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From: Peter M. Heimlich <> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 10:58 AM To: Sanz, Cynthia - People <cynthia_sanz@peoplemag.

com> Cc: Hackett, Larry - People <> Subject: media inquiry re: reported Luke Bryan choking rescue Cynthia Sanz Time Inc. Rockefeller Center New York, NY 10020-1393 Dear Ms. Sanz, For my blog I'm reporting an item about the following quote attributed to singer Luke Bryan in the October 12, 2012 issue of People Country: I had a friend do the Heimlich on me last Monday in a pizza restaurant. It was pretty freaky there for about 30 seconds. A piece of flatbread pizza flaked off and got lodged in my airway, and I went down. He picked me up and got it out of there! Subsequently the incident was reported by numerous media outlets that identified People Country as the source: For the past week, I've made multiple good faith attempts to obtain substantiating information about the incident from Mr. Bryan's publicist, Taryn Pray at EMI/Capitol Records, and his personal managers, Kerri Edwards & Waylon Weatherholt at Red Light Management. Here are the questions I submitted to them: 1) What was the date of the event? 2) What was the name and location of the pizza parlor? 3) What is the name of Mr. Bryan's friend who performed the Heimlich maneuver on him? 4) Based on his description ("I went down"), it appears that Mr. Bryan may have lost consciousness. Is that accurate? 5) Did Mr. Bryan subsequently seek medical care? If so, would you please provide me with the details? Via Scribd, here are copies of that correspondence: As you can see, Ms. Pray declined to provide any information and Ms. Edwards & Mr. Weatherholt failed to respond to multiple e-mails. According to the masthead of that issue of People Country, you're the editor, so I'd appreciate your answers to a few quick questions: 1. The interview with Mr. Bryan didn't include a byline. What's the name of your reporter who obtained the quote? 2. What was the date of the interview? 3. Does People Country intend to fact-check the information? If so, would you please courtesy-copy me? Thanks for your consideration and I look forward to receiving your answers. Peter M. Heimlich Atlanta ph: (208)474-7283 website: Medfraud blog: The Sidebar cc: Larry Hackett, Managing Editor, People Magazine

Subject: Re: media inquiry re: reported Luke Bryan choking rescue From: <> Date: 9/19/2012 5:28 PM To: <>

Dear Mr Heimlich, Thank you for your email regarding PEOPLE Country. We spoke with Luke Bryan about his choking experience only very briefly and everything he said was printed in the story. I'm afraid I have no other information to provide you. Regards, Cynthia Sanz Editor PEOPLE Country

Subject: Re: media inquiry re: reported Luke Bryan choking rescue From: "Peter M. Heimlich" <> Date: 9/19/2012 5:47 PM To: CC: Cynthia Sanz Time Inc. Rockefeller Center New York, NY 10020-1393 Ms. Sanz, Based on your e-mail, my understanding is that you're unwilling to answer any of the questions I submitted to you in my previous e-mail: 1. The interview with Mr. Bryan didn't include a byline. What's the name of your reporter who obtained the quote? 2. What was the date of the interview? 3. Does People Country intend to fact-check the information? If so, would you please courtesycopy me? If my understanding is incorrect, please advise by end of the day tomorrow or I'll be going to print with that. Peter M. Heimlich Atlanta ph: (208)474-7283 website: Medfraud blog: The Sidebar cc: Larry Hackett, Managing Editor, People Magazine

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