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Parents To Get New EI Benefits Under Bill Introduced

September 21, 2012

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Workers who get sick while on parental leave will be able to collect sickness benefits under new legislation introduced yesterday. The government expects about 6,000 people to take advantage of the measure, which provides up to 15 weeks of benefits through Employment Insurance. The bill also lays out alreadyannounced details of the government's plan to provide EI benefits to the parents of critically ill or injured children and for parents of missing and murdered children. It will also change the Labour Code to: Protect the jobs of parents who take a leave of absence to care for critically ill or injured children. Allow for unpaid leave for parents
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whose child die or disappear as a result of a suspected criminal code offence. Protect the jobs of parents whose child die or disappears as a result of a suspected criminal code offence. Human Resources Minister Diane Finley tabled the legislation in the House of Commons Thursday. Continued on Page 3


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Fiji News

Friday September 21, 2012

Parents To Get New EI Benefits Under Bill Introduced

Continued From Page 1 The benefits for parents of ill or missing and murdered children were promised during the 2011 election campaign. Unpaid leave, grants also offered The benefits set out in the legislation would provide income support for up to 35 weeks for parents or legal guardians of children under 18 with a life-threatening illness or injury, confirmed by a medical certificate. As many as 6,000 families are expected to take advantage of money for critically ill or injured children, which would be in place by June, 2013 if the bill passes. It can be combined with the existing compassionate care benefit, which provides up to six weeks of employment insurance for people caring for a sick loved one who is at risk of dying within six months. Parents will have the option of sharing the benefits within a 52-week period. The money won't be offered after the maximum 35 weeks has been paid; the one-year benefit period ends or the child no longer needs care. The changes to the Labour Code to protect the jobs of parents who take unpaid leave to care for a critically ill child or for parents whose child dies or disappears as the result of a suspected crime would take effect next January for parents of missing or murdered children and next June for the parents of sick kids. Another benefit included in the bill is a grant for parents of missing or murdered children. If the bill passes, starting Jan. 1, 2013, those parents will be eligible for $350 a week for up to 35 weeks. The grant is available if they have left their jobs. The grant will continue for two weeks after a missing child is found, as long as they haven't gone back to work or exhausted their benefits.

Fiji Expels UN Labour Delegation

Miscommunication' to blame for ILO expulsion The International Labour Organisation has strongly condemned the expulsion of its delegation to Fiji, saying the move will put the spotlight on Fiji's human rights record. The UN agency had been invited by the interim government to investigate claims by local trade unions that workers' rights were being curtailed. But the group was following "miscommunications" about its terms of reference. The International Labour Organisation has strongly condemned the expulsion of its delegation to Fiji, saying the move will put the spotlight on Fiji's human rights record. The UN agency had been invited by the interim government to investigate claims by local trade unions that workers' rights were being curtailed. But the group was told to leave Fiji on Wednesday following "miscommunications" about its terms of reference. Juan Somavia, the ILO's directorgeneral, called on the Fiji Government to reconsider its decision. "The Governments unilateral decision which puts a greater spotlight on the critical situation of freedom of association in Fiji and only fuels international solidarity with the Fiji Islands Council of Trade Unions," he said in a statement. Fiji's interim government insisted the ILO delegation was not "ejected", "expelled", "deported" or forced to depart the country in any way. In a written statement, AttorneyGeneral Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said the group was asked to leave at the earliest opportunity. He said this was to make way for a future ILO visit under new terms of reference laid down by the interim government. Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said Fiji welcomed such visits as long as they were conducted by an independent delegation with no "predetermined outcomes" and a focused agenda. Already agreed The director of the ILO's office in Fiji, David Lamotte, told the media that the terms of reference had been agreed on prior to the delegation's arrival in Fiji "The mission started its work on that basis and already had a productive meeting with the Ministry of Labour," he said. "And that morning of the first day, the mission was asked to cease all meetings and later that night new terms of reference were provided." Local unionists say they cannot understand why the ILO delegation was asked to leave. "I can't see how the Fiji Government or anybody could dictate to the ILO what they should be doing or what they should not be doing," said Attar Singh, general-secretary of the Fiji Islands Confederation of Trade Unions. "ILO has a constitution, it has got its role and it must fulfill that role in accordance with the ILO's rules." Australia's acting high commissioner to Suva has met officials from the Fiji Government about the ILO mission and general concerns about labour and human rights in Fiji. The Australian Government said it was regrettable that the ILO's mission has not proceeded because it had been seen by the international community as a step towards improving workers' rights.

More people are insuring their lives with BSP Life revealing that its new business sales grew by 32 per cent in 2011. "The growth was significant especially in the face of challenging economic conditions," BSP Life managing director Malakai Naiyaga said. "This result validates that we have gained customer confidence in our new brand and that our products and services provide outstanding value. I would like to thank all our customers, sales advisers and staff for their support in reaching this achievement. "BSP Life has retained its market position by in-force annual premium rankings in life insurance excluding single premiums with a market share of 60 per cent in 2011. For the health business, BSP Life commanded 43 per cent of the Term Life market and a sizeable segment of the Medical Insurance market." This year, the company expects to give significant growth. Already, the life and health businesses have increased by 30 per cent from last year's figures. "Since rebranding from Colonial to BSP Life in May 2011, BSP Life has steadily increased its customer base and has over 50,000 policyholders in all sectors of the economy," Mr Naiyaga said. BSP Life's investment portfolio is over $400 million. Its asset value grew by 5.2 per cent in 2011 with further growth anticipated for 2012. The growth is supported by favourable investment returns from subsidiaries including the Sofitel Hotel on Denarau,

Insurance Sales Increase By 32%

Future Farms Limited and Suva Private Hospital. Other investments include Term Deposits, Properties, Fixed Interest Securities, On-Shore and Offshore Equities and Mortgages providing a diversified and well balanced investment portfolio for policy holders. "These investments continue to give good returns in a low interest environment. The 2011 performance enabled BSP Life to maintain bonus rates last year despite challenging economic conditions. We are proud to continue delivering much needed insurance advice and services to members of our community. "We have invested in the recruitment and upskilling of our sales advisers to better meet our customers' needs, delivered a new product Bula Prime to supplement retirement benefits for customers and lifted the war zone exclusion for our disciplined forces enabling coverage while they are on peacekeeping missions. "We opened a new office in Lautoka and have introduced new premium payment facilities through e-channels. "We have also promoted financial literacy through our marketing campaigns and supported the national financial literacy initiatives. "These developments have enabled BSP Life to serve our community better and successfully provide protection and financial security to the people of Fiji, helping families in their times of need and ensuring protection for their loved ones," he said.

The Fijian Teachers Association has requested for the two public holidays scrapped off Fiji's annual calendar to be reinstated. The Association in their 34 page submission requested the constitution commission to look into the Ratu Sukuna Day celebration being brought back and being declared as national cultural day.

FTA Requests For Scrapped Public holidays to be reinstated

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13 drivers have had their licenses suspended by the Land Transport Authority. Altogether 14 drivers appeared before a forum headed by the LTA CEO Naisa Tuinaceva. The 14 drivers were habitual offenders and were given a chance to explain why their licenses should not be suspended or cancelled. These are the people whove broken

LTA Suspends 13 Drivers Licenses

Also FTA has requested for the Queens Birthday holiday to be reinstated in recognition of the role of the British Government in the development of Fiji. Associations President, Mere Moci said that they also want the culture of illegally taking over of any elected government to stop altogether and perpetrators to face consequences of their actions.

the law for many times and one of them has a record for about sixty offences. Some have been involved in some real serious traffic cases. Out of the fourteen, five are bus drivers, and five taxi drivers with one RSL driver and another three in the private category. Cases against these drivers range from stealing the takings to playing loud music and even reckless and dangerous driving.

Friday September 21, 2012

Fiji News
3 Year Fixed

Friday September 21, 2012

2.39% 2.69% Accessing the export markets successfully One of the most sensitive issues to they lacked proper planning, didn't discuss in the export process is who conduct a market research, had no takes the biggest chunk in terms of detailed logistics plan, and did not fully understand how a business should be earnings. The biggest reason many do not like to run, lacked understanding on exporting discuss this is sorely due to the fact that standards and the supply chain. in the business world, making the most But what they had was an abundance of land resource and potential to produce. profit is the bottom line. What the Fiji Export Council (FEC) is If we go back in history, Fiji's location concerned with, is that those at the very as made it an ideal distribution point beginning of the equation often make for exports and re-exports because of its location and available natural the lowest profit. Trading through mobile phones is a resources. solution, which is a proven success in The export business has existed since African countries. A farmer is informed the white settlers ventured into our daily on details of market trends, water from the 1800s, carrying on shipping schedules and pricing issues with the cotton boom and then the establishment of the sugar industry daily via a mobile provider. But it could be difficult, in Fiji's case early in the 1900s. as a farmer does not really know where The Sugar industry which is a remnant his product will end up or how much of the colonial era remains one of the it will eventually fetch when it reaches biggest industries still today. Copra and fresh produce export also the consumer. Many years ago, Apolosi Nawai followed suit, again with companies decided to cut out the middlemen after making use of the available resource observations that the farmers were to set themselves up as exporters at the same time engaging the farmers being ripped off. Today, the process has become much or producers to supply them with the more complex. But using middlemen produce. or not is again something the farmer How can FEC address these issues? What FEC can offer to these grassroots should explore before engaging. Information is perhaps his best weapon based people is to equip them with against these new changes, the business the information to proceed further or world is a cut-throat world and one that improve their capacity to either supply same note the export market knows no or capacity to earn more. * Our primary role apart from managing friend also. Stepping up the Duty Suspension Scheme for the Many farmers interviewed from the manufacturing sector is to provide Central Division are content with the export advice who anybody who plans concept of providing for the export to export or for those already exporting; market via an agent or middleman who * Market access provide market then supplies to the exporter. information overseas; For them the idea of setting up their * Business planning; own business to export themselves is * Acting as a liaison between concerned somewhat far- fetched idea as they do party and individual with relevant not have the confidence and the know authorities in the industry; how to do it. * Run seminars or workshop on Export Also because 80 per cent of our farmers Education; and suppliers are hard working men and * Supply Chain information; and women, usually below the low-income * Provide information on which earning bracket, and as a result do not organizations are also available to attain the required education level assist either in setting up your business, to understand the intricate details of getting accredited, licensing or funding running a business up to export level. assistance. But they are the resource owners. Jone Kalouniviti is a public relations Some have tried to export but have officer with the FEC. This is a had to wind up their business because contribution from the council.
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Fiji's Land Transport Authority (LTA) has trained about fifty three enforcement officers on new laws and developments which will be introduced soon. The training is part of capacity building program within the Authority. "The refresher workshop for these enforcement officers is to build a strong hold on how they look at themselves first and also in changing the way they do things, see things around," LTA chief executive Naisa Tuinaceva said. The LTA enforcement officers from the three divisions with three police officers were given first hand training on the issues of issuance of effective traffic infringement notices to offenders on traffic offences by the offenders. They were also taught on the importance

Refresher Training For Enforcement Officers

of how to make presentations in court and the type of evidence that is presented. Our aim is to take our service in enforcement to another level and the only way forward is to raise above all odds." "We do understand the severity of this that is why we have invested in such training to enhance our capability as in terms of enforcement delivery." "We have had numerous concerns raised to the Authority on that and that is why we have taken this step on conducting a refresher. Compliance, vehicle inspections, and issuance of defect orders, disciplinary procedures and operation strategies were the major issues addressed.

Fiji-Sun Times Canada


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Phone:604.909.4088 for info Shraddha Pandit

Friday September 21, 2012

Fiji News

Deportation To Fiji A Return To Abuse

A teenage immigrant is worried about his family's safety after learning they will be sent back to Fiji from Taranaki because he stood up to domestic violence. He and his family join others who have left volatile surroundings only to find they effectively became illegal immigrants because they had no independent visa status. The young man, who would be known only as "Nick" for fear of being bullied at school, broke his silence. In a two-page letter to the Taranaki Daily News he says he had been let down by a "mean" law that tied his family to his violent father's visa. Late last year, he woke to find his father beating his mother but instead of cowering in a corner he called police. His father was arrested and jailed last year, and then deported a few months ago. The wife was attached to her husband's work visa and was now fighting a losing battle to remain in New Zealand with her two sons. Immigration New Zealand turned down his mother's application for a work visa because a Kiwi can do her job, and the family could be deported as early as the beginning of next year. Racked with guilt, Nick now wishes he had gone back to bed and said nothing about the incident. "If I knew this would all happen, I wouldn't have called the police. I will never call them again." He was now disillusioned by the Government's reaction. "Why are we being punished? Why is our life being destroyed?" He fears returning home will mean a return to the violence, because they will have little choice but to live with his father. "Mum works fulltime and is a good mum who can look after us. When I go to bed now I know we are all safe. I will not know this in my homeland." HRC Family Counseling Services manager Pam Bassett said until the law changed the Government was allowing victims to be re-victimized. "It is not the child's responsibility to protect their mother from their father. "How many other women and children are going to be affected before the Government sees sense?" Taranaki Safe Families Trust coordinator Marion James said it was sad to see a child become the victim of a New Zealand law. "Like any law it will take a lot of hard work, over a long period of time, to make changes." However, hope appears to be on the horizon. Immigration Minister Nathan Guy said the Government would soon be reviewing the law. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment will be carrying out a review of policies for partners of New Zealand citizens and residents. "This will include looking at section 4.5 of the Immigration Operational Manual, which deals with residence categories for victims of domestic violence." The ministry would consult various community groups, including the Taranaki Community Law Trust, who have written to him about the issue. In the meantime, Mr Guy said people could appeal to the independent Immigration and Protection Tribunal. "This is a single, one-stop shop, tribunal to consider all grounds for appeal in one place. It takes into account humanitarian factors in its decisions.

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Senior citizens of Suva can expect library services at their door step soon. Suva Special Administrator Chandu Umaria says this new initiative is part of extending the Suva City Carnegie Library services to the people. When we do start this service, they can phone the council library, and they will give us their address, and we will ask them which types of books theyre interested in, fiction, non-fiction, whatever it may be, and we will take this books right to their door steps. This is the added services that will give to the rate payers of Suva. The Indian High Commission has donated a hundred and thirty thousand dollars for a new mobile library that will be responsible for this service. And Umaria says schools will also be serviced. A lot of children are not able to come to the library because their parents maybe at work and they dont have the transport to come to the library so now we will take the library to the people, to the schools which probably do not have libraries. The New Zealand High Commission donated thirty books to the Carnegie Library. Umaria says theyve received similar assistance from other missions around the country thats greatly enhanced their services.

Mobile Library For Seniors

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Friday September 21, 2012

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Friday September 21, 2012

Fiji News

Friday September 21, 2012

Indonesia Seeks Stronger Ties

The Indonesian Embassy is looking to strengthen its ties with Fiji as it marks its 10th anniversary in Fiji this year. Whilst speaking at the Nadi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) MiniBusiness Forum in Nadi, Indonesian Ambassador Chandra Salim said over 50 Fijians had taken part in a variety of their training and technical cooperation programmes. These, he said had ranged from agriculture, fisheries, language, diplomacy and to other means of collaboration. Mr Salim said they wanted to increase building-capacity programmes for Fiji. And for this, he is encouraging the local business community to participate in Indonesias 27th Trade Expo in Jakarta next month. The expo is scheduled to take place in October from 17 to 21, which Mr Salim said would provide excellent trading and networking opportunity for Fijians. Mr Salim said such an expo could help increase Fijis import to Indonesia, which has steadily declined from $42.9 million in 2009 to $21.4 million last year. This is a chance for Pacific Island countries to update their ties and relations with Indonesia, and for Indonesian entrepreneurs to get more marked knowledge about Pacific Island countries, especially Fiji, he said. Mr Salim said the expo would include excursions to factories and other industrial units for participants. From the Western Division, there are currently four scheduled participants from Lautoka and six from Nadi heading to the expo next month, with interests in building material, cosmetics, jewelry, tires, buses, telecommunication and food and paper products. Last years expo attracted 8311 buyers from 92 countries.

Import Dilemma
A can of imported corned meat is just that to most of us just a can of corned meat. But not to Customs officials and Customs agents, whose assessment of what duty to apply determines the price we pay for the product at the end of the day. As chairman of the Fiji Customs Brokers Council, Binesh Chandra revealed, a can of corned meat was once a bone of contention between agents and Customs officials, which needed the intervention of the World Customs Organisation to make a decision on the classification of the product. The meat could attract the duty of being a raw material while the can could attract the duty either as raw material for packaging or as packaging. "The delays on such does increase the cost of business and at the end of the day it is the consumer that pays," Mr Chandra said. Fiji Revenue and Customs Authority chief executive Jitoko Tikolevu said such incidences required a partnership between both parties. And as such, the authority was conducting e-learning courses for both agents and officers. The courses were on the harmonized system as well as the rule of origin. Mr Tikolevu said with both parties speaking the same language, their work would be much easier and it also avoids incidences of fraud. With so many goods arriving into the country, he said custom officials did not check all goods and thus relied on the Customs agents.

FSC Confirms Sugar Production On Track

The Fiji Sugar Corporation (FSC) is confident of being able to meet its sugar production target this year half way into the sugarcane crushing season. FSC executive chairman, Abdul Khan, confirmed that as of Monday morning, they had processed just over 916,000 tonnes of sugarcane and made just under 96,000 tonnes of raw sugar. We hope to produce approximately 167,000 tonnes of raw sugar and although sugarcane supply to the mills is still an issue, we feel we will be able to meet our target, he said. Mr Khan also confirmed the first shipment of 33,000 tonnes of raw sugar has been exported. But he assured once again that there will be sugar available for local consumption. As far as the cane quality is concerned, Mr Khan said: The quality of cane being processed is quite good and combined with efficient extraction processes; we are able to make good sugar. Looking at the sugar mill performance, Mr Khan said other than the odd fault and unplanned outages, the mills were doing very well. He said he did not see any significant problems at the mills at this stage. Looking at the Labasa Sugar Mill, Khan said the mill had already crushed 70 per cent of its target raw sugar this season. The Labasa Mill has processed just over 300,000 tonnes of sugarcane. Our forecast is to produce around 45,000 tonnes of raw sugar at the Labasa Sugar Mill, he said. So far, we have processed just over 300,000 tonnes of sugar cane and produced just over 32,000 tonnes of raw sugar at the Labasa Sugar Mill.

The Reserve Bank of Fiji remains confident of a 2.7 per cent economic growth with expectations of more government capital expenditure in this second half of the year. Governor Barry Whiteside said there were some large projects in progress or about to get started. "....We are expecting the government to spend more..," Mr Whiteside said. His comments come a month before a government delegation is due to meet with Moody's officials during the annual meeting of the International Monetary and World Bank in mid-October. Fiji officials are expected to give an update on Fiji's performance, the reforms undertaken, revised statistics and the status of the election program. Last month, Moody's assessed our GDP growth to be 1.5 per cent while the current estimate is 2.7 per cent. It also expected inflation to hover around

We Are Expecting Govt To Spend More - Whiteside

Alleged Robbery Driver In Custody

A man believed to be the driver of the van used in the robbery at the Bank of the South Pacific (BSP) in Samabula is in police custody. Fiji Police spokeswoman Ana Naisoro said a raid by police and military personnel in Nasinu resulted in the arrest of a man. Naisoro says the man is not one of the prison escapees and will be interrogated soon to give more information on the five runaway robbers. The police are still urging people to come forward with information that can lead to the arrest of the five escaped inmates. They are Isoa Waqa, Solomoni Qurai, Tevita Sugu, Josaia Usumaki and Epeli Qaraniqio. Meanwhile, Crime Stoppers will reward informers who help in the capture of the inmates.

Mika Singh

Live in Concert November 4th 2012 7:00PM Queen Elizabeth Theatre


5 per cent while the RBF estimate is 3.5 per cent. Mr Whiteside said there were some dangers to the economic growth from global forces but domestically, there were some strong growth expected. The RBF recently revised investment to be 18 per cent of the GDP up by 2 per cent. Mr Whiteside the growth was both from the government and private sector investments. He said some projects were already in progress such as the Grand Pacific Hotel while some are expected to start soon such as the Casino project in the west and the refurbishment of the Shangri-La's Fijian Hotel. Mr Whiteside said the figure should increase with the arrival of Air Pacific's new aircraft from next year. However, the governor refrained from commenting on the contingent liabilities of the state.

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Fiji News

Friday September 21, 2012

Retirement is not a full stop but rather a pause in ones life where he/ she can stop to think about how else to contribute towards development of their nation through their expertise. Recognizing the potential of retirees, the Public Service Commission (PSC) has partnered with Westpac Fiji in jointly organizing a Retirement Information Exposition this Saturday. The expo will be officially opened by the Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama. The Permanent Secretary for PSC, Parmesh Chand said the expo was for all workers reaching retirement age in the country. They will be provided first-hand expert advice and assistance from qualified personnel from various organizations that will be exhibiting their services, he said. Information to be disseminated will include topics such as investment, insurance, voluntary work, and health which are important issues when one plans for retirement. It is essential people are aware on the need to invest, save wisely and remain active so that they can reap the benefits during their retirement years.

PM To Do Opening Ceremony On Retiree Expo

Mr. Chand stressed further after retirement, one can continue to also contribute to social and economic development in starting a small business or becoming a volunteer. Apart from financially planning for retirement one also needs to be healthy during their retirement years, he said. As such a team from the Ministry of Health will be available at the expo to conduct free health checks for visitors. The staff will be offering advice, counseling and referrals for health issues so that people keep fit and healthy in their retirement. Westpac Fiji general manager, Adrian Hughes believes planning for the future and retirement was a critical aspect of any persons life. We believe that retirement is an integral part of a persons life and holding such an expo in Fiji is critical to ensuring that people think about what they want to do during retirement, he said. Id encourage everyone, even if you are not nearing retirement age, have just started work or have already retired to come down to this expo. Its never too early or late to ensure you have enough funds set aside for your retirement.

