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2007-10-03, 20:36 #121 now?
General Patton Texas
Re: Knowledge Thread 3 Sponsored
The following excerpts are from american historian Christopher R. Browning's book, Ordinary
Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland (1992). The book is a Ads presented by the
reconstruction of the events and motives that led 500 middle-aged, middle-class German men of AdBrite Ad Network
Reserve Police Battalion 101 to launch a reign of terror against Jews in Poland in July 1942. By
November 1942, these ordinary civilians had brutally killed at least 85,000 Jewish people. It is
important to note that the commanding officer, Major Trapp, explicitely offered to "excuse" any
man who did not want to participate in the impending mass murder. Trapp's offer thrust
responsibility unto each man individually. Unlike Regular soldiers, these policemen bore the
burden of choice. They were not "just following orders." The pressure to conform to their peers`
expectations, however, was paramount.

"Only the very exceptional remained inidfferent to taunts of 'weakling' from their comrades and
could live with the fact that they were considered to be 'no man'... Killing was seen as a
collective obligation, so not killing as asocial vis-a-vis one's comrades. Those who did not shoot
risked isolated (and) rejection... -a very uncomfortable prospect within the framework of a tight-
knit unit stationed abroad among a hostile population, so that the individual had virtually
nowhere elese to turn to for support and social contact." (pp. 184-185)
Browning notes that no member of Reserve Police Battalion was physically harmed or punished
for refusing to shoot. Instead, outright refusal - total nonconformity - brought other, more
subtle, consequences.

"There is the threat of isolation... Stepping out could have been seen as a moral reproach of
one's comrades: the nonshooter was potentially indicating that he was 'too good' to do such
things... Most nonshooters intuitively tried to diffuse criticism of their comrades.... They pleaded
not that they were 'too good' but rather that they were 'too weak' to kill." (p.185)

"...most of those who did not shoot only reaffirmed the 'macho' values of the majority -according
to which it was a positive qualtiy to be 'tough' enough to kill uinarmed, noncombatant men,
women, and children - and tried not to rupture the bonds of comradeship that constituted their
social world.

What, then, is onje to conclude? ... The reserve policemen faced choices, and most of them
committed terrible deeds. But those who killed cannot be absolved by the notion that anyone in
the same position would of done as they did. For even among them, sp,e refused to kill and
others stopped killing." (p. 188)

"Yet 80-90 percent of the men proceeded to kill, though all of them - at least initially - were
horrified and disgusted by what they were doing. To break ranks and step out, to adopt overtly
nonconformist behavior, was simply beyond most of the men. It was easier for them to shoot."

"...Within virtually every social collective, the peer group exerts tremendous pressures on
behavior and sets moral norms. If the men of Reserve Police Battalion 101 could become killer Page 1 of 14
Knowledge Thread 3 - Page 4 - Community 1/16/09 12:46 PM

under such circumstances, what group of men cannot?" (p.189)

2007-10-04, 05:15 #122

nshanin Utah: Mountains, Mormons, Meth


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

"Did 6 million really die?" ebook

An interesting discussion on how 6 million Jews couldn't have possibly died in the holocaust;
takes a little bit to get into, but it changed my thinking about this matter for good.

2007-10-07, 14:10 #123


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by nshanin

"Did 6 million really die?" ebook

An interesting discussion on how 6 million Jews couldn't have possibly died in the
holocaust; takes a little bit to get into, but it changed my thinking about this matter for

This is Knowledge Thread, not Gullible Thread

for Gullible Thread please got to:

2007-10-07, 15:07 #124

dino_kea Australia


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by DarkMonk

This is Knowledge Thread, not Gullible Thread

for Gullible Thread please got to:

Thats pretty anti-semetic. I bet your a jew. Page 2 of 14
Knowledge Thread 3 - Page 4 - Community 1/16/09 12:46 PM

2007-10-07, 22:53 #125

nshanin Utah: Mountains, Mormons, Meth


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by DarkMonk

This is Knowledge Thread, not Gullible Thread

for Gullible Thread please got to:

I assumed that since people posted about conspiracy files and aliens that I was free to post
about the holocaust, but apparently not. Did I say I believed what it said? No, just that it
changed my thinking.

