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Hi Abhideb,

Your chakra energy is a power center that helps create balance and growth in your life. Your First Chakra holds the energy that influences the dynamics of birth issues, survival patterns, generational patterns, money, food and health issues, grounding, and what keeps you from belonging. The color of the First Chakra is Red. Wear some red this week to heal your First Chakra. Place your fist on your first Chakra, which is your groin area, (view your First Chakra at! m) Rotating your fist in a clockwise direction will energize the following truths held in your First Chakra: I belong because I exist It is my blueprint to be wealthy and free I am clear of all energy related to my birth I am free of generational beliefs that hold me down I am grounded and connected and sharing my gifts I am grounded and balanced in my First Chakra. Do this everyday for a week and you will shift the energy of your First Chakra to be in more wholeness and to raise its vibrational frequency, which will shift the results you are getting in these areas of your life. As you work with your First Chakra this week, expect to see a shift in your feelings of belonging, to feel the freedom to move forward in your life and purpose, and to see your bank account grow. Throw some energy into your bank account by closing your eyes and imagining a shaft of light spilling down on your bank account, filling your account with more dollars. What amount comes to mind? Imagine that much in your account.

Hi Abhideb,

The Second Chakra is the energy center, or vortex, that is right in the middle of your abdomen. It vibrates between your pubic bone and navel. (view this Chakra at ) The Second Chakra is also called the Sacral Chakra or the Sexual Chakra.

The energy of the Second Chakra influences your experience with the following: Your sexuality The nature of your relationships Freedom from guilt Pleasure and nurturance Sensation and creativity Your ability to create The color that heals and creates a stronger vibratory force of this energy center is ORANGE. Wear some orange this week to feed the Second Chakra. The therapeutic gemstone that will assist you in healing this energy center and the life issues for which it is responsible is Carnelian. For more information on Carnelian, go to: Use the following statements to energize your Second Chakra. While repeating the statements, rotate your hand on the Chakra in a clockwise direction to anchor in these truths. Thank You, God. I am worthy of love I am grateful to be a woman or man My life is right and good I am deserving of all of lifes blessings I am grateful for this body as it is now I am comfortable in my body I am allowing nurturing and comfort See how many more reframes you can invent. Do these reframes of the second Chakra every day for the rest of the week. Put these statements on your bathroom mirror.

Your Second Chakra is your creation energy. Repeat I am balanced in my Second Chakra. Keep your Second Chakra Healthy, and see your relationships heal and become blessed. God Bless You, Carol Tuttle

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