LW Legend of Loreley (Ursilius) 090224

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Legend of Loreley
LightWorker Series

System and Manual by Dr. Uwe Gonzalez Burgunder Layout by Jens Seborg

Legend of Loreley (LightWorker Series)

Rev. Dr. Uwe Gonzalez Burgunder has committed his life to helping others grow and realizing their true potential. He has an extremely perceptive nature and his talent as a Spiritual Teacher and Healing Facilitator, has lead to his emergence as a well known figure in the fields of Self-Awareness, Spiritual Unfoldment and Universal Laws Life Coaching. These areas work together, assisting a person to become healthier and whole in all ways. Uwe Gonzalez Burgunder was born on October 3, 1970 and currently lives with his wife and daughter in a small town near Cologne, Germany. He has been gifted with psychic abilities since childhood. His spiritual awakening occurred in 1990. It was at that time that Uwe was given the ability to accurately channel Divine messages from Angels. This is an ability he has continued to hone and in 1995 he started assisting people with Spiritual Healing and advising them in their spiritual lives. He has since received Reiki teachings from Master Teachers all over the world and became a Reiki Teacher. Uwe have been attuned to large number of different healing modalities. Hes an ordained Minister and an honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Religion and Metaphysics. In his commitment to being of service to those who seek to bring more Light to Earth and help one another on our spiritual paths, Uwe founded Lightworkers Healing Federation. This online community has since grown to over one thousand members. Not only is Uwe skilled in many types of Reiki and other Divine Healing and Enlightenment Energies from many sacred ancient spiritual traditions, he has the incredible natural ability to bring new Divine Energy Systems through from beyond and make them available to each of us! These are similar to the well known and trusted subtle energy, Reiki, yet of a slightly different octave, if you would like to think of them in a musical sense. All that is required is that a person be a sincere seeker of more meaning in their lives and want a better connection with the core of their own being. These unique energy systems foster a sense of well being and are great stress relievers! Think of it as receiving a dose of an energy frequency that then give you a key to receive directly from the Universe, more doses I am delighted to present some of his attunements here in the LightWorker Series. Jens Seborg system founder LightWorker Ursulius Series (all from Rev. Dr. Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) Archangelic Symbol Healing System (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LW Series) Five Dhyani Buddha Empowerments (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LW Series) Legend of Loreley (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series) LightWorkers Unity Energy (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series) Love, Forgiveness and Magic of the Angels (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LW Series) Order of Lightworkers (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LW Series) Peaceful Path of the Buddha (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series) Ring of the Nibelungs (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series) Sakkara Fire Reiki (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series) Seven Rays Activation (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series) Unconditional Love Initiation (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series)

Legend of Loreley Mermaid Empowerment

The Legend of Loreley is one of the most famous German Sagas. Im living next to the river Rhine; my personal power place. These energies came to me as I stood on the Loreley Rock in the summer of 2006. The energies are warm, soft and gentle and will strengthen up your gifted abilities. You will benefit from theses energies in your healing sessions. This is the Empowerment into the Legend of Lorely

The Birth of the Loreley Saga

When Clemens von Brentano, inspired by a recent journey on the Rhine, wrote his ballad of the Lore Ley in 1801, little did he know that it would become the basis of a popular myth. His Lore Lay was a sorceress of outstanding beauty, and any man who looked into her eyes irreversibly fell in love with her. The bishop summoned her to be judged, but couldn't resist her beauty. She asked him to put an end to her life, yet the bishop refused to condemn her. Giving her three knights as an escort, he sent her to an abbey to become a nun. On their way the party passed the steep rock and the girl asked the knights to let her climb up for one last view of her lover's castle and the Rhine. Once at the top she spied an approaching ship, and, exclaiming that her lover must be aboard, hurled herself to her death. In Brentano's 'Rheinmrchen' she is a fairy of eternal youth and beauty, with her palace on the rock at the Rhine. Other authors took on the figure, including Joseph von Eichendorff in his 1815 poem 'Waldgesprch', where she is a witch and O. H. von Loeben in the tale 'Loreley, eine Sage vom Rhein'. Myth soon had her as a Mermaid sitting on the rock and luring sailors to their death, but it wasn't until Heinrich Heine's 1823 poem 'Lorelei', about a virgin combing her golden hair with a golden comb, while singing a song with a haunting melody, and Friedrich Silcher's setting of it to music a year later, that the legend really took off. Very popular throughout the 19th and early 20th Centuries, it is said that the Nazis didn't burn or ban it because of its popularity, merely labeling the author as 'anon', however, there is no written evidence of this.

