jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone) [Surah Ad Dhariyaat 51:56] Abdullah ibn Abbas said The above ayah means to worship Allah (subhanahu wa taala) s singularly and alone (i.e. Li yu wahidoun). And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): "Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) Taghut [Surah An Nahl 16:36]


Whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. [EMQ 2:256] DEMOCRACY AND VOTING IN DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS T THE DEFINITION OF DEMOCRACY Democracy is not an Arabic term (democrathia broken Arabic) has no root verb No linguistic meaning No Shariah term Term never used in the time of the Sahabah (ra) Term never used politically by the Arabs Democracy is from the Greeks Demos meaning people Cracy meaning judgment, legislation Literal meaning of democracy is the peoples rule t Hence the slogan: Rule of the people, by the people, for the people. Their source of legislation (hakimiyah right to make law) is man (insan). So Man decides what is good and what is bad. Rule of the people = power of legislation through the elected congress By the people = rule by what they(congress) legislate For the people = they(citizens) will be ruled by what is legislated D Democracy (definition in the dictionary) 1. Government by the people exercised either directly or through elected representatives. 2. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power. 3. Majority rule. Western Democratic Society upholds principles such as freedom, liberalism and secularism. Hence they may accept god as creator but NOT the commander Yet Allah (subhanahu wa taala) says, Surely, His is the Creation and Commandment. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of the Alamin [Surah Al A'raf 7:54] Democratic Society will have the following: Legislative authority = powers to make law and amend them,(congress) Executive authority = execute them, i.e. foreign office, home office, education etc Judicial authority = judge cases and pass verdict according to the legislation 24

LEGISLATIVE BODY (HOUSE AND SENATE) Congress emanates from the notion that rule is for the people. But as all cant be involved in this process they elect delegates to do this. The Legislative Congress 1. Legislation and passing laws 2. To give government the vote of confidence or no confidence Legislature today in any country legislates kufr man-made laws, thereby competing with Allah (subhanahu wa taala) Rububiyah; To do this is committing SHIRK AKBAR. Allah (subhanahu wa taala) says:, Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases, And whoever sets up partners with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin. [Surah An Nisa 4:48] They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allah, and (they also took as their Lord) the Messiah, son of Maryam, while they were commanded to worship none but One God, none has the right to be worshipped but He. Praise and hallowed be He above what they associate (with Him).'' [Surah At Taubah 9:31] And whoever contradicts and opposes the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) after the right path has been shown clearly to him, and follows other than the believers' way. We shall keep him in the path he has chosen, and burn him in Hell - what an evil destination. [Surah An Nisa 4:115]

Aiesha narrated the Messenger (salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam) said: (Kullu amali laisa alaihi amruna fahuwa radd) Whoever does an act not from this matter of ours (Islam) will have it rejected. [Bukhari] [Muslim] So if congress is haram, so is to become candidates for it, and so is to vote to bring in a candidate. Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Severe in punishment [Surah Al Maidah 5:2] SOME IMPORTANT POINTS 25

RULE (SOVEREIGNTY) IS FOR NONE BUT ALLAH (subhanahu wa taala) The command (or the judgement) is for none but Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him (i.e. His Monotheism), that is the (true) straight religion, but most men know not. [Surah Yusuf 12:40] NONE CAN HAVE A SAY ONCE A DECISION IS MADE And Allah judges, there is none to put back His Judgement and He is Swift at reckoning.[Surah Ar Ra'd 13:41] It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed into a plain error. [Surah Al Ahzab 33:36] FOLLOWING THE MAJORITY IS NOT THE HAQ Say, "Not equal are Al-Khabith (evil) and At-Taiyib (good), even though the abundance of Al-Khabith (evil) may please you." So fear Allah much and love Allah much, O men of understanding in order that you may be successful. [Surah Al Maidah 5:100] And most of mankind will not believe even if you desire it eagerly. [Surah Yusuf 12:103] And if you obey most of those in the earth, they will lead you astray from Allah's way; they follow but conjecture and they only lie. [Surah A-Anam 6:116] ALLAH (subhanahu wa taala) HAS DECREED FOR THE MUSLIMS ISLAM AS THEIR ONLY DEEN/WAY Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam. [Surah Al Imran 3:19] ALLAH (subhanahu wa taala) CONDEMNS THOSE WHO CHOOSE ANOTHER WAY And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers. [Surah Al Imran 3:85] Or have they partners with Allah (false gods), who have instituted for them a religion, which Allah has not allowed. [Surah Ash Shura 42:21] 26

Have you seen those (hypocrites) who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to you, and that which was sent down before you, and they wish to go for judgement (in their disputes) to the Taghut (false judges, etc.) while they have been ordered to reject them. But Shaytan (Satan) wishes to lead them far astray. [Surah An Nisa 4:60] MUSLIM HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO OBEY ALLAH (subhanahu wa taala) O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority. (And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger [Surah An Nisa 4:59] EVERY PERSON ACCOUNTABLE So, by your Lord (O Muhammad SAW), We shall certainly call all of them to account. For all that they used to do [Surah Al Hijr 15:92-93] THE DELEGATE AND DELEGATED SHARE IN THE SIN And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the Kafiroun [Surah Al Maidah 5:44] Delegating to kufr, will lead to being punished for kufr.

REFUTING MISCONCEPTIONS Yusuf (alayhi alsalaam) worked for the Aziz of Egypt: Did not work in legislative department, rather executive He said the rule is for Allah (subhanahu wa taala) this was even whilst in Prison He said in the Shariah of Ibrahim the one who steals becomes a slave i.e. regarding his brother Benjamin The Negus implemented kufr: Embraced Islam before his death Plus the Shariah was not complete The treaty of Hudaibiyah: The Messenger (salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam) did not compromise with kufr regimes, rather as the leader of the Islamic state he negotiated for a cease-fire. No comparison with party political elections 27

The Alliance of Fudhoul: The kuffar made a treaty to stop fighting during hajj and look after the hujjaj, the Messenger (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) expressed he liked the idea, but never partook in it, as it happened in the past The lesser of two evils: Islam allows the lesser of two harms but not evil Which is worse, killing a baby, rape or drinking alcohol Alcohol is the mother of all evils Hadith whosoever sees evil Fulfil your agreement: Only if it doesnt contradict the Shariah Public Interest: Only if it doesnt contradict the Shariah Obeying the law of the land: Yet Allah (subhanahu wa taala) says, O Prophet! Fear Allah, and obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Verily! Allah is Ever All Knower, All Wise. [Surah Al Ahzab 33:1] And never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way (to triumph) over the believers [Surah An Nisa 4:141]

