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MAT100 WEEK 3: Fractions Slide 1 Introduction Welcome to week 3 of Math one-hundred: Fundamentals of mathematics.

In the previous lesson we discussed a brief introduction to algebra. In this lesson we will consider multiplication and division using fraction notation. After multiplication and division have been discussed, those skills are used to solve equations and real-world problems. Next Slide: Slide 2 Objectives After completing this lesson you should be able to: Define multiples and divisibility; Analyze factorizations; Simplify and test for equality Define fractions and fraction notation; Simplify when multiplying Multiply fractions; and Divide fractions Slide 3 Multiples Next Slide: Before we can work with fractions we need to learn about multiples and divisibility. A multiple of a number is a product of that number and an integer. For example, some multiples of two are: two, four, six, eight, and ten. Each number is expressed as a product of 2 and some integers. Next Slide:

Slide 4


Divisibility is when a number B is said to be divisible by another number A if B is a multiple of A. For example, six is divisible by 2 because six is a multiple of two; twenty-seven is divisible by three because twenty-seven is a multiple of three; and one-hundred is divisible by twentyfive because one-hundred is a multiple of twenty-five. Next Slide:

Slide 5

Divisibility (continued)

Now that we just discussed the concepts of multiples and divisibility. Lets apply it to two real problems. For the example on the left, determine whether twenty-four is divisible by three. To determine if it is divisible we divide twenty-four by three. When we divide it evenly, the quotient is eight. Since there is no remainder, we can say that twentyfour is divisible by three. For the example on the right, determine whether ninety-eight is divisible by four. To determine if it is divisible we divide ninety-eight by four. When we divide it out, the quotient is twenty-four with a remainder of two. Since there is a remainder, we can say that ninety-eight is not divisible by four. Since twelve equals twelve times one, from this example, we can conclude that every number has a factorization, and every number has itself and one as factors.

Slide 6


Next Slide: What is a factor? A number C is a factor of A if A is divisible by C. What is meant by factorization? A factorization of A expresses A as a product of two or more numbers. Seven is a factor of both twenty-eight and thirty-five. When a number is expressed as a product of factors, we say that we have factored the original number. Thus, factor can be used as either a noun or a verb. Being able to factor is an important skill needed for a solid understanding of fractions.

For example, both four and three are the factors of twelve, because twelve can be divisible by either number. Both one and twelve are also the factors of twelve, because twelve is divisible by either number. Besides these two pairs, six and two are also the factors of twelve, because twelve is divisible by six or two. Finally, two and three are the factors of twelve, because twelve is divisible by two, or three, even thought you need double twos. Slide 7 Factorizations (continued) Next Slide: Lets find all the factors of twenty-four. Since twenty-four is even, we know that two is a factor. Since the sum of the digits in twenty-four is six and six is divisible by three, we know that three is a factor. We can use trial and error to determine that four is also a factor, but that five is not. A list of factorizations can then be used to make a complete list of factors. The factorizations are: one times twenty-four; two times twelve; three times eight; and four times six. Therefore, the factors for twenty-four are: one, two, three, four, six, eight, twelve, and twenty-four. Slide 8 Prime Next Slide: A prime is a natural number that has exactly two different factors. One is not a prime number, because one has only one factor. So it does not fit the definition of being a prime. A natural number, other than one, that is not a prime is considered to be a composite number. For example, two is prime because of two has only two factors: namely, one and two. Five is a prime because five also has only two factors, one and five. Six is not a prime number, because six has more than two factors: one, two, and three. Six is a composite number. Next Slide:

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Prime Factorizations

Prime factorization is to express a composite number as a product of primes. Lets take a composite number, seventy-six and find its prime factorization. First we take seventy-six, divide it by the smallest prime that we can find. Obviously two is the candidate, because two can divide seventy-six evenly. Seventy-six divided by two equals thirty-eight. Then we take the quotient and do further dividing. Thirty-eight divided by two is nineteen. Since nineteen is a prime, we now have three primes: two, two, and nineteen. Prime factorization is the production of two and two and nineteen. Next Slide:

