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Dear Respondent, I Rohit Makol a student of MBA semester 3rd of APEEJAY INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT conducting a research study of banking needs & product Requirements, Kapurthala Road, Jalandhar. We will appreciate your cooperation in this regard by filling up the research schedule carefully. All the information provided by you will be kept confidential.

NAME:AGE:PLACE:ADDRESS:1Q Are you a customer of HDFC Bank? A:- (a) Yes (b) No

2Q:- For how long you have account in HDFC Bank? A:- (a) less than 6 months (c) 13-18 months (b) 6-12 months (d) more than 18 month

3Q:- Are you aware about products and services provided by HDFC bank? A:(a) Yes (b) No

4Q:- which of the following HDFC banking facilities are you aware of? (Multiple answers) A:- (a) phone banking (c) Mobile banking (e) insta alerts (b) ATM/ Debit card (d) net banking (f) Email statement


5Q:- How many times you visit the Bank? A:- (a) Daily (c) Monthly (b) weekly (d) rarely

6Q:- Which of the following benefit you accrue to you while using HDFC Bank Services?

(a) Time saving (c) Easy processing (e) Anytime banking

(b) inexpensive (d) easy fund transfer

7Q:- To what extent are you satisfied with your banks banking products and services? A:-(a) Highly satisfied (c) Dissatisfied (b) satisfied (d) highly dissatisfied

.8Q:-Which of the following factors influence you the most to deal with HDFC bank? A:-(a) All time availability (c) Status Symbol (b) Facilities (d) Better services

9Q:- What is main problem associated with the HDFC banking services? A:- (a) Insecurity (c) Access to Internet (e) Fear of hidden cost (b) lack of awareness (d) lack of operational knowledge


10Q:- Mark these statement on likert scale On the level of satisfaction. A:Statement Strongly Agree (5) HDFC provide facilities other banks The product and services are easy to understand and easy to use. It helps to justify the motto of and bank better than Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree(2) Strongly disagree(1)


anytime banking. These facilities

save a lot of time and cost. These facilities are environmental as

they save paper usage.


11Q:- rank the following facilities according to your preference on a scale of one to five. ( 1 being most important and 6 being least important) A:- (a) phone banking (d) net banking ( (b)ATM/debit card (e) insta alerts (c) mobile banking (f) Email statement

12.Q:-What other products and services you would like to have other than the above mentioned.

A:-.......................... ..





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