Donkeys and Dogs, Evil is Evil! By Abu Abdullah Allah (swt) called the people who have access to the Ilm but abuse it by not implementing it properly "Himaar" (donkeys) and in another verse they were referred to as Kilaab (dogs). So we say to these beasts who say it is Fard to vote for man-made law: "Say: Produce your proof if you are truthful." [2: 111] The Deen of Allah (swt) has told us that we do not have any choice at all in whether we should embrace it or not but what you do have is a free will that has been granted to you by Allah (swt). That is why there is only one choice you accept Islam holistically (internally and externally) and you go to Jannah inshallah and if you do not then there is the Hellfire awaiting for you. In other words there is no opting in and out of Islam like a yo-yo. From the Deen of Haq the purposes of the Sharee'ah (Maqaasid ash-Sharee'ah) in this life have been categorized by the Ulamaa' into five areas and these five (given below) can only 28

be guaranteed if we live under the supremacy of Islam. Never can any democratic system or its twin, dictatorship, ever give Muslims these rights: 1. Hifz-ul-Deen protect, preserve\and promote the Islamic divine way of life E.g. if someone were to decide to renegade and become an apostate from Islam and this was confirmed then the solution is to execute that person. 2. Hifz-ul-Ird - protect and preserve life E.g. this entails that neither abortions nor any form of euthanasia is carried out. 3. Hifz-ul-Nafis - protect and preserve honour E.g. no one is allowed to slander or backbite any practicing Muslim. 4. Hifz-ul-Aql - protect and preserve the mind E.g. all intoxicants and games that are a complete waste of time will be banned. 5. Hifz-ul-Maal - protect and preserve your wealth (family and property) E.g. ensuring your wife and children are secure from external threats. All of these are applicable to Muslims only and the Kaafir by default has none of these sanctities unless their status changes. Either they become Muslims whereby they are granted all five. Or they are bound by a treaty/covenant whereby they are given only two out of the five, security for their life and wealth only e.g. they become citizens of the Islamic state (Dhimmies) then it is the responsibility of the Islamic State (Khilaafah) and the duty of the Khaleef to protect their life and wealth. Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said the Sharee'ah is built to fulfil the interests and increase the benefits and prevent harm and reduce it as much as you can. Also to know the best from two goods and the worst out of two harms; so that if the two goods clash you know the best one to take and if two harms clash you leave the worst [Minhaaj Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyyah vol.16 p118]. The Better of two Goods If you have in front of you two things you can do but you only can do one of them because of physical and time restraints then the Muwahhid is instructed to take the best and most rewarding action i.e. the one that will benefit you more in the hereafter inshallah. For example if someone wanted to voluntarily donate money to a good cause and they could either give that money to the local Mosque or give it to the Mujaahideen. Then the nobler duty would be to support the Mujaahideen and the Muwahhid with a strong Imaan would opt for this.


The Lesser of two Harms This is another recognized principle that states if you have two ways of doing something then you need to minimize the damage you are going to cause either to yourself or to your property. For example if you locked your car and then realized you have left your car keys inside your car how would you try to obtain those keys back again. Well you would weigh up the cost of breaking one of your windows the small side window or the big windscreen. In this particular scenario this principle is advising you to break the small window which would be cheaper to replace than the windscreen. Also Ibn ul-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah in his Miftah Dar-us-Sahadah (The Key to the Domain of Happiness (Jannah)) also states that benefit and interest (within Islam) is of two types: The clear (Khaalisah) and outweighed (Raajiha) interest and if there is conflict between the two take the best and highest among them. The prevention of real harm and most likely harm and if there is a clash between the two you remove the highest harm. Both these Ulamaa are from the sect called Al-Ittibaa Ahlus Sunnati Wal Jamaaah and they are laying down two simple principles that are well established and recognized in Usul-ul-Deen and can be used daily in your day to day life. However there is another legitimate principle that is used in specialist times called the lesser of two evils (Akhafu Sharrah Rayn) which has its own rules and requirements. Unfortunately a lot of people take this principle and apply it totally out of context and this has been the main reason to justify why Muslims living in the US should vote for manmade laws.

Lesser of Two Evils Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah gives an example of the applicability of this principle he says if there is a Muslim living between the Mushriks and they force him to do something from two then this is called duress (Ikraah) [Minhaaj Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyyah vol.3 p995]. In other words the lesser of two evils is only activated when: You are under duress (life or death matter) You utter or do something whist you totally reject this action in your heart The evidence and best example for this case was when Amaar ibn Yasir (ra) had just witnessed the brutal murder of his mother Sumayah (ra) (the first ever martyr of Islam) by the pagans of Quraish because she refused to give up Islam. They then threatened to kill his father if Amaar did not denounce Islam and come back to polytheism. Amaar (ra) who had 30

also been tortured during this time could not bare it any more he announced that he did not believe in Islam and Muhammad (saw) was not the Messenger of Allah (swt). Kufaar being Kufaar they still murdered his father Yasir (ra) and Amaar (ra) was released. The two possibilities for Amaar (ra) were: He does Shirk He does Kufr Both Shirk and Kufr are evils but the lesser of the two in this compelling and life/death situation is the act of Kufr. Wahie (revelation) came down from the seven heavens to approve what Amaar (ra) had done was the right thing and if he were to be put in that situation again he can utter words of Kufr as long as his heart was in a state of Mutmainnah (full of Wala towards Islam and Barra to Kufr) Whoever disbelieved in Allah after he has believed, except him who has been compelled (forced) and whose heart is still firm in faith - but those who open their breasts to disbelief, on them is wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a great torment [16: 106] Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah sums up these principles by saying for anyone to know the best of the two goods and the biggest evil from the two evils one has to refer to the Wahie (and this is a Shart (condition)) otherwise we would be following our Hawa (desires) and this would cause chaos. So we say to these donkeys and dogs: By using this principle you acknowledge voting for manmade laws is evil. In Islam we have a principle that states evil will remain to be evil until the day of judgment and good will remain to be good until the day of judgment. So why is it that you are asking us to do evil when we are not under duress? Every Muslim should know that voting for manmade laws i.e. in the general election (for any political party - Republican, Democratic, Independent, Green etc.) is like prostrating to an idol which is an act of polytheism (Shirk-bil-Uluhiyyah) that can lead to being an apostate (Murtad). The reason being that when you vote for a Representative you are delegating that Representative to go to congress to decide what is good (Halaal) or bad (Haraam). When Allah (swt) has already decided for you what is Halaal and what is Haraam. ...nobody has the right of legislation (to make laws) except Allah [12:40]


