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Claims Related FAQ Q. How will you clear the rate difference claims.

There is no sanction note is required for these claims. ? Ans : All rate difference claims are cleared only based on the approval of BCM and these claims should be routed through the branch for validation by the BLO and approved by the BCM. No sanction letter is required for these claims since it is manual clearing.

Q. Why is SAP Blocked when we are sending the claims on time. ? Ans : SAP Block will happen only if the claims are submitted beyond 90 days from the period of sanction. (e.g. if the sanction is for Jan 2009 the claims should reach us for processing before 30th April 2009). The ideal date of submission should be 15 days before the end date. So that we will process the claims before that particular month end. The Turn Around Time for processing claim is 7 working day from the date of receipt in SAP module in Genpact.

Q. Process of claiming the Super stockist freight claims. What are the supporting need for clearance ? Ans. : Super Stockist claims should be accompanied by the Secondary Sales Summary supported by secondary invoices raised to sub-stokist with an acknowledgement (seal & signature of the sub-stockist on the secondary invoice) from the sub-stockist. Claims will not be passed without copies of secondary invoice and required acknowledgement.

Q. How do you track the resubmission of claim. We keep sending the claim's supporting but it never clears or removes from P&B? Ans. :When ever the depot / branch sends supporting for any document, they should write the tracking number of the original document for immediate reference and should make the depot entry as " Supporting Document for Tracking No.................". Or else the team will consider as fresh submission which will lead to increase in P&B further. If the reference tracking number is not mentioned in the re-submission, we may not aware of the status of the

original document and still appears in the P&B. Hence it is very important to mention the tracking number of the original document to close the status. Q. What is the lead time of claim at various stages? Ans. The lead time between Genpact common mail room to Floor - 24 Hours. Same day or next working day the document will be acknowledged in SAP. Process TAT - 7 working days from the date of receipt in SAP. Q. Why is delay in processing of vendors bills & Freight Bill? Ans. Process TAT - 7 working days from the date of receipt in SAP. The main reason for delay is due to master updation due to changes in the TDS codes. Delay in sending soft copies with respect to Freight Bills. Q. Why do you need BCM approval if sanction letter is attached. ? Ans. If it is sanction based claim, submitted with required supporting, then there is no need for BCM approval. In certain cases if the customer code is blocked for posting then we require BCM approval for release the block for posting. Q. How RD will get Rate Difference claim? Ans.: After getting stock from C&Fa , immediately inform to BLM / BCM about the difference. Depot should GRN the rate difference stock and invoice in correct code. It will be automatically adjust in next invoice Q. How RD will get Vat Difference claim? Ans.: RD has to provide below documents alongwith claims Closing Stock Statement from Meranet

Differential working of VAT rate ( new old old rate ) * Closing stock value Get it certified it from CA firm Copy of challan for differential amount to State Govt Verification from ASM

If RD is in non-meranet town then he take take his own stock statement for above working.


What is the treatment of sealed case shortage?

Ans: Whenever RD feels that there might be some shortage in particular case , he should inform to ASM and opens the case in front of ASM only. ASM should note the packing slip, inform to BLM / BCM and raise the claim with details of shortage on landing value, packing slip number, factory name , pkd , pkm details. Q. How RD will get money if there is transportation Shortage?

Ans: Inform to ASM. Further ASM will inform to C&FA for shortage. It is responsibility of C&FA to resolve the transporter shortage. If C&FA is unable to settle then ASM can approach to BLM for resolution Q. What precautions should we take if Depot makes zero value Invoice ?

Ans: C&FA should inform to BCM and ask the permission for GRN. Zero Value program should be run on daily basis Q. What is the solution if any claim is missed to include in Input file?

Ans: ASM has to inform to BM with reason since commercial has to get the budget from AVP customer marketing ( naveen ). Once AVP Customer marketing approves the budget , BCO will issue the sanction letter. Q. What is the solution if wrong RD name & Code is mentioned in Input file? Ans: ASM has to get the approval from BSM with reason. After BSM approval , commercial will release the new sanction letter Q. What is the solution if wrong amount is mentioned in Input file?

Ans: Same way , ASM should inform to BSM and get the approval . Again if commercial has some budget , they will release the new sanction otherwise need to request naveen with reason Q. How RD will get money if he pays the expenses i.e., RDSM meeting Hotel charges, Launching exps etc on behalf of CIL? Ans: All the claims related to RDSM meeting , Launching exps should be sent to TK Karunan or BCO for payment. It should not be charged with expenses

statement . Genpact will disallow all these bills. Expenses related to Hotel staty of Managers / Officers should be paid directly by employee Q. If any claim is stuck on hold at Genpact due to requirement of supporting, what is the procedure & format to send required supporting to Genpact? Ans: Get all the relevant supporting for respective claims and send to genpact alongwith Tracking number to Genpact. Alternatively you may scan and send to commercial with tracking number. Commercial will check and ask genpact to clear it. Without tracking number , genpact will treat the supporting as new claim and it will not help to clear the old claims. Tracking number is given in Parked and blocked report Q. To whom we should contact to get on hold claims cleared?

Ans: You need to write BCO or for clearance Q. What supporting We should attach with visibility claim if outlet has not rubber stamp? Ans: He should give the acknowledgement on letter heads. There is no other alternative Q. What is the procedure to convert RD on E-Claim?

Ans: There is no process . Just need to inform commercial and We will download some files at RD point and it can be started from the beginning of next month Q. How will we run & submit Non automotive scheme through E-claim module? Ans: In the beginning of the month , ASM should decide the non automotive scheme and communicate to Srinivasan Sridhar. After monthend , ASM has to submit all the claims alongwith supporting to genpact for clearance. Q. How will RD know what claims are passed?? Ans : Sanction letter should be given to the Rd at the end of the period for activities run in the previous period. Ex.. By Feb 1st week Sanction Letters of

Jan to be given to the RD. The details of Credit Notes raised will be sent to RD on monthly basis by the Depot.

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