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Tiltproof Incorporated

Handling Enhanced Transaction Controller (ETC) Alerts

Document No. Effective Date Revision Date Approval


1.0 Purpose:

This document establishes how to handle Enhanced Transaction Controller (ETC) processor alerts.

2.0 Persons Affected:

1) Cashier Team Leads 2) Cashier Supervisors

3.0 Forms, Checklists, Flowchart:

1) Payment processor contact information is located at: < %20Contacts/AllItems.aspx>. 2) Printable version: \\tpfs1nw\workflow$\HANDBOOK-CASHIER TL AND ABOVE\Print Versions\Cashier TL and Above Handbook\Handling ETC Alerts.doc

4.0 Policy:

1) If a payment processor queue is automatically paused following a technical issue, an ETC processor alert email is sent to <>. The etcalert distribution list includes the Network Operations Centre (NOC) and all Operations Team Leads and above. 2) Payment processor contact information can be found at: < %20Contacts/AllItems.aspx>. 1) Immediately respond to the ETC email to inform NOC that Customer Support (CS) has received the alert and is investigating the issue. 2) Attempt to log into the merchant site of the appropriate processor as per the associated payment processor document listed in 5.10 in the Cashier Team Lead and Above Handbook. 3) If the merchant site is operational: a) Locate the queued transactions on the site following the associated payment processor document listed in 5.10 in the Cashier Team Lead and Above Handbook.

5.0 Procedure:

Tiltproof Incorporated b) Unpause the queue in WAT.

c) Verify any transactions in a ProcessingFailed state. d) Respond to the ETC email to inform NOC that the queue has been unpaused and CS is monitoring the situation. 4) If the merchant site is inaccessible or the queued transactions are not located, contact the processor to see if they are experiencing technical issues at their end. Contact information can be found at: < %20Contacts/AllItems.aspx>. a) If the processor confirms they are experiencing issues, respond to the ETC email to inform NOC. b) Email <> and CC: <> and request an announcement to inform everyone of the payment processor issue. c) If you do not hear from the processor, attempt to access the processor merchant site every hour. When it becomes operational, follow step 3. Monitoring the Queue 1) 2) the queue. a) Monitor the transactions to ensure they process as usual. If the deposits do not clear within 10 minutes, pause

Check the issue isnt internal. View the status/disposition of recent transactions. Check with relevant departments (NOC or ETC). b) If the issue isnt internal, contact the processor to inform them that transactions are not processing as usual. c) If the processor informs that there is no issue at their end, ask them to investigate further and contact us once their investigation is complete. d) Once the issue has been resolved, unpause the queue. 3) Once the queue is clear, respond to the ETC alert email to inform NOC the issue has been resolved and CS will monitor the situation. 4) Email <> and CC: <> to request an announcement to inform everyone that the issue is resolved and deposits are processing as normal.

Tiltproof Incorporated

6.0 Definitions:

1) Enhanced Transaction Controller (ETC) - handles and manages all financial transactions on behalf of players, customer support and the game system. The ETC enforces all financial limit policies and provides the foundation for fraud detection and prevention. ETC provides no user interface as interaction with users is accomplished via other software components in the system. 2) Network Operations Centre (NOC) acts as a point of escalation for CS for issues relating to production tools and services. NOC provides real time monitoring of the game system and engages all relevant parties when a production issue/failure is detected. NOC is a central point for notifications to all departments in relation to scheduled updates/downtime.

7.0 Revision History:

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