Shirk-bil-Uluhiyyah is done when you share the Sifaat (attributes) of Allah (swt) with his creation and we know that Allah (swt) forgives everything except shirk Verily Allah will not forgive those who assign partners to him If committing Shirk is the lesser of two evils then what is the higher evil? When Allah (swt) clearly states that the highest good is Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) and the highest evil is Shirk. Is there anything more evil than Shirk? Shirk leads you to hellfire. Is there anything more dangerous than Hellfire? These donkeys and dogs have said it is Waajib to vote and participate in the upcoming general elections. When it is well known that when anyone uses the principle of lesser than two evils then you can never derive Ahkaam (Islamic laws) from it i.e. its Mubaah, Fard, Waajib, Sunnah rather it is referred to as being under duress. Amaar (ra) was not obliged to denounce Islam because there are many examples where some of the Sahaabah who were under duress refused to denounce Islam when they had the permit to do so. There is another Islamic principle that states if anyone uses the principle of lesser than two evils (and the lesser of two harm) then they have used this principle because they have no evidence from Qur'aan and Sunnah based upon the understanding of the Sahaabah (the text is silent) regarding the issue under scrutiny i.e. voting for manmade laws. When there are two Hukms (rulings) for the same thing then another Islamic principle called taking the highest verdict takes over. For example when some says this food is Haraam and another person says it is Halaal then the ruling is that it is taken as being prohibited. The doubt has been generated by the two rulings and the safest thing to do is to protect yourself from the harm by not eating the food. So we are saying that voting for manmade laws is an act of Shirk and the donkeys are saying it is Halaal to vote. On this basis one should keep well clear of the Shirk and not listen to the dogs barking. Finally there is a beautiful Hadith in Sahih Bukhari that sums up everything Muhammad (saw) said: A man had a choice between: 1. Drinking alcohol 2. Fornicating with someone 3. Killing a baby (Remember all of these options are evil) The man opted to drink the alcohol because it seemed to be the least evil out of the three evils. As a result of this he got drunk and had sexual intercourse with a woman whilst he was in this state of Zina the baby started to cry. In a state of total intoxication and angry at being disturbed from his act of Zina he hit the baby thus killing the child. Then the Prophet (saw) said the mother of all evils is intoxicants.


It is worthy of noting that Muhammad (saw) never said you should have killed the baby, or fornicated rather He (saw) called the mans lesser of three evils the mother of all evils. Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) does commentary on this Hadith and says why did he not choose the fourth option which was to leave and restrain from all three evils. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam refrain from voting for Kufr for surely it is very easy to commit Shirk whereas it is very hard to be a Muwahhid. Do not be disunited, do not listen to the Taaghout (evil people), do not lose the chance to go to Jannah, do not lose your Deen, do not obey Shaytaan, do not knock on the gates of Jahannam. Reject the dogs that bark and the asses that bray. We say to these brutes follow the Salaf and not the Khalaf (Talaf (wicked people)) and do not be like the Shaytaan who upon hearing the Haq (Adhaan) starts to fart so loud just to avoid hearing the call to (Salaah) prayer. On the authority of Abu Saaed who said Muhammad (saw) said: Let not any one of you belittle himself. The Sahabah (ra) said: Oh Messenger of Allah, how can any one of us belittle himself? He (saw) said He finds a matter concerning Allah about which he should say something, and he does not say [it], so Allah (swt) says to him on the Day of Resurrection: What prevented you from saying something about such-and-such and suchand-such? He says [It was] out of fear of people. Then He (swt) says Rather it is I whom you should more properly fear [Hadith Qudsi Ibn Majah].

Is it permissible to participate in the elections, or join the parliment? The following is a brief summary, and exposition to the kufr and shirk of voting, or joining the parliment. *** Question: Is it permissible to participate in the elections, or join the parliment? Answer: It is kufr and shirk, Firstly, the one who does not rule by Sharee'ah law, is a kaffir And whoever does not judge by what Allaah has revealed, then they are the disbelievers. [Surah Al-Maaidah: 44]


Secondly, the legislation is ONLY for Allah (SWT) 6:57 Say: "For me, I (work) on a clear sign from my Lord, but ye reject Him. What ye would see hastened, is not in my power. The command rests with none but Allah. He declares the truth, and He is the best of judges." 12:40 "If not Him, ye worship nothing but names which ye have named,- ye and your fathers,- for which Allah hath sent down no authority: the command is for none but Allah. He hath commanded that ye worship none but Him: that is the right religion, but most men understand not... 42:10 Whatever it be wherein ye differ, the decision thereof is with Allah. such is Allah my Lord: In Him I trust, and to Him I turn. Is it the Hukm of Jahiliyyah that they seek? But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission. And whoever does not judge by what Allaah has revealed, then they are the disbelievers. [Surah Al-Maaidah: 44] 4:60 Hast thou not seen those who pretend that they believe in that which is revealed unto thee and that which was revealed before thee, how they would go for judgment (in their disputes) to false deities when they have been ordered to abjure them? Satan would mislead them far astray. Thirdly, Obeying legislation is Ibaadah (Worship) "They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allah 'Adiyy bin Haatim (RA), who was a Christian but came to Islam, he heard the Prophet (SAW) recite this ayah, so 'Adiyy (RA) said: 'We did not worship them besides Allah'. The Prophet (SAW) replied: 'Did they not make forbidden what Allah had made permissible, and made permissible what Allah had made forbidden?' 'Adiyy (RA) replied: 'Ofcourse'. So he (SAW) said: 'So that was your worshipping of them'. (Found in Imam Ahmad's Musnad and the Jaami' of at-Tirmithi, and he declared it hasan.)


The Ruling Upon Those Who Participate in the Democratic Elections As for those who participate in this Shirk, then there is no doubt that they are committing Kufr and that their action is not permitted due to any of the aforementioned doubts and misconceptions listed here. However, what is equally certain is that most of our brothers and sisters who call to and participate in the democratic elections do not know the full reality of what this action implies. This is one point. Secondly, it is clear that most of those who do participate in the democratic elections only do so intending to bring about some good or to reduce some harm. And although we do not say that the intention of the one who performs Kufr or Shirk can stop that action from being described as such, what is correct is that the ignorance of the one committing this Shirk, while believing it to be a good action and intending obedience with that, is a preventative factor from the preventative factors of declaring them to be disbelievers.


