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1.1. Read the passage below and fill in each blank with a suitable word. Use only one word for each space. Do you like stories? I want to tell you a (1) story. It (2) to a friend of (3) .. a year ago. While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves (4) into the kitchen. After they had (5) the house, they went into the dinning-room. It was very dark, so they turned (6) a torch. Suddenly, they heard a (7) behind them. "What's up? What's up?" Someone called. The (8) dropped the (9) and (10) away as quickly as they (11) . George heard a noise and came downstairs quickly. He turned on the (12) but he couldn't see (13) . . The thieves had already (14) But George's parrot, Henry, was still there. "What's up, George?" he called. "Nothing, Henry", George said and smiled, "Go back to (15) ."

1.2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank with a suitable word. Use only one word for
each space. Winifred Foley's family was very poor. They (1) in a small cottage (2) Gloucestershire. She (3) seven brothers and sisters but three died in early childhood. When she was young she had (4) sleep with two of her sisters. (5) was very uncomfortable. When she grew (6) , she wanted to be a dancer and a singer (7) she knew she could not because she had to go into domestic service. When she (8) to school, she was sad (9) she was not very good (10) mathematics. She liked reading and writing. 1.3. Read the passage below and fill in each blank with a suitable word. Use only one word for each space.

New Zealand
New Zealand is a country in the southern hemisphere. It (1) ............. two islands - North Island and South Island. It is a very beautiful country. There(2) ............. lots of mountains and lakes. You can (3) .............. all sorts of sports there - climbing, swimming and sailing, (4) ................ example. The climate is good. (5) ............. is hot in December, January and February. (6) .............. are the summer months in the southern hemisphere. In July and August it (7) ............. sometimes very cold and you can go skiing (8) ............. the mountains. There are a lot of sheep in New Zealand. We often eat new Zealand lamb (9) ............... wear clothes (10) .............. from the wool of New Zealand sheep. 1.4. Read the passage below and fill in each blank with a suitable word. Use only one word for each space. A poor man, who could not read and write, asked for work as a door-keeper (1) _______ a hotel. The (2) _______ of the hotel said, Im sorry. you cant (3) _______ here because you cant read or write. The poor man was (4) ________. He began to go from house to house selling small (5) _______ like knives and brushes. After two years he had (6) _________ money to open (7) ________ shop. He worked (8) _________ and the shop grew bigger. At the end of ten years the man owned ten shops and had become very rich. In the town where he (9) ________, he built a hospital for the people. One day he visited (10) ________ new hospital, and the doctor asked him to write (11) ________ name in the Visitors Book. Ive never (12) _________ to school, the man said, I cant even (13) ________ my own name. What! the doctor cried. Cant you write at all? If you had learned to write when you (14) ________ young, you (15) _________ be a great man now. I dont think so, the man said. I think I should be only a door-keeper. 1

1.5. Read the passage below and fill in each blank with a suitable word. Use only one word for each space. Yesterday a friend and I went to a Chinese teahouse (1) --------------- lunch. We got there at about 10 minutes past twelve. (2) ----------------- teahouse wasnt very crowded at that time, so we didnt have any trouble (3) --------------- a table. As soon as we sat down, a waiter came over to our (4) ------------------------ and asked us what kind of tea we wanted. A minute (5) -------------------- he came back with a pot of jasmine tea. He also brought us a (6) ----------------------- so that we could choose some dishes for our lunch. After thinking for a minute, we (7) -------------------- rice and beef with vegetables, noodles with prawn, and fried pork. The dishes were really big (8) ---------------we were able to finish everything. The (9) -------- problem was that we were so full when we finished that we could (10) ------------------walk. 1.6. Read the passage below and fill in each blank with a suitable word. Use only one word for each space. Football is a very popular game. There are eleven (1) -------------------- in a game. Many young people like it. Jack is a high school student. He is good (2) ------------ football. Tomorrow is Sunday. He (3) --------------- nothing to do, so hes (4) ----------------- to watch a football game. He wants Sam to go (5) ------------- him. Sam is (6) ------------America. He also (7) ------------- football. He loves watching (8) -------------------,too. But he says American football (8) -----------------different. The ball is not round. The football (9)---------- another name: (10) --------------------1.7. Read the passage below and fill in each blank with a suitable word. Use only one word for each space. Modern zoos are very different from zoos that were built fifty years ago. At that time zoos were places (1) ---------------------people could go to see animals (2) -----------------many parts of the world. The (3) --------------- lived in cages that were made (4) ----------------concrete with iron bars. Unfortunately for the animals, the (5) -------------------- were small and impossible to hide in. The zoo environment was anything but natural. Although the zoo keepers took good (6) ------------- of the animals and fed (7) -------------------- well, many of the animals did not thrive: they behaved in strange ways, and they often (8) -------------------ill. In modern zoos, people can see animals in more natural habitats. They are (9) -----------------more freedom in larger areas so that they (10) --------------- live more as they would in nature. 1.8. Read the passage below and fill in each blank with a suitable word. Use only one word for each space. It is important to eat well, especially when you are studying. If you are at school, you may go home (1)-------------------- lunch, and have a cooked meal of meat or fish and vegetables. Or perhaps you (2) ------------ some food with you and eat it in the lunch break. A chicken and lettuce sandwich would be a light but healthy (3) -----------------. Many people around the world (4) ----------------- plain, boiled rice two or three times a (5) -----------------. Pupils and students often dont eat well (6) -------------- they are revising for an exam they eat chocolate, (7) ---------------drink lots of black coffee! And (8) -------------the doctors say everybody (8) ------------------ start the day with a healthy meal, it is also good for you to drink a lot of (10) -----------------right through the day. 1.9. Read the passage below and fill in each blank with a suitable word. Use only one word for each space. Many children nowadays are becoming computer addicts according (1) ---------------leading education specialists. Such children then lose interest (2) ------------------ anything else and become withdrawn and introvert. The problem usually starts between the ages of nine and eleven and most often affects boys, (3) 2