Travelers are the winners as Air Pacific launched its new Suva-Port Vila-Suva flight. Air Pacific spokesman, Shane Hussein said: Were delighted to have launched our Suva-Port Vila / Port Vila-Suva direct flights." We have great fares for these services out in the market, and are undertaking various marketing campaigns to raise awareness of this, he said. The once-a-week direct service on Sundays is being operated by the airlines wholly-owned subsidiary, Pacific Sun, using its 42-seat ATR42500 aircraft. Air Pacific has already indicated the move is in line with the airlines commitment to catering for the demands of its customers. The new direct service provides reduced travel times for Suva customers

Air Pacific Flies Lower Port Vila Fares

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and increases the number of Air Pacific travel options between the two cities to three days a week, with two via Nadi. Air Pacifics direct service is being celebrated with the introduction of great year-round return fares starting from FJ$522 all inclusive. The three-hour flight will operate weekly departing Suva on Sundays at 9.30am and arriving in Port Vila at 11.30am. It will depart Port Vila on its return journey to Suva on Sundays at 12.15pm, arriving in Suva at 4.05pm. Air Pacific is in head-to-head competition with Air Vanuatu. Air Vanuatu had begun Sunday SuvaPort Vila flights in July. Air Pacific already had two weekly flights from Nadi going into Port Vila. Meanwhile, Air Vanuatu operates its 68-seater ATR-72 aircraft for the Port Vila-Suva/Suva-Port Vila route.

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Fiji News

Friday September 21, 2012


Youth Partys For Immunity

The (NYP) supports immunity for Fijians involved in the coups from 1987 to 2006. In presenting their submission to the Constitution Commission, party leader Nayagodamu Korovou, proposed that all Fijians involved in any political upheaval from 1987 to 2006 be pardoned. Those who are in prison are to be released when the recommendation comes from the elected Prime Minister to the Security Council for approval when the time is right, Mr Nayagodamu said. The youth party also submitted that from 2013 onwards, any Fijian who attempted to or overthrow an elected government should be sentenced to life imprisonment. He said Fiji as a nation should forget the past and move forward to heal the wounds of the past. Mr Korovou said the NYP also supported the common name Fijian for all Fiji citizens. It is also proposed that other ethnic groups who are not of the iTaukei descent (Kai Viti) use the name Kai Vata (from the same place). This will remove words like Kai Dia, Kai Jaina, Kai palagi, Kai Solomone and Kai Loma.The party is also urging Fijis youths to come forward and register for the upcoming 2014 elections. We are looking forward to 2014, and we are looking at reducing the cost of living and increasing employment; we know how we can implement this now if given the chance. We would like to continue the good work done by the interim government and continue to add on what we know will strengthen our unity as a nation. NYP was registered on April 14, 2009 to promote youth needs and address issues that affect them with the motto One God, One People, One Nation.

Travelers are the winners as Air Pacific launched its new Suva-Port Vila-Suva flight. Air Pacific spokesman, Shane Hussein said: Were delighted to have launched our Suva-Port Vila / Port Vila-Suva direct flights." We have great fares for these services out in the market, and are undertaking various marketing campaigns to raise awareness of this, he said. The once-a-week direct service on Sundays is being operated by the airlines wholly-owned subsidiary, Pacific Sun, using its 42-seat ATR42500 aircraft. Air Pacific has already indicated the move is in line with the airlines commitment to catering for the demands of its customers. The new direct service provides reduced travel times for Suva customers

Air Pacific Flies Lower Port Vila Fares

Fiji-China Relationship To Be Strengthened With Diplomatic Visit

Wu Bangguo Fijis relationship with China is going to be strengthened with several memorandum of understanding agreements expected to be signed with

the arrival of high ranking Chinese government official Wu Bangguo. These MOU agreements include the agreement of economic and technical cooperation and the framework agreement between the two governments on the provision of a confessional loan by China to Fiji. Another strategic agreement that will be signed is the government confessional loan project on Fijis NabouwaluDreketi road upgrading project. Accompanied by Chinese ministers for the three day visit, Wu will meet with senior Fijian government ministers and be accorded a traditional ceremony of welcome. Wu is the 10th Chairman and party secretary of the Standing Committee of the Peoples Congress, and is Chinas Chief Legislator.

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and increases the number of Air Pacific travel options between the two cities to three days a week, with two via Nadi. Air Pacifics direct service is being celebrated with the introduction of great year-round return fares starting from FJ$522 all inclusive. The three-hour flight will operate weekly departing Suva on Sundays at 9.30am and arriving in Port Vila at 11.30am. It will depart Port Vila on its return journey to Suva on Sundays at 12.15pm, arriving in Suva at 4.05pm. Air Pacific is in head-to-head competition with Air Vanuatu. Air Vanuatu had begun Sunday SuvaPort Vila flights in July. Air Pacific already had two weekly flights from Nadi going into Port Vila. Meanwhile, Air Vanuatu operates its 68-seater ATR-72 aircraft for the Port Vila-Suva/Suva-Port Vila route.

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Mum Questioned On Nadi Fire

The 21-year-old mother of the three, who allegedly locked her children in their home to go to the shop, spent the whole day at the Nadi Police Station being questioned by Police. This was after her youngest child died in a house fire in Nadi over the weekend. Her three children were in the house when their Korovuto house was engulfed in flames, which claimed the life of her 14-month-old baby. Two of the children, aged four and two, were saved by a 17-year-old student, but the extreme heat prevented the Swami Vivekananda College student to save the baby. The National Fire Authority has confirmed that the cause of the fire was unattended cooking. Police at this stage cannot confirm if the mother of three will face charges.



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Fiji News

Friday September 21, 2012

Stopping Australians From Coming To Fiji Will Affect Jobs - AG

The Attorney General and Minister for Industry and Trade said that the Australian Council of Trade Unions is again trying to damage the jobs of ordinary Fijian workers by calling on Australians not to visit Fiji. Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said that the Council is doing so on the basis of a false impression that the Fijian Government is antiunion. He added the government is trying to protect the jobs of its citizens, not destroy them. His comment comes after the president of the Australian Council of Trade Unions, Ged Kearney told Radio Australia that she would be telling all Australians considering going to Fiji to reconsider that decision. Kearney said that she was absolutely outraged and called on the Australian Government to condemn the decision by the Fijian government to expel the ILO. However, Sayed-Khaiyum said that the Government is perplexed that trade unions seem willing for their own political purposes to sacrifice the jobs of decent, hard working people in Fiji. He said that Australians need to be aware that the jobs of thousands of workers in the local tourism industry are at stake. Sayed-Khaiyum said that a small clique of union leaders in Fiji is fighting the Governments labour reforms, which are designed to return power to ordinary workers and expand job opportunities.

With the support of Tourism Fiji, the Fiji High Commission in Canberra, Australia participated successfully, niche marketing the numerous wedding and honeymoon packages and opportunities available in Fiji, at the Canberra Bridal Expo. The booth manned by staff and spouses of our high commission was strategically positioned to benefit from more than 300 visits/enquiries in just a six-hour period, which is significant for the demographics in Canberra. All 250 Fiji Me show-bags with information on wedding/honeymoon packages were distributed and the

Mission Promotes Fiji At Canberra Expo

high commission ran out of promotion material towards the end of the expo. A day after the expo, the high commission received three confirmed wedding bookings, as well as confirmation for more than 100 traveling guests, with over a dozen follow up calls on wedding packages referred on to Tourism Fijis office in Sydney. The high commission has found participation in such targeted expos a productive and efficient method for tourism promotion and will continue to participate in similar expos in the future.

A Fijian British soldier who did not know she was pregnant has given birth on the frontline while serving in wartorn Afghanistan. According to the media, the woman had a son in Camp Bastion on Tuesday just days after the Taliban launched a deadly attack on the UKs main base in Afghanistan. The baby was born five weeks premature and both mother and child were said to be doing well. The Fijian soldier had passed her tough pre-deployment training, which included a grueling eight-mile march and five-mile run, without inkling that she was pregnant. A senior Army insider said: It is bizarre that she didnt feel some side effects of the pregnancy. She is obviously pretty fit and strong. The strains and demands on soldiers working on the frontline make it surprising she didnt realize.

Fijian Soldier Gives Birth In Afghanistan

The birth has stunned military chiefs and led to calls for extra medical checks on women who are sent to the war zone. The soldier, a gunner in the Royal Artillery who helped provide covering fire for troops fighting insurgents, was unaware that she was carrying a child. She had been deployed with the 12th Mechanized Brigade since March, but two days ago complained of severe stomach pains. To her astonishment, medics informed her that she was about to give birth. She was in the 34th week of her pregnancy, meaning she conceived before flying to Afghanistan for her six-month tour of duty. Lieutenant Colonel Andrea Lewis, commanding officer of the field hospital, said this is a unique occurrence and is pleased to report the mother and baby are doing well and we are all delighted at the outcome.

Read the Fiji Times Canada online

About 15,000 Fijian jobs will be lost if Fiji is removed from the US Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Scheme, says the Permanent Secretary for Industry and Trade, Shaheen Ali. Ali said certain Trade Unions are threatening the jobs of ordinary Fijian workers by asking the United Sates to punish Fiji for its labour reforms. On average there are five persons per household in Fiji, the loss of 15,000 jobs would mean loss of support and livelihood to potentially 75,000 Fijian citizens, he said. He said that the impact will be felt at grass-root level as most of the workers in these factories are women and are the sole bread winners in their family. If these Unions have their way, 39 Fijian companies which now export range of products will lose their preferential access and benefits from the US GSP Scheme. This will mean agriculture, garments, and mineral water sector will lose their businesses, and these include small and medium enterprises that export niche products to the US. Ali said that instead of working with the Government to create jobs, improve

Removal Will Affect 15,000 Jobs: Ali

efficiency, and, attract new investment, certain leaders of the union movement are intent on destroying Fijis export economy. The action of the Fiji Trade Union Congress (FTUC) and others in seeking American sanctions against our own nation is sabotaging the economy and threatening peoples livelihood. He said the Bainimarama Government has worked hard to persuade certain union leaders to accept the need for labour reform. Across a broad front, the Government is acting to re-invigorate government owned enterprises to protect existing jobs and create new ones. He said they are acting to lift wages and standards of employment, not keep Fijians in the straightjacket imposed on them by Union Leaders who place their own interests ahead of their members. The interests of ordinary workers must not be sacrificed as these misguided individuals struggle for power and spoils of office. He said the welfare of the entire country is now being jeopardized in favour of these leaders own self interest, it is high time for these unions to represent the best interests of Fijian workers, and put their own interests to rest.

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Fiji News

Friday September 21, 2012


The New Zealand travel industry has spoken, voting InterContinental Fiji Golf Resort & Spa 'Best International Resort' in the New Zealand Travel Industry Awards and the only resort in Fiji to win an award. Voted by travel companies, agents and brokers, the award celebrates and honours the exceptional businesses in the New Zealand travel industry, and is a prestigious recognition within local and international markets. 'Best International Resort' nominations are based on company philosophy and values, culture, innovative, sustainable and socially responsible business practices, and recognises the property that goes the extra mile to exceed customer expectations. "The guest experience is always at the forefront of everything our team undertakes and it is a great honour to

NZ Votes Intercontinental Fiji Best International Resort

be recognised as the best international resort," said general manager Scott Williams. "We are thrilled that the New Zealand travel market holds InterContinental Fiji in such high regard." Overlooking the only white sandy beach on Fiji's main island, InterContinental Fiji offers four swimming pools, its own on-site dive centre, yoga deck, Spa InterContinental and a dedicated kids club, all set across 35 acres of tropical gardens. InterContinental Fiji is also home to the island's only resort within a resort, Club InterContinental, which features 55 luxurious hilltop suites and offers use of a private infinity pool and lounge area. Club guests can also enjoy complimentary all-day refreshments and evening canaps and cocktails, among other exclusive benefits.

Soroptimist International Fiji made its submission to the Constitution Commission for the incorporation of five working days of paid paternity leave for fathers beginning from the day of the birth/delivery of the baby. National president of Soroptimist International, Zareena Bi said, Soroptimist International is a worldwide woman based Non-Profit Organisation looking after the interest of girls and women in the society though this submission seemed to look at the benefit of men. Bi added that this leave will ensure fathers support to new mums and they would start caring for babies from the start. Studies have shown that father's involvement is just as important to a child's cognitive and social development as the impact of a mother, Bi said.

Paid Paternity Leave For Fathers: Bi

This will ensure the bonding of the family unit as a whole from the onset, added Bi. A fathers involvement in the nurturing of their children is very significant nowadays with the current trend of nuclear families in our society, Bi said. Meanwhile, Australian Federal Parliament has just passed a legislation whereby fathers will get two weeks Government funded parental leave to spend time with their newborn babies. Bi added that according to a new report, "Dads Expect Better," conducted by the National Partnership for Women & Families, at least 66 countries in the world guarantee a fathers right to paid paternal leave and 31 of these countries offer 14 weeks or more leave. Constitutional submission continues in Koro Island.

The South Pacific Tourism Organisation forecasts tourist arrivals to the Pacific Island countries to reach 1.8 million in 2015 a growth of 19 per cent over 1.513 million recorded in 2011. "The expected contributors to this growth forecast include projected increases in room inventory (eg. new hotel developments), expected expansion in aviation, positive economic prospects of Australia and New Zealand markets, and increases in small and medium size (SME) tourism operators' on-line development and marketing initiatives,"

Tourism Forecasts 1.8M Arrival

a SPTO statement said. This week the SPTO and Hotel Link Solutions (HLS) completed the Digital Marketing workshops and SME Market Readiness Audits conducted a few months ago in Tarawa and the Yasawa Islands. This is the first phase of the SME E-Marketing Support Pilot Project funded by the European Development Fund. The SPTO also announced the launching of 11 new e-commerce enabled web sites for properties in Tarawa, and a further 13 in the Yasawa islands.

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RFMF Assures Safety Of Fijian Troops

Assurance, that all Fijian soldiers serving in the volatile regions of the Middle East are safe and well, was given by the Republic of Fiji Military Forces. The assurance follows the recent outbreak of violence across various Arab states in the Middle East last weekend. Lieutenant-Colonel Litia Seruiratu said the troops remained safe in their various camps in Sinai, Iraq and Sudan. Addressing a media conference, LtCol Seruiratu said the RFMF wanted to assure soldiers families that the safety of troops in the Middle East was of paramount importance to the RFMF. The troops remain safe in their various camps in Sinai, Iraq and Sudan. And their morale remains high, Lt-Col Seruiratu said. The RFMF has been closely monitoring the recent developments in the Middle East as well as the safety of the troops on the ground. She said the RFMF headquarters received regular updates from their various missions about the situation on the ground. .we can confirm that our troops remain safe and well and their safety is of paramount importance to the missions and to the RFMF, Lt-Col Seruiratu added. The RFMF has troops deployed to the United Nations Peacekeeping missions in Iraq, Sudan as well as in Sinai with the Multinational Forces and Observers.

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Fiji News

Friday September 21, 2012

Pacific Sun Urges Customers To Call

Pacific Sun wishes to advise that further to its announcement last Saturday that there will be no flights into Labasa until Airports Fiji Limited (AFL) completes required safety improvements to the Labasa runway. As a result, all passengers whose flights were cancelled this week, and who wish to travel to Vanua Levu are requested to contact the airlines Call Centre for alternative arrangements. Customers holding tickets to Labasa as well as those wishing to travel to and from Labasa will continue to have the option of flying to Savusavu. As a result of the delay in re-starting Labasa operations, Pacific Sun intends to run supplementary services into Savusavu from Suva and Nadi until Labasa Airport can resume ATR-42 operations. However, customers are requested to note that the seat capacity on the much smaller Twin Otter aircraft is lower than the ATR aircraft, and Savusavu airport is restricted to daytime operations only. For these reasons, there is a limitation on getting customers to Vanua Levu, hence the request for customers to contact Pacific Suns Call Centre on 3304388 for confirmed re-bookings and travel arrangements. As announced last Saturday, Pacific Sun, following second round of inspections by its Safety and Flight Operations teams, has determined that safety requirements dictate that additional work must be accomplished to prevent loose gravel and rocks on the repaired runway from damaging ATR-42 and DH-6 Otter aircraft and engines.

Qarase Leave For Appeal Hearing In October

The Public Service Commission in partnership with the Westpac Banking Corporation is jointly organising the Retirement Information Expo, which will be held at the Tebara Plaza Complex in Nakasi this Saturday, September 22. The Expo will be opened by the Prime Minister Commodore Josaia Bainimarama. Commission permanent secretary Parmesh Chand said the exposition was for all workers reaching the retirement age in the country who would be provided first hand expert advice and assistance from qualified personnel from various organisations that would exhibit their services. Information to be disseminated will also include topics such as investment, insurance, voluntary work, and health which are important issues when one plans for retirement, Mr Chand said. It is essential that people are aware on the need to invest, save wisely and remain active so they can reap the benefits during their retirement

Planning For Retirement Is Essential

years. Further, after retirement one can continue to also contribute to social and economic development in starting a small business or becoming a volunteer. Mr Chand added that apart from financially planning for retirement one also needed to be healthy during their retirement years and as such a team from the Ministry of Health would be available at the Expo to conduct free health checks for visitors. The staff will be offering advice, counseling and referrals for health issues so that people keep fit and healthy in their retirement. Thirteen organisations will participate in the upcoming expo. They include the Fiji Public Trustee Corporation, Tower Insurance, Fijian Holdings, Fiji National Provident Fund, Fiji Council of Social Services, Unit Trust of Fiji, Fiji Revenue and Customs Authority, Ministry of Agriculture, Vodafone ATH Foundation and the National Centre for Small and Micro Enterprises Development, and the Westpac and the PSC.

Fijis Court of Appeal in Suva scheduled Laisenia Qarases Leave to Appeal hearing date for October 31, 2012. This is after his lawyer Tupou Draunidalo requested the court if their appeal against a 1-year sentence handed to Qarase in July could come before the Court of Appeal in the November session rather than next year. Newly appointed resident Justice of Appeal Justice Suresh Chandra said it should not clash with the courts

timetable. Draunidalo will make her submission on October 2 while Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) lawyer, Vinsent Perera, asked the court if he could make his submission on October 17, 2012. Justice Chandra reminded Draunidalo to consider the grounds of the appeal on the questions of law and facts and should identify those areas in her submission.


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Fiji News

Friday September 21, 2012


Investment Surge
FIJI could see more investors from the region following promotions by the country's high commissions in Australia and New Zealand. A statement from the Foreign Affairs ministry said the Fiji High Commission in Canberra recently assisted Winsol Solar, a German company to visit the country. Winsol Solar's goal is to develop an efficient, cost effective and environmentally friendly sustainable energy plant in Fiji to complement the power supply of the FEA. A Julius Huszarek (Central Coast Eurocars) has also registered an interest to purchase a property in Taveuni. He is planning to travel to Taveuni to inspect and negotiate its purchase from the current Canadian owners. Also, a prospect is a vehicle spare parts company with Janel Singh owner of JMJ Jap Import Parts interested in visiting Fiji. On the export front, the mission has helped Food Processors (Fiji) Ltd in looking for new markets in Australia. The acting Fiji head of mission in New Zealand, Mere Tora, recently met with Turner & Growers chief executive, Geoff Hipkins, to explore "co-operation", the ministry said. Turners & Growers is a major fresh produce importer and distributor and exporter in New Zealand and has the capacity to grow its Fiji import and export business. "Export commodities include vegetable, fruit, lamb and chicken whilst the imports include dalo, coconuts and pineapple which has just been brought into the New Zealand market but in a small quantity. "The company's Fiji operation is very successful and there is potential to expand the product base as well as the operation," the ministry said. Ms Tora also met with Nacanieli Waqa, the senior adviser, Pacific Market Access, Fresh Produce, of the Ministry of Primary Industries in New Zealand to discuss quarantine issues related to Fiji. Mr. Waqa, a Fiji national, discussed the current impediments to enhancing the exporting of fresh produce from Fiji to New Zealand. These included the recurring issue of quality and postharvest care. "Mr. Waqa has been in regular contact with the Fiji focal point (Biosecurity Authority of Fiji) on these issues and at the time of the meeting had just returned from Fiji on an awareness trip. "It was clear from the discussion that Fiji needs to step up on the quality and marketing of its fresh produce in order to be competitive and retain/expand the current market share." "Mr. Waqa has agreed to co-operate with the mission on emerging issues on market access that the Wellington mission could follow up with relevant stakeholders in Fiji to enhance the export of fresh products to New Zealand."

Labasa Family Axed

She was supposed to tie the knot in three weeks time, but all plans have now been put on hold and all happy thoughts replaced with uncertainty and hope that 23-year-old Gayatri Devi will not succumb to injuries sustained in an attack that killed her mother and her grandfather in Labasa on Monday. Devi is in critical condition fighting for her life at the Labasa Hospital ICU after she was struck with an axe by her estranged step father who had earlier axed to death her mother and grandfather on that fateful Monday morning at Vunivau in Labasa. Her mother, 53-year-old Amra Wati and grandfather, Madho Mehta, 93, died instantly. Devi only managed to escape further attack when her screams of help at 1.30am alerted her elder brother who resides next door. One of Devis family members, Narain Sami Reddy who is a farmer in Valebasoga told the reporter, the brother who is still in state of shock ran to the deceaseds house and took the axe from their step father. Reddy said the 57-year-old suspect who is still being questioned by Labasa police usually resides in the United States and hardly came to Fiji. He had only returned from Australia recently. He is the second husband of the deceased and they didnt have any children together. The deceaseds late husband whom she had three children with, an insurance officer had died 10 years ago, two years after she remarried. Lalita (Amra Wati) always looked after her father-in-law, Madho Mehta and was a very loving lady who had two daughters and a son from her first husband, Reddy added. An emotional Reddy said that this incident has shocked their entire family. Gayatri was supposed to be getting married after three weeks and the whole family was eager for her wedding as it was a time for the entire family to come together from Fiji and abroad to celebrate this occasion, Reddy added. The family believes that the incident could have stem from issues regarding money. Fiji Police spokeswoman Ana Naisoro said, "The 57-year-old man is still under interrogation by Labasa Police."

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The Nadarivatu Hydroelectric Scheme is expected to save the country about $42millon (FJD) dollars per year from the importation of diesel fuel. Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama during the commissioning of the new dam said the Nadarivatu Scheme will meet government's primary objective of lifting the standards of living for all Fijians. "This dam will generate 100 million units of electricity a year that will power our progress-extending power lines to homes in the villages, in the farming areas, in the cities, and to businesses everywhere". He highlighted that it was important to connect all Fijians without discrimination to fully unleash the potential not just for Fiji as a country but that of all individual Fijians. Prime Minister Bainimarama also highlighted how the only other dam in Fiji, in Monasavu, was commissioned 30 years back but the power that was generated by that first dam ironically and tragically went right past many of the communities in the surrounding areas.