Das Loreleylied (An ancient Legend of the Rhine) I cannot divine what it meaneth, This haunting nameless pain: A tale of the bygone ages Keeps brooding through my brain: The faint air cools in the gloaming, And peaceful flows the Rhine, The thirsty summits are drinking The sunset's flooding wine; The loveliest maiden is sitting High-throned in yon blue air, Her golden jewels are shining, She combs her golden hair;. She combs with comb that is golden, And sings a weird refrain That steeps in a deadly enchantment The listener's ravished brain: The doomed in his drifting shallop, Is tranced with the sad sweet tone, He sees not the yawing breakers, He sees but the maid alone: The pitiless billwos engulf him!So perish sailor and bark; And this, with her baleful singing, Is the Lorelei's gruesome work Heinrich Heine, 1823

Legend of Loreley... the Story

Who has not heard the song about Loreley, who is sitting on top of the rock, combing her golden hair and sings in such a cozening way that a fisher will perish in the Rhine because he only has eyes for her and disregards the dangerous waves? Numerous fishers suffered this fate but I learnt about another story: The beautiful damsel used to be a friend to the fishers. Often she descended from the rock when the young men cast out their nets and she showed them fruitful fishing grounds. When they followed her advice, they were always rewarded with a copious draught. The fishers were very grateful for the help of Loreley and wherever they went they spread the lore of her beauty and helpfulness and those who heard about her, told others. Eventually the news of the beautiful young woman reached the court of the palatine and when his son heard about it, he was gripped by a deep yearning for the unbeknown maid. He did not sleep at night and finally he abandoned himself to the vision that only the sight of the beloved Loreley could restore his peace of mind. In his day dreams he already saw himself marching into the court, the belle by his side, admired and envied by everyone. One day, when the season had just opened, he bade farewell to his father and went to Wesel to go fishing. He let his men take him down the Rhine in a small boat and came to the fishers late that afternoon. "Wait until the sun goes down", they advised the young count, "usually she appears on the rock around that time". He told the boatsmen to row his boat right to the middle of the river and to stay there because he did not want to miss Loreley's arrival. And it did not take long until the sun sent magenta rays across the sky and Loreley appeared on top of the rock, sat down on the edge and began to comb her long hair. In the glow of the last sunbeams it glittered like gold. Spellbound, the young palatine gazed at the magical apparition and when the belle began to sing a lugubrious tune with her clear voice, he was lost.

He ordered the boatsmen to take him to the bank and he leant far out of the boat because he could hardly await the boat to disembark. When the boat was only a few yards away from the bank he could not hold off any longer and took a jump on the embankment but he had misjudged the distance and with a scream he fell into the Rhine, whose dangerous flow carried him away and nobody could help him. Soon the palatine learned about his son's fate. His soul was torn by the pain about the loss and the fury about Loreley and he assembled his best soldiers. "Catch the witch and bring her here, if dead or alive I do not care!" he told the captain. "Then allow us to throw her into the Rhine so that she drowns in the floods just like your son", the captain suggested, "because if she is really a witch, she will easily escape from the dungeon". The palatine agreed and the captain set out for the Loreley with a small troop. Towards evening he had the rock surrounded by his men and climbed up with his bravest fighters. They found the young woman sitting on the edge of the rock singing with her charming voice like usual. In her hands she was holding a string of amber which shone resplendent in the evening sun like liquid honey. When the petite woman saw the heavily armed men she interrupted her tune and asked them, "Whom are you looking for, you brave warriors?" "It's you we are looking for, fiendish witch" retorted the captain stepping forward. - "You shall die a miserable death so that the sound of your voice shall never deprive an innocent man of his right mind again". Thereupon Loreley laughed, shook her blonde mane, threw the amber string over the edge into the Rhine and sang in a mysterious melody: "Father, come here and send your child white horses on the waves to ride" The palatine's soldiers were awestruck - as soon as Loreley had finished the tune a mighty storm fumed over the rock like they had never seen one before in their lives. The water in the Rhine was stirred up and the river rose but the damsel stood on the abyss and laughed about the furious river. All of a sudden the crests of two huge waves rushed up to the crag, seized Loreley and carried her into the depth of the river.

At this moment the captain realized that that the beautiful woman was a mermaid who could not be harmed by human power. They returned to the palatine's court to bear the news but to their utmost surprise the first person they met was the young count who had survived his fall into the Rhine because a wave had washed him up the shore a short way downstream. Loreley, however, had vanished forever since that day. People say that she still lives on the rock which was named after her but she keeps out of sight and her voice has stopped delighting those who sail by ever since.

