Internal Marketing

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VOL 3, NO 9

The Impact of Internal Marketing on Organizational Commitment in Banking Industry through Structural Equation Modeling:
Gholam Abas Shekary Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Accounting Azad University of Mashhad, Iran Saeed Khayat Moghadam Lecturer, Faculty of Management and Accounting Azad University of Mashhad, Iran Neda Rezaei Adaryany Master of public Management (Corresponding Author) Department of Management, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran Iman Hashemi Moghadam Master of Business Management Faculty of Management University of sistan & baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran Abstract: Nowadays the important and deterministic role of organizations internal customers (employees) in achieving organization to its aims have been cleared up more than before by addressing two ideas and concepts of internal marketing and organizational obligation. Related studies show that internal marketing activities have improved competitiveness in organization and promoted competencies through influence and motivation- creating and commitment in employees. Therefore, this research have been performed to identify current situation of internal marketing steps in the direction of organization obligation as well as to examine the impact of internal marketing an employee organizational obligation. Research method would be descriptive and correlation structural exuviations model. In this direction we examined a sample consist of 233 managers and bank employee in Mashhad city by using prepared questionnaires. Results of research indicated that position of internal marketing steps in intended bank would be inappropriate and position of organizational obligation would be appropriate and internal marketing had a significant and positive effect on organizational obligation. And also in examining model the value of fitting indicators (AGF1= 0/91 and GF1=0/93) indicating being appropriate of model. Key words: Internal Marketing, Organizational Obligation, Internal Customers. 1. Introduction: Since future of the world in 21st century is full of competition, emerging markets development, insecure environmental elements and advanced technologies, the requirement of success in this field is to enjoy opportunities and to confront existent challenges. One of the most important of today organization opportunities is access to commitment and powerful employees. Thus today, internal marketing have been accepted as one of the effective tools in better implementation of subject organization plans. In fact, internal marketing means satisfaction and incentives creating for employees, in which, employee as a customer and labor as a product in directions of improving services and customer- oriented is viewed. In this regard, the organizations which have failed in internal communication programs are able to use internal marketing as a tool to access employees commitment. Indeed one of the elements that load to increase employees commitment in the organization is to implement and conduct internal marketing successfully. So, it is important to access and measure organizational commitment and marketing actions for identify wickedness and strengthens of bank and to offer modifications plans so that it would be possible to increase organizational commitment of employees by using an appropriate compiled internal marketing to generate a and ideal pleasant work environment.

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1.2. Theoretical Framework of the Research: 1.2.1.Internal marketing: Internal marketing is one of the marketing issues which was studied by Berry as a method for resolving problems and difficulties for organizations employees and offering high quality services to them about 30 years ago. Berry defined internal marketing as follow: it counts employees as internal customers and work as a product, a product that should satisfy the needs and requirements of customers to achieve organizations to its definitions in this area ( Preston & Steel, 2002: 295, Berry, 1981: 25). Indeed the main logic in internal marketing is to accept this point that it should be behaved with employee like internal customers (Gummesson, 2000: 27). In fact, the management must step in to achieve to aims of internal marketing by using tools such as continuous encouragement and richness of thought of employee relative to their roles ( Keller, 2002: 651). In general, we found five key elements by analyzing key concepts in literature and background ( Ahmed & Rafiq, 2000: 453): 1. Satisfactions and motivations of employee. 2. Customer orientation and customer satisfaction. 3. Inter-functional co-ordination and integration. 4. Use of marketing-like approach. 5. Implementation of specific corporate or functional strategies . Dividing internal marketing in different areas: Based on perceptions of some researches different dimensions of internal marketing are divided into two groups. First group is based on human resources approach, factor of success in internal marketing in the organizations is to have satisfied and high- motivated employees (Lings, 2000:697). Second group is based on total quality management approach and it emphasizes on enhancing services quality and conveys the strategy of developing relationship between staff across internal organizational boundaries. The purpose of these activities would be increasing the quality of supplied services to external customers ( Ballantyne, 2000:43). Detzel and Geller (1991) convey that this chain will finally lead to satisfy the needs of external customers ideally (Lings, 2000:698). Also, Coric and Vokic were researchers which have divided internal marketing into four areas more fully and elaborately (Coric and vokic, 2009 :89-91). These four areas have been discussed completely as follows: A Internal marketing as human resources management: 1) Gronroos (1990 from, varey, 2001): Internal marketing is a managerial philosophy which reinforces attitude and understanding of managers relative to role of employee in the organization and mention the need to a holistic view in their jobs. 2) Tsai (2008): Internal marketing is the action of human resources management to keep excellent staffs. B Internal marketing as applying marketing techniques in internal environment at organization: 1) Piercy and Morgan (1991 from Rafigh and Ahmad, 1993): internal marketing is to develop and faster marketing plans for implementing in internal environment at organization, this is done by using similar basic structures used for external marketing. 2) Ozretic Dosen (2004): Internal marketing consist of marketing researches, segmentation, policies of internal production, internal pricing, internal sales, distribution and internal communications. C- Internal marketing as a precondition For satisfaction of external customers: 1) Ballantyne (2000): Internal marketing is a strategic approach to challenge the attitude of thought and behavior of employees towards understand customer orientation concept appropriately. 2) varey (2001): internal marketing is a tool for developing and accelerating marketing orientation within the organization. D Internal marketing as a source for competitive advantages: 1) Ballantyne (2000): Internal marketing is one of the forms of marketing in the organization which concentrate on employee attention about activities that need to be changed, on the other hand it improve and enhance performance of external market context. Overall, these definitions indicated that internal marketing was necessary as a philosophy for organization management and viewing employee as internal customer cause to increase quality of services. Main purpose of internal marketing approach would be to develop and educate high motivation and with customer oriented thought employee .( Grnroos, 1996a).