Therefore, we do not stop calling this action Shirk and Kufr, even if those who perform it intend good and virtue. But since they are ignorant concerning the reality of this action and because the matter becomes confusing due to the verdicts (Fatwa) of scholars who permitted it, based on some of the rules we have refuted, then immediately holding one upon the Kufr of this action is an extremist reaction and we do not do so until the matter has been clarified to him and all of his misconceptions are removed. In his warning to those who go to extremes in the matter of declaring disbelief(Takfr) of others, Ab Muhammad sim Al-Maqdis said the following about those who rush to perform Takfr of those who participate in the democratic elections: And from them are those who are brought and he sees those elaborate(campaign) posters, which have written upon them in bold text: Islm is the Solution, and the likes of that from the slogans, which the legislating polytheists deceive the general Muslims with. So they vote for them and choose them, due to their love for Islm and due to allegiance to its Sharah and they do not know or do not intend the dead-end street of Shirk, which those representatives take to rule with some of the penalties of the (Islmic) legislation in their claim. So this must all be considered with those who do not directly take legislation or take an oath to honor the laws of Kufr or take the judgment to them or other than that from the statements and actions of Kufr, which the representatives commit. As it is known that the voter does not do all of that, nor does he commit it. Rather, he only elects and delegates on his behalf, the one whom he chooses. And then he went on to say, And due to that, it is not permitted to rush to declare the disbelief (Takfr) in the likes of him, except after establishing the clarification and making the reality of the actions of the legislating representatives plain to him, and that what they commit from the actions of Kufr, which nullify the religion of Islm and the Tawhd of the Lord of all the Worlds. Then if he insists on voting for them after that (clarification), then he disbelieves. So it is a must to differentiate regarding the voters, between the one who did not intend that rather he intended to choose something other than a legislator. So the second one is not made Takfr to, except after establishing of the proof, because he; even though outwardly he has committed an act of Kufr, according to those who do not know his intention, but the misunderstanding of the situation and the misconceptions (surrounding it) and the fact that Democracy and Parliaments are under titles and names and phrases, which are foreign, some of the people began committing acts, while not being aware of their reality. So it is from the category of the one who issues a statement or utters a saying, which he does not know its meaning. So it is obligatory upon those who understand the reality of the ruling of Democracy and in particular, the ruling upon participating in democratic elections, to make this issue clear to the people and to clarify and remove these misconceptions.


Who and what is/are the taghout of todays world? A Muslim must have baraa (disassociation) with the taghout and not wala. It must be kept in mind that the taghout never be named as Muslim or be given attributes of Allah. In order to apply restraining from and resistance to the taghout one must know, be familiar with and be able to recognise the taghout and its establishments. The following is a list of establishments, institutions, employees, leaders etc. of the taghout of today: 1) The United Nations; the largest known establishment of the taghout today. 2) All states which take part and is a member of the United Nations. 3) The leaders of these states who make laws. 4) All governments which make and assist in making their own laws; parliaments, members of parliaments, ministries etc. 5) The officials of these governments and states. 6) The political parties of these governments 7) All assistants and officials of these political parties. 8) Those which assist and vote for such political parties. 9) The Lawyers, advocates who believe, consult, apply and seek the verdict of and judgment from the laws of these governments. 10) The judges who judge on the basis of these laws. 11) The police that defend and enforce these laws. 12) The military of these governments which fight on the basis of these laws, to defend and protect these governments. 13) The religious leaders who support and justify these laws. 14) The wealthy elite who support help maintain, and contribute to these governments and all of its departments, branches, institutions, establishments etc. 15) The propagators of these governments; who call upon the nation to support, obey, assist, have sympathy, care for 16) Everyone who support, obey, assist, care for, and have sympathy etc for these governments regardless of whom or what they are.


17) Those which make allegiance with the taghout against the Muslims. 18) Those who do not takfeer, who take as awliya and not have enmity to these people who show compassion, have sympathy, support, assist, aid, obey, follow etc. to these governments and all of its institutions. Extension by "Muslims Against Voting" The Arabic word taghout is used numerous times in the Quran. It has been defined in the The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic(1976) as, an idol, a false god; seducer, tempter (to error). Muhsin Khan has defined the term as, anything worshipped other than the Real God (Allah), i.e. all the false idols. And he includes, saints, graves, RULERS AND LEADERS WHO ARE FALSELY WORSHIPPED OR WRONGLY FOLLOWED [and] A FALSE JUDGE WHO GIVES FALSE JUDGEMENT. And so where Allah (SWT) mentions the taghout in the Quran, He is speaking of more than the idols that were worshipped by the Pagans and Polytheists in Makkah. He(SWT) was addressing the systems and the establishment , the Laws and Orders, the Customs and the Traditions and the social-infrastructure( Way Of Life) at that time and was associating those that do not work against the establishment of false systems AS HYPOCRITES AND DISBELIEVERS (blind, deaf, dumb, etc.). And so it is clear, IF ONE REFERS TO ISLAM HE/SHE IS DOING IBADAH (submission, obedience, following and worshipping) TO ALLAH(SWT) AND IF HE/SHE REFERS TO ANYTHING AT ALL OTHER THAN ISLAM HE/SHE IS DOING IBADAH(submission, obedience, following and worshipping) TAGHOUT.

And so, in a day when the majority of Muslims define the worshiping of idols as though it only encompasses praying to false deities (i.e. statues, temples, saints, etc.), and while they refer to taghout systems of rule like democracy, international law , UNO, EU, ArabLeague and etc. for solutions to their problems, it becomes crucial to understand the term taghout and to understand that Islam commands and defines ones success in life in the very act of cleansing ones self and society by struggling diligently in ones life and wealth to work against those false judges who seek to refer to the rule of men. Every Muslim must struggle to live life under the rule of Allah (SWT) and His Messengers AS. Allah (SWT) has said in the Quran, And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): Worship Allh (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) Tght. Then of them were some whom Allh guided and of them were some upon whom the straying was justified. So travel through the land and see what was the end of those who denied (the truth)[16:36]. Primary examples of reference to the taghout occur daily amongst the Islamic People (Ummah) today. Take as an example the fatawa issued a few weeks after September 11, 2001 when Taha Jabir al-Alwani of the Fiqh Council of North America contacted Yusef al-Qaradawi in his luxury estate to gain the 38

