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Mt Paran-Northside Security Services

1. Please rate what you believe to be the effectiveness of the current Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association security services:
Response Percent Excellent Above Average Average Fair Poor No opinion 22.0% 30.3% 20.5% 8.7% 8.4% 10.1% answered question skipped question Response Count 76 105 71 30 29 35 346 0

2. In the last 2 years, have you called the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association security patrol?
Response Percent Yes No 60.4% 39.6% answered question skipped question Response Count 209 137 346 0

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3. Please evaluate the timeliness of the response:

Response Percent Answered the call immediately Promptly returned the call Slow return No return call No opinion 30.6% 42.1% 11.0% 10.0% 6.2% answered question skipped question Response Count 64 88 23 21 13 209 137

4. Please evaluate the effectiveness of the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association security services with regard to a specific incident:
Response Percent Exceeded my expectations Met my expectations Did not meet my expectations No opinion 23.0% 49.3% 15.3% 12.4% answered question skipped question Response Count 48 103 32 26 209 137

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5. On a cost to benefit ratio ($200 per year per security member) please evaluate the value you currently receive:
Response Percent A great value A good value Somewhat worth it Not worth it No opinion 22.6% 35.4% 24.6% 8.1% 9.3% answered question skipped question Response Count 78 122 85 28 32 345 1

6. Would you prefer the security force use marked or unmarked cars?
Response Percent Marked Unmarked No opinion 57.1% 19.7% 23.2% answered question skipped question Response Count 197 68 80 345 1

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7. Which of the following is most important to you? (Estimated membership costs are based on current level of participation.)
Response Percent Use of Option A - off duty or retired police officers for 56 hours a week with minimal phone coverage ($200 per member, current approach) Use of Option B - patrol units for 56 hours a week with guaranteed 24/7 phone coverage ($130 per member) Use of Option A - off duty or retired police officers 24/7 ($585 per member) Use of Option B - patrol units 24/7 ($335 per member) No opinion 15.6% 53 16.5% 56 27.9% 95 Response Count



5.3% answered question skipped question

18 340 6

8. Would you be in favor of the installation of video surveillance cameras at the entry/exit points of the neighborhood in an effort to identify suspicious vehicles after an incident has occurred?
Response Percent Yes No No opinion 59.4% 25.8% 14.8% answered question skipped question Response Count 189 82 47 318 28

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9. Are you currently a member of the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association?

Response Percent Yes - Full member including security services Yes - Member without security services No - I am not a member Response Count





7.9% answered question skipped question

25 318 28

10. I would describe my membership in Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association as:

Response Percent An excellent value A good value A fair value An obligation I pay begrudgingly No opinion 28.0% 35.8% 24.2% 5.5% 6.5% answered question skipped question Response Count 82 105 71 16 19 293 53

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11. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .
Response Count 130 answered question skipped question 130 216

12. I have not joined the association because:

Response Percent I didnt know about it No one has asked / I do not know how to go about joining I do not see the value It costs too much No opinion 0.0% Response Count 0


28.0% 12.0% 48.0% answered question skipped question

7 3 12 25 321

13. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .
Response Count 11 answered question skipped question 11 335

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Page 6, Q11. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Did I get this in in time? Current guys are great but too expensive for 24 / 7 presemce. Too bad they can't live in the neighborhood. Maybe in a rental? I am not opposed to option B with 7/24 hour patrols, but I am not sure it will truly be more effective. 24/7 coverage would be much safer. Plus it is not much more money. I have lived in my home since 1957 and have had seven major burglaries. I think thieves are aware we have a patrol. While the money factor makes sense, I am apprehensive about having nonpolice officers patrolling the neighborhood. I believe that the increased security issues, theft, break-in's, etc. strongly support the need for increased security in our neighborhood. Our neighborhood is a target for crimes given the types of homes and families that reside here. We must become aggressive in preventing crime and take a proactive approach rather than reactive response. The issue of security extends beyond the protection of material possessions - for me, the safety and security of my family and children are my primary concern. I urge the Citizens Association to move quickly to improve our neighborhood security, not only with more complete coverage, better response time but also with a strong visible presence that would deter criminal activity to begin with. We must act now to put an end to the crime we have seen increase in our neighborhood before the petty theft and occasional break-in becomes acts of violence against our children and those we love and care for. I would also like to propose that in addition to a stronger security patrol - we form a neighborhood watch group of anyone who would like to participate. Not a watch group that patrols the neighborhood, but simply an invitation to bring concerned neighbors together with the patrol company and teach us how to become more aware of suspicious persons, what to do, who to call, etc. When I see a landscaping truck that I have never seen before should I make a note of the company name, write down the vehicle tag number or assume they are fine to be here? If I have concerns, who do I call? What do I report? Should I approach someone I am suspicious of? What if someone approaches me? There are a lot of "sunday drivers" who like to cruise our neighborhood to look at houses. I appreciate that people like to look at the beautiful properties in our neighborhood, but how do we ensure the safety and maintain our personal privacy in our homes? I believe that our neighborhood has rules against solicitation - but how are they enforced? What should I do when someone knocks at my door to sell me something? How can we stop vendors from driving through our neighborhood to put flyers in and on our mailboxes? Can we have streets marked with signs that say - No Through Traffic - and Dead End. I live on a cul de sac and there seems to be a constant flow of traffic coming down the street and turning around. This past Sunday - I planted flowers at my driveway entrance from noon - 4pm and counted 8 cars that came down the road and turned around and left. With this kind of traffic on a dead end street in a neighborhood with the houses so far apart - I do not feel safe to allow my children to play in the front yard without constant supervision. Thank you for allowing me to express my thoughts. You have my full support to help improve

