Priority School Packet Sept 2012

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Priority Schools 2012

Technical Assistance Resources to Support Creation and Effective Implementation of Reform / Redesign Plans

School Reform Ofce

Table of Contents
Overview of Priority Schools Legislation Regarding Priority Schools Frequently Asked Questions about Priority Schools Selecting a Reform Plan Intervention Model The Four Intervention Models Intervention Model Checklists Reform Model Information for Turnaround and Transformation Turnaround Redesign Template Transformation Redesign Template Rubric for Turnaround Review Rubric for Transformation Review Transformation Plan Exemplar Turnaround Plan Exemplar 2 3 7 16 16 20 23 24 28 32 33 34 41

Rapid Turnaround Considerations Considerations and Questions Research Findings Reform Model Requirements and Planning General Template for Dialogue and Discussion Individual Reform Plan Requirements, Considerations, and Information Timeline for Reform Plan Completion Supports and Considerations Title I Information Superintendents Dropout Challenge Surveys of Enacted Curricula

48 50

52 54 72

74 79 81

Submitting a Plan through the AdvancEd ASSIST Platform Separate document at end of this booklet

Overview of Priority Schools

Following the newly revised School Code in 2010, Michigan established a graduated listing of all of the schools in the state, ranking them based on student achievement in mathematics and reading, improvement (or decline) over time, graduation rate, and other determining factors. During 2010 and 2011, a complex, tiered system of analysis was used to order these schools to nd the lowest performing schools, which were then required to initiate reform efforts. Priority schools are a revision of this identication effort that adapt to the components of Michigans ESEA Flexibility Waiver application. Using modied metrics that now look at prociency and growth in all core subject areas, as well as graduation rate for high schools, Michigans Priority schools are those schools in the bottom 5% of a complete top-to-bottom list of schools that are now published every August. Priority school districts need to develop a reform/redesign plan for the school that will be submitted using the AdvancEd online tools within 90 days of publication of the list. Priority schools receive a number of supports to effectively engage in transformation efforts addressing the reform/redesign plan. These include: Access to a data wall that will be used to inform district and school policies and instructional practices to support student learning; Approximately forty days of support per year from an intervention specialist to support data analysis, facilitate reform planning efforts, facilitate district/school coordination; Access to a variety of survey instruments that can be used to address issues of culture and climate, systems issues for operations at the district level, communication considerations within district, and teacher, department, and school curriculum alignment; and Access to online professional learning tools to support a variety of school and district transformation efforts, as well as instructional practices to address depth of knowledge, differentiation strategies, assessment, and student engagement. Priority schools use these supports to develop and implement the reform/redesign plan. Priority schools are placed under the supervision of the School Reform Ofcer (SRO) for a year of initial planning and foundational efforts of the reform/redesign plan, and three years of plan implementation. Indicators that focus on reform strategies, as well as leading indicators commonly used to preview school transformation are used to gauge progress, with the goal or returning the school to district supervision at the end of that period. More information about the reform plan implementation considerations and SRO oversight are available online at: and School Reform Ofce Website Educator Network for Priority Schools

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Legislation Regarding Priority Schools

Priority schools are effectively governed by both Michigan and federal legislation governing schools. The Revised Michigan School Code (MCL 380.1280c) addresses the identication and supervision of the lowest achieving 5% of public schools in Michigan based upon accountability designations set up by the Michigan Department of Education, and approved by the United States Department of Education. Earlier this year, Michigans request for ESEA Flexibility identied these schools as Priority schools and identied a set of practices and supports for these schools to encourage progress in supporting student achievement. For your convenience, we have provided the language of MCL 380.1280c below. You can also review Michigans ESEA Flexibility Request at:

THE REVISED SCHOOL CODE (EXCERPT) Act 451 of 1976 380.1280c Identification of lowest achieving 5% of public schools; list; placement under supervision of reform/ redesign officer; submission of redesign plan; implementation; creation of state school reform/redesign school district; appointment of chief executive officer to control multiple schools; implementation of restart, turnaround, or transformation models; release of public school from measures imposed by subsection (6) or (7); report; posting of certain information; issuance of order placing school under supervision of state school reform/redesign officer; prohibition. Sec. 1280c. (1) Beginning in 2010, not later than September 1 of each year, the superintendent of public instruction shall publish a list identifying the public schools in this state that the department has determined to be among the lowest achieving 5% of all public schools in this state, as defined for the purposes of the federal incentive grant program created under sections 14005 and 14006 of title XIV of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009, Public Law 111-5. (2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (16), the superintendent of public instruction shall issue an order placing each public school that is included on the list under subsection (1) under the supervision of the state school reform/redesign officer described in subsection (9). Within 90 days after a public school is placed under the supervision of the state school reform/redesign officer under this section, the school board or board of directors operating the public school shall submit a redesign plan to the state school reform/redesign officer. For a public school operated by a school board, the redesign plan shall be developed with input from the local teacher bargaining unit and the local superintendent. The redesign plan shall require implementation of 1 of the 4 school intervention models that are provided for the lowest achieving schools under the federal incentive grant program created under sections 14005 and 14006 of title XIV of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, known as the "race to the top" grant program. These models are the turnaround model, restart model, school closure, and transformation model. The redesign plan shall include an executed addendum to each applicable collective bargaining agreement in effect for the public school that meets the requirements of subsection (8).
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(3) Within 30 days after receipt of a redesign plan for a public school under subsection (2), the state school reform/redesign officer shall issue an order approving, disapproving, or making changes to the redesign plan. If the order makes changes to the redesign plan, the school board or board of directors has 30 days after the order to change the redesign plan to incorporate those changes into the redesign plan and resubmit it to the state school reform/redesign officer for approval or disapproval. (4) The state school reform/redesign officer shall not disapprove a redesign plan that includes all of the elements required under federal law for the school intervention model included in the redesign plan. A school board or board of directors may appeal disapproval of a redesign plan on this basis to the superintendent of public instruction. The decision of the superintendent of public instruction on the appeal is final. (5) If the state school reform/redesign officer approves a redesign plan under this section, the school board or board of directors shall implement the redesign plan for the public school beginning with the beginning of the next school year that begins after the approval. The school board or board of directors shall regularly submit monitoring reports to the state school reform/redesign officer on the implementation and results of the plan in the form and manner, and according to a schedule, as determined by the state school reform/redesign officer. (6) The state school reform/redesign school district is created. The state school reform/redesign school district is a school district for the purposes of section 11 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963 and for receiving state school aid under the state school aid act of 1979 and is subject to the leadership and general supervision of the state board over all public education under section 3 of article VIII of the state constitution of 1963. The state school reform/redesign school district is a body corporate and is a governmental agency. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (7), if the state school reform/redesign officer does not approve the redesign plan, or if the state school reform/redesign officer determines that the redesign plan is not achieving satisfactory results, the state school reform/redesign officer shall issue an order placing the public school in the state school reform/ redesign school district, imposing for the public school implementation of 1 of the 4 school intervention models described in subsection (2) beginning with the beginning of the next school year, and imposing an addendum to each applicable collective bargaining agreement in effect for the public school as necessary to implement the school intervention model and that meets the requirements of subsection (8). All of the following apply to the state school reform/redesign school district: (a) The state school reform/redesign school district shall consist of schools that are placed in the state school reform/redesign school district. (b) The state school reform/redesign officer shall act as the superintendent of the state school reform/redesign school district. With respect to schools placed in the state school reform/redesign school district, the state school reform/redesign officer has all of the powers and duties described in this section; all of the provisions of this act that would otherwise apply to the school board that previously operated a school placed in the state school reform/ redesign school district apply to the state school reform/redesign officer with respect to that school, except those relating to taxation or borrowing; except as otherwise provided in this section, the state school reform/redesign officer may exercise all the powers and duties otherwise vested by law in the school board that previously operated a school placed in the state school reform/redesign school district and in its officers, except those relating to taxation or borrowing, and may exercise all additional powers and duties provided under this section; and, except as otherwise provided in this section, the state school reform/redesign officer accedes to all the rights, duties, and obligations of the school board with respect to that school. These powers, rights, duties, and obligations include, but are not limited to, all of the following: (i) Authority over the expenditure of all funds attributable to pupils at that school, including that portion of proceeds from bonded indebtedness and other funds dedicated to capital projects that would otherwise be apportioned to that school by the school board that previously operated the school according to the terms of the bond issue or financing documents. (ii) Subject to subsection (8), rights and obligations under collective bargaining agreements and employment contracts entered into by the school board for employees at the school. (iii) Rights to prosecute and defend litigation. (iv) Rights and obligations under statute, rule, and common law.
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(v) Authority to delegate any of the state school reform/redesign officer's powers and duties to 1 or more designees, with proper supervision by the state school reform/redesign officer. (vi) Power to terminate any contract or portion of a contract entered into by the school board that applies to that school. However, this subsection does not allow any termination or diminishment of obligations to pay debt service on legally authorized bonds and does not allow a collective bargaining agreement to be affected except as provided under subsection (8). A contract terminated by the state school reform/redesign officer under this subsection is void. (7) If the state school reform/redesign officer determines that better educational results are likely to be achieved by appointing a chief executive officer to take control of multiple public schools, the state school reform/redesign officer may make a recommendation to the superintendent of public instruction for appointment of a chief executive officer to take control over those multiple schools. If the superintendent of public instruction appoints a chief executive officer to take control of multiple public schools under this subsection, the chief executive officer shall impose for those public schools implementation of 1 of the 4 school intervention models described in subsection (2) and impose an addendum to each applicable collective bargaining agreement in effect for those public schools as necessary to implement the school intervention model and that meets the requirements of subsection (8). With respect to those public schools, the chief executive officer has all of the same powers and duties that the state school reform/redesign officer has for public schools placed in the state school reform/redesign school district under subsection (6). The chief executive officer shall regularly submit monitoring reports to the state school reform/redesign officer on the implementation and results of the intervention model in the form and manner, and according to a schedule, as determined by the state school reform/redesign officer. The chief executive officer shall exercise any other powers or duties over the public schools as may be directed by the superintendent of public instruction. (8) An addendum to a collective bargaining agreement under this section shall provide for any of the following that are necessary for the applicable school intervention model to be implemented at each affected public school: (a) That any contractual or other seniority system that would otherwise be applicable shall not apply at the public school. This subdivision does not allow unilateral changes in pay scales or benefits. (b) That any contractual or other work rules that are impediments to implementing the redesign plan shall not apply at the public school. This subdivision does not allow unilateral changes in pay scales or benefits. (c) That the state school reform/redesign officer shall direct the expenditure of all funds attributable to pupils at the public school and the principal or other school leader designated by the state school reform/redesign officer shall have full autonomy and control over curriculum and discretionary spending at the public school. (9) The superintendent of public instruction shall hire a state school reform/redesign officer to carry out the functions under this section and as otherwise prescribed by law. The state school reform/redesign officer shall be chosen solely on the basis of his or her competence and experience in educational reform and redesign. The state school reform/redesign officer is exempt from civil service. The state school reform/redesign officer is responsible directly to the superintendent of public instruction to ensure that the purposes of this section are carried out, and accordingly the position of state school reform/redesign officer should be a position within the department that is exempt from the classified state civil service. The department shall request that the civil service commission establish the position of state school reform/redesign officer as a position that is exempt from the classified state civil service. (10) If the state school reform/redesign officer imposes the restart model for a public school in the state school reform/redesign school district, or a chief executive officer under subsection (7) imposes the restart model for multiple public schools under that subsection, all of the following apply: (a) The state school reform/redesign officer or chief executive officer shall enter into an agreement with an educational management organization to manage and operate the public school or schools. The state school reform/redesign officer or chief executive officer shall provide sufficient oversight to ensure that the public school or schools will be operated according to all of the requirements for a restart model. (b) There shall be considered to be no collective bargaining agreement in effect that applies to employees working at the public school or schools under this model at the time of imposition of the model.
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(11) If the state school reform/redesign officer imposes the turnaround model for a public school in the state school reform/redesign school district, or a chief executive officer under subsection (7) imposes the turnaround model for multiple public schools under that subsection, all of the following apply: (a) A collective bargaining agreement that applies to employees working at the public school or schools under this model at the time of imposition of the model, and any successor collective bargaining agreement, continues to apply with respect to pay scales and benefits. (b) Subject to any addendum to the collective bargaining agreement that applies to the public school or schools, an employee who is working at the public school or schools and who was previously employed in the same school district that previously operated that school shall continue to retain and accrue seniority rights in that school district according to the collective bargaining agreement that applies to employees of that school district. (12) If more than 9 public schools operated by a school district are on the list under subsection (1), the transformation model may not be implemented for more than 50% of those schools. (13) If the state school reform/redesign officer determines that a public school that is subject to the measures under subsection (6) or (7) has made significant improvement in pupil achievement and should be released from the measures that have been imposed under subsection (6) or (7), the state school reform/redesign officer may recommend this to the superintendent of public instruction. If the superintendent of public instruction agrees with the determination and recommendation, the superintendent of public instruction may release the public school from the measures that have been imposed under subsection (6) or (7). (14) At least annually, the state school reform/redesign officer shall submit a report to the standing committees of the senate and house of representatives having jurisdiction over education legislation on the progress being made in improving pupil proficiency due to the measures under this section. (15) As soon as practicable after the federal department of education has adopted the final work rules and formula for identifying the lowest achieving 5% of all public schools in this state for the purposes of the federal incentive grant program created under sections 14005 and 14006 of title XIV of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, known as the "race to the top" grant program, the department shall post all of the following on its website: (a) The federal work rules and formula. (b) A list of the public schools in this state that have been identified for these purposes as being among the lowest achieving 5% of all public schools in this state. The department shall update this list as it considers appropriate. (16) If a school that is included on the list under subsection (1) is operated by a school district in which an emergency manager is in place under the local government and school district fiscal accountability act, then the superintendent of public instruction shall not issue an order placing the school under the supervision of the state school reform/redesign officer.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Priority Schools

General'Ques+ons How'does'a'Priority'school'vary'from'a'PLA'(Persistently'Low'Achieving)'school? Priority(schools(replaces(the(previous(designa6on(of(Persistently(Low(Achieving,(based(on(the( ESEA(Flexibility(Request.((This(new(designa6on(applies(to(the(same(group((the(boGom(5%(of( schools(in(the(state.((However,(the(PLA(list(required(a(complex(set(of(6ers(and(pools(of(schools( to(draw(from,(whereas(the(Priority(school(designa6on(is(based(on(the(TopKtoKBoGom(lis6ng(of( schools. What'does'is'mean'to'be'a'Priority'school? Priority(schools(are(required(to(develop(and(implement(a(reform/redesign(plan(based(on(one(of( four(interven6on(models,(as(a(means(for(rapid(turnaround(in(student(achievement.((These( schools(are(given(a(number(of(supports(to(result(in(such(a(turnaround,(and(are(placed(under(the( supervision(of(Michigans(School(Reform/Redesign(Ocer(to(aect(such(results.((Priority(schools( are(also(required(to(u6lize(setKaside(Title(I(funds,(if(they(are(a(Title(I(school,(to(support(the( implementa6on(of(this(plan(and(provide(quality(oerings(to(students. Why'do'we'have'a'Priority'school'list?''Is'it'required'by'legisla+on? MCL(380.1280.c(requires(that(the(Superintendent(of(Public(Instruc6on(publish(a(list(of(the( lowest(achieving(5%(of(all(public(schools(in(the(state,(and(that(these(schools(be(placed(under(the( supervision(of(the(State(School(reform/Redesign(Ocer.((Further,(the(ESEA(Flexibility(Request( outlines(federal(requirements(for(these(schools,(and(details(a(system(of(support(intended(to( help(these(schools(improve(outcomes(for(students.((Both(of(these(documents(also(outline(the( 6meline(and(governance(considera6ons(for(schools(that(do(not(eec6vely(implement(their( reform(plans(in(a(way(that(results(in(drama6c(improvements(in(student(performance. Can'a'district'have'both'Priority'and'Focus'schools? Yes,(if(individual(schools(are(facing(dierent(kinds(of(improvement(tasks.((See(the(Supports(and( Requirements(sec6ons(for(specics,(and(plan(to(treat(each(school(according(to(its(designa6on.( How'many'Priority'schools'are'there?''What'do'we'know'about'them? In(2012,(146(schools(were(iden6ed(as(Priority(schools(based(on(the(TopKtoKBoGom(List.((In( addi6on,(92(schools(were(iden6ed(as(PLA(schools(in(2010,(and(98(schools(were(iden6ed(as( such(in(2011.((36(of(these(schools(have(been(iden6ed(on(this(list(for(the(past(three(years. Unlike(the(PLA(schools(of(past(years,(where(the(metrics(tended(toward(iden6ca6on(of(high( schools,(the(146(Priority(schools(iden6ed(in(2012(range(in(grade(level(as(follows: 46(elementary(schools 13(middle(schools 32(high(schools 38(ElementaryKmiddle(schools((typically(KK7(or(KK8(buildings) 5(MiddleKhigh(schools((typically(grades(7K12) 3(KK12(schools 8(Academic(Centers

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Iden+ca+on'of'Priority'Schools How'were'Priority'schools'iden+ed? Based(on(Michigans(ESEA(Flexibility(Request,(a(school(may(be(iden6ed(as(a(Priority(school(for( the(following(reasons: 1. A(school(is(among(the(boGom(5%(of(the(TopKtoKBoGom(list.((The(ocial(metric(requires( that(Michigan(include(the(boGom(5%(of(Title(I(schools.((If(the(boGom(5%(overall(does( not(include(5%(of(the(states(Title(I(schools((i.e.(there(are(too(few(Title(I(schools(in(that( group),(the(cuto(is(set(within(the(TopKtoKBoGom(list(to(a(level(that(includes(5%(of(the( total(Title(I(schools.(( 2. A(school(was(a(SIG((School(Improvement(Grant)(recipient(in(2010(or(2011. 3. A(school(was(iden6ed(as(a(PLA(school(in(2010(or(2011((i.e.(all(previous(PLA(schools(are( classied(as(Priority(schools(while(they(are(developing(or(implemen6ng(a(reform(plan( per(their(original(placement(on(the(PLA(list.((Schools(stay(in(this(category(for(four(years( including(the(rst(year(of(planning. What'are'the'components'of'the'TopJtoJBoLom'ranking'that'iden+fy'Priority'schools? The(calcula6on(methodology(is(explained(in(detail(in(documents(on(the(website(for(MDEs( Bureau(of(Assessment(and(Accountability((BAA).((((In(summary,(the(TopKtoKBoGom(uses( achievement(scores((scale(scores,(not(prociency(rates);(growth(or(improvement(scores(based( on(twoKyear(growth(for(students(in(grades(3K8,(and(fourKyear(analysis(of(scores(at(the(high( school(level;(and(achievement(gaps,(based(on(the(composite(varia6on(of(individual(students(in( each(subject.((Five(subject(areas(are(rated(using(these(factors((math,(reading,(wri6ng,(science,( and(social(studies),(and(these(are(averaged(together(to(determine(an(overall(standardized(score( for(a(school.((For(high(schools,(gradua6on(rate(is(also(factored(into(the(overall(score(along(with( these(subject(areas. How'is'this'dierent'than'the'PLA'list'in'previous'years? The(metric(components(for(the(PLA(list(varied(in(that(they(iden6ed(6ers(and(pools(of( schools(based(on(Title(I(status,(level(of(school,(and(other(factors(to(determine(the(rank(order(of( schools.((This(system(made(it(harder(to(iden6fy(schools(based(purely(on(factors(of(achievement( or(prociency,(growth(or(decline,(and(achievement(gaps.((It(also(focused(on(two(content( categories:(math(and(reading. What'data'was'used'to'iden+fy'my'school'as'a'Priority'school?''How'can'I'review'this.? A(lookup(tool(is(available(at(hGp:// to(enter(the(name(of(a(school,(enter(its(school(code(and(see(the(results(of(each(of(the(steps.(( A(worksheet(is(available(at(hGp:// diagnos6c(steps(that(use(these(rela6ve(rankings(to(see(where(the(school(is(doing(beGer(and( worse(than(other(schools(at: o achievement(in(each(of(the(ve(tested(areas((math,(reading,(wri6ng,(science( and(social(studies) o improvement(in(each(of(the(tested(areas,(and o achievement'gap(in(each(tested(area.(([This(will(be(the(area(in(which(Focus( Schools(are(well(below(the(state(average] For(ques6ons(that(remain,(please(contact(the(Bureau(of(Assessment(and(Accountability(help( desk(for(individual(help(in(walking(through(calcula6ons.((You(can(reach(this(oce(via(email(at(,(or(via(phone(at(877K560K8378((toll(free)(or(517K373K8393.

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How'does'the'recent'change'in'cut'scores'aect'the'Priority'school'calcula+on? Because(the(calcula6ons(for(achievement(are(based(on(scale(scores((which(compare(a(student/ schools(performance(to(the(state(average)(rather(than(percent(procient((which(counts( performance(above(a(par6cular(point((the(cut(score),(the(cut(score(is(not(used(in(the( calcula6on(for(student(achievement.((The(determina6on(of(the(improvement(score(is,(however,( weighted(for(each(student(in(the(school(based(on(changes(in(prociency(level(from(year(to(year.(( In(order(to(fairly(u6lize(this(metric,(the(weigh6ng(applies(the(new(cut(scores(to(scale(scores(for( previous(years,(so(the(change(is(rela6ve,(and(eec6vely(has(liGle(impact(on(this(metric. What'years'scores'were'used'as'the'basis'for'student'achievement'in'the'TopJtoJBoLom'list? For(elementary(and(middle(schools((who(test(in(the(fall)(this(years(TopKtoKBoGom(list(is(based( on(averaging(data(from(the(last(available(school(years:((SY(2009K10((tested(Fall(2010)(and(SY( 2010K11((tested(Fall(2011).((For(high(schools((who(test(in(the(spring)(this(years(list(uses(data( from(SY(2011K2((tested(Spring(2012)(and(SY(2010K11((tested(Spring(2011). Are'all'schools'included'in'the'list?' Any(school(that(has(at(least(30(Full(Academic(Year((FAY)(students(in(each(of(the(last(two(years(in( at(least(two(tested(content(areas(is(ranked(if(it(is(open(at(the(6me(the(list(is(generated.( What'if'a'school'has'been'recongured? If(a(school(has(changed(4(or(more(gradeKlevels,(it(receives(a(new(code(and(the(TopKtoKBoGom( ra6ng(stays(with(the(old(school(code;(if(three(or(less(gradeKlevels(have(changed,(the(ranking( belongs(to(the(school(even(if(it(now(has(a(dierent(grade(congura6on. Are'all'students'included'in'the'schools'calcula+ons? A(students(scores(are(pointed(toward(the(school(where(his/her(learning(took(place(during(the( year(in(ques6on.(For(instance,(sixth(graders(who(tested(in(a(middle(school(in(Fall(2011(but( aGended(nh(grade(at(an(elementary(during(2010K11(would(have(their(scores(count(for(the( elementary(school(for(the(Fall(2011(test(results.( Students(are(included(for(accountability(purposes(in(a(schools(data(only(if(they(were(Full( Academic(Year((FAY)(students((present(during(3(count(days((during(the(year(in(ques6on. How'do'students'with'specialized'learning'needs'factor'into'the'calcula+ons?''Is'a'school'with'a' greater'number'of'these'students'impacted'in'any'way? No,(the(number(of(students(who(are(iden6ed(with(special(learning(needs(and,(as(a(result,(use( the(ASSIST(assessments,(does(not(impact(a(school.((Students(using(dierent(categories(of( assessments(are(compared(with(each(other,(so(that(there(is(an(apples(to(apples(type(of( comparison(for(metrics(in(determining(achievement(gaps.((Again,(more(informa6on(regarding( these(assessment(instruments(and(how(they(factor(into(the(TopKtoKBoGom(ranking(are(available( online(from(the(Bureau(of(Assessment(and(Accountability(web(page.