At last you have the Loreleylied in the original language: Ich wei nicht was soll es bedeuten Da ich so traurig bin; Ein Mrchen aus alten Zeiten, Das kommt mir nicht aus dem Sinn. Die Luft ist khl und es dunkelt, Und ruhig fliet der Rhein; Der Gipfel des Berges funkelt Im Abendsonnenschein. Die schnste Jungfrau sitzet Dort oben wunderbar, Ihr goldenes Geschmeide blitzet, Sie kmmt ihr goldenes Haar. Sie kmmt es mit goldenem Kamme Und singt ein Lied dabey; Das hat eine wundersame, Gewaltige Melodei. Den Schiffer, im kleinen Schiffe, Ergreift es mit wildem Weh; Er schaut nicht die Felsenriffe, Er schaut nur hinauf in die Hh. Ich glaube, die Wellen verschlingen Am Ende Schiffer und Kahn; Und das hat mit ihrem Singen Die Lore-Ley getan.

Mermaids 1
A marine creature with the head and upper body of a beautiful young maid en and with the lower body of a fish. She can be found in seas and lakes, or lying on a rock and combing her hair with one hand while holding a mirror in the other. Mermaids sometimes foretell the future and are often accompanied by seals. According to myth, they lure sailors by singing and with lovely music. They live in a kingdom on the bottom of the sea, and it is here they take their prisoners to. From this story, the fear amongst the sailor grew and they thought that seeing a mermaid would cause bad luck: it could predict death by drowning. The belief in mermaids is not limited to a few countries, but there are tales from all over the world (in India, for instance, there are the Apsara, beautiful water). However, most of those tales were told by sailors who "saw" them on their long journeys. The idea of mermaids and mermen, the male equivalent, could be based on creatures from Greek and Babylonian mythology: Sirens and Tritons of the Greeks, and the fish gods, who were half human and half fish, from the Babylonians. Encyclopedia Mythica

Mermaids 2
Mermaid, in folklore, supernatural, sea-dwelling creature with the head and upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower body of a fish. The mermaid is frequently described as appearing above the surface of the water and combing her long hair with one hand while holding a mirror in the other. Mermaids, in the numerous tales told of them, often foretell the future, sometimes under compulsion; give supernatural powers to human beings; or fall in love with human beings and entice their mortal lovers to follow them beneath the sea. Mermaids have quite amazing qualities as well, as they are so magical. It is said that mermaids can transform their fish-half into the lower half of a human when out of the water so they may walk around like any human.

Of course they retain their great beauty and abilities, but they cannot be separated from the water on a long-term basis or they will grow despondent and weak. One of the most incredible features of the mermaids is t hat any and all of them may heal any ailment through several methods. Just a drop of blood from one of these beings will bring even someone on death's door back to life in full health, cured of any ailments and injury. When a mermaid cries, the tears become pearls when they hit the water and also may be used for healing potions if ground up or ingested, reportedly; they also have great magical powers, and anyone using a pearl in magical workings is said to be gifted indeed by the sheer power included. Possibly the most controversial of abilities is that of immortality conferred by consuming the flesh of a mermaid. However, to forcibly take this gift from a living mermaid is to invite the wrath of the sea and be cursed with eternal pain as long as that immortal life lasts... forever! It is said, however, that if this gift is given freely or if the mermaid has already passed from this plane of existence that the curse will not be given. However, immortality may in its own way be a curse too. The songs of the mermaids are enchanting, and to some it may place them under the control of their merfolk. The label of Siren is also sometimes used for mermaids because of this, and in many tales they are one and the same. The song of any mermaids may evoke the most intense of feelings in those who listen to it, and it may compel them to do whatever the mermaid wishes them to do. However, most mermaids are gentle and kind, rather than capricious or cruel. Often almost childlike in their outlooks, they prefer the company of the kind and gentle rather than the cruel or callous. They have been known to intentionally cause harm to the wicked, especially those out of favor with sea deities. Mermaids are also known for their romantic and poetic hearts, reflected in their incredibly beautiful songs. Perhaps this is why their stories and legends have lived so long over such a huge area, stretching the world over.

Jaroslaw Kukowski: The Last Baltic Mermaid Catching Bird

Receiving the Mermaid Empowerment

Start with Gassho (prayer posture). Meditate on the light and love energies around you, above you and inside of you. Ask the help of your higher self and others of your helpers such as the mighty I AM Presence, the angels and archangels, masters and your guides of meditation, ascension and initiation. Accept receiving the initiation from your teacher. Sense the energies!

Passing the Empowerment on

To Pass the Empowerment to others, do the same process as above. Just intend to pass them and I pass the Mermaid Empowerment to for his/her highest goods sensing the energies running and the spiritual shifts. Trust in the Higher Wisdom and Power. Enjoy!

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