Aug 8, 2012 11:27 PM Aug 8, 2012 10:33 PM Aug 8, 2012 9:54 PM Aug 8, 2012 6:48 PM Aug 8, 2012 4:41 PM Aug 8, 2012 1:23 PM Aug 8, 2012 11:49 AM

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Page 6, Q11. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .

and increase the neighborhood security. 8 9 10 Did not know we had services; never called them. But need them because city of atlanta rarely even responds!! I live just outside the eastern boundary on Hillside Dr. Would be interested in the security patrol. It is extremely important that our security service be armed (i.e. active or retired law enforcement officers), as the other so-called security companies can only call the APD (and nearly all of us have monitored alarm services that already do just that). Our security service must be able to act as the APD would to protect us and our property because the APD does not effectively do this for us due to low density coverage, low to nonexistent patrolling, and poor response times. Our security service is in reality our real police department, and they need to have the capacity and capability to do the job. Love our security officers. Feel like they genuinely care for and professionally look after us. I always encourage new neighbors and those not using our security to do so (can't understand those who don't). A great value, I have only asked security to pick up papers when we were out of town, and keep an eye on the house. I don't believe they did it. Thx to the people who provide it! I would like to see them patrolling the neighborhood more often. I know they are out there, just haven't seen them. comforting We have been very satisfied with the security team that we have used for many years and the personal attention to our requests for surveillance when we are away. We do not want an impersonal service that does not know the residents, their families and their pets on a one to one basis. A service such as the one described is generally used at other communities that are not of the calibre of ours - leave our security team in place!!! By the way, this is a very slanted survey - what is the agenda of the people who prepared it??? The main reason i answered "Excellent value" to Question 10 is the current security force. I never see police or the security people in the neighborhood. I am suprised we don't have much more crime with the low presence. Major positives -- Ability to arrest, link to APD, wouldn't mind marked vehicles for the deterrence value. Cameras a variety of different MPNCA neighborhood entry and exit points would be a plus. Officer Doug Cole and his group have done an excellent job for us. This survey has been written to favor your viewpoint that we get rid of Officer Cole. Having an armed, well trained former police officer who really knows the people and situations in the neighborhood is the best defense against crime. Officer Cole Aug 8, 2012 11:14 AM Aug 8, 2012 11:13 AM Aug 8, 2012 11:13 AM


Aug 8, 2012 10:56 AM

12 13 14 15 16

Aug 8, 2012 9:21 AM Aug 8, 2012 9:04 AM Aug 8, 2012 8:30 AM Aug 8, 2012 7:18 AM Aug 7, 2012 11:08 PM

17 18 19

Aug 7, 2012 7:36 PM Aug 7, 2012 1:30 PM Aug 7, 2012 11:21 AM


Aug 7, 2012 7:49 AM

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Page 6, Q11. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .

really cares about the people he is being paid to protect. 21 Perfectly happy with current security. 24/7 security coverage not warranted base on crime statistics. We will end our membership if the current security team is dropped. 24x7 would be real security! like receiving notification through the website about incidents in the neighborhood. It is too back the off duty police are so expensive! Never seen patrol!! Overall very satisfied. All the officers are very responsive, even moving large and heavy deliveries that came while we were away to the back of the house. I prefer the current program of off-duty or retired APD oficers and would be concerned about moving to a private security service because I don't think we would have the same caliber of people or protection. I am glad a survey is being taken, but this is an important enough issue that before a decsion is made we should have a community meeting to discuss and hear input from neighbors. I believe that regardless of option A or B, that the security patrol officers should be "armed" and trained in proper use of weapons. There are instances where they will be "first responders" and without the ability to protect themselves, or the homeowner, will be at risk. 1. What is the current level of crime rate in our neighborhood (for both Atlanta & Sandy Springs)? -- Is it increasing or decreasing? When and for what purposes do neighbors think they need coverage? 2. With regard to the chart on comparisons, you have put forth facts that are not true. I am sure that the current security patrol can detain and arrest suspects. (They have in the past!) You should have mentioned that in addition to a gun, they carry handcuffs, mace, a "billy club" in addition to a multiple channel, state of the art, secure channel-switching police radio. Also, Option A officers are subject to random drug tests at any time. 3. Question #4 should have had a "comment" box, allowing explanation of the "specific incident" so we know what these guys do that people value. 4. Perhaps "marked" vehicles could be experimented with (magnetic signs). We have discussed this with our alarm company and they advise that the element of surprise is important, especially when a fairly large territory is being patrolled. 5. What this survey ignores is the element of TRUST & CONFIDENTIALITY. I don't want to share all my family's private information (names, phone numbers, gate codes or keys) with multiple strangers I have no knowledge of. Are they BONDED and been subjected to a background investigation (i.e. have they ever been arrested or do they have a criminal background)? Many of our properties are secluded and private. Can we trust just anybody to become familiar with the vulnerabilities of our properties? 6. If a switch is contemplated, have multiple customers in similar neighborhoods of another service been interviewed? 7. We feel extremely comfortable having armed officers we know, in full police uniform, sometimes on a police motorcycle, Aug 6, 2012 6:22 PM

22 23 24 25 26 27

Aug 5, 2012 11:13 PM Aug 5, 2012 5:38 PM Aug 5, 2012 3:51 PM Aug 5, 2012 3:22 PM Aug 4, 2012 10:58 PM Aug 4, 2012 12:40 PM


Aug 4, 2012 10:48 AM


Aug 3, 2012 4:30 PM

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Page 6, Q11. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .

answering what might be a distress call or extreme emergency or walking the perimeter of our home. 30 31 Having security armed with the power to arrest seems to be a valuable feature of the service. I am satisfied with the current security service; the results are apparently satisfactory and am pleased, in particular, with the familiarity the officers have gained with the residents, and their homes. Use retired police officers I recently called security after 2 men walking in neighborhood rang my doorbell. I did get a return call in timely manner. The officer said he had gotten other calls about the men. He asked if I would call the police and maybe between the 2 of them they could find them ( I told him where they were walking). I would have expected him to be in touch with police ( why am I paying him if I am asked to call police instead of him for an incident that was concerning but didn't seem an emergency). I also have tried to utilize security patrolling /getting mail out of box and putting by back door when I'm out of town. But this never works since they are not on duty over weekends. I don't feel that we get enough security report. I have lived in other Buckhead neighborhoods and our civic assoc had much better security. If the security guards are not armed and cannot arrest, what's the point................. As a reminder, we hired the current police service because we wanted to have more of a police presence in our neighborhood than the City was able to provide. I believe that the services we current receive are exactly what we requested for these officers. I also believe that they have a record of actually catching criminals which is what we wanted in the first place. Please don't hire an unarmed private security service with marked cars that drive around all day. They do not deter crime and if the come upon a crime they can only witness the crime, because they have no authority. If the neighborhood wants more patrolling, please increase the scope of the services we currently have with the armed retire police officers that we currently work with today. I would feel much safer calling the security service if I knew I was dealing with someone that could actually respond to my situation. If I call the alternative security service there only way of dealing with a situation is to call 911 and I dont need to pay someone extra to do something I can do myself, and faster. In summary you get what you pay for. If the neighborhood wants more police presence, than we should expand the role of the police. Let the security service company guard an office building somewhere else. I think $300 + per member is getting on up there. I really like our security patrol and think they are doing an excellent job. I feel very comfortable letting them know when I go out of town. Very pleased. In favor of more security. Aug 3, 2012 3:33 PM Aug 3, 2012 1:33 PM

32 33

Aug 3, 2012 10:41 AM Aug 3, 2012 10:36 AM

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Aug 3, 2012 9:27 AM Aug 3, 2012 8:56 AM Aug 2, 2012 6:15 PM


Aug 2, 2012 6:06 PM


Aug 2, 2012 11:55 AM

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Page 6, Q11. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .

39 40 41

Much better signage about security patrols at the entrances to the neighborhood. Security cameras would be very good, regardless of which service is selected. A presence is more important than reaction. Marked vehicles should be used. On their advice, we've asked them to collect our mail and newspapers when we are away. When we first contacted them, they visited the property, noted level of security, agreed upon where to store collected mail and papers and occasionally watered some out door plants when necessary. They are very polite and seem to perform these services as requested. So far the services have been exellent and the current security team is very responsive. Would not want to see a new service put in place. A part-time patrol, albeit a good one when on duty, is like trying to fight the criminals with one hand tied. With the increasing number and aggressiveness of security incidents, the time has come to move to a 24/7 patrol. I like the use of APD trained security but would prefer 24/7 coverage and better accountability. Currently, I do no like how their number rolls to a voicemail. I liked the coverage Option B provided until I saw it was staffed by unarmed, questionably trained security personnel. I would like to see 24/7 coverage, all phone calls answered promptly, and a guaranteed response time in a reasonable time ( ? Seven minutes ). I do not feel security needs to be armed, they just need to respond quickly. My husband and I favor the current approach to security and would love to supplement the security service with extensive security camera monitoring. Our suggestion would be entry/ exit points and major intersections. Every time I have called security during the day, it has always gone to voice mail. I just wish there was more follow up on calls. I feel an email blast would help a lot at the time of the incident, rather than a report several days later. I believe an off-duty or retired police officer is better than a "security guard". I'd like to have them 24/7, but I could not afford the amount quoted. It is difficult to evaluate the existing security presence. My feeling is 24/7 coverage is obviously better than limited coverage, that uniformed and armed off duty or retired APD officers are better than private security people, and that unmarked cars are preferable rather than the flashing yellow light vehicles which tell any prowler exactly where the good guys are. In order to fill in a survey like the one above, it would be helpful to have more feedback during the year about what they have accomplished. As an example, we called them a few days ago about some men wandering from door to door on Sentinel Post (no car) and we never heard whether back from them as to whether or not they had made contact with these men. Therefore, we don't know the value of the current service. Very dedicated group of Security people

Aug 2, 2012 10:57 AM Aug 2, 2012 10:00 AM Aug 2, 2012 9:00 AM

42 43

Aug 2, 2012 8:03 AM Aug 1, 2012 11:57 PM


Aug 1, 2012 11:46 PM


Aug 1, 2012 11:18 PM


Aug 1, 2012 10:30 PM


Aug 1, 2012 9:34 PM

48 49

Aug 1, 2012 8:37 PM Aug 1, 2012 8:36 PM


Aug 1, 2012 8:20 PM

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Page 6, Q11. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .


The security patrol officers that we currently have are well-trained and highly experienced, and have good connections with the Atlanta Police. We have more confidence in their judgement and abilities than in some lower-paid rent-a-cops. We have always had satisfactory dealings with the current officers. It would definitely be nice to have 24/7 coverage, but not at the expense of less competent personnel. I did not know that they did not work around the clock. That has never been communicated to me. Never see a MPNCA officer on my street. Whenever I have called as a "test" (I do not use MPNCA security) to see if I could reach on officer, I got a voice recording and can't remember if a return phone call. No visibility. Cost is too high for unknown value. Would seriously consider 24x7 for guard service price. Current accountability is adequate as monthly detailed reports of criminal activity or incidents are E-mailed to the Security Committee and the Security Patrol will come when on duty to your house. The Part time Security Patrol was never intended to operate 24 hours a day. We are all taxpayers and are currently supporting the APD to be available 24 hours a day. The net result of hiring a Security Patrol 24 hours a day will mean the APD will start providing less coverage to the MPNCA. The Security Patrol has a distinct advantage in using unmarked cars as there is the element of surprise. Does the Board realistically think a burglar or suspect can be apprehended or arrested with any safety for the officer or neighborhood if the officer is unarmed and they confront a suspect? The current Security patrol can arrest and detain in the Security Patrol vehicle until the arrival of the APD and the suspect is then taken to jail by the APD. Presently there is no significant oversight by the Security Committee.This is to preserve the independent contractor relationship. The Security Committee is given a monthly report by the Security Patrol. The cost comparison of a seasoned and armed police officer with an unarmed security patrol is an apples and oranges comparison and is unfair. There is no mention of the house and mail check by the current Security Patrol when a MPNCA member is out of town. the need to reach security does not always happen during the part time hours....we need 24/7 in order to make sure someone is there when we need them. I am grateful that the board has decided to re-evaluate the service by seeking community input. Thank you! Excellent service now. Very satisfied with the excellent service of our present Security. Living in the city of Sandy Springs, we have an excellent Police Force and a response time far superior to city of Atlanta. If a change is made we and most of my Sandy Springs neighbors will probably not re-new our MPNCA Security portion of the membership. The past five years was maintained out of trust and loyalty. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. Trust and low or no crime are the most important issues. We are blessed by having both.