Slide 10

Fractions and Fraction Notation

A fraction consists of a numerator and a denominator. The top number is called the numerator and the bottom number is called the denominator. Together it is called fraction notation. Shown on this slide is one over two, or one-half. Or it can also be called just a half. One-half represents the number between zero and one on the number line. If you have four and a half, this fraction will be located half way between the numbers four and five on the number line. A half of half is one quarter or one-fourth. To determine the one-half fraction, you add one-fourth to another one-fourth to get two-fourths, which when reduced equals one-half. Shown at the bottom of this slide are other samples of fractions. It is easy to think of fractions as a pizza pie with slices. For example, lets say that a whole pizza has six slices and one of those slices has sausage on it. That one slice represents one-sixth of the whole pizza. All fractions work according to this methodology. Next Slide:

Slide 11

Multiplication of Fractions

We will now discuss multiplication of fractions. We will start by multiplying an integer into a fraction. The rule says that to multiply a fraction by an integer. First we multiply the numerator, the number on the top of the fraction bar, by the integer. Then we find the product and place it on the top of fraction bar. Keep the denominator unchanged. To multiply two fractions, we just multiply numerator with numerator and multiply denominator with denominator. Next Slide:

Slide 12

Multiplication of Fractions (continued)

As shown on this slide five times three-eighths equals fifteen eights. We derive the answer by multiplying the integer by the numerator. So five times the three equals fifteen and that is all over eight. Each of these steps is shown on this slide. Now we will show you how to multiply two fractions together. Just combine the two fractions together, as shown on this slide, and multiply the numerator, five, by the next numerator, seven, and the denominator, six, by the denominator, four. The product of these two fractions is thirty-five over twenty-four. Next Slide:

Slide 13


When computing fractions it is essential that you always simplify your answer. For example, if your answer is twelve over twelve-four; simplify it to one-half. One-half makes more sense than saying twelve over twenty four. In the beginning of the lesson we mentioned how one-fourth plus one-fourth equals two-fourths. A half is actually the simplified answer. One-eighth plus one-eighth equals twoeighths. Then you simplify two-eighths to one-quarter. When simplifying a fraction you must find the factor that goes into each number. Lets take the fraction of twelveeighteenths. The number that fits both into twelve and eighteen is six. Six fits into twelve twice, and six fits into eighteen three times. So the simplified fraction is two thirds. The steps are shown on this slide. Next Slide:

Slide 14

A Test For Equality

After you find the reduced form of a fraction, you might ask yourself: Is the reduced form equivalent to the original fraction? Or did I simplify it correctly? One way to test for equality is to use their cross products to see if they are equivalent. The example on this slide illustrates the technique of cross products. We simply take the numerator of the first fraction to multiply the denominator of the second fraction and find the first product. Then we take the denominator of the first fraction to multiply the numerator of the second fraction and find the second product. If both products are the same, we conclude that the one simpler fraction is indeed the reduced form of the original fraction; otherwise, there might be some mistakes made during the simplification process.

Slide 15

Simplifying When Multiplying

Next Slide: We usually want a simplified answer when we multiply. To make such simplifying easier, it is generally best not to calculate the products in the numerator and the denominator until we have first factored and simplified. To multiply and then simplify there are four steps: Write the products in the numerator and the denominator, but do not calculate the products; Identify any common factors of the numerator and the denominator; Factor the fraction to remove any factors that equal one; And calculate the remaining products. Next Slide:

Slide 16

Simplifying When Multiplying (continued)

We are going to show you an example of simplifying when multiplying. First, you factor out fourteen for the numerator and have two factors: two times seven in pink color. Next, you factor out six and fifteen in the denominator and have two times three in yellow color and three times five in green color. Then identify that two times five in the numerator and also two times five in the denominator. Both are in brown color. Since you have the same nonzero number in numerator and denominator, the quotient becomes one. One times any number is that number. The final answer is seven over nine. Next Slide;

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If the product of two numbers is one, we say that they are reciprocals of each other. To find the reciprocal of a fraction, interchange the numerator and the denominator. The numbers three over four and four over three are reciprocals of each other, as shown on this slide. Next Slide: We will now discuss how to divide fractions. To divide a fraction you must flip the second fraction around, or in other terms, use the reciprocal of the second fraction. Once you have the reciprocal you can multiply both sides to come up with a final answer. Let us take the example shown on this slide. First you flip the two-thirds so that it is three over two. Now you multiply out and get the answer of fifteen over twelve. Once simplified it will equal five over four. Every time you divide fractions you will follow this same process. The only difference from division and multiplication is that find the reciprocal of the second fraction first, then multiply.