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Our'school'has'always'made'Adequate'Yearly'Progress'(AYP).''Why'are'we'suddenly'iden+ed'as'a' Priority'school? AYP(was(originally(dened(by(the(ESEA(legisla6on((commonly(referred(to(as(No(Child(Len( Behind),(was(used((to(iden6fy(prociency(levels(and(targets(for(schools,(as(well(as(target( gradua6on(rates.((The(methodology(for(the(AYP(calcula6on(made(separate(determina6ons(for(a( number(of(iden6ed(subgroups.((Even(if(a(subgroups(average(was(high(enough(to(make(AYP,(it( could(s6ll(contain(a(number(of(lowKperforming(students.((Across(the(nine(subgroups,(those(lowK performing(students(aggregate(to(a(signicant(number,(but(they(were(never(examined(as(a( whole(because(they(were(separated(for(analysis.((The(new(methodology(for(addressing( achievement(gaps(with(the(TopKtoKBoGom(ranking(used(to(iden6fy(Priority(schools(treats(all( lowKperforming(students(as(a(single(superKsubgroup(regardless(of(their(demographic( composi6on;(it(has(iden6ed(a(number(of(schools(who(share(the(common(problem(of(how(to( close(large(gaps(in(performance,(but(who(have(never(been(iden6ed(as(needing(support(before. Requirements'for'Priority'Schools What'are'the'consequences'of'being'iden+ed'as'a'Priority'school? The(consequences(of(being(iden6ed(are(deliberately(forma6ve(and(suppor6ve(rather(than( puni6ve;(this(is(because(Michigans(waiver(request(builds(its(alternate(accountability(system(on( four(premises: o All(means(all;(students(are(innate(learners(and(all(can(be(helped(to(learn o Michigan(learners(must(be(College(and(Career(Ready o Teachers(and(administrators(are(equal(to(the(task o Careful(diagnosis,(professional(dialogue(and(dieren6ated(support(for(struggling( schools(will(make(the(needed(dierence Our(resul6ng(theory(of(ac6on(is(that(careful(diagnosis((consis6ng(of(data(coupled(with( professional(dialogue)(will(lead(to(customized(interven6ons(that(support(adult(learning(about( (and(use(of)(new(ways(of(teaching(and(learning(that(will(increase(student(achievement(among( our(lowest(performing(students. During(the(rst(year(in(which(one(or(more(of(its(schools(is(iden6ed(as(a(Priority(school,(a( district(is(required(to(work(with(the(school(to(develop(a(reform/redesign(plan(for(the(school,( with(a(goal(of(rapid(turnaround(in(student(outcomes(and(achievement.((The(reform(plan(is( based(on(the(premise(that(changes(in(school(policies(and(prac6ces(based(on(research(and(data( analysis(can(aect(the(ac6ons(and(prac6ces(of(all(stakeholders(in(the(school,(and(can(refocus( instruc6on(in(a(way(that(improves(student(learning(and(achievement.((During(the(plan( development(process,(a(school(engages(in(a(facilitated,(diagnos6c(data(dialogue(to(iden6fy( major(changes(in(teaching(and(learning(prac6ce(capable(of(moving(achievement(levels(among( the(lowestKperforming(students,(and(changes(in(school(or(district(policies(that(aect(the(climate( and(culture(of(a(school. During(the(following(three(school(years,(the(Priority(school(is(required(to(implement(its(reform( plan(in(a(way(that(results(in(rapid(turnaround(of(student(achievement.((Schools(are(monitored( during(this(period(for(implementa6on(of(the(plan,(and(provided(technical(assistance(and(other( supports(during(this(6me(to(support(the(various(components(of(the(plan.

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How'is'the'School'Improvement'Plan'similar'or'dierent'to'the'reform'plan? Both(plans(are(long(term(plans(to(address(aspects(of(instruc6on,(learning,(and(school(culture( and(climate,(as(well(as(opera6onal(and(systems(issues(for(the(school(and(district.((While(the( School(Improvement(Plan(is(required(of(all(schools(every(year(per(legisla6on,(the(reform(plan( and(its(requirements(should(shape(the(broad(reform(eorts(of(Priority(schools(over(a(threeKyear( period,(and(are(cri6cal(to(guide(decisions(about(the(progress(and(con6nua6on(of(the(school.(The( reform(plan(should(become(the(main(focus(for(Priority(schools,(and(should(feed(into(the(annual( School(Improvement(Plan(decisions.((The(School(Improvement(Plan(provides(the(basis(for(which( detailed(components(of(the(reform(plan(will(be(addressed,(or(where(modica6ons(to(the(reform( plan(will(take(place(on(an(annual(basis. Do'Priority'schools'have'to'address'all'of'the'requirements'of'the'model? Yes.((The(requirements(within(each(model(must(all(be(addressed(in(the(reform(plan.((The( 6meline(for(addressing(these(requirements(should(be(appropriate(to(lead(to(rapid(turnaround,( but(do(not(require(every(aspect(of(the(plan(to(be(implemented(at(the(same(6me. What'are'the'implementa+on'indicators? Each(requirement(of(the(reform(plan(models(has(a(set(of(associated(implementa6on(indicators,( which(a(school(will(select(each(year(during(the(plan(development(or(review(process.((These( indicators(are(outcomesKbased(statements(derived(from(the(interven6on(model(requirements( that(would(illustrate(eec6ve(implementa6on(of(the(plan,(no(maGer(what(details(the(school(and( district(choose(to(include(in(their(plan.((These(are(also(used(to(systema6cally(review(progress(in( implementa6on(by(the(School(Reform(Oce.( Ques+ons'about'the'Models'and'Requirements Can'we'choose'which'model'we'wish'to'use? Yes.((However,(the(model(should(be(appropriate(to(your(schools(needs.((Districts(with(9(or(more( Priority((or(PLA(from(previous(years)(schools(are(not(allowed(to(have(over(50%(of(their(schools( choose(the(transforma6on(model.((More(informa6on(about(selec6ng(a(reform(model,(including( a(decision(tool(from(the(Center(for(Improvement(and(Innova6on,(can(be(found(at(the(School( Reform(Oce(website(at(hGp:// Does'the'selec+on'of'one'of'the'models'void'the'union'contract? No.(It(is(recognized(that(nego6a6ons(may(be(required(to(implement(all(or(por6ons(of(a(given( model.(Recent(legisla6on(passed(in(Michigan(June(2011(has(eliminated(from(collec6ve( bargaining(the(following(topics:(1)(policies(governing(teacher(placement(or(impact(of(personnel( decisions;(2)(an(employers(performance(evalua6on(system;(decision(about(a(policy(for( discharging(or(disciplining(employees(subject(to(the(tenure(law,(and(the(discharge(or(discipline( of(an(employee;(3)(classroom(observa6on(decisions;(4)(a(performanceKbased(method(of( compensa6on;(and(5)(decisions(about(parental(no6ca6on(of(ineec6ve(teachers.((For(further( discussion(of(this(topic,(please(see(ques6on(FK7(of(the(Federal(SIG(Grant(Frequently(Asked( Ques6ons(document(at(hGp:// Districts(are(required(to(submit(and(executed(addendum(to(exis6ng(contracts(to(support(the( implementa6on(of(the(schools(reform/redesign(plans. Where'can'we'nd'research'documenta+on'or'case'studies'rela+ve'to'the'interven+on'requirements? The(Center(for(Innova6on(and(Improvement((hGp:// school(reform(and(redesign(eorts,(along(with(several(free(resources(on(model(requirements.

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Timelines'for'Planning'and'Implementa+on When'does'the'school'have'to'submit'the'reform'plan? Schools(must(submit(the(reform(plan(within(90(days(of(being(placed(under(the(supervision(of( the(School(Reform(Ocer(by(the(Superintendent(for(Public(Instruc6on.((For(2012(Priority( schools,(the(reform(plan(must(be(submiGed(by(November(29,(2012. If(a(reform(plan(is(not(approved,(the(school(has(an(addi6onal(30(days(from(the(no6ce(of(the( disapproval(to(revise(and(resubmit(the(plan. Can'a'school'revise'its'plan?''If'so,'how'long'does'a'school'have'to'revise'its'plan? There(are(two(ways(a(school(may(revise(their(plan.((If(the(plan(is(not(approved(aner(the(ini6al( review,(schools(will(have(30(days(from(the(date(of(announcement(of(the(disapproval(from(MDE( to(revise(the(plan.((Schools(in(this(situa6on(will(have(un6l(January(27,(2013(to(submit(their( revised(plan. Once(a(plan(is(approved,(a(school(can(request(a(change(in(the(plan(at(any(point(during(the( implementa6on(of(the(plan.((However,(schools(cannot(waive(any(of(the(reform(requirements.(( Any(modica6ons(to(the(plan(need(to(be(based(upon(a(changed(context(or(situa6on,(and(will( need(to(work(with(the(School(Reform(Oce(to(come(to(consensus(on(the(revisions,(along(with( any(changed(implementa6on(indicators,(goals,(or(expecta6ons.((The(goal(is(to(have(a(plan( approved(by(the(beginning(of(the(school(year(when(the(school(has(to(implement(the(plan. The(School(Reform(Oce(may(also(request(a(change(in(the(plan(if(a(requirement(of(the(plan( cannot(eec6vely(be(implemented(by(the(school,(or(if(the(implementa6on(of(the(plan(is(not( leading(to(the(desired(outcome(in(a(reasonable(6meframe. How'long'is'a'school'supervised'by'the'School'Reform'Ocer? The(School(Reform(Ocer(supervises(the(development(and(implementa6on(of(the(reform(plan( for(up(to(four(years(including(the(year(of(planning.((The(School(Reform(Ocer(does(not(oversee( dayKtoKday(opera6ons,(but(does(provide(guidance(and(require(implementa6on(of(the(reform( plan(per(the(ini6al(submission(and(to(address(the(reform(model(requirements.((If(the(School( Reform(Ocer(notes(substan6al(progress(and(mul6ple(years(of(improved(student(achievement,( including(no(longer(being(among(the(boGom(5%(of(the(TopKtoKBoGom(list,(the(SRO(may(elect(to( modify(the(monitoring(process(or(frequency(for(the(remainder(of(the(reform(plan( implementa6on.

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Exit'Criteria If'a'school'is'no'longer'in'the'boLom'5%'of'the'TopJtoJBoLom'list,'is'it's+ll'under'the'supervision'of' the'School'Reform'Oce Yes.((Once(iden6ed(on(the(Priority(list,(a(school(is(required(to(develop(the(reform(plan(in(the( rst(year,(and(implement(that(plan(for(the(next(three(years,(regardless(of(status(on(the(list.(( However,(if(a(school(is(o(the(boGom(5%(for(two(years(in(a(row,(the(school(is(considered(a( proba6onary(Priority(school,(and(only(needs(to(be(monitored(twice(a(year.((At(this(6me,(a( priority(school(is(only(released(from(plan(implementa6on(and(SRO(oversight(aner(three(years(of( eec6ve(implementa6on. Priority'schools'are'required'to'demonstrate'growth'and'improvement.''How'will'these'be' determined'and'measured? Priority(school(improvement(is(measured(in(both(reform(plan(implementa6on(and(related( leading(indicators(of(rapid(school(turnaround.((The(determina6on(of(such(growth,(as(well(as(the( decisions(regarding(school(oversight(related(to(this(growth,(vary(as(a(school(progresses(through( the(reform(plan(process,(as(listed(below: Year(1((planning)((Because(of(the(nature(of(the(planning(focus(and(possible(6meline(for( tes6ng(in(schools,(no(growth(indicators(are(applied(during(this(year.((However,(schools( use(this(6me(to(gather(metrics(for(baseline(levels(for(leading(indicators(and(other( relevant(data(to(be(used(in(plan(implementa6on.(( Year(2((implementa6on)((Schools(iden6fy(target(values(for(ten(leading(indicators(that( are(measured(by(the(school(over(the(course(of(the(year(to(determine(progress,(and(a( number(of(specic(outcomeKindicators(for(the(reform(requirements(that(align( specically(to(their(reform(plan.((Evidence(of(these(is(gathered(by(both(school(personnel( and(SRO(monitors,(as(well(as(other(personnel(on(the(School(Support(Teams.((These(are( used(to(iden6fy(progress(in(implementa6on(on(the(reform(plan.((These(are(combined( and(weighted((20%(for(leading(indicators(and(80%(for(implementa6on(indicators)(to( determine(overall(progress.(( Year(3((implementa6on)((Similar(to(above(though(implementa6on(is(weighted(as(only( 55%(of(the(overall(progress(indicator,(with(the(remaining(25%(being(applied(to(lagging( indicators(and(student(achievement(outcomes.((In(addi6on,(an(overall(improvement(in( student(achievement(in(all(subjects(needs(to(be(met(toward(moving(the(school(to(the( statewide(85%(prociency(target(in(2022.((If(these(are(not(progressing(at(this(level,( schools(may(achieve(safe(harbor(for(this(metric. Year(4((implementa6on)((Same(as(year(3,(however,(a(nal(decision(regarding(oversight( will(take(place(aner(student(achievement(scores(are(available(at(the(end(of(the(school( year.((Schools(making(sa6sfactory(progress(on(implementa6on,(and(making(necessary( progress(toward(85%(prociency(in(2022(will(be(released(to(their(local(district.(Those( not(making(adequate(progress(will(be(removed(from(the(local(district(for(placement( with(the(statewide(district. What'happens'if'a'school'is'not'released'to'the'local'school'district'during'or'a^er'the'plan' implementa+on? MCL(380.1280c(states(that(if(a(school(fails(to(make(adequate(progress(on(redesign(plans,(they( may(be(placed(in(the(School(Reform(Redesign(District((SSRRD).((Once(placed(in(the(SSRRD,(the( school(will(be(required(to(meet(addi6onal(requirements,(and(may(have(less(exibility(in( determining(the(plan(components(or(strategies.

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Funding'Considera+ons Are'Priority'schools'eligible'for'School'Improvement'Grants? No.(All(Federal(school(improvement(funds(received(by(Michigan(have(been(granted(to(schools. How'does'Priority'school'designa+on'aect'Title'I'funding'for'our'school'or'district? Districts(with(schools(that(are(iden6ed(as(Priority(schools(are(required(to(set(aside(20(percent( of(their(Title(I(funds(to(support(the(students(in(need(within(their(Priority(schools.((These(funds( are(ini6ally(designated(for: Providing(school(of(choice(opportuni6es(for(students(in(the(Priority(school(to(aGend( other(high(quality(schools(in(the(region,(including(provision(of(transporta6on(for( students(to(aGend(such(schools. Support(increased(learning(6me(and/or(supports(for(English(Language(Learners((ELL)( and(Students(with(Disabili6es((SWD). These(setKasides(are(required(at(the(outset(of(being(iden6ed(as(a(Priority(school.((We(recognize( that(less(than(1%(of(the(choice(and(transporta6on(setKasides(have(typically(been(used(by( parents(of(students(in(these(schools.((As(a(result,(districts(are(able(to(then(use(these(funds(to( support(other(eorts(related(to(the(reform(process,(including: Support(of(increased(learning(6me Implementa6on(of(rapid(turnaround(strategies(to(accelerate(wholeKbuilding( performance Professional(learning(aligned(with(needs DistrictKlevel(process(improvement(consulta6on In(addi6on(to(the(district(setKaside,(a(10(percent(building(level(setKaside(is(also(required(for( Priority(schools.((This(funding(must(be(used(to(support(one(or(more(schoolKlevel(interven6ons( that(are(iden6ed(in(the(reform/redesign(plan. When'do'we'have'to'set'aside'funds'for'reform'related'eorts?'How'can'a'school'change'Title'I' funding'plans'if'iden+ed'as'a'Priority'school? Aner(a(school(is(iden6ed(as(a(Priority(school((in(August(2012(for(new(schools),(the(school(needs( to(set(aside(funds(at(the(local(level(to(accommodate(the(setKaside(requirements(for(the( upcoming(school(year((and(each(subsequent(year).((The(Oce(of(Field(Services(will(open(access( to(the(consolidated(funding(applica6on(through(the(grant(management(tools(in(early( September,(so(that(schools(can(make(the(necessary(adjustments(to(the(budget(at(that(6me. It(is(encouraged(that(schools(that(are(in(the(lowest(15%(of(the(TopKtoKBoGom(list(any(given(year( address(this(setKaside(within(their(consolidated(applica6on(before(it(is(submiGed.((Because(of( the(setKaside(nature,(schools(can(then(apply(the(funds(elsewhere(as(needed(if(they(are(not( iden6ed(as(Priority(schools(when(announced(in(the(summer. How'do'the'plans'submiLed'for'the'Consolidated'applica+on'relate'to'the'reform/redesign'plans? As(men6oned(above(for(setKasides,(schools(and(districts(should(apply(these(Title(I(funds(to( eorts(specied(in(the(reform(plans.(((Subsequent(budgets(should(u6lize(Title(I(funding(in( appropriate(ways(that(supports(the(implementa6on(of(the(schools(reform(plan.

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How'can'we'implement'a'plan'without'addi+onal'funding? While(funding(may(help(accelerate(the(reforms,(schools(will(need(to(reallocate(exis6ng(funds( and(resources(provided(by(the(district(to(implement(the(school(reform/redesign(plan.((A(number( of(Michigans(PLA(schools(iden6ed(in(2010(were(able(to(improve(signicantly(despite(receiving( no(addi6onal(support. My'school'has'a'SIG'grant'and'is'on'the'2012'list.''What'part'of'the'Priority'School'requirements'and' supports'apply'to'us? Your(SIG(plan(con6nues(in(eect(for(its(full(three(years,(and(you(should(con6nue(to(work(with( MDEs(SIG(monitoring(and(oversight(process.((You(will(not(be(assigned(addi6onal(Interven6on( Specialist(support,(unless(you(choose(to(purchase(MIKExcel(services(with(your(SIG(funds.((If(you( receive(Title(I(funds,(you(are(required(to(setKaside(annual(percentages(of(both(district(and( schoolKlevel(alloca6ons,(to(implement(Choice/Transporta6on(provisions(and(to(choose(from( other(allowable(uses(for(the(remainder(of(those(setKaside(funds. My'school'has'a'SIG'grant'but'is'NOT'on'the'2012'list.''Priority'School'requirements'and'supports' don't'apply'to'us,'right? Your(SIG(plan(con6nues(in(eect(for(its(full(three(years,(and(you(should(con6nue(to(work(with( MDEs(SIG(monitoring(and(oversight(process.((Once(you(became(SIGKeligible,(by(being(named(to( the(Persistently(Low(Achieving(list,(your(school(fell(under(the(oversight(and(supervision(of(the( State(Reform(Oce(for(the(full(four(years(provided(in(law.(At(the(end(of(your(3(year(SIG(grant,( The(State(Reform(Oce(will(con6nue(to(monitor(progress(in(order(to(make(an(exit(decision(at( the(end(of(the(four(year(period.((Neither(setKaside(requirements(nor(MIKExcel(support(apply(to( you,(unless(you(choose(to(purchase(MIKExcel(services(with(your(SIG(funds.

Special'Situa+on'Issues'and'Ques+ons Our'school'is'not'a'Title'I'school,'so'does'this'apply'to'us? Yes.((Title(I(considera6ons(aect(the(support(mechanisms(for(schools,(but(it(does(not(aect(the( overall(designa6on(as(a(Priority(school,(nor(does(it(aect(the(reform(plan(requirements. Our'school'is'in'the'process'of'being'combined'with'another'school'or'split'into'smaller'schools.''How' does'this'aect'our'status? Schools(in(this(situa6on(are(considered(on(an(individual(basis.((From(a(metrics(perspec6ve,(a( school(is(not(reclassied(unless(there(are(more(than(three(grade(levels(transferring(from(one( building(to(another.((In(this(event,(if(the(school(is(a(Priority(school,(a(leGer(and(supplemental( documenta6on(of(the(change(should(be(specically(provided(to(the(School(Reform(Ocer(to( note(the(change,(so(that(considera6ons(of(this(change(can(be(reviewed(and(determined.

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Selecting a Reform Plan Intervention Model

THE FOUR INTERVENTION MODELS The four federal intervention models dened through the School Improvement Grant program and used by the School Turnaround Ofce of the U. S. Department of Education are identied below. This provides an overview of the requirements for these models. Turnaround model: (1) A turnaround model is one in which an LEA must-(i) Replace the principal and grant the new principal sufcient operational exibility (including in stafng, calendars/time, and budgeting) to implement fully a comprehensive approach in order to substantially improve student achievement outcomes and increase high school graduation rates; (ii) Using locally adopted competencies to measure the effectiveness of staff who can work within the turnaround environment to meet the needs of students, (A) Screen all existing staff and rehire no more than 50 percent; and (B) Select new staff; (iii) Implement such strategies as nancial incentives, increased opportunities for promotion and career growth, and more exible work conditions that are designed to recruit, place, and retain staff with the skills necessary to meet the needs of the students in the turnaround school; (iv) Provide staff ongoing, high-quality, job-embedded professional development that is aligned with the schools comprehensive instructional program and designed with school staff to ensure that they are equipped to facilitate effective teaching and learning and have the capacity to successfully implement school reform strategies; (v) Adopt a new governance structure, which may include, but is not limited to, requiring the school to report to a new turnaround ofce in the LEA or SEA, hire a turnaround leader who reports directly to the Superintendent or Chief Academic Ofcer, or enter into a multi-year contract with the LEA or SEA to obtain added exibility in exchange for greater accountability; (vi) Use data to identify and implement an instructional program that is research-based and vertically aligned from one grade to the next as well as aligned with State academic standards; (vii) Promote the continuous use of student data (such as from formative, interim, and summative assessments) to inform and differentiate instruction in order to meet the academic needs of individual students; (viii) Establish schedules and implement strategies that provide increased learning time (as dened in this notice); and (ix) Provide appropriate social-emotional and community-oriented services and supports for students. (2) A turnaround model may also implement other strategies such as-- (i) Any of the required and permissible activities under the transformation model; or (ii) A new school model (e.g., themed, dual language academy).
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Restart model: A restart model is one in which an LEA converts a school or closes and reopens a school under a charter school operator, a charter management organization (CMO), or an education management organization (EMO) that has been selected through a rigorous review process. (A CMO is a non-prot organization that operates or manages charter schools by centralizing or sharing certain functions and resources among schools. An EMO is a for- prot or non-prot organization that provides whole-school operation services to an LEA.) A restart model must enroll, within the grades it serves, any former student who wishes to attend the school. School closure: School closure occurs when an LEA closes a school and enrolls the students who attended that school in other schools in the LEA that are higher achieving. These other schools should be within reasonable proximity to the closed school and may include, but are not limited to, charter schools or new schools for which achievement data are not yet available. Transformation model: A transformation model is one in which an LEA implements each of the following four strategies: (1) Developing and increasing teacher and school leader effectiveness. (i) Required activities. The LEA must-(A) Replace the principal who led the school prior to commencement of the transformation model; (B) Use rigorous, transparent, and equitable evaluation systems for teachers and principals that-(1) Take into account data on student growth (as dened in this notice) as a signicant factor as well as other factors such as multiple observation-based assessments of performance and ongoing collections of professional practice reective of student achievement and increased high school graduations rates; and (2) Are designed and developed with teacher and principal involvement; (C) Identify and reward school leaders, teachers, and other staff who, in implementing this model, have increased student achievement and high school graduation rates and identify and remove those who, after ample opportunities have been provided for them to improve their professional practice, have not done so; (D) Provide staff ongoing, high-quality, job-embedded professional development (e.g., regarding subject-specic pedagogy, instruction that reects a deeper understanding of the community served by the school, or differentiated instruction) that is aligned with the schools comprehensive instructional program and designed with school staff to ensure they are equipped to facilitate effective teaching and learning and have the capacity to successfully implement school reform strategies; and
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(E) Implement such strategies as nancial incentives, increased opportunities for promotion and career growth, and more exible work conditions that are designed to recruit, place, and retain staff with the skills necessary to meet the needs of the students in a transformation school. (ii) Permissible activities. An LEA may also implement other strategies to develop teachers and school leaders effectiveness, such as-(A) Providing additional compensation to attract and retain staff with the skills necessary to meet the needs of the students in a transformation school; (B) Instituting a system for measuring changes in instructional practices resulting from professional development; or (C) Ensuring that the school is not required to accept a teacher without the mutual consent of the teacher and principal, regardless of the teachers seniority. (2) Comprehensive instructional reform strategies. (i) Required activities. The LEA must-(A) Use data to identify and implement an instructional program that is research-based and vertically aligned from one grade to the next as well as aligned with State academic standards; and (B) Promote the continuous use of student data (such as from formative, interim, and summative assessments) to inform and differentiate instruction in order to meet the academic needs of individual students. (ii) Permissible activities. An LEA may also implement comprehensive instructional reform strategies, such as-(A) Conducting periodic reviews to ensure that the curriculum is being implemented with delity, is having the intended impact on student achievement, and is modied if ineffective; (B) Implementing a schoolwide response-to-intervention model; (C) Providing additional supports and professional development to teachers and principals in order to implement effective strategies to support students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment and to ensure that limited English procient students acquire language skills to master academic content; (D) Using and integrating technology-based supports and interventions as part of the instructional program; and (E) In secondary schools-(1) Increasing rigor by offering opportunities for students to enroll in advanced coursework (such as Advanced Placement; International Baccalaureate; or science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses, especially those that incorporate rigorous and relevant project-, inquiry-, or design-based contextual learning opportunities), early-college high schools, dual enrollment programs, or thematic learning academies that prepare students for college and careers, including by providing appropriate supports designed to ensure that low-achieving students can take advantage of these programs and coursework;

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(2) Improving student transition from middle to high school through summer transition programs or freshman academies; (3) Increasing graduation rates through, for example, credit-recovery programs, reengagement strategies, smaller learning communities, competency-based instruction and performance-based assessments, and acceleration of basic reading and mathematics skills; or (4) Establishing early-warning systems to identify students who may be at risk of failing to achieve to high standards or graduate. (3) Increasing learning time and creating community-oriented schools. (i) Required activities. The LEA must-(A) Establish schedules and strategies that provide increased learning time (as dened in this notice); and (B) Provide ongoing mechanisms for family and community engagement. (ii) Permissible activities. An LEA may also implement other strategies that extend learning time and create community-oriented schools, such as- (A) Partnering with parents and parent organizations, faith- and communitybased organizations, health clinics, other State or local agencies, and others to create safe school environments that meet students social, emotional, and health needs; (B) Extending or restructuring the school day so as to add time for such strategies as advisory periods that build relationships between students, faculty, and other school staff; (C) Implementing approaches to improve school climate and discipline, such as implementing a system of positive behavioral supports or taking steps to eliminate bullying and student harassment; or (D) Expanding the school program to offer full-day kindergarten or pre- kindergarten. (4) Providing operational exibility and sustained support. (i) Required activities. The LEA must-(A) Give the school sufcient operational exibility (such as stafng, calendars/time, and budgeting) to implement fully a comprehensive approach to substantially improve student achievement outcomes and increase high school graduation rates; and (B) Ensure that the school receives ongoing, intensive technical assistance and related support from the LEA, the SEA, or a designated external lead partner organization (such as a school turnaround organization or an EMO). (ii) Permissible activities. The LEA may also implement other strategies for providing operational exibility and intensive support, such as-(A) Allowing the school to be run under a new governance arrangement, such as a turnaround division within the LEA or SEA; or (B) Implementing a per-pupil school-based budget formula that is weighted based on student needs.