New Dam To Power Homes Across Fiji

Kulvinder Victor Chera

"This will not be the case in Nadarivatu. All the surrounding areas have already been connected. Denying Fijians the electricity generated in their own back yards will no longer be the case." "The new energy created by this dam is clean energy. My Government together with FEA is committed to developing clean, renewable and affordable sources," the prime minister said. Nadarivatu is the latest achievement in government's objective of providing 90% of all of Fiji's energy requirements through renewable energy sources by the year 2015. "This will not only reduce the deficit in our balance of payments position but ensure that we protect our environment by reducing green house emissions and contribute to the global effort of mitigating risks of climate change and environmental degradation," he added. The Nadarivatu hydroelectric project was constructed at a cost of around USD$150million and funded by the China Development Bank, ANZ Fiji, Bank of the South Pacific Fiji and Fiji Electricity Authority.


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Fiji News

Friday September 21, 2012


More than 25-thousand Fijian households, businesses, schools and places of worship will benefit from a government decision to waive the debts they owe to the Water Authority of Fiji for years of unpaid water and sewerage bills. The Bainimarama Government is going to forgive almost 14-million dollars in unpaid bills, a decision that benefits about 100-thousand Fijians throughout the country. The Bainimarama Government recognizes that some customers simply cannot afford to pay their outstanding bills. Many of these arrears have built up over the years and settling them is beyond the means of many ordinary people. Attorney General and Minister for Public Enterprise Mr Aiyaz SayedKhaiyum said Many people have been worried about how they would meet their obligation and this decision means that they can now rest easy. We are prepared to forgo this revenue because we are mindful that making ends meet is a challenge for many Fijian families, schools and places of worship. The Bainimarama Government is responding to their needs, he said. The waiver applies to 25,529 accounts with the following partial breakdown: 22,345 domestic account customers or

Bainimarama Government Releases Fijians From Water Bill Debt

$575 Fee For Free Surgery

ordinary households and 954 schools and religious organizations. Customers have a three month window from October 1st to December 31st to make contact with The Water Authority of Fiji to discuss their cases. Each account is going to be investigated individually and the debt forgiven on a case-by-case basis. A media campaign is being mounted to advertise the initiative and encourage customers to come forward. According to the Water Authority, plumbing leakages are the main reason why some customers have incurred high bills and got behind in their payments. More than 20-thousand accounts suffered from plumbing leakages, with total losses of $6.3-million dollars. The Water Authority is urging its customers to make sure they make the necessary repairs and minimize water losses. It warned that the waiver is a once-off exercise to relieve the great burden on customers and that the onus is now on them to get their plumbing fixed. We are prepared to write off these bills and make a clean start as part of our determination to deliver services to Fijians, said Mr Sayed-Khaiyum. The Water authority of Fiji will be making an announcement with more details later.

Under the knife ... surgeons attend to a heart patient at Lautoka Hospital SIX patients suffering from heart disease were refused treatment offered for free by a 75-member medical group from New Zealand because they could not afford a $575 fee. The Friends of Fiji Heart Foundation which brought in the heart specialists said it was sad that hospitals in Fiji charged the fee on the poor and needy for free surgeries they offered. Health Minister Doctor Neil Sharma defended the decision to charge patients. "Nothing is free in this world," he said. The Fiji contact for Friends of Fiji Heart Foundation, Dharmendra Kumar, said they had to look for sponsorship from the public sector to assist most of those who could not afford to pay the fee demanded by the Health Ministry. He said medical personnel who came to Fiji voluntarily and dispatched to hospitals in Lautoka, Labasa and Suva were disappointed that some patients living in poverty who had been screened for surgery did not get treatment. Dr Sharma said it costs to use hospitals. "Where in the world can people expect free medical treatment? People need to take responsibility for their lives." Dr Sharma said cardiac repairs for heart patients cost more than $7000. "What is the problem of asking them a small portion of this fee," he said. Mr Kumar, who hosted the team for a farewell dinner at his Suva home, said most of the patients came from poor families. "These specialists provided their services for free because we cannot send these patients overseas. "These are highly qualified doctors who had given their time and money to treat these heart patients here." Mr Kumar said although it was not their duty to ask for a waiver or reduction of the fees, the government should take into consideration the plight of patients whose lives were at risk. Harcourt sponsored two patients, Lincoln Refrigeration Limited sponsored two and one patient was sponsored by Fortech Construction Limited. Friends of Fiji Heart Foundation, a charitable trust which helps provide free operations for the poor and needy citizens suffering from heart disease, takes care of costs for medication, the visiting cardiac team and stents (used for angioplasty). Surgery team leader Aleem Shah said 37 patients underwent angiogram and 12 were treated with special drugeliciting (advance metal stents). Mr Shah said they targeted the underprivileged and it was sad they were not able to receive the treatment because of the hospital charges. He said the patients suffered from chest pain, shortness of breath and abnormalities in their blood results.

Golden boy Iliesa Delana received a cash bonus of $20,000 from Digicel Fiji for his Paralympics victory during a celebration at Kadavu House in Suva. Digicel staff and members of the Digicel Fiji 7s team were present to recognise the achievement by Delana who won the hearts of many after capturing a gold medal at the Paralympics in London. Digicel Fiji chief executive officer Dave Butler said it was a proud moment for Digicel Fiji seeing its very own Iliesa Delana achieve the impossible. Todays celebration is a special one, Delana will be joined by his work colleagues who have been eager to meet him personally since his arrival last week, said Mr Butler. Besides receiving $20,000, Digicel Fiji also given free Digicel to Digicel calls for life to Iliesa Delana for his brilliant performance in London. Apart from the winning gold at the Paralympics, Iliesa is a recipient of the following accolades: 2006: Gold Medal Far East and South Pacific Games for the Disabled Games

Delana Receives $20,000 From Digicel Fiji

Kuala, Lumpur Malaysia 2007: Gold Medal Arafura Games in Darwin Australia 2008: Gold Medal 21st Habataki Track and Field event in Tokyo, Japan. 2009: Gold Medal Arafura Games in Darwin Australia 2011: Silver Medal International Paralympics Athletics World Championship Christchurch, New Zealand 2011: World ranking # 2 height of 1.73m 2011: Gold Medal Arafura Games, Darwin Australia 2012: Queensland Open AWD State Championships won Gold Meanwhile, as annual sponsor of the Fiji Paralympics Games since 2008, Digicel Fiji confirmed a $20,000 funding for the 2012 Fiji Paralympics Games to be held in November 2012. During participation at the 2010 Paralympics Games the gold medalist met Digicel CEO and since then Delana has been a member of its customer care team and a Digicel Fiji brand ambassador.

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Fiji News

Friday September 21, 2012

Coconut Industry Can Benefit Fiji Fijian Soldier Dies In Afghanistan

The coconut industry can create many jobs for both formal and informal sectors if the farming is structured and managed well. These findings were made by the Minister for Social Welfare, Women and, Poverty Alleviation, Dr Jiko Luveni during her visit, organised by the Fiji High Commission New Delhi, to Kerala on September 12. The State Government of Kerala hosted the ministers visit to explore opportunities associated with the Coconut Industry that could be duplicated in Fiji. Kerala is Indias largest coconut industry states where large population is dependent on this sector for living and other entrepreneurial activities. The minister, accompanied by Fijis High Commissioner to India, Yogesh Karan, met with the professors of the Kerala Agricultural University (KAR) and stakeholders of cottage industries associated with the coconut and its biproducts. Minister Luveni was impressed with the extensive research being done in the coconut industry and the extension work carried by the university to assist coconut farmers and the community on the best methods to plant coconuts. She further said that coconut farming in Fiji needed to be revived and farmers and stakeholders exposed to the potentials extensively available in the coconut industry. Moreover, she said farmers had to be taught basic scientific methods for sustenance of the coconut palms for better yields for commercial viability. The minister requested the University (KAR) for collaboration with Fiji for specialised training in the coconut industry and farming. The Universities Coconut Research Station provides assistance to farmers through demonstration of modular farms, training and coconut seed production. Fijis High Commissioner to India, Yogesh Karan, said the Government was working on a memorandum of understanding with the Government of India on Coconut Industry where expertise can be sourced. He added the coconut industry in Fiji needed to have an integrated farming methodology for greater returns of the space utilized and structured farming for better yield as done in India. The minister also visited villages in the interior of Kerala to observe the cottage industry, particularly where women were involved in the coconut industry and its bi-products. It was a learning experience to see every part of the coconut, from the roots to the tip of the leaves being used in some manner or other for income generation in India. The pith of the coconut, which becomes a bi-product after extraction of fiber, is one of the best ingredient for gardens and nursery for moisture retention. The minister said, I am very impressed to see how women make good quality rope, using coconut fiber using low-cost automated machines, for exports. We in Fiji have all the raw materials and I want to introduce these ideas in villages. I am impressed how the women use the same space in between the coconut palms to plant, banana, pepper, beans, and other vegetables. On top of that they have small poultry and cattle farms, all interdependent. Our women in Fiji need to be empowered so they can adapt these scientific farming techniques to boost the cottage industry and create employment. Women of all ages are involved somewhere or other in this industry and all of them make a living. There are also community projects to bottle coconut juice and milk to be sold in shops that are simple to do and I am very keen to introduce these ideas to our women in Fiji. A British Army soldier who died in Afghanistan last Friday has been named as L/Cpl Duane Groom of 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards. L/Cpl Groom died when his vehicle struck an improvised bomb in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand province. The 32-year old, who was born in Fiji, had been deployed since April. The Ministry of Defence described him as "a superb soldier" who was "fit, conscientious and extremely hardworking". L/Cpl Groom joined the British Army in 2007 and had deployed to Afghanistan for his second tour of duty on 7 April 2012. After completing his training and taking part in public and ceremonial tasks at the Royal Palaces, he joined 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards and participated in a training exercise in Kenya. He deployed to Afghanistan for the first time in September 2009 with The Queen's Company. During his latest tour, he provided force protection for British military advisors to the Afghan National Army. It was in this role while protecting his Afghan and British colleagues as they extracted from a successful operation that he was killed. 'Tremendously proud' Lt Col James Bowder, commanding officer of the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, said: "L/Cpl Groom was an outstanding soldier in every respect. "Tough, keen, and unflappable, he was utterly committed to his fellows and the cause. "We are all tremendously proud of what he achieved during his time in the regiment and particularly out here in Afghanistan where he contributed so much. "His many friends and the broader battle group will never forget this most talented of men." Lt Col James Bowder added:

L/Cpl Duane Groom "Moreover, we are determined to finish the mission that he so bravely helped to start. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends outside the Regiment at this most difficult of times." The MoD said the L/Cpl Groom's death was not connected with a Taliban attack on Nato's Camp Bastion base in southern Afghanistan last Friday, in which two US marines were killed. Prince Harry was at the base at the time of the attack. Meanwhile, it has emerged that two UK soldiers killed at a checkpoint last Saturday were shot by a man wearing an Afghan police uniform, who lured them to his side with a fake injury before firing on them. Another four soldiers with the Natoled force in Afghanistan have been killed in a separate attack last Sunday - believed to have been carried out by Afghan police officers, according to Nato. These soldiers were not British. The number of British military personnel killed since operations began in Afghanistan in 2001 is 430.

Ten women will soon set foot again on Fiji soil after having been away from their families for the last six months, studying at the Barefoot College of India. Whilst people return from overseas studies all the time, these women are different as they are mostly grandmothers, from rural communities. Last year, UN Women together with the Barefoot College of India in cooperation with the governments of Fiji, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Vanuatu, Kiribati and Nauru, locally based Civil Society Organizations as well as the Government of India started a partnership on Solar Grandmothers to allow 29 women from the region to attend a six month training course on solar engineering at the Barefoot College in India. Founded by Mr Bunker Roy in 1972,

Ten Communities In Fiji To Be Solar Electrified

the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan recruits women from around the world to attend the college campus in India for six months to learn skills in solar engineering. It allows women time to learn, practice, and perfect their knowledge base before returning home to their villages where they will apply and pass on these skills. Following the 55th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) of 2011, it was emphasized that reduced access to resources including energy, hinders womens full participation in sustainable development. It also recognized that women and girls are disproportionately burdened by a lack of access to modern energy sources; and that therefore, significant social and economic benefits can be realized by enhancing womens access to energy such as solar power. This month, the first 10 women will return to Fiji, much richer in knowledge and qualified as solar engineers, and will be go back to their villages and communities, where they will assemble solar energy systems to serve the villages where they come from. With the support of UN Women, Barefoot College will supply 376 household solar energy units and in addition, 9 equipped workshops will be delivered and distributed to home communities of women trainees. The Ministry of Women acknowledges the timely assistance and partnership between the UN Women, the Indian High Commission in Fiji and the Barefoot College for this innovative initiative to empower the 10 grandmothers as Fijis first solar engineers.

The solar engineers will be a great asset both now and in the future to lead the solar electrification projects to light up villages with hope, improved livelihood and their skills will be shared to multiply the benefits of this initiative. Its a life changing program and it greatly complements the governments poverty alleviation strategies to empower the disadvantaged and women to go to greater heights in being agents of change in their society. This joint initiative by the UN Women, Barefoot College, the Fijian Government, and the Indian High Commission along with NGOs, symbolizes the ongoing commitment in addressing emerging issues of gender equality and sustainable development, where global initiatives have been identified to mitigate and provide solutions.

World News

Friday September 21, 2012


Non-Australian Protesters Face Deportation If Charged

Immigration Minister Chris Bowen has indicated he may cancel the visas of any "non-citizens" charged after the weekend's violent protests in Sydney. Six people have so far been arrested after police clashed with Muslim protesters who were angry about an online video that mocks the Prophet Mohammed. The violence has been condemned by political leaders and many Muslims, but one Coalition senator says it should serve as a "wake-up call" to those who are "naive" about the potential impact of Islamists in Australia. "It is easy to dismiss the practices of the last week as the result of some crazy extremists," Senator Cory Bernardi wrote on his website. "That is the convenient route for those who know very little about the fundamentalist Islamic agenda and understand little of their mission worldwide." Fellow Coalition MP George Christensen says those found guilty of violence should be deported if they are

not Australian citizens. "I think the average Australian would think (that) if you're engaging in violence and you weren't an Australian citizen, jump on the first plane and head back to where you come from because that stuff is just simply not on in this nation," Mr Christensen told the media. "It really does call into question the whole thing that's been pushed for the last 20 to 30 years on multiculturalism. "When we see scenes like that, we just wonder what the future may hold." Mr Bowen says he is looking at what options he would have if any "noncitizens" were involved in the protest, but has spoken out strongly against the violence. "Clearly this is not done in the name of Islam and it is not done in the name of multiculturalism; it's done in the name of thuggery, nothing short of that," he told reporters in Canberra. "This is just criminal behaviour, nothing short of that."

A French magazine has been blocked from publishing more topless photos of Prince William's wife Catherine. The Duchess of Cambridge was photographed holidaying at a private property in Provence with her husband earlier this month. A court in Nanterre has served an injunction on French magazine Closer, preventing it from publishing further photos of Catherine sunbathing topless. The injunction ruling said the pictures were "by their nature, particularly intrusive" and had been taken in a place where the couple could "legitimately assume they were not overlooked". Closer has also been blocked from syndicating the pictures, and must hand over the digital originals in the next day. It faces a fine of $12,000 for every breach of the court order. The magazine published topless photos of Catherine last Friday and said it had more intimate photos of the couple that it was yet to publish. The injunction will not affect the photos' publication in other jurisdictions. They have already been reprinted by

French Magazine Ordered To Hand Over Topless Kate Pics

publications in Ireland and Italy. The ruling came after a French prosecutor opened a preliminary criminal investigation into the publication of the topless pictures. The probe follows a complaint lodged by the British royal couple on Monday. It will allow the prosecutor to decide whether to proceed with a full investigation of allegations that the taking of and publication of the pictures breached the couple's right to privacy under French law. The prosecutor will also have to decide who any criminal proceedings are directed against. The royals' complaint cites persons unknown, but aides have said they want proceedings brought against both the editor of Closer magazine, and the photographer or photographers who took the images earlier this month. The initial investigation will be carried out by the BRDP, a branch of the police responsible for dealing with attacks on individuals, which notably handled a probe into a French writer's sexual assault allegations against former IMF supremo Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

Californian Man Questioned Over Anti-Islamic Film

3 Women Allegedly Commit Suicide Following Dowry Harassment

Three young women allegedly took their own life in the capital due to harassment for dowry, police said. 27-year-old Mamta Sharma allegedly jumped to death from the fourth floor of Triveni Apartment in Vivek Vihar at around 11 AM on Sunday. Mamata, a mother of two who married nine years ago, took the extreme step allegedly after a heated argument with her mother-in-law. Police said they were investigating allegations that she was being harassed by her in-laws and her husband Kishan, who denied the charges. Kishan was not at home when the incident took place. In another incident, 26-year-old Divya, a teacher in an MCD school, allegedly committed suicide at her Dwarka sector 6 flat on last Sunday evening. She was living with her husband, whom she married a year ago. Her family alleged she took the extreme step due to harassment by her husband who was demanding a car. An inquiry by Sub-Divisional Magistrate has been ordered. No suicide note has been recovered. In the third incident reported from Mansarovar Park, Neetu (28) was found dead in mysterious circumstances in her flat. The family has alleged dowry harassment and an SDM enquiry has been ordered. Police suspect it to be a case of suicide.

A Californian man linked to an antiIslamic film that sparked violent protests around the world was questioned by authorities investigating possible violations of his probation for a bank fraud conviction. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, a Coptic Christian, was voluntarily interviewed by federal probation officers at a sheriff's station in the Los Angeles suburb of Cerritos and left about 30 minutes later, said Steve Whitmore, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. The crudely made 13-minute English-

language movie, filmed in California and circulated on the internet under several titles including Innocence of Muslims, mocks the Prophet Mohammad and portrays him as a buffoon. The film spurred violent protests across the Middle East, North Africa and Australia. For many Muslims, any depiction of the prophet is blasphemous. Caricatures deemed insulting in the past have provoked protests and drawn condemnations from officials, preachers, ordinary Muslims and many Christians.

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World News

Friday September 21, 2012

ANZ has welcomed the announcement that it has been ranked the most sustainable bank globally in the 2012 Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for the fifth time in six years. ANZ chief executive, Mike Smith, said: Were pleased the efforts of our 48,000 people to improve our contribution to sustainability have been recognized by the worlds leading organization for measuring sustainability performance. Across the bank, we have worked hard to improve our performance through initiatives such as our target to increase the finance we provide to the renewable sector or through the work weve done to improve financial

ANZ Ranked Most Sustainable Bank

literacy in underserved communities in the Pacific. We recognize there is still plenty to be done but were making good progress and were pleased to be recognized for our achievements to date. The report said: ANZs sustainable business practices, exceptional risk and crisis management procedures and its strong focus on sustainable investment products as key factors for its leading position in the banking super sector. Dow Jones Sustainability Index is the most widely-accepted global assessment of how companies approach their social, economic and environmental responsibilities.

Cameron 'Guilty' For Making Britain Vulnerable To War

More than 130 inmates have escaped through a tunnel from a Mexican prison on the border with Texas in one of the worst jailbreaks the country's beleaguered penal system has suffered in recent years. Homero Ramos, attorney general of the northern state of Coahuila, said 132 inmates of the prison in the city of Piedras Negras had got out through the tunnel in an old carpentry workshop before cutting the wire surrounding the complex. Corrupt prison guards may have helped the inmates escape, said Jorge Luis Moran, chief of public security in Coahuila, adding that US authorities had been alerted to help capture the fugitives if they try to cross the border. The local prosecutor's office said 86 of the inmates were in prison for federal crimes while the 46 others faced different charges. Mr. Ramos added that a reward of 200,000 pesos ($15,000) for information leading to the capture of each fugitive. The Piedras Negras complex housed

132 Escape In Mass Mexican Jailbreak

a total of 734 inmates, and the tunnel through which the prisoners escaped was about 1.2 meters wide, 2.9 meters deep and seven meters long, Mr. Ramos said. There have been numerous breakouts in the past few years from Mexico's struggling penal system, where guards are frequently accused of complicity with drug cartels. At the end of 2010, more than 140 inmates escaped a prison in the border city of Nuevo Laredo. Northern Mexico has been hit particularly hard by violence stemming from brutal turf wars between drug gangs. President Felipe Calderon, who leaves office in November, has used the military to try and crack down on the gangs and has captured or killed many of the country's top kingpins. However, violence has surged on his watch, and fighting between cartels and their clashes with security forces have claimed more than 55,000 lives over the past six years.

British Prime Minister David Cameron risks going down in history as a "guilty man" for ordering defense cuts which have made Britain more vulnerable to war, a British daily said. Cameron's defense policy is "likely to lead to more wars in the future" because Britain will appear weak, the Daily Express reported, citing two reports by the UK National Defense Association (UKNDA). Tory historian Andrew Roberts said Cameron is in danger of being seen as on par with appeasers before World War II. He said the Prime Minister and his Cabinet risk going down in history as "Guilty Men" like those who oversaw defense cutbacks during World War II even as Hitler rose to power. Roberts said the government was ignoring the lessons of history and seems set on a course that is "illogical, dangerous and ultimately self-defeating". Cameron cut the regular army by 20 percent to 82,000 men, the navy by 14 percent and the air force by 13 percent, the daily said. The UKNDA report, "Disarmament &

Consequences", by Air Commodore Andrew Lambert and Allen Sykes, said Russia and China were expanding their armed forces, the Middle East was more volatile than ever, piracy was on the increase and the US was reducing its commitment to Europe's defense. Former chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Michael Graydon, who coauthored the second report, "A National Debate on Defense", said ministers have to answer basic questions about defense policy and the resources available. "For an enduring campaign of more than 30 days, Britain can guarantee to provide about 30 attack planes, about six ships and a Brigade. And that is after we leave Afghanistan," he wrote. The defense ministry described the documents as interesting but dismissed their scenarios as "among the least likely". "Our armed forces remain a highly trained and formidable fighting force with one of the largest defense budgets in the world," Armed Forces minister Andrew Robathan was quoted as saying.

