Kpu2 Eng p1 Appointment With Love

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English Made Easy!


Prose-Lesson No 1

One Mark Questions Answer in a word, a phrase or a sentence.

1. Name the woman who wrote remarks in the book Of Human Bondage? 2. The woman past 40, wore a red rose in her suit lapel because a) she loved roses. b) her husband gave it to her. c) Hollis Meynell requested her to wear it. 3. A red rose was worn by a) a young girl of about 18 b) Hollis Meynell. c) a fat woman well past 40. 4. When John Blandford confessed he felt fear, Hollis Meynell said that a) only cowards fear. b) ordinary people fear. c) all brave men fear. 5. Hollis Meynell did not send her photograph because she a) did not have a photograph. b) was ugly. c) believed that looks were not important. 6. Lt. Bland ford's heart leaped higher than his plane when he saw a a) slim woman with blond hair and blue eyes. b) girl about eighteen years old. c) woman well past 40. 7. Who is compared to spring time in Appointment with love? 8. Where would Hollis Meynell be waiting for John Blandford according to the woman well past 40? 9. Where did John Blandford and Hollis Meynell decide to meet? 10. What attracted Blandford in the book Of Human Bondage?

b) she was not pretty.

c) she was past 40.

19. John Blandfords confession of his fear shows his a) cowardice. b) honesty. c) immaturity. 20. John Blandford was impressed by a) the story of Of human bondage. b) the men and women in the novel. c) the notes in a womans hand writing. 21. When did Blandford feel as though he were being split in two? 22. Who would be waiting for John Blandford at the restaurant across the street?

II. Answer the following in a paragraph of 80 100 words each. - 4 marks

1. What were the qualities that John Blandford admired in Hollis Meynell in, Appointment with Love ? 2. Compare Hollis Meynell with the woman past 40. 3. Describe how the book Of Human Bondage played an important role in John Blandfords life. 4. Why was Hollis Meynell reluctant to send her photograph to John Blandford? 5. Describe the incident when John Blandford felt fear. 6. Describe the meeting between John Blandford and the woman with the red rose in her suit lapel.

III. Answer the following in about 200 words.

11. The remarks written by Hollis Meynell in Of Human Bondage 'was about a) the beauty of nature. b) Florida city. c) an insight into a man's heart. 12. Who made the woman past 40 wear a red rose in her suit lapel? 13. Hollis Meynell was compared to a) Springtime .b) winter. 3. How would you justify Hollis Meynells action of testing John Blandford in Appointment with Love? c) Summer. 1. Bring out the conflict in the mind of John Blandford when he saw a fat woman past 40 with a rose in her suit lapel. 2. Looks dont matter in real love. Justify your answer in relation with Hollis Meynell in the lesson Appointment with Love

14. Where did John Blandford find the name of Hollis Meynell ? 15. A young girl of about 18 passed close to John Bland ford at a) four minutes to six. b) six minutes to six. c) one minute to six. 16. A young woman with blue eyes and blond hair came toward John Blandford at a) six minutes to six. b) one minute to six. c) four minutes to six. 17. John Blandford got the book Of human bondage from a) New York library. b) Florida army library. c) California library. 18. The young girl could not have been Hollis Meynell because a) she wore a crimson sweet pea on her suit lapel.

Ph: 94485 66699, Coaching For Better Tomorrow

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English Made Easy!


Prose-Lesson No 1

Key Answers
One mark questions:
1. Hollis Meynell. 2. C - Hollis Meynell requested her to wear it. 3. C- a fat woman well past 40. 4. C - all brave men do fear. 5. C- believed that looks were not important. 6. A - slim woman with blond hair and blue eyes. 7. Hollis Meynell. 8. in a restaurant across the street. 9. Grand central station in New York. 10. Her remarks about men. 11. C - an insight into a mans heart. 12. Hollis Meynell, 13. A springtime, 14. on the bookplate, 15. A four minutes to six, 16. B - one minute to six, 17. B - Florida Army library, 18. A - she wore a crimson sweet pea in her suit lapel, 19. B honesty, 20. C - the notes in a womans hand writing, 21. Blandford felt as though he were being split in two when he saw a fat woman past 40 with a red rose in her suit lapel. 22. Hollis Meynell,

