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AP Gov Quiz 2 ~ The Constitution

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1. Which of these was NOT among John Locke's key philosophical concepts? A) B) C) D) E) natural rights checks and balances limited government property rights consent of the governed

2. Reflecting the natural rights philosophy, the Declaration of Independence stated that governments derive their just powers from A) B) C) D) E) God. the consent of the governed. tradition. a Constitution. their elected leaders.

3. Thomas Jefferson's phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence was a modification of John Locke's phrase "Life, liberty, and ________." A) B) C) D) E) heaven equality property health God

4. According to James Madison and many of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention, what is the primary source of political conflict among factions? A) B) C) D) E) stupidity emotions religious beliefs unequal distribution of wealth ignorance

5. Most of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention regarded what as the greatest threat to government? A) B) C) D) E) factions charismatic leaders kings foreign adversaries slaves

6. The ________, called for each state to be equally represented in Congress. A) B) C) D) E) New Jersey Plan Virginia Plan three-fifths compromise Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Connecticut Compromise

7. The Connecticut Compromise at the Constitutional Convention A) threw out the idea of having a monarchy in the United States, opting instead for an indirectly elected president. B) settled the dispute over whether slavery should be allowed in the final constitution. C) added the Bill of Rights to the Constitution in order to lessen concerns about too much power for the new government. D) resolved the impasse between those who favored the New Jersey Plan and those who preferred the Virginia Plan. E) involved all of these elements.

8. On the issue of slaves, the Constitution specified A) that slaves would count as three-fifths persons for counting the nation's population and determining seats in the House. B) nothingit was too controversial a subject and the delegates could not agree on anything regarding it. C) that a gradual end to slavery must be worked out by Congress and the states within ten years. D) that slavery would be banned beginning in 1800. E) a boundary, known as the Mason-Dixon line, south of which slavery would be legal. 9. Madisonian principles in the Constitution were based on A) B) C) D) E) concern that government would be dominated by a majority or minority faction. a concentration of power, so that the minority faction could dominate the government. states' rights. the belief that government should always be dominated by the majority. the ideas of a group of professors at Madison University.

10. The one element of government that Madison's plan placed within direct control of the voters was the A) B) C) D) E) presidency. House of Representatives. Senate. Supreme Court. Congress.

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