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Volume 7

Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico & West Texas Regional Overseer: Chris Clarkson 2176 Black Willow Dr. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122
sideration on their prison sentence. The judge would reconsider their sentence, allowing some to go home straight from Boot Camp and others had their sentences dramatically reduced; just for completing the program. Still, even with this prospect awaiting their successful completion, there were those recruits who could not endure the training. I witnessed recruits quit after only being there a few minutes, while others threw in the towel with only a couple of weeks left before their graduation. No doubt each unsuccessful recruit had his or her own personal excuse for not completing, but the simple fact remained, they did not graduate and they would not stand before the judge with hopes of

The Church of God

Issue 7

A TEACHABLE SPIRIT Some years ago I worked as a drill instructor at a prison boot camp. Just like military boot camp the inmates were forced to learn and observe all the rules of the facility. From marching to running, eating to showering, everything had order and a uniform way in which it was designed to proceed. For each recruit the new surroundings presented much change in previous norms. No longer could they do as they pleased, but were expected to do as they were told. Though each recruit went through the same routine and training on their way to graduation, some chose a much more difficult road than others. The reward for completion was a recon-

getting their sentence reduced. They were headed to prison to serve their full sentence. My hope in this article is to reflect on this experience and draw into the light two very different types of individuals; teachable and trainable or obstinate and rebellious. You see, the program was designed to eliminate those who would not conform to the standards set forth by the facility. Meanwhile, though rigorous, it was also designed to get you to graduate a changed person. No change, no graduation. Some were eliminated because they would not train physically, some because they would not submit mentally or emotionally. However, the same problem seemed to persist in many, I am going to do it my way! Its sad to

think one would give up such a reward and suffer such consequences just because they were unable to submit themselves to the training or authority. No doubt thoughts of condemnation fill our minds as we think how foolish it would be to lose out on such an opportunity. However, this example pales in comparison to the eternal program you and I are a part of. The Church of God is built by God Himself as an eternal program. Though it is not a boot camp, per say, it is designed by Him that someday we may be presented to Christ, a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. With eternity at stake, why do we see the same failures within The Church as I witnessed at the boot camp; some quitting only after just beginning, while others seem to throw in the towel just before graduation? Perhaps the problem is the same; simply an attitude of, Ill do it my way! With the acceptance of the Bible as the Word of God and the promise to adhere to it as our rule of faith and practice, government and discipline, God has given the command to abandon our own ways and submit to His. This seems to be difficult for some people. They have their own ideas on

doctrine, discipline, faith, holiness, government, advice, etc. They know a better way and are seemingly unconcerned of the consequences that await them when they stand before the Judge someday. Perhaps many will die lost as know it alls unwilling to submit to Gods authority. They claim to know what is best, but the Lord gives a strong warning about this. Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. I remember a Sister telling me once that when she came to The Church of God she wanted to know, How does The Church of God do it? She didnt want to make a mistake doing things her own way. Oh, dear Saints of God, He will never despise a humble and contrite spirit, one that is teachable, submissive and willing to learn. He will teach this person all His ways; they will be established in the truth and go on to perfection. In like manner He will not tolerate an obstinate spirit, unwilling to be taught or to submit. This rebellion will be exposed and eliminated from The Church. The Church will finish successful. She will complete the course and be found perfect. Will you be found among Her membership or not?

Psalms 25:4 Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.

From the desk of the

Regional Overseer

I want to praise the Lord for a wonderful revival in Salida, CO. Many visitors came out to the services, with three being saved, one sanctified and one filled with the Holy Ghost. It felt good to raise the Church flag on the pole there once again. Please pray for this work. Thank the Lord for a fantastic BTI. The Southwest Region had 11 representatives this year to the school. Im sure each can say they returned home different than they went. Upcoming Regional and General Events: Regional Convention: will convene in Albuquerque, NM July 27th-29th, 2012. We will be in a different location this year. The MCM Elegante; 2020 Menaul Blvd, NE Albuquerque, NM 87107, is near the intersection of I-25 and I-40. Guest speaker will be Bishop Ray D. Dupree Family Camp: dates are July 30th August 3, 2012. Again we will be at a different location for this event as well. The camp-ground will be at San