backing and permission for Muslims to go to fight against their fellow Muslims brothers and sisters in Afghanistan. This fatwa implied that the principle allegiance of the American Muslim soldier was to his country and not to his Deen and was but one of many examples of Muslims capitulating their obligations and turning toward the Taghout for their decisions. Indeed, the Bush Administration interprets the shariah and the unfortunate thing is that many of our so-called scholars seem to agree and adopt his position (May Allah forgive us!). The entire capitalist system dictates how the rich Muslims do business on Muslim soil, and worst of all is the fact that we sit idly by and say nothing in the face of these oppressors as Brothers and Sisters all over the world are blamed for their own massacres. However, where Allah(SWT) tells us to travel around in the land and see what was the end of those who followed the taghout before us, we can see that oppressors do not last long. Allah(SWT) typically sends a Messenger or a great amount of wealth to the people right before He(SWT) destroys them and so the end of all nations that come into contact with Islam have either disappeared or have assimilated with the Islamic way of life. So too will be the inevitable end of the oppressors war in the Middle East, but when we travel around and see the beginning of the story we must recognize from the tales of Native American Indians, the Africans, the Irish, the Indians under British Rule and all imperialist peoples that the taghout are bestial and Satanic in their efforts to conquer culture and country; the taghout always dictate and enslave by defining how the conquered live, what they worship, and who they believe and we must recognize that they do this by giving crumbs of wealth and bits of worldly gain to those who are willing to sell their brothers, sisters and families for the sake of personal success (i.e. our Muslim countries rulers-Stogies and Puppets and their scholars for dollars). But if one reads the Quran and comprehends Allah(SWT)s explanation of the taghout they can find that the liberation of the soul is dependent upon two dynamic struggles: the struggle against the self and the struggle against the society(through intellectual and political struggle means). Wont you turn with us away from the Taghout and toward Allah (SWT) and his Messenger (SAW) for guidance? Allah(SWT) has said, There is no compulsion in the Deen. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Tght and believes in Allh, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allh is All-Hearer, All-Knower. Allh is the Wal (Protector or Guardian) of those who believe. He brings them out from darkness into light. But as for those who disbelieve, their Auliy (supporters and helpers) are Tght, they bring them out from light into darkness. Those are the dwellers of the Fire, and they will abide therein forever. [TMQ 2:256] In another verse about the taghout Allah (SWT) explains, Have you seen those (hyprocrites) who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to you, and that which was sent down before you, and they wish to go for judgement (in their disputes) to the Tght (false judges, etc.) while they have been ordered to reject them. But Shaitn (Satan) wishes to lead them far astray[TMQ 2:257].


This verse was revealed when a Jew and a hypocrite fell into a dispute. The hypocrite called on Kab bin al-Ashraf, to arbitrate between them, while the Jew called on the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). When they came to him(saw), the Prophet(saw) ruled in favor of the Jew. But the hypocrite was not satisfied, and so they went before Umar (RAA). The Jew told him what had happened, whereupon he ['Umar] turned to the hypocrite and asked him, Is this true?, and when he replied, Yes, he ['Umar] killed him. Isnt it strange how Muslims today command us to understand the Deen of Islam as the companions (RAA) of the Messenger (SAW) while they ignore the vital methodological underpinnings of their ways and actions? Wherever this ignorant understanding exists and is deliberate there is disbelief for their disbelief resembles the same disbelief of those who take part of the book and not all of it and those who refer to other than what Allah (SWT) has revealed in legislation. Note how Umar (RA) slayed the hypocrite and left alone the Jew. As soon as he referred to the taghout for decision Umar (RA) didnt hesitate in taking action. We need to return to a true understanding of the importance of separating ourselves from these Neo-Roman Crusaders that have gathered around our land and are ready to feast on our resources, woman and livelihood, and it starts by recognizing them for who they are. Anybody who identifies the taghout and doesnt speak against them is from them just like anyone who takes jurisdiction from the Jews or Christians (see Quran 5:51-54). O Ye Who Believe! Will you not read the Quran and decide for yourself? Will you not turn away from all that is taghout and sacrifice your lives and wealth in the way of Allah and prevent a destruction for the Muslims like that of the American Indians and African Americans who are still suffering today. O Ye Who Believe rise with us and speak the truth to the oppressors, help to revive Islam the all-encompassing way of life and do not let the ummah become like the Christians giving unto Caesars what is Caesars and giving unto God what is Gods[Bible: Romans 13:7] Wont you grasp the strongest handhold that never breaks and speak truth in the face of the taghout. Wont you rise like great Muslims in the past and the Messengers (AS) and proclaim that Allah(SWT) is the Creator, that He(SWT) is One and that His(SWT) shariah is the only way toward peace and tranquility in the Earth and that all other systems are false. Wont you understand Islam like the Companions (RAA) of the Messenger (SAW) and Umar bin Al Khattab (RAA) when he said that, Some people were dealt with by the revelation in the time of the Messenger of Allah (SAW)? The revelation has ceased. Now we deal with you according to what is clear to us from your actions. If anyone shows us good, we trust him and honor him. We know nothing of his inward. Allah(SWT) will call him to reckoning in respect of his inward. If anyone shows us evil, we do not trust him and do not believe him, even if he says his inward is good[Bukhari] We must not take from those of us that are willing to hug and eat with those who are responsible for dropping thousands of bombs on our Brothers and Sisters, we must reveal their two faces and lies, debate with them and show them that Islam is superior to their ideologies and systems. We must work establish Khilafah and revive Islam and the only way to accomplish these objectives is to return toward the Quran and the Sunnah but we must take all of it and not a portion of it regardless of what it is that we like or dislike. And 40

when we return to the way of Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (SAW), Allah(SWT) will restore us to dignity and falsehood will vanish, Wont you join us and, Let there rise from amongst you group(s)who invite others to the khair(Islam), command the good, and forbid the evil, and they are the ones who are successful ones (3:104)

WHY WE REJECT THE ELECTIONS Our rejection of the elections is based on convictions that emanate from various evidences summarized in the following points.