2007-10-08, 00:50 #126

Star Wars Fan Chicago IL, USA


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by DarkMonk

This is Knowledge Thread, not Gullible Thread

for Gullible Thread please got to:

This post is bullshit. It's knowledge.

EDIT: and infowars has much of its' arguments mirrored on other "legitimate" sites first
Last edited by Star Wars Fan; 2007-10-08 at 00:56.

2007-10-08, 00:53 #127

Star Wars Fan Chicago IL, USA


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by nshanin

Most of them; wo/ Oussebon to do everything it'll just fall apart. Page 3 of 14
Knowledge Thread 3 - Page 4 - Community 1/16/09 12:46 PM


2007-10-08, 00:54 #128

Star Wars Fan Chicago IL, USA


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by General Patton

Eh, contribute or get out dudes. Use emails if you need to talk to each other, this is
stickied into history.

see my bookmark "Warsie" under delicious.

oh; moar

2007-10-09, 05:25 #129

RedWasp Oregon, USA


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

I'm kinda curious about this "bitme" site on page one. Anyone have any info about it?

2007-10-22, 19:16 #130

General Patton Texas


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

Large Index of Information on Drugs, Terrorism, Conspiracies, Technology, ect....

2007-10-30, 22:38 #131


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

Technical reports on everything from war to babies.

New York based magazine that all the big shots read.

Filipino analyst on current affairs.

Michael Yon, reporting live from the war zone. Page 4 of 14
Knowledge Thread 3 - Page 4 - Community 1/16/09 12:46 PM

News links site.

All about the latest tech news.

List of online, free to view comics.

Urban exploration; websites, articles, forums.

Last edited by Faithless; 2007-10-30 at 22:45.

2007-11-18, 13:40 #132

dDIzzIEe noli me tangere


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

AngryFemme suggested I add this here a while ago and I just didn't get around to it until now.

At any rate, here are three secret Tantric Buddhist texts not available to the general public even
unqualified Buddhists...

~ Commentary on Longchenpa's The Precious Treasury of Dharmadhatu (PDF RTF) "one

of Longchenpa's seven treasures, on the highest of the Tibetan Nyingma teachings, ati yoga.
Available to vajrayana students of a qualified teacher who have received the pointing out

~ Shechen Gyaltsap Rinpoche's The Instructions of the Vidyadhaara - The Concise

Quintessential Commenbtary on the Saadhan - The Utterly Secret Razor Knife
Vajrakiilaya (PDF RTF) "Available to those who have the Vajrakilaya Empowerment."

~ Mipham's commentary on the Kalachakra Tantra (The Vajra Sunshiner: which

Illuminates the Words and Meaning of the Kālacakra Tantra) with the Kaalachakra
Sadhana: Illuminating the Essence, "available to those with the Kalachakra tantric

* The Kaalachakra Sadhana: Illuminating the Essence: (PDF RTF TXT).

*The Vajra Sunshiner - Parts:

-I: External Chapter: "The Arrangement of the World Realm" (PDF RTF (alternate scan: RTF))
-II: Commentary on the Inner Chapter (RTF)
-III: Commentary on Chapter three, the Empowerment Chapter of Kālacakra (PDF RTF)
-IV: Commentary on Fourth chapter of Means of Practice (PDF RTF)
-V: Commentary on the Kālacakra Wisdom Chapter (PDF)

More info about the texts in this thread.

2007-11-19, 12:32 #133

KwinnieBogan Louisiana

Re: Knowledge Thread 3

This thread is the reason why we need better internets in Australia / Rudd's broadband plan.

I'm kinda scared of what fuckups he wil do to our country though.

2007-11-22, 15:03 #134

doornob_lightbulb Toronto Canada

Regular Page 5 of 14
Knowledge Thread 3 - Page 4 - Community 1/16/09 12:46 PM

Re: Knowledge Thread 3

Contains many books about various topics. A large amount are about free energy and Tesla, but
there is some cool/random shit too.

This page is CRAZY. I actually believe in a huge government cover up on flying saucers and free
energy now. (Tesla being the original inventor).

