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DSWD-RLA Form 5 Republic of the Philippines Department of Social Welfare and Development

GUIDE IN THE PREPARATION OF MANUAL OF OPERATION I. Introduction/Rationale 1. State the history of the establishment/or operation of the agency. 2. State briefly the situation of the targeted community the agency wants to address. It should answer the questions why is there a need to operate? Include statistics, issues, challenges, etc) II. AGENCY II.01 Vision VISION/MISSION AND GOALS/OBJECTIVES OF THE

O.B. Montessori Child and Community Foundation, Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit organization which aims to organize, establish and maintain programs for the education of the underprivileged families in both the urban and rural areas through projects that will bring about the development of independence from infancy, childhood, adolescence to adulthood. They will acquire competencies and qualification towards sustainable development that should last the whole lifetime. II.02 Mission

Pagsasarili is a Filipino word which means the capacity to be self-sufficient or independent. The O.B. Montessori Pagsasarili Twin Projects: O.B. Montessori Mothercraft Training and Literacy Course are programs drawn from the scientific Montessori System that are meant about an awareness and appreciation of being economically independent to build to build up the true power of democracy and assist the country in developing responsible citizens. It will produce the new child and the new teacher who acquires love for work, order, obedience and independence via work in a Prepared Environment. Implementing these programs will develop a partnership between government and non-government institutions in helping the poor help themselves paving the way for gainful that will last throughout life. II.03 Goals of the Agency II.03.AProgram for the Child and Mothers To engage in, conduct, and undertake, or support the undertaking of programs for the education of the underprivileged children in both the urban and rural areas using the O.B. Montessori Pagsasarili approach in cooperation with existing community institutions such as local provincial, government, civic or church organization for the eventual


management of the project by the local barangays and/or private foundation; To engage in, conduct, and undertake, or support the undertaking of programs for the young and underprivileged mothers in the urban and rural slum areas which aim to give literacy courses, personal development, cultural awareness and child upbringing and guidance in cooperation with the cooperating institutions in the locality; To engage in, conduct, and undertake, or support the undertaking of the studies and researches on tools and materials including furnitures for use in the education and development of the underprivileged children and mothers and to compile data useful for publications of books and other reading matter which will help disseminate research studies and findings on reading and education of these concerned which can readily be used by other educational institutions especially the public schools; To organize, establish and maintain, or support the establishment and maintenance of, training programs for teachers to provide guidance and counseling within the O.B. Montessori programs for teachers to provide guidance and counseling within the O.B. Montessori Pagsasarili classes for both children and mother to help cure childrens emotional problems utilizing methods of observing childrens behavior, work therapy and counseling of the individual child and his family whenever necessary or beneficial.


Program for the Community To educate the community thru socio-educational projects such as then Pagsasarili program for children and mother which will uplift the mothers daily lives by way of improving their home environmental, personal care and child upbringing and development of responsible citizenship is enhanced from the cradle the bedrock of democracy; To engage in, conduct, and undertake, or support the undertaking of studies and researches on approaches, systems, methods, and operations of appropriate and adequate learning programs for child mother education and community development for the greater benefit of the low income families; To engage in, conduct, and undertake, or support the undertaking of studies and researches on the application and integration of basic Montessori principles, methods, and materials in schools, both public and private, all over the country, with specific emphasis on the integration of the Montessori curriculum content and the curricula of pre-school, elementary school and high school of the country; To compile data useful for publications of books and other reading matter which will disseminate research studies which can readily be


used by socially conscious and interested parties specially the government. II.03.C Research Program To engage in, conduct, and undertake, or support the undertaking of studies and researches on approaches, systems, methods, and operations of appropriate and adequate learning programs for the child and mother education and community development for the benefit of low income families; To engage in, conduct, and undertake, or support the undertaking of studies and researches on the application and integration of basic Montessori principles, methods, and materials in schools, both public and private, all over the country, with specific emphasis to the integration of the Montessori curriculum content in the curricula of preschool, elementary school, and high school of the country.