Juan Bible Camp, 14260 RD. 39.9 Mancos, CO 81328. Guest speaker change: Brother Butch Booth from Mississippi IYC: August 17- 20 2012, near Asheville, NC (Lutheridge Conference Center). The General Assembly: August 21- 26 2012, near Asheville, NC (Ridgecrest Conference Center).


students next year.~ (whew!) And, - - to those who attended BTI this year: * Please be sure to say a thank you to all who helped out on your behalf while you were gone~ I say that because during the years I went to BTIsomeone at home was taking my place teaching, singing, moderating; ...etc. And, * Please know it was our pleasure to keep the home fires burning while you were there! We know what a sacrifice you made to get there and be there, and we couldnt be more proud of our region's BTI STUDENTS!! (hip hip hooray~) Share your testimonies and continue in the things which you have learned... Peace of God

Bible Training Institute Karen Otterbacher Regional BTI Coordinator

2012 Bible Training Institute has come and gone, and word is that it was the best ever! (Imagine that!??) PLEASE be sure and visit with those in our region who atWomens Missionary Band tended Bible Training Institute Gaylene Clarkson this year!! Gather testimonies! Regional WMB Assemble in the streets!! ;-) Coordinator Start making plans in your local church for sending more Always Abounding. What does

that mean to you? What do you think of when you hear those two words? Does your mind go to our work for the Lord or does it take off in some other direction? We must be about our Heavenly Father's work. He left us with a commission to go tell the world.Sometimes the world comes right to our door and we don't realize that the opportunity is standing right in front of us. What will our answer be when a finger is pointing at us and they are saying No one ever told me? Will we be able to say that we presented the Word and the opportunity for them to be saved or will we simply hang our heads in shame because we failed to be a witness? I believe Always Abounding means for us to have our eyes open and ready to do whatever the Lord calls on us to do, whenever He calls. The work of the Lord is not just for when we feel like we can do it. It is even for the times when we feel like I can't do this because someone won't like to hear it or they will laugh at me or whatever excuse may come to mind. We (I) must not let excuses stop me from letting people know that Jesus saves and He wants everyone to go to Heaven. And not as the world seems to believe, that everyone goes to Heaven. Just ask someone sometime. They

will tell you "Oh yeah, I know they went to Heaven" or "They are in a better place now." I want everyone to know that just because someone dies does not mean they are in Heaven. In John 14:6 we read Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." and in John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. I believe that those two scriptures alone prove that we dont just go to Heaven because we lived and died. If we dont repent and accept Jesus as our personal Saviour we will not be in Heaven with Him. And as for the remark They are in a better place nowthat is not true if they werent a born again Christian, they will be burning for eternity. That is not something that we want to just sit back and let happen. We must warn them and give them the opportunity to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour before it is too late. God bless you is my prayer. Hope to see all of you soon at the Regional Convention in Albuquerque. Start praying now for the blessing of God to come down in a mighty way. Dont forget to pray for our Regional Overseer dur-

ing this time. He has a heavy weight on his shoulders and he needs our prayers. Pray for God to lead him as he prepares for appointment time and the convention program. God will bless your faithfulness.

Assembly Band Movement Linda Galaviz Regional ABM Coordinator

THE PURPOSE OF THE ABM IS TO PROVOKE UNTO LOVE AND TO GOOD WORKS Hebrews 10:24,25, And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works; not forsaking the assembly of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as you see the day approaching. PROVOKE UNTO LOVE The definition of provoke is to excite or stir up, as, to provoke criticism; to cause; as to provoke a laugh; to enrage or irritate; as, to provoke another to anger. This implies that