So far I have skimmed all the books, and fully read this one, http://dmt-

Interesting stuff. Some of its bullshit conspiracy theory stuff, but the general idea makes total
sense. Tesla (a known genius) discovered all kinds of crazy shit about physics, electricity and
even flying saucers. He apparently figured out ways to generate free energy by using an
electrical "recycling" device. He also figured out ways to transmit energy without wires. That is
the basic concept of a flying saucer. Tesla also explains gravity with ether physics (gravity is
considered a mystery to this day by the general scientific community and public).

This information is not public knowledge because the USA government is keeping is secret. After
Tesla died the FBI took ALL of his research papers and they are currently a matter of "national
security". (That part is a fact. They have his research stored and refuse to release it.) If
released, the technology would make fossil fuel obsolete. I predict that when gas runs out they
will market Tesla's invention somehow.

It also explains all the alien/UFO bullshit. I never believed that aliens came to earth but I always
wondered about the secret government bases known for UFO's (area 51 etc). It makes sense
now. Those locations are researching and experimenting with energy and saucers, which are
man made. Apparently these saucers are so energy efficient that most people could afford them
if mass produced.
Last edited by doornob_lightbulb; 2007-11-22 at 15:36.

2007-11-22, 17:27 #135

nshanin Utah: Mountains, Mormons, Meth


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

You're joking, right? Anybody who's taken 9th grade physics knows free energy is a myth. Take
your knowledge to SotD or MS, see what they have to say there.

2007-11-23, 00:16 #136

doornob_lightbulb Toronto Canada


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by nshanin

You're joking, right? Anybody who's taken 9th grade physics knows free energy is a
myth. Take your knowledge to SotD or MS, see what they have to say there.

Ya... Because 9th grade physics is 100% accurate. These theories use some of the most
advanced technological ideas ever conceived. And its just a coincidence these "crack pot"
theories also happened to be created by a well know genius. A genius that basically invented the
current electrical system we use. Right... Your grade 9 teacher definitely knows more than Tesla.

Its also just a coincidence that the government won't release his research. Why not? What
practical reason could they have for detaining it? They stole it to begin with...

And whats with all these secret government bases? Why are there so many reports of flying
saucers near them? Pictures even... Parts of crashed ships...

Can you explain electricity? You might know what a volt is... but thats probably it. Most scientists
cannot explain electricity... or gravity... or some of tesla's experiments/discoveries. Well Tesla
explained these things. So stfu and read some of those books before you tell me to take it to PD. Page 6 of 14
Knowledge Thread 3 - Page 4 - Community 1/16/09 12:46 PM

2007-11-23, 00:25 #137


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

Read this!

Help me index and categorize this thread for each searching.

2007-11-23, 01:07 #138

nshanin Utah: Mountains, Mormons, Meth


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by doornob_lightbulb

Ya... Because 9th grade physics is 100% accurate. These theories use some of the most
advanced technological ideas ever conceived. And its just a coincidence these "crack
pot" theories also happened to be created by a well know genius. A genius that basically
invented the current electrical system we use. Right... Your grade 9 teacher definitely
knows more than Tesla.

Its also just a coincidence that the government won't release his research. Why not?
What practical reason could they have for detaining it? They stole it to begin with...

And whats with all these secret government bases? Why are there so many reports of
flying saucers near them? Pictures even... Parts of crashed ships...

Can you explain electricity? You might know what a volt is... but thats probably it. Most
scientists cannot explain electricity... or gravity... or some of tesla's
experiments/discoveries. Well Tesla explained these things. So stfu and read some of
those books before you tell me to take it to PD.

A key part of science is that all experiments have to be reproducible; if Tesla's experiments
were, why doesn't every scientist across the country know about them? It would be ever so
profitable, and think of the fame?! Oh yeah, because teh guburmentz detains them, right? I
don't put my faith into intelligent individuals. I put my faith into intelligent masses and
reproducible experimentation; otherwise we'd all have to believe whatever ideas came out of the
mouth of anybody with a relatively high IQ. I believe in science above the ideas of a genius; you
can find magical articles like this one that tell you all sorts of things. If it was written by a
genius, would you believe it? I wouldn't because I demand proof, and I have yet to see anything
substantive. I close my eyes to Tesla because maybe a 9th grade physics teacher doesn't know
more than him, but the scientific community of today and every physicist worth mentioning
certainly does.

