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From the President Andrew Butterworth

A hugely successful season has just finished. Now the celebration season begins! We have events galore coming at you so warm up, kit up & hit the ground running. This year our 2 teams combined won more games, scored more goals, conceded fewer goals and finished higher on the table than ever before. When compared to all the other clubs running two teams we DOMINATED. Absolutely smashed them. A detailed analysis will be published in future editions. A huge thanks to everyone who helped out this season. Were a club run for mates BY mates. Its THAT work that creates a successful club and a successful season. Thats why Clube is growing to be a powerhouse. Thank you and well done. A huge thank you to the Gaffer, Ben Davison, for confidently managing the club throughout the season: his passion, leadership skills and football brain pulled 50 individuals into a spectacular team. HEY! YOU! was probably your name when you first turned up for a kick. Now youve played a season or two. But to really make a name for yourself, and to really get the most out of the club you need to come to our end-of-season events. Every former player says they got as much, or more, out of the social events like the End Of Season trip than all of the training and matches combined. They arrived as team mates and left as mates. Be there you will lurve it! Clube Football Club

Sundays - Beginning Now What: Intra-Club Match Where: Deakin Uni Oval Time: 2.00pm (Each Week) Sunday 23rd September Clube AMF Bowling Night Where: Forest Hill Chase Time: 7.00pm (Start) Sunday 14th October MCSA Presentation Night Where: TBC Time: TBC

Clube Fast Facts Peter de Sousa

In the very first edition of CFF, we catch up with the Clubs ever reliable hard man: #2 Peter de Sousa. How old were you when you started playing? Always enjoyed a kick around at home with my brother but only played for my school team when I was about 16.
What were your first football boots? Second hand Puma King boots, bought with an ever-lingering stench but they did the job. Which club do you support and why? Arsenal, and because who else? Who has the worst habits around Clube and what are they? Got to be the gaffer letting rip some of his poisonous gas when the wind is blowing straight up my nostrils. What is your favourite memory of playing at Clube? So far, coming on as a sub and crossing an assist for Baks with my first touch of the game. Best FIFA result + which team were you using and playing against? Clube FC against Spurs 11-2! (Check out Petes FIFA12 Clube patch in the October Issue!) What is your favourite pre-training or night before a match meal? Good old spaghetti bolognaise. If you were stuck on a desert island with one teammate, who would it be & why? Michael. Because hed keep morale high by updating his facebook telling me how nice of a day it is, when in reality we are dying of malnutrition and sunburn. Take us through your dream first goal for the club what would it look like? Id make a leg shattering tackle on a DLS forward, make a barrelling run down the middle of the pitch with Ben sheparding the opponents out of my way until Im in range to drill one home.
Clube Football Club

Upcoming Social Event: AMF Bowling Night

The Club has organised an AMF bowling tournament and team dinner on Sunday 23rd September at Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre. As usual, well convoy from Deakin leaving at 6.30pm (AMF starts at 7pm). Cost: $20 per person (includes 3 games of bowling and shoe hire), please bring extra money for the dinner afterwards (around $10-15). Lanes / groups will be organised on the night please RSVP ASAP!


Thanks to the incredible effort of Pete De Sousa, you can now play as Clube on EA Sports FIFA. Head over to, login and search for Clube Football, click on the emblem to view the club and finally click Bookmark Team. Clube will be downloaded to your console/pc the next time you are online and available to play with!

Clube Football Club

Sunday Intra-Club Matches

A reminder that were now hosting intra-club matches each Sunday on the Deakin Uni Oval. New players are welcome and all current squad members are expected to attend! Time: 2.00pm When: Sundays (check Facebook for details) Details & RSVP:

2012 Scouse Award

Cast your nominations now at: Stay tuned for details regarding the Clubs Presentation Night and End of Season Trip. To be confirmed very soon!
Clube Football Club

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