Elections are the mechanism of choosing a representative to participate in a legislative body, amongst disbelievers of a non-Muslim country in order to legislate man made laws. This is in contradiction with the Islam. Somebody may say that these elections will lead us to the best and most qualified person who will represent our interests in the congress, however it is not true that the person chosen will be the most suitable, rather it will be the one who collects the most votes that comes to power. He may obtain these votes by his effective media propaganda or because of his partisanship to a party or because of his wealth or even because he bought the loyalty of the people or because of any other desires. 41

The people will never gain their position because they are capable for the job in this way, not to mention that the capability for the job is not an excuse to commit Shirk Akbar i.e. legislation. Verily, elections are won or lost based on the wealth and the media. The one who has no wealth or media backing has his winning as a form of imagination. Whenever he has more money and his image in the media is stronger, he will have a stronger hope to win the election. Even if you were to bring a man who compiles all the certificates and qualifications of the world and then let him sit at home, no one will vote for him unless he spends much money and leads a campaign!

A Muslim must know that if he is to maintain his Islam, he cannot participate in the election and must not participate in any form of kufr such as voting. for a person that wants to go to elections in order to participate in the legislative body under the pretext of his good intention.

Looking to people in any society, we find that they have huge demonstrations against their government policies similar to the people in UK demonstrate against the Labour policies even walking in millions in the street protesting against a government that is supposed to represent them; we find the very people who voted for them rising against them,so how did they obtain votes in the first place except by deceiving & lying to them?

Elections are a mechanism inside a political symphony in the framework of a particular culture (i.e. the western culture here in the UK) based on the idea of multi-party elections and multiculturalism motivated by a particular man-made ideal. In Britain, that has already been laid down in the deen of Kufr, the Deen of democracy and secularism, which contradicts to Islam.

Understanding this fact, we find that the election has become a method to put your head in 42

the sand like an ostrich, it will not solve any problems, rather it will only strengthen the kafir parties, whether labour or conservative or lib dem or Respect or any other man-made party. People should know that all of these mechanisms of elections are based on a manmade framework and man-made (i.e. Kufr) culture, they should know that they are not participating in anything except to negate and leave their deen.

Many people think that elections are the way forward to represent the Muslim interests and benefits in the British society and to unite the Muslim voice, to demand and pressure the parliament for certain benefits for the Muslims. But Verily elections are a mechanism to fragment the Muslims and to destroy the remaining forms of co-operation and to spread between them envy against the candidates opposing them; that is because it is based on partisanship and alliance to and based on the kufr. He cannot live with himself, whatever he does of good deeds he has to participate and ally with a corrupted party and to cooperate with kuffar, he has to compete on behalf of them in order to achieve any result. This will cause in the Muslims the spirit of division instead of cooperation in good deeds. That will destroy the Islamic brotherhood that distinguishes them from other nations; for other nations it means nothing to co-operate with all other people, but for Muslims, to cooperate and ally with Kuffar opposes the very usul of Al Walaa Wal Baraa.

Furthermore, the success of the candidate is based on how many votes he can collect, that is by promising to the people to fulfil their individual interests in order to represent them in parliament. Therefore, the candidate will win his seat either by his promises to fulfil their interests and desires over the promises of his counterpart in this case the wishes of the people becomes a dummy that they ride upon in order to achieve his own ambition to become an MP.

Many people who participate in the elections among the Muslim community do not know the position of the person that they vote for, if they were aware that what they are doing is sin and Kufr Akbar, they should refrain from participation. However when they have been 43

given an emotional, false and misguided justification and incorrect interpretation they are duped into supporting a Kufr Deen.

Some people may say that it is a practical solution for the Muslims and to stop all Islamophobia and misrepresentation of Islam; they should know however that in a country that has a multitude of corrupted sects and religions, it will never bring any practical solution for the Muslims unless they compromise their deen the way we see many Muslims compromising their Deen in order to be accepted politically.

However our rejection of the participation of the elections is only a matter of obedience to Almighty Allah, and our rejection of integration is not a call for dictatorship, nor a call for isolation, rather it is a call for positive interaction in society; only in the way that Allah ordered us, not according to the pressure of the society; according to the divine text, not according to the interpretation of the reality. Therefore, our fear from death or suffering from a lack of participation should not make us throw ourselves into a place where we will sink and lose our identity, rather it should be a driving force to form a pressure group as a community, whom can dictate the interests of the Muslims without to be part of the system, rather to be a fifth column who are able to maintain and survive and maintain its unique identity, offering a live example for the people to see. If we fail to convince them verbally in debate and argument, let us convince them practically without to join them in their system, and without losing our identity.


The Conditions of Tawheed

Tawheed is the mother of all obligations. Without it, you cannot be a Muslim and all of your good deeds are fruitless. It is vital for one to understand the pillars and conditions of tawheed in order to ensure that he/she is a real Muslim. Failure to fulfil any condition or pillar of tawheed will nullify a persons Eemaan and Islam, and hence will either be a mushrik or murtad (apostate). The conditions of tawheed are as follows: 1. Al-Ilm Knowledge Allah (SWT) says in the Quraan: So know that Laa ilaaha ill-Allah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah) (EMQ Muhammad, 47: 19) If you testify that there is no ilaah worthy of worship and obedience, you must also know and understand all of Allahs (SWT) attributes and functions or you will become mushrik. This verse is a decisive request to have knowledge about Allah (SWT). For example, knowing that He is the only Legislator, one will never vote for any kaafir to legislate law. Likewise, by knowing that He is the only Provider, one will never fear poverty. Having knowledge of tawheed is more vital than studying the Quraan, as indicated by the hadeeth of Jundub bin Abdillaah who said: We used to study Eemaan before we studied the Quraan (Sunan Ibn Maajah, Kitaab ul-Eemaan no.60), and the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) also said: The one who dies, knowing (understanding) Laa ilaaha ill-Allah will enter paradise.(Saheeh Muslim, Kitaab ulEemaan)