What about Tesla's ideas in other countries, and UFOs there too? Wouldn't at least some
concrete data eventually get leaked? If a man found a way to power all of western Nigeria with
free energy, would teh gubumentz kill him too? Fuck no, we have international regulations for a
reason. I'll repeat myself and ask you to take your bullshit to SotD where you'll find, if anything,
more acceptance for this inanity. Why are the vast majority of UFO landings in the US and
Britain? Coincidence? Nope, it's a conspiracy.

2007-11-23, 01:15 #139

doornob_lightbulb Toronto Canada


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

I admit there are some holes in the theory but that doesn't make it worthless. The electrical
ideas are explained with math and science. Don't compare them to a "brain bomb". Page 7 of 14
Knowledge Thread 3 - Page 4 - Community 1/16/09 12:46 PM

Other scientists don't attempt these experiments because they don't have the funding. Very
simple. Most people cannot afford to build a flying saucer. ON TOP of that, no one has reliable
schematics because they are being kept private.

No money + no information = nothing. Not surprising.

Tesla was the only person that really understood this stuff. Believe what you want. I am just
saying that you should at least READ some of the books before you decide to shit all over them.
Thats just not fair. You can't judge what you don't know anything about.

2007-11-23, 01:21 #140

nshanin Utah: Mountains, Mormons, Meth


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by doornob_lightbulb

I admit there are some holes in the theory but that doesn't make it worthless. The
electrical ideas are explained with math and science. Don't compare them to a "brain

Other scientists don't attempt these experiments because they don't have the funding.
Very simple. Most people cannot afford to build a flying saucer. ON TOP of that, no one
has reliable schematics because they are being kept private.

No money + no information = nothing. Not surprising.

Tesla was the only person that really understood this stuff. Believe what you want. I am
just saying that you should at least READ some of the books before you decide to shit all
over them. Thats just not fair. You can't judge what you don't know anything about.

Science of the damned and religion are quite similar in that you can't really disprove every
theory the same way that you can't disprove every religion. That's why I don't read up on either.
But hey, I've got some time and am in need of some intellectual lulz.

2007-11-23, 01:42 #141

nshanin Utah: Mountains, Mormons, Meth


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

Yeah, it's bullshit just as I expected. Done with that one. Ether... lol.

2007-11-23, 02:06 #142

Star Wars Fan Chicago IL, USA


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by nshanin

You're joking, right? Anybody who's taken 9th grade physics knows free energy is a
myth. Take your knowledge to SotD or MS, see what they have to say there.

Maybe he phrased it wrongly...he meant that the energy he puts into it is much less than the
energy gotten out, etc. As in hydroelectric power; humans at first get a good amount of work
into it, but they get a lot of work/advantage out of it for minimal work put into it...though I
haven't seen the of posting

2007-11-23, 02:13 #143 Page 8 of 14
Knowledge Thread 3 - Page 4 - Community 1/16/09 12:46 PM

nshanin Utah: Mountains, Mormons, Meth


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by Star Wars Fan

Maybe he phrased it wrongly...he meant that the energy he puts into it is much less
than the energy gotten out, etc. As in hydroelectric power; humans at first get a good
amount of work into it, but they get a lot of work/advantage out of it for minimal work
put into it...though I haven't seen the of posting

Hence gravitational potential energy. The energy came from something, and that something
happens to be the sun, which evaporated the water to get the river to exist in the first place.

2007-11-23, 02:13 #144

Star Wars Fan Chicago IL, USA


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by nshanin

You're joking, right? Anybody who's taken 9th grade physics knows free energy is a
myth. Take your knowledge to SotD or MS, see what they have to say there.

I perused some of their stuff...basically they get the energy from the universe.

Remember the Taoism, Buddhism, etc saying there's a life force created by all energy in the
universe? The devices they claim are supposed to harvest the energy of the universe.

2007-11-23, 02:16 #145

Star Wars Fan Chicago IL, USA


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by nshanin

Hence gravitational potential energy. The energy came from something, and that
something happens to be the sun, which evaporated the water to get the river to exist
in the first place.