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Intervention Model Checklists:

TURNAROUND MODEL Required: ____ Replace principal* and grant the new principal operational exibility over stafng, calendar/time and budgeting to implement comprehensive approach* ____ Screen all existing staff and rehire no more than 50% of staff* -locally adopted competencies to measure effectiveness* ____ Implement strategies such as nancial incentives, career growth* -use to recruit, place and retain skilled staff ____ Provide ongoing high-quality job embedded Professional Development (PD) -aligned with instructional program and designed with staff input ____ Adopt new governance* (examples include: report to turnaround ofce, hire turnaround leader, exibility agreement in exchange for accountability) ____ Use data to identify and implement instructional program ____ Use data to inform and differentiate instruction -formative, interim, summative ____ Increase effective learning time* (approaches may vary, including using a longer school day, week, or year schedule to signicantly increase the total number of school hours to include additional time for core academic subjects, other subjects, enrichment activities, teacher collaboration or PD) ____ Provide social-emotional & community services and supports Optional: ____ Implement any activity in Transformation model ____ Establish a themed school *May require collective bargaining amendment. RESTART MODEL Required: ____ Select school for conversion ____ Close school ____ Select an education management organization (EMO) or a charter management organization (CMO) through a rigorous review process ____ Reopen school under charter-like system with selected EMO or CMO ____ Must enroll within grades it currently serves (C-7 page 24 of fed guidance says LEA can serve fewer grades in a restart school...LEA has exibility to work with providers to develop the appropriate sequence and timetable for a restart partnership...restart operator...take over one grade at a time.) ____ Must enroll any former student who wishes to attend

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TRANSFORMATION MODEL 1) Developing and increasing teacher and leader effectiveness Required: ____ Replace principal* ____ Rigorous, transparent evaluation systems for teachers and principal* -Student academic achievement/growth data is included as a signicant factor in evaluation -Multiple observation-based assessments of performance -Designed and developed with teacher and principal involvement ____ Reward school leaders, teachers, staff who have increased student* achievement/ growth and graduation rates and remove leaders and staff who have not increased student achievement ____ Provide ongoing, high-quality, job-embedded Professional Development (PD) to ensure that teachers are equipped to facilitate teaching and learning* ____ Implement nancial incentives, opportunities for career growth, and more exible work conditions Optional ____ Provide additional compensation to attract and retain staff* ____ Institute system for measuring changes in instructional practices resulting from PD ____ Ensure the school is not required to accept a teacher without consent of teacher and principal regardless of seniority* ____ Include in the planning teachers and principals from other buildings in the LEA 2) Comprehensive instructional reform Required: ____ Use data to identify and implement instructional program ____ Continuous use of student data (formative, interim, summative) to inform and differentiate instruction Optional: ____ Conduct reviews to ensure curriculum is implemented with delity and is impacting student achievement ____ Implement school-wide Response to Intervention (RtI) model ____ Provide PD to implement strategies to support students with disabilities and English language learners ____ Use and integrate technology-based interventions ____ (in high schools) Increase rigor (AP, IB, STEM, and others) ____ Improve student transition from middle to high school ____ (in high schools) Increase graduation rates through credit recovery and other strategies ____ Establish early-warning systems to identify students at risk of failure or dropping out

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3) Increasing learning time and creating community-oriented schools Required: ____ Establish schedules to provide increased learning time* --using a longer school day, week, or year schedule to signicantly increase the total number of school hours to include additional time for core academic subjects, other subjects, enrichment activities, teacher collaboration or PD ____ Provide ongoing mechanisms for family and community engagement Optional: ____Partnering with parents and community organizations to create safe school environments that meet students needs ____ Extend or restructure school day to add time for advisory periods to build relationships between students and staff* ____ Improvement of school climate and discipline, for example, positive behavioral supports, anti-bullying 4) Providing operational exibility and sustained support Required: ____ Give the school sufcient operational exibility (stafng, calendars/time, budgeting) to implement comprehensive approach* ____ Ensure the school receives ongoing intensive Technical Assistance from LEA, SEA, or turnaround organization Optional: ____ Allow the school to run under new governance in LEA or SEA* ____ Implement weighted per-pupil school-based budget formula based on student needs *May require collective bargaining amendment.

CLOSURE MODEL Required: ____ Select school for closure, and complete necessary steps in EEM to document closure with the state ____ Work with families to enroll students in other, higher achieving schools within the LEA (other schools can be charter schools within LEA boundaries)

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Reform Model Information for Turnaround and Transformation

The following pages include specic documents that are to be used by schools and districts to develop the reform plan, or by reviewers to review the reform plan. Use these documents as a framework for your efforts to develop a reform plan. Because the plan process is focused on turnaround and transformation for those schools that will continue to exist, we only focused on rubrics and templates for these models.

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Introduc+on The(Turnaround(Model(addresses(four(specic(areas:( 1) developing(teacher(and(school(leader(eec6veness,( 2) implemen6ng(comprehensive(instruc6onal(reform(strategies;(and( 3) extending(learning(6me(and(communityKengagement.((The(Turnaround(Model(includes(among(other( ac6ons,(replacing(the(principal(and(at(least(50(percent(of(the(school's(sta,(adop6ng(a(new(governance( structure(and(implemen6ng(a(new(or(revised(instruc6onal(program.((( The(reform/redesign(plan(should(be(developed(for(implementa6on(through(the(2015K16(school(year.

Direc+ons The(Turnaround(Model(includes(eleven(specic(requirements(to(address(the(four(areas(men6oned(above.((This( template(allows(you(to(cran(your(plan(on(your(own(schedule,(and(allow(for(mul6ple(people(to(work(on(plan( requirements(at(one(6me.((Use(the(text(elds(that(follow(each(requirement(to(dran(your(plan.((You(should(not( dran(your(plan(in(the(AdvancEd(tool((use(this(document(to(cut(and(paste(into(the(online(form(for(the(Turnaround( Diagnos6c. For(each(requirement,(provide(a(concise,(cohesive(and(comprehensive(response(describing(how(each(requirement( will(be(implemented(in(the(school.((Each(descrip6on(should(also(iden6fy(who(will(be(responsible(for(the( implementa6on((names(and/or(6tles),(and(when(the(requirements(will(be(implemented.( Your(reform(plan(requirements(should(be(based(on(relevant(data(and(context(for(your(school.((When(appropriate( for(each(requirement,(cite(data(used(to(support(the(strategies(in(the(plan(and(include(relevant(considera6ons(that( led(to(the(plan(decisions.( While(developing(the(plan,(it(is(likely(that(reform(planning(teams(will(consider(the(following: what(resources(will(be(allocated(to(this(to(ensure(eec6ve(implementa6on, what(indicators(will(be(used(to(guide(your(progress, what(longKterm(outcomes(the(school/district(wish(to(have((be(specic),(and what(evidence(will(the(school(be(able(to(provide(to(document(the(implementa6on(of(the(requirement. Use(your(reform(planning(template(to(note(these(factors(during(your(planning(discussions,(and(include(any(of( these(in(your(requirements(as(you(nd(appropriate.((These(will(be(used(in(the(goal(iden6ca6on(and(strategic( planning(components(of(the(School(Improvement(Plan(aner(your(reform/redesign(plan(is(approved.((This(will(allow( for(more(focused(planning,(including(selec6on(of(strategies(and(ac6vi6es(to(eec6vely(implement(the(plan.( In(addi6on(to(the(reform(plan(requirements(that(follow,(all(schools(are(required(to(submit(Assurances((as(uploaded( documents)(related(to(the(plan.((The(following(checklist(should(be(used(to(ensure(all(materials(are(uploaded(for( your(plan: ! A(teacher(evalua6on(form(and(protocol(for(this(process; ! A(building(leader(evalua6on(form(and(protocol(for(this(process; ! Professional(development(plan(and(calendar(for(2012K13(and(beyond; ! Sample(student(schedule(showing(increased(instruc6onal(6me ! Sample(school(calendar(showing(added(days(and/or(teacher(collabora6on(schedule ! Executed(addendum(to(collec6ve(bargaining(agreement

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About'this'Template Use(this(MS(Word(Template(to(dran(and(edit(each(item(in(the(appropriate(box,(and(then(cut(and(paste(the(text( into(the(form(elds(for(each(requirement.''You(can(check(the(character(count(for(a(sec6on(by(highligh6ng(the(text( in(that(sec6on,(and(selec6ng(Tools(from(the(menuKbar,(and(selec6ng(Word(Count(from(the(dropKdown(menu.' A'maximum'of'6,000'characters'are'allowed'per'item.'' REFORM'TEAM'PERSONNEL: Please(list(the(individuals(involved(in(the(development(of(this(reform/redesign(plan.((Use(a(separate(line(to(list(each( individual,(and(include(name,(6tle(or(role,(and(email(contact(informa6on.

THE'BIG'IDEA: 1. State(two(or(three(big(ideas(for(your(reform/redesign(plan(that(are(intended(to(change(teaching(and( learning(in(your(school.((At(least(one(of(these(should(be(instruc6onal(in(nature.(((These(should(come(from( the(data(dialogue(that(ini6ates(your(reform(planning(eorts.)


State(what(data(was(used(to(iden6fy(these(areas,(and(explain(why(these(will(guide(the(turnaround(process( for(the(school.

TURNAROUND'PLAN'REQUIREMENTS PART'A:'DEVELOP'SCHOOL'LEADERSHIP'AND'TEACHER'EFFECTIVENESS 1. Describe(how(the(building(principal(was(replaced(or(how(the(exis6ng(principal(meets(the(twoKyear(rule.( Please(include(the(leaders(name(and(discuss(how(the(leader(meets(the(criteria(for(a(turnaround(principal.(


Describe(how(the(district(will(provide(the(school(with(opera6onal(exibility((stang,(calendars,(6me,( budge6ng)(to(implement(a(comprehensive(approach(to(substan6ally(increase(student(achievement(or( increase(gradua6on(rates.(

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Describe(how(the(school(will(use(locally(adopted(competencies(to(measure(the(eec6veness(of(the(principal( and(sta(who(works(within(the(turnaround(school.(((Note:((This(requirement(also(requires(the(comple6on(of( assurances(for(Priority(School(Teacher(and(Leader(Eec6veness.)


Specify(how(the(school(will(screen(all(exis6ng(sta(and(rehire(no(more(than(50(percent.(((Be(sure(to(connect( any(use(of(teacher(eec6veness(or(other(decision(indicators(used(for(this(eort.


Detail(how(the(school(will(implement(strategies(such(as,(increased(opportuni6es(for(promo6on(and(career( growth,(and/or(exible(working(condi6ons(designed(to(recruit(and(retain(sta(to(meet(the(needs(of(students( in(a(transforma6onal(school.(

PART'B:'COMPREHENSIVE'INSTRUCTIONAL'REFORM'STRATEGIES 6. Describe(plans(and(6melines(for(ongoing,(high(quality;(job(embedded(professional(development((subject( specic(pedagogy,(dieren6ated(instruc6on(or(a(deeper(understanding(of(the(community(served).(Show(how( professional(development(is(aligned(and(designed(to(ensure(that(sta(can(facilitate(eec6ve(teaching(and( learning(and(have(the(capacity(to(successfully(implement(the(school(reform(strategies.(((Note:((This( requirement(also(requires(the(comple6on(of(assurances(for(Priority(School(Professional(Development(Plan(and( Calendar.)


Describe(the(new(governance(structure(adopted(that(will(assist(with(the(building(turnaround(process.(The(new( governance(may(include(a(turnaround(oce,(or(a(turnaround(leader(who(reports(directly(to(the( superintendent.(


Detail(how(the(use(of(data(will(iden6fy(and(implement(an(instruc6onal(program(that(is(research(based(and( aligned(from(one(grade(to(the(next(as(well(as(with(state(standards.((Provide(the(data(used(to(iden6fy(and(align( the(instruc6onal(programs(selected(for(use(in(your(school(and/or(district,(and(include(documented(evidence( and(ra6onale(for(selec6ng(these(programs.((Reform(plan(components(for(this(requirement(should(align(with( the(instruc6onal((big(ideas(iden6ed(at(the(beginning(of(this(plan.

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Describe(how(the(school(will(promote(the(con6nuous(use(of(individual(student(data((such(as;(forma6ve,( interim,(and(summa6ve)(to(inform(and(dieren6ate(instruc6on(to(meet(individual(student(needs.((Include( informa6on(about(how(such(data(is(reviewed(and(evaluated(to(guide(implementa6on(eorts.((Reform(plan( components(for(this(requirement(should(align(with(the(instruc6onal((big(ideas(iden6ed(at(the(beginning(of( this(plan.

PART'C:'INCREASED'LEARNING'TIME'AND'COMMUNITY'ENGAGEMENT 10. Explain(how(the(school(will(establish(schedules(and(strategies(that(provide(for(increased(6me(for(all(students( to(learn(core(academic(content,(by(expanding(the(school(day,(week(or(year.(How(much(extra(6me(has(been( added?((Include(informa6on(about(how(teachers(will(maximize(classroom(instruc6onal(6me(to(improve( student(learning.(((Also(how(will(the(increased(learning(6me(include(other(enrichment(ac6vi6es(for(students( and(provide(for(increased(collabora6on(6me(for(teachers?((Reform(plan(components(for(this(requirement( should(align(with(the(instruc6onal((big(ideas(iden6ed(at(the(beginning(of(this(plan.(((Note:((This( requirement(also(requires(the(comple6on(of(assurances(for(Priority(School(Increased(Instruc6onal(Time,( Increased(Enrichment(Opportuni6es,(and(Increased(Collabora6on(Time(for(Educators.)

11. Detail(how(the(school(will(provide(appropriate(social,(emo6onal(and(community(services(that(support( students.(

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Introduc+on The(Transforma6on(Model(addresses(four(specic(areas:( 1) developing(teacher(and(school(leader(eec6veness,(which(includes(replacing(the(principal(who(Jed(the( school(prior(to(commencement(of(the(transforma6onal(model;( 2) implemen6ng(comprehensive(instruc6onal(reform(strategies;( 3) extending(learning(and(teacher(planning(6me(and(crea6ng(communityKoriented(schools;(and( 4) providing(opera6ng(exibility(and(sustained(support.(( The(reform/redesign(plan(should(be(developed(for(implementa6on(through(the(2015K16(school(year.

Direc+ons The(Transforma6on(Model(includes(eleven(specic(requirements(to(address(the(four(areas(men6oned(above.((This( template(allows(you(to(cran(your(plan(on(your(own(schedule,(and(allow(for(mul6ple(people(to(work(on(plan( requirements(at(one(6me.((Use(the(text(elds(that(follow(each(requirement(to(dran(your(plan.((You(should(not( dran(your(plan(in(the(AdvancEd(tool((use(this(document(to(cut(and(paste(into(the(online(form(for(the( Transforma6on(Diagnos6c. For(each(requirement,(provide(a(concise,(cohesive(and(comprehensive(response(describing(how(that(requirement( will(be(implemented(in(the(school.((Each(descrip6on(should(also(iden6fy(who(will(be(responsible(for(the( implementa6on((names(and/or(6tles),(and(when(the(requirements(will(be(implemented.( Your(reform(plan(requirements(should(be(based(on(relevant(data(and(context(for(your(school.((When(appropriate( for(each(requirement,(cite(data(used(to(support(the(strategies(in(the(plan(and(include(relevant(considera6ons(that( led(to(the(plan(decisions.( While(developing(the(plan,(it(is(likely(that(reformKplanning(teams(will(also(consider(the(following: what(resources(will(be(allocated(to(this(to(ensure(eec6ve(implementa6on, what(indicators(will(be(used(to(guide(your(progress, what(longKterm(outcomes(the(school/district(wish(to(have((be(specic),(and what(evidence(will(the(school(be(able(to(provide(to(document(the(implementa6on(of(the(requirement. Use(this(reform(planning(template(to(note(these(factors(during(your(planning(discussions,(and(include(any(of(these( in(your(requirements(as(you(nd(appropriate.((These(will(be(used(later(on(an(annual(basis(in(the(goal(iden6ca6on( and(strategic(planning(components(of(the(School(Improvement(Plan(aner(your(reform/redesign(plan(is(approved.(( This(will(allow(for(more(focused(planning,(including(selec6on(of(strategies(and(ac6vi6es(to(eec6vely(implement( the(plan.( In(addi6on(to(the(reform(plan(requirements(that(follow,(all(schools(are(required(to(submit(Assurances((as(uploaded( documents)(related(to(the(plan.((The(following(checklist(should(be(used(to(ensure(all(materials(are(uploaded(for( your(plan: ! A(teacher(evalua6on(form(and(protocol(for(this(process; ! A(building(leader(evalua6on(form(and(protocol(for(this(process; ! Professional(development(plan(and(calendar(for(2012K13(and(beyond; ! Sample(student(schedule(showing(increased(instruc6onal(6me ! Sample(school(calendar(showing(added(days(and/or(teacher(collabora6on(schedule ! Executed(addendum(to(collec6ve(bargaining(agreement

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About'this'Template Use(this(MS(Word(Template(to(dran(and(edit(each(item(in(the(appropriate(box,(and(then(cut(and(paste(the(text( into(the(form(elds(for(each(requirement.''You(can(check(the(character(count(for(a(sec6on(by(highligh6ng(the(text( in(that(sec6on,(and(selec6ng(Tools(from(the(menuKbar,(and(selec6ng(Word(Count(from(the(dropKdown(menu.' ' A'maximum'of'6,000'characters'are'allowed'per'item.''

REFORM'TEAM'PERSONNEL: Please(list(the(individuals(involved(in(the(development(of(this(reform/redesign(plan.((Use(a(separate(line(to(list(each( individual,(and(include(name,(6tle(or(role,(and(email(contact(informa6on.

THE'BIG'PICTURE 1. State(two(or(three(big(ideas(for(your(reform/redesign(plan(that(are(intended(to(change(teaching(and( learning(in(your(school.((At(least(one(of(these(should(be(instruc6onal(in(nature.(((These(should(come(from( the(data(dialogue(that(ini6ates(your(reform(planning(eorts.)


State(what(data(was(used(to(iden6fy(these(areas,(and(explain(why(these(will(guide(the(turnaround(process( for(the(school.

TRANSFORMATION'PLAN'REQUIREMENTS PART'A:'DEVELOP/INCREASE'SCHOOL'LEADERSHIP'AND'TEACHER'EFFECTIVENESS 1. Describe(how(the(building(principal(was(replaced(or(how(the(exis6ng(principal(meets(the(twoKyear(rule.( Please(include(the(leaders(name(and(discuss(how(the(leader(meets(the(criteria(for(a(turnaround(principal.(


Detail(the(collabora6ve((teacher(and(principal)(process(used(to(create(a(teacher(and(leadership(evalua6on( plan(and(explain(how(the(evalua6on(includes(student(growth(as(a(signicant(factor.(((Note:((This(requirement( also(requires(the(comple6on(of(assurances(for(Priority(School(Teacher(and(Leader(Eec6veness).

MDE School Reform Ofce - Priority Schools 2012

Page 29


Specify(how(the(school(will(iden6fy(and(reward(school(leaders,(teachers,(and(other(sta(members(who(have( increased(student(achievement.(Addi6onally,(describe(how(the(school(will(remove(leaders(and(sta(members( who(have(been(given(mul6ple(opportuni6es(to(improve(professional(prac6ce(and(have(not(increased(student( achievement(outcomes.(


Describe(plans(and(6melines(for(ongoing,(high(quality;(job(embedded(professional(development((subject( specic(pedagogy,(dieren6ated(instruc6on(or(a(deeper(understanding(of(the(community(served).(Show(how( professional(development(is(aligned(and(designed(to(ensure(that(sta(can(facilitate(eec6ve(teaching(and( learning(and(have(the(capacity(to(successfully(implement(the(school(reform(strategies.((((Note:((This( requirement(also(requires(the(comple6on(of(assurances(for(Priority(School(Professional(Development(Plan(and( Calendar)


Detail(how(the(school(will(implement(strategies(such(as,(increased(opportuni6es(for(promo6on(and(career( growth,(and/or(exible(working(condi6ons(designed(to(recruit(and(retain(sta(to(meet(the(needs(of(students( in(a(transforma6onal(school.(

PART'B:'COMPREHENSIVE'INSTRUCTIONAL'REFORM'STRATEGIES 6. Specify(how(the(school(will(use(data(to(iden6fy(and(implement(an(instruc6onal(program(that(is(research(based( and(aligned(from(one(grade(to(the(next(as(well(as(with(state(standards.((Provide(the(data(used(to(iden6fy(and( align(the(instruc6onal(programs(selected(for(use(in(your(school(and/or(district,(and(include(documented( evidence(and(ra6onale(for(selec6ng(these(programs.


Describe(how(the(school(promotes(the(con6nuous(use(of(individual(student(data((such(as;(forma6ve,(interim,( and(summa6ve)(to(inform(and(dieren6ate(instruc6on(to(meet(individual(student(needs.(((Include(informa6on( about(how(such(data(is(reviewed(and(evaluated(to(guide(implementa6on(eorts.

MDE School Reform Ofce - Priority Schools 2012

Page 30

PART'C:'INCREASED'LEARNING'TIME'AND'COMMUNITY'ENGAGEMENT 8. Explain(how(the(school(will(establish(schedules(and(strategies(that(provide(for(increased(6me(for(all(students( to(learn(core(academic(content,(by(expanding(the(school(day,(week(or(year((Specify(the(amount(of(6me( added).((Include(informa6on(about(how(teachers(will(maximize(classroom(instruc6onal(6me(to(improve( student(learning.(Include(enrichment(ac6vi6es(for(students(and(increased(collabora6on(6me(for(teachers.((( (Note:((This(requirement(also(requires(the(comple6on(of(assurances(for(Priority(School(Increased(Instruc6onal( Time,(Increased(Enrichment(Opportuni6es,(and(Increased(Collabora6on(Time(for(Educators.)