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VOL 3, NO 9 Generating internal marketing: Issues such as need to attraction, employment, training, motivation, and communications and retain all employees through informing about their needs and willingness are discussed in relation to employee; if their needs were not met then it is difficult to satisfy external customers. In reality we need responsible and enthusiasm employee to provide suitable performance and this approach is created through behaving with employee as internal customer (generating internal marketing). This approach consists at marketing techniques which employees enjoy internal products of organization desirably that is, jobs (Ahmad et al, 2002; Ballantyne, 2003; Berry, 1981; Cahil, 1995; Ahmed & Rafiq, 2000). Ahmad et al (2003) convey that internal marketing programs affect satisfaction increase of employee positively. Indeed, internal marketing largely emphasize on use of marketing concept within organization by focusing on employee which cause to improve competitive advantage of organization (Panigyrakis & Theodoridis, 2009:601). Also in other studies Boshoff and Allen identified some mixed internal marketing Components such as empowering and stated its positive impact on employees performance and their job satisfaction (Gounaris, 2007: 401). Indeed it could be stated that heart of internal marketing fallow two important pimples: 1) internal marketing as a mechanism to develop the commitment relative to marketing in entire organization. 2) Access the aims with maximum effectiveness and efficiency for every employee in services chain and encourage them as internal customers not as a college and member of organization ( Sarjeant & Asif, 1998: 68). Reynoso and Moors (1996) have identified six steps in internal marketing: 1- Generating internal awareness relative to internal marketing. 2- Identify internal customers and internal suppliers. 3- Identify expectations of internal customers. 4- Establish links between expectations of internal customers and internal suppliers. 5- As a consequence from the last case, internal providers must be able to reach work to desirable level for internal customers by necessary changes in it. 6- And finally provide criteria for quality of internal services and offer feedback to internal suppliers to deliver services desirably (Lings, 2000:29). Helman and Payn (1992) divided the internal marketing steps into three different parts: 1) Marketing of employee: creating motivation in employee to achieve better performance and to improve the relations between internal and external customers. 2) Marketing of an internal function: marketing of the organizational different units as long as they understand well their roles in relation to organization units. 3) Marketing of organization products and services to employee (Helman & Payn, 1992:4). 1.2.2. commitment: In early 1980s, the organizational commitment of employees was one of the most important issues which were considered by researchers and widespread researches were conducted about this subject. In 1985, Walton noted the need to movement from control based management to commitment based management in his wellknown paper: Commitment based management. Commitment have been defined and measured in different ways and this is due to being multi dimensional of this concept (McKenna, 2005:16). Reviewing fallowing definitions show that commitment is a duty force and direct the behavior. 1- Mowday, Parter and Steers define the commitment as the identification of an organization which constant of a powerful belief and attitude in accepting aims of values of organization, willingness to significant endeavourer for organization and intense willingness to stay in the organization ( Mowday et al, 1979: 20). 2- In literature of organization the employees attachment to organization which they engage to work in it is seen as commitment (Akroyd et al, 2008 : 114). organizational commitment: Primary researches in this area have been focused on being one-dimensional of this concept but new findings and researches more denote on being multidimensional of this concept. Common point in these definitions is that all of them see commitment as a kind of connection and link with organization. Indeed organizational commitment is a psychical link between employee and organization in which decrease the probability of voluntarily leave of individual from organization ( Meyer et al 1993: 538).