---------------tend to get more involved with machines (4) -------------girls.They (5) ---------------up to 40 hours a week tapping away. These children are unable to relate (6) --------------- friends and family or express feelings;says Mrs. Noel Janis, a specialist at treating problem children and adults. They behave badly (7) --------------- school and at home. And when desperate parents forbid them to use (8) --------------, they find ways to use them in secret and deceive their (9) ----------------------. The (10) ------------ is that they often fail school and lose friends. 1.10. Read the passage below and fill in each blank with a suitable word. Use only one word for each space. Living in the country is something that people from the city often dream about. However, in reality, it has both its (1) ----------------------------------- and disadvantages. There are certainly many advantages to living in the (2) ---------------------. (3) -------------------of all, you can enjoy peace and fresh air. In addition, people tend to (4) ----------------friendlier and more open. A further advantage is that (5) ---------------- is less traffic, so it is safer for young children. (6) --------------------------, there are certain drawbacks to life outside the city. Firstly, because there are fewer people, you (7) ----------------likely to have fewer friends. Moreover, entertainment is (8) ---------------------------------to find, especially in the evening. Furthermore, the fact that there are fewer shops and services (9) ---------------that it is harder to find works. As a result, you may have to travel a long (10) -----------------to work, which can be extremely expensive. In short, it can be seen that the country is more suitable for some people than others. II: INCOMPLETE TEXTS 2.1. Read the text below and decide which word (marked A, B, C or D) best fits the numbered blank. If you (01) a fire, you should (02) the school bell immediately. When hearing the bell, pupils should (03) leave their classrooms. The monitor should take the register (04) him on leaving the classroom. The (05) should line up outside the classroom (06) everyone has left the room. Then (07) class should walk quickly (08) the corridor to the main entrance. When they (09) the main entrance, the pupils should (10) quietly in the playground. While they are waiting there, one (11) the pupils should (12) for the class teacher in (13) playground. (14) finding him, he should (15) him the class register. 01. A. see B. need C. have D. run 02. A. call B. ring C. ask D. phone 03. A. slow B. quick C. slowly D. quickly 04. A. along B. by C. with D. for 05. A. class B. crowd C. group D. people 06. A. so long as B. while C. as soon as D. before 07. A. whole B. the C. all D. their 08. A. through B. with C. along D. at 09. A. get B. arrive C. reach D. occupy 10. A. walk B. live C. stand D. hide 11. A. in B. for C. of D. out 12. A. find B. run C. look D. see 13. A. all B. a C. the D. one 14. A. On B. While C. As soon D. At 15. A. carry B. present C. pass D. take