Murder Suspect Needs More Mental Help

The case of murder suspect, Subramani Naidu, was called before the Suva Magistrates Court. Naidu is charged with one count each of murder and attempted murder. Police prosecutor Yasin Ali informed Chief Magistrate Usaia Ratuvili that the accused person was still acquiring further treatment at the St Giles Psychiatric Hospital. Chief Magistrate Ratuvili said Naidu who was a former patient of St Giles Hospital needed further treatment for another one to two months because he remains a danger to others. It is alleged that Naidu attacked his twoyear-old nephew, Munish Vivan Naidu, and his great-grandmother, 74, with a cane knife in Nadi on February 17, 2012. Naidu is a former patient of St Giles Hospital who was released in 2003. The case will be called before Chief Magistrate Ratuvili on November 7 for review.

Mika Singh

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An Indian immigrant who arrived in Britain illegally by hiding in a lorry and remained undetected here for 13 years, has been jailed for eight months and faces deportation at the end of the sentence. Sohan Dhillon, 52, arrived in the UK in 1999, and went on to earn a living without paying taxes as a builder in Newcastle, north England. His cover was blown when UK Border Agency officers raided his house in the town. But during the raid too he gave a false name, claimed to be a UK citizen and produced a stolen passport, reports from Newcastle said. He has now been jailed for eight months for possessing an identification document with an improper intention. Judge Roger Thorn, at Newcastle Crown Court, told him last week: "The police were tipped off there were illegal immigrants in the house where you and your son were. You presented a

Illegal Indian Immigrant Caught In UK After 13 Years

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passport to justify your presence in this country and you were able to support it with an explanation the officers thought was genuine and valid." He added: "However the deception here went on from the start of your period in the country, you were keeping below the radar, working illegally and not paying taxes." The media reported that when Dhillon was interviewed, he admitted giving false details, and disclosed that he had arrived in the UK in 1999 on the back of a lorry. Immigration officials found a man with his details was given entrance clearance in 1999 for six months but there was no further application to remain in this country. Brian Hegarty, defending lawyer, said: "He has been working and has been out of trouble, he was trying to keep under the radar. Immigration wants him to be deported."

World News

Friday September 21, 2012


Indian workers may now face restrictions over getting entry in Dubai for employment opportunities, as the Middle East city has reportedly adopted stricter rules for tourist, visit and conference visas to curb the influx of foreign workers from certain labour exporting countries. A senior official said the move was prompted by the recent arrests of scores of foreigners on tourist, visit and conference visas, who were either engaged in organised crimes, human trafficking or were found unemployed and looking for jobs or begging in the streets, or near hospitals, mosques and malls. "The Federal Residency Department, which oversees residency departments across the country, has decided to adopt stricter regimes for tourist, visit and conference visas to curb the influx of blue-collar workers from many labour exporting countries into the country," the official told Gulf News on the condition of anonymity. "This would help significantly reduce the risk that individuals engaged in

New Visa Rules May Deter Indians Seeking Jobs In Dubai

organised crime or the trafficking of persons could gain entry to the country," the source added. The new regime would see bans on visit visas for some foreign workers, especially from traditional labour exporting countries to the UAE, and set a university degree as a prerequisite for obtaining a visa, plus other requirements, the official said. Other countries such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Philippines, are some of the largest countries exporting labour to the UAE. Categories banned from obtaining tourist, visit or conference visas include electricians, pipe fitters, masons, farmers, drivers, tailors and cleaners, the report said. The source stressed the UAE continues to welcome genuine visitors. "These visa requirements will give authorities a greater ability to manage the flow of visitors into the country and allow residency departments across the country to screen more travelers for security risks prior to their arrival in the UAE," he said.

Charles And Camilla To Visit Australia

Nurse Sacked For Having Sex With Mentally Challenged Patient Thai Muslim Protesters March To A woman nurse at a mental health A Nursing and Midwifery Council US Embassy centre in Britain has been sacked after heard that during their relationship, the
she had sex with a patient in her care and then sent him text messages saying "I miss you" and "I love you". Deborah Boulton met a male patient and gave him her mobile phone number, as reported. A tribunal ruled that the nurse's actions fell "seriously short of the conduct and standards expected of a nurse". She met the man at a centre in Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, in 2009. The woman allegedly also bought the patient alcohol on two occasions. For sale: A friendly woman ghost A hotel haunted by a ghost who likes tall men is for sale. Guests at the Foveaux Hotel in Bluff regularly claim a bedroom door has been opened by a female ghost. Owner Nikki Little believed the ghost was of Mary Cameron, the original owner of the Temperance Hotel which was constructed on the Gore Street site in 1899. The Temperance Hotel was demolished to make way for the construction of pair had sex around five times -- once in a hotel, once in the man's mother's house and three times in Boulton's house. The patient claimed when he tried to end the relationship, Boulton bombarded him with calls and texts until he destroyed his mobile phone to avoid contact with her. The patient told a counselor that he suffered a relapse because of the relationship, the hearing was told. Boulton had denied the allegations. Between 400 and 500 Muslims marched to the US Embassy in Bangkok to protest against the anti-Islamic film 'The Innocence of Muslims'. The protesters, many of whom were from the International Al-Quds Federation of Thailand, chanted and carried signs reading "Down with America" and "We respect every religion". Speakers told the crowd the protest was about more than the film, but about tolerance. The group chanted "We hate hate"

Prince Charles will visit Australia later this year as part of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The Prince of Wales and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, will arrive in November for a six-day tour. They are expected to travel to Longreach, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart, Sydney and Canberra. It will be the first visit by Prince Charles

since 2005 and the first time the Duchess of Cornwall has come to Australia. The tour will also include stops in Papua New Guinea and New Zealand. Prince Charles's son William and his wife Catherine are currently on a tour of the Asia-Pacific, arriving in Tuvalu on Tuesday amid a row over topless photos of the duchess that appeared in a French magazine.

Strange But True

before walking on US and Israeli flags laid on the wet road. They also attempted to burn the flags but they were put out by the rain. The embassy was closed ahead of the protest and staff were sent home early. Uniformed police lined up outside the front of the building while plain clothed officers were in the crowd. The group dispersed peacefully. Though the population of Thailand is 90 per cent Buddhist, in the south of the country there are three Muslimmajority provinces.

the art deco-style Foveaux Hotel in the 1930s, but Mary's spirit apparently lived on in the premises. She said the ghost tended to favour tall male guests staying in room two. "Every time we have tall men staying in room two they report the bedroom door opening by itself. Sometimes they complain to us that the door is broken or won't close but when we go up it just closes. But it's not a scary ghost," she said. The hotel will be auctioned by Bayleys in Queenstown on September 27.


Canada News

Friday September 21, 2012

B.C. Egg Farmers Losing Over Cross-Border Shopping

Canada Rises To Top Five In World Economic Freedom Ranking

Canada has taken its place among the Top 5 countries with the most economic freedom, according to a new Fraser Institute report now leaps and bounds ahead of the United States thanks to the gradual shrinking of the Canadian government since the mid-1990s as Americas just got bigger. The annual Economic Freedom of the World report, released Tuesday, has Canada tied in fifth place with Australia up one spot from last year. Hong Kong remains at the top, Singapores next, then New Zealand. Meanwhile, the United States, once a standard bearer of economic liberty among industrial nations, spiraled 10 spots from the 2011 rankings to 18th place its lowest position ever and a huge drop from its second place spot in 2000.

B.C. egg farmers say they're losing more than $3 million a year because an increasing number of consumers are buying their eggs in the U.S. To illustrate its frustration, the board unveiled on Wednesday a life-sized fire truck it had made out of thousands of egg cartons, equivalent to those that would contain the 24 million U.S. eggs sold to Canadian cross-border shoppers every year. In the Lower Mainland, a dozen eggs can be bought for $3.19. The retail price in Washington is about $2.09.

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Board spokeswoman Ann-Marie Butler says B.C. producers can't compete with low production costs in the U.S. We have 2.7 million chickens that are with our registered producers. In the U.S., that would be one farm, Butler said. There are more than 130 commercial egg producers in B.C., with average flocks of about 17,000 chickens. The provinces largest single egg distributor is Golden Valley, which says its seeing a slight but concerning decline in the market. One of the smaller producers is Capella Farm, which is selling half the eggs it used to. "[Consumers] have to support the farmers here in B.C., said Mariam Barcarel, of Capella. We are doing this for them. They are good products.

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Three people are dead, and two others in hospital, after a roll-over accident on the Coquihalla Highway last Friday night. RCMP say the car rolled over and crashed around 8 p.m. about five kilometers south of the Highway 97-D Interchange, between Merritt and Kamloops. Three people were killed, and two others were taken to hospital, where they remain in stable condition. On scene witnesses had assisted in

Three People Dead In Accident On Coquihalla

rendering immediate first aid prior to emergency crew arrival, including a nurse and physician who had come across the scene. The vehicle was a red 2003 Ford Expedition SUV registered in BC. The female driver, 42 from New Westminster, remains in hospital. The passenger who was seated behind the driver, a 70-year-old male also from New Westminster is also in hospital care with undisclosed injuries. The three deceased are from the lower mainland area, a 49-year-old male from New Westminster, a 61 year old female also from New Westminster and a 41-year-old male from Surrey. The relative of the deceased in Fiji, Fahimun Nisha said dead were 61-yearold Zarina Begum, her 41-year-old son Shahir Khan and her 49-year-old sonin-law Samad Khan. She said the deceased's family migrated to Canada two years ago and they had come to Fiji earlier this year to celebrate Eid with their relatives.

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Police Want The Right To Seize Excessive Speeders

Edmontons police chief wants the province to implement new legislation to crack down on motorists that drive double the speed limit. Chief Rod Knecht said current penalties aren't enough and new legislation should allow police officers to seize vehicles from people driving at excessive speeds. We stop that person and all we can do is give them a ticket and they go on their way and our concern is if theyre going 263 [kph] we give them a ticket and 15 minutes later theyre in a fatality, Knecht said. Either they cause harm to themselves or they cause harm to some innocent party. Knecht added that speed was a factor in 14 out of 25 traffic fatalities this year and that officers are used to clocking people on Anthony Henday Drive doing 200 kph. The provincial ministry of transportation says the police chief has mentioned this before and that the department has already made changes to toughen the laws, including six demerit points, a mandatory court appearance and a $350 fine for drivers doing more than 50 kph above the speed limit. Knecht says what he wants is legislation similar to other provinces like British Columbia, Quebec and Ontario.

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Canada News

Friday September 21, 2012


Debt Collector Hounded Over Its Own Debts

Rival goes after iQor debt collection agency for $55,000 Anyone who has ever received a stern call from a debt collection agency might be interested in this. One of Canada's largest debt collection agencies, iQor Canada Ltd., was itself pursued by a smaller, rival collector after failing to pay about $55,000 in legal fees to a Toronto firm, court documents obtained by CBC News show. The irony was not lost on the collector hired to pursue iQor for its unpaid invoices. "I find it ironic, sure," said Janet Wigle-Vence, vice-president of finance for the Scarborough, Ont.-based Credit Control Central, "but it's not unheard of." It began when a Toronto-based law firm, McMillan LLP (formerly Lang Michener LLP), was hired by iQor in 2010 to take care of some employmentrelated legal issues, including wrongful dismissal cases. When iQor didn't pay up, the law firm got their own collection agency involved. The debt collection agency should've known better than to avoid its own bills when it's their job to collect owed money, said Don Vence, president of Credit Control Central, the agency sent after iQor. "It's a dichotomy to have a company calling other companies for money, or individuals asking them to live up to their financial commitments when they themselves don't," said Vence. Neither iQor nor the law firm agreed to an interview. Strategy pays off In the end, the tactic of hiring a rival debt collection agency to recover the owed money from iQor appeared to have worked for the most part. By May 2011, iQor forked over all but $4,374 of the $55,051 owed in total. For the remaining several thousand dollars, the Toronto law firm continued its dogged pursuit, resorting to taking the debt collection agency to small claims court, alleging it "either refused or neglected to pay." And the next month, court documents show the law firm upped the ante, demanding not only the amount owed, but also six months interest and legal fees. The legal wrangling worked, but how much the debt collector ended up paying for going into arrears is unknown. In August, 2011, iQor paid out an undisclosed amount after the case was settled. IQor Canada Inc. has debt collection call centers in Montreal, Cambridge, Ont., and North York, Ont. It's a subsidiary of internationally operated iQor Inc. Another subsidiary of the company, the U.S.-based Allied Interstate Inc., has also come into trouble over its business practices. That case dealt with employees of Allied Interstate, one of the largest American debt collection agencies, allegedly collecting debts from people who did not even owe money. In 2010, Allied Interstate was fined $1.75 million by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission for its alleged attempts to collect debts from debt-free individuals, "harassing phone calls" and the use of "abusive language."

Local Cops To Shear Off Their Locks For Childhood Cancer

The Surrey RCMP are mounting their bikes and saddling up to the barbers chair in support of the annual Cops for Cancer fundraising campaign. This year Surrey RCMPs own Constable Scott Nickel, as well as numerous others throughout the region, will be embarking on a cycling trek that covers over 800 km in length. Every year thousands of parents are told that their children have cancer. This, of course, has such a profound impact on the entire family, says Constable Nickel. As a third-year rider and childhood cancer survivor myself, this ride is very important to me and hits close to home. The Surrey RCMP will be supporting the riders in a unique way this year. If enough money is raised by the detachment, senior officers have pledged to shave their heads in support of children living with cancer! Exactly how many officers shave their heads depends on how much money is raised. If $1,000 is raised, officers at the Inspector level will shave their heads. If $2,000 is raised, officers at the Inspector level and Media Relations Officer Sergeant Drew Grainger will shave their heads. If $2,500 is raised, the Officer in Charge Superintendent Bill Fordy will join all of the above in shaving their heads! Look for special guest barber City of Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts! Unfortunately, we all know someone who has been affected by cancer and I thank our dedicated law enforcement agencies for helping to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars through the Cops for Cancer campaign, says Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts. Members of the community are invited to come show their support for the riders who will be arriving across the street from the Surrey RCMP detachment (14355 57th Avenue) on Thursday, September 27th at 12:00pm and to come early to enjoy the head shave festivities including a planned barbecue. The Cops for Cancer's Tour de Valley's route will take them from Tsawwassen to Boston Bar and back in order to raise funds for children living with cancer. The Tour de Valley has seen great success in past years, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars each year the riders head out to brave the conditions. Across the province, the Cops for Cancer campaign has raised over $27,000,000 since its inception 15 years ago. To donate to this great cause please visit the Surrey RCMPs Cops for Cancer fund-raising webpage. Donors who make a pledge online will receive an electronic tax receipt via e-mail within minutes of making their pledge.

Almost a third of Canadians aged 5 to 17 are overweight or obese, Statistics Canada finds. The prevalence of overweight and obese Canadian children hasn't increased over the past decade, but the agency said Thursday that it remains a public health concern. Using World Health Organization standards of measurement, 31.5 per cent of five- to 17-year-olds an estimated 1.6 million Canadians were classified as overweight (19.8 per cent) or obese (11.7 per cent) from 2009 to 2011. Among children aged five to 11, the percentage of obese boys (19.5 per cent) was more than three times that of obese girls (6.3 per cent), the agency said. "Although these estimates have not changed significantly in recent years, more data points are needed to determine if the pace of increase in prevalence is slowing, as has been observed in some countries," the report

31% Of Canadian Kids Are Overweight Or Obese

concludes. "Regardless, the estimates remain high and are a public health concern, given the tendency for excess weight in childhood to persist through to adulthood." 'Easy to get calories' Medical specialist Dr. Karl Kabasele said many factors are fuelling child obesity. "The food industry and the processed foods have kind of created this environment where it's so easy to get calories," said Kabasele. "Kids are playing video games, watching TV, not getting out and exercising. So all of these factors are kind of conspiring against kids despite our best efforts. "The medical community has to work hand in hand with parents, with the food industry, with government regulators to figure out the best way to kind of reduce this obesogenic environment that kids are growing up in." The heights and weights of 2,123

Mika Singh

Live in Concert November 4th 2012 7:00PM Queen Elizabeth Theatre


Phone:604.909.4088 for info Shraddha Pandit

Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada between August 2009 and December 2011.

children and teens were taken from the Canadian Health Measures Survey done by Statistics Canada, Health


Canada News

Friday September 21, 2012

Nearly 30,000 people registered to use the new tolled Port Mann Bridge in just the first two days of sign-ups, surprising project officials. The early surge already puts the electronic tolling system 10 per cent of the way to its target of 300,000 registered users by the end of February. "We're very pleased that we've had the response we have had so far," Port Mann/Highway 1 project communications director Max Logan said. "It's a terrific start for us." The province wants regular bridge users to sign up and get the TReO windshield decal that is automatically and efficiently detected without the more costly use of license plate cameras and manual image checks that will be used to invoice nonregistered vehicles. Officials also think the more drivers who register and use the system; the more will embrace the tolled Port Mann and not clog other routes to reach an untolled bridge. As an incentive, half-price tolls $1.50 for regular cars instead of $3 apply for a full year for those who register before March 1, when the

Drivers Sign Up To Cross Port Mann Bridge

three-month discount period for all expires and non-registered users start paying full price. A further incentive gives 20 free crossings to those who sign up before Nov. 30. Logan expects many more users to register as those two deadlines near. "Our goal is to have 80 to 85 per cent

of our regular users registered," Logan said. The new Port Mann officially opens sometime in December with a free week before tolling begins. TReO system registration opened Sept. 17 at Logan said many drivers may not be aware yet of how the system works,

that it costs nothing to register and get a decal and that it will also give them the lowest available toll when using TransLink's Golden Ears Bridge. Asked how many drivers who don't register might escape paying, Logan said the license plate recognition system has an accuracy rate of more than 95 per cent but manual reviews of images should bring the enforcement rate to 99 per cent and ensure virtually all are invoiced. He said the "sophisticated" cameras can still read plates some drivers may try to obscure with dirt or other substances and motorists who do that face police enforcement. Logan expects the "vast majority" of out-of-province visitors will also pay voluntarily. Signs will direct non-B.C. residents to either pay their toll online or detour to customer service centers in Surrey or Coquitlam where they'll be able to pay in person or use a drive-through kiosk without getting out of their car. The Coquitlam centre is at Lougheed Highway at Woolridge, while the Surrey one is at the 160 St./104 Ave. interchange.

Senator's Wife Pleads Guilty

The legal storm surrounding a senator's young wife appears to be subsiding after she pleaded guilty Thursday to causing a disturbance on a plane. A more serious charge of uttering threats was dropped during the court appearance. Maygan Sensenberger, 23, appeared in a Saskatoon court on Thursday to enter her plea, and received a one-year suspended sentence with probation. Her husband, 69-year-old Sen. Rod Zimmer, was also in court. Sensenberger was originally charged with the much more serious charge of endangering the safety of an aircraft, an offence which can carry a maximum life sentence; however that charge was reduced in an earlier appearance. The charges stemmed from an incident aboard an Air Canada flight at the end of August. Zimmer began to complain of tightness in his chest, and the couple allegedly began to argue about the seriousness of his condition. Zimmer is a throat cancer survivor. According to some witnesses, the argument escalated to the point that Sensenberger threatened to slit Zimmer's throat and to bring down the plane. However, other witnesses have said Sensenberger appeared upset because she was concerned about her husband's health. The Crown earlier told the court that every threat made on an airplane must be taken seriously. "One never knows how serious these threats are," prosecutor Matt Miazga told a judge at an earlier court appearance. However, Sensenberger's lawyers argued Zimmer never felt threatened by his wife. "They are very close ... and this is a very difficult time for them," lawyer Leslie Sullivan said at a previous court appearance. Sensenberger was arrested in Saskatoon after the plane, which had originated in Halifax with a stop in Ottawa, touched down. She was originally banned from speaking with her husband, but the courts later altered that stipulation, allowing them to have contact by phone or online

Mika Singh

Live in Concert November 4th 2012 7:00PM Queen Elizabeth Theatre


A "gas-and-dash" death in Toronto has prompted talk from an Ontario MPP that would require all drivers to pay in advance for gasoline purchases. Is this the solution? Being a gas station attendant is no fun at the best of times. People want their fuel fast and if a convenience store is part of the operation, there are further demands to go faster, faster and faster. The threat of armed robbery is very real, as is the possibility of "gas and dash" thefts, where drivers leave without paying. If the attendant stays put inside the store, the fuel theft should only require a call to the police, but if the employee decides to physically intervene, something very bad can happen. A 44-year-old man was killed in Toronto last Saturday night when he tried to stop a man from driving away with $112 in gasoline. Jayesh Prajapati ended up being dragged by an SUV. No one should die because of a property crime. Why an attendant would choose to intervene is a bit of a mystery. Prajapati's wife told a reporter that her husband may have intervened because he feared he would be required to repay the cost of the stolen gas. That allegation has not been proven, but if it turns out to be true, the employer is forcing low-wage workers to pay more

Pay-First Law Proposed After Death Of Toronto Gas Attendant

than a day's wages for one incident outside their control. In effect such a policy would leave the worker with a choice between financial survival and literal survival. A law that forces motorists to pay before pumping takes away the risk of drive-away thefts, so it should be a no-brainer. But there may be more to it and jumping to conclusions could do more harm than good. Before such a law is considered, the effect in other jurisdictions should be considered. It's possible to imagine that someone desperate enough to gas and dash might resort to other ways to get free gas if the pumps are shut down until payment is made. Could a pay-first law prompt the crook to turn to mugging people, carjacking or robbing the gas station at gun- or knife-point in order to get enough money to gas up? Without first examining the results of a pay-first law coming into effect in B.C. and many U.S. states which already have that rule we can't be sure Ontario citizens would be safer. Maybe the best law would be one that required gas attendants to stay put when someone drives away. Should the law be changed in Ontario and other provinces that don't have pay-first rules? What penalty should gas-and-dash drivers face?

Phone:604.909.4088 for info Shraddha Pandit

Fiji-Sun Times Canada


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For Women

Friday September 21, 2012


How To Motivate Yourself To Exercise At Home

Pluck The Perfect Eyebrows

If you thought working out at home is boring, monotonous and unexciting, give it a thought. While it might be pouring outside or you simply wake up late and miss out on your morning walk working out at home is the best option. You just need to motivate and discipline yourself to exercise at home.

Set yourself a time are you more energetic in the mornings or do you like exercising after work. Spare yourself an hour every day and keep up to it. You can also set a reminder on your mobile so that you do not miss out on your regular workout.

Start with a new workout gear

Stock your fridge with healthy eats

Working out at home doesnt mean you can simply wear your pajamas and start exercising. This will make you feel more sluggish. Invest in a good pair of workout gear. Start with a comfortable pair of shorts, tops and shoes to boost your confidence.