Describe(strategies(for(con6nuous(engagement(of(families(and(community.(Detail(how(the(school(will(provide( for(the(ongoing(family(and(community(engagement.(

PART'D:'PROVIDING'OPERATIONAL'FLEXIBILITY'AND'SUSTAINED'SUPPORT 10. Describe(how(the(district(will(provide(the(school(with(opera6onal(exibility((stang,(calendars,(6me,( budge6ng)(to(implement(a(comprehensive(approach(to(substan6ally(increase(student(achievement(and( increase(gradua6on(rate.(

11. Describe(how(the(district(will(ensure(that(the(school(receives(ongoing,(intensive(technical(assistance(and( related(support(from(the(district,(lSD,(Michigan(Department(of(Educa6on,(or(other(designated(external( partners(or(organiza6ons.(

MDE School Reform Ofce - Priority Schools 2012

Page 31

Transformation+Model BIG$PICTURE$PLANNING$(RESULTS$OF$DATA$DIALOGUE) 1 State*two*or*three*big*ideas*for*your*reform/redesign*plan*that*are*intended*to*change*teaching*and*learning*in*your*school.**At*least*one*of* these*should*be*instructional*in*nature.**(These*should*come*from*the*data*dialogue*that*initiates*your*reform*planning*efforts.) 2 State*what*data*was*used*to*identify*these*areas,*and*explain*why*these*will*guide*the*turnaround*process*for*the*school.
Plan*is*designed*using*rapid* turnaround*strategies. Responsible*personnel*are* identified. Plan*identifies*appropriate* indicators*to*guide*progress

District:*_____________________________________________ School:*______________________________________________ Review*Team*#:*_______________________________________

TRANSFORMATION$MODEL$REQUIREMENTS 1 Describe*how*the*building*principal*was*replaced*or*how*the*existing*principal* meets*the*two@year*rule.*Please*include*the*leader's*name*and*discuss*how* the*leader*meets*the*criteria*for*a*turnaround*principal.* 2 Detail*the*collaborative*(teacher*and*principal)*process*used*to*create*a* teacher*and*leadership*evaluation*plan*and*explain*how*the*evaluation* includes*student*growth*as*a*significant*factor.*** 3 Specify*how*the*school*will*identify*and*reward*school*leaders,*teachers,*and* other*staff*members*who*have*increased*student*achievement.*Additionally,* describe*how*the*school*will*remove*leaders*and*staff*members*who*have* been*given*multiple*opportunities*to*improve*professional*practice*and*have* not*increased*student*achievement*outcomes.* 4 Describe*plans*and*timelines*for*ongoing,*high*quality;*job*embedded* professional*development*(subject*specific*pedagogy,*differentiated*instruction* or*a*deeper*understanding*of*the*community*served).*Show*how*professional* development*is*aligned*and*designed*to*ensure*that*staff*can*facilitate* effective*teaching*and*learning*and*have*the*capacity*to*successfully* implement*the*school*reform*strategies.**** 5 Detail*how*the*school*will*implement*strategies*such*as,*increased* opportunities*for*promotion*and*career*growth,*and/or*flexible*working* conditions*designed*to*recruit*and*retain*staff*to*meet*the*needs*of*students*in* a*transformational*school.* 6 Specify*how*the*school*will*use*data*to*identify*and*implement*an*instructional* program*that*is*research*based*and*aligned*from*one*grade*to*the*next*as*well* as*with*state*standards.**Provide*the*data*used*to*identify*and*align*the* instructional*programs*selected*for*use*in*your*school*and/or*district,*and* include*documented*evidence*and*rationale*for*selecting*these*programs. 7 Describe*how*the*school*promotes*the*continuous*use*of*individual*student* data*(such*as;*formative,*interim,*and*summative)*to*inform*and*differentiate* instruction*to*meet*individual*student*needs.***Include*information*about*how* such*data*is*reviewed*and*evaluated*to*guide*implementation*efforts. 8 Explain*how*the*school*will*establish*schedules*and*strategies*that*provide*for* increased*time*for*all*students*to*learn*core*academic*content,*by*expanding* the*school*day,*week*or*year.** 9 Describe*strategies*for*continuous*engagement*of*families*and*community.* Detail*how*the*school*will*provide*for*the*ongoing*family*and*community* engagement.* 10 Describe*how*the*district*will*provide*the*school*with*operational*flexibility* (staffing,*calendars,*time,*budgeting)*to*implement*a*comprehensive*approach* to*substantially*increase*student*achievement*and*increase*graduation*rate.* 11 Describe*how*the*district*will*ensure*that*the*school*receives*ongoing,* intensive*technical*assistance*and*related*support*from*the*district,*lSD,* Michigan*Department*of*Education,*or*other*designated*external*partners*or* organizations.

Plan*addresses*requirement(s)* including*attachments*where* noted.

OPTIONAL 1 2 3 4 5 6
Attachments* A*teacher*evaluation*form*and*protocol*for*the*teacher*evaluation*process A*building*leader*evaluation*form*and*protocol*for*the*leader*evaluation*process A*professional*development*plan*and*calendar*for*2012@13*and*beyond Sample*student*schedule*showing*increased*instructional*time*and*enrichment*activities Sample*school*calendar*showing*added*days*and*teacher*collaboration*schedule Executed*addendum*to*collective*bargaining*agreement.

**Plan*Approved*As*Is **Plan*Approved*with*Contingencies*Listed*On*Back **Plan*Not*Approved.**See*Back*for*Reasons

Plan*identifies*long@term* outcomes*for*the*school*/* district*in*this*area. Plan*identifies*evidence*that*the* school*will*provide*to*document* implementation

Plan*addresses*resources*to*be* allocated*for*implementation

Addresses*when*requirements* will*be*implemented*(timeline* or*schedule)

Plan*is*clear*and* understandable.

Turnaround(Model BIG$PICTURE$PLANNING$(RESULTS$OF$DATA$DIALOGUE) 1 State*two*or*three*big*ideas*for*your*reform/redesign*plan*that*are*intended*to*change*teaching*and*learning*in*your*school.**At*least*one*of* these*should*be*instructional*in*nature.**(These*should*come*from*the*data*dialogue*that*initiates*your*reform*planning*efforts.) 2 State*what*data*was*used*to*identify*these*areas,*and*explain*why*these*will*guide*the*turnaround*process*for*the*school.
Plan*is*designed*using*rapid* turnaround*strategies. Responsible*personnel*are* identified. Plan*identifies*appropriate* indicators*to*guide*progress

District:*_____________________________________________ School:*______________________________________________ Review*Team*#:*_______________________________________


1 Replace*principal***;;and*grant*the*new*principal*operational* flexibility*over*staffing,*calendar/time*and*budgeting*to*implement* comprehensive*approach.* 2 Screen*all*existing*staff*and*rehire*no*more*than*50%*of*staff***;;use* locally*adopted*competencies*to*measure*effectiveness*of*staff*who* can*work*within*the*turnaround*environment*to*meet*student* needs.* 3 Implement*strategies*such*as*financial*incentives,*increased* opportunities*for*promotion*and*career*growth,*and*more*flexible* work*conditions***;;use*to*recruit,*place*and*retain*skilled*staff. 4 Provide*ongoing*high;quality*job;embedded*Professional* Development*(PD);*;;aligned*with*instructional*program*and* designed*with*staff*input. 5 Adopt*a*new*governance*structure***;;examples:**report*to* turnaround*office,*hire*turnaround*leader,*flexibility*agreement*in* exchange*for*accountability. 6 Use*data*to*identify*and*implement*instruction*program*that*is* research;based*and*vertically*aligned*from*one*grade*to*the*next*as* well*as*with*State*academic*standards. 7 Use*data*to*inform*and*differentiate*instruction;*;;formative,* interim,*summative. 8 Increase*learning*time***;;using*a*longer*school*day,*week,*or*year* schedule*to*significantly*increase*the*total*number*of*school*hours* to*include*additional*time*for*core*academic*subjects,*other* subjects,*enrichment*activities,*teacher*collaboration*or*PD. 9 Provide*social;emotional*and*community*services*and*supports. 10 Implement*any*activity*in*the*Transformation*model. 11 Establish*a*themed*school.
OPTIONAL 1 2 3 4 5 6
Attachments* A*teacher*evaluation*form*and*protocol*for*the*teacher*evaluation*process A*building*leader*evaluation*form*and*protocol*for*the*leader*evaluation*process A*professional*development*plan*and*calendar*for*2012;13*and*beyond Sample*student*schedule*showing*increased*instructional*time*and*enrichment*activities Sample*school*calendar*showing*added*days*and*teacher*collaboration*schedule Executed*addendum*to*collective*bargaining*agreement.

**Plan*Approved*As*Is **Plan*Approved*with*Contingencies*Listed*On*Back **Plan*Not*Approved.**See*Back*for*Reasons

Plan*addresses*requirement(s)* including*attachments*where* noted.

Plan*identifies*long;term* outcomes*for*the*school*/* district*in*this*area. Plan*identifies*evidence*that*the* school*will*provide*to*document* implementation

Plan*addresses*resources*to*be* allocated*for*implementation

Addresses*when*requirements* will*be*implemented*(timeline* or*schedule)

Plan*is*clear*and* understandable.





Getting)Started! The!guidance!serves!as!supplemental! The!evidence!listed!here!is!not!an! This!column!is!intended!as!a!guide!to!assist!you!and!your!School!Improvement! information!for!redesign!plan!authors!and! exhaustive!list!of!items!to!support!plan! Team!in!writing!your!redesign!plan.!!Sample!text!is!provided!below!for!each! reviewers.!!This!guidance!does!not!impose!any! implementation.!!They!are!provided!here! section!so!that!you!can!have!a!side<by<side!writing!reference!tool.! requirements!beyond!those!required!to!comply! as!examples!only.!!!!!!! ! with!applicable!law!or!regulations.!!! ! Writing!samples!are!provided!directly!across!from!each!text!box!to!give!you!an! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! idea!of!how!you!might!describe!your!approach!to!each!requirement.!!All!of! The!guidance!provided!herewith!are!excerpts! the!names,!data,!and!materials!described!below!are!fictional.!!Please! drawn!from!SECTION!1003(g)!OF!THE! customize!your!plan!to!fit!your!schools!circumstances!!data.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ELEMENTARY!AND!SECONDARY!EDUCATION! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACT!OF!1965,!dated!March!1,!2012.!From!the! ! U.S.!Department!of!Education,!Office!of! Elementary!and!Secondary!Education.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAMPLE)PLAN)CONTENT) Must)the)principal)and)teachers)involved) )

In<person!meeting!with!reform! team! Letter!of!Commitment!signed!by! all!team!members! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ) ) ) Page!35+

REFORM)TEAM)PERSONNEL!! Nicholas!Jennings,!Principal,!! Nancy!Wycoff,!Asst.!Principal,!! Christopher!McClellan,!President!<Teachers!Union,!! Scott!Reed,!Counselor,!! Mary!Harrison,!Parent!Liaison,!! John!Jefferson,!ISD!Special!Ed./ELL!Support,!! Madison!Beamer,!Student,!! Jason!Lowery,!Data!Coordinator,!! Helen!Spelling,!Central!Office!Rep.,!! Thomas!Mielton,!Chair,!Chamber!of!Commerce,!! Bernice!Daley,!Professor,!Local!University,!! ! Jamie!Smart,!Curriculum!Director,!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! !

in)the)development)and)design)of)the) evaluation)system)be)the)principal)and) teachers)in)the)school)in)which)the) transformation)model)is)being) implemented?) ) No.!!The!requirement!for!teacher!and! principal!evaluation!systems!that!are! designed!and!developed!with!teacher!and! principal!involvement!refers!more! generally!to!involvement!by!teachers!and! principals!within!the!LEA!using!such! systems,!and!may!or!may!not!include! teachers!and!principals!in!a!school! implementing!the!transformation!model.!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! GUIDANCE) EVIDENCE) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) !
Copy!of!the!survey!and!results! PLC!schedule!and!intended!outcomes! aligned!to!student!data! Copy!of!school!schedule!before!and! after!redesign!plan!



) )

) THE)BIG)PICTURE) 1. Based!on!our!research!from!the!Center!for!CSRI,!we!determined!that:! Two<hour!Professional!Learning!Communities!(PLCs)!will!be!held! weekly!across!grade!levels!every!other!Thursday,!and!by!department! every!other!Wednesday.!Sign<in!sheets,!agendas!and!minutes!will! serve!as!evidence!of!implementation.!!Each!agenda!shall!be!centered! on!student!academic!needs!(CII,"PLCs"that"Work"2011)." We!will!use!the!upcoming!summer!months!to!design!and!build!a! comprehensive!Universal!Design!for!Learning!(UDL)!strategy!to!help! improve!learning!and!instruction!for!all!students.! The!school!day!will!be!extended!by!two!periods!daily!to!increase! math!and!reading!instruction!for!all!students.!!Currently,!the!school! day!ends!at!2:15!p.m.!!With!our!new!plan,!school!will!conclude!at! 4:15!p.m.!!This!schedule!will!begin!in!Sept.!2013!(MassInsight,"2010).! ! 2. A!Culture!and!Climate!survey!was!administered!to!teachers!in!the!fall!of! 2011.!!Eighty!percent!of!the!staff!indicated!a!need!for!more!time!to! collaborate/analyze!and!reflect!on!data,!and!develop!intervention! strategies!for!students.!!PLCs!and!UDL!strategies!were!selected!based!on! this!feedback.! 1. The!building)principal,!Ms.!Harriet!Bloomberg!was!replaced!in!October,! 2012.!!She!now!serves!as!the!Parent!and!Community!Liaison!for!the! middle!school.!!A!joint!labor<management!committee!was!formed!and! agreed!upon!the!qualities!needed!in!a!school!leader.!!A!broad!search!was! conducted!among!local,!regional!and!national!mediums.!!The!new! principal,!Ms.!Frances!Chafee,!will!fill!the!position!beginning!11.12.12.! Ms.!Chafee!has!experience!in!reforming!six!schools.!!She!possesses!all!of! the!leadership!qualities!desired!in!a!turnaround!leader!including! communicating!a!compelling!vision,!organizational!commitment,!team! leadership,!conceptual!thinking,!teamwork!and!cooperation,!influence,! showing!confidence,!solving!problems,!and!driving!for!results!(Learning" Point"Associates,"2010).!!Her!resume!has!been!uploaded!(See)Exh.)A).! A)transformation)model)is)one)in)which)an)LEA) must)do)the)following:) Replace!the!principal!and!grant!the!principal! sufficient!operational!flexibility!(including!in! staffing,!calendars/time,!and!budgeting)!to! implement!fully!a!comprehensive!approach!in! order!to!substantially!improve!student! achievement!outcomes!and!increase!high! school!graduation!rates.! ! Under)the)final)requirements,)an)LEA) implementing)the)transformation)model)must) remove)staff)who,)after)ample)opportunities) have)been)provided)for)them)to)improve)their) professional)practice,)have)not)done)so.))Does)) !

Recruitment/Review/Selection! Process!with!Copies!of!Assurances! Resume!of!new!principal! Board!decision!to!hire!with!start!date! List!of!selected!competencies!to!fit! school!reform!needs!! Interview!questions!that!reflect! competencies! ) ) ) ) ) ) )

! ! !





! !

EVIDENCE) ) Minutes!of!meetings! Copy!of!evaluation!with!the!percent! of!student!growth!explicitly!stated!in! the!document!for!teachers!and! administrators! Professional!development!calendar! Professional!development!handouts! Professional!development!sign<in! sheets!



Criteria!for!awards! List!of!recipients,!award!type!and!date! Catalog! Student!growth!data! ! ! ! Summary!of!research!methodology,! findings!and!subsequent!actions.! Evaluation/analysis!of!action!research! List!of!recommendations!for! improvement! Copy!of!research!methodology,! findings!and!recommendations!

GUIDANCE) ) During!the!2010<2011!school!year,!a!series!of!7!joint!labor<management! an)LEA)have)discretion)to)determine)the) meetings!were!held!to!create!new!teacher!and!principal!evaluation)tools! appropriate)number)of)such)opportunities)that) based!on!the!Danielson!model.!!The!principal!is!required!to!demonstrate! must)be)provided)and)what)are)some) 20%!student!growth!school!wide!each!year!for!the!next!3!years!per!her! examples)of)such)opportunities)to)improve?) employment!contract.!!Teachers!are!also!required!to!demonstrate!20%! ) growth!for!each!primary!subject!area!taught!annually.!!These!percentages! In!general,!LEAs!have!flexibility!to!determine! are!explicitly!stated!in!the!evaluation!tool!on!page!5.!We!predict!that!this! both!the!type!and!number!of!opportunities!for! rate!of!growth!will!achieve!the!required!85%!proficiency!school!wide!by! staff!to!improve!their!professional!practice! the!spring,!2022!as!required!by!NCLB!(Charlotte!Danielson,!2010).!(NW)! before!they!are!removed!from!a!school! implementing!the!transformation!model.!! All!teachers!who!achieve!the!student)growth!targets!and!receive!a!highly! Examples!of!such!opportunities!include! effective!evaluation!rating!shall!be!awarded!their!choice!of!catalog!prizes! professional!development!in!such!areas!as! made!available!by!business!partners!from!the!local!Chamber!of! differentiated!instruction!and!using!data!to! Commerce.!Administrators!and!support!staff!who!achieve!the!student! improve!instruction,!mentoring!or!partnering! growth!target!will!become!eligible!to!win!a!set!of!two!season!tickets!to!all! with!a!master!teacher,!or!increased!time!for! local!NBA!or!NFL!games.!!In!addition,!students!who!improve!their! collaboration!designed!to!improve!instruction.!! proficiency!by!15%!or!more!each!year!may!attend!a!free!movie!party!at! In!addition!to!the!required!activities!for!a! the!end!of!the!school!year.!(NJ)! transformation!model,!an!LEA!may!also! implement!other!strategies!to!develop! The!entire!teaching!staff!will!partner!with!the!Excellent!Schools!Training! teachers!and!school!leaders!effectiveness,! Institute!at!the!local!university!for!the!purpose!of!conducting!Action! such!as:! Research!in!the!school!and!classroom.!!All!research!projects!will!focus!on! (1)!!!Providing!additional!compensation!to! effective!math!strategies,!as!data!indicates!that!this!is!the!greatest!need! attract!and!retain!staff!with!the!skills!necessary! for!77%!of!our!students.!The!school!will!also!model!and!apply!culturally! to!meet!the!needs!of!students!in!a! proficient!behaviors!as!guided!by!monthly!book!studies!(NSDC,"2010).! transformation!school;! Additional!jobUembedded)professional)development!will!be!designed! (2)!!Instituting!a!system!for!measuring!changes! following!SEC!results.!(CM!$$)! in!instructional!practices!resulting!from! professional!development;!or! (3)!!Ensuring!that!the!school!is!not!required!to! accept!a!teacher!without!the!mutual!consent!of! the!teacher!and!principal,!regardless!of!the! teachers!seniority.! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! !





! ! ! ! ! ! Teacher/Staff!incentive!program!and! criteria!for!awards! Recruitment,!placement!and! retention!process/strategies! List!of!committee!members! Memos,!letters,!e<mails,!photos,! receipts! Grant!documentation!


GUIDANCE) ! LEAs!also!have!flexibility!to!develop!and! implement!their!own!strategies,!as!part!of!their! efforts!to!successfully!implement!the! transformation!model,!to!increase!the! effectiveness!of!teachers!and!school!leaders.!! Any!such!strategies!must!be!in!addition!to!those! that!are!required!as!part!of!this!model.! ! Student)growth!means!the!change!in! achievement!for!an!individual!student!between! two!or!more!points!in!time.!!For!grades!in!which! the!State!administers!summative!assessments! in!reading/language!arts!and!mathematics,! student!growth!data!must!be!based!on!a! students!score!on!the!States!assessment!under! section!1111(b)(3)!of!the!ESEA.!!MDE!may!also! include!other!measures!that!are!rigorous!and! comparable!across!classrooms.! Teachers!and!support!staff!will!have!multiple!opportunities!for! What)is)jobUembedded)professional) promotion)and)career)growth)through!volunteering!for!special!projects! development?)) such!as!AdvancED!work,!School!Improvement!Plan!committee,!the!Office! Job<embedded!professional!development!is! of!Civil!Rights!review!committee,!the!Internal!Professional!Learning! professional!learning!that!occurs!at!a!school!as! Committee,!etc.!!Teachers!may!also!serve!on!MDE!state!curriculum! educators!engage!in!their!daily!work!activities.!! committees!or!assist!with!county<wide!research!projects!through!the! It!is!closely!connected!to!what!teachers!are! local!ISD.!!Opportunities!are!also!provided!to!become!Principal!for!a!Day!if! asked!to!do!in!the!classroom!so!that!the!skills! the!teacher!demonstrates!perfect!attendance.!!A!one<week!teacher! and!knowledge!gained!from!such!learning!can! exchange!program!is!also!available!with!two!participating!Reward! be!immediately!transferred!to!classroom! schools.!!Highly!effective!teachers!and!staff!are!recruited)and)retained! instructional!practices.!!! using!our!district!marketing!program!which!includes!after!hours!gym! ! access,!teacher!of!the!month!prime!parking,!and!free!coffee.!!New! Job<embedded!professional!development!can! teachers!receive!iPads!with!the!help!of!a!3<year!technology!grant!(to!be! take!many!forms,!including,!but!not!limited!to,! returned!if!<3!yrs.!of!service).!(NJ!$$)! classroom!coaching,!structured!common! ! planning!time,!meetings!with!mentors,! The!school!will!gather,!reflect!and!act!on!summative,!interim,!and! consultation!with!outside!experts,!and! formative!data!on!a!monthly!basis!for!each!grade!level!and!for!each!! observations!of!classroom!practice.!

All!data!sources;!preferably!trend! data!

! ! !


EVIDENCE) ! Rationale!for!selecting!the!research< based!instructional!model!and!its! connection!to!the!big!picture! Alignment!to!state!standards! Alignment!between!grades! Pacing!guides!



! !

Charts!and!graphs!of!student!data! over!time! Minutes!of!PLC!meetings!


! ! ! !

Memorandum!of!Understanding! Copy!of!revised/executed!contract! Copy!of!school!schedule!before!and! after!redesign!plan! ! Data!walls! Class!and!individual!student!test! results! List!of!interventions!and!frequency!of! delivery! Demographic!profile!of!RtI!recipients! List!of!parent!volunteers!and!their! roles! Flyers,!photos! Content!of!Parent!University!sessions! Commitment!letters!from!business! and/or!university!partners!


GUIDANCE) What)is)the)definition)of)increased)learning) student.!!The!school!selected!the!Data!Dig!Machine!Software!because!it!is! time?))) easy!to!use,!is!accessible!through!our!ISD,!and!it!is!free.!!Valid!data!will! ! also!be!gathered!using!Lexile!scores!and!Make!the!Grade!assessments! Increased!learning!time!means!increasing!the! (TUDA!research!from!Council!of!Great!City!Schools,!2010).!While!all! length!of!the!school!day,!week,!or!year!to! Marzano!curriculum)and)instructional)programming!will!be!aligned!to! significantly!increase!the!total!number!of!school! Michigans!Common!Core!Standards!and!later,!with!the!SmarterBalance! hours!so!as!to!include!additional!time!for!(a)! model,!the!school!will!expect!students!to!reach!beyond!these!metrics!to! instruction!in!core!academic!subjects!including! create!a!culture!of!excellence.!(JS!$)! English,!reading!or!language!arts,!mathematics,! ! science,!foreign!languages,!civics!and! Data!walls!will!be!generously!placed!throughout!the!school!for!staff,! government,!economics,!arts,!history,!and! students,!and!stakeholders!to!view!progress.!!Selected!data!(including! geography;!(b)!instruction!in!other!subjects!and! student!and!staff!attendance,!achievement!score!trends!for!a!3<yr.!period! provision!of!enrichment!activities!that! and!disciplinary!infractions,!etc.)!will!be!updated!and!posted!twice!per! contribute!to!a!well<rounded!education,!such!as! semester!at!a!minimum.!!PLCs!will!analyze!the!data!and!design! physical!education,!service!learning,!and! instruction!accordingly!to!meet!the!needs!of!individual)students.!(JL!$)! experiential!and!work<based!learning! ! opportunities;!and!(c)!teachers!to!collaborate,! As!discussed!above!in!THE!BIG!PICTURE,!the!school!day!will!be!extended! plan,!and!engage!in!professional!development! by!two!periods!daily!to!increase!math!and!reading!instruction!for!all! within!and!across!grades!and!subjects.! students.!!Currently,!the!school!day!ends!at!2:15!p.m.!!With!our!new!plan,! school!will!conclude!at!4:15!p.m.!!This!schedule!will!begin!in!Sept.!2013.!A! Memorandum!of!Understanding!between!teachers!and!administration! reflecting!this!change!has!been!uploaded!to!this!plan!(See)Exh.)B).)(SR!$$)! During!the!schools!annual!Back!to!School!Celebration,!parents!will!be! What)is)meant)by)the)phrase)family)and) asked!to!commit!to!participating!in!two!activities!(one!per!semester)!from! community)engagement)and)what)are)some) a!list!of!30!opportunities!(See)Exh.)C).!!A!joint!parent/staff!committee!will! examples)of)ongoing)mechanisms)for)family) discuss!and!design!the!opportunities!within!the!first!30!days!of!plan! and)community)engagement?))) approval.!!The!local!business!community!will!be!invited!to!a!student!led! In!general,!family!and!community!engagement! luncheon!to!solicit!their!participation!in!providing!teacher!incentives,!and! means!strategies!to!increase!the!involvement! other!supports!for!the!school.!!A!teacher/leader!will!be!appointed!to!the! and!contributions,!in!both!school<based!and! local!Chamber!of!Commerce!board!to!help!identify!potential!partners!for! home<based!settings,!of!parents!and! the!school.!!One!local!business!will!be!identified!to!adopt!the!school! community!partners!that!are!designed!to! annually!for!a!spring!beautification!project.!!Finally,!a!Parent!University! support!classroom!instruction!and!increase! will!be!instituted!to!help!empower!parents!with!the!skills!they!need!to! student!achievement.!!Examples!of!mechanisms! coach!students!with!their!homework.!Exceptional!teachers!from!other!! that!can!encourage!family!and!community! engagement!include!the!establishment!of!!

! ! !




neighboring!districts!will!be!on<site!in<person!or!by!video!during!monthly!! staff!meetings!(Handbook"on"Family"and"Community"Engagement,"Sam"! Redding,"Marilyn"Murphy,"&"Pamela"Sheley,"2011).!(MH)!

10. Operational)flexibility!shall!be!achieved!by!offering!students!choices!for! learning.!!Students!may!choose!to!take!up!to!3!classes!in!an!on<line! format;!or!they!may!choose!to!go!to!school!during!the!2nd!shift,! allowing!some!students!to!begin!school!at!10:00!a.m.!and!conclude!at! 4:15,!but!take!on<line!classes!to!complete!their!schedule.!!A!Saturday! school!format!will!also!be!offered!to!AP!students!who!may!not!need!the! additional!time!for!math!and!reading!M<F.!Teachers!who!facilitate!small! student!learning!groups!who!get!together!routinely!to!analyze!lectures! and!share!tips!and!strategies,!will!be!provided!with!flexible!self<designed! professional!development!based!on!the!needs!identified!through!the!SEC! (Survey"of"Enacted"Curriculum).!The!School!Redesign!Team!will!provide! oversight!of!the!flex!schedules!to!determine!their!effectiveness.!(HS!$$)!

