Newsletter Volume 01 Issue 04

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This Week
Even though we only had two days of school we still did a lot of learning. We learned a lot about the Aseret Ymei Teshuva (=the ten days of repentence), the month of Tishrei, Chumash and Parasha. The class also earned its first 100 points for Project SHAlom excellence and got to take an extra ten minute recess as a reward! There are lots of questions for the Shabbat table this week. Thank you to all of the Remember, parents who have given me such great feedback on these questions. your child is not expected to know the answer to every single question .
1. What Parashah do we read this week? In this weeks parashah: 2. How old was Moshe when he died?


Newsletter 9.21.12 Volume 1, Issue 4

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Seattle Hebrew Academy, 1617 Interlaken Drive East, Seattle, 98112 Rabbi Yehuda Rapoport // // // 206.323.5750

For the Shabbat Table

Here are some questions to ask your child(ren) on Shabbat:

3. What did Moshe say to the people to give them courage when they have to fight to conquer the Land? 4. Who will be the leader after Moshe? 5. What does Moshe tell Yehoshua to give him courage? 6. What did Moshe give to the Kohanim and Zekeinim (=Elders/Wise Leaders)? 7. What is the name of the mitzvah for the king to gather the people every seven years and read them the Torah? (hint: sounds kind of like Kahalsame shoresh too) About the Chagim: 8. What are the days between Rosh Hashana and Yom HaKippurim called? 9. What Hebrew month and day is Rosh Hashana on? 10. What day of Tishrei is Yom HaKippurim on? 11. What is the Seuda HaMafseket? 12. What are some of the things we do to get ready for Yom HaKippurim? 13. What are some of the things we are not allowed to do on Yom HaKippurim? 14. What mitzvah do many people try to do as soon as possible after Yom HaKippurim is over? 15. What day of Tishrei is Sukkot on? 16. What books are open between Rosh Hashana and Yom HaKippurim? What does that mean we should do?

We learned that we do teshuva (repentance), tefilla (prayer), and tzedaka (charity) to get ready for Rosh Hashana. Our class will be raising money for the

Jewish Family Services Food Bank Program. Maybe there is a chore your child(ren) can do around the house

to earn a quarter or two to give to this tzedaka. I will

set up a pushka (tzedaka box) in the classroom and they will have an opportunity to give tzedaka during Tefilla.

Wishing you all a Gmar Chatima Tova, you should be blessed with a good, happy, healthy and prosperous year. We have gotten off to a great start. Your children are going to achieve great things this year!

Parent Signature______________________

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