I said he did not phrase it correctly. HE meant the energy was easier for humans in their use

EDIT: but seriously yes the US Government did take Tesla's ideas and plans after he died. IIRC
they also did it to Wilhelm Reich

2007-11-23, 02:21 #146

nshanin Utah: Mountains, Mormons, Meth


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by Star Wars Fan

I perused some of their stuff...basically they get the energy from the universe.

Remember the Taoism, Buddhism, etc saying there's a life force created by all energy in
the universe? The devices they claim are supposed to harvest the energy of the
universe. Page 9 of 14
Knowledge Thread 3 - Page 4 - Community 1/16/09 12:46 PM

So wouldn't there be a gradual decrease of the speed at which the earth rotates because it would
have to push all this energy (referred to by most psuedoscientists as "ether") away from its
orbit? Interestingly enough, this ether theory is propagated by an organization that the
pseudoscientists would rather stay away from--The Flat Earth Society. I trust that the article is
complete enough and you have sufficient critical thinking to be able to realize the fallacies
without having to do any research but by just looking at the opposing argument like I did.


EDIT: but seriously yes the US Government did take Tesla's ideas and plans after he
died. IIRC they also did it to Wilhelm Reich


2007-11-23, 02:23 #147

Star Wars Fan Chicago IL, USA


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by nshanin

So wouldn't there be a gradual decrease of the speed at which the earth rotates
because it would have to push all this energy (referred to by most psuedoscientists as
"ether") away from its orbit? Interestingly enough, this ether theory is propagated by an
organization that the pseudoscientists would rather stay away from-
-]The Flat Earth
Society. I trust that the article is complete enough and you have sufficient critical
thinking to be able to realize the fallacies without having to do any research but by just
looking at the opposing argument like I did.

1. I have not read into all of this yet, so I cannot say jack shit. I was explaining the basic things
on the whole 'ether' technology. Also 'ether' was an ancient greek term for the heavens; hence
how the New Age people used that term. Not taking a side

2. Not Found

The requested URL /~clund/e_djublonskopf/Flatearthsociety.htm]The Flat Earth Society was not

found on this server.
Apache/1.3.34 Server at Port 80
And Afaik, wasn't the 'Flat Earth Society' a joke/troll group?

2007-11-23, 02:29 #148

Star Wars Fan Chicago IL, USA


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by nshanin


yes it's wikipedia but

EDIT: FBI site

2007-11-23, 09:52 #149

doornob_lightbulb Toronto Canada


Re: Knowledge Thread 3 Page 10 of 14
Knowledge Thread 3 - Page 4 - Community 1/16/09 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by nshanin

Hence gravitational potential energy. The energy came from something, and that
something happens to be the sun, which evaporated the water to get the river to exist
in the first place.

I never said the energy doesn't come from anywhere. I guess "free energy" is phrased slightly
wrong. Here, let me try again being totally literal. Most energy we use is wasted. For an example,
heat coming off a light. The heat is wasted energy. This happens because of some complicated
electrical shit which I cannot explain (its explained in the books). Anyways, Tesla figured out a
way to "split" this energy apart, and recycle the normally wasted energy. Meaning that a normal
AA battery could last for years when used in his invention. Its not "free" but its so efficient that
its practically free.

Tesla did ALL kinds of crazy shit with energy. The only reason your TV set, computer monitor,
and most modern electrical devices function is because of his contributions in the field. Don't
compare him to "flat earth society" or "brain bombs". The scientific community considers him a
brilliant genius. That is a fact. He was not some hilly billy retard, so don't make ridiculous

And if your going to argue about ether physics and other advanced electrical science, let me
point this out. You are stupid. I am stupid. MOST people are stupid compared to Tesla and
modern scientists. Both of our opinions are worthless because neither of us understand the
science involved. You can wiki "ether physics" but even brilliant scientists don't fully understand
it. You will not be able to. I will not be able to. So unless you spend the next 50 years trying to
learn the science, your "scientific" opinion is pure horse shit. Same with mine. Don't say stupid
shit like "mah grade nine teechor says lol no free energgyy".

I am basing my opinion on a few things. Such as Tesla was an undisputed genius, and he clearly
knows what hes doing. That FACT was proven as he invented things never imagined before by
simply "envisioning" them. He just thought of radical new inventions in his fucking head. No
drawings or anything, he just imagined crazy new technology. Any modern scientist would say
Tesla was a revolutionary genius. He obviously understood the science to support his claims
(something neither of us will be able to comprehend).