11. School!administrators!and!teacher/leaders!will!attend!every!MDE)PD! session!and!webinar!to!garner!strategies!from!peers!about!successful! plan!implementation.!!The!local!university!and!ISD!will!serve!in!an! ongoing!research/application!role!in!coaching!teachers!in!contemporary! pedagogy!and!technology!integration.!!A!tentative!3<yr.!PD!plan!has!been! uploaded!(See)Exh.)D).!(NJ,!BD!$)! ! ! ! )

! ! ! ! Schedules!of!the!school!day,!week,! year!showing!before!and!after!reform! plan!timelines/schedules! List!of!enrichment!activities! Sign<in!sheets!at!enrichment!activities! Copy!of!SEC!(Survey!of!Enacted! Curriculum)!reports! Materials!from!professional! development! Application!of!knowledge!to!staff! and/or!students!at!LEA! Copy!of!PLC!minutes! E<mails!to!staff!regarding!content! material!and!lessons!learned! Newsletters! Web!site!

! ! ! !

GUIDANCE) ! organized!parent!groups,!holding!public! meetings!involving!parents!and!community! members!to!review!school!performance!and! help!develop!school!improvement!plans,!using! surveys!to!gauge!parent!and!community! satisfaction!and!support!for!local!public!schools,! implementing!complaint!procedures!for! families,!coordinating!with!local!social!and! health!service!providers!to!help!meet!family! needs,!and!parent!education!classes!(including! GED,!adult!literacy,!and!ESL!programs).! ) How)should)an)LEA)design)mechanisms)to) support)family)and)community)engagement?) To!develop!mechanisms!to!support!family!and! community!engagement,!an!LEA!may!conduct!a! community<wide!assessment!to!identify!the! major!factors!that!significantly!affect!the! academic!achievement!of!students!in!the! school,!including!an!inventory!of!the!resources! in!the!community!and!the!school!that!could!be! aligned,!integrated,!and!coordinated!to!address! these!challenges.!!An!LEA!should!try!to!ensure! that!it!aligns!the!family!and!community! engagement!programs!it!implements!in!the! elementary!and!secondary!schools!in!which!it!is! implementing!the!transformation!model!to! support!common!goals!for!students!over!time! and!for!the!community!as!a!whole.!!(New!for!FY! 2010!Guidance)! ! ! ! ! !

! ! !


GUIDANCE) ) Does)the)requirement)to)implement)an) instructional)program)that)is)researchUbased) and)aligned)(vertically)and)with)State) standards))require)adoption)of)a)new)or) revised)instructional)program?))) ) Not!necessarily.!!In!implementing!a!turnaround! model,!an!LEA!must!use!data!to!identify!an! instructional!program!that!is!research<based! and!vertically!aligned!as!well!as!aligned!with! State!academic!standards.!!! ! Give!the!school!sufficient!operational)flexibility! (such!as!staffing,!calendars/time,!and! budgeting)!to!implement!fully!a!comprehensive! approach!to!substantially!improve!student! achievement!outcomes!and!increase!high! school!graduation!rates;!!! ! In!addition!to!the!required!activities!for!a! transformation!model,!an!LEA!may!also! implement!other!strategies!to!provide! operational!flexibility!and!sustained!support,! such!as:! (1)! Allowing!the!school!to!be!run!under!a! new!governance!arrangement,!such!as!a! turnaround!division!within!the!LEA!or!SEA;!or! (2)! Implementing!a!per<pupil!school<based! budget!formula!that!is!weighted!based!on! student!needs.! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Assurances/Attachments:) A!!Resume!of!New!Principal! B!!Memorandum!of!Understanding!for!Extended!Day!including!current!and! future!school!calendars!showing!added!time/days/teacher!collaboration! schedule!(or!Executed!addendum!to!collective!bargaining!agreement)! C!!List!of!Selected!Parent!Involvement!Activities! D!!Professional!Development!Plan!for!3!years! !

! Page!41+ !

! ! !




The!evidence!listed!here!is!not!an! exhaustive!list!of!items!to!support!plan! implementation.!!They!are!provided! here!as!examples!only.! ! !!

Getting'Started! This!column!is!intended!as!a!guide!to!assist!you!and!your!School!Improvement! Team!in!writing!your!redesign!plan.!!Sample!text!is!provided!below!for!each! section!so!that!you!can!have!a!side<by<side!writing!reference!tool.! ! Writing!samples!are!provided!directly!across!from!each!text!box!to!give!you!an! idea!of!how!you!might!describe!your!approach!to!each!requirement.!!All!of! the!names,!data,!and!materials!described!below!are!fictional.!!Please! customize!your!plan!to!fit!your!schools!circumstances!and!data.! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !


The!guidance!serves!as!supplemental!information! for!redesign!plan!authors!and!reviewers.!!This! guidance!does!not!impose!any!requirements!beyond! those!required!to!comply!with!applicable!law!or! regulations.!!! ! The!guidance!provided!herewith!are!excerpts!drawn! from!SECTION!1003(g)!OF!THE!ELEMENTARY!AND! SECONDARY!EDUCATION!ACT!OF!1965,!dated!March! 1,!2012.!From!the!U.S.!Department!of!Education,! Office!of!Elementary!and!Secondary!Education.! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In<person!meeting!with!reform! team! Letter!of!Commitment!signed!by! all!team!members! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

' ' Nicholas!Jennings,!Principal,!! ' Nancy!Wycoff,!Asst.!Principal,!! ' Christopher!McClellan,!President!<Teachers!Union,!! ' Scott!Reed,!Counselor,!! ' Mary!Harrison,!Parent!Liaison,!! ' John!Jefferson,!ISD!Special!Ed./ELL!Support,!! ' Madison!Beamer,!Student,!! ' Jason!Lowery,!Data!Coordinator,!! Helen!Spelling,!Central!Office!Rep.,!! ' Thomas!Mielton,!Chair,!Chamber!of!Commerce,!! ' Bernice!Daley,!Professor,!Local!University,!! ! ' Jamie!Smart,!Curriculum!Director,!! ' ! ' ! ' ! ' ! ' ! ' ! ' ! ! ' ! ' ! ! Page!42( ! ! !


! GUIDANCE' EVIDENCE' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Copy!of!the!survey!and!results! PLC!schedule!and!intended! outcomes!aligned!to!student!data! Copy!of!school!schedule!before!and! after!redesign!plan!





' '
Recruitment!Process! Resume!of!new!principal! Board!decision!to!hire!with!start! date! Interview!questions!that!reflect! competencies! ! !


Based!on!our!research!from!the!Center&for&CSRI,!we!determined!that:! Two<hour!Professional!Learning!Communities!(PLCs)!will!be!held! weekly!across!grade!levels!every!other!Thursday,!and!by!department! every!other!Wednesday.!Sign<in!sheets,!agendas!and!minutes!will! serve!as!evidence!of!implementation.!!Each!agenda!shall!be!centered! on!student!academic!needs!(CII,&PLCs&that&Work&2011).& We!will!use!the!upcoming!summer!months!to!design!and!build!a! comprehensive!Universal!Design!for!Learning!(UDL)!strategy!to!help! improve!learning!and!instruction!for!all!students.! The!school!day!will!be!extended!by!two!periods!daily!to!increase! math!and!reading!instruction!for!all!students.!!Currently,!the!school! day!ends!at!2:15!p.m.!!With!our!new!plan,!school!will!conclude!at! 4:15!p.m.!!This!schedule!will!begin!in!Sept.!2013!(MassInsight,&2010).! ! A!Culture!and!Climate!survey!was!administered!to!teachers!in!the!fall!of! 2011.!!Eighty!percent!of!the!staff!indicated!a!need!for!more!time!to! collaborate/analyze!and!reflect!on!data,!and!develop!intervention! strategies!for!students.!!PLCs!and!UDL!strategies!were!selected!based!on! this!feedback.! The!building!principal,!Ms.!Harriet!Bloomberg!was!replaced!in!October,! 2012.!!A!joint!labor<management!committee!was!formed!and!agreed! upon!the!qualities!needed!in!a!school!leader.!!A!broad!search!was! conducted!among!local,!regional!and!national!mediums.!!The!new! principal,!Ms.!Frances!Chafee,!will!fill!the!position!beginning!11.12.12.! Ms.!Chafee!has!experience!in!reforming!six!schools.!!She!possesses!all!of! the!leadership!qualities!desired!in!a!turnaround!leader!including! communicating!a!compelling!vision,!organizational!commitment,!team! leadership,!conceptual!thinking,!teamwork!and!cooperation,!influence,! showing!confidence,!solving!problems,!and!driving!for!results!(Learning& Point&Associates,&2010).!!Her!resume!(See'Exh.'A)!has!been!uploaded.! A'turnaround'model'is'one'in'which'an'LEA'must' do'the'following:' Replace!the!principal!and!grant!the!principal! sufficient!operational!flexibility!(including!in!staffing,! calendars/time,!and!budgeting)!to!implement!fully!a! comprehensive!approach!in!order!to!substantially! improve!student!achievement!outcomes!and! increase!high!school!graduation!rates! ! What'are'locally'adopted'competencies?'A! competency,!which!is!a!skill!or!consistent!pattern! of!thinking,!feeling,!acting,!or!speaking!that!causes!a! person!to!be!effective!in!a!particular!job!or!role,!is!a! key!predictor!of!how!someone!will!perform!at!work.!! ! The!LEA!should!identify!educators!with!the!unique!!

! ! !


EVIDENCE' ! ! Schedules!of!the!school!day,!week,! year!showing!before!and!after! reform!plan!timelines/schedules! ! ! ! Copy!of!Assurances! List!of!competencies!and!statement! of!rationale! !




GUIDANCE' ! qualities!that!equip!them!to!succeed!in!the! turnaround!environment!and!can!help!ensure!a! strong!match!between!teachers!and!particular! turnaround!schools.!!!It!is!important!to!develop!a!set! of!competencies!specifically!designed!to!identify! staff!that!can!be!effective!in!a!turnaround!situation! because,!in!a!turnaround!school,!failure!has!become! an!entrenched!way!of!life!for!students!and!staff,!and! staff!members!need!stronger!and!more!consistent! habits!in!critical!areas!to!transform!the!schools! wide<scale!failure!into!learning!success.!! ! Examples!of!locally!adopted!competencies!might! include!acting!with!initiative!and!persistence,! planning!ahead,!flexibility,!respect!for!and!sensitivity! to!norms!of!interaction!in!different!situations,!self< confidence,!team!leadership,!developing!others,! analytical!thinking,!and!conceptual!thinking.!!!


Operational'flexibility!shall!be!achieved!by!offering!students!choices!for! learning.!!Students!may!choose!to!take!up!to!3!classes!in!an!on<line! format;!or!they!may!choose!to!go!to!school!during!the!2nd!shift,! allowing!some!students!to!begin!school!at!10:00!a.m.!and!conclude!at! 4:15,!but!take!on<line!classes!to!complete!their!schedule.!!A!Saturday! school!format!will!also!be!offered!to!AP!students!who!may!not!need!the! additional!time!for!math!and!reading!M<F.!Teachers!who!facilitate!small! student!learning!groups!who!get!together!routinely!to!analyze!lectures! and!share!tips!and!strategies,!will!be!provided!with!flexible!self<designed! professional!development!based!on!the!needs!identified!through!the!SEC! (Survey!of!Enacted!Curriculum).!The!School!Redesign!Team!will!provide! oversight!of!the!flex!schedules!to!determine!their!effectiveness.!A!copy!of! the!current!and!future!school!day!schedule!has!been!uploaded!(See'Exh.' B).!(HS!$$)! On!Aug.!20,!2012,!the!School!Reform!Team!met!to!develop!the! competencies!desired!for!school!leadership.!A!2011!SWOT!analysis! revealed!a!need!for!more!internal!accountability,!instructional!leadership! and!resource!management.!!The!team!took!these!needs!into! consideration!and!added!competencies!such!as!communicating!a! compelling!vision,!organizational!commitment,!team!leadership,! conceptual!thinking,!teamwork!and!cooperation,!influence,!showing! confidence,!solving!problems,!and!driving!for!results!(Learning&Point& Associates,&2010).&!The!school!board!will!use!these!competencies!to! measure!the!effectiveness!of!the!school!leader.!!An!earned!doctorate!in! educational!leadership!was!also!added!as!a!leader!requirement.!!!! A!rigorous!review!process!(See'Exh.'C)!was!agreed!upon!by!the!Reform! Team.!!The!process!includes!screening!of!both!instructional!and!non< instructional!staff!in!determining!to!rehire!no!more!than!50!percent.!! Each!employee!must!produce!4!recommendation!letters!not!older!than!a! year,!a!portfolio!of!work,!an!SEC!assessment!and!three!samples!of! student!outcomes.!Each!staff!member!will!be!ranked!on!competencies! including!acting!with!initiative!and!persistence,!planning!ahead,!flexibility,! respect!for!and!sensitivity!to!norms!of!interaction!in!different!situations,! self<confidence,!team!leadership,!developing!others,!analytical!thinking,! and!conceptual!thinking.!!In!addition!to!assessing!a!candidates!subject!! Must'50%'of'all'staff'be'replaced?' As!used!in!the!discussion!of!a!turnaround!model,! staff!includes!all!instructional!staff,!but!an!LEA!has! discretion!to!determine!whether!or!not!staff!also! includes!non<instructional!staff.!!An!LEA!may!decide! that!it!is!appropriate!to!include!non<instructional! staff!in!the!definition!of!staff,!as!all!members!of!a! schools!staff!contribute!to!the!school!environment! and!are!important!to!the!success!of!a!turnaround! model.! ! ! ! !

List!of!staff!before!and!after! replacements! Copy!of!review!process! Copies!of!SEC!reports! Search!and!selection!process!

! ! !


EVIDENCE' ! ! ! ! ! ! !


GUIDANCE' In!determining!the!number!of!staff!members!that! may!be!rehired,!an!LEA!should!count!the!total! number!of!staff!positions!(however!staff!is!defined)! within!the!school!in!which!the!model!is!being! implemented,!including!any!positions!that!may!be! vacant!at!the!time!of!the!implementation.!!! ! Is'an'LEA'implementing'the'turnaround'model' required'to'use'financial'incentives,'increased' opportunities'for'promotion'and'career'growth,' and'more'flexible'conditions'as'strategies'to' recruit,'place,'and'retain'staff'with'the'skills' necessary'to'meet'the'needs'of'the'students'in'a' turnaround'model?'' No.!!The!specific!strategies!mentioned!in!this! requirement!are!merely!examples!of!the!types!of! strategies!an!LEA!might!use!to!recruit,!place,!and! retain!staff!with!the!skills!necessary!to!meet!the! needs!of!the!students!in!a!school!implementing!the! turnaround!model.!!An!LEA!is!not!obligated!to!use! these!particular!strategies,!so!long!as!it!implements! some!strategies!that!are!designed!to!recruit,!place,! and!retain!the!appropriate!staff.! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

SAMPLE'PLAN'CONTENT' ! knowledge!and!mastery!of!specific!instructional!practices,!the!team!will! use!interviews!that!ask!about!past!practice!in!the!classroom!or!situational! scenarios,!reviewing!writing!samples,!observing!teaching!and!non< teaching!staff!in!their!classrooms/work!environment,!and!presenting! information!to!a!group!of!parents!(USDE,&March&2012).!!Each!screening! will!also!include!finger!printing!(as!required!by!law),!a!credit!report,!and!a! physical!exam!(including!drug!test).!($)! ! Teachers!and!support!staff!will!have!multiple!opportunities!for! promotion'and'career'growth'through!volunteering!for!special!projects! such!as!AdvancED!work,!School!Improvement!Plan!committee,!the! Internal!Professional!Learning!Committee,!etc.!!Teachers!may!also!serve! on!MDE!curriculum!committees!or!assist!with!county<wide!research! projects!through!the!local!ISD.!!Opportunities!are!also!provided!to! become!Principal!for!a!Day!if!the!teacher!demonstrates!perfect! attendance.!!A!1<week!teacher!exchange!program!is!also!available!with! two!participating!Reward!schools.!!Highly!effective!teachers!and!staff!are! recruited!and!retained!using!our!district!marketing!program!(See'Exh.'D)! which!includes!after!hours!gym!access,!teacher!of!the!month!parking,!and! free!coffee.!!Performance!based!incentives!will!be!awarded!on!a! staggered!schedule!based!on!1)!multiple!indicators!that!align!with!reform! requirements;!2)!performance!over!a!3<year!cycle;!and!3)!professional! service!within!and!beyond!the!school,!validated!by!a!community!of!peers! not!confined!to!immediate!associates!(The&Fourth&Way,&Hargreaves&and& Shirley,&2009,&p.&91).&!New!teachers!receive!a!small,!medium!or!large!gift! certificate!to!purchase!a!current!technology!device!for!personal!and/or! classroom!use.!!A!SurveyMonkey!job!satisfaction!survey!will!be!given! annually!with!the!data!shared!at!the!start!of!the!year.!!Plans!will!be! refined!based!on!the!data.!(NJ!!$$)!

Teacher/Staff!incentive!program! and!criteria!for!awards! Recruitment,!placement!and! retention!process/strategies! List!of!committee!members! Memos,!letters,!e<mails,!photos,! receipts! !

! ! ! ! ! !

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! Professional!development!calendar! Professional!development!handouts! Professional!development!sign<in! sheets! ! ! ! ! ! Rationale!for!selecting!the! governance!model!and!its! connection!to!the!big!picture!


! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

GUIDANCE' ' School!administrators!and!teacher/leaders!will!attend!every!MDE'PD! What'is'jobZembedded'professional'development?'' session!and!webinar!to!garner!strategies!from!peers!about!successful! ' plan!implementation.!!The!local!university!and!ISD!will!serve!in!an! Job<embedded!professional!development!is! ongoing!research/application!role!in!coaching!teachers!in!contemporary! professional!learning!that!occurs!at!a!school!as! pedagogy!and!technology!integration.!!A!minimum!of!three!action! educators!engage!in!their!daily!work!activities.!!It!is! research!projects!will!be!implemented!annually!in!conjunction!with!the! closely!connected!to!what!teachers!are!asked!to!do! local!university.!!The!PLC!group!will!study!one!relevant!research!piece! in!the!classroom!so!that!the!skills!and!knowledge! weekly!based!on!school!data.!!A!3<yr.!PD!plan!has!been!uploaded!(See' gained!from!such!learning!can!be!immediately! Exh.'E)'and!reflects!teacher!needs!based!on!the!SEC!and!student!data.! transferred!to!classroom!instructional!practices.!!! (NJ,!BD!$)! Job<embedded!professional!development!can!take! many!forms,!including,!but!not!limited!to,!classroom! A!new'governance'model!(See'Exh.'F)!will!be!implemented!at!the!school.!! coaching,!structured!common!planning!time,! As!a!Priority!school,!it!will!be!first!in!line!for!resources!from!the!district! meetings!with!mentors,!consultation!with!outside! (ERS,&School&,&2010).!!A!diagonal!slice!team!of! experts,!and!observations!of!classroom!practice.! 5!staff!members!(2!of!whom!will!be!teachers)!will!hold!weekly!innovation! ! meetings!coached!by!the!principal.!!The!5!staff!members!shall!be! ! nominated!and!voted!upon!during!the!first!all<school!staff!meeting.!!The! ! team!shall!remain!in!place!for!the!duration!of!the!reform!plan.!!Members! ! of!the!team!shall!help!form!the!schools!succession!plan!to!help!maintain! ! continuity!of!culture!and!curriculum.!The!team!shall!determine!internal! ! policy,!procedures,!disciplinary!rules,!PBS!programming,!etc.!!Student! Does'the'requirement'to'implement'an' voice!will!also!be!included!with!a!student!from!each!grade!level!at!the! instructional'program'that'is'researchZbased'and' table.!!This!will!help!promote!a!culture!of!mutual!responsibility!and! aligned'(vertically'and'with'State'standards)' togetherness.!! require'adoption'of'a'new'or'revised'instructional' program?''' The!school!will!work!collaboratively!with!the!ISD!to!carefully!identify,! ' review!and!select!valid,!reliable!data'and'assessment'tools.!!Instruction! Not!necessarily.!!In!implementing!a!turnaround! will!be!aligned!with!Michigans!Common!Core!Curriculum!and!academic! model,!an!LEA!must!use!data!to!identify!an! objectives.!!The!curriculum!will!be!further!aligned!by!grade!during!bi< instructional!program!that!is!research<based!and! weekly!PLC!meetings!during!spring!break,!2013.!!The!culturally!responsive! vertically!aligned!as!well!as!aligned!with!State! instructional!program!will!include!a!variety!of!word!processing;!web! academic!standards.!!! resources;!organizing!and!brainstorming!software;!data!collection!tools! ! and!multimedia!to!perform!project<based!learning!in!a!Universal!Design! ! for!Learning!format!(!!Accelerated!pacing!guides!for!math! ! and!reading!ELT,!along!with!flexible!curriculum!supplements!will!be! ! provided!by!the!district.!(JS)! !

Alignment!to!state!standards! Alignment!between!grades! Pacing!guides! Data!walls! Class!and!student!test!results! List!of!interventions!and!frequency! of!implementation! Demographic!profile!of!RtI! recipients!

! ! !




SAMPLE'PLAN'CONTENT' ! Schoolwide!benchmarking'data!will!be!gathered!and!reported!three! times!per!year.!!Measurements!such!as!academic!performance!(AMLE,& 2012,&Formative&and&Summative&Assessments&in&the&Classroom,&Catherine& Garrison&&&Michael&Ehringhaus),!disciplinary!referrals,!student!and!staff! attendance,!and!student!enrichment!surveys!will!be!monitored!during!all< staff!meetings.!!Classroom!teachers!will!monitor!individual!student! progress!on!a!monthly!basis.!!Cross<teacher!collaboration!will!help! determine!where!adjustments!need!to!be!made!to!differentiate! instruction.!!An!RtI!model!will!be!implemented!in!Sept.!2013!! (!$)! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

EVIDENCE' ' Benchmarking!data! List!of!enrichment!activities! Attendance!at!enrichment!activities!


Schedules!of!the!school!day,!week,! year!showing!before!and!after! reform!plan!timelines/schedules! !

10. An!Extended'Learning'Time'model!will!be!adapted!from!Doing&What& Works&(,MASS2020!that!will!add!two!hours!on!to!each! school!day.!The!model!will!be!adapted!from!the!Jacob!Hiatt!Magnet! School!(MA)!and!will!include!enrichment!activities!such!as!leadership! courses,!character!courses,!exposure!to!STEM!careers,!etc.!!A!student! survey!will!be!administered!at!the!end!of!the!school!year!prior!to! designing!the!activities.!!Community!members!will!be!involved!in!each! enrichment!program!as!coaches/facilitators.!!Assurances!for!ELT!have! been!crafted!and!signed!by!labor!and!management!(See'Exh.'G).'(SR!$$)!


11. The!Reform!Team!will!research!effective!socialZemotional'and' community!oriented!practices!at!!!or! the!National!Center!for!Family!and!Community!Connections.!!A! determination!will!then!be!made!regarding!which!strategy!will!be! implemented!to!meet!this!requirement.!!The!team!will!also!use!the! Handbook&on&Family&and&Community&Engagement,&Sam&Redding,&Marilyn& Murphy,&&&Pamela&Sheley,&2011&as&a&reference.&(MH)! !

GUIDANCE' ! ! What'is'the'definition'of'increased'learning' time?''' ' Increased!learning!time!means!increasing!the! length!of!the!school!day,!week,!or!year!to! significantly!increase!the!total!number!of!school! hours!so!as!to!include!additional!time!for!(a)! instruction!in!core!academic!subjects!including! English,!reading!or!language!arts,!mathematics,! science,!foreign!languages,!civics!and!government,! economics,!arts,!history,!and!geography;!(b)! instruction!in!other!subjects!and!provision!of! enrichment!activities!that!contribute!to!a!well< rounded!education,!such!as!physical!education,! service!learning,!and!experiential!and!work<based! learning!opportunities;!and!(c)!teachers!to! collaborate,!plan,!and!engage!in!professional! development!within!and!across!grades!and!subjects.! ! ! ! SocialZemotional'and'communityZoriented'services! that!may!be!offered!to!students!in!a!school! implementing!a!turnaround!model!may!include,!but! are!not!limited!to:!(a)!safety!programs;!(b)! community!stability!programs!that!reduce!the! mobility!rate!of!students!in!the!school;!or!(c)!family! and!community!engagement!programs!that!support! a!range!of!activities!designed!to!build!the!capacity!of! parents!and!school!staff!to!work!together!to! improve!student!academic!achievement,!such!as!a! family!literacy!program!for!parents!who!need!to! improve!their!literacy!skills!in!order!to!support!their! childrens!learning.!!!

Calendar!of!community!service! activities! Social!worker!hours!and!nature!of! student!interactions!by!category! Agendas!for!PBS!meetings! List!of!parent!volunteers!and!their! roles! Sign<in!sheets!of!community! volunteers!

! ! !


' ! !

