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MAT100 WEEK 2: Introduction to Algebra Slide 1 Introductions Welcome to week 2 of Math one-hundred: Fundamentals of mathematics.

In the previous lesson we discussed whole numbers and Integers. This week will briefly introduce algebraic expressions. Slide 2 Objectives Next Slide: After completing this lesson you should be able to: Evaluate algebraic expressions; Write equivalent expressions; Identify like terms and perimeter; Simplify variable expressions by combining like terms; Solve algebraic equations; and Add and subtract polynomials Next Slide: First, Let us get familiar with a few terms. A variable, as we mentioned last week, is a letter that can stand for some number. For examples: most frequently, people use X, but you can select any letter to represent a number such as A or B or Y. A constant is a number or a letter such as five or negative six. Greek letter, pie, always equals about three point fourteen and it represents the ratio between the diameter and the circumference of a circle. Let C equal the speed of light. Then C is a constant, because the speed of light never changes. An algebraic expression consists of variables, numerals, and operation signs. For examples: X plus eighty-six, seven times T, nineteen minus Y, and a divided by B. To represent the product of five and a variable such as A, you may select any of different notations. Most abbreviated way is represented by five-a. Next Slide: WEEK TWO (7/2-8/2007) MAT100 CHAPTER 2 July 2, 2007

Slide 3

Introduction to algebra and expression

Slide 4

Introduction to algebra and Expression (continued)

To Evaluating an expression is to substitute or replace a variable with a number and then calculate the value of the expression by performing required arithmetic operations. Suppose you want to know the amount of interest of one thousand dollars for five years of investment, the teller enters the computer for the amount of investment and the number of years of investment. The computer has a piece of software to evaluate the data using an interest formula and comes up with the amount of interest you will get. This operation is to evaluate a specific algebraic expression to find the solution. Let us look at two simple algebraic expressions. The first example is to evaluate X plus Y for X equals thirty-seven and Y equals twenty-nine. First we substitute thirty-seven for X and twenty-nine for Y; we have thirtyseven plus twenty-nine. The sum is sixty-six. The second example is to evaluate three-Y for Y equals negative fourteen. First we substitute negative fourteen for Y; we have three times negative fourteen. The product is negative forty-two. Next Slide:

Slide 5

Introduction to Algebra and Expressions (continued)

One of the most important skills to master in algebra is the ability to write equivalent expressions. It is useful to know when two algebraic expressions will represent the same number. In many situations, this will help with problem solving. Two expressions that have the same value for all allowable replacements are called equivalent. For an example, X plus X is equivalent to two-X for X equals three, because on the left side of the equation, we have X plus X; we substitute three for X to obtain three plus three. The answer is six. One the right side of the equation, we have two times X; after a substitution of three for X, we have two times three. The product is also six. Since the value on the left side is the same as the value on the right side. Therefore, we can conclude that these two algebraic expressions are equivalent. Next Slide:

WEEK TWO (7/2-8/2007) MAT100


July 2, 2007

Slide 6

Introduction to Algebra and Expressions (continued)

Now, let us take a look at a few laws governing the operations of addition and multiplication. All the laws we are going to discuss will be used in future algebraic operations. The commutative caw of addition says that for any number A and B, A plus B is equal to B plus A. For example, three plus four is the same as four plus three, because both sums are seven. Next example shows that six plus A is the same as A plus six. If we substitute one for A, we have six plus one on the left side, and one plus six on the right side. Both sums are the same. Next Slide:

Slide 7

Introduction to Algebra and Expressions (continued)

The commutative law of multiplication says that for any number A and A, A times B equals B times A. For example, three times four is the same as four times three. Next example shows that six times A is the same as A times six. If we substitute two for A, we have six times two on the left side, and two times six on the right side. Both products are the same also. Next Slide:

Slide 8

Introduction to Algebra and Expressions (continued)

The associative law of addition says that for any number A, B, and C, A plus B, find the sum then plus C is equal to B plus C, find the sum; then plus A. This law means that no matter how we group the numbers, as long as we use additions, they are equivalent. The first example shows that two plus three, then plus four is equivalent to three plus four, then plus two. On the left side, we have five plus four, and on the right side, we have two plus seven, both answers are the same. The second example shows that two plus four, then plus A is equivalent to four plus A, then plus two. Suppose we set A to be one. On the left side, we have six plus one, and on the right side we have two plus five.