2.2. Read the text below and decide which word (marked A, B, C or D) best fits the numbered blank. Katherine Boudreaux is a computer information specialist. Right now she is teaching a class about computer. She is teaching the workers (1)to change part of the computer. The computer is upside down, so she is (2).to it. In Ms. Boudreauxs class, the students are learning to relax. They feel afraid (3)..the computers. Now, they have a computer beside them. Some of them are very (4). In rooms with computers, the (5)..has to be exactly right, not too high and not too low. No dirt (6)..can get into the computers. For example, one worker cannot use his computer now because he is eating a sandwich. Computer information specialists do many different jobs. They have to (7).ways for computers to help managers and workers in all parts of a company. They also tell their company when to buy new computers and (8)kind to buy. (9).use of computers can make companies more productive. Computer information specialists try to make the whole (10).., human and electronic, work efficiently. 1. A. manner B. way C. how D. what 2. A. sticking B. holding on C. leaving D. holding 3. A. with B. in C. of D. at 4. A. nervous B. sad C. embarrassing D. exciting 5. A. temperature B. heat C. weather D. climate 6. A. completely B. at all C. altogether D. all together 7. A. use B. move C. set D. invent 8. A. that B. what C. a D. some 9. A. modern B. quick C. efficient D. economical 10. A. machine B. system C. mixture D. office 2.3. Read the text below and decide which word (marked A, B, C or D) best fits the numbered blank. People all over the world eat rice. Millions of people in Asia, Africa and South America eat it every day of their (01) . Some people eat almost nothing but rice. Rice is a kind of grass. There are more than seven thousand kinds of rice. Most kinds are water (02) . Farmers (03) .. rice in many countries, even in the southern part of the United States and in eastern Australia. No one really knows (04) rice came from. Some scientists think it started to grow in two places. They think that one kind of rice (05) in southern Asia thousands of years ago. Someone in China wrote about it almost five thousand years ago. (06) .kind probably grew in West Africa. Other scientists think rice came from India, and Indian (07)..took it to other parts of the world. There are two main ways to grow rice. Upland rice grows in dry soil. Most rice grows in wet soil. People in many countries do all of the work by (08) . This is the same way farmers worked hundreds of years ago. Some countries now use machines on their rice farms. The farmers all use (09) . Some (10).. are enemies of rice. Farmers poison them. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. A. meals A. trees A. grow A. what A. showed A. Other A. travelers A. hand A. medicine A. animals B. lives B. plants B. raise B. which B. rose B. Different B. passengers B. force B. drug B. plants C. work C. vegetables C. rise C. where C. raised C. Another C. customers C. power C. vitamins C. insects D. diet D. leaves D. bring up D. whom D. grew D. That D. pedestrians D. body D. fertilizer D. diseases

2.4. Read the text below and decide which word (marked A, B, C or D) best fits the numbered blank. I am going to a wedding (1) ............. Saturday. My great friend, Marie, and her fianc, George, are (2) ............. married. They have known each other (3) ................ five years, but they have only been going out together a short time. I must say, we were all rather (4) ............. when they announced that they were engaged. The wedding will be in the church near Maries parents home and (5) ............. there will be a party in the Church Hall. There will be almost a hundred (6) .............. at the party. Besides both (7) ................ families, all Maries friends from college will be at the wedding and Marie and George have also (8) ............... a lot of people from the office where they both (9) ............. The party should be great fun. There will be a lot of food and drink. There is also going to be a band. We all expect that it will go on (10) ................ late in the evening. 01. A. last B. next C. at D. from 02. A. becoming B. having C. going D. getting 03. A. after B. until C. for D. before 04. A. please B. surprised C. friendly D. interesting 05. A. afterwards B. yet C. however D. because 06. A. visitors B. guests C. members D. crowds 07. A. couple B. their C. her D. his 08. A. called B. discussed C. met D. invited 09. A. work B. employ C. left D. manage 10. A. during B. after C. until D. while 2.5. Read the text below and decide which word (marked A, B, C or D) best fits the numbered blank. We (1) large eyes more attractive. Children have large eyes in (2) to their heads. Cartoons (3) always have large eyes, too. We cant actually change our eyes, but we can make them look bigger with (4) . Eye make-up isnt new. Pictures in the (5) show that the ancient Egyptians - both men and women used it. False eyelashes can make eyelashes longer. Eye (6) on the eyelids can make the eyes (7) bigger and more dramatic. (8) can also (9) eyes look bigger. We do not normally look (10) someones eyes for long, especially when they are very close. Eye (11) can be very (12) , so people only do it when they want to (13) someone. It is also very (14) . This is why lovers gaze into each others eyes. Its also why people do not look each other in (15) . 1. A. find 2. A. promotion 3. A. boys 4. A. make-up 5. A. pyramids 6. A. tear 7. A. more 8. A. hat 9. A. find 10. A. under 11. A. view 12. A. nice 13. A. threaten 14. A. normal 15. A. lifts B. look B. proportion B. characters B. chemistry B. houses B. shadow B. sound B. sunglasses B. give B. on B. sight B. threatening B. like B. peaceful B. cages C. think C. action C. women C. medicine C. pagodas C. ball C. look C. lipstick C. do C. at C. contact C. pretty C. love C. violent C. rooms D. guess D. comparison D. girls D. flowers D. temples D. all are correct D. see D. glasses D. make D. into D. look D. ugly D. dislike D. intimate D. offices