5. Ans - John Blandford was an Army lieutenant and one day was caught in a fierce battle. His plane was the target of the enemies and he could almost see the grinning face of the enemy pilot. He had confessed to Hollis Meynell that he had felt fear. She had consoled him saying that all brave men fear. So whenever Blandford felt fear he would imagine Hollis Meynells voice and this renewed his strength and skill. She had even quoted the 23 rd psalm of the bible, all brave men fear. Thus Hollis Meynell was a huge moral support to John Blandford. 6. Ans - John Blandford was anxiously waiting at the Grand Central Station for Hollis Meynell. At one minute to six, a tall pretty woman walked toward him and he felt happy. But unfortunately he saw a fat woman well past 40 standing behind her with a rose in her suit lapel. John Blandford was terribly disappointed but concealed it. He said to himself that his friendship with Hollis Meynell would be rarer than love and would consider his relationship with Hollis Meynell as precious. He showed her the book , Of Human Bondage and invited the fat lady for dinner to which the woman said that the real Hollis Meynell was waiting for him at a restaurant across the road. Thus we admire John Blandford for being faithful to Hollis Meynell.

Six Marks Questions

III. 1 Ans _ In his minds eye John Blandford had created a beautiful picture of the woman he loved so passionately for the past thirteen months. So it was but natural for him to feel disappointed when he saw a plump woman past 40 with a red rose in her suit lapel. It took some time for him to come to terms with the situation he had not expected. But his integrity, honesty, and his love for the rare kind of friendship he had developed towards Hollis Meynell for the past thirteen months took an upper hand and he invited her for dinner. Of course he himself was shocked at the bitterness of his voice but he gracefully accepted the fat woman as a precious friend. 2. Ans - John Blandford had found a book Of Human Bondage in Florida Army Library. Throughout the book he saw notes in a womans handwriting and liked the remarks about how she could see into a mans heart. He found her address in a New York City telephone book and wrote to her. She replied and they continued writing. Their friendship grew and Blandford finally asked her to send her photograph but she flatly refused She wrote that looks were not important and added that she may be a very plain looking woman. If Blandford truly loved her, he would accept her as she was. She did not believe in physical attraction because it would not last long. Thus we see that Hollis Meynell was a woman of strong values. 3. Ans - Hollis Meynell had corresponded with John Blandford because she had liked him. But as a woman she had to be careful. She wanted to know how strong Blandfords love for her was and so decided to test him. She had every right to test him because it was an important decision in her life. So she had requested the fat lady past 40 to wear the red rose in her suit lapel. She knew she had made things difficult for Blandford but that was the only way she could ascertain that Blandford loved her. She did not believe in physical attraction. She was a mature intelligent woman and did not want to make a wrong decision. Thus we admire Hollis Meynell for her sharpness and we endorse her action.

Four marks questions:

1. Ans - John Blandford liked the remarks written by Hollis Meynell throughout the book Of Human Bondage. He admired the way she could look into a mans heart so tenderly. Secondly he had confessed to Hollis Meynell that he had felt fear to which she had quoted the 23 rd psalm,all brave men fear. She was a huge moral support to him. Thirdly when he asked her for her photograph she flatly refused to send it saying that looks were not important in true love. These were the qualities that Blandford admired in Hollis Meynell. 2. Ans - Hollis Meynell was 30, tall, smart with blond hair and blue eyes. She was intelligent and a sensitive woman. She believed that true love was beyond physical beauty. On the other hand the woman past 40 was fat and had thick ankled feet. She had gray hair. She was gentle and sensible with a warm twinkle in her eyes. 3 Ans - John Blandford found the book Of Human Bondage. In Florida Army Library. He liked Hollis Meynells remarks in the book about mans feelings. He found her address in a New York city telephone book and promptly wrote to her. She replied and their friendship grew. She encouraged him when he felt fear during the war. They corresponded for 13 months and finally decided to meet. Thus the book Of Human Bondage brought them close together. 4. Ans - John Blandford had asked Hollis Meynell for her photograph. But she flatly refused to send him her photograph. She strongly believed that how she looked didnt matter. She even added that she may be plain looking and wanted Blandford to accept her as she was. She said that love which depended on looks only disgusted her. So she refused all his pleas to send him her photograph. She added that they would son meet in New York.

Ph: 94485 66699, Coaching For Better Tomorrow

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