Assurances/Attachments:' A!!New!Principal!Resume! B!!Current!and!Future!Student/School!Calendars!and! schedules!including!teacher!collaboration!time! C!!Rehire!Review!Process! D!!Marketing/Recruitment/Retention!Plan! E!!Professional!Development!Calendar!for!3!years! F!!New!Governance!Model/Organizational!Chart! G!Extended!Learning!Time!Addendum!to!Contract! !

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Rapid Turnaround Considerations

Recent research ndings from the Center for Innovation and Improvement (, as well as the practices of implementation science and change management, have identied a number of strategies to implementation that should foster for effective and efcient implementation of the reform plan. Many of these can be built into the reform planning effort and reform plan itself when identifying the processes that will be used by schools to implement the various requirements of their selected intervention model. These strategies are cross-platform practices that do not specically apply to a given requirement, but address the way in which schools and districts go about implementing the requirement. When considering the plan requirements, look to incorporate the following practices in the reform plan for schools: 1. Dene the path. Plans should have broad goals and outcomes for a three year reform effort, but should acknowledge that there are several intermediate steps to achieve these goals. Plan requirements should identify some of these steps, along with intermediate outcomes (and evidence to analyze progress) to achieve the broader goal. 2. Evaluate progress along the way using relevant data. Plans are often diverted from their primary goal by unforeseen barriers or situations that arise, which can often derail the entire effort. Plans should incorporate strategies to evaluate the progress toward each of the plan requirements with data, and should utilize input from multiple stakeholders. The plan should address how progress will be evaluated to adjust the activities or strategies for each requirement of the plan as necessary. Progress should not be identied by the particular activity or goal alone, but also for the impact of these efforts on the mindset of stakeholders in the school. 3. Ensure initial successes. For schools with persistent problems, the mindset of stakeholders in the school for reform is just as important as the actual plan for implementation, and many of these individuals will likely have a negative view toward such reform efforts. Plans should incorporate strategies that allow schools and districts to identify initial activities for each requirement that will be relatively easy to implement and have achievable outcomes that show people that the task can be accomplished. These may grow in complexity over time, but should focus on easily implemented or replicable efforts before adding details or relying upon institutional habits that may be required for accomplishing the broader goal. 4. Be willing to experiment. Schools that are struggling often want to rely on the practices of long-term school improvement as ways to change, yet these may not offer the more dramatic changes that are required to truly reform. Schools should identify some strategies or practices where they are willing to try out-of-the-box methods to accomplish broader goals that they just cannot do quickly otherwise. Plan requirements may incorporate actions that are experimental in nature, and use the strategy of a pilot effort to experiment with the action and work out any problems before implementing school-wide. Likewise, detailed plans should not be so rigid and dependent upon experimental efforts for full implementation.
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Incorporating Turnaround Principles into the Plan In order to apply these principals to the reform planning and implementation effort for your school, you should consider some of the following questions during the plan development process. If you can address the main question rst, then you should pose the subquestions during your planning, and consider your responses to include in your plan. 1. What is your goal for this reform plan requirement? Does is reect your big picture goals for your reform effort? If so, consider the following: a. What are the outcomes for this goal? b. What do you see as the intermediate steps to accomplish this goal? c. What would the outcome be for each intermediate step? 2. How long will it take to accomplish the goal for this plan requirement or process? a. How long will it take to accomplish the intermediate steps for this goal? b. Is there a regular schedule you can implement for completion and review of the intermediate steps - generally two months or less in time? c. How will you re-evaluate the pace of implementation and adjust the schedule? How often will you do this? 3. Who will be implementing this particular requirement or intermediate step? a. Is there a point person who is coordinating this effort? b. Is the effort going to have a staged roll-out with a few leaders implementing the effort rst (pilot)? If so, who, and why will this person/group be appropriate for the roll-out? c. Does this effort require someone with leadership skills or special knowledge to support others in implementation? If so, who will it be, what skills/knowledge are required, and how will this take place? d. Who is involved in what stages of the process, and who has input on the evaluation or update of this approach as you move from strategy to strategy? 4. How will this effort be evaluated for implementation and progress? a. What data/observations/evidence will be gathered to gauge/review progress? b. Is such data gathered now? If not, what will the process be to gather such data? c. Will there be opportunities for collaborative reection or dialogue about the implementation effort or outcomes? d. Is different data required at different times? e. How will you change what is evaluated, gathered, or analyzed over time? 5. What is the effect of the effort on the school, community, teachers, or students? a. How can this strategy support the overall climate for the reform effort? b. How will the effort ensure buy-in and collaborative input to the process?

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Research Findings on Rapid School Turnaround

There are a number of research efforts that have been done on rapid turnaround or transformation in recent years that may be helpful in identifying strategies or models for implementation. The Council of Great City Schools released a (Fall, 2011) study entitled Pieces of the Puzzle: Factors in the Improvement of Urban School Districts on The National Assessment of Educational Progress. Authors of the study conducted what they called a Traditional Urban District Assessment (TUDA). In short, the report found that cities like Austin, Boston, Charlotte, Houston, New York City, and San Diego outperformed their large city peers in mathematics in both fourth and eighth grades. Of the 11 TUDA districts studied, the Atlanta Public Schools made signicant and the most consistent improvements in reading between 2003 and 2007 at both the fourth- and eighth-grade levels. Austin, Boston, and Charlotte outperformed their large-city peers in both fourth and eighth grades in reading in 2009, New York Citys fourth graders scored higher than their large city peers, and Charlotte outperformed their national peers in fourth-grade reading. The following article also provides a brief summary of the report that is extremely useful The following page shows a table that summarizes the ndings of this report.

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Reviewing Each Requirement

Before you begin to draft your response to any requirement, use the following document as a guide for dialogue about the requirement, and as a way to plan your strategy for addressing the requirement. It is best to have one person facilitate the dialogue, and another document the comments or discussion to answer each question. State the requirement:

1. Review the Requirement What is the intent of the requirement?

What aspects of this requirement need denition, clarication, or added details to help you proceed?

What are the key components of the requirement?

How might this requirement apply to low performing schools?

How might this requirement apply to your school?

2. Review the Research What does the research suggest about this particular requirement? Use sources like the Center for Innovation and Improvement, the USED What Works site, or the School Turnaround Ofce website. Links to these are provided at

What does your own data tell you about where your school stands relative to this requirement?

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3. Review Examples of Successful Reform Plans See examples of successful plan submissions for each requirement at http://

4. Consider the context in your school / district? What is the current situation for this requirement in your school?

What evidence / data do you have to support this? What do you need?

What are the constraints that will affect this requirement?

What data would be helpful to know for your school or district?

How could you or others investigate this issue further in the coming weeks?

5. Review the data (and other information) for your school What does the data suggest as a problem to address?

What kinds of changes would you look for in your school?

6. Brainstorm strategies to include in your plan 7. Can the strategies be structured in a way to foster rapid turnaround?

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Reform Plan Requirements

The following reform plan requirements come from the Turnaround or Transformation models. This section provides the requirement, any additional information or explanation about the requirement, either from legislation or School Reform Ofce (SRO) recommendations, and a list of indicators of successful implementation of these requirements based upon state and federal guidance. Use these indicators as a means to consider strategies to employ for your reform plan.

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REPLACE THE PRINCIPAL (Transformation Requirement #1; Turnaround Requirement #1) SRO Comments: This requirement comes from a recognition that schools need leadership to implement turnaround efforts, and that schools engaged in turnaround need to see rapid improvement and success in implementing these strategies. Schools in the bottom 5% with relatively new principals may be trying to implement such reforms, yet have not seen these result in gains in student achievement as identied through standardized assessments yet. This is the federal justication of the two-year rule where principals who have been in that position for two years or less are exempt from this requirement. The broader goal of this requirement is to develop greater leadership capacity within the school in order to effectively implement the reform efforts of the plan. The plan should not focus on the principal alone, but on broader leadership considerations for the school, including district leadership and the connection to building leadership, building leadership personnel, and the considerations of leadership for the change process. Indicators of success in implementation Reform oriented building leader is in place, and expectations for performance and outcomes are clearly dened Collaborative Team Structure in place for reform efforts and governance Leadership team communicates regularly with all staff Principal actively participates with school teams and connects efforts to other staff, district, and community. Principal monitors use of data, curriculum and instruction, and other achievement related efforts. District and building staff view principal as a change leader District utilizes building level decision-making practices where appropriate and supports such efforts by removing operational barriers. Plan considerations: If replacing the principal some time in the future, explain when that will be done, what the screening process will be like, what the goals for the process are, what qualities you are looking for, and what specic efforts the principal will undertake in the school to ensure success and effective leadership. If the principal has already been replaced at the time of the plan submission, provide an explanation of how this individual was identied, the process or screening or hiring, and what is happening with the principal that is being replaced.

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COLLABORATIVE PROCESS USED TO CREATE A TEACHER / LEADER EVALUATION PLAN THAT INCLUDES STUDENT GROWTH AS A SIGNIFICANT FACTOR (Transformation Requirement #2) SRO Comments: This requirement essentially replicates legislation that required districts to develop educator evaluations that utilize student achievement as a major factor in the nal metric to determine effectiveness. Plans should address this, but also discuss the implementation process, and how the plan will prepare for the nal requirements and recommendations of the Michigan Council for Education Evaluation, which will be piloting their evaluation process and supports during 2012-13. Indicators of success in implementation Plan, including process, rubric, documentation, and appeal process are developed collaboratively by teachers, administration, other stakeholders Principal and other teachers evaluate instruction regularly through class observations, curriculum review, review of student work, and other practices Review process includes supports for improvement of instruction to address unsound teaching practices Information from evaluations is used for professional development planning Evaluation plan includes rubrics for instruction and curriculum planning that focus on standards, student engagement, and research-based instructional practices Evaluation plan is aligned to instructional models, school-wide instructional practices, data-based decisions on student achievement and other related inputs. Evaluation plan utilizes metrics that incorporate student growth at legislated levels using common assessments, and result in appropriate effectiveness determinations.

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IDENTIFY AND REWARD SCHOOL LEADERS / TEACHERS / STAFF WHO HAVE INCREASED STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AND REMOVE THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN GIVEN MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES TO IMPROVE PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE AND NOT INCREASED STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT (Transformation Requirement #3) SRO Comments: See the recent research document from the Center for Innovation and Improvement focusing on this topic. Indicators of success in implementation A. The school and district have a plan to identify and reward schools leaders, teachers, and staff that have increased student achievement Protocols are in place to ensure transparency/fairness of the reward plan Inclusion of non-monetary incentives Training of evaluators is thorough and ensures delity Secure sufcient funding as well as policy decisions to ensure long-term sustainability Performance-based incentives based on valid data (links to outcomes) and clear goals for performance at varying levels
B. The district/school has a plan to remove personnel that have been given multiple

chances to improve practice and did not. Focus on instruction and student achievement improvement Protocols in place for evaluation, probation, and dismissal and protocols are transparent and fair. Work with unions and teachers to establish protocols and outcomes, and to reform seniority rights and job protections for quick, performance-based dismissals Set clear goals for satisfactory performance Establish training system to support teachers with unsatisfactory performance

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PROVIDE STAFF WITH ONGOING, HIGH QUALITY, JOB EMBEDDED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT THAT IS ALIGNED AND DESIGNED TO ENSURE THAT STAFF CAN FACILITATE EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING (Transformation Requirement #4; Turnaround Requirement #7) SRO Comments: The School Reform Ofce is initiating two programs to support this effort in schools. The SRO will lead a professional learning program for Instructional Leadership Teams, who will implement supports at the school. Similarly, an online professional learning tool (Next Network) will be provided to all schools for the rst year on the Priority list to support instructional efforts, including the integration of the Common Core State Standards. Schools should also consider Michigans new policy statement for professional learning, which was adopted by the State Board of Education in 2011. It includes many guidelines and considerations for the development of professional learning efforts in schools. Indicators of success in implementation A. The school has a plan that is well dened and occurs on a regular basis with followup and support aligned with instructional needs. Professional learning activities are job-embedded Options for teachers to implement PD ideas in their classrooms within a short period of the learning activity Options for sharing changes in classroom practice Options for reecting on classroom practice and revisiting skills/topics over time School staff involved in design of PD plan School culture supports and values ongoing learning
B. The schools plan for professional learning differentiates for varying needs of school

personnel. Aligned to needs identied by staff evaluation Aligned to needs identied by student performance Plan provides time and activities for collaboration Plan provides time and activities for active learning Plan allows for teachers with different experience/skill to mentor and support others

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USE LOCALLY ADOPTED COMPETENCIES TO MEASURE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF STAFF WHO CAN WORK WITHIN THE TURNAROUND ENVIRONMENT TO MEET STUDENT NEEDS (Turnaround Requirement #3) Before addressing this requirement, it is best to review the following denition of locally adopted competencies when examining options for implementation. A competency, which is a skill or consistent pattern of thinking, feeling, acting, or speaking that causes a person to be effective in a particular job or role, is a key predictor of how someone will perform at work. Given that every teacher brings a unique skill set to the classroom, thoughtfully developed assessments of such competencies can be used as part of a rigorous recruitment, screening, and selection process to identify educators with the unique qualities that equip them to succeed in the turnaround environment and can help ensure a strong match between teachers and particular turnaround schools. As part of a rigorous recruitment, screening and selection process, assessments of turnaround teachers competencies can be used by the principal or district leader to distinguish between very high performers and more typical or lower-performing teachers in a turnaround setting. Although an LEA may already have and use a set of tools to screen for appropriate competencies as part of it normal hiring practices, it is important to develop a set of FY 2010 Guidance 28 competencies specically designed to identify staff that can be effective in a turnaround situation because, in a turnaround school, failure has become an entrenched way of life for students and staff, and staff members need stronger and more consistent habits in critical areas to transform the schools wide-scale failure into learning success. While each LEA should identify the skills and expertise needed for its local context, in addition to reviewing evidence of effectiveness in previous teaching positions (or other preservice experience) in the form of recommendations, portfolios, or student outcomes, examples of locally adopted competencies might include acting with initiative and persistence, planning ahead, exibility, respect for and sensitivity to norms of interaction in different situations, self-condence, team leadership, developing others, analytical thinking, and conceptual thinking. The value and utility of turnaround competencies for selection are dependent on the process by which an LEA or school leader or team uses them. In addition to assessing a candidates subject knowledge and mastery of specic instructional practices that the turnaround school uses, using a robust and multi-tiered selection process that includes interviews that ask about past practice in the classroom or situational scenarios, reviewing writing samples, observing teachers in their classrooms, and asking teachers to perform job-related tasks such as presenting information to a group of parents, are all common techniques used to screen candidates against turnaround competencies.

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Note that these are merely examples of a process and set of competencies an LEA might measure and use in screening and selecting staff to meet the unique needs of the schools in which it will implement a turnaround model. Indicators of success in implementation A. The school has a plan that includes competencies being used to measure the ability of staff to work with students. Plan, including process, rubric, documentation, and appeal process are developed collaboratively by teachers, administration, other stakeholders Evaluation plan includes rubrics for instruction and curriculum planning that focus on standards, student engagement, and research-based instructional practices Evaluation plan is aligned to instructional models, school-wide instructional practices, data-based decisions on student achievement and other related inputs. B. The school is using an evaluation tool that reects these competencies for evaluating staff Principal and other teachers evaluate instruction regularly through class observations, curriculum review, review of student work, and other practices Review process includes supports for improvement of instruction to address unsound teaching practices Information from evaluations is used for professional development planning

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SCREEN ALL EXISTING STAFF AND REHIRE NO MORE THAN 50 PERCENT AND IMPLEMENT STRATEGIES TO SELECT NEW STAFF AND RETAIN THEM (Turnaround Requirements #4 and #5) SRO Comments: It is best to use the U.S. Department of Education denitions for staff when using the turnaround model, as with these requirements. See notes below on the denition of staff for this model: As used in the discussion of a turnaround model, staff includes all instructional staff, but an LEA has discretion to determine whether or not staff also includes noninstructional staff. An LEA may decide that it is appropriate to include non-instructional staff in the denition of staff, as all members of a schools staff contribute to the school environment and are important to the success of a turnaround model. In determining the number of staff members that may be rehired, an LEA should count the total number of staff positions (however staff is dened) within the school in which the model is being implemented, including any positions that may be vacant at the time of the implementation. For example, if a school has a total of 100 staff positions, only 90 of which are lled at the time the model is implemented, the LEA may rehire 50 staff members; the LEA is not limited to rehiring only 45 individuals (50 percent of the lled staff positions). (See G-1c for additional information on how an LEA should determine the number of staff members that must be replaced when taking advantage of the exibility to continue or complete interventions that have been implemented within the last two years.) (Modied for FY 2010 Guidance)

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DETAIL HOW THE SCHOOL WILL IMPLEMENT STRATEGIES SUCH AS INCREASED OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROMOTION AND CAREER GROWTH, AND/ OR FLEXIBLE WORKING CONDITIONS DESIGNED TO RECRUIT AND RETAIN STAFF TO MEET THE NEEDS OF STUDENTS (Transformation Requirement #5; Turnaround Requirement #6) Indicators of success in implementation A. The school has a plan to recruit staff based on student needs. Decisions regarding identication of staff needs are based on data Members of the school reform team are involved in the interview process Interview questions are based on best practices for interviewing educators, and include a focus on experiences and views related to school reform plan objectives.
B. The school has a plan to retain staff and promote their professional growth.

Promotion/career growth opportunities for staff Flexible working conditions Individual professional development plans Mentoring of new teachers Placement/course assignments are distributed

ADOPT NEW GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE (MAY INCLUDE TURNAROUND OFFICE OR TURNAROUND LEADER WHO REPORTS TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OR CAO) (Turnaround Requirement #8) Indicators of success in implementation The school and district have developed a set of roles/responsibilities and an organization structure for individuals who are in leadership efforts to implement the turnaround or transformation effort in the school. The individuals involved have access to district leadership to inform and recommend district-wide policy practices to support the reform effort. The individuals who are in charge of implementation of the turnaround plan have adequate time to monitor progress of various aspects of the plan, and are utilizing data and input at the school and district level to implement the reform efforts. The school incorporates a reform plan review and evaluation process to monitor aspects of the plan at least once a semester, and to make necessary amendments to the plan periodically, and communicate these changes to stakeholders (including the community and the State School Reform/Redesign Ofce).

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SCHOOL USES DATA TO IDENTIFY AND IMPLEMENT AN INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM THAT IS RESEARCH BASED AND ALIGNED FROM ONE GRADE TO THE NEXT AS WELL AS WITH STATE STANDARDS (Transformation Requirement #6; Turnaround Requirement #9) SRO Comments: It is important when identifying a research-based program that one check to see that the context of the research is similar to the context of the school you wish to utilize the program in. Likewise, the program should align specically with the identied needs of the school, based on analysis of data. Indicators of success in implementation A. The school and district use data to identify and implement research based instructional programs Statewide achievement data and other data are used to identify learning gaps for students as a way to evaluate existing curricula and instruction efforts Content area teams review data to identify standard-specic needs and issues for student learning Teacher groups, including curriculum review teams or school improvement teams, work with district staff and technical assistance providers to identify research-based curricula or resources to support learning New programs are reviewed periodically using data to determine barriers to implementation and student learning, with data informing professional development efforts focusing on implementation of the instructional program
B. The school has aligned instructional programs with state standards and vertically by

grade level. The school/district has a curriculum map and schedule that identies what standards (Common Core or other national standards, along with statewide curriculum expectations) are addressed for each classroom Each specic course has a set of common assessments that are used by teachers to evaluate progress and identify focus areas for improvement on a regular basis Teachers can readily identify what standards they are addressing for an task or unit of instruction, and communicate these to students on a daily basis Vertically aligned standards and tasks build upon students prior knowledge and experiences with the topic Teachers make use of cross-curricular standards, such as the CCSS literacy standards, to ensure that common learning practices in all classes Instructional practices and student tasks for all core content classes are aligned to the appropriate CCSS or other subject area standards to ensure appropriate depth of knowledge.
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SCHOOL PROMOTES THE CONTINUOUS USE OF INDIVIDUAL STUDENT DATA TO INFORM AND DIFFERENTIATE INSTRUCTION (Transformation Requirement #7; Turnaround Requirement #10) SRO Comments: This is an extremely broad requirement, and one that requires signicant effort and time to effectively implement. Schools and districts should develop a path to move to this expectation and the various possible indicators listed below over time, and should evaluate the process along the way. Indicators of success in implementation A. The school provides professional development for staff on the use of data to support instruction Teachers learn to access standardized data for classes and individual students Teachers can conduct/review item level analyses to determine students prior knowledge and/or common misconceptions that require instructional focus Teachers can use pre and post assessments and formative assessment techniques to evaluate learning needs and differentiate learning Teachers are provided with supports for implementing differentiation practices to address student learning Teachers participate in professional learning communities or other PD structures to collaboratively use data or student work to make instructional decisions Teachers actually access group and individual student data and use the data to make instructional decisions on a regular basis

Teachers prepare standards-aligned lessons that include differentiated activities for students with different abilities and learning styles Teachers identify standards and observable learning objectives for any learning activity and communicate these to students Teacher lessons are scheduled to align standards between different teachers and classes for the same course, include common assessments Teachers use graduated questioning or conferring with students to assess progress and provide differentiated learning tasks that address the standards Teachers assess student learning styles, and incorporate a variety of supports for these learning styles in their instruction and student activities Teachers use knowledge of student interests, preferences, academic strengths, and areas of growth to differentiate learning activities for students

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C. Student learning is assessed frequently using standards-based classroom

assessments, and data from this is used to inform instruction and provide specialized support for students Teachers regularly use pre and post assessments to identify potential learning challenges and modify instructional plans for a topic or unit of study Teachers create daily assessments based on outcomes objectives as a way to assess class progress or individual learning needs Teachers use technologies that provide data or feedback on learning to guide instruction Teachers review and assess higher order thinking skills as they relate to the content Teachers seek regular input from all students as a part of regular assessment and questioning
D. Parent communications are frequent and include useful information about learning

activities in the classroom and supports for homework practices Parents are informed regularly of student learning activities and expectations Teachers provide strategies for supporting homework or related learning activities outside of the classroom Parents have access to and use online tools or other communication to provide feedback about student progress and learning needs
E. Teachers effectively employ classroom management practices, including

differentiation and grouping activities, to keep students engaged in learning tasks Teachers create a learning environment in classrooms that focuses on support and encouragement of learning, removes distractions or disruptions, and values learners Teachers establish routines to maximize time and feedback from student learning to support instruction Teachers communicate with all students to build rapport and address issues and practices to support student learning Teachers use appropriate technologies to support learning, and implement practices or norms that minimize distraction and inappropriate use by students Teachers model desired behavioral practices and implement school-wide practices that focus on supporting learning and removing inappropriate distractions Teachers establish norms for individual, small group, large group, and cross group discussion or learning activities to keep students focused on learning tasks

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F. Teachers seek student input, opportunities for technology use, community and

cultural relevance to learning, and use of projects and authentic tasks to engage student learning Teachers identify learning needs of individual students based on a variety of factors including prior knowledge, learning preferences, and learning style assessments to support learning practices of individual students. Teachers use principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to provide a wide array of learning resources and supports for all students. Teachers seek out student interests and relevant cultural connections for students to help personalize the learning in ways that better engage students. Teachers use modern technologies to engage all learners and support 21st century learning goals and contexts for students. G. The school data team has a plan to use statewide and school assessment data to inform and differentiate instruction and school policies. Teachers and the data team conduct item level analyses to identify problematic topics or skills that require special attention during instruction. The data team provides feedback on specic skills and knowledge relative to each student, so that teachers can appropriately differentiate instruction around those skills or content topics. Analyzed data is used to inform school policy decisions that affect instructional practices of all classrooms, including homework practices, use of technologies, or team teaching for students with special learning needs.

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INCREASED TIME FOR CORE ACADEMIC SUBJECTS; ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES FOR STUDENTS; COLLABORATION TIME FOR TEACHERS (Transformation Requirement #8; Turnaround Requirement #11) SRO Comments: This requirement is often one of the most challenging, but can be accomplished a number of ways without signicant additional expense. There are a number of resources around this requirement available at and through the Center for Innovation and Improvement. Indicators of success in implementation A. The school has increased learning time in all core academic subjects Increased learning time is added for all subjects not just those with the greatest need or those being assessed each year with standardized assessments Added instructional time is provided for all students at a time when students can be fully engaged in learning. Classroom instruction maximizes available time for learning tasks for all students, and is scheduled in ways that allow for deep engagement in learning activities. Instructional activities are scheduled to make effective use of time outside of class for learning appropriate tasks Instructional times are exible as needed for specialized activities (i.e. eld trips, research investigations, assemblies, testing, etc.) Instructional time devoted to specic learning activities is a part of the datacollection and review process included in school improvement/reform efforts Teacher evaluation includes a component related to effective use of instructional time for the whole classroom and individuals/small groups The school uses creative strategies (varied fund allocation, ex schedules, online learning activities, etc.) to support extended learning time
B. The school has increased time for enrichment activities for all students

Input from data based on need, student/community interest, and desired learning strategies is included in the planning of enrichment activities. Enrichment activities are collaboratively planned by both school staff and community partners Enrichment activities undergo regular evaluation based on desired outcomes and appropriate learning practices. Enrichment programs are based on community partnerships and are sustainable. Programs create enthusiasm among parents, teachers, students and community leaders and organizations

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Enrichment programs do not undermine research-based learning practices being implemented by the school/district

C. The school has increased the time for collaboration among all teachers

Added time for collaboration occurs on a daily or weekly basis to address ongoing instructional efforts or student progress Added time for collaboration for professional learning and instructional improvement efforts, including curriculum alignment/planning, data review, school policy review, and instructional supports (i.e. lesson study, classroom observation, etc.) Collaboration opportunities include added time/process for student review, such as grade level teams, IEP meetings, and other efforts addressing individual student progress. Collaboration opportunities include school-wide and curriculum specic opportunities to focus on school policy, instructional practices, standardsbased and vertical curriculum alignment, and other related efforts.