Aug 1, 2012 4:57 PM

52 53

Jul 31, 2012 8:46 PM Jul 31, 2012 7:44 PM


Jul 31, 2012 5:56 PM


Jul 31, 2012 5:30 PM

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Jul 31, 2012 5:26 PM Jul 31, 2012 5:14 PM Jul 31, 2012 4:08 PM


Jul 31, 2012 4:06 PM

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Page 6, Q11. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .


We have one of the best performing private security patrols in the city. Atlanta police Zone Two Commanders has cited them as reason for drop in crime in our neighborhood.When a home on Broadland was broken into, one of our on- duty officers responded at home before Atlanta police because he was monitoring police radio, very important! At same time another of our officers was patrolling another adjacent hood and also responded to home from different direction because too heard it on police radio. Option B would never provide that service!!! Unmarked cars provide element of surprise. I walk dogs and see MPNCA patrol trucks several times a day, every day. I trust them. Would not join if Option B becomes service of neighborhood. It worries me that there is no weekend coverage. The more professional and rapid the response and resolution, the better, in my opinion.. Given its proximity to the interstate and the target our neighborhood presents to criminals, we should not scrimp on security. I would like to know how many households are in our association. How many miles do they patrol? I have seen other neighborhood patrols in marked cars who look too young or weak to fight their way out of a paper bag. Tell us more about the Option B patrols. Very attentive in watching out for our home while away! Considering the increase in criminal activity, I believe we need to take a more aggressive approach toward patrolling and protecting our neighborhood. Visible "defenses" (e.g. market patrol cars, cameras, etc) often deter criminal activity and also enable capture when offenses are made. We're in full support of an enhanced security initiative. I think the neighborhood is as secure as possible. It is far preferable to hire offduty or retired police officers who have experience in working with APD, who are trained as officers of the law, not just security guards. Sidewalks along Mount Paran Rd. would increase neighborhood foot traffic, joggers, walkers, parents and children walking to Jackson Elementary, etc., which have been proven to deter crime. The more eyes out there, the better. Why wait til after an event to install cameras? Over the years, we've relied on Officer Cole and never been disappointed. Just today, he called to see if everything is all right here, because I hadn't picked up my paper early in the morning--and this is not the first time he has called for that reason. On a couple of occasions when we were out of town and the alarm system malfunctioned, he was an excellent contact person in handling the situation. When we've been out of town, he has collected our papers for the folks at the Fire Station and has notified us when something was awry on the property during the two daily walk-arounds (very important, I think. Our experience with him has been extremely positive. Also, I like the connection to the APD and oversight by MPNCA rather than with an organization that does not have the vested interested in our community. I would like to see us move to the 24/7 coverage and add GPS tracking, especially as new personnel is added to fill additional time slots.

Jul 31, 2012 3:50 PM

61 62

Jul 30, 2012 11:10 PM Jul 30, 2012 9:03 PM


Jul 30, 2012 8:33 PM

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Jul 30, 2012 8:13 PM Jul 30, 2012 7:11 PM


Jul 30, 2012 6:37 PM

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Jul 30, 2012 5:46 PM Jul 30, 2012 4:43 PM

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Page 6, Q11. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .


I have been very satisfied with our security. Need someone armed and with police radio. Marked cars are a bad because it will send a message that we are not at home. Our home was broken into, and I firmly believe that security cameras would be a deterrent and could have assisted police with their investigation. Having been the subject of a home invasion robbery years ago, and having invested a great deal of money in a sophisticated security system, I would still like as much extra security in the neighborhood as possible. Let's face it, we're a great target. I want to feel safe when I'm outside of my house, and I don't. It's time that we let those who want to prey on us know that they don't have a right to hurt us. Believe it or not, I am on the liberal side of the spectrum, but being held at gunpoint for a few hours has made a realist of me when it comes to personal safety. The security officers are very willing to help. I do like having patrol people who know the neighborhood and its residents; however, it would seem that 24/7 coverage is preferable. I am interested in learning more about camera surveillance and how effective it is in helping to catch crimminals. How is it monitored? Would that be an extra cost? They do a great job. We are in favor of upgrading to 24/7 coverage due to increased crime. The survey is biased against a trusted service that has been a huge benefit to the neighborhood for more than a decade. Why is it necessary to pit another service against the current one that works just fine? Statistics point to crime being down in the neighborhood. What has changed to require 24/7 service in the neighborhood? Why weren't the costs for cameras included? What would cameras do? I would like what we have now but with better phone coverage. Emergencies require more immediate responses, ie keeping an eye on a suspicious vehicle driving down the street casing the area. The thought of using "rent a cops" has no value to me. The intangible value of having APD veterans, their experience, their loyalty to the neighborhood and their ability to "...sprinkly pixie dust to get results from APD" that we know other services don't have makes them the only choice. Look at Option B with marked vehicles and increase cost per participating member from $130 for 56 hours coverage to $200 to get more than 56 hours of coverage. (more) Having Police officers sound great but I'm have never heard that they have ever arrested anyone or ever prevented anyone from committing a crime. (more) Putting up "Security Patrolled" signs in our neighborhood and having marked vehicles may provide a much greater deterrent than what we currently have in place. (more) I would join as a security member under the above recommended circumstances.