Make sure that you keep only healthy edibles in your fridge. Store some juices, soya milk, fresh fruits etc that will keep you motivated to workout and lose weight.

Hang up a reach your goal list

Play some peppy number

Put on some good music before you start working out, preferably something latest that is on your mind. This will keep your spirits high and will help you to workout better.

Make sure you hang a note on your fridge or wall reminding you of the upcoming events that you need to exercise for like a friends wedding, reunion or a date.

Put up pictures of your slimmer self

Putting up pictures when you were fitter or slimmer will motivate you to workout at home. Find old pictures where you are wearing skinny jeans or pin up pictures of fitter celebrities on your TV or fridge. Ask a friend to join you When you are working out at home, it tends to become very monotonous over a period of time. Call your best friend and ask him/her to drop by at your place for a workout every morning or after working hours. This will keep you going and you will feel motivated to shed those extra kilos.

Perfectly groomed eyebrows balance your features and frame your eyes. Read the tips on how to get them. 1. Locate Your Starting Points Flip your tweezer upside down so the open end is pointing downward, and place it vertically alongside the outer edge of the bottom of your nose. The point where the vertex lands marks the beginning of your brow (which should also be about one inch above the inner corner of your eye). Using an eye pencil, draw a vertical line to demarcate the start of each brow, and then check that the space above the bridge of your nose is centered between them. Remove the strays that fall in between. "Grab strands right at the root and slowly pull them out," 2. Mark Your End Points Lay the tweezer on an angle against your cheek so that the open end is at the bottom of your nose and the other end reaches the outer corner of your eye. The spot where the tweezer intersects your brow is where the hairs should

end. Mark it with the eye pencil, then pluck the hairs beyond the line. 3. Determine Your Brow Thickness Starting just below the fullest part of your brow, use an eye pencil to draw a line along the bottom edge of your brow; it should be above any stray hairs and it should follow the natural shape of your brow's top line, which may be angled, slightly curved, or even straight. Pluck the strays below the line. Ultimately, your brows should be between a quarter inch and a half inch at their thickest. 4. Shape Your Arch Look straight into a mirror. The arch should peak above the outer rim of your iris and lie right on your brow bone: "Imagine upside-down check marks, but with soft angles. Mark the point with your eye pencil, then remove a row of hairs along the bottom, from your inner brow point to the peak point. After the peak, shape the tail. Make it a bit thinner than the main part of your brow, tapering at the end.

Get a fitness DVD

When you are working out at home, you do not have a personal trainer to help you with your exercise. Thus get a fitness DVD like a one for yoga, aerobics or some other dance form. It gives you a feeling of working out in a gym or a fitness studio and you do not feel like you are working out alone.

Choose the right workout

Working out at home also requires you to choose the right kind of workout that will keep you motivated to exercise. If you are the kind of person who gets too bored walking on the treadmill or cycling at home, yoga or zumba!

Vary your workouts

Set up a routine

Working out at home requires a lot of discipline. The best thing about exercising at home is that you can workout any time during the day.

Changing your workout routine every four to six weeks will keep you excited and help you lose weight faster. Take a week off every six weeks to relax, recover and renew your energy, heal your body and clear your mind before you are ready to start again.

Today's Bollywood Fashion

Mika Singh

Live in Concert November 4th 2012 7:00PM Queen Elizabeth Theatre


Phone:604.909.4088 for info Shraddha Pandit


Friday September 21, 2012


Try This Practice Test - Discover Canada
D. Canadian Confederation. 6) What is a Voter Information Card? A. A form that tells you where and when to vote. B. A list tells you who the candidates are in your electoral district. C. A card to let you register for voting. D. A letter that lets you know the voting schedule. 7) Which province is the only officially bilingual province? A. Quebec. B. Ontario. C. New Brunswick. D. Nova Scotia. 8) One third of all Canadians live in which province? A. Ontario. B. Quebec. C. Northwest Territories. D. British Columbia. 9) What does Confederation mean? Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) or the Chambre des notaires du Qubec. If you have a complaint about: an authorized immigration representative File a complaint with the regulatory body to which the consultant, lawyer, paralegal or notary belongs (e.g., the appropriate Canadian provincial or territorial law society, ICCRC, or the Chambre des notaires du Qubec). an employee of an authorized immigration representative Discuss your complaint with the licensed immigration consultant, lawyer, notary, paralegal or other representative. If you feel your concern was not dealt with properly, file a complaint with the regulatory body. a non-authorized immigration representative If your immigration representative is not in Canada, send your complaint to the appropriate authorities in the country where the consultant lives or works. If your immigration representative is in Canada, file a complaint through C. Railway. D. Waterways. 3) What do you call the Queen's representative in the provinces? A. Member of parliament. B. Premier. C. Lieutenant-Governor. D. Member of the Legislative Assembly. 4) What is a responsible government? A. The government is responsible for making laws. B. The government is responsible for everything in the country. C. The government is formed by more than two parties in power. D. The government must resign if it loses a confidence vote in the assembly. 5) What was the name of the new country formed in Confederation? A. Canada. B. Britain. C. Dominion of Canada. A. The joining of provinces to become a new country. B. The combination of neighborhood to build a larger community. C. The merger of colonies to form a province. D. The United States Confederate army came to settle in Canada. 10) Who are the Aboriginal peoples in Canada? A. United Empire Loyalists and Mtis. B. The first inhabitants of Canada. C. Early Australian immigrants. D. Refugees from the American Revolution. ANSWERS 1C 6A 2D 7C 3C 8A 4D 9A 5C 10 B

1) Which two fundamental freedoms are protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms? A. Aboriginal peoples' rights and to volunteer. B. Basic living rights and obey laws. C. Freedom of belief and freedom of religion. D. Equal employment rights and opportunities. 2) What form of transportation did Aboriginal peoples and fur traders use? A. Roads. B. Highway.

Continued From Last Week DONT BE THE VICTIM OF A SCAM. If the offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. What you need to know: You do not need to hire an immigration representative to apply for a visa or for Canadian citizenship. Immigration representatives do not have special connections with Canadian government officials and cannot guarantee you a visa. Only authorized officers at Canadian embassies, high commissions and consulates can decide whether or not to issue a visa. Dont be tempted into using false documents as this will result in the refusal of your application. Beware of internet scams and false websites. The official website of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is You will find free application forms and guides for any type of visa on CICs website. Processing fees are the same at all

Canadian visa offices around the world. Fees in local currency are based on official exchange rates and correspond with the amount in Canadian dollars. Canadian visa offices will never ask you to deposit money into an individuals personal bank accounts or to transfer money through a specific private money transfer company. If you have questions, contact CIC or the visa office responsible for your area. Immigration consultants, lawyers, and other representatives: How to file a complaint Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) does not get involved in disputes between applicants and their immigration representatives. If you have a complaint about your representative, there are ways you can get help. First, you must find out if your consultant, lawyer, notary or paralegal is an authorized representative. They must be a member in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society, the Immigration Consultants of

Immigrate The Right Way

the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council, the Canadian Consumer Information Gateway, the Canadian Council of Better Business Bureaus, the Law Society or the Chambre des notaires du Qubec. What if my immigration representative breaks the law while representing me? If you know your immigration representative broke the law while representing you, they could be charged under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the Criminal Code of Canada or the laws of your country of residence. If the law they broke was immigrationrelated (for example, if your consultant submitted fraudulent documents with your application), immediately contact the CIC office processing your application or the Canada Border Services Agency. If your representative has defrauded you personally (for example, if they charged you a fee, but did not fulfill what was promised or refuse to return your passport without another fee), contact your local law enforcement agency.

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Friday September 21, 2012


Healthy Eating
How big is a serving of food?

The DASH Diet to lower high blood pressure

The Heart and Stroke Foundation encourages Canadians to eat a healthy diet, control salt intake, and be physically active to lower blood pressure. The latest results from the DASH study Dietary Approaches to Stopping Hypertension has confirmed these recommendations, providing more encouragement for people to choose a healthier diet. Research has shown that following a plan for healthy eating can reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure and lower already elevated blood pressure. What are the DASH studies? The DASH Diet is based on two studies, DASH and DASH-Sodium, that looked at ways of reducing blood pressure through changes in diet. In the DASH study, people were given one of three eating plans: a plan similar in nutrients to what most North Americans eat; the same plan but with extra vegetables and fruit; or the DASH diet, which is rich in vegetables, fruit and low-fat dairy foods and low in saturated fat, total fat and cholesterol. The results were compelling. The diet higher in vegetables and fruit and the DASH diet both reduced blood pressure. The DASH diet had the greatest effect on blood pressure, lowering levels within two weeks of starting the plan. Not only was blood pressure reduced, but total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or "bad cholesterol" were lower, too. In the DASH-Sodium study, participants were given one of three sodium plans: the DASH diet with 3,300 mg of salt (sodium) per day (a normal amount for many North Americans); 2,400 mg of salt (a moderately restricted amount); or 1,500 mg of salt (a more restricted amount, about 2/3 of a teaspoon). Blood pressure was lower for everyone on the DASH diet. However, the less salt people consumed, the greater the decrease in blood pressure. People who already had high blood pressure had the largest decrease in blood pressure.

Why is a healthy blood pressure important?

Grain Products

Milk and Alternatives

High blood pressure causes the heart to work harder to pump nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood to the body. The arteries that deliver the blood become scarred and less elastic. Although these changes happen to everyone as they age, they happen more quickly in people with high blood pressure. As the arteries stiffen, the heart has to work even harder, causing the heart muscle to become thicker, weaker and less able to pump blood. When high blood pressure damages arteries, they are not able to deliver enough blood to organs for their proper functioning. As a result, organs may become damaged, too. For example, this type of damage can affect the heart, causing a heart attack, the brain, causing a stroke, and the kidneys, leading to kidney failure.

How is DASH different from Canadian recommendations?

Meat and Alternatives

The DASH diet isnt unique it is very similar to Canadas Food Guide produced by Health Canada and endorsed by the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The table below shows how similar the two diets are. Canadas Food Guide has a greater range in the number of servings than the DASH diet, which also recommends a higher level of vegetable and fruit intake. A Comparison of the DASH Eating Plan and Canadas Food Guide

Continued Next Week

This information is provided for knowledge and educational purposes only. Individuals should visit their physicians for more information on their health.


Friday September 21, 2012

Aries (March 21-April 19): The news of the success of long desired objective will make you feel very optimistic about the future. However, make sure that your interests are safeguarded. Plans for travel are indicated perhaps you will be going on a pilgrimage with loved ones. Those in creative fields will get a major breakthrough this week. Taurus (April 20-May 20): Quite unnecessarily you could get dragged into a controversy which could be embarrassing. Though it appears that your opponents have the upper hand, you will win the day eventually. Friends may drop in to see you. A loved one may be going on a long distance journey perhaps overseas. Health may also need a little attention this week. Gemini (May 21-June 20): New business proposals lead to gain. Some of you may even get an advance payment. Those appearing for an interview will be successful. Those in the field of marketing media, communication or trading, will benefit this week. News from a relative is likely. Fresh investments will not yield profit immediately. Those in love may decide to discuss the future with the family.

Cancer (June 21-July 21): Discussions, meeting and negotiations will go off very well. Your mate will help you along and be a source of strength and happiness. An auspicious function will be celebrated. Positive developments around you will make you feel content and happy about the future. A visit to a place of religious significance. Leo (July 22-Aug 22): Plans for a journey could run into some problems. It would be better to postpone it. At work an easy going attitude could land you in trouble. Avoid arguments or discussions on matters that are upsetting to others. Others will still go out of their way to assure you that everything is right but you may feel helpless and frustrated. Rest assured that your work will be completed on time. Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 21): You are full of optimism and hope for the future. However, you need to make consistent effort before you gain anything in life. Monetarily this is going to be a good week. Mentally you may not be feeling too confident about a partnership venture. Your suspicious nature and prying could cause problems for you. In your anxiety you may call

off an important journey because of the conflict in your own mind. Libra (Sept 22-Oct 22): You will make rapid progress in your work or profession. You will find plenty of time to devote to extra curricular activities and favourable hobbies. Some of you may even visit a place of entertainment or holiday resort. The married may have to cope with an irate and angry mate. A little bit of love and attention will resolve the situation. Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): If a certain project is showing a downward trend, you are advised to abandon it at once. Do not make large financial commitments for you could land yourself in further trouble. Work independently, and do not take projects on the advice of those who may not be sincere and genuine. Home and family life is happy. Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21): An early start at work will ease some pressure. You seem to have a lot to do this week. It is an opportune time to put your plans into action. Gains from new investment or your work are indicated. However, there could be some minor delays in processing the papers. Friends will drop in to see you. An impromptu outing for dinner will prove exciting.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19): You seem to be getting isolated. This is perhaps due to you preoccupation with your personal affairs. You need to cultivate more good will in order to make progress in your career. Let not personal hardships at home or in your love life hinder your progress in your career. Some of you may have a slight health problem. Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): The need to try out something new and different could overtake you. A new person could also come into your life. Long distance journeys are indicated which will be fruitful and enjoyable. You will receive favourable work offers but you may not be happy with the terms offered. Handle the situation diplomatically, the outcome will be good. Pisces (Feb 19-March 20): You will be given charge of a prestigious project attached with handsome incentives. Handling your work with a sense of purpose, and firmness with your associates, will help you achieve a lot. You may have to look after additional responsibility and you have means to do so. A dinner dates this week is full of romance and excitement.

Chicken Pasta Skillet

1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-size pieces 1 green pepper, cut into strips 1 small onion, sliced 1-1/2 cups water 2 cups rotini pasta, uncooked 1 can (680 ml) tomato sauce 1 cup Kraft Mozzarella Shredded Cheese

What You Need

Grilled Lemon and Rosemary Lamb Chops

Ingredients 1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 large lemon, juiced and rind grated 1 tablespoon chile paste 4 cloves garlic, crushed 2 tablespoons minced fresh rosemary 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 8 lamb loin chops Directions Whisk yogurt, lemon juice, lemon zest, chile paste, garlic, rosemary, oregano, salt, black pepper, and cinnamon together in a small bowl. Transfer into a resealable plastic bag. Add the lamb chops, coat with the marinade, squeeze out excess air, and seal the bag. Marinate in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Preheat grill for medium heat and lightly oil the grate. Remove lamb chops from from marinade and scrape off excess. Discard used marinade. Season chops with salt and black pepper. Place on the preheated grill and cook until browned and medium rare on the inside, 3 to 4 minutes. An instant-read thermometer inserted into the center should read 130 degrees F (54 degrees C).

Make It

COOK chicken in large skillet sprayed

with cooking spray on medium-high heat 5 min. Add vegetables; cook and stir 3 to 5 min. or until chicken is done. STIR in water. Bring to boil. Add pasta; stir until evenly covered with water. Cover; simmer on medium-low heat 15 min. or until pasta is tender. STIR in sauce. Top with cheese; cover. Simmer on low heat 5 min. or until cheese is melted and pasta mixture is heated through.

Friday September 21, 2012


What do you do with that couch change that turns up every few months? How about buying a time-share? If you are savvy on the Internet, you can find time-share owners who are eager to sell their well-loved vacation spots for US$1. That is, of course, if you will pick up the annual maintenance fees. And therein lies the problem. The housing crunch has hit time-shares hard, as sales have fallen, expenses have risen, and older developments have aged ungracefully. Tight vacation budgets have dampened interest, with sales at resorts tracked by the American Resort Development Association falling almost 40% (from US$10.6billion to US$6.5-billion)between 2007 and 2011. As people default on maintenance fees, older time-share companies are struggling to operate with lower cash flows right around the time when they need additional maintenance and repairs. As a result, maintenance costs have increased to an average US$776 a year in 2011, up from US$575 in 2007, according to ARDA, straining owners who may have tired of their annual week in paradise, or may not be able to afford their time-share in retirement or unemployment. Disenchanted, many owners just want to get out from under the maintenance fees, but they are discovering that it may be even harder to sell a time-share than it is a single-family house in Detroit. And thats why they are putting their units on the market for the equivalent of pocket change, or trying to fob them back on the original developer. We never saw this coming as an industry, says Robert Webb, a lawyer with Baker and Hostetler who represents time-share resellers in Orlando, Fla. Time-share companies just kept building more and more before the recession hit, and now we do not have an easy legal solution to it. Time-share associations are fielding and declining more and more requests to take the units back,

Got A Penny? Buy A Timeshare

according to Howard Nusbaum, president of ARDA. A 2011 study conducted by ARDA found that of 134 homeowners association-controlled time-shares, 56% said they did not have a resale program for owners who wanted to sell. Resorts owned by large companies like Walt Disney Co. and Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. have management companies to organize sales, so they are more likely to offer help. But many owners say they been sent to third-party sales firms where they found poor communication and procedural delays. Bob and Amelia Yarbrough, retirees in Oak Ridge, N.C., had owned their Wyndham Resort time-share for 15 years when they decided to sell in October of 2011. (Like many timeshares sold by major resort companies, Mr. Yarbroughs unit was denominated in points that he could use at a variety of Wyndham locations.) He placed an ad on the selling space of the Timeshare Users Groups website (TUG, offering his 140,000 points usually enough for a week in Pompano Beach, Fla., with his wife for US$500. No buyers emerged, so he bumped the price down to US1 and offered to pay some of the closing and transfer costs, leaving the buyer with only the US$455 in annual fees for the time-share. Even that second ad was met again with silence. I couldnt understand why it wasnt selling, said Mr. Yarbrough. Apparently not enough people know about TUMr. Yarbrough spotted a company on eBay that seemed to be selling time-shares left and right. That company deflected his inquiry to a company called Time-share Refuge in Branson, Mo., that bills itself as the home of the time-share dump. The company offered to transfer the time-share out of Mr. Yarbroughs hands if he would pay them US$690 up front. After searching the Internet for any references to the company, and finding nothing alarming (the firm has an A+ rating on the website of the Better Business Bureau), he paid. More radio silence. You kind of reach a point where its been a month and you never heard anything, said Mr. Yarbrough. After many calls, he was told that the time-share had been sold to a buyer in Los Angeles, and that Wyndham was in the process of drawing up the deed transfer. He is still waiting for written documentation from either Wyndham or Time-share Refuge, but the bills for the maintenance fees stopped coming, and Wyndham has cut off his access to the website its owners use, so he assumes he is free of the time-share. G and the secondary market. But when that fails to generate a sale, whats the next step? Ray Hinkle, a representative for Time-share Refuge who helped Mr. Yarbrough, said as with all our customers, I have kept them updated on all activities of the transfers. Owners of older time-shares are used to a pile of postcards being pushed into their mail slots every day, all offering much-needed solutions to off-loading a time-share. These are often sent by organizations that ask for US$5,000 or more in advance to sell a timeshare and transfer the deed to the new owners. Groups like TUG and AARP have used the Internet to spread awareness that many of these are scams. In Florida, the states Attorney-General logged 12,257 complaints about time-share fraud in 2010, up more than fourfold, from 2,929, in one year. Floridas AttorneyGeneral has targeted boiler-room fraud operations that have victimized many time-share owners, and in particular, elderly ones. Owners who feel stuck with timeshares they cant afford or dont want may not have many options, but they can at least avoid scams by using websites like ARDAs www.ardaroc. org or TUG to find advice on selecting reputable time-share resale realtors. Here are a few other tips:

Talk to the resort manager The resort may be willing to sell the share for a commission. If not, they also may be willing to accept the share in a deedback, which would remove the ownership from you, as long as all maintenance payments are up to date. Rent it The money raised by renting a week at a time-share will pay some or all of the annual maintenance fees. To get a good idea of potential renters, ask the resort manager for the names of travel groups or retirement communities that have rented at the resort in the past. Sales sites like, Ebay or TUG are good places to list them. Walk away You could just stop paying your maintenance fees, just as homeowners defaulted on mortgages that were bigger than the houses they secured. But the consequences could be similar. Just because your monthly payments never showed up on your credit score doesnt mean the delinquent payments will not, said Gerri Detweiler, a personal finance expert at The resort can turn you over to a collection agency, which might submit your non-payments to a credit-reporting company. On a good credit score, this could prompt a 100-point drop, said Ms. Detweiler. Furthermore, if the debt is ultimately cancelled, you could end up owing taxes on it. Use it Thinking about all of that stress may send you running back to the time-share for your week away. If you can afford to keep it, you may be able to trade it for a different location, donate it for a year or two to a charity, or simply suck it up and enjoy the view until the market improves.

We Speak EnGLiSH, Hindi & pUnJaBi

30 The Importance Of Puppy Training

important. Without training many puppies develop bad habits such as barking endlessly, chewing on shoes and furniture, and defecating in the house. Here are some tips to help you train your little furry friend: - Training should last about 10-15 minutes as puppies have a low attention span and they will tire out very easily. - Take puppies outside after eating, exercise, and when they wake up (this is when they will need to go to the toilet). - Give rewards - treat, praise and consistency are important - Never teach your puppy to jump or hit hard things (eg stones, metal, sticks) - Use a firm tone of voice when giving commands. - Never hit the puppy with heavy objects (hand, stick, newspaper etc) - Do not leave your puppy in a room unsupervised. - Do not encourage tug games - these can lead to dominance issues and the puppy may become aggressive and develop a quick temper. - Do not give your puppy tennis balls to play with - as they can erode the puppy's teeth enamel. - Don't forget to have fun.