The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank. Fill each blank in this way. EXAMPLE: He said Good morning in a most friendly way. My teacher encouraged me to take this examination. 1. This coffee is too HEAT to drink. 2. I really dont think he has the ABILITY to do this job. 3. The professor explained his ideas with great CLEARLY 4. Do you know what the DEEP of the river is? 5. He is a very SKILLED carpenter. 6. He COULD THREAT to hit me if I didnt hand over my money. 7. He drives so CAREFUL that he is sure to have an accident. 8. I am CONFIDENT that he will succeed in his chosen career. 9. I had to check the wages in ADDITION to my normal work.
10. During his CHILDREN the family lived in Cornwall.


11. Craigs old jacket was so WEAR that he had to buy a new one. 12. The ring was not valuable; in fact it was almost WORTH 13. During his speech, he kept on STRAIGHT his tie. 14. The water in this area is SURE and should not be drunk. 15. A successful business needs good ORGANIZER
16. Alisons SHYNESS made it hard for her to speak in public.



17. He cycled UNCAREFULLY and had an accident. 18. Could you STRAIGHT the picture over the sofa? 19. This matter is very CONFIDENT Dont discuss it outside this office



20. Those berries are POISONOUS Dont eat them!

21. He used all his STRENGTH to force the door to open. 22. He was too SHAMEFUL to tell his teacher about the stupid mistake 23. The police are interested in the sudden APPEARANCE of the valuable painting. 24. I believe you because I know you are TRUTHFUL 25. I feel so SLEEPILY that Im going to bed. 26. In CONCLUSION, Id like to thank many people who have helped me while I have been working here. 27. He was very PRUDENCE of the work he had done. 28. There has been a REDUCTION of 10% in the amount of money 6

available for buying new books. 29. He is interested in the PRESEVATION of the old building.
30. The manager handed in his RESIGNATION after being accused of dishonesty.


31. Athletes understand the IMPORTANCE of practicing 32. Every year, many SWIMMER attempt to swim across the English channel. 33. This company offered a lot of ASSISTANT jobs. 34. I want to see the banker, not his ELOQUENTNESS 35. He speaks English with RELIANCE 36. It may not be a handsome car but its AGREEABLE 37. The manager of each team signed an MANAGEMENT 38. Helen is going to study ABLY 39. Some people do not have the HAPPINESS to be an athlete. 40. People all want to find HAPPILY in their lives 41. People would WILLING pay more for better services. 42. She was extremely KNOWLEDGED about the history of China. 43. They are thinking of the ATTRACTION of travelling abroad this summer. 44. Teachers must keep a record of students ATTENDANCE 45. Our school set up a project to COMPUTE the library system. 46. There were over 500 APPLICANTS for the job. 47. After losing the DECIDED battle, the general was forced to concede defeat. 48. Faulty goods should be returned to the MANUFACTORY 49. Put an ADVERTISEMENT in the local paper to sell your car. 50. The children all have very different PERSONALITY 51. They praised her for her HONESTY 52. News of their safety came as a great RELIEF 53. I won't tell you his REACTION . I'll leave that to your imagination. 54. Housework has TRADITIONALLY been regarded as women's work. 55. The speaker announced the ESTABLISHMENT of a new college.



(THI GIAN: 90 PHT) (KHNG S DNG TI LIU) (LM BI TRN BNG TR LI CU HI) THI GRAMMAR & WRITING GM 4 PHN PART I: GRAMMAR (4.0 MARKS) - 40 multiple-choice questions PART II: USE OF ENGLISH (2.0 MARKS) TEN BLANKS (TWO PASSAGES) Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the passages with a suitable word. Use only one word for each blank. PART III: GUIDED SENTENCE BUILDING (2.0 MARKS) 10 sentences Use the following sets of words or phrases to write a complete sentence. PART IV: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (2.0 MARKS) 10 sentences Finish each of the given sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.

THI READING COMPREHENSION GM 4 PHN PART I: VOCABULARY (4.0 MARKS) - 40 multiple-choice questions PART II: FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE WORDS GIVEN (2.0 MARKS) TEN BLANKS Read the TWO passages, and then choose the most suitable word or phrase marked A, B, C or D to fill in each blank. PART III: READING COMPREHENSION (2.0 MARKS) 10 QUESTIONS Read TWO passages carefully, then choose the best answer marked A, B, C or D. PART IV: WORD TRANSFORMATION (2.0 MARKS) 10 WORDS
The word in capitals at the end of each of the given sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank. Fill in each blank with the correct word form.

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