Jul 30, 2012 3:20 PM

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Jul 30, 2012 1:26 PM Jul 30, 2012 12:34 PM

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Jul 30, 2012 12:27 PM Jul 30, 2012 12:24 PM

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Jul 30, 2012 11:44 AM Jul 30, 2012 11:05 AM

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Jul 30, 2012 10:29 AM Jul 30, 2012 10:04 AM


Jul 30, 2012 10:02 AM


Jul 30, 2012 9:52 AM

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a stronger presence would be a better deterent. this includes greater visibility and the ability to respond more quickly when the need arises. i love officer cole I am very pleased with the security services. I do not think we need to change the service. I feel strongly about continuing to use retired and off duty police officers. I am not in favor of a unrelated private security service. While it is hard not to be in favor of more coverage (hours) and I would be willing to pay some more, I think the 24/7 cost may stop some members from joining and so do not suggest going that way. If we feel the need for more coverage, we could increase hours some without going to 24/7. I don't think we need to replace the police with our own securtiy, but suppliment the police as our current system does. The advantage with our system is we have "police officers" patroling our neighborhood , checking houses and coordinating with the Atlanta police. They also can keep track of issues in our neigborhood. We might lose that if we went to an outside service. I am strongly in favor of 24x7 patrol. Patrols should be made in marked cars...Their services should be better explained.. Our security service is fantastic. It is fabulous to have a service where you get to know the Officers - not some assigned random person who is provided by a company and is different every time you see them. I like the use of email to quickly report incidents - texting or tweeting may be valuable. We have lived in the neighborhood for over 14 years. Overall, the service provided has been excellent for the dollars paid. We feel sucure but have had few issues. Our mailbox was destroyed once and we replaced it. It also appeared that someone attempted to destroy it a second time. I suspect that these acts were performed by adolescents. There was an attempted robbery but the house was armed so the perpetrators fled. They were later apprehended. Both the security patrol and the police responded. Not a lot of good if they are not armed We have found the current security patrol to be extremely responsive and effective. On two different occasions, they have managed to find and have arrested the kids who caused property damage at our home. I like the fact that they are trained APD police officers (active and retired). I favor somebody that knows the neighborhood and will pick up papers check security of the homes . Just last week, Officer Cole called me about my neighbors pool which was going down quickly. They had a break in the polaris line. no reason to change a good service for the unproven The Officers are 1st class....and really helpful.

Jul 30, 2012 9:22 AM Jul 30, 2012 9:12 AM Jul 30, 2012 8:31 AM

83 84 85

Jul 30, 2012 8:13 AM Jul 30, 2012 8:09 AM Jul 30, 2012 8:06 AM


Jul 30, 2012 7:19 AM

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Jul 29, 2012 11:51 PM Jul 29, 2012 10:16 PM


Jul 29, 2012 9:00 PM

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Jul 29, 2012 8:59 PM Jul 29, 2012 8:20 PM

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Page 6, Q11. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .


we have a beach house in on a gated island and they contract with a similar type co as option B. we are very satisfied with the current arragement. we like having former /off duty police officers. however we are now in sandy springs, so not sure if the atl police have juristriction a number of times I have called but hit only voice mail. The security as is seems good service when you get it, but very hit or miss if it's there when you need it. Thank you so much to those of you who are taking a leadership role in the MPNCA. We very much appreciate your work on behalf of all of us. As previously stated, I believe 24/7 is needed in view of the recent frequent breakins, etc. We have had some potentially serious security incidents where Atlanta police NEVER arrived and Mt. Paran security did not answer our calls. We are in favor of MUCH better security and we are willing to pay for it. The current system does virtually nothing, althought the officers are delightful people. I like having trained police people working our neighborhood. Being trained by a police force is a much stronger training than someone wearing a purhcased uniform and pretending to be a police officer in a "marked" car. Like the idea of having the security services when on vacation and they keep an eye on your property. That's my only interaction with the service. definitely need more coverage- the policeman should be on 24 hours and willing to pay for it- our neighborhood is large, covers a long distance and vulnerable from the highway What we have now has worked great for us. I use them to check on the house when we are out of town. They have always done a wonderful job and are very professional. I don't have any information about the private security company you are proposing. A neighbor mentioned a name that my husband thought he had heard negative things about, but we're not sure about the identity. Have you posted the name of the company you're considering? Do you have first hand feedback from its customers? We do NOT want a marked vehicle telling everyone that we are not at home!! The security service provides a valuable service by putting our newspapers and mail in a safe location. We do not have to alert any newspaper or the post office that we are gone. I am happy with the current level of service, especially since we have the Sandy Springs Police Dept. at our disposal. Would like to make sure that the use of any cameras would be restricted to only after a security event. NO OTHER REASON. The patrol officers are very nice. The one call I did make resulted in a response two days later.