Friday September 21, 2012

Try out these handy tips for trouble free time in kitchen. Avoid sticky rice

Handy Tips For Smart Kitchen Work

Owning a puppy can be both rewarding and stressful. The puppy is cute, furry and fluffy but he's chewing on your shoes, furniture and clothes. It's an ongoing problem and you have no idea what to do. If you have a puppy, be prepared to spend a good deal of time housetraining him and establishing basic obedience. Socialization is also good for your puppy. You should always supervise your puppy with strangers and other dogs at all times. Puppy training is important because it is easier to set the foundation for good behaviour at a young age. It also avoids handler and dog problems in the future. Puppy training can begin when the puppy is eight weeks old. The first six months of a puppy's life are very

Wash the rice a few times until the water runs clear. Remove all the water until no water remains. Let it sit for 20 minutes. This will remove all the starch and help the rice to remain separate. Also adding a few drops of lemon juice to the rice while cooking, you will find that the grains of rice will tend to remain separate. 2. For crispier puris Add a teaspoon of semolina (suji) and 1 teaspoon of rice flour to the wheat flour while kneading. 3. Quick tomato paste cubes Spoon tomato paste into ice cube trays. Freeze overnight. Transfer into plastic bags and freeze. Frozen cubes can be dropped right into curries. 4. Eggplants retaining colour When cooking eggplant add a spoon of milk to a bowl of water and add the cut up pieces to that water. The eggplant will retain their color without becoming black. 5. Remedy for salty curry Wash a potato. Cut into two. Place the two halves of the raw potato in the curry and it will absorb the extra salt. 6. Ready to use masalas

Sometimes cooking requires a lot of pre-preparation. Make masalas ahead of the time. Stock the masala in the freezer till not required for cooking. This method will save a lot of time. 7. How to cut an onion without crying? One can adopt any of these methods to cut onion without crying - peel and cut onions under running water. Chop onions near a gas flame. Or refrigerating onions before chopping. 8. Using kitchen scissors most One must use kitchen scissors to chop coriander leaves, mint leaves and chillies to avoid any kind of a mess. One can stock this for the purpose of garnishing. 9. Buying lemons and lime Buy large lemons and limes, they tend to be much sweeter. Make sure that the skin is thin, those are much juicer. To obtain more of the juice from lemons, limes or oranges, microwave on high for 30 seconds and then let stand for a couple of minutes before cutting and squeezing. Rolling them between your hand and the counter will also help release more juice. 10. Skinning a chicken with ease Always peel off a little part of the Chicken skin to start with and hold it tightly with a paper towel. The skin latches on to the paper towel.

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Friday September 21, 2012


Creating Healthy Sleep Habits

Even when they no longer need nightly feedings, some babies have trouble falling -- and staying -- asleep. Here are some strategies for solving the sleep problem. Breaking Bad Habits Once a baby is 3 months old, he no longer has physiological need to be fed during the night. But at 5 months, a fair number of infants are still experiencing problems (or even developing new ones) falling asleep at bedtime or after waking in the middle of the night. Often, well-meaning parents take too active a role in soothing their babies to sleep. The result is a baby who can nod off only with a parent's help and two adults who are absolutely desperate for a good, uninterrupted night's sleep. Mercifully, most sleep difficulties can be solved relatively easily by following some basic rules. But don't put the task off. Sleep problems become more ingrained as children get older. Help your baby break the habit of falling asleep only with your assistance. Many new parents assume that rocking, nursing, or singing a baby to sleep is what being a loving mother or father all is about (and these activities can be very pleasurable for both of you). But if you always let your little one nod off in your arms, she will come to expect it. Then, when she awakens during the night, she'll feel helpless and will cry for assistance. You do not have to eliminate bedtime rituals altogether. You can rock or nurse your baby until she gets drowsy. The point is to put her in her crib while she's still awake, so that the last thing she sees is her mattress-not you. Then when she wakes in the middle of the night, she'll be so accustomed to this familiar sign that she'll probably fall back to sleep. If your baby is already addicted to your arms, however, she's sure to cry if you put her in her crib awake. You'll have to muster a lot of emotional strength to wean your baby of this habit. Begin by putting her down and comforting her for about five minutes, then leave the room. If she cries, let her do so for about five minutes, then go back in and soothe her, but don't take her out of the crib. When she's calm, leave the room again. If she begins to cry, wait another five minutes before you return and calm her down always leaving her in the crib. Repeat this procedure until she falls asleep herself. And for the next few weeks, gradually lengthen the time between soothing. Basic Dos & Don'ts Don't put your baby down with a bottle. Like rocking and nursing, giving your baby a bottle at bedtime creates a dependency: He will get accustomed to sucking and find it difficult to nod off without his bottle or to settle himself back to sleep during normal night awakenings. You may also have to change him regularly during the night, since his diapers will most likely be soaked. Allowing a baby to fall asleep with a bottle can also cause physiological problems that interfere with his sleep. The extra calories may stimulate his digestive system and throw off his natural body rhythms, causing him to wake from hunger. Ear infections may result if formula pools in your baby's inner ear, as may happen when fluid enters the eustachian tube, which connects the baby's mouth and ear. And baby-bottle mouth can develop once your infant has teeth. To wean your baby of his bottle-in-bed habit, steadily decrease the amount of milk, formula, or juice in the bedtime bottle and eventually eliminate it. Or replace the fluid entirely with plain water. A child who is getting only water from a bottle will soon give it up altogether, usually in a week or two. Don't bring your baby into your bed in hopes of solving a sleep problem. Studies show that both adults and children sleep better alone-your movements and arousals are likely to disturb your baby's sleep, and vice versa. More important, teaching your baby to sleep alone is an important part of her learning to separate from you without anxiety. Some parents, however, prefer the "family bed" concept practiced in other cultures, and that's fine if it's part of your value system and you're willing to forgo the lack of privacy that accompanies it. But experts advise that it's a mistake to bring your baby into your bed solely to solve a sleepingthrough-the-night problem; it's more likely to exacerbate the situation. Do help ease the transition. A fear of being separated from one's parents often begins to surface around 6 months of age and can trigger new sleep problems. So that your little one doesn't feel abandoned when you put him down for the night, spend 10 or 15 minutes with him in the nursery before bedtime so that he comes to identify your presence with the room. This transition time will also give baby a chance to become comfortable with his surroundings. When you do place him in the crib, don't leave posthaste. Instead, spend another 5 minutes talking softly to baby and perhaps gently stroking him, then quietly leave the room before he falls to sleep. If you try these methods and your baby's sleep problems persist, you should speak to your pediatrician. The great majority of babies have the ability to fall asleep on their own and stay asleep through the night, but in rare cases a disturbance could signal a medical problem.



Your Health

Friday September 21, 2012

Millions of people worldwide can feel their cell phones buzzing in their pockets, only to be taken for a ride by the phantom ringing. It may be due to misinterpretation of sensory signals in the brain, researchers say. Now scientists may have an explanation investigator at Baystate Medical Center and it might not just be in our heads in Springfield, Massachusetts, US, who after all. conducted a survey on the vibrations, Larry Rosen, professor of psychology agrees that they may be caused by the at California State University misinterpretation of sensory signals in believes that because people are often our brain. anticipating a call they often interpret Rothberg's study found the phantom unrelated stimuli, such as a chair leg phone vibrations were experienced by dragging against the floor or trousers 68 percent of people surveyed, with 87 rubbing their leg as a phone call. percent feeling them weekly, and 13 And Michael Rothberg, clinician percent everyday.

Cell Phone Users Hear 'Phantom Ringing'

Long Work Hours Raise Risk Of Heart Disease

Working more than eight hours a day raises the risk of heart disease by 80 percent, researchers say. The warning follows analysis of 12 studies dating back as far as 1958, involving 22,000 people from around the world. The analysis found that those whose working days that were longer than the traditional eight hours had a 40 to 80 percent greater chance of heart disease. The study was conducted by scientists at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. Lead researcher Marianna Virtanen said the effects could be due to "prolonged exposure to stress". Other triggers could be poor eating habits and lack of exercise due to restricted leisure time. In 2009, the same team discovered that long working hours increased the risk of dementia later in life. The effect was similar in magnitude to that of smoking. Middle-aged workers putting in 55 hours or more a week had poorer brain function than those clocking up no more than 40 hours, as reported.

unhealthy life, says an Australian study. Researchers from the Melbourne said. Institute of Applied Economic and "The main policy response to the Social Research analyzed data on the obesity epidemic has been the provision diet, exercise and personality type of of better information, but information more than 7,000 people. alone is insufficient to change people's Those who believe in scripting their eating habits," she said. own lives ate healthier food, exercised "Understanding the psychological more, smoked less and avoided binge underpinning of a person's eating drinking, the findings demonstrated, patterns and exercise habits is central according to a Melbourne statement. to understanding obesity," she said. Deborah Cobb-Clark, professor at the The study also found men and women Melbourne Institute, said those who hold different views on the benefits of a have a greater faith in 'luck' or 'fate' healthy lifestyle. Men wanted physical is more likely to live an unhealthy results from their healthy choices, life. "Our research shows a direct while women were more receptive to link between the type of personality a the everyday enjoyment of leading a person has and a healthy lifestyle," she healthy lifestyle.

'Can Do' Attitude Is Key To Good Health Smoking During Pregnancy Affects A "can do" attitude can work wonders for your health and outlook on life Neurodevelopment In Babies but those who have a greater faith in 'luck' or 'fate' are more likely to live an
Newborns exposed to nicotine from both active and passive smoking mothers show poor physiological, sensory, motor and attention responses, a new study has shown.

Smoking during pregnancy has been mothers, 12.4 percent had between linked to many different problems 1 and 5 cigarettes a day; 6.7 percent in infants like learning difficulties, had between 6 and 10 a day; and 2.8 attention deficit disorder with percent had between 10 and 15 a day. hyperactivity and even obesity. None of them smoked more than 15 However, although the pediatric and cigarettes a day. obstetric disorders linked to tobacco "Newborns, who have had intrauterine during this stage are well defined, the exposure to nicotine, whether in an effects on neonatal behaviour have not active or passive way, show signs of yet been studied in depth. being more affected in terms of their The new study headed by experts neurobehavioural development. This at the Behaviour Evaluation and could be an indicator of pathologies, Measurement Research Centre independently of sociodemographic, (CRAMC) of the Rovira i Virgili obstetric and pediatric factors," Josefa University goes further and analyses Canals and Carmen Hernandez, the the effects of passive smoking during lead authors of the study, said. pregnancy on the newborn. The results reveal that those born to The scientists evaluated the behaviour smoking and passive smoking mothers of 282 healthy newborns using the score low in their ability to inhibit Neonatal Behavioural Evaluation stimuli that could alter the central Scale. This allows for interaction with nervous system. A few simple changes in daily life can ultimately prove to be a major help in preventing two in three cases of diabetes while saving a large number of lives the newborn in order to evaluate its Furthermore, children of passive behaviour and responses between 48 smoking mothers have poor annually, a British study has found. People from South Asia are particularly and 72 hours after birth. motor development and those of prone to diabetes. From those mothers studied, 22 smoking mothers have less ability According to the findings of the 20- According to Mike Knapton, associate percent smoked during pregnancy to regulate behaviour and response year British study into Type 2 diabetes, director of the British Heart Foundation, and hardly 6 percent were exposed to in physiological, sensor, motor and most deaths could be avoided if people people underestimate the magnitude of passive smoking. Out of the smoking attention terms. ate healthy food, drank less alcohol, the problem. took more exercise and had regular "The key is prevention, early check-ups, as reported. intervention and treatment. There are The study is the first to reveal the full very simple measures we can take to implications of ethnicity, with the risk reduce levels of obesity. A healthy diet almost doubling for people of South needs to start very early in life before Live in Concert Asian, African and Afro-Caribbean patients come through my door for a risk descent. assessment for cardiovascular disease." November 4th 2012

A Healthy Diet, More Exercise Can Beat Diabetes


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Your Health

Friday September 21, 2012


Can You Really Work Up An Appetite?

US scientists are challenging the popular notion that we can "work up an appetite" with vigorous exercise, saying it actually reduces a person's motivation for food.
James LeCheminant and Michael Larson, both Brigham Young University professors, measured the neural (brain cell) activity of 35 women while they viewed food images, both following a morning of exercise and a morning without exercise. The research shows that 45 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise in the morning actually reduces a person's motivation for food. They found their attention response to the food pictures decreased after the brisk workout, the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise reports. "This study provides evidence that exercise not only affects energy output, but it also may affect how people respond to food cues," LeCheminant said, according to a Brigham statement. The study measured the food motivation of 18 normal-weight women and 17 clinically obese women over two separate days. On the first day, each woman briskly walked on a treadmill for 45 minutes and then, within the hour, had their brain waves measured. Electrodes were attached to each participant's scalp and an EEG machine then measured their neural activity while they looked at 240 images - 120 of food meals on plates and 120 of flowers. The same experiment was conducted one week later on the same day of the week and at the same time of the morning, but omitted the exercise. Individuals also recorded their food consumption and physical activity on the experiment days. The 45-minute exercise bout not only produced lower brain responses to the food images, but also resulted in an increase in total physical activity that day, regardless of body mass index. "We wanted to see if obesity influenced food motivation, but it didn't," LeCheminant said. "However, it was clear that the exercise bout was playing a role in their neural responses to the pictures of food." Interestingly, the women in the experiment did not eat more food on the exercise day to "make up" for the extra calories they burned in exercise. In fact, they ate approximately the same amount of food on the nonexercise day. "The subject of food motivation and weight loss is so complex," Larson said. "There are many things that influence eating and exercise is just one element."

Kidney Stone

How are kidney stones diagnosed?

Continued From Last Week
The diagnosis of kidney stones is suspected when the typical pattern of symptoms is noted and when other possible causes of the abdominal or flank pain are excluded. Imaging tests are usually done to confirm the diagnosis. A helical CT scan without contrast material is the most common test to detect stones or obstruction within the urinary tract. Formerly, an intravenous pyelogram (IVP; an X-ray of the abdomen along with the administration of contrast dye into the bloodstream) was the test most commonly used to detect urinary tract stones, but this test has a greater risk of complications, takes longer, and involves higher radiation exposure than the non-contrasted helical CT scan. Helical CT scans have been shown to be a significantly more effective diagnostic tool than the IVP in the diagnosis of kidney or urinary tract stones. In pregnant women or those who should avoid radiation exposure, an ultrasound examination may be done to help establish the diagnosis. What is the treatment for kidney stones? How long does it take to pass a kidney stone? Most kidney stones eventually pass through the urinary tract on their own within 48 hours, with ample fluid intake. Ketorolac (Toradol), an injectable anti-inflammatory drug, and narcotics may be used for pain control when over-the-counter pain control medications are not effective. Intravenous pain medications can be given when nausea and vomiting are present. Although there are no proven home remedies to dissolve kidney stones, home treatment may be considered for patients who have a known history of kidney stones. Since most kidney stones, given time, will pass through the ureter to the bladder on their own, treatment is directed toward control of symptoms. Home care in this case includes the consumption of plenty of fluids. Ibuprofen (Advil) may be used as an anti-inflammatory medication if there is no contraindication to its use. If further pain medication is needed, stronger narcotic pain medications may be recommended. There are several factors which influence the ability to pass a stone. These include the size of the person, prior stone passage, prostate enlargement, pregnancy, and the size of the stone. A 4

Exercise Helps You Cope With Stress, Anxiety

Moderate exercise not only keeps one fit and healthy but also helps him or her to cope with anxiety and stress, suggests a new study. "While it is well-known that exercise improves mood, not as much is known about the potency of exercise's impact on the emotional state," explains J. Carson Smith, assistant professor of kinesiology, University of Maryland School of Public Health, who led the study. "We found that exercise helps to buffer the effects of emotional exposure. If you exercise, you'll not only reduce your anxiety, but you'll be better able to maintain that reduced anxiety when confronted with emotional events," said Smith, the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise reports. Smith, whose research explores how exercise and physical activity affect brain function, aging and mental health, compared how moderate intensity cycling versus a period of quiet rest (both for 30 minutes) affected anxiety levels in a group of healthy college students, according to a Maryland statement. He assessed their anxiety state before the period of activity (or rest), shortly afterward (15 minutes after) and finally after exposing them to a variety of highly arousing pleasant and unpleasant photographs, as well as neutral images. Smith found that exercise and quiet rest were equally effective at reducing anxiety levels initially. However, once they were emotionally stimulated (by being shown 90 photographs from the International Affective Picture System, used in emotion research) for 20 minutes, the anxiety levels of those who had simply rested went back up to their initial levels, whereas those who had exercised maintained their reduced anxiety levels.

mm stone has an 80% chance of passage while a 5 mm stone has a 20% chance. Stones larger than 9 mm-10 mm rarely pass without specific treatment. Some medications have been used to increase the passage rates of kidney stones. These include calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia, Afeditab, Nifediac) and alpha blockers such as tamsulosin (Flomax). These drugs may be prescribed to some people who have stones that do not rapidly pass through the urinary tract. For kidney stones that do not pass on their own, a procedure called lithotripsy is often used. In this procedure, shock waves are used to break up a large stone into smaller pieces that can then pass through the urinary system. Surgical techniques have also been developed to remove kidney stones when other treatment methods are not effective. This may be done through a small incision in the skin (percutaneous nephrolithotomy) or through an instrument known as an ureteroscope passed through the urethra and bladder up into the ureter. How can kidney stones be prevented? Rather than having to undergo treatment, it is best to avoid kidney stones in the first place when possible. It can be especially helpful to drink more water, since low fluid intake and dehydration are major risk factors for kidney stone formation. Depending on the cause of the kidney stones and an individual's medical history, dietary changes or medications are sometimes recommended to decrease the likelihood of developing further kidney stones. If one has passed a stone, it can be particularly helpful to have it analyzed in a laboratory to determine the precise type of stone so specific prevention measures can be considered. People who have a tendency to form calcium oxalate kidney stones may be advised to limit their consumption of foods high in oxalate, such as spinach, rhubarb, Swiss chard, beets, wheat germ, and peanuts. What is the outlook (prognosis) for kidney stones? Most kidney stones will pass on their own, and successful treatments have been developed to remove larger stones or stones that do not pass. People who have had a kidney stone remain at risk for future stones throughout their lives.


Friday September 21, 2012

Mika Singh 'Dhin Ka Chika' Singer Coming To Vancouver

music of this powerhouse entertainer Mika Singh. Mika Singh Top New Hit Songs List 2012 Albums of Mika Singh 1998 Saawan Mein Lag Gayi Aag (Album) 2004 Gabru (Album) 2006 Dunali (Album) 2008 Something Something (Album) Movie Songs of Mika Singh 2006 Dil Tod Ke Na Ja Pyaar Ke Side Effects 2006 Dil Mein Baji Guitar Apna Sapna Money Money 2007 Neeli Neeli Aankhon Wali Nehle Pe Dehla 2007 Ae Ganpat Chal Daru Laa Shootout At Lokhandwalaa 2007 O Yaara Dhol Bajaa ke Dhol 2007 Mauja Hi Mauja - Jab We Met 2007 Nachle Soniye Dus Kahaaniyaan 2008 Tu Makke Di Roti - Mr. White Mr. Black 2008 Saawan Mein Lag Gayi Aag Woodstock Villa 2008 Apun Ke Saath - Mission Istaanbul 2008 Main Talli Main Talli Ugly Aur Pagli 2008 Bhootni Ke Singh Is King 2008 Bas Ek King - Singh Is King 2008 Ganeshaa My Friend Ganeshaa 2 2008 Khokaa C K Kompany 2008 Oye Lucky Lucky Oye Oye Lucky Lucky Oye 2008 Ok Tata Done - Dil Kabaddi 2008 Muztarib - Wafaa 2009 Duniyaa Hai Gol - Bad Luck Govind 2009 Tabahi-Tabahi Jugaad 2009 Dhun Lagi - Jai Veeru 2009 Aage Aage Life Partner 2009 Quick Gun Murugun Quick Gun Murugun 2009 Dil Bole Hadippaa Dil Bole Hadippa 2009 Oh By God Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahaani 2009 Ba Mulaahizaa De Dana Dhan 2010 Pillaa Navardaa Kadu Adhurs (Telugu Movie) 2010 Jis Din Toh Baat Pakki 2010 Aapka Kya Hoga Janaab-EAali (O Dhanno) Housefull 2010 Babu Rao Mast Hai Once Upon a Time in Mumbai 2010 Saajna Lamhaa 2010 Aal Tu Jalaal Tu F.A.L.T.U 2010 Ibn-E-Batutaa Ishqiya 2011 Jugni Naughty Nakhre Wali Tanu Weds Manu 2011 Ishq Naa Kariyo Kaake Pyaar Ka Punchnaama 2011 Dhinkaa Chikaa Ready 2011 Desi Beat Pe Bodyguard 2011 Subah Hone Naa De Desi Boyz 2011 Saari Duniya Mere Ispe - Loot 2011 Paglu Paglu (Bengali Movie) 2011 Gaddi Modaange Dharti 2011 Pyaar Do Pyaar Lo Thank You 2011 Saj Dhaj Ke Tashan Mein Rehnaa Mausam 2012 Pyar Ka Jhatkaa Khokababu (Bengali Movie) 2012 Pyaar Ki Pungi Bajaa Ke Agent Vinod 2012 Bittoo Sabki Photo Legaa Bittoo Boss 2012 Chaddha Vicky Donor 2012 Chintaa Taa Chitaa Rowdy Rathore 2012 Kammo Department 2012 Humse Pyar Karle Tu Teri Meri Kahaani

Mika Singh, born as Amrik Singh on June 10th at Durgapur in West Bengal, is a Bollywood playback singer, composer, songwriter and live performer; and also known as Badmaash of Bollywood. He is always in news for his singing & music as well as controversies. He was all over the news for forcefully kissing item girl Rakhi Sawant openly in front of guests in his own birthday bash. Mika Singh is one of the highest paid singers of Bollywood and has delivered many hit songs in a row, such as Pyar Ki Pungi (in Agent Vinod, featuring Saif Ali Khan), Mauja Hi Mauja (in Jab We Met, featuring Shahid Kapoor along with sexy Kareena Kapoor), Dhanno (in Houseful, featuring Akshay Kumar, Arjun Rampal and Ritesh Deshmukh) and Dhin Ka Chika (in Ready, featuring superstar Salman Khan with hot actress Asin) etc. Mika Singh has music in his blood as he is younger brother of famous singer Daler Mehandi and son of a well known classical musician Ajmer Singh Chandan, even his mother Balbir Kaur was related to folk music. He started

Mika Singh

to sing with his elder brother Daler Mehandi, later debuted in Indian music industry with his first album Saawan Mein Lag Gayi Aag in 1998. Title track of the album received genuine attention and this song created some name for Mika Singh. He released two more albums after this, but he had to wait for his first playback song in Hindi films until he got chance to sing for 2006 film Pyar ke Side Effects, in which he sang Dil Tod Ke Na Ja. Bollywood noticed him for this hit song and Mika Singh rose to fame by his second playback song, Dil Mein Baji Guitar for film Apana Sapna Money Money. This was just the beginning, later he delivered many hit songs one by one, at least one hit song per year till now. Now Mika Singh is very much in demand and doing extensive number of live performances and music tours in India & foreign countries. It is said that Mika Singh is going to start his innings as an actor in an upcoming film, along with Govinda, Javed Jaffery and Mahesh Manjerekar. Here is a list of Mika Singhs all hit songs, so have a look if you love songs and

Ishita Sarkar

Shraddha Pandit

Friday September 21, 2012


Kaun Banega Crorepati? has taken the television world by storm, we know, you know. So what platform could be better to promote Sridevis upcoming movie English Vinglish, right? And precisely for that reason this mother of two lovely daughters has decided to turn up on the sets of KBC 6. There will be laughter, English translations (of course!), promos and, but obviously, those multiple choice questions. So is our lady prepared? We hope so. And if God forbid she is not, then would AB drop subtle hints for the

Amitabh Bachchan To Quiz Shridevi

damsel in distress? It really looks as if Amitabh is impressed by the Hawa hawaii babes persona. Why, he even tweeted about it saying, still the same effervescent, spontaneous, delightful. Oooh! Whats more, Amitji will be seen in a cameo role in English Vinglish too! And then there are those movies - Aakhree Raasta (1986), Inquilab (1984) and Khuda Gawah (1992) in which the duo have starred together. So does Mr Bachchan have enough reasons to be partial towards Sridevi on the hot seat?