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VOL 3, NO 9 Meyer-Allens model: Most of them believe that commitment have consisted of two separate concepts but related to each other, that is behavioral and attitude components. Attitude component states degree of individuals loyalty to organization. This form of commitment emphasizes on adaptation and cooperation of individuals in organization. In contrast behavioral commitment states individual link with organizational approach. However Meyer and Allen (1995) see affective, continuance and normative commitment as attitude commitment components ( Powell & Meyer, 2004). Meyer and Allen (1997) constructed their three-dimensional based on observing similarities and differences in organizational uni-dimensional concepts. In general their discussion was that commitment link individual with organization and thus, this link decrease the probability of turnover (Meyer & Herscovitch, 2001: 305). They distinguish three kinds of commitment: 1- Affective commitment: show individuals affective dependence to organization. Meyer and Allen believe that a person feel effective dependence on organization when the aims and values of organization seem like his/her aims and values and to be convinced that he/she must help organization achieve its goals ( Allen & Meyer, 1990:4). 2- Continuance commitment: is related to willing to stay in organization for expenses of its leave and compensation due to stay in organization. Indeed this kind of commitment is created when a person would believe that his/her abilities are not affordable in the market, or that he/she is lack of necessary skills to compete in the areas of interest. Such employees feel a kind of dependency on their existent organization (Allen & Meyer, 1991:77). Indeed, this kind of commitment included two infrastructures. One is based on degree of persons willingness about leave of organization and other is related to distinguishing between available and substitution positions in the case at organizations leave and expenses from it .( Awwad & Agti, 2011: 311). 3- Normative commitment: reflect staying in the organization as a member of it, so that a person feels his/her staying in an organization is a correct option (Allen & Meyer, 1997:14; McKenna, 2005:17). Persons who have high degree of normative commitment feel that they are bound to continue their work (job) in the organization. Indeed normative commitment show employees belief relative to their responsibility in relation to organization (Stallworth, 2004:946) and it direct employee to stay in the organization (Chang & Lin, 2008). Main subject of commitment would be willingness to conducting an act by a consistent behavior either explicit or implicit (Meyer & Schoorman, 1992:671). A subject which is created by negotiation between persons and colleagues is called transaction (Brown, 1996: 230-232). Value of transaction between a person and organization is consisting of quantity and value of input and output. This emphasizes on calculative commitment (Hacket, 1994:15). Input means endeavor and professional competence and accepting job risks and output include realization of expectations and job satisfaction, desirable social communications, job requirements and suitable income (Mottaz, 1988 : 486). 1.2.3. Internal marketing and organizational commitment: Primary factor in internal marketing is that employee feels that management consider their needs and have responsibility about them. Successful internal marketing cause to employee would have a positive view relative to their job and this attitude include organizational commitment, job satisfaction and job high motivation. Lack of commitment would be very dangerous for organization it causes to more poor performance and as a result undesirable services and organizations expenses increase. Hogg (1996) states that internal marketing could be an useful resolution for creating commitment in employee and success increase in failed and traditional internal relational plan. Schlessenger & Heskett (1991) emphasize on importance of high motivation employee and refer it as success cycle. This cycle is result of awareness in crease of employee about their role in increase of customer satisfaction. This was performed by Jawarski and kohli (1993). They divided the market orientation into three aspects of replying, creating information in the organization and develop information in the organization. These researchers used only affective commitment to examine organizational commitment. Result of research state a positive impact of market orientation affective commitment (Caruana & Calleya, 1998:110). In general it could be stated that higher commitment employee have more desirable job performance, better ethical and less willingness to leave their job. Studies show that one at the primary issues and difficulties of organization members would be position of human resource management and internal marketing steps. These issues include recruitment, training, salary and pays system and performance appraisal which have a close relation with

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VOL 3, NO 9

interests of employee. Indeed, attitude of organization members relative to human resources management style and internal marketing steps have a deep impact on job performance of staff (Zhang & Liu, 2010:190). Researchers such as Sauchan & Lings (2001) convey that internal marketing steps could be discussed as a key element to increase motivation of staff, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. In addition Lings (2004) believes that internal marketing steps have a positive impact on internal aspects at organizational performance such as staff satisfaction and staff commitment (Awwad & Agti, 2011:311). 2.Conceptual Framework of Study In line with the literature review and the aim of study as described at the start of the paper, the conceptual framework of the study was configured as demonstrated in Fig. 1. 2.1.Hypotheses of Study The following Hypotheses were created for this study based on the conceptual framework for the study and literature review: H1: Condition of internal marketing practices is appropriate in the bank. H2: Condition of organizational commitment is appropriate in the bank. H3: Internal marketing is effective on organizational commitment in the bank