there are various ways to provoke people, but the writer of Hebrews says, provoke unto love. For one to be effective in love, one must have and know the love of Christ. The love of Christ will cause one to be diligent and attentive to the needs of each others trials, difficulties and weaknesses. The love of Christ causes one to consider each other and provoke one another unto love. PROVOKE UNTO GOOD The definition of good is that which is desirable; that which produces pleasure, satisfaction, or benefit; that which is right. Jesus went about doing good. How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about DOING GOOD...... Acts 10:38. Evil is overcome with good. not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:21 " As we have therefore opportunity, let us DO GOOD unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10. PROVOKE UNTO WORKS The definition of works is physical or mental effort directed to some end or purpose; toil; labor; occupation; a task; an undertaking. Provoking unto works refers to good works, as to evil works. Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all in-

iquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, ZEALOUS OF GOOD WORKS Titus 2:14. The scripture teaches us that faith alone is not enough. If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food: And one of you say unto them, depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye gave them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead being alone James 2:15-18. LET US provoke one another unto Love and unto Good Works!

away from Regional Convention. I pray that we are making our time worthwhile in the Lord. God is truly magnanimous by allowing us to have rich experiences that give us a boost in our spiritual walk. I pray that each one of us continues to grow in those experiences as we await the returning of our Lord. The Lord will allow us to go as deep as we are willing to push. We need to persevere until we receive all the experiences that we need in Him. I want to ask each one to remember to pray and fast for Gods anointing and moving in our Regional Convention. We need His presence and confirmation there with us. God bless,

in our Mothers Day service. The power of God came down mightily on him, bringing him to tears and then he gave his life over to the Lord. I personally am so proud of my brother and am happy to have him back. Pray for Adam as he continues his walk with the Lord! Before I forget, REVIVAL! The Deitz family will be flying from Ft. Payne, Alabama to hold a revival on June 14th-17th. Bro. Philip Deitz and Sis. Megan Deitz will be tag team preaching during the revival! Pray for us as the Phoenix Valley church continues onward! :) Reporting, Robert Garcia On behalf of The Church of God in Aurora, Colorado I send my greetings to all in the Southwest Region and hope that you are doing well. At the end of March World Missions it was reported that the local church ended up raising $656.27. Hope that everyone one had a great Easter Sunday this year and whether you spent it with church family or your regular family or possibly even both then hopefully you enjoyed yourself. This year for Youth Emphasis Week my local church had four of our VLBs who were able to go down to Fountain and cel-

Aurora, CO


Reporting, Aaron Brooks

Victory Leaders Band Erica Banuelos Regional VLB Coordinator

Greetings VLBs, Wow! Time is flying by. Its already been a couple months since Youth Convention and we are now just a few weeks

Well PRAISE THE LORD! I have just returned from an amazing BTI. God was there prepping for battle. The devil tried to attack the students physically and mentally but God still prevails! Im am very excited to let you all know that Bro. Adam Clifton received salvation and sanctification

ebrate Youth Emphasis Week with them on April 20th and 21st. That weekend was truly a very special weekend for me and I was very blessed to have been there. Following the next weekend after Youth Emphasis Week our local BTI Booster had set up a yard sale on Saturday April 28 to try and help each of our delegates from the local church who were planning on attending BTI. In that day alone and also a couple weeks extra of just selling a few other things the local church ended up raising over $1,000 that was used to pay each BTI tuition and be split up among our local BTI representatives. Not much to report about from May but I do hope that all of our mothers in the region had a nice Mothers Day. At the end of the month we did send three of our members from the local church off to Cleveland, TN for BTI and I am thankful that I was able to be one of those three who went this year. In closing I hope that all the fathers have a great Fathers Day and I just encourage all of us to begin praying for Regional Convention and Family Camp because it will be here before we know it. Reporting, Tammy Kaufman Exciting things are happening here in Andrews, Texas. We

