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COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING (CHN) WHO- a. special field of nursing that combines skills of nursing to public health. b.

functions as part of total health program. A. for promotion of health B. improvement of conditions C. rehabilitation of illness and disability Jacobson- learn, practice, discipline with ultimate goal of contributing as individuals to promote clients optimum level of functioning through teaching and delivery care. Dr, Ruth B. Freeman- CHN is unique blend of nursing and public health practice aimed in developing and enhancing health capabilities of people. It involves in entire spectrum of health services for the community. Tinkham and voorhies 1972 a. CHN is a field of nursing in which the family and the community are patients b. Unique blend of nursing and PH practice woven and to human service. c. The hallmark of CHN is the population or aggregate focused. FRAMEWORK FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING Community Health nursing is the totality of its philosophy and beliefs, principles and processes. these are underscored in the roles and functions of community health nursing. Community Health nursing is influenced by its immediate context ----the health care delivery system ----- and the overall economic, political, socio-cultural and the environmental factors. The primary goal of community health nursing is the promotion and preservation of health of its different clients a. individual b. family c. population group d. community Community health nursing therefore responds to the health needs of its clients. In recognition of the fact that health is greatly affected by the health care delivery system and the economic, socio cultural, political and health environmental factors, a number of community health nursing processes specifically target thesepolicy advocacy; program planning, implementation, and evaluation; organizing and mobilizing; and managing, influencing and research. The practice of community health nursing is dynamic because the different practice settings have varying subjective and objective realities.

CONCEPTS: Concepts basic to nursing are used in working with the clients: individuals, families,, group and communities. Some concepts of community health nursing are: 1. The primary focus of community health nursing practice is on health promotion. 2. Community health nursing practice is extended to benefit not only the individual but the whole family and the community. 3. Community health nurses are generalists in terms of their practice through lifes continuum-its full range of health problems and needs. 4. contact with the client and/or the family may continue over a long period of time w/c includes all ages and all types of health care. 5. the nature of community health nursing practice requires that current knowledge derived from the biological and social, ecology, clinical nursing and community health organizations be utilized. 6. the dynamic process of assessing, planning, implementing, intervening, provide periodic measurements pf progress, evaluation and a continuum pf the cycle until the termination of nursing is implicit in the practice of the community health nursing.

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