Slide 18

Division of Fractions

Slide 19

Solving Equations: The Multiplication Principle

Next Slide: We will now use the multiplication principle to solve problems. Take a look at the equation shown at the top of this slide. It reads: three-quarters times X equals fifteen. How do we solve for X? Since three quarters is multiplied by X, we just multiply each side by its reciprocal of four over three to get X by itself. Now we have X equals four-thirds times fifteen. Fifteen is the product of two factors: three and five. After simplifying, we have one times X equals to twenty. So we have the answer of X equals twenty. Each of these steps is shown here. Next Slide:

Slide 20

Application of Equations

Solving equations has many useful applications. Let us take one real-life application to see how we can interpret, set up, and solve a real-life application. At Sunshine Herbs, Sue needs to fill as many tea bags as possible with three-fifths of a gram of chamomile. If she begins with fifty-one grams of chamomile, how many tea bags can she fill? Next Slide:

Slide 21

Application To solve this typical problem, we follow five steps. of Equations (continued) First, familiarize the problem by reading and analyzing it to determine what the problem asks. Second, translate the problem into an equation. Third, solve the equation. Fourth, check the answer by substituting the value of X into the original equation. Fifth, state the answer in words. Next Slide:

Slide 22

Application of Equations (continued)

After you get familiar with the problem. You discover that the problem asks for the number of tea bags that Sue needs to fill with fifty-one grams of chamomile. We can now set N to be unknown variable, and let N equal the number of tea bags that can be filled. You already know the size of each tea bag. Each tea bag should contain three-fifths of a gram of chamomile, and there are N tea bags that are needed to be filled. The total weight of chamomile is fifty-one grams. So you take the weight of each tea bag times the number of tea bags; the product equals to the total weight. That is three-fifths times N equals fiftyone. Using the method discussed before, you can solve the equation by multiplying the reciprocal of the coefficient of N. We obtain the final answer to be eighty-five.

To verify if the answer is correct, you may substitute eightyfive into the original equation. You have eighty-five times three-fifths equals fifty-one. The value on the left side of the equation is the same as the value on the right side of the equation. Therefore, we conclude that Sue can fill eight-five tea bags with fifty-one grams of chamomile. Next Slide:

Slide 23


We have reached the end of this lesson. Lets take a look at what we have covered. Discussed first were Multiples and Divisibility. A multiple of a number is a product of that number and an integer. Divisibility is when a number B is said to be divisible by another number A if B is a multiple of A. Next we discussed Factorizations. When a number is expressed as a product of factors, we say that we have factored the original number. Thus, factor can be used as either a noun or a verb. Next, we mentioned the prime number and composite number. A prime is a natural number that has exactly two different factors: one and itself. A composite number is also a natural number, except one, that is not a prime. Prime factorization is to express a composite number as a product of primes. This followed with a discussion on fractions and fraction notation. A fraction consists of a numerator and a denominator. The top number is called the numerator and the bottom number is called the denominator. Together it is called fraction notation. Next we discussed multiplication of fractions. To multiply two fractions together you use the same method as when multiplying an integer into a fraction. Just combine the two fractions together and multiply the numerator by the numerator, and the denominator by the denominator. This led us into a discussion on simplifying. When computing fractions it is essential that you always simplify your answer.

After simplification has been done, you can verify your reduced fraction to see if it is equivalent to the original fraction by using method of cross products. We usually want a simplified answer when we multiply. To make such simplifying easier, it is generally best not to calculate the products in the numerator and the denominator until we have first factored and simplified. The way to do this is to factor any composite number in the numerators and in the denominators first, then factor the fraction to remove any factors that equal one. Finally we do the multiplication. To divide a fraction you must flip the second fraction around, or in other terms, use the reciprocal of the second fraction. Once you have the reciprocal you can perform the multiplication. We concluded the lesson with a discussion on solving equations using the multiplication principle. To solve the equation with a fraction as the coefficient of X, we just multiply the reciprocal of that coefficient on both sides of the equation, then simplify. To understand the application of the equation, we showed you a real-life example of analyzing, setting up, and solving an equation.

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