were fortunate to have Teresa Letcher and four of her kids with us for a few days in May. It is always nice to have fellowship with other members of The Church of God from a different state. This past Sunday we also were blessed to have the Kelsey family visit us. They were previously members here and it was nice to have them worship with us. We also had two new visitors come. One of the visitors has a two-yearold daughter. They seemed to enjoy the service and said they would be back. Praise the Lord. The same Sunday we also had a special visitor--Brother Heath OToole--from the Vernon, B.C. church. It was great to have Brother Heath in service. Hes doing some work in nearby Midland and has been a blessing to us. Our pastor has been preaching some very good messages on the Church. It just makes you love it more and more. A couple Sundays ago the Lord poured out his blessings. That always feels good. Reporting, Naomi Clarkson Hey everybody, I hope everyone is doing good. The church here is doing good and the Lord is still working here. Pat, Sis. Grimes daughter, is coming regularly. Weve also had some visitors and were hopingthat they all keep com-

ing back.:) Being in this church has been a blessing. Weve all been doing pretty good. :) We have had some good services and the Lord really blessed. Our pastor was able to go to BTI and graduated!:)Sorry Im putting so many smiley faces, its just because Im happy! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!! :)

Fountain, CO

Reporting, Morgan Lewis Hey I hope everyone is doing great. God is so good. He made a way for my entire family to go to BTI this year. I wasnt able to take the classes this year because I thought I would babysit my younger siblings so my parents could go. I did, however, get to go to services and got to be a part of the fellowship with God's people. There was this one day where I went in the morning for devotions and lunch. I was planning on going home after lunch but I didnt have a ride. You know how everything happens for a reason? Well I didnt end up going to Sis. Cox's house because God knew whatI was going to experience that day.In second term they were a having REALLY good prayer, they prayed for seven hours straight. So I decided to be a part of it. When I walked through the doors the presence of the Lord was so powerful. And Brother Chris

Albbuquerque, NM

Andrews, TX

Clarkson and Brother Dustin Hays started preaching. The scriptures and the words they said and read blessed me so much. I have never seen or felt something like that before. A few days later was the baptism I didnt think I was going to get baptized that day. I didnt even grab a change of clothes for that. I ended up getting baptized and I even got a certificate for it and Im so thankful I did. The last day of BTI was a sad day. I madeso many new friends andIm so thankful for each of them. I pray that God will make a way for me to go and take the classes next - year. After BTI we made a trip to our new Church to be in Michie, Tennessee. The people that go to church thereareso welcoming and sweet. We hit it off with Sis. Erin Moore and Sis. Cathy Broadway. The members there are trying to help us find a new home. Please pray that we could sell this home we live in now, and that God will help us finda home. We are also praying for all of you.Love you all. Reporting, Janis Cox Greetings from Craig, Not much has been happening, we have been trying to raise money for camp, and convention so keep us in prayer so that we can raise the money.

We have had a yard sale, taking donations, anything, so we can go. Keep us in youre prayers. God Bless You all.


By: Aaron Brooks 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:. The devil wants us to believe that were all alone in this world. He wants us to believe that no one goes through the same things we do. He tries to cause division and strife among the Church. I understand and I know that this scripture has been used over and over in messages. We hear it A LOT. But are we really listening? Are we just nodding our heads and hearing it, but not putting the word in out hearts? At BTI, the second term class room had been praying for over seven hours. After a while several from other terms, including the LPD term, which I was in, joined in praying as well. Several people if not more, had been crying to God for victory from the mental attacks the devil was causing. Some people would

Craig, CO

explain what would go through their mind and after a few minutes, we all realized we all were going through the same attacks. Regardless of how much we are attacked by the devil, we cant allow ourselves to believe that we are the only ones going through these trials. There is someone else just like us, who is experiencing the exact same things. But here we are complaining that no one understands us. We wouldnt be thinking that if the devil wasnt trying to convince us of that. God is waking the Church up and Lord help us that we wont remain asleep and be left behind. We need to be ready, we need to be in unity, and just because we get in unity, doesnt mean the devil wont stop attacking. He knows the Church is getting close to that great inflow, he knows that were getting prepared. Hes scared, and Church of God we better be ready. God knows the hearts of His people, He knows that were struggling, but there has to be a perfecting process. Hes preparing us for battle. To end the article with this, after the BTI students had been praying and crying, we got the victory, there was a Holy Ghost outpouring in that room. Praise God for the victory that he gives to His children and I pray that we are prepared for that great inflow.


