Pro e Installation'

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1.Insert the Pro/Engineer Disk 1 CD. 2.Autorun will open CD if not click Setup.exe 3.

Take a look on the left corner in the bottom, that is your actual "HostID",rem member that number or write somewhere on paper. 4.In a "CRACK'' folder find file "ptc_li-4.0.dat" and copy somewhere on your HD. 5.Open "ptc_li-4.0.dat" with ''Notepad" and replace every occurance of with your "HostID" shown in the bottom left corner of the ProEngineer setup.The best an t he fastest way is like this: 1a) Open "ptc_li-4.0.dat" with ''Notepad" 2a) In ''Notepad" klick "Edit" and "Replace" (Ctrl+H) 3a) in a "Find what:" paste ,''Replace with:" paste your "HostID" shown in the b ottom left corner of the ProEngineer setup. 4a) Klick "Replace All" 5a) Klick "File" and "Save" 6a) Exit "Notepad" 6) Click "Next" 7) Check "I Accept the Agreement Terms and Conditions" 8) Click "Next" 9) Click "Pro/Engineer & Pro/Engineer Mechanica" 10) Change the Destination Folder to "C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 4.0" 11) change the red X to ?Install this feature? for the following: 1b) Pro/Engineer Mechanica (If you want this with Pro/Engineer,if you don't want do not change) 12) Expand the "Options" feature change the red X to ?Install this feature? for the following: 1c) 2c) 3c) 4c) J2RE 1.4.1 Mold Component Catalog Pro/Plastic Advisor VERICUT (R) for Pro/ENGINEER

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not install the "J2RE 1.4.1" option if you already have a new er version installed on your system. 13) Click "Next" 14) Click "Add" 15) On license-config screen select "Locked license file (no server running)" an d point to edit ptc_li-4.0.dat 16) Click "Next" 17) "Shortcut Location(s)",check "Desktop" and "Program Folder",change the Start up Directory to "C:\temp\ProE" (this step is optional) 18) Click "Next" 19) On this screan is more optional configuration, make sure all boxes remain un -checked 20) Click "Install" 21) The installation process will begin?.. 22) When ask you remove Disk 1 and insert Disk 2. 23) Click OK 24) The installation process will continue?. 25) Remove Disk 2 and insert Disk 3 26) Click OK 27) The installation process will continue?. 28) Remove Disk 3 and insert Disk 1 29) The installation process will continue automatically 30) When the installation is complete, click Next.

31) If anyone want to install and ''PTC Distributed Services" follow this steps: (this step is optional) 1d) After Installation is finished, click Next 2d) Click "Other Products" and than click ''PTC Distributed Services" 3d) Check "I Accept the Agreement Terms and Conditions" 4d) Change the Destination Folder to "C:\Program Files\ptc_distributed_services" 5d) Click "Next" 6d) On license-config screen select "Locked license file (no server running)" an d point to edit ptc_li-4.0.dat 7d) Click "Next" 8d) "Shortcut Location(s)",check "Desktop" and "Program Folder",change the Start up Directory to "C:\temp\Distr" (this step is optional) 9d) Click "Install" 10d) The installation process will begin?.. 11d) When ask you remove Disk 1 and insert Disk 2. 12d) Click OK 13d) The installation process will continue?. 14d) Remove Disk 2 and insert Disk 3 15d) Click OK 16d) The installation process will continue?. 17d) Remove Disk 3 and insert Disk 1 18d) The installation process will continue automatically 19d) When the installation is complete, click Next. 20d) Click Exit Next Steps for CRACKING: For ProEngineer: 1) Go to: C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 4.0\i486_nt\obj and there copy and run "pro engineer.wildfire.4.0.generic-patch.exe" If "Patch" ask you to search file click "NO'',don't worry for missed files,wait little,when you see "Patch complete" exit "Patch". 2) Start "Notepad",in notepad click "File" and than "Open" in this newley open w indow change "Files of type'' to "All Files" and then go to "C:\Program Files\pr oeWildfire 4.0\bin in this folder find file named "proev.bat" and open with note pad.Now you have a text file of .bat process.In the bottom of this text file fin d the string: %start_cmd% "%CGTECH_JRE%\bin\javaw" -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Xms24m -Xmx128m -Xss6m -classpath "%CGTECH_CLASSES%;%CGTECH_CLASSES%\CGTech.jar" Vericut %argstr % and add PTC_KEY=0 at the end,like this: %start_cmd% "%CGTECH_JRE%\bin\javaw" -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Xms24m -Xmx128m -Xss6m -classpath "%CGTECH_CLASSES%;%CGTECH_CLASSES%\CGTech.jar" Vericut %argstr % PTC_KEY=0 Klick "File" in the notepad and then " Save",Exit notepad ("proev.bat") For Pro/Engineer Mechanica: (if you don't install "Pro/Engineer Mechanica" skip this step)

1) Go to: C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 4.0\mech\i486_nt\bin C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 4.0\mech\i486_nt\ptc C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 4.0\i486_nt\obj and there copy and run " mechanica.wildfire.4.0.generic-patch.exe" For ProDistributed Services: (if you don't install "ProDistributed Services" ski p this step) 1) Go to: C:\Program Files\ptc_distributed_services\i486_nt\obj and there copy and run "" That's it!Enjoy iVAN

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