We are obliged to study, learn and know about Allah (SWT); what He likes and dislikes, loves and hates, His names and attributes etc. You can only testify that which you have knowledge about. Therefore, if someone claims to be a witness, and he is asked about what he has seen, and replies: Im not sure, this person is completely daft as he testifies to something which he has no knowledge of. Similar to this person is the one who testifies the Kalimah, yet he does not understand what it means. Allah (SWT) says: This (Quraan) is a Message for mankind (and a clear proof against them), in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is the only One Ilaah (God Allah) (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah), and that men of understanding may take heed.(EMQ Ibraheem, 14: 52) 2. Al-Yaqeen Certainty Knowledge is not enough, as many kuffaar know about Islam but they do not believe in it nor do they have certainty about it. Allah says: Only those are the believers who have believed in Allah and His Messenger, and afterward doubt not but strive with their wealth and their lives for the cause of Allah (EMQ Hujaraat, 49: 15), and the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) said: Whoever testifies that there is no god worthy of worship and obedience but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah, without any doubt he will enter Jannah. (Saheeh Muslim) 3. Al-Qubool Acceptance After having knowledge and certainty, you MUST accept. Some people may believe, have knowledge, and have certainty, but may not accept, as it may be too difficult for him or he may not accept out of his own personal desires. Allah (SWT) says: Truly, when it was said to them: Laa ilaaha ill-Allah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah) they puffed themselves up with pride (i.e. denied it). (EMQ as-Saffat,37: 35) 4. Al-Inqiyaad Submission Allah (SWT) says: But nay, by your Lord, they can have no Eemaan, until they make you (Muhammad [SAW]) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission. (EMQ an-Nisaa, 4: 65) Allah (SWT) describes those who do not submit to Him as disbelievers, and swears to this by Himself. Having knowledge, certainty and acceptance is not enough; you must also have submission with no haraj (discontent). You must submit to Allah, and all His names and attributes. Allah (SWT) also says: There is no compulsion in the religion. Verily, the right path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taaghout and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break (i.e. he will have submission). And Allah is All-Hearer, AllKnower. (EMQ al-Baqarah, 2: 256) And also: The command (or the judgement) is for none but Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him (i.e. His Monotheism), that is the (true) straight religion, but most men know not. (EMQ Yoosuf, 12: 40) Thus, He (SWT) orders us to worship and submit to none but Him. 46

5. As-Sidq Believing Allah says: When the hypocrites come to you (SAW), they say: We bear witness that you are indeed the Messenger of Allah. Allah knows that you are indeed His Messenger and Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are liars indeed. (EMQ alMunafiqun, 63: 1) Allah testifies that the Munaafiqoon are liars as they claim to be Muslims but they do not believe. Thus, believing is a condition of Tawheed as Allah (SWT) also says: And of mankind, there are some (hypocrites) who say: We believe in Allah and the Last Day, while in fact they believe not. (EMQ al-Baqarah, 2: 8) Allah testifies again that they are not believers as they never have Eemaan in their hearts. The munaafiq has no talaazum (moulding) between his inner and outer as he shows Islam but conceals kufr. The Messenger Muhammad (SAW) said: The one who testifies There is no God worthy of worship but Allah, (whilst sincerely) believing in the heart; Allah will forbid him from the Hell-fire. (Al-Bukhaari, Kitaab ul-Ilm no.128 and Muslim) Therefore, the one who does not believe in his heart has the attribute of a munaafiq or kaafir. 6. Al-Ikhlaas Sincerity Allah says: And they were commanded not, but that they should sincerely (with Ikhlaas) worship Allah, and worship none but Him Alone (abstaining from ascribing partners to Him), and perform As-Salaat and give Zakaat: and that is the right religion. (EMQ al-Bayyinah, 98: 5) The Messenger Muhammad (SAW) said: The one who says there is none worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah seeking sincerely to see the face of Allah, Allah will forbid him from Hell-fire. (Al-Bukhaari and Muslim) And also, Abu Hurayrah (RA) asked the Messenger Muhammad (SAW): who is the luckiest person to receive your intercession? He said: the one who says Laa ilaaha ill-Allah sincerely from his heart. (Al-Bukhaari) 7. Al-Mahabbah Love After having knowledge, certainty, acceptance, submission, belief and sincerity; you must also love those whom Allah (SWT) tells you to love, and hate those whom He tells you to hate. Allah says: And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others besides Allah as rivals (to Allah). They love them as they love Allah. But those who believe love Allah more (than anything else). If only those who do wrong could see, when they will see the torment, all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is severe in punishment. (EMQ al-Baqarah, 2: 165)


The Messenger Muhammad (SAW) also said: The most powerful knot of Eemaan is to love for the sake of Allah and to hate for the sake of Allah. (Ahmad, Aadaab usSuhbah) Therefore you must love the Muslims, believers and mujaahideen, and hate the kuffaar, Shaytaan and all other disbelievers; otherwise you will be violating one of the conditions of tawheed and hence become mushrik.

Tawheed An Explanation of its Meaning

There has never been in the history of mankind a greater or more controversial statement as the Kalimah: LAA ILAAHA ILL-ALLAH (there is no one worthy of worship except Allah). These divinely revealed words divided the world into two camps: the camp of falsehood and the camp of truth. The callers of Tawheed throughout history had to endure severe testing and persecution because of the Kalimah. Moreover, they were the most vilified amongst their people: Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: We believe, and will not be tested. And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allah will certainly make (it) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars. [EMQ 29:2-3] Despite the intense provocation and animosity directed towards them, they held an uncompromising position where they were able to sacrifice their whole lives for Tawheed, and concerning themselves only in pleasing their Creator: Say: Verily, my Salaah (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the Aalameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists). [EMQ 6:162] They took this firm stance because they understood that Allah sent down the revelation (i.e. the Quraan) to the final Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to establish the truth and to guide mankind by it. The people of Tawheed understood that Allah (the Most High) is the one who defines the purpose of mankinds existence: And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone). [EMQ 51:56] So what is Tawheed? Why is it so controversial? And what are its implications?


Tawheed is to believe with the heart, to testify with the tongue and manifest with the limbs that there is no one worthy to obey, submit to and worship except Allah. To further explain, it is to single out Allah in His Lordship (ruboobiyyah) in His worship (uloohiyyah) and His names and attributes (al-Asmaa was-Sifaat). The Lordship of Allah is to recognize that Allah alone is the Creator, the Provider and the Most-Merciful etc. Tawheed ul-Uloohiyyah is the absolute right of Allah (glory be to Him) to be worshipped, elevated, obeyed, and for all ritual acts to be offered for Allahs sake alone and should not be offered to anybody or anything else, such rituals as salaah (prayer), duaa (supplication), at-tahaakum (arbitration), slaughtering and fasting etc. Say: Shall I seek a lord other than Allah, while He is the Lord of all things? [EMQ 6:164] The opposite or nullifier of Tawheed is Shirk. Shirk is to ascribe partners to Allah. It is in the form of directing the names, attributes or functions of Allah (glory be to Him) towards anyone or anything other than Him or along side Him. For example one of Allahs name and attribute is al-Hakam meaning the Legislator or Law Maker; thus, legislation is His (glory be to him) exclusive right. Therefore, anyone who legislates other than Allah is a Mushrik (one who commits shirk). The Muwahhid (the one who worships Allah without committing shirk) must understand, accept and believe in two principles or Tawheed: The first is to disbelieve or reject Taaghout (anything that consents to being obeyed, followed or worshipped other than Allah) and then to believe, worship, submit and obey Allah alone: Whosoever disbelieves in (or rejects) Taaghout then believes in Allah, he has grasped the most trustworthy knot of Islam (understood the meaning Laa ilaaha illAllah). [EMQ 2:256] If one understands the principles of Tawheed it is clear to see where the conflict arises as there must be a total rejection of all false religions and ideologies (i.e. democracy, socialism, Christianity or Judaism etc.) before one can call himself a believer in Allah. Allah condemns all those who practice another way of life other than Islam: Or have they partners with Allah (false gods), who have instituted for them a deen (way of life, ideology) which Allah has not allowed [EMQ 42:21] To Allah belong the purest and the best qualities. In His infinite wisdom and knowledge, Allah knows what is best for mankind: Should not He Who has created know? And He is the Most Kind and Courteous (to His slaves) All-Aware (of everything). [EMQ 67:14] Allah chose Islam as the Deen that should be believed in and followed: This day, I have perfected your Deen for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your Deen. [EMQ 5:3]. The Deen of Islam is the haq (truth) which Allah decreed to supersede over all other ways even if the people detest it: It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him) with guidance and the Deen of truth (Islam), to make it superior over all ideologies even though the Mushrikoon (those who ascribe partners to Allah, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) hate (it).[EMQ 9:33]