In addition to him being a genius there are several other factors that support these "crazy"
claims. Such as the presence of secret military bases with THOUSANDS of UFO sightings near
them. How can you account for that? Are all these people lying or crazy? Why does the
government spend BILLIONS of tax payers money on these bases? Think there just playing
poker? I doubt it. How can you explain the numerous UFO parts that people have found? Why
did all this seem to start right after Teslas death?!?

stole it from him to begin with!)

Can you think of any explanation for the following???? If you can, I would love to here it.

E: Also, lets just pretend that Tesla was right for a second. Just PRETEND, that he came up with
a way to make flying saucers. This method would not be very expensive once researched
because it would be very energy efficient. Just pretend thats true. What do you think the
government would do? With this invention people could smuggle things effortlessly, use efficient
gorilla attack methods, leave and enter the country at will... and so on. It would not be a happy
day for the government. Its almost like they would raid Tesla's house, steal his research, make it
top secret, and then build secret/hidden bases to experiment with the technology... oh wait...
they did do that....
Last edited by doornob_lightbulb; 2007-11-23 at 10:38.

2007-11-23, 22:01 #150

nshanin Utah: Mountains, Mormons, Meth


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

In your post, I can substitute Tesla with the name of a religious genius and 'flying saucers' with
witnesses of miracles, and the government with 'other religions', and it will make an equal
amount of sense. Again, you can't disprove all pseudoscience.


Originally Posted by nshanin

Science of the damned and religion are quite similar in that you can't really disprove Page 11 of 14
Knowledge Thread 3 - Page 4 - Community 1/16/09 12:46 PM

every theory the same way that you can't disprove every religion. That's why I don't
read up on either. But hey, I've got some time and am in need of some intellectual lulz.

2007-11-24, 21:46 #151

Star Wars Fan Chicago IL, USA


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

I don't think anyone mentioned this.

stickied thread in TOTSE on ebook sites, etc.


2007-12-24, 09:58 #152

chillydog US


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

Yes, I'm willing to share my knowledge. Just ask me. There is no need to wonder about's these
websites that prove nothing.

2007-12-31, 20:48 #153

buc33s United States


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

I had no idea this thread ever existed.

I love you General Patton.

2007-12-31, 21:43 #154

Th3 Inf3cti0n The Zone


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

Here's a great site for all of the new research and discoveries that are made, few of which are
reported in MSM,

2008-01-02, 01:13 #155

General Patton Texas


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by Th3 Inf3cti0n

Here's a great site for all of the new research and discoveries that are made, few of
which are reported in MSM, Page 12 of 14
Knowledge Thread 3 - Page 4 - Community 1/16/09 12:46 PM

oooo I like that

2008-01-02, 03:13 #156

Star Wars Fan Chicago IL, USA


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

No one mentioned these; though they're probably "obvious" or some shit


How to improve yourself; written in the channer language. Nice ideas too.

2008-01-02, 20:26 #157


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

I'm gay

2008-01-02, 23:36 #158

mcamp4403 Knoxville TN USA


Re: Knowledge Thread 3


Originally Posted by Shizna

I'm gay

We all know that.

2008-01-03, 02:44 #159

nshanin Utah: Mountains, Mormons, Meth


Re: Knowledge Thread 3

--magic mushrooms demystified
--all about drugs, interesting to read the trip reports even if you're not a user

2008-01-04, 16:40 #160

General Patton Texas

Regular Page 13 of 14
Knowledge Thread 3 - Page 4 - Community 1/16/09 12:46 PM

Re: Knowledge Thread 3

Are there any musicians who read this threads (any kind)? If so, please contact me at

I have a friend who's working been practicing for awhile and just started to get serious about
making CD and would to meet other musicians.

Edit: added

Annual questionaire asks experts how facts have changed their minds
"The world's finest minds have responded with some of the most insightful, humbling, fascinating
confessions and anecdotes, an intellectual treasure trove. ... Best three or four hours of intense,
enlightening reading you can do for the new year. Read it now." — Mark Morford, San Francisco

Blog on outsourcing the war on terror:
Last edited by General Patton; 2008-01-12 at 00:36.

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