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PROVIDE ONGOING MECHANISMS FOR FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT (Transformation Requirement #9; Turnaround Requirement #12) SRO Comments: This requirement is often one of the most challenging, but can be accomplished a number of ways without signicant additional expense. There are a number of resources around this requirement available at and through the Center for Innovation and Improvement. Indicators of success in implementation A. The school is implementing multiple strategies to integrate student families into reform efforts. The school has an effective means of two-way communication with all families based on mutual goals and student outcomes School communication varies in media and format to ensure input and feedback from all families (addressing differences of opinion or logistical constraints) The school have a plan for communicating and collaborating with families on learning efforts and activities when students are not in school Teachers use technologies to communicate with and engage families on issues related to student learning The school and teachers communicate in a positive manner with parents and families to support learning expectations, standards, and typical classroom practice Families are able to participate and engage in decision-making efforts related to school practices and instruction B. The school is implementing multiple strategies to integrate the broader community into reform related activities. The school has an effective means of two-way communication with the broader community based on mutual goals and student outcomes The school and teachers use a common set of technologies to communicate efforts to the community The school works to engage community organizations and individuals in efforts that support teaching and learning, as well as broader school reform efforts The school has an effective process to recruit, accept, organize, and support volunteer participation in school activities or related efforts to support student learning and engagement The school provides opportunities for parent and community input to support efforts specically related to the school reform plan

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PROVIDE OPERATIONAL FLEXIBILITY TO THE SCHOOL (STAFFING, CALENDARS, TIME, AND BUDGETING) TO IMPLEMENT A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO INCREASE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AND GRADUATION RATE (Transformation Requirement #10) Indicators of success in implementation A. The school has an operational plan that provides exibility for stafng and schedule. The school/district identies and uses potential exibility options for stafng and schedule based on data about student engagement/attendance related to schedule The school/district uses scheduling practices that support specialized learning needs of specic students or courses (i.e. block schedules for tasks requiring extended learning time or extended day schedules to improve attendance) The school or district has exible scheduling, transportation, and facilities access to allow for varied schedules for teachers and students. B. The school has a exible schedule designed to improve student attendance / achievement. The school offers exible scheduling options where attendance is problematic, such as late start times. The school has explored various options regarding scheduling of content courses, so that students are in attendance and as engaged as possible during core classes. The school removes scheduling-related barriers that limit instruction in core content areas where possible, including split classes or scaled down class periods, and makes use of technology to make the instructional schedule more efcient. C. The school has exible budgeting strategies to support achievement and graduation issues. The school has budgeted for resources known to engage students and support achievement, including rewards programs, support stafng, and other mechanisms. The school/district works with teachers to identify budgeting options that are appropriate to the topic and level of instruction, and accounts for specialized needs for resource intensive topics. The school works with the district budget ofce and community organizations to address nancial resources based on instructional needs, and utilizes responsible reporting systems to report expenses as instructional, operational, or supplemental.

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THE DISTRICT WILL ENSURE THAT THE SCHOOL RECEIVES ONGOING, INTENSIVE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND RELATED SUPPORT FROM THE DISTRICT, ISD, (Transformation Requirement #10) SRO Comments: This requirement is often one of the most challenging, but can be accomplished a number of ways without signicant additional expense. There are a number of resources around this requirement available at and through the Center for Innovation and Improvement. Indicators of success in implementation A. The district is providing technical assistance to support plan implementation. District related support efforts through professional development or technical assistance services (either internal or purchased through known support providers) address reform plan goals and practices. The school district provides appropriate time and resources to support the school reform effort as a top priority for the school, and removes administrative policies or practices that act as a barrier to reform efforts. B. The school is utilizing non-district sources to provide TA support for implementation. The school has identied multiple support sources available to them through ISD, MDE, or other providers, and is collaborating with those organizations to develop a plan of professional learning and technical assistance aligned with the project plan. The school reform team has developed a plan to taking advantage of external technical assistance in a manner that can be effectively utilized through school policies and instructional practices as support is provided.

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Reform Planning Timeline

2012 Aug 2 Communication Ofce publishes the 2012 Top to Bottom list, identifying Priority/Focus/ Reward schools. State Reform Ofce noties ISD and local superintendents, charter authorizers and administrators, and board presidents with schools on the 2012 Priority list Aug 31 2012 PRIORITY SCHOOLS ARE PLACED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE STATE Reform Ofcer which begins the 90 day timeline for schools to develop a redesign plan Sept 4 LEAs may request their Consolidated Application be returned for adjusting set-asides for Priority Schools Sept 12 1st Technical Assistance meeting with new 2012 Priority Schools Oct 19 Districts register for 2nd Technical Assistance meeting and submit DRAFT redesign plans to the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) to be reviewed at the meeting Oct 31 2nd Technical Assistance meeting-preliminary plan review with the MDE reviewers and additional opportunities for technical assistance Nov 29 Redesign plans must be uploaded to the AdvancED site by close of business Dec 28 Schools are notied of approval or changes required to redesign plans 2013 Jan mplementation activities on approved plans may begin start of 2nd semester Jan 10 Schools requiring changes to the redesign plan will attend one-on-one meetings with the MDE staff to revise plans and address problem areas.

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Jan 28 Revised redesign plans must be uploaded to the AdvancED site by close of business. Feb 27 Schools are notied of approval or disapproval of redesign plans Mar 29 Deadline to appeal to the Superintendent of Public Instruction the decision to disapprove a redesign plan June 30 Progress Assessment/Achieving Satisfactory Results for all lowest achieving ve percent schools 2011-1st year of implementation 2010-2nd year of implementation Aug 1 Final documentations are required to be submitted to MDE by close of business Sept 3 2012 Priority Schools begin rst year of implementation of redesign plans 2010 and 2011 lowest achieving ve percent schools continue implementation of redesign plans. 2014 June 30 Progress Assessment/Achieving Satisfactory Results for all lowest achieving ve percent schools 2012- 1st year of implementation 2011- 2nd year of implementation 2010- 3rd year of implementation

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Supports and Considerations

TITLE 1 INFORMATION The following slides are presented to accompany the presentation at the technical assistance event. Additional resources will be posted on the MI Education website, or available through the Ofce of Field Services.

September 12, 2012


These requirements apply only to Title I receiving schools. Non-Title I or Title I eligible/not receiving are not affected by these requirements.

There is no longer an LEA Planning Cycle (LEAPC) Instead, the District Improvement Plan is used and this must be aligned with the Consolidated Application budget

For subgroups of with N size 10 or more, achievement gaps must be identified and there must be specific objectives, strategies and activities addressing these gaps.

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District Improvement Plans (DIPS) that do not support the budgeted activities will be sent back. Your OFS regional consultant will assist you in reopening the DIP. Please do not contact AdvancEd

Submitted applications are being/have been returned to districts.


Districts are required to put in placeholder language for the set-asides.

The necessary detail will be filled in later during the December-January amendment period. Applications must be returned within two weeks in order to keep the original obligation date (technical issues not withstanding).

Single District Buildings must do both the district and building level set-asides.

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Districts with Priority Schools will put the following language under Function Code 271:
20% district set aside to meet Priority School requirements.

For the building level Priority School budget, put the following under function code 221:

10% building set-aside for required priority school activities.

Districts with both Priority & Focus Schools will put the following language under Function Code 271:
20% district set aside to meet Priority and Focus School requirements.

For the building level budgets, Districts with both Priority & Focus Schools will put the following language under function code 221 (as appropriate):

10% building set-aside for required (Priority or Focus) School activities.


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The Title I School Selection application must also be updated to include the DISTRICT set-aside. NOTE: MEGS+ has legacy language for the old Choice and SES requirements under the ESEA -

This may be found under 5B. Required and Optional Reservations, Line 2:


As previously noted, the budget detail will be revised during the amendment period With that in mind

Activities must support the approved Reform and Redesign (R&R) Plan Activities already in place that support the plan may be allowable, as long as they were part of the approved R &R plan (reviewed on a case-by-case basis)


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Staff/personnel may be allowable, but bear in mind that all supplement/not supplant rules are still in effect, as are the requirements for Targeted Assistance Schools

Under the ESEA Flexibility Waiver Priority schools that are targeted assistance Title I schools do not have to meet the 40% threshold to become schoolwide.

Still have to do the planning year

An LEA may not implement, in a school operating a targeted assistance program, a schoolwide intervention with Title I, Part A funds in the absence of this waiver.


Questions specific to your district/schools should be directed to your regional OFS consultant who reviews and approves your consolidated application.

Fred Williams Manager, Regions 4 & 5 517-373-3743 Bill Witt Manager, Regions 1,2 & 3 517-373-3743



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Identify 10-15 students in every elementary, middle and high school who are nearing or in a transition year with multiple dropout risk factors and provide research-based supports and interventions
Reduce Dropouts Increase Grades and Test Scores Make AYP Attract and Retain Students Engage Parents and Community
Research shows most students send distress signals years before they drop out of school. In fact, key early warning signs displayed by students nearing or entering transitional school years, such as 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grades, have been proven to be strong dropout predictors. Because schools and districts now can predict early-on which students are most likely to drop out, they also can intervene to prevent dropout. Early Warning SignsAttendance, Behavior, Course Completion Low Attendance In one study of the eighth graders in Philadelphia who attended school less than 80 % of the time, 78% eventually dropped out. Disengagement in the classroom, including behavioral problems Sixth graders who receive a poor behavior mark have a one-in-four chance of making it to the 12th grade on time. Course CompletionPoor grades in core subjects or grade retention Sixth graders who fail math have a onein-five chance of making it to the 12th grade on time and often repeat the 9th grade. Those failing English have a one -in-eight chance. 33% of 8th grade students scoring in the lowest mathematics achievement quartile fail to graduate. 64% of students who had repeated a grade in elementary school and 63% of those who had been held back in middle school left school without a diploma. Challenge. While the Challenge asked schools to identify 10-15 students, many identified substantially more greatly increasing this programs impact. Key highlights include: a state Dropout Prevention Conference offered free of charge with key national and state experts; the inclusion of Early Warning Signs into Regional Data Warehouses; Graduation Town, a new website to support local Dropout efforts; webinars; podcasts; numerous professional development opportunities at national, state and local events; participation in the Gallup Student Poll; a partnership with Detroit Public Television and a special recognition program. In addition, this Challenge also has become a national model for other states.


Step 1: Commit to State Superintendent Mike Flanagans Challenge by registering online at Step 2: Review previous years attendance, grades, disciplinary actions, credit accumulation, grade promotion, and test scores of students nearing or entering transition years. Step 3: Identify 10-15 students with multiple early warning signs. Use current school data (Regional Data Warehouses may be able to provide this information) OR for a free dropout data calculation tool visit Step 4: Provide identified students with research-based supports and interventions like tutors, mentors, graduation coach, etc. Step 5 Monitor student academic, social and emotional progress. Step 6: Engage the community, families and students in solutions and supports.

Establishing an Early Warning System is a highly recommended dropout prevention strategy that can be funded with Title II-D funds. Supplementing services to support students at-risk of dropping out of school can be funded through Title I-Part A.

To recognize the substantial effort by districts and schools who join this Challenge, school and district names will appear in prominent locations on both the Michigan Department of Education website at and Graduation Town at Other recognition opportunities also may be offered. However, Challenge schools have said the real reward is to observe student transformation, re-engagement, and progress.

A recent study shows Challenge Schools have significantly lower dropout rates. Since the Challenge was announced in 2009, over 1,100 schools (including 140 school districts committing all schools) have joined the Superintendents

"This Challenge, coupled with our dedicated teachers efforts statewide, will allow us to lead together and embrace the one true purpose of education, which is putting our children first." Mike Flanagan, State Superintendent of Public Instruction

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Connecting Priority Schools to Superintendents Dropout Challenge The Superintendents Dropout Challenge is required of all 2012 and beyond Priority schools. The following steps identify the process to joining the challenge, and considerations for implementation. Step 1: Commit to State Superintendent Mike Flanagans Challenge by registering online at Step 2: Review previous years attendance, grades, disciplinary actions, credit accumulation, grade promotion, and test scores of students nearing or entering transition years. Requirement 6 School uses data to identify/implement an instructional program that is research based/aligned from 1 grade to the next as well as with state standards. Requirement 7 The school promotes the continuous use of individual student data to inform and differentiate instruction. Step 3: Identify 10-15 students with multiple early warning signs. Use current school data (Regional Data Warehouses may be able to provide this information) OR for a free dropout data calculation tool visit Requirement 6 School uses data to identify/implement an instructional program that is research based/aligned from 1 grade to the next as well as with state standards. Requirement 7 The school promotes the continuous use of individual student data to inform and differentiate instruction. Step 4: Provide identied students with research-based supports and interventions like tutors, mentors, graduation coach, etc. Requirement 6 School uses data to identify/implement an instructional program that is research based/aligned from 1 grade to the next as well as with state standards. Requirement 8 Increased time for core academic subjects; enrichment activities for students; collaboration time for teachers. Requirement 9 Provide ongoing mechanisms for family and community engagement.

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Step 5: Monitor student academic, social and emotional progress. Requirement 7 The school promotes the continuous use of individual student data to inform and differentiate instruction. Step 6: Engage the community, families and students in solutions and supports. Requirement 8 Increased time for core academic subjects; enrichment activities for students; collaboration time for teachers. Requirement 9 Provide ongoing mechanisms for family and community engagement.

Using the Surveys of Enacted Curriculum (SEC) to Guide Reform Planning The SEC is a set of surveys that are posed to teachers and analyzed to review what teachers teach, what kinds of activities they engage in to support learning, and what depth of knowledge ways of thinking about the content they apply in the classroom. Teachers take the surveys to reect on the range of content and activities taught during the school year. The surveys are taken online, and can then provide data directly to the teachers who took them in ways that analyze and compare their responses with the content and strategies of various standardized assessments, curriculum standards, and the Common Core. Data is not available to review by others except in aggregate for groups of 3 or more. The SEC can be used to answer and document responses to the following questions: 1. Is our instruction aligned with state standards? 2. How does instruction vary among teachers within a content area or grade level? 3. What instructional practices are used the most or least? 4. What instructional practices are being implemented by teachers? to what degree? 5. What purpose does assessment serve for improving learning? Is assessment an instructional tool? 6. What is the school/district climate and how might teacher beliefs impact student learning? 7. What was the impact of professional learning on classroom instruction? 8. What is our purpose for assigning homework? Should we have a homework policy?

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Guide for Michigan Schools and Districts

Completing and Submitting SRO Requirements in ASSIST

About This Guide

This guide has been developed specifically for Michigan schools and districts. It provides an overview of ASSIST and step by step instructions for using the tools in ASSIST to address priority and focus school/district requirements.

ASSIST is designed to guide and streamline the improvement planning process and help eliminate duplication of effort!

Learn more at: www.advanc

Table of Contents
ASSIST Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Accessing ASSIST ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Priority Schools .................................................................................................................................... 5 16 Priority Single Building Districts ........................................................................................................ 17 30 Focus Schools ..................................................................................................................................... 31 34 Districts .............................................................................................................................................. 35 42 Exhibit A: School Executive Summary Content Exhibit B: Transformation Redesign Diagnostic Content Exhibit C: Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic Content Exhibit D: School Assurances Content Exhibit E: Single Building District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic Content Exhibit F: District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic Content

ASSIST Overview
Through partnership, AdvancED and the Michigan Department of Education, have customized The Adaptive System of School Improvement Support Tools (ASSIST) to guide and support a common, statewide improvement planning process for all Michigan Schools and Districts. Schools and districts identified as Priority or Focus by the Michigan Department of Education during the Fall of 2012 will complete diagnostics and assurances (where appropriate) in ASSIST as part of the accountability process. Tasks will be set in ASSIST to guide schools and districts down the appropriate path toward improvement, accountability, and compliance.

ASSIST is designed as a continuous improvement tool! In the coming months you will hear more about how ASSIST will help eliminate duplication and streamline the reporting process.

The primary navigation of ASSIST takes place using a series of tab across the top of the screen. Specific tools are provided within each tab. The following diagram provides a basic overview of the ASSIST tabs and what is located within each. Overview
Due dates for required tasks upcoming, past due, and completed

Basic institution, demographic, affiliation, accreditation, and accountability status information Performance section is currently blank

Diagnostics & Surveys

Diagnostics: Executive Summary Focus School Diagnostic Transformation Redesign Diagnostic Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic Single Building District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic Self Assessment Student Performance Stakeholder Feedback Surveys: Parent Staff Middle/High Student (6 12) Elementary Student (3 5) Early Elementary Student (K 2)

Yes/No Certification Questions AdvancED and MDE state and federal assurances

Goals & Plans

Build and manage goals and improvement plans

Actions & Reviews

Check and balance to ensure appropriate goals and strategies are in place Currently blank for MI schools

Documents for submission (Focus and Priority School/District Reports and Accreditation Reports where applicable)

Accessing ASSIST
There are two ways for Michigan schools and districts to access ASSIST.


1. Log into the School Improvement Management System using the same Login and Password you have always used. 2. Click one of the ASSIST links in the Management System to navigate to ASSIST. NOTE: You will be directed to another login page and asked to reenter the same Login and Password.


1. Go to www.advanc and enter your Login and Password. NOTE: This will take you directly into ASSIST. If you need to access your improvement plan or reports in the Management System, you will need to login using Option 1 above.

Priority Schools
All schools identified as Priority by the Michigan Department of Education, which were not identified as a PLA school during 2010 or 2011, have been assigned an ASSIST task to complete and submit a Reform Redesign Report. Once a school has selected the federal model for their reform/redesign plan, they can follow the steps provided in this guide to document their plan and submit the required task in ASSIST. NOTE: If your school is selecting the closure or restart model, you should contact the School Reform Office to discuss the next steps for implementing and documenting this effort.
State School Reform/Redesign Office (SRO) 517.335.5310 Federal Reform/Redesign Options
All priority schools must submit a reform/redesign plan that includes one of the four federally defined intervention models: Transformation The district addresses four specific areas: 1) developing teacher and school leader effectiveness, which includes replacing the principal who led the school prior to commencement of the transformational model; 2) implementing comprehensive instructional reform strategies; 3) extending learning and teacher planning time and creating community oriented schools; and 4) providing operating flexibility and sustained support. Turnaround This includes, among other actions, replacing the principal and at least 50 percent of the schools staff, adopting a new governance structure, and implementing a new governance structure, and implementing a new or revised instructional program. Restart The school district closes the school and reopens it under the management of a charter school operator, a charter management organization, or an educational management organization selected through a rigorous review process. A restart school is required to enroll within the grades it serves, any former student who wishes to attend. School closure The district closes the school and enrolls the students who attended that school in other high achieving schools in the district. Each of the first two intervention models requires extended learning time for all students in all subjects, including enrichment time and professional learning time for staff.

Getting Started
Upon logging into ASSIST, you should see an upcoming task listed with a due date of November 29, 2012. Clicking the task name will display the document details required for submission.

Click on the task name to view the document details required for submission. If you do not see a task, but believe you should have one, please contact customerservice@advanc

Viewing Task Details The Task Details page provides a list of all components to be included in the submitted document.

Note: Clicking the task name on the Overview tab takes you to the Portfolio tab.

The Section identifies which components are Diagnostics and Assurances.

Note: The task details identify what needs to be submitted, but we can tell that nothing has been attached because the Components section is blank.

There are checkmarks in the Optional field for the Transformation and Turnaround Diagnostics because schools are only required to submit one, not both, depending on the federal model they select for reform/redesign.

Use the Diagnostic & Surveys and Assurances tabs at the top of the screen to navigate to the content that needs to be completed in order to submit the report. Once the diagnostics and assurances are completed, return to this page to Add the completed content to the report and submit.

Administering Diagnostics Click the Diagnostic & Surveys tab at the top of the page.

DiagnosticsStudent, and Note: Parent,

Staff Surveys are also available for administration under the Survey tab.

Diagnostics can be self administered at any time by clicking on the Start a Diagnostic button. Schools and school systems/districts are encouraged to use diagnostic tools as part of an ongoing self assessment process. As you administer diagnostics, they will appear in a table at the bottom of the screen.

Upon clicking the Start a Diagnostic button, you will be taken to the Start a Diagnostic page where you can select the diagnostic you would like to administer from a drop down list.
Note: The only way to preview a diagnostic is to start it. You can delete the diagnostic if you decide it is not needed.

Be sure to provide a brief description that will help to differentiate one diagnostic from another. You may decide to administer multiple diagnostics over time.

Once you have selected a diagnostic and provided a description, click Start. All diagnostics are self administered in the same fashion. Priority schools will need to complete an Executive Summary, as well as, either the Transformation Redesign or Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic.

You will notice that there are several additional diagnostic tools available in the drop down menu. Feel free to explore and use these additional diagnostic tools as part of your ongoing self assessment and continuous improvement process.

Completing the Executive Summary

: Executive Summary

The Executive Summary is a narrative diagnostic tool that captures your school or school systems story. It contains the vision and cultural context of the institution, as well as key information about how the school provides teaching and learning. Challenges and opportunities are highlighted in the document. The diagnostic content is tailored for schools, school systems, corporations, ESAs and early learning institutions. ASSIST provides the appropriate content based on institution type. The Executive Summary is a required component of the Reform/Redesign Report; however, institutions are encouraged to use it as an ongoing support tool. Exhibit A (attached) contains the school level Executive Summary content.

The number of items within a section is provided below the section title. The progress bar provides a visual of section completeness.

Respond to each section of the Executive Summary by clicking the section title.

Clicking a section title on the Diagnostic Summary will open the Section Summary screen where you can view the item and respond by clicking the Respond link.
Note: You can return to this screen at any time to change an item response until the document is submitted.

Clicking the Respond link will open a narrative box where you can type your response to the item. You can copy and paste text from a text editor or Microsoft Word document. ASSIST does not support special formatting, images, or tables.

There is a 6000 character limit to each section of the Executive Summary. Click Save and Continue to move forward to the next item.

Once each section of the Executive Summary has a response, a Complete button will appear at the bottom of the Diagnostic Summary screen. Upon clicking this button, the Executive Summary will be locked from editing and available to add to the Reform/Redesign Report for submission.
View, save, or print a PDF of the Executive Summary at any time during the process.

Once completed, a Reopen button will appear that allows the school to make additional changes to the diagnostic prior to submission if needed.

Note: The information provided in the Executive Summary is made available to the public through the AdvancED Institution Locator on the AdvancED website, if you are an North Central Association (NCA) accredited institution. Even after publishing, you can come back to this diagnostic at any time to make updates and republish.

Completing the Transformation Redesign Diagnostic

The Transformation Redesign Diagnostic is a narrative tool that captures information and details for how the school plans to address the requirements of the federal Transformation model. The collection of items within this diagnostic addresses all of the requirements for this model. Schools selecting the Transformation option should complete this diagnostic and include it as part of their Reform/Redesign Report submission. Exhibit B (attached) contains the Transformation Redesign Diagnostic content.
The number of items within each section is provided below the section title. The progress bar provides a visual of section completeness.

Respond to each section of the diagnostic by clicking the section title.

Upon entering each section, you will see a table that provides the items within each section. Items with a gray checkmark have not yet received a response, whereas those with a green checkmark have. ASSIST does not check for accuracy of information in a narrative response, so it is important to review all responses prior to completion.

At any time you can return to the Diagnostic Summary to view a different section or overall diagnostic progress.

Select an item by clicking the Respond link.


Respond to each item by providing a written narrative in the box provided. You can copy and paste text from a text editor or Microsoft Word document. ASSIST does not support special formatting, images, or tables.
There is a 6000 character limit for each narrative response to this diagnostic.

Clicking Save and Continue will automatically take you to the next item in the diagnostic.
Note: You can return to this screen at any time to change an item response.

Once all questions in the diagnostic have a response, a Complete button will appear at the bottom of the diagnostic summary screen. Upon clicking this button, the Transformation Redesign Diagnostic will be locked from editing and available to add to the Reform/Redesign Report for submission.

Once completed, a Reopen button will appear that allows the school to make additional changes to the diagnostic prior to submission if needed.

View, save, or print a PDF of the diagnostic at any time during the process.


Completing the Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic

The Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic is a narrative tool that captures information and details for how the school plans to address the requirements of the federal Turnaround model. The collection of items within this diagnostic addresses all of the requirements for this model. Schools selecting the Turnaround option should complete this diagnostic and include it as part of their Reform/Redesign Report submission. Exhibit C (attached) contains the Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic content.