Awarding system Affective commitment Internal marketing Organizational commitment Continuance commitment Normative commitment

Supervisor support

Empathy Apperaisal system


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework 3. Methodology of the Research: Since the aim of research would be to identify the current position of internal marketing and staff organizational commitment variables, then the research in terms of its purpose, information collection is an application and description research respectively and its type is correlation and it is based on structural equation modeling explicitly. To examine the relations between variables in the recent decades many methods have been provided. One of these methods is structural equation modeling or multivariable analysis by latent variables. Structural equation modeling is a comprehensive statistical procedure to test hypotheses of the relations between observed and latent variables. We could test the acceptability at theoretical models in specific sanities by this procedure and since most of existent variables are latent variables in managerial researches especially organizational behavior, using of these models become more necessary. In research model the internal marketing is exogenous and organizational commitment is endogenous variables and on the other hand it could be seen internal marketing as an independent variable and organizational commitment as a dependent variable. In this research, statistical population includes all the staff of Mashhad Melli Bank branches in 2011. Statistical sample for research was selected based on sampling formula of limited society and 5% significant level and 231 samples were selected. To collect data, the questionnaires (data collection instrument) were distributed among 19 selected branches from 117 existent branches in six regions of Mashhad city among 250 staff. First questionnaire was to measure staff organizational commitment and second questionnaire was to examine view (perception) of staff relative to internal marketing steps. Return rate of questionnaire have been higher than 90 percent.

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As stated, the main instrument for data collection is questionnaire and consequently 19 questions with Likert five-point score (from completely agreement to completely disagreement) for measuring internal marketing and also 12 questions with Likert five-point score to measure organizational commitment of staff have been considered. The validation and evaluation of questionnaires will be Based on survey construction of questionnaire by Allen & Meyer (1990) twelve questions of organizational commitment have been proposed to measure three aspects of organizational commitment affective, continuance and normative. 19 questions about internal marketing have been proposed based on research literature with considering the planned questionnaire by Ganaris (2008), Jacob et al. (2008) and keller et al. (2006). This questionnaire has been proposed base on five aspects of rewarding system, organizational support, empathy, performance appraisal and staff empowerment. To measure reliability of questions about internal marketing and staff organizational commitment, 30 questionnaire pretested and then Chronbachs Alpha for internal marketing and organizational commitment was 0/882 and 0/731 respectively. These numbers show that this questionnaire have necessary reliability. As stated to analyses data the t-test (the population average test) and structural equation modeling to test hypotheses was used. In structural equation modeling on the other hand the amount of consistency of data and concept model of research would be examined which whether it enjoy suitable fitting or not and an the other hand the significance of links in this fitted model is tested. Appropriate fitting indicators include 2, GFI and AGFI. That is the model have an appropriate fitting if 2 to degree of freedom (df) is less than 3 and GFI, AGFI is greater than 9 percent. RMSEA test should be less than 0/08. Also, the significance level would be out of the range of (1/96-1/96), existent relation in research model would be significant (Albright and Park, 2009). To conduct these analyses, SPSS Software and Lisrel Software have been used. 3.1.Basic sample analysis The sample is comprised of 90.6% male and 5.6% female, the majority (72.4%) of survey objects are aged between 30 and 50, Up to 62.6% of the sample are cashiars in the bank. 3.2.Test of hypotheses through t-test analysis Testing first and second hypotheses performed through the population average test (t-test) .The results in table 1 and table 2 show that the condition of internal marketing practices is inappropriate the bank and the condition of organizational commitment condition is appropriate. Table 1. One-Sample Test ( internal marketing) Test Value = 3 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference t -0.911 -7.859 5.484 -5.310 -0.573 df 230 229 224 229 229 Sig. (2tailed) .363 .000 .000 .000 .567 Mean Difference -0.0562 -0.4619 0.3588 -0.3115 -0.0337 Lower -0.178 -0.5778 0.2299 -0.3115 -0.1496 Upper 0.0665 -0.3461 0.4878 -0.4272 0.0822 Variable condition Average Inappropriate Appropriate Inappropriate Average


