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Final Exchange Evaluation by Trainee

Welcome and Thank You for taking the time to complete this questionnaire in your AIESEC traineeship! Are you on your Exchange Experience? Then make sure that you are completing your evaluation forms! It can help your Home and Host LC improve the experience you are having as an EP. The structure of the evaluation forms is based on all the minimum services that must be delivered by different entities which are included in the International Exchange Policies and Quality Standards (IXPQS). Initial Details TNID Number: EPID Number: Trainee Name Trainee Email Address Select the country you have applied for a traineeship from (Sending Country) Select the country you are going for a traineeship to (Hosting Country) Did you receive some information or guidance about AIESECs evaluation surveys from your AIESEC local committee?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Questions As of today, how do you evaluate your understanding of AIESEC and exchange role in AIESEC experience?

Importance Level 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( ) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important

1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. (

Final Level
) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good

How do you evaluate your satisfaction about your personal development during exchange?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important

As of today, how do you evaluate your satisfaction about your professional development during exchange?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important

How do you evaluate the communication with your home LC and their support during your internship?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important

How do you evaluate your relationship with your TN manager in host LC?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important

Trainee's Signature: _______________________________

Questions How satisfied are you with your relationship with AIESEC members in host LC? Importance Level 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( ) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important
1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. (

Final Level
) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good

How do you evaluate the overall support of your Home LC on matching and post-matching periods according to what was agreed?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important

How do you evaluate the contribution of your internship to a positive impact on Home LC members?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important

How do you evaluate your contribution (performance, results, bennefits) to TN Taker during your internship?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important


How satisfied are you with social impact of your internship according to your expectations before it?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important


How relevant were the preparation provided by home LC for you international experience?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important


How do you evaluate your working conditions and job descriptions during your internship?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important


How do you evaluate the support from your host LC on following up on personal goals you set for your internship experience?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important

Trainee's Signature: _______________________________

Questions How do you evaluate your satisfaction with the host LC support of the period before the exchange (visas, tickets, hosts, etc.)? Importance Level 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( ) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important
1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. (

Final Level
) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good ) Very Poor ) Poor ) Regular ) Good ) Very Good



How do you evaluate your satisfaction with reception and support on the first two weeks of internship?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important


How do you evaluate LC host support housing?


1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important


What is your sactisfaction with AIESEC support on your relationship with TN taker?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important


How satisfied are you with the opportunity to evaluate and review your initial goals and setting next steps after you internship?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important


How satisfied are you with the opportunities provided by your Home LC for sharing your experience?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important


How do you evaluate your satisfaction with the overall performance of your Home LC?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important


How do you evaluate your satisfaction with the overall performance of your Host LC?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important


How do you evaluate your satisfaction with your overall experience in your TN Taker?

1. ( 2. ( 3. (

) Not Important ) Important ) Very Important

Trainee's Signature: _______________________________

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