Jul 29, 2012 8:14 PM

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Page 6, Q11. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .

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Security without accountability is of little value or peace of mind. It is important to be able to call for help with very short response time in case of emergency. With budget cutting everywhere, we need our own securtiy service which can response immediately, not 30 minutes or an hour later. As we all know, burglary and robbery aim at within 5 minutes to finish the job. We need security response within minutes in order to catch the perpetrators. The Security Patrol is a vital asset. I have always been very pleased with the response from DC Cole. I like the fact he KNOWS the neighborhood, names associated w/ streets, etc. I think they do a great job and would like to keep them versus a no name person/company. We have not had an incident, so I don't know how effective the security services are. We have asked the men to pick up our mail while on vacation, and they were very courteous. Theft does seem to be increasing. And there was a major burglary on our street last year. I think that we do need marked cars to scare off the thieves, and we need video cameras. With such large lots, we are not able to tell what is going on at our neighbors' houses and give warning. With security incidents increasing it is better to be prepared and be safe rather than sorry. Which security patrol option do we have now? We are in favor of 24/7 patrols. I think a marked car is a deterent but feel the armed retired police officer might be more effective at surveillance than a security company. I could be wrong about that though! Although the security patol was established after the formation of the Association, and began as a voluntary "opt in" entity which was administered separate from the Association, it became an integral component of the Association, and ceased being a separate entity, at least 7 or 8 years ago. Revenues into the Association derrived from the members each year pay for the contract with the current security provider, and are indistnguishable on the tax returns of the Association from any other expense item. The last I recall, the line item for security expenses was 80% of the Association's annual operating budget. It has never made sense to me, since the incorporation of the security patrol's cost and administation into the Association's budget and responsibilities, to offer to allow members of the Association to "opt out" of paying the "full membership" dues each year. Those paying $200 less to the Association each year essentially get the same benefits without the costs. The main benefit to having a security patrol in a neighborhood such as ours is as a deterrant to criminals entering the area. The security patrols in adjacent neighborhoods serve to "push out" criminals from those neighborhoods, and our security patrol likewise serves to keep pushing them further out. Having a sticker on one's mail box and having one's papers (but not mail) brought in on weekdays only is hadrly worth $200 per year. What is worth the money is the deterrant effect of having a security patrol in the neighborhood. Residents in our area who do not join the Association at all get this benefit, and those who join the Association but "opt out" of paying $200, likewise get the benefit. No matter which option is chosen, its time to have a single membership fee covering all of the benefits of membership in the Association (or which security patrol is the largest cost item), and then to press to get every resident of our area to be active members. If the vote is to go to Option B for 24/7 @ $335 annually, I assume some additional

Jul 29, 2012 3:24 PM Jul 29, 2012 2:53 PM


Jul 29, 2012 2:52 PM


Jul 29, 2012 2:47 PM


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Page 6, Q11. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .

cost will be added to that for all other annual expenses of the Association, perhaps bringing the total tab to $375 or $400 per year. Given that the Association has a considerable surplus (a tribute to the fine stewardship of the officers and board over the years), and this money belongs to the membership, I would suggest that, if Plan B (24/7) is voted for, that the dues remain for the initial year at $250, and the Association subsidize the shortfall from the surplus. If things work well and everyone is happy with 24/7 patrols, then the dues can be raised the following year to match costs. 112 Current security services were never intended to be a substitute for APD, but a compliment that enhances the security for our neighborhood. APD needs to do their part more effectively. when out of town, the coverage is important to us and we feel a good job is done by the security people. Just because they have had a background check, and perhaps some past security patrol experience, I don't think the skills and qualifications of a civilian security guard comes close to that of retired policemen. There is a reason why they command the higher wage. You usually get what you pay for, especially with labor. I would only vote for adding civilian security force as an addition to our existing structure, where civilian patrolmen report to lead officers (former policemen) and they are used to patrol additional hours to move us closer to 24/7 coverage. If we can get additional membership or increase the dues perhaps we could expand security hours, but I don't think we should go to full time civilian force patrolmen and try to cut costs. No problem with services. Without Doug Cole we have no need for Citizens Association membership! Security is the real value of the Civic Association. We have a concierge level of security that we can work with via email from any place on the planet. They are absolutely trustworthy and have excellent judgment in all situations. They have handcuffs so they do have the ability to detain. There is no comparison between the levels of communication. (With "B" you might as well call 911 yourself.) Doug's guys have responded to false alarms at my house within 3 minutes. If I am out of town for 2 weeks a year, their service is less than the vet boarding bill for my cats. It is real service. I do not want GPS monitoring. Any high school geek can monitor that as well. (They are coming your way!!!!) The last thing I want is someone following the little car with the flashing light in order to determine who is out of town. If you elect to change from what we have, you will have lost a member and I will make other security arrangements. This survey is obviously one sided. Who has an agenda! Al Goodgame Thank you for all of thehard work that the association does. Now that we are finished paying tuitions, we will pay more to pull our weight. I personally like Officer Doug Cole and subscribe to the adage - "If it ain't broke, don't mess with it". That said, I acknowledge that I have very few "facts" on which to base a decision. Jul 29, 2012 2:19 PM