1. State the objectives of the agency The objective should be specific, measurable, attainable, result oriented and time bounded Objectives are desired short term outcomes. These may express the immediate means towards which efforts are directed in order to attain the goal III. Clientele/Beneficiaries A client/beneficiary is refer to the disadvantaged, marginalized and vulnerable individuals, groups, families and communities availing any of the services offered by social welfare and development agencies. These may include but not limited to the following: Abandoned, neglected, orphaned, abused and exploited children and other children in need of special protection eg. children in conflict with the law;
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Out-of-school youth and other youth with special needs; Women in especially difficult circumstances (WEDC); Persons with disabilities or differently-abled persons; Senior citizens;

Marginalized and disadvantaged individuals, families and communities e.g. indigenous group/s, those in crisis situation/s, internally displaced due to armed conflict and other developmental projects; and

Victims of natural and man-made calamities/disasters

The agencys focus is on a specific clientele/beneficiary it intends to serve considering the agencys Vision, Mission and Goals (VMG) and resources



Geographical Coverage of Operation Operation is refer to either direct or indirect implementation of social welfare and development programs and services by a SWDA within a specified geographical coverage or place over a period of time using its own or tapped resources and conduits. This shall indicate specific geographical area/s or place/s of operation where the agency shall implement its programs and services.


General Policies A policy is a definite course of action selected from among alternatives and in light of given conditions to guide and determine present and future decisions. It must be based on and developed in consideration of the agencys VMG Agencys policies for organization, administration and management and programs and services must be stated


Programs and Services A program is a coordinated group of activities maintained over a period of time aimed at producing specific types of services, directed to the achievement of an objective or set of objectives, e.g. income-generating program, day care program, etc. A service is a set of specific activities provided by the agency to concretely answer the needs and problems of target clientele 1. The agencys programs and services must be designed to achieve agency objectives 2. The programs and services should be described in detail 3. Specific procedures and implementing guidelines of the programs and services should be stated including corresponding structures and systems of the organization responsible in every phase or component of the programs and services Further, helping process/case management system in providing services to the target beneficiaries from the intake assessment to termination and follow-up shall also be indicated particularly to those social welfare agency and resource agency providing direct services to the beneficiaries.


Organization and Administration 1. The organizational structure of the agency must be able to provide a clear definition of responsibilities and duties of the governing body, its management personnel and its service providers. Relationships between and among persons and functions must be described 2. The organizational chart should indicate flow of work and other activities 3. Policies and systems of the agency in terms of administration must be stated Some areas to be considered are: Personnel/Human Resource Management/Development Financial Management



Property and Supplies Management Communication and Information System Personnel

1. Enumerate each position, stating job title, qualification standard, job description and area/s of responsibility 2. State corresponding salaries, honorarium and benefits to be received by each of the employee and/or volunteers and area of responsibilities 3. function State the number of personnel per program or organizational functional

4. Note that number of personnel must be adequate in accordance with appropriate standards 5. The agency personnel may be composed of paid staff or volunteers. Such must be indicated specifically in the manual. 6. Described how the personnel in the organization are supervised; described system of supervision IX. Budget 1. Indicate agencys annual budget 2. Indicate agencys source/s of fund, local and/or foreign 3. Indicate corresponding financial support for specific programs, services and activities of the agency X. Monitoring and Evaluation 1. Describe the system that the agency uses to ensure that the programs and services are well implemented 2. Enumerate and describe the methods and tools in monitoring and evaluation; explain how these are used or are done in the context of the organization and of programs and services 3. Specify indicators and log frame to have a clear measure of its impact and outcome XI. Reporting/Documentation SWDAs must keep records of its activities. These records provide important information to the agency especially where it has to make decisions about expanding changing or terminating programs and services and for reporting to the community and donors on how funds have been used 1. Described the records system of the agency for: Programs and services and; Organizational/administrative functions

2. Indicate each report being made by the agency for the above-mentioned areas, describing its content, purpose, uses and frequency of preparation

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