Allah is most severe in Chastisement and warns the disbelievers of a torment facing them for not accepting Islam: And whoever seeks a deen other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers. [EMQ 3:83] Allah promises severe burning and scolding for all those who die on disbelief: And whosoever does not believe in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), then verily, We have prepared for the disbelievers a blazing Fire. [EMQ 48:13] But for those who believe in Allah and Islam, Allah promises happiness and contentment: Verily! Those who believe (in Tawheed) and do righteous deeds, shall have the gardens of Paradise for their entertainment, [EMQ 18:107] and: (There is for him) rest and provision, and a Garden of delights (Paradise). [EMQ 56:89] Without Tawheed, the life of a person is meaningless and a total waste. The whole purpose of mans creation is to worship Allah alone and if man fails to acknowledge this exclusive right of Allah then one will be amongst the dwellers of the Fire (Hell). He will have no one to blame but himself: what a horrible conclusion. One must learn and act upon Tawheed if one wishes to be from the inhabitants of the Garden of Bliss where Allah will be pleased with him forever.

Tawhid is not merely Tawhid ar-Rububiyyah

Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said, The Tawhid with which the Messengers came with comprises of affirming that Divinity and worship belong to Allah alone, such that a person witnesses that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, and that none is worshipped except Him, nor depended upon other than Him, nor are alliances or enemies made except for Him, nor is an action done except for Him. This affirmation also covers those Names and Attributes which Allah affirms for Himself, as Allah (awj) says: And the Allah to be worshipped is only one Allah. None has the right to be worshipped except Him, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. (ali Imran 3/163) And Allah (awj) says: Do not take two objects of worship. Indeed, Allah is the only Deity to be worshipped, so fear Him. (an-Nahl 16/51) And He (swt) says: Whosoever calls upon (i.e. supplicates or prays to) other than Allah, for which he has no proof, then his reckoning is only with his Lord. Indeed, the disbelievers will not be successful. (Muminun 23/117) Allah (swt) also says: And ask those of our Messengers whom we sent before you, Did We ever appoint objects of worship besides the Most Merciful? (az-Zukhruf 43/45) And Allah (awj) informed us about every Prophet from amongst the Prophets that they called the people to the worship of Allah alone, having no partner, as He (awj) said: Indeed there is an excellent example for you in Ibrahim and those with him, when they said to their people: Indeed we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allah. We have rejected you, and there has arisen between us and you, hostility and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone. (al-Mumtahia 60/4) 50

And Allah (swt) said about the mushriks: When it is said to them: None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, they become arrogant. And they say: Are we to abandon those deities that we worship because of a mad poet? (as-Saffat 37/35-36) And this occurs a lot in the Quran.

And what is meant by Tawhid is not merely Tawhid ar-Rububiyyah -the belief that Allah alone is the Creator- which is what some of the people of Kalaam and the Sufis think! So they think that if they affirm this type of Tawhid, along with its proofs, then they have affirmed the utmost limits of Tawhid and that if they bear witness to this and become absorbed in it, then they have absorbed themselves in the limits of Tawhid! However, this is not the case. Since even if a person agreed to those attributes which are befitting to the Lord, and declared Him free from everything He should be declared free from and affirmed that He alone is the creator of everything -then still such a person would not be a muwahhid until along with this, he witnesses that the only Ilah (i.e. object of worship) is Allah- (i.e. none has the right to he worshipped except Allah alone)- affirming that Allah alone is the Ilah deserving off all worship, adhering to this worship and associating no partners with Him. Also affirming that this Ilah is He who is deified and worshipped and who deserves worship and it is not that Ilah merely with the meaning, The One who has the power to create and originate. So if an explainer (of the Quran) explains Ilah to mean, The One who has the power to create and originate and believes that this is the most particular description of Ilah and affirms this to be the limits of Tawhid -as is done by the people of Kalaam, and it is what they say from Abul-Hasan al-Ashari and his followers- then they do not know the true reality of the Tawhid with which Allah sent His Messengers, since the Arab mushriks used to agree that Allah alone is the Creator of everything. Yet despite this, they were still mushriks, as Allah (swt) says: Most people do not believe in Allah except that they commit shirk (i.e. associate others with Him in belief and worship). (Yusuf 12/106) A group from amongst the salaf said: If you ask them who created the Heavens and the earth, they will say, Allah yet along with this, they worshipped others besides Him. (narrated from Ibn Abbas (ra) and others; Tabari, Jaamiul-Bayan an Tawilul-Quran, 13/50-51)


Allah (swt) said: Say: Whose is the earth and all that is in it, if you do indeed know? They will say, It belongs to Allah. Say, Will you not then remember? Say, Who is the Lord of the heavens and the Lord of the great Throne? They will say, Allah. Say, Will you not then fear Him? (Muminun 23/84-87) So not everyone who affirms that Allah is the Lord of everything and is its Creator, will be a worshipper of Him to the exclusion of everything else -calling upon Him alone, hoping in Him alone, having fear of Him alone, forming allegiance and enmity for Him, obeying His Messengers, ordering what He orders and forbidding what He forbade. (Majmua al-Fatawa, 3/97-105)


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