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Energy Independance

-Panacea for future Energy needs.

Himaja Mula BTech ECE Infosys Technologies Limited

Siddartha, SaiKiran, Infosys Technologies LTD. Bangalore.

Energy is a basic requirement for the existence and development of human life. The demand for energy is growing at an alarming rate year after year. The projected substantial growth in the global economy between 2008 and 2050 implies an increase in energy needs. One of the solutions for this problem is to convert every house into a fuel station, i.e. using the cutting edge technologies to build a home that can power its appliances without depending on Power from outside. It aims at integration of all present renewable energy technologies to build an ENERGY INDEPENDENT home which can fuel its needs without depending on any other outside power Suppliers.

1. To tap all the forms of energies like solar energy, Wind Energy, Piezoelectricity, LED efficient lightening, Ubiquitous computing devices for energy efficiency. 2. To run all the home based appliances with the energy harnessed and to Store it for later use. This is the final solution for making homes completely independent of electricity by using natural available resources and contributing for curbing the green house gases.

Energy Independence:
Its a concept of converting all the present homes in to Zero Energy Consumption homes. A zero energy building (ZEB) is a general term applied to a building's use with zero net energy consumption and zero carbon emissions annually. Zero energy buildings can be used autonomous from the energy grid supply - energy can be harvested onsite. ZEB Uses Concentrating solar power Using Photovoltaics Ubiquitous Computing efficient energy usage. Wind energy The piezoelectricity LED efficient Lightening. Devices for


Energy is fundamental to the quality of our lives. Nowadays, we are totally dependent on an abundant and uninterrupted supply of energy for living and working. It is a key ingredient in all sectors of modern economies. Solar energy is the most readily available source of energy. . It is also the most important of the nonconventional sources of energy because it is nonpolluting and, therefore, helps in lessening the greenhouse effect. This electricity can either be used as it is or can be stored in the battery. This stored electrical energy then can be used at night. SPV can be used for a number of applications. The main functions of energy Independence

A. Solar energy : The solar energy is the primary source of all forms of energy. Every day the earth receives thousands of times more energy from the sun than is consumed in all other resources. Photovoltaic Cells: Converting Photons to Electron. Photovoltaics, as the word implies (photo = light, voltaic = electricity), convert sunlight directly into electricity. Photovoltaic (PV) cells are made of special materials called semiconductors such as silicon basically, when light strikes the cell, a certain portion of it is absorbed within the semiconductor material. Base structure: n+-p-p+ structure employing "p" type silicon p+-n-n+ structure employing "n" type silicon I = IL ID ISH Where I = output current (amperes) IL = photo generated current (amperes) ID = diode current (amperes) ISH = shunt current (amperes) The current flowing through these elements is governed by the voltage across them: Vj = V + IRS Where Vj = voltage across both diode and resistor RSH (volts) V = voltage across the output terminals (volts) I = output current (amperes) RS = series resistance () The photon can be absorbed by the silicon, if the photon energy is higher than the silicon band gap value. This generates an electron-hole pair and sometimes heat, depending on the band structure. An array of solar cells converts solar energy into a usable amount of direct current (DC) electricity.

B. Pieozo electricity: The piezoelectric effect converts mechanical strain into electrical current or voltage. This strain can come from many different sources. Human motion, low-frequency seismic vibrations, and acoustic noise are everyday examples. Except in rare instances the piezoelectric effect operates in AC requiring time-varying inputs at mechanical resonance to be efficient. Piezoelectric materials also show the opposite effect, called converse piezoelectric effect, where the application of an electrical field creates mechanical deformation in the crystal. Mathematical description Piezoelectricity is the combined effect of the electrical behavior of the material: Where D is the electric charge density displacement (electric displacement), is permittivity and E is electric field strength, and Hooke's Law: Where S is strain, s is compliance and T is stress. These may be combined into so-called coupled equations, of which the strain-charge form is:

Where [d] is the matrix for the direct piezoelectric effect and [dt] is the matrix for the converse piezoelectric effect. The superscript E indicates a zero, or constant, electric field; the superscript T indicates a zero, or constant, stress field; and the superscript t stands for transposition of a matrix. We can use the above principle to generate electricity. While walking can produce 163 watts of power, sprinting can generate more than 1,600 watts. After all, if a human consumes about 3,300 watthours of energy every day but has the potential to produce more than 3 times that amount, are we on the verge of dancing until the planet cools.

Figure 1.

Example of a Energy Independent Home

C. Wind Energy & Bio Gas: Wind Power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy, such as using wind turbines to make electricity , The total amount of economically extractable power available from the wind is considerably more than present human power use from all sources. An estimated 72 terawatt (TW) of wind power on the Earth potentially can be commercially viable Figures and Tables.

to more energy saving light bulbs across the country is expected to save more than four terrawatt hours of electricity. This is conservation of energy ( equivalent to decommissioning one small coal fired power station),and will save up to four million tons of greenhouse gas emissions ( equal to one million cars off the road) and more than $400 million per year saving more than $50 per year per household, and all by installing energy saving lights. These figures are conservative and the real figures will most likely be much higher. India has a vast supply of renewable energy resources and it is the only possibility for safely meeting the rising energy needs of our country. SAVING ENERGY=PRODUCING ENERGY

Biogas typically refers to a gas produced by the biological breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Biogas originates from biogenic material and is a type of biofuel. Biogas is practically produced as landfill gas (LFG) or digester gas. Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLS) are replacing existing incandescant lighting and will lower your energy usage and reduce your power bill. The move

Adolf Goetzberger and Joachim Knobloch., 1998, Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, John Wiley & Sons, New York. A. Goetzberger and V.U. Hoffmann., Photovoltaic Solar Energy Generation, 2005,


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