Usability Inspection Assignment CGT512

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For this assignment, you will work in small groups to write a heuristic evaluation report. WHY This assignments purpose is to: 1. Help you practice applying usability principles to interfaces; and 2. Help you practice writing heuristic evaluation reports deciding what to include and how to present the information. HOW You will inspect the website of the (pick one site per team): Purdue Online Writing Lab OR Purdue Study Abroad Steps: 1. Inspect the site individually. Make sure you understand what it is and what it does. Make a list of the usability issues you have identified. 2. As a group, discuss the usability issues each one of you has identified. Assign them severity ratings. 3. As a group, create a plan for the report and for how you will go about writing and presenting it. The report should contain the following sections, but it is up to you how you decide to present the content in each section: 1. Title page 2. Executive summary about - 1 page, concise overview of the entire report 3. Introduction purpose of heuristic inspection, brief description of the situation, context, product 4. Methods describe the methods and procedures you used for the evaluation and for the report. Define your terms; Define your severity rating scale. 5. Results present your results in a manner that is easy to follow and understand. Explain why each usability issue you have identified is an issue. Explain what principle it violates. Include a separate section with design feedback that comments on design issues (as opposed to usability issues). If a design issue is ALSO a usability issue, then include it among usability issues. Use the Design critique section to offer additional feedback about improving the site.

Usability Report 1: Usability Inspection (5 points)

Note: For this report, you can use Nielsens 10 usability heuristics (and thus do a heuristic evaluation), but do not limit yourself to them. The trick is to be able to identify and apply a wider collection of heuristics, combined from several sources. Grading Criteria: Overall report structure, presentation, look and feel. All sections are included. They are clear, well written, content is appropriate. They serve the audience well. Far below Needs Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Improvement Expectations 0-.5 .5-1 1-1.25 1.5 Usability issues identification, description, explanation of principles violated, recommendations, severity rating: Specific, detailed, clear, easy to read and understand Far below Needs Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Improvement Expectations 0-1 1-2 2-2.25 2.5 Usability principles the principles are described and applied correctly. The appropriate source is cited for each usability principle. Far below Needs Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Improvement Expectations 0 .50 .75 1 Your points: HOW TO SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT: 1. One file for each group, Word or PDF. 2. Please submit the assignment on Blackboard, on Wednesday, October 3, by class time (6:00 pm). 3. Unless I hear from you otherwise, all group members will receive the same number of points. If a group member did not participate fairly and you believe s/he deserves a point deduction, please send me an email, explaining the situation and the number of points you believe should be deducted (out of 5). Please see Blackboard for group assignments and contact information.

6. References create a list of references in APA style and list all the citations you referred to in your text.

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