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Rural-to-Urban Philippines!

Notes/Worksheet for Rural-to-Urban Migration: Philippines

Push factors from source: Economically Poor(Low quality housing) Poor living quality(water, electricity, sewage etc...) High fertility rate Unstable lifestyle(Natural Disasters) Poor working conditions/Lack of good employment Shortage of services(education, welfare, health care etc) Lack of investments by government Being more educated than others

Notes (Please fill it as the presentation proceeds):

Denitions: ____________: When people move physically from one place to another. The UN defines it as a permanent stay as lasting more than one year in a different place from the people's origin. _________ ________: When people choose to migrate due to more favorable conditions in the destination. E.g. Jobs, Healthcare, Education, Climate.etc. This type of migration is more likely to be caused by pull factors over push factors. ______ _________: Negative conditions at the point of origin which encourage or force the people to move out. ______ _________: Positive conditions at the point of destination which encourage people to move in. ______ _________: The movement of people from their location of origin within their country. ______ _________: The net migration loss of rural areas causing a shortage of population in rural areas. This is caused by Rural-to-urban migration. ______-___-______: People moving from countryside to urban areas Push Factors Statistics: I. Philippines Declared independence in ________. II. _________ beds for Patients in Manila III. _________ beds for patients in Bicol and ______ beds for patients in ARMM (Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao) IV. __ out of 10 universities are found in __________. V. Literacy rate in Manila is _____ % whereas the national average is _____%. VI. ______ registered businesses in Manila compared to ______ registered businesses in Bicol.

Rural-to-Urban Philippines!

Socio-economic effect on source:

Positive Eases Overpopulation More resources available when people emigrate out (e.g. more food available) Money will be sent back to families. Remittances. Migrants gain new skills which may be brought back to their home village. More job positions are open in their village as people leave Negative Separation of families as a parent moves away in order to work Shop owners may suffer from loss in customers Shops may have to close down While the young population leaves the rural areas, the dependent population (the old and the young) are left without care As males leave and females stay to do local work, the local businesses may create less revenue Families can only reunite once after years of separation. Cumulative causation model: As shops close down due to less consumers the

Political and Environmental Effects on the Source:

Environmental Political


Less people are living in Less money spent on the source so less infrastructure and people resources are used. who are migrant workers Less people using cars in urban areas would and polluting the send money back. atmosphere Less people to feed would prevent the land being infertile Less waste being produced Farms or other industries may fail due to lack of work force Less production of farm products Governments have to deal with too little people


Rural-to-Urban Philippines!

Effects in Metro Manila: Socio-Economic Increased Population

Consumption Provides ____% of economic performance ____% of GDP: $149B Better living conditions in places Competition and Overpopulation Lack of jobs available Uneven distribution of land and wealth _________% unemployed, highest in the country Stress on livable land: bottom _____%, ____+% live hold 5.6% in slums

Environmental Air pollution has worsened ____% from vehicles; _____% in factories Breathing is risky in Manila Top 10 causes of death were non communicable diseases caused by air pollution _________ die from NCDs every year Water pollution considered dean by ecologists Polluted by industrial waste dumping and improper care.

Elections _____% of total population ____+% in Metro Manila of lower class/less educated. No knowledge of politics/political values (majority of the metropolitan area) Could ultimately change thee regional results (i.e. Congress vote) Results in mismanagement of area, corruption. etc.

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