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Page 6, Q11. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .

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Would not to reply on video cameras only. I feel they would only be helpful after any help was needed. We moved to the MPNCA neighborhood a few years ago and I have been VERY impressed with the security compared to our old neighborhood. I feel like it is a huge benefit and am in favor of maintaining/increasing as appropriate (especailly with a new high school going in nearby and so many contractors coming through the neighborhood). I have always enrolled in security with the exception of this year. i felt it was a waste on money since we did not have 24/7 security like some of our neighboring neighborhoods with Thorpe security. I would very much, and am very willing to pay to have full time security coverage. Let me know if I can help. 404 697 0701. Wendy Petersen The current security in our neighborhood is excellent. I have been very pleased. They are most helpful and reliable. We know what we have now and they do a great job. Cameras would be a good improvement so we might be able to identify people/cars who come into the neighborhood and do harm to property or people. A strong relationship with the Atlanta police department should also be a high priority. The security services have always done a good job for us, we need to make sure we continue to give them the tools to do their job. need to extend boundries to cover folks without an association north of long island creek along northside dr I believe current officers do best job they can given the operating parameters. However, believe such limited coverage has negligible value, nor does it serve as a deterrent to crime, as the current officers have very little visible presence. Our only interraction with current officers have been to email them when we go out of town - we typically receive an acknowledgment in a matter of minutes. Still, do not exactly know what they do that helps make our home more secure while gone, seems like a black hole. Strongly prefer the more aggressive and inclusive option. Small price to pay. Lack of immediate response is the single largest difficiency of the current offering. Sometimes you don't even know if they received your message. I don't like or want grafitti in the neighborhood. It is on telephone poles and signs. I wish something could be done about speeding on Randall Mill Rd. I am in favor of the highest security service that the neighborhood will support -irrespective of cost.

Jul 29, 2012 1:35 PM Jul 29, 2012 1:19 PM


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Page 7, Q13. Please provide any comments or feedback you have about security in the neighborhood and the security services provided by the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association .

We have always been members for the ten years we have lived here. This year was an oversight on our part. However, Security has always been a true value to us. We have found them to be trustworthy and responsive. Our officers know me by sight and give excellent personal attention to our property when we are out of town. Frankly it appears to us that this survey has been presented in a jaded fashion, prompting those who may be unfamiliar with Option B to interpret it as a stronger, more thorough, and economical option. We believe it to be none of those things and strongly support the security patrol we now have. Not sure cameras do anything to stop crime. The would not even record crime!! Obviously, for some reason, criminals find it easy to target this area. Other than finding retired police When does security work? KP Hendry here.. your association Rocks!! Alexander Bond has lived on Northside Drive for over thirty years.. He feels he is "grandfathered in." We are skeptical of non-APD personnel minding the neighborhood. Concern is not that they would do anything personally but that no one can control with whom they share information. Moved into house about 18 months ago. I now have a feel for what the area is and what goes on in our neighborhood. We believe the more security the better. I would join if you just sent me an email and I could do in a couple of clicks...have paid in the past. Neighborhood kids seem to be causing a lot of incidents of vandalism Will a new company come on my property and check my house.look for burst water piped.check pool, get I have to worry if they get hurt on. My property. Having lived in the MPNCA neighborhood since 2001, I have been a regular member of the security patrol until this past year when we listed our house for sale and chose not to renew as a cost-cutting measure. I am grateful the organization is considering more effective and less costly options as drivethrough crime has increased and can be expected to continue given the economic climate combined with increased traffic from the new North Atlanta High School opening in a year. Thank you!

Aug 8, 2012 9:33 PM

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Jul 29, 2012 3:16 PM

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