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July 2, 2007

We have the same answer. Next Slide: The associative law of multiplication says that for any number A, B, and C, A times B, find the product, then times C is equal to B times C, find the product, then times A. This law means that no matter how we group the numbers together, as long as we use multiplication, they are equivalent. The first example shows that two times three, find the product of six, then times four is equivalent to three times four, find the product of twelve, then times two. On the left side, we have six times four, and on the right side, we have two times twelve, both answers are the same. The second example shows that two times A, find the product of two-a, then times four is equivalent to A times four, find the product of four-A, then times two. Let us set three for A. On the left side, we have six times four, and on the right side we have two times twelve. Both answers are the same. Next Slide: Slide 10 Introduction to Algebra and Expressions (continued) A law that is often used to simplify and multiply is the distributive law. This law says that we can distribute A over addition and subtraction by multiplying every number or variable inside parentheses by A. The following two examples will help you understand what we mean by this. The first example states that ,three is distributed over the addition of four and two. To find answer using distributive law, we distribute the three by multiplying each number inside the parentheses by three. Then simplify the sum. We take three to multiply four and find the product, which is twelve; then we take three to multiply two and find the another product, which is six; finally, we add twelve to six together to have eighteen as the final answer. The second example states that, six is distributed over the difference of M and four. We distribute the six by multiply each number or variable inside the parentheses. The M times six equals six-M by WEEK TWO (7/2-8/2007) MAT100 CHAPTER 2 July 2, 2007

Slide 9

Introduction to Algebra and Expressions (continued)

the commutative law of multiplication. The four times six is twenty-four. The final answer is six M minus twentyfour. Next Slide: Slide 11 Introduction to Algebra and Expressions (continued) One common way in which equivalent expressions are formed is by combining like terms. A term is a number, a variable, a product of numbers and/or variables, or a quotient of numbers and/or variables. Terms are separated by addition signs. If there are subtraction signs, we can find an equivalent expression that uses addition signs. Shown on this slide are examples. According to these examples, five- X-Y, three X-squared, and negative eight are the terms.

Slide 12

Like Terms

We see many examples of adding and subtracting like quantities. Three feet plus seven feet is ten feet. Seven cars minus two cars; the difference is five cars. However, we cannot combine things that are not the same. We cannot say seven cars minus four feet. This cannot be done, because we cannot combine terms that are not like terms. Like terms are the terms that have identical variable parts. For an example, nine-X and negative four-X are like terms, because both terms have the X as their variable part; three Y-squared and seven Y-squared are like term also, because both have - squared as their variable parts. The last two examples are not like terms, because their variable parts are not the same. Next Slide:

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July 2, 2007

Slide 13

Combining Like Terms

The numerical coefficient is the numerical part of a term. For example, the numeral two is the numerical coefficient of two-A. To combine like terms, add or subtract the numerical coefficients of like terms. The variable parts stay the same. To combine like terms, we rely on the distributive law even though that step is often not written out. For example, four-X plus three-X can be rewrite as the sum of four and three and then the sum times X. Next Slide:

Slide 14

Combining Like Terms (continued)

In algebra, answers are often more than one term. This example shows that the expression have four terms. To simplify it, first we rewrite as addition; then we use the commutative law to change the order of second term and third term. Now we can combine first term with the second term and combine third term with fourth term. Next Slide:

Slide 15

Combining Like Terms (continued)

To extend the learning of the distributive law, the commutative law and combining like terms, we show you this example, which requires the use of these three tools. There are three steps to solve this problem. First, we apply the distributive law to eliminate the parentheses. Then we use the commutative law to rearrange the order of the second and third term. Finally we combine the like terms to have seven-X plus one. Next Slide:

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July 2, 2007

Slide 16


We will now discuss perimeter. A polygon is a closed geometric figure with three or more sides. The perimeter of a polygon is the distance around it, or the sum of the lengths of its sides. Using the example shown on this slide, this polygon has five sides. We add the lengths of all sides. Since all the units are the same, we are effectively combining like terms. The end result is twenty-nine meters. Next Slide:

Slide 17

Solving Equations

To solve an equation, we must find a value for variable in the equation that makes the equation a true statement. There are two principles that we should use to perform the operations. The first principle is the addition principle. It states that adding any number on both sides of the equation forms an equivalent equation. The second principle is the division principle. It states that dividing by any same nonzero number from both sides of the equation forms an equivalent equation. There are principles that enable us to begin with one equation and create an equivalent equation. Suppose that A and B stand for the same number and some number C is added to A. We get the same result if we add C to B, because A and B are equal. Similarly, we can get the same result if we divide A and B by a nonzero number, C. Next Slide:

