Peoplesoft Development Overview Application Engine

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PeopleSoft Development: Overview of Application Engine and the Query Tool

Presented by: Judi Doolittle (Judi Hotsinpller) and Barbara Sandoval

Introductions Logistics Application Engine (Morning Session)
History Program Structure Properties Action Types Break 10 mins MetaSQL and MetaVariables Running an AE Program Printing Options Break 10 mins Sample Review of Take Home Exercise

Agenda Continued
Query Tool

Instructor Introductions Student Introductions

Class Format Restroom Location Breaks

Application Engine History

Released with Version 8.0 Developed by PeopleSoft Coder
Prior Tool COBOL Used for Batch Processing

Application Engine Vs. SQR Future

Fusion XML

Application Engine Program Structure

Application Designer

Application Engine Program Structure




Application Engine Properties

General Tab
Track changes Document

State Tab
State Record Attributes

Temp Tables Tab

Define Set Assign For Batch Processing Build/Rebuild Meta SQL

Advanced Tab

General Tab

State Tab

Temp Tables Tab

Advanced Tab

Action Types
Do When Do While Do Select PeopleCode SQL Call Section Log Message Do Until XSLTOnly shows if it is specified as a Transformation Program

Do When
It is comparable to an IF statement in other Languages When true returns one or more rows and continue with actions When false exits step


Do While
Executing step while SQL is true To prevent an endless loop:
Requires code in another action The data must change to make the SQL false

ExampleProcess sample to count

SELECT X FROM PS_TEST_REC WHERE count < = %bind(totemp); Other actions Action that triggers the false UPDATE PS_TEST_REC SET count = count + 1;

Do While Example

Do Select
Loops through records one at a time Used to populate State Record Three Looping Rules
Select/Fetch (Default) ReSelect ReStartable

Example of Populating State Record


Do Select Example

Reasons why PeopleCode Used:
Manipulate and Manipulation Functions Application Packages Component Interface Reuse Developed Code

Refer to PeopleBooks for PeopleCode instruction

PeopleCode Continued
Unique to Application Engine
How to use State Record in PeopleCode Example

Return Parameters
Exit(1) causes set parameter to executed (Execution can be ABORT, BREAK, or SKIP STEP) Exit(0) default will continue

PeopleCode Continued

SQL actions used for

Can be used with any of the Conditional Actions Or by themselves Example UPDATE PS_TEST_REC SET bonus = %bind(bonus) WHERE year = %bind(year)

SQL Continued

Call Section
Allows you to Call another Section Reason is for readability

Call Section Continued

Example 1

Call Section Continued

Example 2

Call Section Continued

Example 2 Continued

Log Message
Writes Messages to the Log File Messages stored in Message Catalog Parameters can be provided as part of the Message To create a custom message use Message Set > 20000

Do Until
Another Conditional Action Processes Until Condition is False Needs Another Action to make Condition False Difference between Do While and Do Until
Do While pre-processes and checks condition prior to other actions Do Until post-processes and checks condition after other actions

Do Until Continued

How to Run
Process Definition .Bat File

Process Definitions

Process Definitions Continued

.Bat File
\\ServerName\bin\client\winx86\PSAE.exe -CD database -CO USERID CP PASSWORD R RS_TEST_RUN_CONTROL AI PS_TEST_AE Note your PSAE.exe location is unique to your enviroment Description of parameter is immediately following See PeopleBooks for a comprehensive list of Parameter values

MetaSQL and MetaVariable

Quick Definition
SQL Functions Reserved Words Some are Unique to Application Engine Has to be in a SQL Statement Within PeopleCode it can be used in the SQLExec statementnot the most efficient Can use in CREATESQL in PeopleCode

This is only used in AE Programs Retrieve fields from State Record Example
INSERT INTO PS_TEST_REC(emplid, bonus) VALUES (%bind(emplid), %bind(bonus))

Returns current system date Example

Date variable is used as an input variable Formats Date to Database Date Specifications Example
SELECT emplid, effdt FROM PS_JOB WHERE effdt < %DATEIN(2007-12-01)

When selecting a date from the Database to ensure proper format Example
%SELECT(emplid, effdt) SELECT emplid, %dateout(effdt) FROM PS_JOB WHERE effdt < %CURRENTDATEIN

Returns USERID of person running the Application Engine Program Helps you get the correct row from the RUNCNTL Example
%SELECT(effdt, erncd, amount) SELECT %dateout(effdt), erncd, amount FROM PS_TEST_RUN_CONTROL WHERE oprid = %OPERATORID

Returns RUNCONTROLID that is being used to run the Application Engine Program Example
%SELECT(effdt, erncd, amount) SELECT %dateout(effdt), erncd, amount FROM PS_TEST_RUN_CONTROL WHERE oprid = %OPERATORID AND run_cntl_id = %RUNCONTROL

Used with a DoSelect Stores you data in the AET record Field Names must be valid Fields on the State Record Example
%SELECT(emplid, name) SELECT emplid, name FROM PS_TEST_REC

%SELECTALL will select all the fields from the record If the field is a date it automatically uses the %DATEOUT Example
Local Record &testrec; &testrec = CreateRecord(PS_TEST_REC) CreateSQL(%SELECTALL(:1), &testrec);

PeopleTools Delivers an Option to Print your AE Program Print in Flow Layout or Print in Definition Mode

Print Options

Sample Report

Advanced Topics
Using Email Input and Output Files

Using Email
Application Engine programs can send Emails
Used to notify when processes complete Or fail Also to send Notifications to Employees

Send Mail Function

Used within PeopleCode Example SENDMAIL(0, &EMAIL, , , &SUBJECT, &TEXT); For more Options refer to PeopleBooks

Input and Output Files

For interfacing with other Applications Excel, Access, and Text Files Process
Declare a Global Variable Path and Filename need to be Explicitly Defined

Delivered Functions
This will open a file for read, write or update Example
GetFile(&path|&filename, W, %FilePath_Absolute)

This will check to see if the file is open Example
If &InFile.Open Then

Delivered Functions Continued

This will write to the file. Example

This will read from the file. Example
While &Infile.Readline . End-While

Sample Program
Walk through Handout

Discussion Time
Questions and Answers Workshop

Query Tool

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