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Table 2. One-Sample Test ( organizational commitment) Test Value = 3 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference variable AFF CON NOR t 18.521 8.010 10.148 df 228 230 227 Sig. (2tailed) .000 .000 .000 Mean Difference 1.0415 0.5260 0.6118 Lower 0.9307 0.3966 0.4930 Upper 1.1523 0.6554 0.7306

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Variable condition Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate

3.3.Testing main Hypotheses using Structural Equation Model The results in Fig. 2 indicate that the model fits the rather well (Chi-Square=46.04, df= 19, p-value= 0.0004, RMSEA= 0.78, GFI= 0.93, AGFI= 0.91) this results with Measure scale show in table 3. And results show that significant relationship between internal market and organizational commitment because t-values were more than 1.96. That is, the standardized regression coefficient from: internal marketing to organizational commitment (= 0.7 t= 8.10).

1=0.66 (t=11.30)

2=0.65 (t=11.63)


higher than 0.9

= 0.70 (t= 8.10)

1=0.63 (t=7.31)



3=0.46 (t=6.87) 4=0.38 (t=6.11)

Internal marketing

Organizational commitment

2=0.47 (t=6.69) 3=0.81 (t=10.26)


5=0.67 (t=12.22)

Figure 2: Structural model of study for confirming thread primary hypothesis


Table3. Model fit statistics for thread primary hypothesis indicator 2 df /df p - Value RMSEA GFI

Measure scale Any smaller, more appropriate higher than zero Lower than 3 Lower than 0.08 higher than 0.9

Current condition 46.04 19 2.42 0.0004 0.078 0.93

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4.Discussion and recommendations 4.1.Discussion of the findings The results indicated that the condition of internal marketing practices was inappropriate in the bank and the condition of organizational commitment was appropriate and it was found that internal marketing has direct effect on organizational commitment. This finding is consistent with those published by (Carruna and Calleya, 1998; Bennett and Barkensjo, 2005), which found a positive relationship between internal marketing and organizational commitment. 4.2.Recommendations Based on Hypothesis of the Research 4.2.1Recommendations for improvement of internal marketing practices Development of internal marketing practices requires providing the proper and necessary conditions. Structure, culture, communication and strategy must all get formed for development and facilitation of the internal marketing practices and get redesigned if needed. Based on the results of this research and to manage and develop the internal marketing practices properly, it is essential to provide an inter-trustful organizational atmosphere, effective communication and proper interactions among the employees and management by the bank management. Some of the other recommendations for development and improvement of internal marketing practices are as following: 1. The cooperation of bank with other universities and research institutes in order to better recognition of the principles and concepts of internal marketing; 2. Active participation of the managers and branch masters in seminars and training courses related to marketing and internal marketing; 3. Utilizing the updated informational resources in internal marketing and offering them to the managers and branch masters; 4. Convene the meetings and providing a suitable situation for the top managers and the staff to discuss the work methods and facilitation and justification of the problems and intra-organizational decision makings; 5. Pursuing the problems of the employees especially the banking officers who are in the front-line of the bank in work or personal area and offering feedback to them; 6. Formation of work-committees for improvement of the relationship among the sections and their employees; 7. Providing the recreation and tourism plans in order to increase the face-to-face interactions. Because such interactions affect positively on better and trust-based relationships; 8. Regarding the empowerment dimension, if the employees are participated properly in different issues, get trained and aware well, they can make suitable decisions and present effective ideas for the trade. 4.2.2.Recommendations for improvement of organizational commitment 1. Noticing the needs and motivations of the staff and paying rewards based on performance is another important factor that will increase the organizational commitment of employees. 2. Managers and supervisors must express their personal attention to the staff and help them to feel that they are important. In fact, they should realize the ideas of the employees regarding their job as much as possible, through different mechanisms such as recommendation system. 3. In order to performance evaluation affect positively on the employees behavior, they must experience positive reactions, get proper feedback, cooperate in goal setting and have the opportunity to measure themselves to improve their performances. Therefore, it is recommended that employees get aware of outcomes and consequences of performance evaluation, individually and organizational, through establishing an efficient communication and feedback system. In fact, structured feedback system of evaluate performance of employees will affect on internal motivation and organizational commitment of employees. 4. Pursuing the problems and issues of the staff, especially bank operators which are at the forefront of bank, in their job and personal fields and giving proper feedback to them.

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When the organization managers would be able to obtain the mutual respect and trust of their staff, commitment will be strengthen. Therefore, it is suggested that the empowerment of managers in their special area of responsibility to achieve commitment would be focused through formulating plans to improve the leadership quality and management training.

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