Fac Copyright Assignment

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UNC Asheville

Copyright Assignment Agreement Author: Address: 1. This is an assignment from the Author to the University of North Carolina at Asheville (hereafter "UNCA"), and to UNCAs successors and assigns, of the entire right, title and interest in and to: 1. the copyright to Author's contribution (hereafter referred to as the "Contribution" and which is more specifically defined below) to the work provisionally titled "The TIRAND Framework for Data Ingest, Organization, and Retrieval" (hereafter, "the Work"); 2. any registrations and copyright applications, along with any renewals and extensions thereof, relating to the Contribution or the Work; 3. all works based upon, derived from, or incorporating the Contribution; 4. all income, royalties, damages, claims and payments now or hereafter due or payable with respect to the Contribution or the Work; 5. all causes of action, either in law or in equity, for past, present, or future infringement of copyright related to the Work, and 6. all rights corresponding to any of the foregoing, throughout the world. 2. The Author's Contribution consists of co-authorship of the Work. The other co-authors are ______________________________________. 3. This Assignment includes the assignment of all rights, including copyright, to any modifications or other alterations to the Work or the Contribution that the Author makes under this Agreement or any other agreement between the Author and UNCA. 4. The Author's signature on this Agreement is the Author's representation and warranty that: a. the Author is the sole author and sole proprietor of all rights in and to the Contribution; b. the Contribution is original and contains no material from other copyrighted or unpublished works unless it is used with the written consent of the copyright owner and of the owner of any other right(s) to or in such other works; c. the Contribution does not violate or infringe any personal or property rights of others, whether common law or statutory d. the Contribution contains nothing libelous or contrary to law; and e. the Author has full power and authority to enter this Agreement. 5. In consideration for the Author's assignment of rights in this Agreement, UNCA will provide appropriate attribution (the form of which is in UNCAs sole discretion) for the Author's creation of the Contribution if and when the Work is distributed or sold.

6. In addition, to the extent any applicable law or treaty prohibits the transfer or assignment of any moral rights or rights of restraint the Author has in the Work or the Contribution, the Author waives those rights as to UNCA, its successors, licensees or assigns. READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT CAREFULLY; IT IS A RELEASE AND ASSIGNMENT OF YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS. ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO: AUTHOR ______________________________ Signature ______________________________ Printed Name ______________________________ Date

WITNESS ______________________________ Signature ______________________________ Printed Name ______________________________ Date

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