Simon Fraser Student Society - Letter To Staff From Shawn Hunsdale & Wei Li - October 26, 2006

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simon fraser student society

canadian federation of students local 23

rnbc 2250, sirnon fraser univers~ty,8888 univers~ty drive coast salish territory, burnaby, bc, v5a l s 6 tel: 604.291.3870 fax: 604.291.5843

October 26, 2006 The SFSS has been advised by its legal counsel that the purported special general meeting on October 25,2006 was invalid. As a result, any resolutions purported to have been passed are of no force or effect. This is obviously a difficult tirne for the Society, and we recognize that it is also a clifficult time for our employees. This memo will outline the Society's expectations for its employees over the next several days. Deviation from the direction given in this memo will be viewed as irisubordination and grounds for discipline or tiischarge.

1 . All direction to staff will come in writing frorn Wei I,i, Internal Relations Officer. Any requests froin employees sliould be directeti to Wei I,i, Internal Relations Officer. 2. All correspondence to and from liniversity aciriiinistratol-s:istrt-s shoulcl be directed through Margo Dunnet, External Kelations Officer. 3. All contact with on-campus student groups, inclucling the Graduate Issues Committee should be directed to Glyn Lewis, Member Services Officer. 4 . All contact with other off-campus groups sI10~1ld tlirected to Margo Dunnet, be External Relations Officer. 5. All contact with media, both on- and off-canlpus, shoulcl be directed t o Shawn Hunsdale, Presicfent and Margo Dunnet, External lielations Officer. 6. All correspondence with the SFSS financial institutions are to be through Vanessa Kelly, Treasurer. 7. All corresporldence with the SFSS autlitors should be through Vanessa Kelly, Treasurer. 8. Other than payroll related expenses, no checli~es to be processed. are 9. All questions regarding the legal affairs should be directeel to Shawn Hunsdale, President and Margo Dunnet, External Relations Officer. Only these two directors should be in contact with the SFSS legal counsel, Rush, Crane, Guenttier, and Associates.
While it may seem that this direction is overly restrictive and litnits employees' ability to perforrn their duties, the employer has taken this action for the protection of staff. We thank you for you patience with this matter. We will have an update shortly on the length of time it will take to resolve this matter; however, we anticipate it being resolved in the next few weeks.



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Wei Li, Internal Relations Officer Simon Fraser Student Society

Shawn Hunsdale, President Simon Fraser Student Society

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