The number of items within each section is provided below the section title. The progress bar provides a visual of section completeness.

Respond to each section of the diagnostic by clicking the section title.

Upon entering each section, you will see a table that provides the items within each section. Items with a gray checkmark have not yet received a response, whereas those with a green checkmark have. ASSIST does not check for accuracy of information in a narrative response, so it is important to review all responses prior to completion.

At any time you can return to the Diagnostic Summary to view a different section or overall diagnostic progress.

Select an item by clicking the Respond link.


Respond to each item by selecting providing a written narrative in the box provided. You can copy and paste text from a text editor or Microsoft Word document. ASSIST does not support special formatting, images, or tables.
There is a 6000 character limit for each narrative response to this diagnostic.

Clicking Save and Continue will automatically take you to the next item in the diagnostic.
Note: You can return to this screen at any time to change an item response.

Once all questions in the diagnostic have a response, a Complete button will appear at the bottom of the diagnostic summary screen. Upon clicking this button, the Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic will be locked from editing and available to add to the Reform/Redesign Report for submission.

Once completed, a Reopen button will appear that allows the school to make additional changes to the diagnostic prior to submission if needed.

View, save, or print a PDF of the diagnostic at any time during the process.


Certifying Assurances

Click the Assurances tab at the top of the page. All priority schools, regardless of the federal model they choose to implement, are required to certify and submit assurances as part of their Reform/Redesign Report in ASSIST. Exhibit D (attached) contains the school assurances content.

Assurances can be self activated at any time by clicking on the Start an Assurance button. Upon clicking this button, you will be taken to the Create Assurances Report page where you will 1) select Michigan Department of Education from the Agency drop down menu 2) select the current school year 3) provide a brief description that will help to differentiate one set of assurances from another over time. 4) click Create
Note: The only way to preview assurances is to start them. You can delete them if you decide they are not needed.

Any assurances that have already been started for your institution will show in a table within the Assurances section. Clicking the assurance name will allow you to view/edit the assurance certification status.

The Assurances Detail screen provides a list of all the assurances that require certification, as well as the current certification status.

Click an assurance name to view the assurance statement and provide/edit a response.


Upon entering each assurance, read the statement and select a certification status. If a certification status of no is selected, you will be required to provide a comment in the box provided.

Click the Save button to save your response and continue with the next assurance.

Attachments Only one file per assurance can be attached. If you need to attach multiple documents, combine them into a single PDF document and then attach. Most file types are supported as uploads.

Note: Many of the assurances require an attachment. Be sure to attach the required document using the Browse button at the bottom of the screen.

Once all assurances have a certification status, the document status will automatically change to Completed.

A printable copy of the assurances can be downloaded, saved, and printed at any time by clicking the View PDF link. The PDF will contain the certification status and comments entered, as well as the document name of any uploaded files.


Completing and Submitting the Reform Redesign Report Click the Portfolio tab at the top of the page, and then open the Reform Redesign Report (This report can also be viewed by clicking the task name on the Overview tab.) Note: The report will be located under the 2012 13 School Year.

Click the Add/Remove button next to each component. This will open a window that allows you to select the diagnostic you would like to attach. Select a diagnostic by checking the box and Save your selection. Note: If you click the Add/Remove button prior to starting that diagnostic under the Diagnostic & Surveys tab, you will not see anything to attach. If you have created multiple diagnostics (e.g., 2 Executive Summaries), you will see them both in the list and select only the one you want to attach for submission.

Saving a selection will make it appear within the Components section of the report table. You can click the name to view/edit the diagnostic or assurance results.

If all questions in the component have a response, a checkmark with appear in the completed column.

Once all required components of the document have a completed checkmark, the document can be submitted by clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

Note: You can view a PDF of the complete document at any time during the process by clicking the View PDF button at the bottom of the page.


Priority Single Building Districts

All single building districts identified as Priority by the Michigan Department of Education, which were not identified as a PLA school during 2010 or 2011, have been assigned an ASSIST task to complete and submit a Single Building District Improvement Report Priority. Once a district has selected the federal model for their reform/redesign plan, they can follow the steps provided in this guide to document their plan and submit the required task in ASSIST. NOTE: If your district is selecting the closure or restart model, you should contact the School Reform Office to discuss the next steps for implementing and documenting this effort.
State School Reform/Redesign Office (SRO) 517.335.5310

Getting Started
Users associated with a single building district will see a screen similar to this when they log into ASSIST. Notice that the bolded institution name does not have a Parent Institution listed. This signifies a district account. Select the non bold school account to complete the SRO requirements. Upon selecting the school account for your Single Building District (as referenced above), you should see an upcoming task listed with a due date of November 29, 2012. Clicking the task name will display the task details required for submission.

Click on the task name to view the document details required for submission.

If you do not see a task, but believe you should have one, please contact customerservice@advanc


Viewing Task Details The Task Details page provides a list of all components to be included in the submitted document.

Note: Clicking the task name on the Overview tab takes you to the Portfolio tab.

The Section identifies which components are Diagnostics and Assurances.

There are checkmarks in the Optional field for the Transformation and Turnaround Diagnostics because schools are only required to submit one, not both, depending on the federal model they select for reform/redesign.

Use the Diagnostic & Surveys and Assurances tabs at the top of the screen to navigate to the content that needs to be completed in order to submit the report. Once the diagnostics and assurances are completed, return to this page to Add the completed content to the report and submit.

Administering Diagnostics Click the Diagnostic & Surveys tab at the top of the page.

DiagnosticsStudent, and Note: Parent,

Staff Surveys are also available for administration under the Survey tab.


Diagnostics can be self administered at any time by clicking on the Start a Diagnostic button. Schools and school systems/districts are encouraged to use diagnostic tools as part of an ongoing self assessment process. As you administer diagnostics, they will appear in a table at the bottom of the screen.

Upon clicking the Start a Diagnostic button, you will be taken to the Start a Diagnostic page where you can select the diagnostic you would like to administer from a drop down list.
Note: The only way to preview a diagnostic is to start it. You can delete the diagnostic if you decide it is not needed.

Be sure to provide a brief description that will help to differentiate one diagnostic from another. You may decide to administer multiple diagnostics over time.

Once you have selected a diagnostic and provided a description, click Start. All diagnostics are self administered in the same fashion. Single Building Districts will need to complete an Executive Summary, Single Building District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic, as well as, either the Transformation Redesign or Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic.

You will notice that there are several additional diagnostic tools available in the drop down menu. Feel free to explore and use these additional diagnostic tools as part of your ongoing self assessment and continuous improvement process.


Completing the Executive Summary

: Executive Summary

The Executive Summary is a narrative diagnostic tool that captures your school or school systems story. It contains the vision and cultural context of the institution, as well as key information about how the school provides teaching and learning. Challenges and opportunities are highlighted in the document. The diagnostic content is tailored for schools, school systems, corporations, ESAs and early learning institutions. ASSIST provides the appropriate content based on institution type. The Executive Summary is a required component of the Reform/Redesign Report; however, institutions are encouraged to use it as an ongoing support tool. Exhibit A (attached) contains the school level Executive Summary content.

The number of items within a section is provided below the section title. The progress bar provides a visual of section completeness.

Respond to each section of the Executive Summary by clicking the section title.

Clicking a section title on the Diagnostic Summary will open the Section Summary screen where you can view the item and respond by clicking the Respond link.
Note: You can return to this screen at any time to change an item response until the document is submitted.


Clicking the Respond link will open a narrative box where you can type your response to the item. You can copy and paste text from a text editor or Microsoft Word document. ASSIST does not support special formatting, images, or tables.

There is a 6000 character limit to each section of the Executive Summary. Click Save and Continue to move forward to the next item.

Once each section of the Executive Summary has a response, a Complete button will appear at the bottom of the Diagnostic Summary screen. Upon clicking this button, the Executive Summary will be locked from editing and available to add to the Reform/Redesign Report for submission.
View, save, or print a PDF of the Executive Summary at any time during the process.

Once completed, a Reopen button will appear that allows the school to make additional changes to the diagnostic prior to submission if needed.

Note: The information provided in the Executive Summary is made available to the public through the AdvancED Institution Locator on the AdvancED website, if you are an North Central Association (NCA) accredited institution. Even after publishing, you can come back to this diagnostic at any time to make updates and republish.


Completing the Transformation Redesign Diagnostic

The Transformation Redesign Diagnostic is a narrative tool that captures information and details for how the district plans to address the requirements of the federal Transformation model. The collection of items within this diagnostic addresses all of the requirements for this model. Districts selecting the Transformation option should complete this diagnostic and include it as part of their Reform/Redesign Report submission. Exhibit B (attached) contains the Transformation Redesign Diagnostic content.

The number of items within each section is provided below the section title. The progress bar provides a visual of section completeness.

Respond to each section of the diagnostic by clicking the section title.

Upon entering each section, you will see a table that provides the items within each section. Items with a gray checkmark have not yet received a response, whereas those with a green checkmark have. ASSIST does not check for accuracy of information in a narrative response, so it is important to review all responses prior to completion.

At any time you can return to the Diagnostic Summary to view a different section or overall diagnostic progress.

Select an item by clicking the Respond link.


Respond to each item by selecting providing a written narrative in the box provided. You can copy and paste text from a text editor or Microsoft Word document. ASSIST does not support special formatting, images, or tables.
There is a 6000 character limit for each narrative response to this diagnostic.

Clicking Save and Continue will automatically take you to the next item in the diagnostic.
Note: You can return to this screen at any time to change an item response.

Once all questions in the diagnostic have a response, a Complete button will appear at the bottom of the diagnostic summary screen. Upon clicking this button, the Transformation Redesign Diagnostic will be locked from editing and available to add to the Reform/Redesign Report for submission.

Once completed, a Reopen button will appear that allows the school to make additional changes to the diagnostic prior to submission if needed.

View, save, or print a PDF of the diagnostic at any time during the process.


Completing the Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic

The Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic is a narrative tool that captures information and details for how the district plans to address the requirements of the federal Turnaround model. The collection of items within this diagnostic addresses all of the requirements for this model. Districts selecting the Turnaround option should complete this diagnostic and include it as part of their Reform/Redesign Report submission. Exhibit C (attached) contains the Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic content.

The number of items within each section is provided below the section title. The progress bar provides a visual of section completeness.

Respond to each section of the diagnostic by clicking the section title.

Upon entering each section, you will see a table that provides the items within each section. Items with a gray checkmark have not yet received a response, whereas those with a green checkmark have. ASSIST does not check for accuracy of information in a narrative response, so it is important to review all responses prior to completion.

At any time you can return to the Diagnostic Summary to view a different section or overall diagnostic progress.

Select an item by clicking the Respond link.


Respond to each item by selecting providing a written narrative in the box provided. You can copy and paste text from a text editor or Microsoft Word document. ASSIST does not support special formatting, images, or tables.
There is a 6000 character limit for each narrative response to this diagnostic.

Clicking Save and Continue will automatically take you to the next item in the diagnostic.
Note: You can return to this screen at any time to change an item response.

Once all questions in the diagnostic have been a response, a Complete button will appear at the bottom of the diagnostic summary screen. Upon clicking this button, the Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic will be locked from editing and available to add to the Reform/Redesign Report for submission.

Once completed, a Reopen button will appear that allows the school to make additional changes to the diagnostic prior to submission if needed.

View, save, or print a PDF of the diagnostic at any time during the process.


Completing the Single Building District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic

The Single Building District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic is designed as a tool to help single building districts determine if resources (people, time, and money) are aligned in the best way possible to support Core Transformational Strategies that support high performing schools. This tool is based on resource strategies and principles from The Strategic School: Making the Most of People, Time, and Money by Karen Hawley Miles and Stephen Frank (2008). You will be asked to rate your institutions performance, using a Likert scale response, on 24 practices that are groups into three sections. It is most valuable to complete this diagnostic as a team. It is okay to select "don't know," as we do not expect that everyone would know the answers to all questions. Once completed, this diagnostic should be included as part of your Reform/Redesign Report submission. Exhibit E (attached) contains the Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic content.

Respond to each section of the diagnostic by clicking the section title.

Upon entering each section, you will see a table that provides the items within each section. Items with a gray checkmark have not yet received a response, whereas those with a green checkmark have.

At any time you can return to the Diagnostic Summary to view a different section or overall diagnostic progress.

Select an item by clicking the Respond link.


Respond to each item by selecting a response using the radio dials provided. Clicking Save and Continue will automatically take you to the next item in the diagnostic.
Note: You can return to this screen at any time to change an item response.

Once all questions in the diagnostic have a response, a Complete button will appear at the bottom of the diagnostic summary screen. Upon clicking this button, the Single Building District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic will be locked from editing and available to add to the Reform/Redesign Report for submission.
View, save, or print a PDF of the Executive Summary at any time during the process.

Upon completion, a View Results button will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. This produces a graph using the diagnostic results. A Reopen button will also be available until the diagnostic is submitted as part of the Single Building District Improvement Priority Report.


Certifying Assurances

Click the Assurances tab at the top of the page. All priority single building districts, regardless of the federal model they choose to implement, are required to certify and submit assurances as part of their Reform/Redesign Report in ASSIST. Exhibit D (attached) contains the school assurances content.

Assurances can be self activated at any time by clicking on the Start an Assurance button. Upon clicking this button, you will be taken to the Create Assurances Report page where you will 5) select Michigan Department of Education from the Agency drop down menu 6) select the current school year 7) provide a brief description that will help to differentiate one set of assurances from another over time. 8) click Create
Note: The only way to preview assurances is to start them. You can delete them if you decide they are not needed.

Any assurances that have already been started for your institution will show in a table within the Assurances section. Clicking the assurance name will allow you to view/edit the assurance certification status.

The Assurances Detail screen provides a list of all the assurances that require certification, as well as the current certification status.

Click an assurance name to view the assurance statement and provide/edit a response.


Upon entering each assurance, read the statement and select a certification status. If a certification status of no is selected, you will be required to provide a comment in the box provided.

Click the Save button to save your response and continue with the next assurance.

Attachments Only one file per assurance can be attached. If you need to attach multiple documents, combine them into a single PDF document and then attach. Most file types are supported as uploads.

Note: Many of the assurances require an attachment. Be sure to attach the required document using the Browse button at the bottom of the screen.

Once all assurances have a certification status, the document status will automatically change to Completed.

A printable copy of the assurances can be downloaded, saved, and printed at any time by clicking the View PDF link. The PDF will contain the certification status and comments entered, as well as the document name of any uploaded files.


Completing and Submitting the Single Building District Improvement Report Priority Click the Portfolio tab at the top of the page, and then open the Single Building District Improvement Report (This report can also be viewed by clicking the task name on the Overview tab.) Note: The report will be located under the 2012 13 School Year.

Click the Add/Remove button next to each component. This will open a window that allows you to select the diagnostic you would like to attach. Select a diagnostic by checking the box and Save your selection. Note: If you click the Add/Remove button prior to starting that diagnostic under the Diagnostic & Surveys tab, you will not see anything to attach. If you have created multiple diagnostics (e.g., 2 Executive Summaries), you will see them both in the list and select only the one you want to attach for submission.

Saving a selection will make it appear within the Components section of the report table. You can click the name to view/edit the diagnostic or assurance results.

If all questions in the component have a response, a checkmark with appear in the completed column.

Once all required components of the document have a completed checkmark, the document can be submitted by clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

Note: You can view a PDF of the complete document at any time during the process by clicking the View PDF button at the bottom of the page.


Focus Schools
All schools identified as Focus by the Michigan Department of Education, have been assigned an ASSIST task to complete and submit a Focus School Report. This report contains a single diagnostic with two sections. The content for this diagnostic is provided in the box to the right. Use the steps provided below to complete and submit your responses in ASSIST.
Statewide System of Support 517.335.4733 Focus School Diagnostic A Focus school is a school with the largest achievement gaps, defined as the difference between the average scale score for the top 30% of students and the bottom 30% of students. The Focus School Diagnostic will assist the school in determining the appropriate use of their Title 1 set asides and in the revision of their School Improvement Plan in order to increase student achievement.
Teaching and Learning Priorities Identify two or three teaching and

learning priorities that will decrease the achievement gap in the school while increasing all students' achievement.
Supporting Data State what data were used to identify these


Getting Started
Upon logging into ASSIST, you should see an upcoming task listed with a due date of December 31, 2012. Clicking the task name will display the document details required for submission.

Click on the task name to view the document details required for submission. If you do not see a task, but believe you should have one, please contact customerservice@advanc

The Task Details page shows the one component that is required in the submitted document, the Focus School Diagnsotic. Use the Diagnostic & Surveys tab at the top of the screen to navigate to the content that needs to be completed in order to submit the report. Once the diagnostics and assurances are completed, return to this page to Add the completed content to the report and submit.


Administering Diagnostics Click the Diagnostic & Surveys tab at the top of the page.
Note: Parent, Student, and Staff Diagnostics available for Surveys are also administration under the Survey tab.

Diagnostics can be self administered at any time by clicking on the Start a Diagnostic button. Schools and school systems/districts are encouraged to use diagnostic tools as part of an ongoing self assessment process. As you administer diagnostics, they will appear in a table at the bottom of the screen.

Upon clicking the Start a Diagnostic button, you will be taken to the Start a Diagnostic page where you can select the diagnostic you would like to administer from a drop down list.
Note: The only way to preview a diagnostic is to start it. You can delete the diagnostic if you decide it is not needed.

Be sure to provide a brief description that will help to differentiate one diagnostic from another. You may decide to administer multiple diagnostics over time.

Once you have selected a diagnostic and provided a description, click Start. All diagnostics are self administered in the same fashion. Priority schools will need to complete an Executive Summary, as well as, either the Transformation Redesign or Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic. You will notice that there are several additional diagnostic tools available in the drop down menu. Feel free to explore and use these additional diagnostic tools as part of your ongoing self assessment and continuous improvement process.


Completing the Focus School Diagnostic The Focus School Diagnostic is the only required component of the Focus School Report submission.
Click the section title to view and respond to each item.

: Executive Summary

Clicking a section title on the Diagnostic Summary will open the Section Summary screen where you can view the item and respond by clicking the Respond link.

Clicking the Respond link will open a narrative box where you can type your response to the item. You can copy and paste text from a text editor or Microsoft Word document. ASSIST does not support special formatting, images, or tables. Click Save and Continue to move forward to the next item.
Note: You can return to this screen at any time to change an item response until the document is submitted.

There is a 6000 character limit to each section of the Executive Summary.


Once each section of the diagnostic has a response, a Complete button will appear at the bottom of the Diagnostic Summary screen. Upon clicking this button, the Executive Summary will be locked from editing and available to add to the Reform/Redesign Report for submission.

View, save, or print a PDF of the Executive Summary at any time during the process.

Once completed, a Reopen button will appear that allows the school to make additional changes to the diagnostic prior to submission if needed.


All districts with one or more school identified as Priority or Focus by the Michigan Department of Education, have been assigned an ASSIST task to complete and submit a District Improvement Report Priority. This report consists of an Executive Summary and District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic. Use the steps provided below to guide the completion and submission of this report. NOTE: In addition to submitting a district level report, districts are also expected to review and accept all reports submitted by Priority and Focus Schools in ASSIST. Instructions are provided at the end of this document.

Getting Started
Upon logging into ASSIST, district users will see a list that includes the district and all of its schools. Select the district account to complete the SRO requirements.

Upon selecting the district account, you should see an upcoming task listed for your district with a due date of November 29, 2012. Clicking the task name will display the task details required for submission.

Click on the task name to view the document details required for submission.

If you do not see a task, but believe you should have one, please contact customerservice@advanc


Viewing Task Details The Task Details page provides a list of all components to be included in the submitted document.

Note: Clicking the task name on the Overview tab takes you to the Portfolio tab.

Use the Diagnostic & Surveys tab at the top of the screen to navigate to the content that needs to be completed in order to submit the report. Once the diagnostics are completed, return to this page to Add the completed content to the report and submit.

Administering Diagnostics Click the Diagnostic & Surveys tab at the top of the page.

DiagnosticsStudent, and Note: Parent,

Staff Surveys are also available for administration under the Survey tab. Diagnostics can be self administered at any time by clicking on the Start a Diagnostic button. Schools and school systems/districts are encouraged to use diagnostic tools as part of an ongoing self assessment process. As you administer diagnostics, they will appear in a table at the bottom of the screen.


Upon clicking the Start a Diagnostic button, you will be taken to the Start a Diagnostic page where you can select the diagnostic you would like to administer from a drop down list.
Note: The only way to preview a diagnostic is to start it. You can delete the diagnostic if you decide it is not needed.

Be sure to provide a brief description that will help to differentiate one diagnostic from another. You may decide to administer multiple diagnostics over time.

Once you have selected a diagnostic and provided a description, click Start. All diagnostics are self administered in the same fashion. Single Building Districts will need to complete an Executive Summary, Single Building District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic, as well as, either the Transformation Redesign or Turnaround Redesign Diagnostic.

You will notice that there are several additional diagnostic tools available in the drop down menu. Feel free to explore and use these additional diagnostic tools as part of your ongoing self assessment and continuous improvement process.


Completing the Executive Summary

: Executive Summary

The Executive Summary is a narrative diagnostic tool that captures your school systems story. It contains the vision and cultural context of the institution, as well as key information about how the school provides teaching and learning. Challenges and opportunities are highlighted in the document. The diagnostic content is tailored for schools, school systems, corporations, ESAs and early learning institutions. ASSIST provides the appropriate content based on institution type. The Executive Summary is a required component of the Reform/Redesign Report; however, institutions are encouraged to use it as an ongoing support tool. Exhibit A (attached) contains the school level Executive Summary content.

The number of items within a section is provided below the section title. The progress bar provides a visual of section completeness.

Respond to each section of the Executive Summary by clicking the section title.

Clicking a section title on the Diagnostic Summary will open the Section Summary screen where you can view the item and respond by clicking the Respond link.
Note: You can return to this screen at any time to change an item response until the document is submitted.


Clicking the Respond link will open a narrative box where you can type your response to the item. You can copy and paste text from a text editor or Microsoft Word document. ASSIST does not support special formatting, images, or tables.

There is a 6000 character limit to each section of the Executive Summary. Click Save and Continue to move forward to the next item.

Once each section of the Executive Summary has a response, a Complete button will appear at the bottom of the Diagnostic Summary screen. Upon clicking this button, the Executive Summary will be locked from editing and available to add to the Reform/Redesign Report for submission.
View, save, or print a PDF of the Executive Summary at any time during the process.

Once completed, a Reopen button will appear that allows the school to make additional changes to the diagnostic prior to submission if needed.

Note: The information provided in the Executive Summary is made available to the public through the AdvancED Institution Locator on the AdvancED website, if you are an North Central Association (NCA) accredited institution. Even after publishing, you can come back to this diagnostic at any time to make updates and republish.


Completing the District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic

The District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic is designed as a tool to help districts determine if resources (people, time, and money) are aligned in the best way possible to support Core Transformational Strategies that support high performing schools. This tool is based on resource strategies and principles from The Strategic School: Making the Most of People, Time, and Money by Karen Hawley Miles and Stephen Frank (2008). You will be asked to rate your districts performance, using a Likert scale response, on 35 practices that are groups into seven sections. It is most valuable to complete this diagnostic as a team. It is okay to select "don't know," as we do not expect that everyone would know the answers to all questions. Once completed, this diagnostic should be included as part of your District Improvement Report submission. Exhibit F (attached) contains the District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic content. Respond to each section of the diagnostic by clicking the section title.

Upon entering each section, you will see a table that provides the items within each section. Items with a gray checkmark have not yet received a response, whereas those with a green checkmark have.
At any time you can return to the Diagnostic Summary to view a different section or overall diagnostic progress.

Select an item by clicking the Respond link.


Respond to each item by selecting a response using the radio dials provided. Clicking Save and Continue will automatically take you to the next item in the diagnostic.
Note: You can return to this screen at any time to change an item response.

Once all questions in the diagnostic have a response, a Complete button will appear at the bottom of the diagnostic summary screen. Upon clicking this button, the District Resource Allocation Self Assessment Diagnostic will be locked from editing and available to add to the District Improvement Report for submission.

View, save, or print a PDF of the Executive Summary at any time during the process.

Upon completion, a View Results button will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. This produces a graph using the diagnostic results. A Reopen button will also be available until the diagnostic is submitted as part of the District Improvement Priority Report.


Reviewing Priority and Focus School Reports

Upon logging into ASSIST, district users will see a list that includes the district and all of its schools. Select the school for which you want to review a report.

Upon selecting the school account, you should see a task listed for that school.
Click on the task name to view the submitted report.

If the school submitted the report, there will be a link to the archived report at the bottom of the page. This link, or the View PDF button will give you access to the full report.

If you are satisfied with the report, click the Approve button to transmit the report to the state. If the report needs additional work, click the Reopen button and provide comments when prompted regarding the necessary changes.

The schools principal, as well as the primary contact listed in the schools ASSIST Profile will receive an email when the report is approved or reopened.

Note: If a document has been reopened and submitted multiple times, each submission is archived along with the comment history provided by the reviewer.

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