Vidya Balan-Siddharth Roy Kapur To Marry Soon

We knew that the two were going rock steady, but the news of their marriage did throw us a little off balance Vidya Balan and her beau Siddharth Roy Kapur, the UTV head honcho, are pros when it comes to meeting on the sly. And so they did just that while buzz about their love nests and expensive trips just wafted around B-town without raking up too much of a hoo-haa. But hear-o-hear, birdies reveal that the

couple will soon get hitched. And soon refers to THIS December! Now thats a real surprise, no? Whats more, the wide-eyed tweeters who were unaware of it all till now even reveal that the planning part of Vid and Sids wedding is already done and now the couple is focusing on the final preparations of the shaadi. Hmmm, all this reminds us about Balans sneaky sari shopping spree in Varanasi.

Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor, who is busy promoting her forthcoming film Heroine, says elder sister actress Karisma is her biggest critic. "Karisma saw the film last Sunday night but a very entertaining film." and after seeing her positive reaction, The 31-year-old actress, who is I felt I have done my job. She is my reportedly getting married to actor biggest critic. She was crying for ten Saif Ali Khan Oct 16, is keeping mum minutes after watching the film. For about the wedding date and other me, that was the most special moment preparations, saying it is not the right of my life," said Kareena, at a press time to talk about it. conference in Delhi to promote Heroine, "I have been hearing all kinds of news depicting the ups and downs in the life from people and everyone is asking of a superstar named Mahi Arora. about it but whenever me and Saif will The film's director Madhur Bhandarkar plan to do it, our fans will get to know was also present on the occasion. about it 100 percent," she said. The film also stars Arjun Rampal, She denied it was due to Heroine that Randeep Hoda, Shahana Goswami and she was not talking much about it. Divya Dutta. "No, it is not so. This is not the right Praising Kareena's performance in the time to talk about it. I want people film, Bhandarkar said: "She has never to talk about my work and films. played a character like this and I am Whenever we decide, we will never sure people will like her work. Her hide," she said. character is very complex and edgy. The film releases Sep 21, which also And moreover, Heroine is an intense happens to be Kareena's birthday.

Karisma My Biggest Critic, Liked My 'Heroine' Performance: Kareena


Friday September 21, 2012

Salman Khan Brings Ganpati Idol Salman Khan, The Highest Taxpayer In Bollywood Pays Rs 8 Crore Home
Bollywood actor Salman Khan is the highest taxpayer paying Rs 8 crore for September quarter. The 46-year old actor has outdone all the actors of Bollywood by paying Rs 8 crore as advance tax. Last year, for the same period he paid Rs 5 crore as income tax, an income tax official said. Advance tax is payment of the tax liabilities that is payable for every quarter. It is a system based on projected profits. Salmans last movie Ek Tha Tiger is a romantic-action-thriller film which has collected about Rs 198 crore at the box office. His previous films too have joined the exclusive 100-crore club. Dabangg earned Rs 215 crore, Ready scored Rs 180 crore and Bodyguard raked in Rs 230 crore. Salman Khan has been constantly giving hits. So, there is no doubt of Salman leading all actors in paying the advance tax. Shah Rukh Khan has paid Rs 5 crore even if he did not have any big movies this year yet, officials said. Akshay Kumar paid Rs 7.5 crore advance tax; he paid Rs 5 crore last year for this same period. Aamir Khan did Satyamev Jayate, a mega reality show and his first TV show paid Rs 3.25 crore compared to last years Rs 4.50 crore. Saif Ali Khan, who did two films this year, Cocktail and Agent Vinod, which released with varying responses at box office, paid Rs 3 crore compared to Rs 1.7 crore for this same period. Kareena Kapoor has paid Rs 2.20 crore. She paid Rs 1.5 crore last year for this same period. Amitabh Bachchan paid Rs 5 crore, while Aishwarya Rai Bachchan paid Rs 3 crore. Big B paid Rs 1.4 crore last year, his daughter-in-law paid Rs 1.1 crore last year, the official said. Meanwhile, Indian cricketer Sachin paid Rs 2 crore when compared to Rs 1.75 crore he paid last year for the same period, the official said.

We all know that Salman Khans family has equal respect for every religion and celebrate every festival with equal devotion. The way they celebrate Eid in the same way and with equal devotion they celebrate Diwali, Navaratri and Christmas and every year brings Ganpati idol home and worship with serene heart. For the past 11 years, Salim Khans family has been celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi. This was a tradition started by Salmans younger sister Arpita Khan and all the family members joined her in the celebration. Salmans father Salim Khan (Muslim), his mother now Salma (earlier Sushila Charak, a Hindu) and step mother Helen, a Catholic. But the family never looked down any relation and carries the equal respect for all. Like every year, the Khans family brought Ganpati idol at their Galaxy

It is well known that Ajay Devgan loves playing pranks on his hapless heroines. This time, he, along with Sanjay Dutt, decided to try a new trick on Sonakshi Sinha, on the sets of Son of Sardaar. So when they were all outside the city shooting in Patiala, the two actors teamed up and challenged Sonakshi to eat some chillies, if she was brave enough. Sonakshi is said to have played it cool and not fall into their trap. But when they constantly riled her for being a coward, she is said to have calmly accepted the challenge.

Co-Star Sonakshi Gives A Red Hot Response!

apartments in Bandra, Mumbai. Talking to a daily, Salma Khan said, She (Arpita) was very keen and took it upon herself to organise every detail of the festival. As she promised, she has been organising it single-handedly every year since then. Going down the memory lane, Salma said, In the evenings, I would dress up the kids and go to my mothers house so the children could celebrate with our neighbours there. Sallus two sisters Arpita and Alvira used to go barefoot to the Siddhivinayak temple to pay their homage. Salman Khan has taken few days off from shooting to celebrate Ganpati with his family. Talking about his respect for all religions, Salman said, I feel blessed to be born and brought up in a house that respects every religion.

Ajay and Sanjay were thrilled and apparently invited the entire crew to witness Sonakshi eating a red chilly or two. But they ended up looking like fools because in front of the crew; Sonakshi ate not one or two but 10 red hot chillies! And even as the shocked crew watched, she was fine and laughed at the actor duo. Ajay and Sanjay thought that Sonakshi, who is very fond of sweets, wouldnt be able to digest the spicy stuff. But the joke was on them! Looks like it will be a while before Ajay plans a prank on any other heroine!

Mika Singh

Live in Concert November 4th 2012 7:00PM Queen Elizabeth Theatre


Phone:604.909.4088 for info Shraddha Pandit

Friday September 21, 2012


Kareena Is Expensive Says Madhur Bhandarkar

Her outfits for Heroine have been sourced from fashion hubs of the world Without disclosing Kareena Kapoor's remuneration for his upcoming film 'Heroine', director Madhur Bhandarkar has called her the most expensive heroine in Bollywood referring to her costly wardrobe for the film. The fashionable pieces Kareena has sported in the film, playing the role of a superstar, were sourced from major brands from all over the world. "Kareena has worn 130 dresses in the film and many of them have been imported from many fashion hubs of the world. One garment in the film cost me Rs 1.5 crore and I must say she is one of the most expensive heroines in the industry," said Madhur while promoting the film in Delhi. Heroine' stars Randeep Hooda, Arjun Rampal, and Divya Dutta in prominent roles with Kareena playing the lead. Madhur, 46, who has bagged many National Awards for his reality driven films, said he is not aspiring to get another one for this film. I just want the film to do good at the box-office. I want the audience to like it. I have made this film with a lot of conviction. Since I belong to the industry I have tried to be honest with my script," said Bhandarkar. The film, which will hit 2300 theatres across the country yesterday, was made on a budget of 45 crores and he is happy with the actors' performance in the film. "I am very happy as a filmmaker after this film. All the actors were brilliant. It's my first multi-dimensional film," said Madhur, who has not yet decided his next project.

Bhansali Is Mad At Ranveer

Romeo role in the film did not go down too well with SLB. In fact, sources from the sets witnessed, perhaps for the first time, a fight over a beard! Apparently, it was not Ranveers intention to annoy his director. Apparently, the actor wanted to go in for a look test for Ali Abbas Zafar's next film with Yash Raj Films, Gunday. He thought he could just use prosthetics for Ram Leela as using fake beards isn't new until his hair grew in the next few days. However, SLB didnt have anything fake in mind. Bhansali, who had been pushing Ranveer to pick up a Gujarati accent and even learn 'dandiya' to make his character look original, lost his temper and gave him a piece of his mind. However, all was well after a while. With a nifty touch of the makeup artist, who ensured there was no break in continuity, all was forgotten and they even shot for a special song in the film. Well, hopefully Ranveer has learnt his lesson never annoy your boss!

Ganesh Chaturthi Special: Kareena Kapoor, Bipasha Basu, Salman Khan All Set For A New Beginning
As the Ganesh festival is all about new beginnings, we take a look at B-town actors who will give a much needed kick start to certain areas of their lives, and we predict whether they will be successful in doing so The beginning is the most important part of anything. And thats what the Ganesh festival teaches us, no? Its almost half the work done if you somehow set the wheels of whatever you desire in motion. A lot of Bollywood actors have been seen paying heed to this principle this year. While some are unknowingly entering treacherous territory, there are also a few who want to take the plunge simply as they feel right about it. Whatever the case may be, we wish every B-town actor whos geared up for a new start all the luck as, some of them are in dire need of that for the future.

Sanjay Leela Bhansali is known to push his actors to the limit and not compromise on his vision. If that means yelling and scolding his stars, so be it! The latest recipient of the directors ire is none other than Ranveer Singh on the sets of Ram Leela. His crime? Arriving on the sets clean shaven when his character required to have ample facial fuzz! A tabloid reports that Sanjay Bhansali lost his cool when Ranveer landed on the sets of Ram Leela with a cleanshaven face. The absence of a beard that was required for his Gujarati

Aum Sarvana Bhava Aum SUBRAMANIYA SWAMY TEMPLE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Certificate of Incorporation No: S-36117 8840 - No.5 Road. Richmond, B.C. V6Y 2V4 Ph. 604 274 7906 Ganesh Chaturthi

Shivachariyar Sada Shiva (Our chief priest & The Honorary Senior Advisor) and the Board of Directors of Subramaniya Swamy Temple of British Columbia wishes to inform all devotees that our annual Ganesh Chaturthi pooja will be held from September 19th to September 23rd, 2012. Please join us with all your family members and friends for Ganesh Chaturthi pooja. Pooja STARTS on Wednesday September 19th, 2012 And ENDS on Sunday September 23rd, 2012 Pooja will start daily at 6:00pm except on Sunday September 23rd, 2012, the pooja will start at 9:00 am and ends at 12 noon. Shivachariyar will be performing special rituals and pooja to enlighten your SRI SHUBHA DHRISHTI GANAPATHI MURTI and celebrate the fourth anniversary of the Murti that you purchased in 2008. On Sunday September 23rd, 2012, the MAHA GANAPATHI HAWAN will start at 9:00am during which we will recite mantra 1008 times. Devotees are requested to bring a (1) coconut. You will take this coconut back with you after the pooja. Shivachariyar will provide more detail about the symbolic significances of the coconut during the Ganesh Chaturthi pooja.



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Travel News

Friday September 21, 2012


Continued From Last Week

Three Days of Water Fun on Paradise Island Paradise Island is now the most expensive chunk of real estate in The Bahamas. It's hard to believe that it was purchased for just $294 by William Sayle in the 17th century. Back then it was called Hog Island. Then, in 1960, Huntington Hartford, the heir to the A&P grocery-chain, paid $11 million fort it. Hartford renamed it Paradise Island then promptly sold it again and the island has not been the same since - it underwent a massive building boom in the 1980s: condos, second homes for the rich and famous, and the island's signature piece the gigantic Atlantis Paradise Island Resort & Casino, a world within a world where nightlife, sightseeing and gambling are the attractions - a choice vacation spot, perfect for a quick 3- or 4-day getaway. Where to eat on Paradise Island Paradise Island is actually part of Nassau and New Providence. They are connected by a bridge and you can travel between the two on foot, by boat, or by car. You can stay in Nassau or on Cable Beach and travel over to enjoy Paradise Island's beaches, restaurants, attractions, and casino. Or you can do it the other way round and stay on Paradise Island and head over to Nassau for a day of sightseeing and shopping. Getting There: For visitors arriving by air, the Bahamas are served through Nassau by most US airlines and by international airlines from Canada and Europe, and to a slightly more limited degree through Freeport. The Out Islands are served mainly by Bahamas Air via connections in Nassau and Freeport. About Freeport Freeport, on Grand Bahama Island, is the second largest city in the islands. With a steadily growing population, now more than 50,000, Freeport, which adjoins the Lucaya Beach area, is a more modern city than Nassau. The carefully planned, landscaped streets are a product of the sixties, and of the dreams of American entrepreneur and financier, Wallace Groves. Freeport, Grand Bahama Island, is the second largest city in the islands. With a steadily growing population, now more than 50,000, Freeport, which adjoins the Lucaya Beach area, is a more modern city than Nassau. The carefully planned and landscaped streets are a product of the sixties, and of the dreams of American entrepreneur and financier, Wallace Groves. Things to Do in Freeport: Here's just a small sampling: Smiling Pat's Island Adventure - A

Gallery East End Adventure's Safari The Dolphin Experience Where to Play Golf in Freeport: There are two great golf courses on Grand Bahama Island: one designed by Dick Wilson, the other by Robert Trent Jones. To miss either one would be, well... a sin? The Reef Course The Lucayan Course Where to Stay In Freeport: Most of the resorts and hotels on Grand Bahama, with a couple of exceptions, offer good, clean accommodations. The big resorts can be compared favorably with any on the planet. The small hotels are typical of what you might expect in the Islands: clean and tidy, but a little lacking in amenities. Westin Grand Bahama Sheraton Grand Bahama Old Bahama Bay Resort, West End Pelican Bay Hotel Island Palms Hotel, Freeport Where to Eat in Freeport: Great food, Bahamian cuisine, tropical drinks, and the music of the islands. What more could you want? The Ferry House Restaurant The Stoned Crab Zorbas Shenanigans Irish Pub Getting There: For visitors arriving by air, the Bahamas are served through Nassau by most US airlines and by international airlines from Canada and Europe, and to a slightly more limited degree through Freeport. The Out Islands are served mainly by Bahamas Air via connections in Nassau and Freeport. About Grand Bahamas Island Grand Bahama, through the efforts of dedicated individuals and institutions such as the Rand Memorial Nature Center and the Lucayan National Park, has become something of an environmental headquarters for the islands. With its miles of sandy beaches, excellent shopping, two casinos, a dozen or so large hotels, a waterfront district and many restaurants, Grand Bahama is quickly becoming a major vacation destination. Grand Bahama Island is located some 50 miles and less than 30 minutes by air from the east coast of Florida. Its an island of cosmopolitan glitz and glamour coupled with miles of pristine beaches and endless turquoise seas. Sounds like a travel brochure, doesnt it? Well, thats because its quoted from one of Grand Bahamas promotional releases. And, far from overstating the qualities of the island, in fact, it understates them. Grand Bahama's History

Bahamas For Visitors

The Freeport/Lucaya area, a modern, well-planned urban metropolis with a population of around 55,000, is the economic center for the island. Its also the hub of activity for visitors who arrive daily by airplane, cruise ship and private boat. Sightseeing, shopping, gambling, water sports, golf, tennis and, of course, sun and sand are just a few of the attractions. Grand Bahama is surrounded by crystal-clear emerald seas, sugar-white beaches, and spectacular coral reefs. You can dive with and feed sharks, or spend a quiet moment in the soothing company of an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. You can, after a week of instruction, become a fully certified diver. If that sounds a little too much, after just three hours of instruction, you can take to the deep sea complete with fins, tanks, and weights for an underwater experience youll never forget. Too old? Nonsense! Its never too late. Golfers are in for a rare treat. There are three golf courses on the island three of the best courses in the Caribbean: the PGA-rated Ruby and Emerald courses at the Royal Oasis Golf Resort & Casino, and the Quality Atlantic Beach Resorts Lucayan Country Club Course. If shopping appeals to you, head for Port Lucaya, where more than six acres of shopping, dining, and entertainment await you at The Marketplace. In downtown Freeport, youll find more than 90 shops and stores in the International Bazaar. And the Straw Market just next door is a treasure house of crafts and specialties. Aside from the ocean and beaches that teem with life, theres also a unique national park, a magnificent botanical garden, and a nature center devoted to preservation of the islands wildlife. Throughout the center, dozens of nature trails and woodland paths meander back and forth among the mangrove swamps, flower gardens, and forests. For those who really like to get away into the outback, there are more than 90 miles of virtually untouched wilderness and deserted shores to explore a world of casuarinas, sea grape, mangrove, palmetto, sea grass, and scrub, where buzzards, lizards, and crabs, along with a fisherman or two, live out the great cycle of life. At the far ends of the island, the villagers in the tiny communities of West End and McCleans Town will extend a warm welcome and create some of the finest Bahamian cuisine youll ever taste. Grand Bahama also offers two worldclass casinos at the Royal Oasis Golf Resort & Casino and Our Lucaya.

Grand Bahama has a wide variety of accommodations, from the sprawling deluxe resorts to the beachfront hotels, self-catering apartments, secluded getaways inns and small economy hotels. Getting There: For visitors arriving by air, the Bahamas are served through Nassau by most US airlines and by international airlines from Canada and Europe, and to a slightly more limited degree through Freeport. The Out Islands are served mainly by Bahamas Air via connections in Nassau and Freeport. About The Out Islands The Out Islands of the Bahamas are a tropical paradise. Before the Europeans arrived, the Bahamas were inhabited mostly by Lucayan Indians. Christopher Columbus, on his way to the New World, made landfall on San Salvador so its generally accepted in 1492. The islands became known as Bahama, from the Spanish baja mar, or shallow sea. Almost immediately, Europeans began enslaving the Lucayans. By the turn of the 16th century, they had almost been wiped out and a new source of cheap labor was needed. As early as 1503, the Portuguese were enslaving Africans and for several years they controlled the burgeoning industry. By 1520, however, white slave traders of assorted nationalities were going directly to the source. In 1649, Captain William Sayle and a band of Englishmen arrived in the islands from Bermuda. They came with slaves of their own, seeking religious freedom. They called themselves the Eleutherian Adventurers, hence the island of Eleuthera. The name is based upon the Greek word for freedom. Beyond Nassau and Freeport lie the 13 inhabited islands or island groups that make up the Out Islands of The Bahamas. These are the Abacos, Andros, Eleuthera (including Harbour Island - see photo), Cat Island, Long Island, Bimini, the Berry Islands, Crooked Island, San Salvador, the Inaguas, the Exumas, Ragged Island and Rum Cay. They are magical places, each with a character all its own. Its here in these tiny backwater paradises that adventures really begin.

Continued Next Week

Fiji-Sun Times Canada


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Now in its second year, the 2013 Toyota Prius C is largely unchanged from the car that debuted last year. This is the smallest of the four-car Prius lineup, though like its siblings, its "dedicated hybrid" body style is only offered as a gas-electric hybrid vehicle. Smaller and about $5,000 less expensive than the classic Prius Liftback, which counts as a mid-size car, the Prius C five-door hatchback falls between compact and subcompact in size. Its styling is less Space Age-y than the rest of the Prius lineup, and you might not know it's a hybrid if it weren't for the 50-mpg EPA combined gas-mileage rating. For value-conscious drivers and firsttime buyers, the Prius C's base price of $19,710 offers a much more affordable-and somewhat less oddball--way to enter the Prius lineup and still get the highest gas mileage rating of any nonplug-in car sold in the U.S. this year. That 50-mpg fuel efficiency breaks down to 53 mpg on the city cycle (higher than the Prius Liftback) and 46 mpg on the highway (lower than the Liftback), which points out how hard it is to make a very aerodynamic subcompact car. The smaller, lighter hybrid gets a smaller, lighter powertrain. The 1.5-liter engine puts out 73 horsepower, and is paired with a more compact Hybrid Synergy Drive system with two motor-generators. The combined powertrain puts out a maximum of 99 hp. Toyota has cleverly managed to fit both a gasoline tank and a smaller 0.9-kilowatt-hour battery pack under the rear seat, meaning that the Prius C


Friday September 21, 2012

offers a full-depth load bay--unlike the Honda Insight, which has a shallower cargo area with the battery pack underneath. On the road, the smallest Prius is surprisingly nimble and maneuverable, especially in comparison to the numb and ponderous handling of its larger siblings. But again, don't expect the dynamics of a sporty performance hatchback. Instead, the payoff is clear at the pump: In 50 miles of driving around San Diegoincluding freeways, two-lane roads, and stopand-gowe saw a 51.4-mpg average. Acceleration is about on par with other economical subcompacts. But performance is definitely not a priority, with the Prius C offering an Eco mode-which reduces power output and has different climate-control settings--as well as an EV mode, for going up to a half mile on electricity only. But fans of hot hatches will notice that the Prius C has no Power or Sport mode The 2013 Prius C is closer in size to the subcompact Toyota Yaris than to the compact Matrix hatchback, at 157 inches long and 67 inches wide. That makes the five-door hybrid hatchback truly maneuverable and perfectly suited to big city use and tight parking spaces. The smooth, round, low front end and swept-back headlamps offer a mix of Prius and Yaris styling cues, but the upright rear reads generic subcompact-without the Prius Littback's drooping, chopped-off tail and two-part rear window. The Prius C has vertical tail lamps, a long roof spoiler, and a conventional liftgate that's more vertical than horizontal. From the rear,

2013 Toyota Prius C

observers may never know it's a hybrid if they don't read the badges. Open the door of the 2013 Toyota Prius C, and you'll see an all-new dashboard that blends a traditional Prius centrally mounted Multi Information Display just below the windshield with more conventional controls--including not the class Prius drive selector stalk sprouting from the dash, but a conventional floor-mounted chrome shift lever. Other switches and controls are recognizable from the Yaris subcompact as well. Inside, you'll find more cabin space in the Prius C than you might suspect. Front seats feel about the same as in other Prius models; in back, two sixfooters should be able to fit without any fuss--though there's no mistaking it for a mid-size car. The material and trim quality is noticeably cheaper than what you'll find in the current Prius, though it's about average for mainstream subcompacts. Our test cars appeared to be built and assembled well, without squeaks or other glitches. Toyota has clearly worked to keep cost down, with painted metal visible inside on the window surrounds and hatchback, but the effect is thrifty rather than grim. In base Prius C One models, there's even a conventional ignition key rather than push-button start. The Prius C was named an IIHS Top Safety Pick last year; it comes with nine standard airbags, along with all the now-typical safety aids such as electronic stability control and anti-

lock brakes with Brake Assist. With delivery included, the base price of the 2013 Toyota Prius C is $19,710 for the lowest of four trim levels, the Prius C One. Even that base model comes with an impressive level of standard equipment, including automatic climate control, power accessories, keyless entry, and a sound system that includes a USB port (and iPod capability). Moving up the range, the Prius C Three includes a navigation system and Toyota's Entune interface, while the top-of-the-line Prius Four adds fog lamps, alloy wheels, and heated seats. To simply ordering (and allow for some dealer customization), there's only a single option package, consisting of alloy wheels and a moonroof bundled together. While the Prius C costs a couple of thousand dollars more than a comparably equipped gasoline subcompact hatchback, it's likely that you can get a payback in its vastly improved fuel economy. To make the math easy, assume that a regular subcompact gets 33 mpg against the Prius C's 50 mpg. That's one extra gallon of gasoline every 100 miles--or a possible payback in as little as 5,000 miles (assuming $4-a-gallon gasoline). Your mileage may vary, as will your comparison cars, your own travel patterns, and so forth. But if you want to hedge your bets against unpredictable gasoline prices and your overall fuel costs, the 2013 Toyota Prius C is the highest-mileage inexpensive car you can buy.