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July 2, 2007

Slide 18

Solving Equations (continued)

For example, lets take an equation: X minus seven equals negative two. To find out what X equals, we can add seven to both sides of the equation. On the left side, we X plus zero; on the right, we have five. So X equals five. An alternative method is that you move the negative seven to the other side of the equation. Once you move the negative seven over, you must change negative seven to positive seven; X equals negative two plus seven. The reason why the negative seven changed to a positive seven is because we moved it to the other side of the equals sign. The positive and negative sign always changes when you move across the equals sign. To figure out what X equals you simple take negative two and add it to seven and the result is five. Each of these steps is demonstrated on this slide. Next Slide:

Slide 19

Solving Equations (continued)

We just discussed the addition principle, but lets say you have a number times a variable. How do we get the number to the other side of the equals sign. The answer is that you divide it into the other side using the division principle. For example, we have nine times X equals sixty-three. You simply use the division principle to divide both sides by nine. So now you have nine-X over nine equals sixtythree over nine. All you do now is to simplify the equation. Nine-X over nine equals one, and one times X is X, because the nines cancel each other out, and sixtythree divided by nine equals seven. So the answer is X equals seven. All the steps are demonstrated on this slide. Next Slide:

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July 2, 2007

Slide 20

Solving Equations (continued)

We have only dealt with simple equations so far. We will now take a look at a more complex equation. The equation is: Five- x minus eight equals twenty seven. How do we determine what the variable x equals? First you need to isolate the five-X by adding eight to both sides. Now you will have five-X plus zero equals thirtyfive. Your final step is to isolate the X by dividing by five on both sides. This will give you the result of X equals seven. To double check to see if x equals seven, you can plug the seven back into the original equation. Five times seven equals thirty five; thirty five minus eight equals twentyseven.

Slide 21


Next Slide: A monomial is a term if there is no division by a variable expression. A polynomial is a monomial or a combination of sums and differences of monomials. On this slide, there are some samples of polynomials of different sizes. Next Slide:

Slide 22

Addition of Polynomials

To add polynomials you simply add like terms. Recall that like terms are when two terms have the same variables raised to the same power. To show how this works, follow the steps on this slide. First you apply the commutative and associative laws to pair up like terms; then you combine like terms to get the final result. Note that X means one times X. Similarly, negative X means negative one times X. Next Slide:

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July 2, 2007

Slide 23

Subtraction of Polynomials

Lets take the example of subtracting two polynomials on this slide. The only difference from adding polynomials is that you begin by changing the signs of each term in the polynomial being subtracted. This will make more sense when the computation is written out. As you can see all the positives turned negative and all the negatives turned positive. Then you combine like terms. Next Slide:

Slide 24


We have reached the end of this lesson. Lets take a look at what we have covered. Discussed first were mathematical terms such as variables, constants, algebraic expressions, and the methods of writing a numeral multiplying a variable. Second, we show you a few examples of evaluating the expressions by substituting a variable with a number and then calculate the value of the expression by performing required arithmetic operations. This is followed by a discussion of equivalent expressions, For equivalent expressions you can have two expressions that have the same value for all allowable replacement. Next we displayed the Commutative Law for Addition, the Commutative Law for Multiplication, the Associative Law for Addition, the Associative Law for Multiplication, and the Distributive Law. Meanwhile, we showed you the examples of how to apply them. Next we discussed like terms and perimeter. When an algebraic expression contains like terms, an equivalent expression can be formed by combining, or collecting, like terms. To combine like terms, we rely on the distributive law even though that step is often not written out. To figure out the perimeter of a shape you simply add each of the sides. To explore the extension of the knowledge you have learned, we showed an example that is the synthesis of the Distributive Law, the Commutative Law, as well as combining like terms.

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July 2, 2007

This followed with a discussion on solving equations. There are two principles that enable us to begin with one equation and create an equivalent equation when the value of an unknown variable can be found. Suppose that a and b stand for the same number and some number c is added to a. We get the same result if we add c to b, because a and b are equal. Similarly, we can get the same result if we divide a and b by a nonzero number, c. We concluded the lesson with a discussion on adding and subtracting polynomials. To add polynomials you simply add like terms. Like terms are when two terms have the same variables or same variables raised to the same power; they are like terms and can be combined. To subtract a polynomial you simply add the opposite of that polynomial.

WEEK TWO (7/2-8/2007) MAT100


July 2, 2007

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