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Dear Brethren,

Volume II | Issue 6
dealing with the authority of Scripture in the lives of people.

This is the first newsletter covering our first complete month in the great land of New Zealand. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your interest in this work. Thank you for your prayers to God on our behalf.

New Home
We continue to be thankful to God as to how quickly and easily settling in has come. Last month we reported that we had found a home and were scheduled to move in on 13 July. The owners gave us the key a couple days early so we can get some of the major things checked off our list. Our first night in the home was as scheduled. The home has served us very well so far. The past month has included a lot of settling in. Kristen has really been enjoying the new projects on her hands. By Gods willingness and grace, we have been able to accomplish much in the past month, even beyond settling into a home. We even have our official New Zealand driver licenses, and we are currently awaiting our Inland Revenue Department numbers, which will make us official New Zealand taxpayers (should we be excited about this?).

Some of Wellingtons finest testing the Sled Train prototype

New Brother One of the youth, Dylon Van Der Ventel, recently accepted the authority of Scripture in his life by obeying it. For some time, he had been expressing interest in baptism. When he was sure he knew enough, and was convinced it was not worth postponing anymore, on Sunday afternoon, 29 July, Dylon confessed his faith in Christ in front of many witnesses- including his family- and his father, Chris, immersed him into Christ for the forgiveness of his sins.

We have had some great opportunities to connect with the Wellington youth group in the past month. We traveled with the youth to Mount Ruapehu for a weekend of spiritual devotion, food, games, and playtime in the snow. I have also been asked to teach the teenage Bible class at Wellington on Sunday mornings. What a privilege it is to work with these young people. We have only had two classes so far, but I think the development is coming along great. Were currently

Dad embracing son as a brother

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If you would like to write to encourage our new brother, you may write to Dylon at c/o Porirua church of Christ, P. O. Box 50560, Porirua 5240, New Zealand.

We have been enjoying our time with the Moore family, who is here for only four more months. We live only one kilometer away from them, which has made it convenient for many things, including fellowship. We know the opportunity we have to spend with them is going to move quickly- especially since Kevin has been and will be so busy with the local work, and Lynne and the girls have schoolwork and hospitality to take care of. Despite (and in collaboration with) all of this, we hope to spend more quality time with them before they move back to the States.

Local Work
Settling in so quickly has allowed us to get further involved with the work in Porirua a bit sooner than we expected. Since Kevin has many contacts with which to follow up from the campaign in May, Kristen and I took over his weekly studies with our new sister in Christ, Kerisitiano (who was baptized last month). I have also taken over some of the congregational worship preparation responsibilities in Porirua- namely, the singing part. Thanks to brother Ray Nanneys personal donation, we now have Songs for Worship and Praise, a PowerPoint Presentation hymnal. This has allowed us to learn new songs, among other things. When I begin preaching more in Porirua (which I am scheduled to do on the 26th of this month), I will be able to incorporate my lessons into the presentation seamlessly. At that point, the blessings of technology will further reveal themselves. I am composing this letter on 7 August, and this very evening we are planning on hosting what we have labeled the Neighbourhood Gathering. For the past week, we have gone to twelve of our immediate neighbours homes to introduce ourselves and personally invite them to our home for this little evening get-together. We are excited about it, and we have already seen how it might pave the way for some evangelistic relationships. Pray for this effort.

Family News
It seems Kristen has done well to get over the allergy issues she had when we first moved here. I have recently had a bad bout with something. A cold? Allergies? I dont know, but I am happy to report that I feel better today than I have in the past week. We continue to be excited about this work, as we hope you are, too. Sometimes, even in the Lords church, the old adage is true- Out of sight, out of mind. Hopefully these newsletters prevent this work from being out of sight. Keep praying for us as we labour for the Lord. We need strength and wisdom that only God can provide. Keep serving God. For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. -1 Corinthians 1:17-18 In Christs Service,

Lance and Kristen Mosher

Porirua, New Zealand

We gave out gift boxes with shortbread cookies with our invitations


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This work is overseen by the elders of the Chalmette, LA, church of Christ, P.O. Box 1165, Chalmette, LA, 70044, Correspondent: Mark Lance, 504-250-8492,

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