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Birthdays are meant to be spent doing things that are above and beyond...... So, go above and beyond with having a fun time! Happy Birthday Lots of Love from Mom, Dad, Brothers Tayden & Kailan Mich Mausi, Kaka, Aaji, All cousins and Nana & Nani

Friday September 21, 2012


Satyamev Jayate: Hey Ram, Indian Leadership In Auckland Shot The Messenger This Independence Day
Thakur Ranjit Singh [This article was given to Indian Newslink newspaper in Auckland, which had incorrectly quoted Thakur Ranjit Singh and led a lynch mob against Thakur for saying some home truths about India on his Facebook posting. This was Thakurs correction which Indian Newslink and its editor, Venkat Raman did not publish for obvious reasons.] This episode opens with the Indian lynch mob after head of an Auckland journalist. He is purported to have posted comments on Facebook, deemed offensive by Indian politicians and some leaders. This makes a good script for a Bollywood movie. Here is an honest-speaking journalist, who speaks some home truths about his grandfathers country. Indian leadership in Auckland, with a media and some political opportunism, makes a villain of him. He is chased out of his muhalla - his street, the house is burnt and emotionally-charged people, prompted by media, stone this villain to death. Truth should never interrupt a good script. And that is where the film ends with everybody dancing around his dead body and chanting bharat mata ki jay, mera bharat mahaan Thank God I am not in India, or by now, I would have been that dead body. That is the advantage all NRIs (Non-Resident Indians) have in this civilised democracy where we still (supposedly) have freedom of speech. That journalist is none other than yours truly, Thakur Ranjit Singh. What were the truths that Thakur said in his Facebook posting? [Please see link (s) under each heading to substantiate what I said] 1) India has been judged the worst country for a woman to live (by G 20 survey). h t t p : / / w w w. r e u t e r s . c o m / article/2012/06/13/us-g20-womenidUSBRE85C00420120613 2) Indians have hoarded the largest amount of black money in Swiss Banks black_money indias-black-money-in-swiss-bank/ (1.5 billion in Swiss bank) 3) India has one of the most corrupt politicians in the world. http://articles.economictimes. news/29358042_1_civil-servantsnational-level-wikileaks-report (India among the most corrupt nations surveyed by PERC) 4) India has done very well economically, but this wealth has failed to reach many of the needy, with very heavy unequal distribution of wealth. h t t p : / / w w w. b l o o m b e r g . c o m / news/2012-08-28/poor-in-indiastarve-as-politicians-steal-14-5billion-of-food.html 5) In the Olympics India failed miserably. http://india.blogs.nytimes. com/2012/08/13/indias-olympicprogram-under-spotlight-again/ (New York Times) articles/1287699-why-india-cant-winmore-olympic-medals-reasons-andsolutions Things that Thakur said you should do during Independence Day in front of Indian Flag: 1) Bow your heads and pray for a miracle to salvage the name of a once proud country, so once again we can say we are proud to be an Indian 2) Pray for a prosperous, honest conscientious and caring nation where all have equality and share in the economic cake. What Thakur said about Fiji? 1) I am proud to be Fijian, and thank my grandfather for running away from India in 1915 for a new home in Fiji. What Thakur did not say, but was misrepresented by media, Indian Newslink: 1) I never said I am NOT proud to be an Indian. 2) I never said bow your head in shame I said bow your heads in prayers. 3) I never said India is economically backward I praised its economic development, but criticised its distribution. This is what the Indian President Pranab Mukherjee said on the eve on Indias Independence Day: Anger against the bitter pandemic of corruption is legitimate, as is the protest against this plague that is eroding the capability and potential of our nation. There are times when people lose their patience... It was one such time for me. Indias Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh said the following in his Independence Day speech: We will continue our efforts to bring more transparency and accountability in the work of public servants and to reduce corruption... So I wonder what different I said that riled these distant NRIs? Indians can say things because of blind nationalism and misplaced patriotism. What I am perturbed by is comments by former Fijians in Indian Newslink of 1 September, 2012. In what I said above, what did Sunil Chandra, President of Waitakere Indian Association, find unacceptable? What were derogatory, Ahmed Bhamji? And Vinod Patel, who heads Mega Mitre 10 and is President of Hindu Council of New Zealand (HCNZ), surprised me most with his boorish, blinkered and vitriolic statement that borders on defamation of character. He calls me a failed journalist? Last year I graduated with Masters in Communication Studies with Honours from Auckland University of Technology (AUT) after doing a 300 page research thesis on media and politics in Fiji. Does he question the standard of AUT? Since when did he become a media commentator and analyst? He blames me for writing without base and research and having hatred in my writings. I had earlier worked at HCNZ and at one time had been president of Hindu Elders Foundation and Chaired media section of their Hindu Conference earlier this year. I still remain Media Officer for Waitakere Indian Association and Waitakere Ethnic Board and head Sanatan Media Watch. I can also question his suitability to head HCNZ with such non-substantiated and divisive views, but I will not, but vote with my feet. HCNZ has strenuously attracted only a handful Fijians, they will have one less now. And Venkat Raman, editor of Indian Newslink has been using my free services, feature journalism articles and opinions for some 8 years and had occasionally praised me for this. And he publishes this defamatory and unsubstantiated diatribe of Vinod Patel in his paper which any respected editor would question, especially against a person he knows personally. I find this strange. I appreciate that as a journalist and media commentator, I have been thorn to some people. Writing honestly about vice in society has been my trait and for that I make no apologies, and even had tussles with the way HCNZ operates. I believe that if you are a popular and likeable journalist, you are not doing your job; if you rile or annoy people, and they hate you, you must have done something right. I have been fired by two diametrically opposed Fijian Prime Ministers for speaking truth. One is Qarase (serving jail term) and another one is Mahendra Chaudhry, now in courts for abusing his position. Compared to these, my suspension as Vice President of WIA due to pressure from Indian leadership is like a Sunday picnic. The instigator of this, Sunny Kaushal is a Labour politician who can now proudly tell his son in Labour Party youth that he should never be truthful and fearless like Thakur, team up with the right influential people and politicians, hide truths, curtail free speech that offends your mother country, befriend media-wallahs and you will become a successful Indian politician in NZ. No Indian leader or politician can teach me the history of Girmit of my grandfather. He ran away to escape poverty and atrocities back home, seeking better life elsewhere. I grew up listening to Bhagat Singhs revolution from my grandfathers 78 RPM HMV wind-up gramophone. That is why my heart bleeds when it appears the sacrifices of these revolutionariessaheeds went in vain, with the current situation in India. People are completely wrong in comparing this episode to Paul Henry saga. I am a Fijian of Indian descent and judged things from my knowledge of India and have substantiated each allegation with media link, in many cases, written by Indians themselves. All those slating me are well-off NRIs, majority from one or two particular prosperous states, very few migrants are from downtrodden states, and hence they have little overseas voice. I chose to speak bluntly on behalf of my downtrodden cousins in Karauli, Rajasthan in India where I went in 2003 to trace my roots and was shocked to see how the Maharaja still rules, Mandirs are his commercial arms and religion is for sale. Independence has yet to reach Indians almost the population size of USA. Perhaps my only crime is to have used English idiom that perhaps many Indians do not properly understand. Calling every Englishmen and his dog does not mean I am calling or comparing England to a dog. It is just a way of emphasising all or everybody Similarly; I have said nothing about dog and India. I hope Indian community leaders understand this. Nobody to date can honestly say what I have said wrong or untruthful, they just merely appeared to have joined the lynchmob started by a labour politician, seeking my scalp, hiding behind generalisations like unacceptable, derogatory, bad attitude, deplorable, very disturbing and so on. Only one person agreed with my right to free speech. Contrary to Mahatma Gandhis teachings, it may now be an Indian sin to speak the truth. However, I feel it is still not a Kiwi sin to do so. What an irony that on the Independence Day of the largest democracy on earth, Indian leadership in New Zealand shot down few of the strongest pillars of free world, democracy and principles of Independence - free speech, media freedom and - truth. Together with it, they have shot the messenger as well. Hey Ram! [E-mail:]

Thakur Ranjit Singh


Places of Worship
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 10am to 3pm 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm 1pm to 7pm 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm 10am to 1pm

Friday September 21, 2012


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HOURS OF OPER ATION Monday 5:30pm9:00pm Tuesday 7:00pm9:00pm Sunday 10:00am12 noon
Then India Sanmarga Ikya Sangam Educational and Cultural Society, BC, Canada (EST. 1982 Incorporated S176969)

For Pooja Booking Contact: Aiyaar Shivachariyar Sada Shiva



5441 - 125A St, Surrey B.c.
Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada




Temple hours Monday to Sunday Daily Aarthi Ramayan Katha

9326 - 116th Street, Delta, BC

Morning 8:00am10:00am Evening 6:00pm8:00pm 7:00pm Friday 6:00pm10:00pm pooja/special prayer sessions/Temple/hall PT. Shiu Madri 604.582.4899 PUJARI Soma Sundaran 604.363.7180 maathar sangam Activities & Volunteers Shakuntala Naidu 604.576.4529
Treasurer: Muniappa Naidu 604.576.4529

1pm Sundays
(Hindi & English)

James Kumar 604-581-3191 (res) 604-599-9518 (work) cecil Labon 604-572-4854

president: H.C. Gopal 604.290.1114

secretary: Ganesh Murti 604.315.3166

Hindi Punjabi Fraserview GosPel CHaPel

sunday service 10:30 am12:00 noon 6:30PM - 7:30PM Service in Hindustani & Punjabi Sunday School for Children

14630-107a avenue surrey bC v3r 1v1 Serving the community since 1972

If youre looking for a place to belong or have been searching for answers to lifes questions or healing, come to our services or contact us. Allow us to introduce you to Jesus Christ and help you come into a full relationship with him.

abhishek pentecostal assembly

Sunday School/Worship Service: 1pm 11601-82nd Ave, Delta BC (604) 590-8836 Services are in Hindi and English Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel Krishna

Pastor Santosh Raj 604-582-2650


Rev. Emmanuel Cheema 778-241-9066
Sunday Service @ 5.30 p.m. (Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi & English)
We pray for sickness, demon possessed & family problems. We have testimonies, come and see Gods great work.
You are the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. (Matthew 5: 11)

15964 88th Ave. Surrey, B.C. V4N IH5


Social Gatherings at 1pm - Last Sunday of each month at SHRI vENKATESHWARA mAHA vISHNU TEmPLE 9326 - 116th Street, Delta, Bc
Bhan mati Raj 604-581-9859 Kapil vilas 604-590-1918 Bhan Pratap 604-839-5106 James Kumar 604-599-9518 Satya Nand 604-590-5303 Thakur Kuar Singh 604-587-5439


#4-6468 King George Blvd, Surrey BC

Sunday Service @ 2:00PM

Uplifting Worship | Prayer for healing | music (cD) Available

Shailendra (Shal) Singh 604-596-7353 or 604-323-6506 |


Pastor Isimeli Lesi Korobasaga
Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

Every Sunday 25Pm @ Peoples Full Gospel

REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED Come and experience a time of Prayer and Bible based answers to lifes difficult questions.

We will meet on the first Monday each month - 6-8 pm

14455 - 104th Ave., Surrey, Bc Phone: 604.592.9001 Cell: 778.938.2734 Email:

Please contact Murti at 604.599.4552


38868 - 128th Street, Surrey Bc

Fiji Canada Association Seniors Branch Gathering Schedule

September 30th, 2012 - 1PM to 5PM

Service Sundays 2:00pm Bible Study (Hindi & English) Wednesdays 7:30pm
Prayer, counselling & visitations Available

FCA Hall 13629 108th Avenue Surrey BC

Subhas Chandra 604.433.4298
For membership contact:

Pastor Eileen Reddy 604.543-8339

N.Tejram 604.540.7009



(Registered under the Society Act Of BC. Registered Charity # 891336349)

Ph: 604.593.5663 Pastor Sakaraia & Rev. Ema Karoi

12371 96 Avenue Surrey BC Sunday Service @ 6:00PM

467 E 11th Ave Vancouver B.C 604 874 5220

Programs in September 2012
Time 6.:30 pm 6:00pm Date 19Wednesday 29 Saturday 30 Sunday Program Ganesha Chaturthi Puja, Shree Lakshmi Vinayaka Japa Shree Hanuman Japa Pitrupaksha begins

Shree Mahalakshmi Temple

Join for Hawan, Pravachan and Satsangh followed by Preetibhoj Every Sunday 10:00 a.m.12:00 noon Yoga, Pranayam & Meditation classes every Wednesday 7:00 p.m - 8:30 p.m. Contact Shobha Rae 604.874.9856 Hindi Classes Sunday 12:30 p.m. -1:30 p.m. Contact Madhu Varsney 604.222.1444 Hall rental also availabale. Contact Kushwakant Singh 604.328.5454

Arya Samaj Centre, 6884 Jubilee Ave., Burnaby, B.C.

Pushp Kant Singh, President 604.437.7903 Jack Sundar, Secretary 604.541.9359 Kushwaha Kant Singh, Treasurer 604.328.5454

Fiji-Sun Times Canada


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Friday September 21, 2012



AEG, Owner Of Los Angeles Kings, Galaxy, For Sale

TImes sporTs
Universal Pictures to allow them to film his burning oil well for $100,000 and use it for a film the studio was making about famed fire fighter Red Adair. For more than a decade he has concentrated on building his entertainment holdings and also cofounded Major League Soccer. This is an appropriate time to transition AEG to a new qualified owner. This process represents a unique opportunity to maximize value for all concerned, said Cannon Harvey, president of Anschutz Co, in a statement. AEG has transformed the once largely abandoned downtown Los Angeles into a bustling entertainment destination, hosting the Staples Center, a twenty-thousand-seat arena, and the vibrant L.A. Live promenade, which are almost entirely owned by AEG. AEG is also planning a $1.2 billion football stadium that would house a NFL team that would move from another city. The companys AEG Live unit was the promoter behind the This Is It comeback tour that Michael Jackson was about to embark on before he died. It is still embroiled in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Katherine Jackson, the singers mother, in which she accuses the company of being responsible for medical decisions made by Jacksons doctor, Conrad Murray, that caused his death. AEG Live last week dropped a separate lawsuit it filed seeking a $17.5 million insurance claim payment from Lloyds of London to reimburse upfront costs they incurred to stage the This Is It tour.

U.S. conglomerate Anschutz Co said on Tuesday it wants to sell its sports and entertainment unit, whose assets range from teams like the Los Angeles Kings hockey franchise to concert venues such as Londons famous O2 arena in a potential multi-billion dollar sale. Such a deal may be one of the biggest for Anschutzs owner and fabled dealmaker Denver billionaire Phillip Anschutz, and could draw the interest of the worlds leading media and entertainment companies. Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) owns some 100 entertainment venues globally, the L.A. Galaxy soccer team and a stake in the L.A. Lakers basketball team in addition to the L.A. Kings. A sale could fetch several billions of dollars, said one person with has done business with the company. It is not clear, however, if Anschutz will decide to sell all or part of its holdings. Potential buyers could include John Malones Liberty Media Corp and News Corp, which is splitting its publishing and entertainment assets later this year, said a separate source, a financial executive who has been briefed on the companys status but is not part of the deal. Neither company has made a formal bid, however. News Corp declined to comment while representatives from Liberty Media were not immediately available for comment. A sale to Malones Liberty Media would have regulatory hurdles. Liberty owns a 21 percent stake in Live Nation

Kings owner Philip F. Anschutz poses with the team after winning the Stanley Cup June 11, 2012. Anschutz Co has put the Anschutz Entertainment Group up for sale, whose portfolio of assets ranges from sports teams to concert venues. Entertainment, which is the nations biggest show promoter while AEGs concert division, AEG Live is the second-largest. Anschutz Co has retained Blackstone Advisory Partners as its financial advisor to assist in the sale process. This is not the first time that Anschutz has explored a sale of some or all of AEG. In 2008, IACs Ticketmaster and Cablevision Systems Corp came close to acquiring 49 percent of the AEG Live concert division for roughly $400 million. But those talks eventually broke down and Ticketmaster went on to merge with Live Nation. Anschutz, 72, bought out his fathers drilling company in 1961 and expanded into stocks, real estate and railroads. A conservative Christian who occasionally teaches Sunday School classes, he is ranked by Forbes as the 34th richest person in the U.S. with a net worth valued at $7 billion as of October 2010. One of his earliest deals came in 1968 when one of his Wyoming wells caught fire. Anschutz struck a deal with

IRB wants to increase exposure of countries below tier-one Canada, Tonga and Samoa to play in Colwyn Bay North Wales will be the unlikely location in November for an International Rugby Board initiative designed to give tier-two and tier-three countries meaningful rugby between World Cups. Russia, the United States, Canada, Samoa and Tonga will take part in a two-week series in Colwyn Bay as part of the IRB's 12.7m plan to increase the exposure of countries below tier one. Samoa play Wales and France in November, Fiji face England and an Ireland XV and Tonga will have Tests against Scotland and Italy as part of the major tours schedule, but the IRB wants to provide more regular matches outside the summer tournaments most tier two and three countries play in.

Russia And US To Take Part In IRB Series In North Wales

"The smaller nations brought a lot to the last World Cup and in the past they have tended to be forgotten about between World Cups," said Mark Egan, the IRB's head of development and performance. "We will be paying for the teams to fly in to North Wales, their accommodation and meals, and we will be covering the players' insurance. "The local authority in Colwyn Bay has generously agreed to underwrite some costs and with the double-header matches played over consecutive weekends, it will generate strong interest. We also have Georgia hosting Japan and Fiji for the first time, Canada facing the Maori in Oxford, Romania hosting the USA for the first time and Portugal touring South America." One issue for the IRB is ensuring that players who are based in Europe are released by their countries if requested. Some clubs are not going to be pleased that players they thought would be available to them for the whole season will be missing matches in the autumn on top of their squad members from the six nations unions. "The matches are all in the official international window and clubs have to release players if they are selected," said Egan. "We only become involved if a union makes a complaint to us and we would then step in to resolve the problem." While the IRB is making a significant financial investment in tier two and three rugby the only expense it will not be meeting in November is the

salaries of players Olympic status is having an impact. "Unions are getting access to facilities and expert help in their own countries because we are now an Olympic sport," said Egan. "The Netherlands women's team, for example, has just received an annual budget of 600,000 (480,000). "Doors are opening and it is a hugely exciting time for the sport. The Rugby World Cup will always be the key for us because it generates the money that allows us to invest in the world game, but Olympic status is making a difference."

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NHL Cancels September PreSeason Games

TImes sporTs
The National Hockey League cut the pay of office staffers by 20 percent Wednesday morning, instituted a four-day work week starting Oct. 1, according to an report. The across-the-board cuts are a result of the leagues third work stoppage since the 1994-95 season. The

Friday September 21, 2012

The NHL lockout of 2012-13 is now a living, breathing thing. Citing the absence of a collective bargaining agreement, the NHL announced on Wednesday the cancellation of all pre-season games through Sept. 30. Gone are six Maple Leafs games: Sept.

24 vs. Ottawa; Sept. 25 at Ottawa; Sept. 26 vs. Philadelphia at London, Ont.; Sept. 28 at Buffalo; Sept. 29 vs. Buffalo; and Oct. 3 vs. Columbus at Belleville, Ont. The game in Belleville against the Blue Jackets was Kraft Hockeyville game, and it has been re-scheduled to next year. The Leafs have three other pre-season games slated for October prior to the regular-season opener on Oct. 13. Its just a matter of time before the other exhibition games are shelved for good. As recently as Wednesday morning, players such as Leafs captain Dion Phaneuf were holding a glimmer of hope that the lockout would end swiftly. The NHLs cancellation of pre-season games in the next 12 days kills that hope. It has not technically started yet, Phaneuf said. Camp does not start until Saturday (with on-ice sessions). Thats the outlook I have. Camp starts Saturday and right now it is still about training and preparing to try to start camp as early as we can.

NHL Cuts Staffer Salaries 20 Percent

current lockout began Sunday when the collective bargaining agreement expired. A number of NHL players have already committed to playing in Europe since the lockout. The sides traded proposals last week, but remain significantly apart on the economic ideas that are crucial to a new deal.

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Friday September 21, 2012


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