July 27-29, 2012

Regional Convention will convene in Albuquerque, NM July 27th-29th, 2012. We will be in a different location this year. The MCM Elegante; 2020 Menaul Blvd., NE Albuquerque, NM 87107, near the intersection of I-25 and I-40 Our Guest Speaker will be Bishop Ray D. Dupree. Make Plans to be there and be in prayer for Regional Convention.

Family Camp
FAMILY CAMP 2012 Rev Up Full Throttle For God!!!! Attention Race Fans: "Know ye not thatthey whichrunin aracerunall, but one receiveththeprize? Sorun, that ye may obtain." I Corinthians 9:24 ....and "let usrunwith patiencetheracethat is set before us Hebrews 12:1b So we are all in a race and we have picked a crew chief....Jesus. Now we have choices in this race: 1.We can get behind the wheel, turn on the engine, crank up the tunes and sit there....occasionally pressing the throttle to make that impressive roar but never putting it in gear just always sitting idle. or 2. We can actually put it in gear driving for Jesus. All those around us shouldknow who we are racing for and want to join His team. But what are we to do when we run low on fuel, get a flat or maybe our car is running rough. We can pull into pit row and let our Chief use the pit crew to help us in those times. So let's come to Family Camp and learn more about the race. In case you have forgotten, camp is right after convention: July 30 through August 3 in Mancos, CO. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the speaker has changed on the application. Butch Booth will be coming out and ministering to us this year. Send in your application today. Important note: T-SHIRTS ARE NOT INCLUDED THIS YEAR IN THE CAMP COST. THEY ARE PURCHASED SEPARATELY FOR $10 EACH, YOU MUST HAVE YOUR T-SHIRT ORDERED WITH YOUR CAMP APPLICATIONS. THERE WILL NOT BE EXTRA SHIRTS. SEND IN YOUR DEPOSIT AND T-SHIRT MONEY WITH YOUR APPLICATION. THANK YOU Also, we are still needing donations in the form of gift cards or product. Local stores may be willing to give if you ask (it never hurts to ask).If you need a donation letter let me know. I have someI have writIf ten to hand out in my area. If you cannot come to camp you can still help with this. One of our sisters mentioned she will donate a case of chips. Maybe, you can do this as well. I am looking forward to seeing you all at camp, so ladies and gentleman start you engines! Sister Stacey Clark Rev up Full Throttle
for God Guest Speaker: Butch Booth From Mississippi

SPECIAL NOTE: Articles intended for publication in the next issue of The Western Skies should be received on or before SEPTEMBER 3, 2012. Please send to: Daniel and Cathy Wantulok, PO Box 1244, Pueblo, CO 81002 or Email:

Come and visit our Facebook Page @ The Western Skies. And visit our blog @tcogthewesternskies.blogspot. com. We will have all our information on there; messages, pictures, boosts, and events. Whatever you need to know, so come and visit us. Let us know if you prefer to view our paper online instead of through mail. You can contact us at: Daniel and Cathy Wantulok, Assistant Editors: PO Box 1244, Pueblo, CO 81002. Or E-mail: Thank you

New Dates Minister's Retreat September 28-30, 2012 Price will be annouced at Regional Convention Ladie's Retreat $90 November 2-4 ,2012 Men's Retreat $90 January 18-20, 2012 Location for all three of these events are at the Hummimgbird Music Camp. 104 Hummingbird RD., Jemez Springs, NM, 87025 Please mark these in your calendars and plan to attend.

Please remember to give to the Overseer's Assistance Fund. Give your offerings to your local treasurer. Thank you. Overseer's Assistance Fund Given in: April: $320.35 May: $280.00 June $256.22 CHURCHES 100% IN THE EMERGENCY FUND ARE: AURORA, ALAMOGORDO, ALBUQUERQUE, SALIDA, AND PHOENIX VALLEY.



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